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We determined the chemical compositions of acidic stream waters on the rural, mountainous island of Yakushima (YK), and compared them with those of near-neutral stream waters in other mountainous watersheds in Japan. The pH and concentrations of the predominant sea-salt components (i.e., Cl?, Na+, Mg2+) in YK water, particularly in streams with small watersheds, decrease with elevation, while the concentration of Al increases. In contrast, water in northwestern YK contains higher concentrations of non-sea-salt SO42? and NO3? and of rock-derived cations such as Si and Ca2+ than water in eastern to southern YK. This clearly shows that the anthropogenic pollutants on YK are dominantly derived from the northwestern to western Asian continent rather than from Japan's main islands, which lie to the northeast. These pollutants are responsible for stream acidification on YK and for accelerating chemical weathering, mainly of plagioclase, in northwestern YK. Large amounts of acid rain on YK may enhance the formation of secondary minerals that strongly adsorb heavy metals, which can partly account for the low concentrations of heavy metals in YK waters.  相似文献   

We investigated the vertical profile of element distributions in the soil column on a granite substrate at three sites on the island of Yakushima, a world natural heritage site in southwestern Japan, where stream acidification due to acid rain is of increasing concern. Statistical analysis shows that the elements in the granitic soil can be classified into three groups according to their mineralogical derivations: Group 1 (K, Mg, Mn, Rb, and Nb), group 2 (Fe, Ti, Zr, Cr, and Pb), and group 3 (Ca, Na, Sr, and P), which are related to the presence of K-feldspar and K-mica, Fe-Ti oxides, and plagioclase and apatite, respectively. The pattern of distribution of group-1 elements in the soil column differs slightly among the sites because of differences in the proportions of K-feldspar and K-mica, The organic surface soil is enriched in group-2 elements and shows a strong magnetic susceptibility, indicating the presence of biogenetic magnetite. At all sites, Ca and Sr are intensely depleted due to the selective dissolution of plagioclase. Ca depletion compared to the original granite reaches more than 90 % in the C horizon, resulting in a decreasing capacity for the neutralization of acid rain and an increasing contribution of atmospheric Ca to the surface soil and vegetation.  相似文献   

To elucidate the influence of airborne materials on the ecosystem of Japan??s Yakushima Island, we determined the elemental compositions and Sr and Nd isotope ratios in streamwater, soils, vegetation, and rocks. Streamwater had high Na and Cl contents, low Ca and HCO3 contents, and Na/Cl and Mg/Cl ratios close to those of seawater, but it had low pH (5.4 to 7.1), a higher Ca/Cl ratio than seawater, and distinct 87Sr/86Sr ratios that depended on the bedrock type. The proportions of rain-derived cations in streamwater, estimated by assuming that Cl was derived from sea salt aerosols, averaged 81?% for Na, 83?% for Mg, 36?% for K, 32?% for Ca, and 33?% for Sr. The Sr value was comparable to the 28?% estimated by comparing Sr isotope ratios between rain and granite bedrock. The soils are depleted in Ca, Na, P, and Sr compared with the parent materials. At Yotsuse in the northwestern side, plants and the soil pool have 87Sr/86Sr ratios similar to that of rainwater with a high sea salt component. In contrast, the Sr and Nd isotope ratios of soil minerals in the A and B horizons approach those of silicate minerals in northern China??s loess soils. The soil Ca and P depletion results largely from chemical weathering of plagioclase and of small amounts of apatite and calcite in granitic rocks. This suggests that Yakushima??s ecosystem is affected by large amounts of acidic precipitation with a high sea salt component, which leaches Ca and its proxy (Sr) from bedrock into streams, and by Asian dust-derived apatite, which is an important source of P in base cation-depleted soils.  相似文献   

We examined soils derived from volcanic ash of Kikai-Akahoya tephra on Yakushima Island, Japan, and classified them according to the Unified Soil Classification System of Japan, 2nd Approximation (USCSJ 2nd) and the World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB). Five pedons with horizons showing high (>20%) volcanic glass content were investigated. Soils developed under evergreen broad-leaved forests had high acid oxalate-extractable aluminum (Alo) and acid oxalate-extractable silicon (Sio) concentrations, and low acid oxalate-extractable iron (Fe)/dithionite-citrate-extractable Fe ratio. This indicates a warmer climate and less severe leaching conditions compared with soils developed under coniferous forests dominated by Cryptomeria japonica and grasslands dominated by Pseudosasa owatarii. All soils contained considerable amount of hydroxyl-Al-interlayered 2:1 clay minerals. The surface horizons of the pedons developed under the cool-temperate C. japonica forests contained smectite as a result of podzolization. However, the surface horizon of the pedon developed under cool-temperate P. owatarii grasslands did not contain smectite. All pedons belonged to the Kuroboku soils great group (USCSJ 2nd) and Andosols (WRB). Pedons in mountainous areas did not contain horizons with more than 6?g?kg?1 of Sio and hence were classified as non-allophanic Andosols. In mountainous areas, it was observed that allophane formation was inhibited by Al leaching due to intense rainfall (>10,000?mm year?1); Al consumption due to the formation of the Al-humus complex; and Al incorporation into the interlayers of vermiculite. The low soil water pH [pH(H2O)] and leaching of silicon (Si) in mountainous areas would support these anti-allophanic effects.  相似文献   

