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We used the needle trace method to investigate changes in the state of a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stand in a bog (Voorepera) in the north-eastern part of Estonia, the most polluted area of the country. Additionally, we chose six sampling sites in other parts of Northeast Estonia (polluted area) and eight sites in southern Estonia (unpolluted area) to compare the state of pine stands in different bogs. During the period of 1964–1997, the radial growth had increased from 0.27 to 2.16 mm yr–1 and the annual shoot length from 0.10 to 0.28 m in Voorepera. Mean values of the period (1.13 mm yr–1 and 0.26 m, respectively) were two and four times higher in Voorepera than the average of the other bogs (0.5 mm yr–1 and 0.06 m, respectively). Maximum needle age fluctuated between three and five growing seasons in Voorepera, the mean (four growing seasons) was similar to that of other bogs (four growing seasons). Except radial growth, which was 0.6 mm yr–1 in the polluted area and 0.4 mm yr–1 in the unpolluted area, other indices of trees' health (shoot growth, needle age, nitrogen concentration in needles) and substrate conditions (water pH and N concentration) did not show clear differences between polluted and unpolluted areas. We conclude that air pollution from oil shale industry (thermal power plant and chemical factories) enhances the growth of pines in bogs, which can induce drastic changes in these ecosystems. However, the effect is currently obvious only in the vicinity of pollution sources.  相似文献   

李家飞  刘鸿雁  陈竹  饶程  姜畅  李政道 《土壤》2020,52(1):160-166
为揭示不同污染区重金属汞在土壤中的存在形态及分布特征,选取万山汞矿区、大龙燃煤电厂区为研究区域,以无污染区花溪区为对照,选择优化的Tessier连续化学浸提法进行汞的形态分析。结果表明:万山汞矿区与大龙燃煤电厂的土壤总汞平均值分别为22.7 mg/kg和0.648 mg/kg,均超过我国土壤环境质量二级标准(0.5 mg/kg),无污染对照区土壤总汞平均为0.179 mg/kg。在水平方向上,万山汞矿区靠近污染源的土壤汞含量相对较高,随着距离的增加而下降;大龙燃煤电厂区土壤汞在距燃煤电厂2.5 km范围内呈现先减小后增大的趋势。汞矿区土壤汞主要以残渣态(66.6%)为主,其次为有机结合态(30.0%);燃煤电厂则主要以有机结合态(75.7%)为主,其次为残渣态(17.46%);无污染区主要以残渣态(59.1%)为主,其次为有机结合态(28.9%)。内梅罗污染综合指数显示,万山汞矿区的土壤污染指数为107,为重度污染,这与污染源强度大有关,2004—2017年,总汞含量呈下降趋势;大龙燃煤电厂土壤污染指数为1.57,为轻度污染,同时土壤汞以有机结合态为主,潜在生物有效性相对较高,有一定的...  相似文献   

福建省土地利用变化碳排放时空差异与碳补偿   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
周萍  陈松林  李晶  李晨欣 《水土保持通报》2022,42(3):356-365,372
[目的] 开展土地利用碳排放差异与碳补偿研究,为各地域根据净碳排放量制定低碳发展政策提供依据。[方法] 基于2005—2020年福建省土地利用和能源消费数据,构建碳排放以及碳补偿价值测算模型,计算各市域不同时段的碳排放量以及碳补偿价值。[结果] ①福建省土地利用变化净碳排放呈现出明显的增长趋势,增长速度先快后慢。建设用地为主要碳源,其碳排放量增加3.41×107 t;林地为主要碳汇,其碳吸收量减少近3.00×104 t。②净碳排放量高值区域主要分布在碳排放量高、碳补偿率低的福州市、泉州市和漳州市,净碳排放量低值区域主要分布在碳排放量少、碳补偿率高的南平市,除厦门市外,各市的净碳排放强度与净碳排放量的空间分布相似。③碳补偿价值与各市净碳排放量的空间分布具有高度相似性,高碳补偿区主要是经济发展水平高、净碳排放量大的福州市、泉州市,受偿区主要是经济发展水平低、净碳排放量小的南平市。[结论] 为实现区域协调以及低碳发展,需不断完善碳补偿机制,从低碳层面依靠碳补偿推动区域低碳协调发展。  相似文献   

