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Quantification of glucocorticoid (GC) levels in faeces has become an established method for the non-invasive assessment of adrenocortical activity. These hormones are frequently determined in plasma samples as parameters of adrenal activity and response to stress. Because GCs are metabolized and excreted with both intact hormone and their metabolites present in faeces, the concentration of GCs can be measured in excreta. Faecal samples present the advantages of easy collection, no stress to the animal and elimination of the issue of potentially misleading acute GC spikes. The aim of this study was to determine if an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for cortisol was appropriate for monitoring adrenocortical activity in faecal casts of fishes. Performance of the cortisol ELISA was validated by comparison to high-performance liquid chromatography, which is an established method for measuring free GCs and GC metabolites in faeces. Parallelism and sample extraction efficiency were compared for the two methods. Pearson's correlation across samples for these methods was 0.996. Results demonstrated that the ELISA was an efficient, sensitive and reliable method for cortisol measurement in faecal extracts, which should permit integration of non-invasive stress monitoring into studies of fish behaviour and physiology.  相似文献   

This study determined effects of nitrate (NO3?)‐induced stress on faecal cortisol levels in koi (Cyprinus carpio). NO3? was presented in two formats: (1) bulk increase followed by dilution to assess cortisol response and recovery and (2) bulk increase followed by incremental increases to assess cortisol response limit. Fish were maintained group‐wise in treatment and control aquaria (n=6 per group), and 0.5 g L?1 NO3? (as NaNO3) was added to the water. Faecal samples were collected daily and blood samples were taken pretreatment and 72‐h posttreatment and were assayed for cortisol via ELISA. NO3? increased plasma and faecal cortisol 4.4‐fold and 3.9‐fold respectively. Plasma cortisol was not measured further. After a 74% NO3? decrease by dilution, faecal cortisol decreased to baseline within 24 h, and restimulation by NO3? (1.0 g L?1) elevated faecal cortisol to maximal study levels. In a separate experiment, exposure to 0.4 g L?1 NO3? increased faecal cortisol 6.9‐fold. However, three additional 0.4 g L?1 NO3? increments across 9 days did not further increase cortisol. This study demonstrates that faecal cortisol measurement in fish via an ELISA can be useful as an indicator of NO3?‐induced stress in the aquatic environment.  相似文献   