利用分形理论中的计盒维数、信息维数和关联维数,采取变换取样空间的方式研究了武夷山双遗产地景区系统分形特征的多尺度效应.结果表明:在A取样尺度上,武夷山双遗产地景区系统A的空闻结构计盒维数达到了1.474,信息维数为1.415,关联维数为1.048,3种维数的相关系数R值分别为0.994、0.999、0.969;在B取样尺度上,系统空间B1~B4的计盒维数范围为0.825~1.200,R值均达0.961以上,信息维数范围为0.919~1.302,R值均达0.964以上,关联维数范围为0.822~1.364,R值均达0.941以上;在C取样尺度上,系统空间C1~C16(去除空集及景点个数为1系统空间,下同)计盒维数范围为0.175~0.931,R值在0.775以上,信息维数范围为0.200~1.039,R值在0.771以上,关联维数范围为0.506~1.929,R值在0.704以上.说明武夷山世界双遗产地景区系统的空闻结构具有明显的分形特征,其分形维数对取样空间尺度有较强的敏感性.  相似文献   

The Marine Management Plan for the Shiretoko World Natural Heritage Site, Japan, provides a case study for adaptive marine ecosystem management and co-management of coastal fisheries. Shiretoko was the third World Natural Heritage Site registered in Japan and earned this title because of its (i) formation of seasonal sea ice at some of the lowest latitudes in the world, (ii) high biodiversity, and (iii) many globally threatened species. The natural resource management plan of the Shiretoko site is characterized by transparency and consensus building, because (i) UNESCO and IUCN require that the plan be sustainable and (ii) the Government of Japan has guaranteed local fisheries that there will be no additional regulations included in the plan. The Marine Management Plan describes which species and factors are monitored, how these data are evaluated, and how the benchmarks specified by ecosystem management are determined. The plan will provide a valuable example for the establishment of “environment-friendly fisheries” in Japan and other countries, because it includes voluntary activities by resource users that are suitable for use in a local context, flexible to ecological/social fluctuations, and efficiently implemented through increased legitimacy and compliance. This approach is appropriate for coastal communities where a large number of small-scale fishers catch a variety of species using various types of gear. We develop a method to evaluate fisheries integrity by-catch and yield data.  相似文献   

为了研究中国丹霞赤水世界自然遗产的景观格局,利用GIS,ENVI和景观格局分析软件FRAGSTATS,分析了遗产地及缓冲区2001年、2010年、2016年3个关键时期的景观格局及其演变规律,揭示了中国丹霞赤水世界自然遗产不同发展阶段景观格局变化特征,进一步探讨了景观格局变化的影响因素。研究结果表明:(1)研究区自2001年以来,各类景观均处于动态变迁过程,林地景观为研究区的优势景观,一直占研究区整体面积的80%以上,16年间,林地、灌丛、建筑用地、裸地和水体的面积净增加,耕地面积净减少;(2)景观动态变化度在2001—2010年较大,林地景观面积比例增加了6.98%,耕地面积比例减少了8.4%,面积减少了近一半,有44%的耕地面积和64.35%灌丛面积转入林地景观,景观格局破碎化程度大幅下降;(3)2010—2016年景观动态变化度相对较小,林地面积比例下降了1.22%,耕地面积比例增加了1%,建筑面积持续增加;建设用地转出率最高,其次是裸地,景观类型的丰富度有所上升,景观格局破碎化程度稍有加深;(4)除了生态系统的自然演化外,退耕还林政策、城镇一体化建设、高速交通建设是研究区景观格局变化的主要驱动因素,旅游增长和开发对研究区的景观格局影响相对较小。  相似文献   

Water, Air, &; Soil Pollution - A revised environmental licence that authorises the disposal of coal mine effluent has reduced the severity and spatial extent of water pollution and associated...  相似文献   

