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Between 1989 and 1995 nine Great Danes were presented to the small animal clinic of the University of Zurich Teaching Hospital with glaucoma and multiple cysts in the anterior and posterior chamber. In four of the nine dogs cysts were present in both eyes; however, bilateral glaucoma was seen in one case only. Mean intraocular pressure (IOP) at initial presentation was 42 mmHg measured by applanation tonometry. With the exception of one dog, all animals were treated medically for a minimum of 13 days. Two animals were subsequently lost to follow up. Two dogs underwent evisceration with implantation of a silicone prosthesis. The glaucomatous globe was enucleated in three dogs. One owner declined surgery and the dog remained buphthalmic with a poorly controlled IOP. One animal remained visual after trans-scleral diode laser cyclophotocoagulation. Histopathology of the three enucleated globes showed multiple cysts originating from the ciliary body epithelium. The mechanism of IOP elevation is probably by anterior displacement of the iris with narrowing of the angle and collapse of the ciliary cleft. A delicate pre-iridal fibrovascular membrane was also seen in each case, which could have also contributed to the elevation of IOP. The high odds ratio of 2.23 (CI 95% 1.14, 3.99) for glaucoma and 37.01 (CI 95% 16.42, 77.81) for ciliary body cysts suggests they are both inherited in this breed. Pedigree analysis of the affected dogs failed to definitely reveal the mode of inheritance.  相似文献   

Iridociliary tumors are the second most common primary ocular tumor in dogs and are usually benign. A review of the Comparative Ocular Pathology Laboratory of Wisconsin (COPLOW) database in 2009 suggested a potential correlation between malignant iridociliary epithelial tumors and ciliary body ablation by intravitreal gentamicin injection for the treatment of glaucoma. The purpose of this case series was to determine whether there is evidence of such a correlation in the COPLOW collection. Mining of the COPLOW database revealed that a significant number (39.5%) of canine globes with a history of ciliary body ablation were subsequently diagnosed with primary ocular tumors at enucleation, most commonly iridociliary epithelial tumors and melanocytic tumors. It is possible that neoplasia was present but unrecognized at the time of ciliary body ablation. These tumors had a higher than expected incidence of malignancy. These cases underscore the importance of reserving ciliary body ablation with gentamicin for disease‐free eyes.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the angioarchitecture of the ciliary body in the West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus), through the use of three-dimensional reconstruction. PROCEDURE: Specimens from West Indian manatee were preserved in 10% buffered formalin, embedded in paraffin, serial sectioned and stained by Masson trichrome for light microscopic three-dimensional reconstruction and evaluation. RESULTS: The network of blood vessels in the ciliary processes of the West Indian manatee is fed by the major arterial circle that lies mostly near the base of the iris. The branching arterioles give rise to a capillary-sinusoidal bed that extends internally along each process, emptying into two sets of veins, one being elevated. The elevated and nonelevated veins join posteriorly before emptying into the choroidal venous system. CONCLUSIONS: The angioarchitecture of the ciliary body of the West Indian manatee is clearly unique when compared to those previously examined in land mammals. Three-dimensional reconstruction of paraffin sections is an effective means to evaluate vascular patterns in ocular specimens, especially those unavailable for corrosion casting.  相似文献   

The combined occurrence of ocular pigment deposition and glaucoma has been described in Cairn Terriers. Recently, this condition was also observed in two other breeds: the Boxer (two cases) and the Labrador Retriever (one case). Six dogs were referred to the Ophthalmology section of the Department of Clinical Sciences of Companion Animals and to a private referral clinic because of glaucoma or blindness in one or both eyes. In five cases ophthalmic examination showed pigment depositions in the sclera around the entire circumference of the perilimbal zone. Eight enucleated eyes (four eyes of two Cairn Terriers, three eyes of two Boxers and one eye of a Labrador Retriever) were examined microscopically. All eyes showed the same findings: an extensive infiltration of large melanin-containing cells with an eccentric nucleus, located in the iris, ciliary body, retina, choroids and sclera. Transmission electron microscopy of two of the examined eyes revealed that the morphology of most of these cells was consistent with melanophages. While reports in the veterinary literature concerning this condition are limited the cells concerned have been described to be melanocytes. Further research is needed to conclusively identify the cell type. As described in the present report, the histologic and transmission electron microscopic findings suggest a different etiology of the ocular pigment deposition and glaucoma compared with the pigment dispersal syndrome in humans.  相似文献   



To compare volumes for epidural injection calculated on body weight or the length from sacrococcygeal space to occipital crest in dogs.

Study design

Prospective study.


A total of 431 dogs weighing mean ± standard deviation (range) 24.6 ± 16.1 (1.3–88.0) kg and with vertebral column length 67.6 ± 38.4 (24.8–119.4) cm.