The elevation of plasma catecholamine levels during acute stress initiates a series of compensatory physiological and biochemical mechanisms to alleviate the disruptive effects of stress on blood oxygen transport. Of particular importance is the β-adrenergic activation of a Na+/H+ antiporter associated with the red blood cell (rbc) membrane. Upon activation, the Na+/H+ antiporter extrudes H+ from the rbc and the resultant alkalinization of the rbc interior serves to enhance both the affinity and the capacity of haemoglobin O2 binding. The activation of the Na+/H+ exchanger is dependent upon the intracellular accumulation of cyclic AMP. The extent of cyclic AMP accumulation is determined, in part, by the number and/or affinities of cell surface β-adrenoreceptors. Recent studies have shown that the number of cell surface β-adrenoreceptors are rapidly increased during acute hypoxia and that this phenomenon may explain the enhanced responsiveness of hypoxic rbc's to exogenous catecholamines. In certain instances, plasma catecholamine and cortisol levels rise concurrently. We recently have shown that chronic (10 day) elevation of cortisol levels, in vivo, or short-term (24h) elevation, in vitro, caused significant elevation of internalized β-adrenoreceptors. Upon exposure of the rbc's to hypoxia, these additional receptors are rapidly recruited to the cell surface where they become functionally coupled to adenylate cyclase. Ultimately, therefore, chronic elevation of plasma cortisol levels increases the responsiveness of the rbc to circulating catecholamines. We recently have identified similar enhancement of cell surface β-adrenoreceptors by cortisol and increased physiological responsiveness (glycogenolysis) to catecholamines in trout hepatocytes. Thus, chronic elevation of cortisol levels appears to be generally adaptive for increasing the sensitivity of the β-adrenergic signal transduction system of at least two cell types (rbc's, hepatocytes) involved in the amelioration of acute stress when plasma catecholamine levels rise.
Résumé L'élévation des niveaux de cathécolamines plasmatiques pendant un stress aigu déclenche une série de mécanismes physiologiques et biochimiques de compensation destinés à suprimer les effets destructeurs du stress sur les transport d'oxygène par le sang. L'activation β-adrénergique de l'antipore Na+/H+ associé à la membrane des globules rouges du sang (rbc) est particulièrement importante. Après activation, l'antipore Na+/H+ excrète du globule rouge H+ et l'alcalinisation du milieu intérieur du globule qui en résulte sert à stimuler l'affinité et la capacité de liaison hémoglobine-O2. L'activation de l'échangeur Na+/H+ est dépendante de l'accumulation intracellulaire d'AMP cyclique. La quantité d'AMP cyclique accumulée est déterminée en partie par le nombre et/ou l'affinité des β-adrénorécepteurs situés à la surface des cellules. Des études récentes montrent que le nombre de β-adrénorécepteurs de surface augmente rapidement pendant une hypoxie aigue et que ce phénomène pourrait expliquer la stimulation de la réponse des globules rouges hypoxiques à des cathécolamines exogènes. Dans certains cas, les niveaux plasmatiques de cortisol et de cathécolamine augmentent simultanément. Nous avons récemment montré qu'une augmentation chronique (10 jours) des niveaux de cortisol in vivo ou une élévation de courte durée (24h) in vitro conduisent à une augmentation des β-adrénorécepteurs internalisés. Suite à l'exposition de globules rouges à une hypoxie, ces nouveaux récepteurs sont rapidement recrutés à la surface de la cellule où ils deviennent fonctionnellement couplés à l'adénylate cyclase. En dernier lieu donc, une élévation chronique des niveaux de cortisol augmente la réponse des globules rouges aux cathécolamines circulants. Nous avons récemment identifié une augmentation similaire des β-adrénorécepteurs de surface cellulaire par le cortisol et une réponse physiologique (glycogénolyse) stimulée par les cathécolamines dans les hépatocytes de truite. Ainsi, une élévation chronique des niveaux de cortisol semble être en général adaptative et augmentant la sensibilité du système de transduction du signal β-adrénergique dans au moins 2 types de cellules (les globules rouges et les hépatocytes) impliquées dans l'amélioration du stress aigu quand les niveaux de cathécolamine plasmatique augmentent.

Basal levels of plasma cortisol in unstressed salmonid fish are normally in the range 0–5 ng ml−1. An acute stress such as handling or 1 h confinement caused a temporary elevation of the plasma cortisol levels of both brown trout,Salmo trutta L., and rainbow trout,Salmo gairdneri Richardson, in the range 40–200 ng ml−1 with a return to basal levels within 24–48 h. The extent of the cortisol elevation in response to an acute stress was dependent upon both the species and strain of trout. Chronic stresses, such as prolonged confinement or crowding, resulted in an elevation of plasma cortisol levels to approximately 10 ng ml−1. Under these circumstances, blood cortisol levels remained elevated for periods of up to 4 weeks before acclimation finally occurred. It is shown, by means of intraperitoneal implantation of cortisol, that chronic elevation of plasma cortisol levels in the brown trout results in a dose-dependent increase in mortality due to common bacterial and fungal diseases. This effect is apparent at plasma cortisol levels as low as 10 ng ml−1, levels below those often reported as being representative of ‘unstressed’ fish. These findings are discussed in relation to the known immunosuppressive effects of corticosteroids in teleost fish.  相似文献   