Vaccinium myrtillus L. is a common shrub in the herbaceous layer of pine forests. In connection with resistance to pollution it has been widely used in the environmental monitoring based on heavy metal accumulations in the foliage. The present study investigates leaves of bilberry growing under influence of emissions from a Zn–Pb smelter. Determination of heavy metal levels by AAS revealed enhanced accumulations of Zn, Pb, Cd, and Fe, and the level of Zn fell into the toxic range compiled for plants of average sensitivity. To verify the significance of metal accumulations occurring in the studied plant, the concentrations of phenolics were quantified by measuring UV absorption of foliage extracts. Phenolics can be used as a potential biomarker of pollution because they participate in plant’s response to accumulation of heavy metals, acting as antioxidants able to scavenge free radicals produced by metal ions. Leaves collected near the smelter contained significantly higher amounts of phenolics. Since these compounds are also responsible for ecological interactions, changes in their concentrations resulting from heavy metal accumulations might also influence other organisms in the ecosystem. To study the role of phenolics in heavy metal accumulations at the cellular level, a special fixation was applied for TEM, involving glutaraldehyde with caffeine, to precipitate phenolics in the cell. A histochemical reaction showed significantly higher electron-opacity, most probably deposits of phenolics, in cells of the leaves collected near the smelter. The subsequent degenerative changes in mesophyll of these leaves were characterized by increased contents of heterogeneous multivesicular structures, degeneration of chloroplasts, and disorganisation of membranes leading to death of the cell and necrosis.  相似文献   

Soil and water samples were analysed for trace metals and As in two watercourses and 14 sampling plots in a salt marsh polluted by mine wastes in SE Spain. Groundwater levels, soil pH and Eh were measured ‘in situ’ for a 12-month period in each sampling plot, and total calcium carbonate was also determined. Low concentrations of soluble metals (maximum Mn 1.089 mg L?1 and maximum Zn 0.553 mg L?1) were found in the watercourses. However, total metal contents were extremely high in the soils of a zone of the salt marsh (maximum 1,933 mg kg?1 of Mn, 62,280 mg kg?1 of Zn, 16,845 mg kg?1 of Pb, 77 mg kg?1 of Cd, 418 mg kg?1 of Cu and 725 mg kg?1 of As), and soluble metals in the pore water reached 38.7 mg L?1 for Zn, 3.15 mg L?1 for Pb, 48.0 mg L?1 for Mn, 0.61 mg L?1 for Cd and 0.29 mg L?1 for As. Variable concentrations with depth indicate a possible re-mobilisation of the metals, which could be related to spatial and temporal variations of water table level, pH and Eh and to the presence of calcium carbonate. A tendency for the Eh to decrease in the warmest months and to increase in the coldest ones was found, especially, in plots that received water with a high content of dissolved organic carbon. Hence, the existence of nutrient effluent-enriched water may modify the physical–chemical conditions of the soil–water system and influence metal mobility.  相似文献   

2012~2013年,在安徽农业大学巢湖农业实验站,利用小区实验研究了不同田间控水措施对冬小麦土壤CH4和N2O排放的影响。实验设置了空白对照(CK)、常规耕作(CG)、浅沟控水(CQ)、深沟控水(CS)4种处理。结果表明:(1)冬小麦生育期内,农田排干控水可显著改变土壤的CH4和N2O排放特征,不同控水处理之间CH4排放差异显著(P0.05),N2O排放差异极显著(P0.01);(2)CQ、CS处理的CH4吸收能力分别比CK高1.6%、20.9%,排干控水提高了土壤CH4的吸收能力;(3)CQ和CS的N2O排放量分别比CK增加了61.0%和70.6%,排干控水提高土壤N2O的排放量;(4)地表温度和5 cm土温是影响CH4和N2O通量变化的关键因素,各处理CH4吸收通量和N2O排放通量与地表温度呈显著正相关关系(P0.05),提高温度有助于提高CH4吸量,但也增加了N2O排放;(5)与CK相比,CG、CQ、CS都实现了增产,但CG、CS排放温室气体的GWP显著高于CK,而CQ则与CK基本相当,CQ在确保增产的情况下实现了温室气体减排,是适用于该地区的冬小麦农田温室气体减排措施。  相似文献   

