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Animals presented with non-weight-bearing lameness are a diagnostic challenge for the veterinarian. It is extremely important to distinguish between orthopedic and neurologic causes of lameness, because the diagnostic and therapeutic plans can be quite different. Myopathies can be confused with orthopedic disease because of gait abnormalities and associated muscle pain. Common myopathies seen in companion animal medicine include polymyositis, muscular dystrophy, endocrine and infectious myopathies, and myasthenia gravis. Lameness caused by disease of the nerve root or nerve is confused with orthopedic disease because of the disturbances of a nerve's sensory distribution (nerve-root signature) or disruption of the motor innervation. The diseases of the nerve root or nerve discussed are lateralized intervertebral disk disease, spinal cord neoplasia, malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors, and traumatic neuropathies. The diagnosis of these diseases requires careful attention to the signalment, a complete history, and a thorough physical examination focusing on the neurologic and orthopedic components. Ancillary testing should be selected based on these results and a minimum database. Electrodiagnostic testing, radiography, and advanced imaging may help to localize the lesion more precisely and sometimes to confirm the diagnosis. Surgical exploration and histopathology often provide the definitive diagnosis. These cases of non-weight-bearing lameness are a diagnostic challenge, but when successful resolution can be reached, it is gratifying to the clinician, client, and patient.  相似文献   

BackgroundKlebsiella spp. is an important conditional pathogen in humans and animals. However, due to the indiscriminate use of antibiotics, the incidence of antimicrobial resistance has increased.ObjectivesThe purpose of this study was to investigate antimicrobial resistance in strains of Klebsiella strains and the phylogenetic relatedness of extended-spectrum cephalosporin (ESC)-resistance among Klebsiella strains isolated from clinically ill companion animals.MethodsA total of 336 clinical specimens were collected from animal hospitals. Identification of Klebsiella species, determination of minimum inhibitory concentrations, detection of ESC resistance genes, polymerase chain reaction-based replicon typing of plasmids by conjugation, and multilocus sequence typing were performed.ResultsForty-three Klebsiella strains were isolated and, subsequently, 28 were identified as K. pneumoniae, 11 as K. oxytoca, and 4 as K. aerogenes. Eleven strains were isolated from feces, followed by 10 from ear, 7 from the nasal cavity, 6 from urine, 5 from genitals, and 4 from skin. Klebsiella isolates showed more than 40% resistance to penicillin, cephalosporin, fluoroquinolone, and aminoglycoside. ESCresistance genes, CTX-M groups (CTX-M-3, CTX-M-15, and CTX-M-65), and AmpC (CMY-2 and DHA-1) were most common in the K. pneumoniae strains. Some K. pneumoniae carrying CTX-M or AmpC were transferred via IncFII plasmids. Two sequence types, ST709 and ST307, from K. pneumoniae were most common.ConclusionsIn conclusion, this is the first report on the prevalence, ESCresistance genotypes, and sequence types of Klebsiella strains isolated from clinically ill companion animals. The combination of infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance by Klebsiella in companion animals suggest that, in clinical veterinary, antibiotic selection should be made carefully and in conjunction with the disease diagnosis.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether there are associations between Bartonella species antibody (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and Western blot (WB)) and polymerase chain reaction assay results in cats with and without fever. Afebrile control cats (39/93; 42.0%) were more likely to have Bartonella species antibodies than cats with fever (29/93; 31.2%). The difference in prevalence of Bartonella species deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in blood of cats with fever (14/81; 17.3%) as compared to afebrile control cats (6/81; 7.4%) approached statistical significance (P=0.0571). Bartonella species ELISA or WB results frequently did not correlate to the presence or absence of Bartonella species DNA in blood. The results of this study indicate that in cats, Bartonella species antibody tests cannot predict whether fever is due to Bartonella species infection and should not be used to determine the Bartonella species infection status.  相似文献   

Sera from cats and dogs in the UK were tested by ELISA for antibodies to Bartonella henselae. Seropositivity was confirmed in 28 of 69 pet cats (40.6 per cent), 33 of 79 feral cats (41.8 per cent) and three of 100 pet dogs. Reactivity to specific B. henselae antigens was confirmed by Western blotting and demonstrated that consistent antigenic bands were bound by sera from the cats and dogs.  相似文献   