Due to water turbidity, fish stress might be difficult to observe. Evaluation of fish stress by blood sampling requires removing a fish from the water, which is in itself a stressful event. Therefore, we designed and built a sensor to detect fish behaviour that reflects stress. The electronic sensor detected early signs of fish stress by scoring the fish's inactivity. LEDs and detectors are embedded on a steel wand that is held underwater by an operator. In this preliminary (feasibility) study, the new sensor was validated for Tilapia (Cichlidae) and Hybrid Striped Bass (Morone). We induced stressful situations in the fish tanks by manipulating oxygen and temperature levels.ResultsLowering the temperature and oxygen levels both significantly increased the average number of signals identified by the sensor, which indicate stress. The effect of reducing water temperature from 24 °C to 15 °C was three times stronger than was the effect of lowering the oxygen saturation level from 85% to 50%. The difference in the number of signals between the good and stressful conditions was statistically significant, amounting to approximately eight sensor signals, 10.57 compared to 2.49 respectively. Lowering the temperature increased the mean number of signals by 5.85 and 6.06 at 85% and 50% oxygen saturation respectively, whereas lowering oxygen levels increased the mean number of signals by 2.02 and 2.23 at 24 °C and 15 °C, respectively. The results indicate that the stress status of cultured fish can be evaluated using the proposed behavioural sensor. The new sensor may provide an earlier indication of a problem in a fish tank or pond than was heretofore possible. This early warning can enable the fish farmer to take action before many fish are harmed.  相似文献   

The cytosol and nuclear extract of gill tissue obtained from laboratory held Atlantic salmon,Salmo salar manifested saturable cortisol binding of high affinity and low capacity (cytosol: Ka = 0.198 ± 0.024 × 109/M, Nmax = 116.8 ± 20.8 fmol/mg protein; nuclear extract: Ka = 0.823 ± 0.057 × 107/M, Nmax = 1563 ± 330 fmol/mg protein; n = 4). The cytosol receptor activity displayed high steroid and tissue specificity and a single binding peak at 191,000 Da following gel permeation chromatography. Atlantic salmon exposed for 3 or 8 months to waters from the Medway River (pH about 5.1), the Westfield River (pH about 4.8) and calcium carbonate treated Westfield River (pH about 5.6) showed no gill cytosol receptor activity. Cortisol receptor activity in the gill nuclear extracts from fish in limed Westfield River water in December (3 months) was less than half the activity in the fish treated with Medway River water (p < 0.05) although the plasma cortisol values were not different. In May (8 months), the plasma cortisol of fish in limed water was almost twice that of the fish held in acid Westfield River water (p = 0.058).  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The auditory brainstem response (ABR) of fishes is commonly measured by bringing the heads of the fishes out of the water in a small tank. However, this method is inapplicable to experiments for large fishes that are economically important in large spaces such as the sea or in a large tank. This paper describes a method of recording, the ABR for fishes in water, without exposing the fish heads to air, by using a waterproof, insulated electrode. To evaluate the effectiveness of this method, the goldfish Carassius auratus was investigated, and the ABR waveform and auditory thresholds measured in water were compared with those measured on the surface. Both ABR waveforms and auditory thresholds showed similar trends between the two methods. The underwater ABR method is useful to measure the auditory thresholds of larger fish in natural or on-site environments such as the sea, net enclosures and large aquaria in which precise positioning of the fish is not possible. However, more improvement is needed to apply this method to large fishes.  相似文献   

High stocking density has been shown to produce a wide variety of effects on cultured fish populations, such as alterations in behavior and poor feed utilization, resulting in mortality and poor growth. High stocking density has also been reported to produce chronic stress and mobilization of energy sources in fish. There are few studies focusing on the effect of high stocking density on one of the most important marine fish species for Mediterranean aquaculture, gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata). Consequently, this study investigates the effect of high stocking density on juveniles of this species, focusing on effects of stocking density on growth, biochemical composition, immune status and hematology.The results of this study showed that high stocking density produced a chronic stress situation. Plasma cortisol levels increased up to 16.25 ng ml–1 in fish held at high stocking; this value was 4 fold that of fish held at low stocking; density (3.91 ng ml–1 ). As a consequenceof this stressful situation, there was both haemoconcentration and a decrease in alternative complement pathway (ACP), an important component of the immune system of fish (from 167.23 U ml–1 down to 146.37 U ml–1). Haematocrit, haemoglobin concentration and red blood cell count were significantly higher in fish held at high stocking density (43.87%, 10.76 9dl–1 and 3.36 ×106 mm–3, respectively) compared with those fish held at low stocking density (37.21%, 9.32 g/dlg–1 and 2.82 ×106 mm–3, respectively).In addition, high stocking density produced a decrease in hepatosomatic index (from 2.26 down to 2.04) and altered liver fatty acid composition. Oleic acid (18: 1n-9) decreased in liver total lipids of fish held at high stocking density and arachidonic acid (20: 4-n6) and n-3 high unsaturated fatty acids (n-3 HUFA) were reduced in liver polar lipids of those fish. These alterations reflect the effect of stocking density on lipid metabolism to help meet the increased energy demand.  相似文献   