The total concentrations of nickel, copper, chromium, strontium, arsenic, lead, cadmium and cobalt were measured in berries and mushrooms, as well as manganese and iron in mushrooms. The study area (about 3500 km2) is situated on the border of the northern taiga and tundra forests (68–69°N) and is affected by emissions from the extensive Ni-Cu smelter complex at Monchegorsk, Kola Peninsula, NW Russia. Part of the study area, extending along the railway line used for transporting apatite concentrate, contains elevated quantity of strontium. Berries of Vaccinium vitis-idaea (82 samples), Vaccinium myrtillus (28), Rubus chamaemorus (42) and Empetrum hermaphroditum (40) and mushrooms of Leccinum auantiacum (47 samples), Leccinum scabrum (32), Russula vesca (25), Lactarius torminosus (8), Lactarius trivialis (9), Suillus luteus (10) and Xerocomus subtomentosus (20 specimens) were collected from 98 locations during 1987–1992. The nickel and copper concentrations in the berries, and nickel in mushrooms, correlated satisfactorily with the corresponding metal concentrations in the soil. The berries and mushroons growing over an area of at least 3000 km2 around the smelter complex are unsuitable for human consumption due to the elevated nickel concentrations caused by the smelter dust emissions. The berries and mushrooms gathered in the studied polluted forests were found to be contaminated by nickel by a factor of 15–30 times (berries) and 15–40 times (mushrooms) more than the background level. Increased levels of strontium were found close to the railway line. The concentrations of all the other metals in the studied area did not exceed sanitary standards.  相似文献   

A laboratory incubation experiment using soil columns was conducted to study the effects of monocalcium phosphate (MCP) and potassium chloride (KCl) on soil pH changes in fertilizer microsites with two Chinese soils. Mixtures of two fertilizers at two rates (0 and 0.26 g per column) were added to the surface of soil cylinders. The results shown that both fertilizers significantly decreased soil pH after 7 d and 28 d, which declined with time and distance from fertilizer site. Compared with KCl alone, the soil pH decrease close to the fertilizer site induced by applied KCl was slowed down in the acidic red soil by MCP addition but was promoted in the calcareous soil. Compared with MCP alone, the application of KCl with MCP had greater effects of reducing pH in both soils. The magnitude and extent of soil pH changes were mostly contributed by KCl in the KCl plus MCP treatment.  相似文献   

降雨是干旱半干旱地区的主要水分来源,降雨量、降雨时长和降雨强度等共同影响降雨入渗,进而影响降雨对地表下不同土层的补充。研究干旱半干旱区退化草地生态系统不同土层土壤水分对不同量级降雨时间格局的动态响应变化,对于揭示水土关键要素、草地荒漠化防止及应对气候变化的影响均具有重要意义,基于2018年连续对锡林郭勒盟正镶白旗额里图牧场的降雨及地表下5,15,30,60,100 cm的土壤体积含水率数据的观测,探讨了各土层土壤水分变化及其对降雨事件大小的响应。结果表明:对于干旱半干旱区草地而言,降雨可以显著影响5-60 cm的土层土壤水分;随着土层加深,相同降雨过程引起的土壤水分增量呈降低趋势,0-10,10-20 cm土层土壤水分增量明显,小于3,6,20,50 mm的降雨不能到达地表以下5,15,30,60 cm土层;高降雨强度、降雨前较高的土壤含水率有利于雨水的下渗,5-60 cm土层的土壤水分增量与降雨强度、土壤初始含水率以及二者交互作用均呈显著或极显著线性关系,100 cm土层的土壤水分增量与降雨强度、土壤初始含水率以及二者交互作用均无显著线性关系,且30,60 cm土层土壤水分增量只在无雨日间隔极短且降雨量很大的情况下有明显波动。  相似文献   