A variety of Bartonella species were detected in two species of ticks and three species of fleas collected from marsupial hosts; brush-tailed bettong or woylie (Bettongia penicillata) and western barred bandicoots (Perameles bougainville) and from a rodent host; Rattus fuscipes in Western Australia. Bartonella species were detected using nested-PCR of the gltA gene and the 16S–23S ribosomal internal transcribed spacer region (ITS), and species were characterized using DNA sequencing of the 16S rRNA, gltA, rpoB, ftsZ genes and the ITS region. Bartonella rattaustraliani and B. coopersplainsensis were detected in Ixodes spp. ticks and fleas (Stephanocircus pectinipes) respectively collected from rodents. Two novel Bartonella species were detected from marsupials; Candidatus Bartonella woyliei n. sp. was detected in both fleas (Pygiopsylla hilli) and ticks (Ixodes australiensis) collected from woylies and Candidatus Bartonella bandicootii n. sp. was detected in fleas (Pygiopsylla tunneyi) collected from western barred bandicoots. Concatenated phylogenetic analysis of all 5 loci clarified the marsupial cluster of Bartonella species in Australia and confirmed the species status of these two Bartonella species in ticks and fleas from woylies and western barred bandicoots, which are classified as threatened species and are vulnerable to extinction.  相似文献   

Ctenocephalides felis were killed and collected from 92 cats in Alabama, Maryland, and Texas. The fleas and blood from the corresponding cat were digested and assessed in polymerase chain reaction assays that amplify DNA of Ehrlichia species, Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Neorickettsia risticii, Mycoplasma haemofelis, 'Candidatus M haemominutum' and Bartonella species. DNA consistent with B henselae, B clarridgeiae, M haemofelis, or 'Candidatus M haemominutum' was commonly amplified from cats (60.9%) and their fleas (65.2%). Results of this study support the recommendation to maintain flea control on cats in endemic areas.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence rates for select infectious agents of cats presented to the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. Whole blood, serum, and oral mucosal and nail bed swabs were collected. While Ehrlichia species, Anaplasma species or Rickettsia felis DNA were not amplified from any cat, 44.2% of the cats had evidence of infection or exposure to either a Bartonella species (15.3% were seropositive and 5.8% polymerase chain reaction (PCR) positive), a haemoplasma (28.6% PCR positive), and/or Toxoplasma gondii (19.2% seropositive). No Bartonella species DNA was amplified from the nail or oral mucosal swabs despite a 5.8% amplification rate from the blood samples. This finding likely reflects the absence of Ctenocephalides felis infection from our study population, as this organism is a key component for Bartonella species translocation in cats. The results from this study support the use of flea control products to lessen exposure of cats (and people) to Bartonella species and support discouraging the feeding of raw meat to cats and preventing them from hunting to lessen T gondii infection.  相似文献   

家畜旋毛虫是危害较大的人畜共患寄生虫病,近年来我市旋毛虫病发病率呈上升趋势,1975年洛阳肉联厂检出率为0.032%,1987年上升到0.68%,12年上升21倍,人感染旋毛虫的病例已发现100余例.为查清我市家畜感染情况,本市近年来培训300余名检疫技术人员,采用酶联免疫试验法和压片镜检法对市属各县生猪进行旋毛虫检查,共检查139个乡的1 575个村,占157个乡的89%,检出阳性乡117个,占被检乡的84%.现报告如下.  相似文献   

Babesiosis of companion animals and man   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Babesiosis is caused by numerous organisms and is seen in a wide range of vertebrate hosts. The spectrum of disease is broad and ranges from asymptomatic carrier states to fulminant disease that results in rapid death. The importance of babesiosis in companion animals is well-recognized in parts of the world where virulent strains exist and where the diagnosis and treatment of both typical and atypical presentations is part of the everyday course of events for the small animal clinician. In parts of the world such as the United States where less virulent strains are found, diagnosis is more difficult. Diagnosis requires an astute eye examining the blood smear and a keen mind willing to "consider the zebras without forgetting the horses." Babesiosis is not uncommon in the United States; it is merely uncommonly diagnosed. The small animal clinician needs to be aware of the disease and its myriad possible presentations. A clearer understanding of the disease will lead to a truer picture of its importance not only in the United States but also worldwide.  相似文献   

The prevalence of polycystic kidney disease was assessed in 132 Persian cats, 46 of them referred for the investigation and treatment of medical or surgical conditions, and 86 apparently healthy cats referred specifically to be screened for the disease. Cats referred for the investigation of renomegaly or renal failure were excluded, and cats under 10 months old were only included if they had been examined postmortem. One hundred and twenty-six of the cats were examined ultrasonographically with a 7.5 MHz sector scanner, and the other six cats were examined postmortem. Forty-nine of the 86 cats referred specifically for screening (57.0 per cent) and 16 of the 46 cats referred for other clinical reasons (34.8 per cent) were affected by the disease, giving an overall prevalence of 49.2 per cent.  相似文献   

A year-round molecular epidemiological survey (2017 to 2018) was conducted on three hemoplasmas and two Bartonella species with zoonotic potential in client-owned cats in Beijing and Shanghai. Among 668 specimens, the overall hemoplasma-positive rate was 4.9% (3.4% for Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum, 0.9% for Mycoplasma haemofelis and 1.2% for Candidatus Mycoplasma turicensis). The overall Bartonella-positive rate was 8.5% (4.8% for B. henselae and 4.3% for B. clarridgeiae). Age, breed, ectoparasiticide use and stray history, but not city, season and gender, were significantly associated with the positive rates of one or more pathogens. This is also the first report on the prevalence of Candidatus Mycoplasma turicensis in cats in China.  相似文献   