In the current practice of fish culture the use of hormones is mainly limited to the field of reproduction, and more precisely to induce or synchronize ovulation and stimulate spermiation. The practice of pituitary homogenates injection (called hypophysation) which started in the early 1930's has allowed spectacular developments in the culture of some cyprinid species, especially in China, India and Europe. HCG has been used successfully in a limited number of species and LHRH-A, often associated with antidopaminergic compounds, started to be used in some species, especially cyprinids, on a commercial scale. Sex steroids are now commonly used to reverse the sex of some species in salmonids, cyprinids, tilapias. Due to legal restriction and consumer opposition, the tendency is to limit the use of steroids, especially in fish which are later offered to consumption. GH, which significantly stimulates growth and reduces the food conversion rate in laboratory experiments, will possibly be used on a large scale in fish farms. Endocrinology has considerably increased the knowledge of the mechanisms controlling some physiological functions; this has allowed the identification of sensitive phases in fish in captivity, and helps in the management and the process of domestication (most of the cultured fish species have been taken form the wild recently).  相似文献   

The ontogeny of the cortisol stress response in yellow perch (Perca flavescens) was documented by measuring resting and stress-induced whole-body cortisol levels in fish at several early development stages. In newly fertilized eggs resting cortisol levels averaged 41.0 ± 3.0 pg/embryo, and decreased to 8.0 ± 3.0 pg/embryo by day 6 where they remained constant until hatch on day 10. Acute stress challenge tests (30 sec cold shock) conducted on embryonic (days 6 and 8 post-fertilization) and larval (hatch and 2 days post-hatch) yellow perch revealed no differences in whole-body cortisol levels between stressed and unstressed individuals. In acute stress challenge tests (30 sec net confinement) conducted on post-hatch yellow perch, differences in cortisol levels between stressed (30 min post-stress) and unstressed fish were detected one week after hatching (12.3 ± 1.6 ng/g and 7.0 ± 1.3 ng/g, respectively). The magnitude of the stress response was greater in 2- to 5-week-old fish than in one-week-old fish. Changes in post-stress cortisol levels were closely associated with changes in interrenal morphology. Cumulatively, these results indicate that cortisol biosynthesis, integration and maturation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-interrenal (HPI) axis can be observed in yellow perch as early as one week after hatching. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Abstract:   The aim of the present study was for individual variation in behavior to be characterized and related to differences in physiological stress responses in juvenile tiger pufferfish (fugu) Takifugu rubripes . A set of siblings ( n  = 330) from wild parents was subjected to behavior tests, and some were classified into active and inactive groups ( n  = 42 each group). The active animals consisted of those individuals that kept active swimming during 6 min after transfer from one tank to another, and the inactive animals were those that stopped swimming within 6 min. Time-course acute stress responses, which were elicited by anesthesia and subsequent removal of a pectoral fin, were compared between the active and inactive fish. The stress indicators used were free and total plasma cortisol, and plasma glucose. Although no significant difference was observed at each sampling point between groups, the inactive fish required shorter recovery time from acute stress in all three indicators than the active fish. The percentage of free to total plasma cortisol in the pre-stress condition was significantly lower in the inactive group than in the active group. Our findings indicate that fugu has behavioral variation that is associated with stress responsiveness. The inactive fish are expected to be more tolerant of stress and suitable for aquaculture.  相似文献   