为了保护具有全球重要性的传统农业系统,联合国粮农组织于2002年发起全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)保护倡议。经过十几年的发展,中国目前拥有的GIAHS数量最多,但也面临着GIAHS科学保护与有效管理的艰巨任务。作为遗产管理的重要内容,监测对提升遗产管理水平具有重要作用。科学有效的遗产监测不仅可以实现遗产自身的保护及其价值的维护,而且可以实现遗产地的可持续发展。然而,我国的GIAHS监测工作刚刚起步,尚未建立一套科学完善的GIAHS监测体系,也缺乏相关理论研究作为支撑。为此,本文在充分借鉴世界遗产监测经验与实践的基础上,对GIAHS监测概念与内涵、监测范围与内容、数据收集与管理等关键问题进行了详细阐述,并提出由三级监测网络、动态监测系统和两级巡视制度构成的GIAHS监测体系。动态监测系统是GIAHS监测体系的核心组成,包括监测范围、监测内容、监测方法、数据管理的多个方面。三级监测网络和两级巡视制度是GIAHS监测体系的基础保障,不仅有助于形成主动监测与监督巡视相结合的监测巡视机制,而且将监测数据汇交与评估意见反馈形成闭合回路,从而提高GIAHS保护与管理工作的科学性与系统性。研究结果不仅有助于丰富GIAHS监测理论,进一步推动中国的GIAHS监测工作,也能为国际GIAHS监测提供中国经验。  相似文献   

哈尼梯田遗产核心区土地利用信息图谱及地形梯度效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地形因子深刻制约山地型遗产区土地利用时空变化和资源配置.基于Google Earth 0.55m×0.55m高精度历史影像,目视解译更新和野外验证得到哈尼梯田遗产核心区2005、2010、2015、2020年4期土地利用数据,通过计算转移矩阵、信息图谱、分布指数、地形位指数(TI)、面积—高程积分指数(HI)、坡长坡度...  相似文献   

Most continental environments (e.g., soils, freshwaters) are naturally acidic (pH<7) due to respiration and oxidation reactions in biotic and abiotic systems. In the last 100 years, the acidity of many regions of the world has increased as a consequence of energy and food production. In the last 30 years, the phenomena and impacts of 'acid rain' have been extensively investigated in Europe, North America and Asia. This paper will give a brief historical overview of acid deposition, the impact that food and energy production have had on enhancing the acidity of the environment, and the important role that the International Conferences have had in advancing our understanding of acid rain and its effects. The paper will conclude a look towards the future.  相似文献   

<正> 黄土滑坡是黄河中游地区一种分布普遍、发生规模较大的土壤重力侵蚀方式据测算,严重地区滑坡的平面面积可占土地总面积的20%以上,这意味着该地区整个土地面积的20%,不但在滑坡发生过程中往往会有泥流和高含沙径流发生,向下游河道输送大量泥沙,而且在滑坡发生后的许多年中,还使土壤特别易于遭  相似文献   

[目的]对贵州省施秉县的白云岩喀斯特遗产地的河流水质污染状况进行分析,以期掌握遗产地水质污染原因,更好地保护白云岩喀斯特遗产地的河流与环境。[方法]于2017年10月和2018年4月对遗产地境内黄洲河流域的8个代表性样点进行采样,对TP,TN,NH_3-N,COD_(Mn),DO,Chl-a等指标进行测定与分析,并运用单因素评价法、均值型指数综合评价法以及多元统计分析法分析评价。[结果]①遗产地缓冲区水质总体符合国家地表水Ⅲ类水标准,核心区水质部分不满足国家Ⅰ类水标准,主要污染物为总氮。②黄洲河流域春、秋季平水期水质状况相差不大,总体秋季较好,水体有较强的自净能力。③主要污染源为生活污水、固体垃圾以及农业面源污染。[结论]对施秉白云岩喀斯特遗产地进行环境保护和流域水质综合管理时应注意减少氮、磷肥料的长期大量使用,防止生活污水、生活垃圾的随意排放与丢弃。  相似文献   


Australia's reef water quality protection plan has a key objective: “reduce the load of pollutants from diffuse sources in the water entering the Reef.” This article reports on a survey to assess the contemporary phosphorus (P) status of fertilized cropping soils across 21 catchments in coastal Queensland, Australia. The survey focused on surface soils from cane farms, vegetable and subtropical/tropical fruit tree sites. There were sampling depth effects on P levels in sugar and fruit tree sites (lower with depth). Importantly, 84% of 105 sugarcane sites were excessively fertile and only 3% rated low (P deficient). Some 75% of 16 vegetable sites and 38% of 8 fruit tree sites had excess ratings for extractable soil P fertility. Highest total P levels (0–10 cm) occurred in fruit tree sites, followed by vegetable and sugarcane soils. There are regional differences in P soil fertility, and the recycling of mill by‐products needs attention. Part 2 (Bloesch and Rayment 2006 Bloesch, P. M. and Rayment, G. E. 2006. “Phosphorus fertility assessment of intensively farmed areas of catchments draining to the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area, 2: Potential of soils to release soluble phosphorus”. In Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 37 [Google Scholar]) examines the potential of these soils to release soluble P in a nutrient‐sensitive area.  相似文献   