Silicon (Si) is one of the most abundant elements in the earth's crust, although its availability may be affected by some edaphic and abiotic factors such as soil moisture and salinity. In a laboratory experiment, effects of silicon (Si), salinity, and soil moisture on changes of extractable Si, iron (Fe), and manganese (Mn) concentrations were investigated on a sandy loam calcareous soil. The experiment was arranged as a factorial completely randomized design with three replications. Two levels of Si (8 and 200 mg per kg of soil), three salinity levels [0.46 dS m?1, 8 dS m?1 as sodium chloride (NaCl), and 8 dS m?1 as four-salt combination], two soil moisture regimes (–20 kPa and waterlogged), and four incubation times (0, 7, 30, and 45 days) were applied. Salt composition consisted of sodium chloride, sodium sulfate, calcium chloride, and magnesium sulfate at a molar ratio of 4:2:2:1. Acetic acid–extractable Si, Fe, and Mn were determined after 0, 7, 30, and 45 days of incubation. Waterlogging caused significant increase in the extractable Si, Fe, and Mn. Soil salinity of 8 dS m?1, only in the form of sodium chloride, resulted in a marked decrease in extractable Si, Fe, and Mn. Silicon addition enhanced the soil Si concentration, with no effect on Fe and Mn. Equilibrium time for Si and Fe was 30 days, whereas Mn concentration reached to a constant level after 1 week of waterlogging. It was concluded that Si, Fe, and Mn fertilizers should be applied in sufficient amounts to the saline soils to prevent their deficiencies in plants. Meanwhile, overfertilization in waterlogged conditions must be avoided, because of the probability of nutrient imbalance or toxicity.  相似文献   

选取1996、2003、2009、2017共4年的TM/OLI遥感影像,应用NDWI法和MNDWI法提取曲靖市主要水源地水域面积,分析表明:1996~2017年间,曲靖市主要水源地水域面积表现为“下降-上升-下降”波动下降趋势。进一步分析年平均降水量、气温、经济因素、人口、城市化等可能影响水域面积变化的因子,发现:在自然因素方面,水域面积和年平均降水量呈现出极弱正相关关系,和气温呈现出高度负相关关系;在人为因素方面,水域面积和经济发展呈现出极弱负相关关系,和人口呈现出极弱正相关关系,和房屋竣工建筑面积呈现出中度负相关关系。因曲靖市境内自然条件相差不大,中部区域经济发展迅速,城市进程速度最快,对水域面积的影响最大;南部区域发展相对较慢,对水域面积影响最小。导致曲靖市21年间水域面积变化最大的为中部区域,变化最小的为南部区域。  相似文献   

There is growing concern that air pollution may have adverse impacts on crops in developing countries, yet this has been little studied. This paper addresses this issue, for a major leguminous crop of the Indian sub continent, examining the effect of air pollution in and around an Indian city. A field study was conducted using a gradient approach to elucidate the impact of air pollutants on selected production characteristics of Vigna radiata L. cv. Malviya Jyoti (mung bean) plants grown from germination to maturity at locations with differing concentrations of air pollutants around peri-urban and rural areas of Varanasi. The 6 -h daily mean SO2, NO2 and O3 concentrations varied from 8.05 to 32.2 ppb, 11.7 to 80.1 ppb and 9.7 to 58.5 ppb, respectively, between the sites. Microclimatic conditions did not vary significantly between the sites. Changes in plant performance at different sites were evaluated with reference to ambient air quality status. Reductions in biomass accumulation and seed yields were highest at the site experiencing highest concentrations of all three gaseous pollutants. The magnitude of response indicated that at peri-urban sites SO2, NO2 and O3 were all contributing to these effects, whereas at rural sites NO2 and O3 combinations appeared to have more influence. The quality of seed was also found to be negatively influenced by the ambient levels of pollutants. It is concluded that the air pollution regime of Varanasi City causes a major threat to mung bean plants, both in terms of yield and crop quality, with serious implications for the nutrition of the urban poor.  相似文献   

Sulphur (S) and nitrogen (N) components are of great concern because acidification and eutrophication still remain an important environmental issue in many regions of the world. Continuous monitoring (1981–1999) of S and N components both in air and precipitation in Lithuania (LT) has allowed us to evaluate the regional and temporal variations in relation to the pollutant emission changes. Despite of inter-site variability in concentration of pollutants within the regional scale, data showed a marked decrease in S concentrations both in air and precipitation over the Lithuania as a whole. Non-seasalt sulphate (nssSO4 2?) concentrations in precipitation and air decreased from 2.06 to 0.52 mgS/l and from 3.97 to 1.07 µgS/m3, respectively. The number of acidic (pH<5) precipitation did not exceed 50 % during 1995–1999. The observed trends for S species are consistent with those for sulphur dioxide (SO2) emission in Europe and Lithuania. Although nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentration in air decreased by 17 %, significant changes in nitrate (NO3 ?) concentrations neither in precipitation nor in air have been observed. Three-day backward air isobaric trajectories were used for the identification of the source region of air pollutants  相似文献   