Epigenetics provides a molecular mechanism of inheritance that is not solely dependent on DNA sequence and that can account for non-Mendelian inheritance patterns. Epigenetic changes underlie many normal developmental processes, and can lead to disease development as well. While epigenetic effects have been studied in well-characterized rodent models, less research has been done using agriculturally important domestic animal species. This review will present the results of current epigenetic research using farm animal models (cattle, pigs, sheep and chickens). Much of the work has focused on the epigenetic effects that environmental exposures to toxicants, nutrients and infectious agents has on either the exposed animals themselves or on their direct offspring. Only one porcine study examined epigenetic transgenerational effects; namely the effect diet micronutrients fed to male pigs has on liver DNA methylation and muscle mass in grand-offspring (F2 generation). Healthy viable offspring are very important in the farm and husbandry industry and epigenetic differences can be associated with production traits. Therefore further epigenetic research into domestic animal health and how exposure to toxicants or nutritional changes affects future generations is imperative.  相似文献   

The vast literature on antimicrobial drug use in animals has expanded considerably recently as the antimicrobial resistance (AMR) crisis in human medicine leads to questions about all usage of antimicrobial drugs, including long-term usage in intensively managed food animals for growth promotion and disease prevention. Attention is also increasingly focusing on antimicrobial use and on bacterial resistance in companion animals, which are in intimate contact with the human population. They may share resistant bacteria with their owners, amplify resistant bacteria acquired from their owners, and act as a reservoir for human infection. Considerable effort is being made to describe the basis of AMR in bacterial pathogens of animals. Documentation of many aspects of use of antimicrobials in animals is, however, generally less developed and only a few countries can describe quantities of drugs used in animals to kg levels annually. In recent years, many national veterinary associations have produced 'prudent use guidelines' to try to improve antimicrobial drug use and decrease resistance, but the impact of guidelines is unknown. Within the evolving global movement for 'antimicrobial stewardship', there is considerable scope to improve many aspects of antimicrobial use in animals, including infection control and reduction of use, with a view to reducing resistance and its spread, and to preserving antimicrobial drugs for the future.  相似文献   

Epigenetics provides a molecular mechanism of inheritance that is not solely dependent on DNA sequence and that can account for non-Mendelian inheritance patterns. Epigenetic changes underlie many normal developmental processes, and can lead to disease development as wel. While epigenetic effects have been studied in wel-characterized rodent models, less research has been done using agricultural y important domestic animal species. This review wil present the results of current epigenetic research using farm animal models(cattle, pigs, sheep and chickens). Much of the work has focused on the epigenetic effects that environmental exposures to toxicants, nutrients and infectious agents has on either the exposed animals themselves or on their direct offspring. Only one porcine study examined epigenetic transgenerational effects; namely the effect diet micronutrients fed to male pigs has on liver DNA methylation and muscle mass in grand-offspring(F2 generation). Healthy viable offspring are very important in the farm and husbandry industry and epigenetic differences can be associated with production traits. Therefore further epigenetic research into domestic animal health and how exposure to toxicants or nutritional changes affects future generations is imperative.  相似文献   

Blood, saliva, and nail samples were collected from 54 dogs and 151 cats and analyzed for the presence of Bartonella henselae with a novel nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method. Bartonella (B.) henselae was detected in feral cat blood (41.8%), saliva (44.1%), and nail (42.7%) samples. B. henselae was also detected in pet cat blood (33.3%), saliva (43.5%), and nail (29.5%) samples and in pet dog blood (16.6%), saliva (18.5%), and nail (29.6%) samples. Nine samples were infected with B. clarridgeiae and 2 were co-infected with B. henselae and B. clarridgeiae of blood samples of dogs. This report is the first to investigate the prevalence of B. henselae and B. clarridgeiae in dogs and cats in Korea, and suggests that dogs and cats may serve as potential Bartonella reservoirs.  相似文献   

Occurrence and management of obesity in companion animals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Obesity is the most common malnutrition of pet animals. Risk factors include the pet's age, gender, activity level, owner attitudes toward obesity, and alterations in intrinsic and extrinsic controls of feeding behaviour and differences in resting metabolic rate. The power of clinical nutrition in veterinary practice can be expressed through careful client and pet evaluation and by dispensing proper advice on diet selection and feeding quantity. A weight management programme should be conducted under the direction of the professional veterinarian using scientifically formulated weight reduction diets and a programme of exercise deemed medically appropriate.  相似文献   

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