Recreational activities may impose adverse impacts on the environment of natural landscapes and protected areas owing to persistent tourist influx. Here, we use a dendrogeomorphic approach to estimate soil erosion induced by hikers at trails in the Ordesa and Monte Perdido National Park (north‐eastern Spain). For the first time, exposed roots of Pinus uncinata Ramond ex DC and Fagus sylvatica L. were used on the Iberian Peninsula to reconstruct the timing and amount of soil erosion induced by hikers based on dendrogeomorphology. In addition, we propose a new characterization of ground microtopography using a microtopographic profile gauge and validate results of this approach with 3D point clouds derived from terrestrial laser scanning. Determination of the first year of root exposure was based on the analysis of changes in roots, at both the macroscopic and tissue levels. Analysis shows that a distinctive footprint is observable at macroscopic and microscopic scales following initial exposure and thus confirms results of previous work realized with roots of other tree species (e.g. Pinus sylvestris L.). Our results also indicate that a characterization of erosion based on microtopographic profiles can replace terrestrial laser scanning measurements, which are often difficult to obtain in remote areas. Estimates of soil erosion ranged between 3·1 ± 1·5 and 8·9 ± 4·3 mm y−1 (or 52·7 ± 25·5 to 151·3 ± 73·1 t ha−1 y−1). The approach deployed here could help improve management of and access to natural protected areas and thus reduce the potentially negative impacts of recreational activities on these sensitive environments. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

世界主要优质红茶化学成分与产地环境研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
邓西海 《土壤》2008,40(4):672-675
本文通过对3种优质高香红茶(中国祁门红茶、印度大吉岭红茶、斯里兰卡高地茶)和普通红茶矿质成分进行分析,研究不同产地茶园土壤理化性质和自然地理环境因素对红茶品质的影响.分析表明,优质红茶产地主要是红壤、红黄壤和河流冲积形成的山间冲积台地,土壤质地疏松,有机质含量较高.Cu对维持和提高多酚氧化酶活性具有不可替代的意义,多酚氧化酶活性的维持是形成红茶优良品质的重要保证,因而能够生产出具有特殊香气的茶叶:K 的富积有利于调节水分的蒸发从而抵御干旱,同时还能够增加茶叶滋味和香气成分的含量.干湿交替的季风气候有益于优良红茶风味的形成.  相似文献   

岷江上游典型流域叶面积指数的遥感模型及反演   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叶面积指数是植被定量遥感的重要参数,区域的时序列叶面积指数揭示了区域生态的演化过程,反演方法上主要是通过植被指数建立相关模型实现的,对于不同地区或不同气候带而言,模型的通用性以及各种植被指数在模型中的灵敏度都需做进一步探讨。以岷江上游典型流域毛儿盖地区为研究区,综合利用Aster和ETM遥感数据、地面实测数据和常规观测数据等资料,研究了植被指数与叶面积指数之间的相关性,以遥感图像中单个像元作为测算单位,对岷江上游毛儿盖地区叶面积指数进行了反演。利用研究区实测数据、生态环境本底遥感调查数据和水文气象数据,对上述模型反演结果进行验证和精度分析。结果表明,归一化植被指数NDVI在反演叶面积指数模型中具有较高的灵敏度,能较真实地反映研究区叶面积指数实际状况。  相似文献   

东北黑土区坡耕地侵蚀沟发育机理初探   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
沟蚀及其导致的土壤质量退化正在成为影响我国东北黑土区粮食生产和环境质量的重要问题,通过对东北黑土区侵蚀沟的分布和形态特性分析,探明东北黑土区的侵蚀沟近年来迅速发育的原因.从而为东北黑土区的水土流失防治工作提供指导和参考.研究基于野外调查,地形图和卫星照片资料对比分析计算,对一个研究点和4个对比研究点的侵蚀沟进行测量统计,发现造成侵蚀沟日益严重的一个重要原因是由于农民在坡耕地的水平改垄.使得坡面汇流条件改变,从而加速了坡耕地侵蚀沟的发育.将水平垄这种改变坡面汇流条件并加速侵蚀沟发育的现象称作"渠系效应"为了防止"渠系效应"对侵蚀沟发育的影响,在东北黑土区坡耕地应该避免采取单一的水平改垄措施,必须采取综合防治措施才能防治黑土区侵蚀沟的快速发展.  相似文献   

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