松嫩平原产油区农田土壤重金属含量及污染风险评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  目的  为探明松嫩平原石油开采及石化工业活动区周边农田土壤重金属污染分布及风险状况。  方法  在大庆市让胡路区选择代表性农田采集96份土壤样品,测定重金属(Cd、Hg、Ni、Pb、Cu、Zn、Cr、As)含量;在利用地统计学克里金插值法分析重金属含量空间分布特征的基础上,采用地积累指数法和潜在生态危害指数法对该地区农田土壤重金属污染状况及其生态风险进行评价。  结果  该区土壤中Cd和Ni的含量分别为土壤背景值的1.39倍和1.27倍。在对各样点Pb、Zn、Cu和Cr 4种元素含量分析中,均出现不同程度的高于土壤背景值的样点。重金属Cd的地积累指数平均值为0.11,达到轻度~中度污染水平。研究区土壤重金属潜在生态危害风险指数(RI)平均值为84.84,从大到小为Cd > Hg > Ni > As > Pb > Cu > Zn > Cr,其中Cd的RI值最大为190.23,达到中等生态危害范围。研究区农田土壤重金属含量在空间分布上表现为:Cd、Zn和Pb含量高值区出现在中部地区,其它重金属元素含量高值区分布比较零散。  结论  研究区域内,8种重金属含量的平均值均低于风险筛选值,Cd和Ni两种重金属平均含量超出了背景值,从地积累指数来看,Cd污染等级为1级,其它7种元素均处于无污染水平。从潜在生态风险分析可知,该区域污染程度属于轻度生态危害范围。  相似文献   

Plants grown in salt‐affected soils may suffer from limited available water, ion toxicity, and essential plant nutrient deficiency, leading to reduced growth. The present experiment was initiated to evaluate how salinity and soil zinc (Zn) fertilization would affects growth and chemical and biochemical composition of broad bean grown in a calcareous soil low in available Zn. The broad bean was subjected to five sodium chloride (NaCl) levels (0, 10, 20, 30, and 40 m mol kg?1 soil) and three Zn rates [0, 5, and 10 mg kg?1 as Zn sulfate (ZnSO4) or Zn ethylenediaminetetraaceticacid (EDTA)] under greenhouse conditions. The experiment was arranged in a factorial manner in a completely randomized design with three replications. Sodium chloride significantly decreased shoot dry weight, leaf area, and chlorophyll concentration, whereas Zn treatment strongly increased these plant growth parameters. The suppressing effect of soil salinity on the shoot dry weight and leaf area were alleviated by soil Zn fertilization, but the stimulating effect became less pronounced at higher NaCl levels. Moreover, rice seedlings treated with ZnSO4 produced more shoot dry weight and had greater leaf area and chlorophyll concentration than those treated with Zn EDTA. In the present study, plant chloride and sodium accumulations were significantly increased and those of potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg) strongly decreased as NaCl concentrations in the soil were increased. Moreover, changes in rice shoot Cl?, Na+, and K+ concentrations were primarily affected by the changes in NaCl rate and to a lesser degree were related to Zn levels. The concentrations of Cl? and Na+ associated with 50% shoot growth suppression were greater with Zn‐treated plants than untreated ones, suggesting that Zn fertilization might increase the plant tolerance to high Cl? and Na+ accumulations in rice shoot. Zinc application markedly increased Zn concentration of broad bean shoots, whereas plants grown on NaCl‐treated soil contained significantly less Zn than those grown on NaCl‐untreated soil. Our study showed a consistent increase in praline content and a significant decrease in reducing sugar concentration with increasing salinity and Zn rates. However, Zn‐treated broad bean contained less proline and reducing sugars than Zn‐untreated plants, and the depressing impact of applied Zn as Zn EDTA on reducing sugar concentration was greater than that of ZnSO4. In conclusion, it appears that when broad bean is to be grown in salt‐affected soils, it is highly advisable to supply plants with adequate available Zn.  相似文献   