Dogs were separated into specific weight groups and body condition scores (BCS; 1–5): small (<10 kg), medium 10 to <25 kg), large (25 to <45 kg) and giant (≥45 kg). Calculations for a lumbosacral epidural dose were 0.2 mL kg?1 and for vertebral column length: 0.05 mL cm?1 (<50 cm), 0.07 mL cm–1 (50 to <70 cm), 0.08 mL cm–1 (70 to <80 cm), and 0.11 mL cm–1 (≥80 cm). A split plot anova (p < 0.05) with weight, length and BCS as factors was used.


A significantly larger volume was calculated for length than for weight in small (p < 0.0001–0.0003, BCS 2–5), medium (p < 0.0001–0.0076, BCS 2–5), and large dogs (p ≤ 0.0007–0.0019, BCS 2,3). In large (BCS 4,5) and giant dogs (BCS 2,3), both calculated volumes were similar. In giant dogs (BCS 4,5), a significantly smaller volume was calculated for length (p ≤ 0.0002–0.0165). Regardless of BCS, small (2.18 versus 1.12), medium (3.99 versus 3.16), and large dogs (7.38 versus 6.82) had larger calculated volumes (mL) for length than for weight (p < 0.0001), whereas giant dogs (10.04 versus 10.91) had smaller calculated volumes.


and clinical relevance Mathematically, the epidural volume of injectate varies with the calculation method and is affected by BCS. Small and medium dogs have larger calculated volumes based on length than on weight, and this difference tends to disappear or revert as size increases.  相似文献   

Canine craniomaxillofacial osteosarcoma (OSA) is most commonly treated surgically; however, in cases where surgery is not feasible or non-invasive treatment is desired, stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) may be elected for local tumour control. In this study, we evaluated 35 dogs treated with SBRT. Nine dogs (26%) had calvarial, seven (20%) had mandibular and 19 (54%) had maxillary OSA. Median time to first event (TFE) was 171 days, and overall median survival time (MST) was 232 days. Site-specific MSTs were 144 days for mandible, 236 days for calvarium and 232 days for maxilla (p = .49). Pulmonary metastatic disease was observed in 12/35 (34%) patients and was detected pre-SBRT in six dogs (17%) and post-SBRT in the remaining six dogs (17%). Eighteen adverse events post-SBRT were documented. Per veterinary radiation therapy oncology group criteria, five were acute (14%) and three were late (9%) grade 3 events. Neurological signs in two dogs were suspected to be early-delayed effects. Cause of death was local progression for 22/35 (63%) patients, metastasis for 9/35 (26%) patients and unknown for four. On univariate analysis, administration of chemotherapy was associated with a longer TFE (p = .0163), whereas volume of gross tumour volume was associated with a shorter TFE (p = .023). Administration of chemotherapy and five fractions versus single fraction of SBRT was associated with increased survival time (p = .0021 and .049). Based on these findings, a treatment protocol incorporating chemotherapy and five fractions of SBRT could be considered for dogs with craniomaxillofacial OSA electing SBRT with careful consideration of normal tissues in the field.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the anatomy of the ciliary body in the West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus), paying close attention to its vascularization and to compare to those of its distant relative, the African elephant (Loxodonta africana), the amphibious hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) and the aquatic short-finned pilot whale (Globicephala macrorhynchus). PROCEDURE: Specimens from each species were preserved in 10% buffered formalin, and observed stereomicroscopically before being embedded in paraffin, sectioned and stained by Masson trichrome, hematoxylin and eosin, and periodic acid-Schiff for light microscopic evaluation. RESULTS: The network of blood vessels in the ciliary processes of the West Indian manatee appear to have an intricate pattern, especially with regard to venous outflow. Those of the elephant are slightly less complex, while those of the hippopotamus and whale have different vascular patterns within the ciliary body. Musculature within the ciliary body is absent within the manatee and pilot whale. CONCLUSIONS: In general, there appears to be a direct relationship between the increased development of vasculature and the loss of musculature within the ciliary bodies of the aquatic and amphibious mammals presently studied. Specifically, the ciliary body of the West Indian manatee has a comparatively unique construction, especially with regard to its vasculature.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To investigate the role of pigment dispersion and inflammation in the pathogenesis of goniodysgenesis-related glaucoma (GDRG). PROCEDURES: Cases of GDRG were selected when the duration of the disease was specified and there was not any confounding pathology. Cases were grouped into < or = 7-day (acute), and > 7-day (chronic) durations, based on the time required to effect end-stage retinal damage. Acute cases were further divided into < 4-day and 4-7-day groups to assess peracute changes. Slides were evaluated for four individual signs of pigment dispersion: segmental loss of posterior iris pigment epithelium, clumping of posterior iris pigment epithelium, pigmented cells in the trabecular meshwork or anterior chamber and preferential settling of pigmented cells in the ventral aspect of the iridocorneal angle. Slides were also evaluated for the presence of neutrophils and/or lymphoplasmacytic cells in the trabecular meshwork (TM). Differences between groups were analyzed statistically. RESULTS: Of 100 cases evaluated, 34 were < or = 7-days (acute) (14 < 4-day and 20 4-7-day) and 66 were > 7-days (chronic) in duration. Of all globes examined, 96% had at least one sign of pigment dispersion, with no significant difference between groups. Two or more signs of pigment dispersion were present in 76% of all globes. The 4-7-day group was significantly more likely than the < 4-day group to have at least two signs. The difference was not significant between < or = 7- and > 7-day groups. Neutrophils were present in the TM of 86% of < 4-day and 50% of 4-7-day cases. Cases in the < or = 7-day group were significantly more [corrected] likely than > 7-day cases to have neutrophils in the TM, with 65% and 17% [corrected] positive cases, respectively. Lymphoplasmacytic inflammation was present in 53% of all cases, with no significant difference between groups. Cases in the < or = 7-day group were significantly more likely than > 7-day cases to have both types of inflammation. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that both acute inflammation and pigment dispersion may be key factors in the pathogenesis of GDRG. Pigment dispersion is prevalent at all time points and increases during the first 7 days. The finding of iris pigment epithelial loss supports the theory that pupillary block associated with iris-lens touching may be important in the pathogenesis of GDRG.  相似文献   