Methods were developed to assess whole‐body immunoreactive corticosteroid concentrations (IRC) and plasma levels of cortisol in Atlantic cod subjected to several common, acute stressors. A measurable corticosteroid stress response was observed at the first sampling in whole bodies of 8‐day post‐hatch (dph) larvae. Two groups of juveniles (~5 and 30 g) were subjected to a 30 s net stressor and whole‐body IRC and plasma cortisol levels were determined. Post‐stressor IRC in smaller fish rose approximately 14‐fold, peaked at 1 h, were sustained for 3–6 h and returned to pre‐stressor levels within 24 h. Post‐stressor plasma cortisol levels in larger fish rose approximately 18‐fold, peaked at 0.5–1 h, were sustained for 1–3 h and then returned to near pre‐stressor levels after 24 h. Immunoreactive corticosteroid concentrations appeared to remain elevated longer than plasma cortisol levels suggesting that steroids other than cortisol were contributing to total immunoreactivity in homogenates. Juveniles exposed to either a grading procedure or high density transport had maximal IRC and plasma cortisol levels within 90 min which returned to pre‐stressor levels within 24–72 h. A reduction in water salinity (20 g L?1) did not moderate the corticosteroid response in juveniles. The results show that Atlantic cod respond to common, acute stressors in a manner similar to other teleosts. Whole‐body homogenates can be used to identify changes in IRC in response to acute stress in cod with the caveat that recovery IRC may differ from plasma cortisol concentrations.  相似文献   

Stress hormones and the cellular stress response in salmonids   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The relationship between stress protein (SP) levels and the hormonal stress response in salmonids was examined through the measurement of gill SP70 and SP30 levels together with plasma cortisol, glucose and ion concentrations, in response to handling stress (45 s holding in a net), intraperitoneal cortisol implants, and heat shock (+10 °C). Handling and cortisol implants resulted in increased plasma cortisol and glucose levels. Heat shock following handling reduced plasma [Na+] below that observed in response to the handling stress alone, and heat shock following cortisol implant significantly lowered both plasma [Cl] and [Na+] below that of fish receiving the cortisol implant alone. Increased SP70 levels occurred 1 h following the 2 h +10 °C heat shock. Handling the fish prior to the application of heat shock suppressed the increase of SP70 levels in the gills. However, increased plasma cortisol concentrations alone did not attenuate gill tissue SP70 increase caused by heat shock. Physiological (10–7 M) and pharmacological (10–5 M) concentrations of adrenaline caused increased levels of SP70 in hepatocytes. Addition of the -blocker propanolol blocked this response to adrenaline. The results indicate that handling procedures do not result in an increase of hsp30 or hsp70 and may suppress hsp synthesis under certain circumstances.  相似文献   

There is a growing commercial interest in the fish, Puntius filamentosus , in the ornamental fish trade in India and elsewhere. The trade is, however, hampered by severe mortalities during transport of the fish owing to insufficient data available on the use of anaesthetics. To resolve this problem, we evaluated the efficacy of two anaesthetics, MS-222 and benzocaine, in sedating P. filamentosus in simulated transportation experiments and used stress response parameters such as cortisol and blood glucose levels to perform assessments. We observed that MS-222 at 40 mg L−1 and benzocaine at 20 mg L−1 were sufficient to induce sedation for 48 h. Above these concentrations, both the anaesthetics adversely affected the fish and resulted in mortalities. Both anaesthetics significantly lowered the blood cortisol and glucose levels compared with the unsedated controls. Importantly, the anaesthetics treatment significantly lowered the post-transport mortality in the fish. The results of the study show that MS-222 and benzocaine could be used as sedatives to alleviate transport-related stress in P. filamentosus to improve their post-transport survival and hence reduce economic loss.  相似文献   