景观格局变化可以深刻地反映人类活动对生态环境的影响,研究白洋淀湿地景观格局时空变化对于明晰湿地水环境质量的恶化原因具有重要意义。通过综合运用GIS技术和景观格局指数法,对白洋淀1987、1999和2007年LandsatTM遥感影像进行解译分析,研究了白洋淀20年间景观格局动态变化。结果表明:苇地、耕地和水域是淀区主导景观类型,所占比例高达86.62%~93.06%,苇地为42.74%~58.02%。淀区斑块数和密度增加了23.01%,景观破碎化程度加剧。景观均匀度指数由0.74降至0.67,多样性指数由1.44降至1.25。苇地和耕地面积增加最多,分别为18.08%和28.05%;水域和干草地减少最多,分别为35.78%和76.53%景观分维数范围为1.05~1.27,受人类影响较大;苇地从1.27降至1.19,水域从1.16降至1.09,人为影响明显增强;裸地、林地和干草地的分维数最小,分别为1.06~1.08,1.05~1.09和1.07~1.09。根据主导景观类型时空变化,将白洋淀划分为G、WG和WS区。G和WG区主导景观类型均表现出从水域到苇地再到耕地转化趋势,WS区的水面和苇地在外源调水的作用下得以维持,水域整体向东部转移。建议白洋淀湿地保护以水域、苇地和草地为核心,控制淀内及周边人类活动对自然景观的扰动。调水要充分考虑白洋淀的景观时空特征,尽量降低对重要景观类型和生物多样性的影响。  相似文献   


Typically, Indonesian oil palm plantations rest on rolling topography. There is limited information on how topography affects soil fertility and oil palm yields. A study was conducted to evaluate these relationships in a commercial oil palm plantation located in South Sumatra, Indonesia. Two sites with differing past management history and fertility regimes were each partitioned into three topographic positions. At each topographic position, yields were recorded at 10‐day intervals over a period of 2 years. Leaf and soil samples were collected from corresponding points spaced at 36.4 m (x direction) and 8.7 m (y direction) using a systematic scheme. Leaf analysis was performed to quantify nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), and calcium (Ca), and soil analysis was carried out to determine pH, organic carbon (C), extractable P, exchangeable K, Mg, and Ca, effective cation exchange capacity (ECEC), and texture. The collected data were subjected to exploratory, univariate, and bivariate analyses, as well as analysis of variance. Empirical production functions based on measured variables were defined for each topographic position. Results showed that average yields at both study sites varied with topographic position. At site 1 (Sungai Pelepah Estate), the sideslope and the summit consistently gave higher yields than the toeslope. At site 2 (Sri Gunung Estate), a yield gradient was observed with the highest yield occurring at the toeslope and the lowest yield from the summit. Soil fertility varied across topographic positions at both sites. The measured leaf/soil variables showed varying levels of optimality/sufficiency across topographic positions. In most cases, leaf and soil variables showed comparable performance as yield predictors. Validation of the calibrated models showed reasonable accuracy for the toeslope of site 1 and all three positions at site 2.  相似文献   

城乡结合部开发建设扰动土壤质量变化特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
卓慕宁  李定强  朱照宇 《土壤》2008,40(1):61-65
为揭示城乡结合部开发建设活动对土壤质量的影响,在广州市白云区调查采样,研究农用地开发建设扰动土壤的质量变化特征.结果表明,扰动土壤综合质量处于差级水平;土壤结构与剖面发育层次混乱,耕层缺失,底土或母质风化土成为土壤表层,土壤粗砾(含石块,>2 mm)含量显著增加;pH趋向强酸性或碱性,有机质含量减少,土壤养分(钾元素除外)含量缺乏,73%~93%的土壤样品的有机质和氮元素单质量系数<0.9.  相似文献   

郇恒福 《土壤》2008,40(4):586-590
通过田间试验研究了施用油菜菜籽饼肥处理后,次生盐渍化温室土壤中的有效养分、水溶性盐分含量及盐分离子组成的变化,以评价施用饼肥改良次生盐浈化温室土壤的可行性以及在温室土壤上大量施用油菜籽饼肥可能出现的后果.结果表明:在次生盐浈化温室土壤上施用饼肥会显著增加0~20 cm土壤中的绝大多数有效养分特别是大量元素有效养分的含量和全盐含量.同时,施用饼肥也使得20~30 cm土壤中的部分养分和盐分离子含量显著增加,土壤次生盐渍化程度进一步加重.因此,施用饼肥并不能作为一种改良次生盐溃化温室土壤的有效措施,为避免土壤次生盐渍化程度的形成和发展,应减少设施农业中饼肥的施用量.  相似文献   

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