The incidence of canine obesity appears to be increasing dramatically and understanding factors impacting the amount of food pet owners provide their dogs may improve weight management. Human research has shown the size of food bowls, plates and utensils can significantly impact the amount of food portioned and consumed. This effect can be attributed to both the Delboeuf optical illusion and the Ebbinghaus-Titchener size-contrast illusion. To investigate the existence of a similar effect with dog owners, 54 dogs and their owners were recruited for a four treatment randomized prospective trial. Owners scooped out a normal kibble-based meal using a small bowl and small scoop, small bowl and large scoop, large bowl and small scoop or a large bowl and large scoop. Each treatment was used once per owner over four visits. Repeated measures anova revealed the mean amount of food portioned using the small bowl and small scoop was significantly less than all other bowl and scoop combinations (150.7 g vs. 171.5 g vs. 172.7 g vs. 184.5 g, p < 0.05). The small bowl and large scoop combination did not differ from large bowl and small scoop (171.5 g vs. 172.7 g, p > 0.05). Owners were more likely to portion a larger amount of food with a large bowl and large scoop. Results are consistent with human data and emphasize the need for owners to use standard measuring cups. Results also suggest owner compliance during weight loss programs may be improved with smaller bowls and serving scoops.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe the appearance of the femoral head of normal, young, small breed dogs, and dogs with avascular necrosis using low-field (0.3 T) magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. Images of the femoral heads were obtained in the dorsal plane, and included T1-weighted spin-echo, T2-weighted fast spin-echo, fast spin echo-inversion recovery, and fluid attenuated inversion recovery pulse sequences. MR imaging features of the asymptomatic femoral heads and necks included uniform high signal intensity compared with muscle on T1- and T2-weighted images. There was either uniform enhancement or no enhancement on postcontrast T1-weighted images. The MR imaging findings of dogs affected with avascular necrosis differed from those of asymptomatic dogs. Typically, the affected dogs had inhomogeneous intermediate to low-signal intensity within the femoral head and neck compared with muscle on T1-weighted images, inhomogeneous enhancement of the femoral head and/or neck on postcontrast T1-weighted images, and inhomogeneous low- to high- signal intensity within the femoral head and neck on T2-weighted images.  相似文献   

For some cases of canine appendicular osteosarcoma (OSA), limb-sparing treatment options are often desired, one of which is stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT). A major complication of SBRT is fracture of the irradiated bone at the site of treatment. The present study evaluated 127 appendicular OSA sites in 122 dogs treated with SBRT to identify the most common pathologic fracture locations and configurations. A total of 50 tumours experienced a pathologic fracture, and 38 had imaging sufficient to identify fracture configuration. The distal tibia was more likely to develop a fracture than other sites. Multiple types of fracture configuration (transverse, oblique, spiral and comminuted) were observed. The distal radius was significantly more likely to develop a transverse fracture than other sites. Documentation of fracture location and configuration leads to the identification of the forces contributing to fracture occurrence, since each configuration is a result of different forces acting on each affected bone. Such knowledge is imperative for the development of new approaches to diminish the occurrence of pathologic fractures.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to investigate the morphological and histomorphometrical characters of irides in dogs, camels, buffalos, and donkeys. The findings of the study revealed that, morphologically, the irides were consisted of an anterior border layer, a middle layer of connective tissue stroma and a posterior layer of pigmented epithelium. Interestingly, the anterior borders of all investigated animals were not enveloped by a distinct epithelial or endothelial lining, but on contrary, the posterior border was covered by pigmented epithelium. The constrictor and dilator iridial muscles were well developed in dogs, weakly developed in donkeys, and with an intermediate position in camels and buffalos. Morphometric analysis revealed significant species differences in the mean total thickness of the iris and its different layers. In addition significant differences were also found between the ratio of the means of different layers to the total thickness of the iris at the pupillary, middle and ciliary borders. In conclusion, these variations might be related to the different lifestyles and visual behaviour of the investigated animals.  相似文献   

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