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) molecular variants were characterized by gradient reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP)-HPLC) from brain extracts of two perciforms with economic importance for Argentina and Uruguay. RP-HPLC fractions were tested in radioimmunoassays (RIAs) with both poly-specific and specific antisera. Both species showed the presence of the same three molecular forms, immunologically and chromatographically indistinguishable from sbGnRH, cGnRH-II and sGnRH. This study supports the hypothesis that their expression is a common pattern in perciforms.  相似文献   

色氨酸对应激诱导鱼类皮质醇分泌的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵明江  周小秋 《水产科学》2007,26(7):420-422
应激是指机体在受到各种内外环境因素刺激时,无法维持正常的生理状态而出现的非特异性全身性反应。随着水产养殖的迅猛发展,养殖条件日益恶化,水产养殖动物经常处于应激状态,从而导致其疾病抵抗能力降低,生产性能下降。因此,研究水产养殖动物应激反应及其作用机制,寻找消除或缓解应激影响的途径就成为亟待解决的问题。色氨酸作为一种必需氨基酸,  相似文献   

鱼粉鱼油是渔业生产的重要原料,连接着海洋捕捞业与养殖业,是现阶段渔业转型工作的一个重要部分。中国自2000年以后鱼粉鱼油使用量在每年160×104 t左右,达到一个相对稳定的水平。通过梳理近10年中国鱼粉鱼油生产原料、产量和消耗情况,分析了中国鱼粉鱼油利用现状,提出了健全渔业捕捞相关法律法规、推动鱼粉行业绿色转型、加大水产动物营养生理与饲料的科研力度等方面的建议。  相似文献   

Thecrude fat and crude protein content of fillets was predicted by X-ray computertomography (CT) and determined by chemical analyses. Between 20 to 40 serialscans were taken of 48 freshwater fish and samples from the ground fillet withskin were prepared for chemical analyses. Fish species investigated were asfollows: common carp (n = 18), grass carp (n = 10), silver carp (n = 10) andpike-perch (n = 10), all collected directly from fishponds and processedimmediately. The variables of the prediction equations were taken from thedensity values of the Hounsfield scale, on a range between –90 and+150, by summing the frequencies within each interval of 10 values. Withprincipal component analysis fillet fat and crude protein content could beestimated with R2 = 0.88 and R2 = 0.87 accuracy,respectively. Three dimensional"volumetric" estimation of fat tissue was also carried out on the basis of fatindices developed at our lab. The fillet composition of the Cyprinid speciescould be evaluated well with the applied methods, but not that of pike-perchwhich had an extremely low fillet and body fat content.  相似文献   

In addition to direct predation, cormorants can affect carp pond fish stock through disturbance and wounding of the fish. Fish stress response was evaluated by catch per unit effort (CPUE) using lift‐net sampling. A significantly higher (P<0.001) CPUE was recorded in the littoral region of ponds affected by cormorant visits (43.6 ± 39.6) in comparison with a control pond (CP) without their occurrence (0.9 ± 1.1). Stress indices, spleen somatic index (SSI) and Fulton's condition coefficient (FCC) were evaluated for fish subject to two stress factors, hunting cormorants (HC) and pond harvesting (PH), and compared with levels in fish from the CP. Both SSI and FCC decreased significantly (P<0.05) in PH and HC fish in comparison with the control group, while non‐significant differences were observed in both SSI and FCC indices among the HC and PH groups. Plasma biochemical indices (cortisol, glucose and lactate concentrations) were significantly higher (P<0.01) in the PH group as compared with the HC and CP groups. Concentrations in the HC and CP groups did not differ significantly. Total plasma protein levels were significantly higher (P<0.01) in HC fish compared with CP fish, but did not differ significantly from PH fish.  相似文献   

针对离岸深水网箱养殖的鱼群安全问题,采用多波束水声技术监测鱼群状态的方法.结合信号处理技术、通用分组无线业务(GPRS)无线传输技术及串口通信技术,开发了一套多波束水声鱼群状态监测仪.监测仪完成1次网箱扫描只需5s;实现了监测数据的即采即发功能,提高了系统的实时性;改进了电路结构,降低了系统复杂度,减小了系统体积,降低...  相似文献   

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