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An 8-year-old neutered female British Blue cat was presented with a presumed diagnosis of a prolapsed nictitans gland and associated ocular irritation and epiphora. However, during surgery, the apparent nictitans gland protrusion was determined to be an everted cartilage of the nictitating membrane. The scrolled portion of the cartilage was removed through an incision through the conjunctiva on the bulbar aspect of the third eyelid, as previously described in the dog. This operation resolved the ocular irritation occurring, and the third eyelid returned to its anatomically correct position.  相似文献   

A 14‐year‐old, female, captive‐born orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) developed bilateral cataracts. Ultrasonography, electroretinography and cataract correction using phacoemulsification were performed bilaterally. This case report aims to describe the ophthalmic procedures performed in this animal critically endangered of extinction. The surgery successfully restored vision and normal activity to the patient.  相似文献   

Objective To report the sonographic findings, treatment, and outcome of horses with severe eyelid swelling, to describe the sonographic appearance of enlarged lacrimal glands, and to describe the clinical features of acute dacryoadenitis. Materials and methods Medical records of all horses with severe eyelid swelling that underwent an ultrasound evaluation of the globe and periorbital structures from 2004–2010 were examined. Cases were limited to those in which the eyelid swelling was so severe that the globe could not be visualized. Results Ten horses met the criteria for inclusion in the study. All cases were unilateral and acute. Marked enlargement of the lacrimal gland was found in five cases, and supported the diagnosis of acute dacryoadenitis. Eyelid abscessation was found in three horses, accompanied by mild to moderate lacrimal gland enlargement in two of the three. Enlarged lacrimal glands were slightly heterogeneous in appearance and could be differentiated from an abscess by imaging the protrusion of the gland from beneath the supraorbital rim. Only two cases of severe eyelid swelling were soley traumatic. Conclusions Severe eyelid swelling was often associated with dacryoadenitis and/or eyelid abscessation. The detection of marked lacrimal gland enlargement in horses with an acute onset of severe painful eyelid swelling is consistent with a diagnosis of acute dacryoadenitis. Ultrasonographic evaluation of eyelid swelling of any degree is warranted to determine if enlargement of the lacrimal gland, etiology notwithstanding, is an underlying or contributing cause.  相似文献   

An adult, presumed intact female Umbrella Cockatoo (Cacatua alba), presented with acute hemorrhage from an intraocular mass that perforated through the right cornea. Computed tomography scanning revealed a large soft tissue mass in the right orbit, invading and displacing the globe laterally, and destroying the scleral ossicles. There was no evidence of bony changes of the orbit or extension of the mass into the optic nerve or brain. Exenteration and mass removal were performed, and osteosarcoma was diagnosed via histopathology. Radiotherapy was delivered with an orthovoltage unit to a total dose of 68 Gray delivered in 17 fractions over 6 weeks. The bird recovered well from treatment, but died 2 months after the last radiation session with neurological signs. Necropsy was not performed. To our knowledge, this is the first case of an intraocular osteosarcoma reported in a bird, and the first case of attempted treatment of osteosarcoma in a bird by a combination of surgery and radiation therapy.  相似文献   

A one-year-old, castrated male, domestic shorthair was presented with a prolapse of the gland of the third eyelid. Similar to the dog, this cat did not appear to suffer from this eye condition. The prolapse was unilateral on the left eye. The right eye was normal. No accompanying eye diseases were found. Treatment consisted of a surgical pocket technique similar to the technique used in dogs.  相似文献   

History and presentation A 12 year old, 4.2 kg, domestic long hair, castrated male cat was presented with regurgitation, inability to retract the claws, general weakness, cervical ventroflexion and weight loss. A thymic mass was evident on radiographs. Acetylcholine receptor antibody titer was positive for acquired myasthenia gravis (MG). Thymectomy via midline sternotomy was scheduled. Anesthetic management Oxymorphone and atropine were administered subcutaneously as premedication, and anesthesia was induced with etomidate and diazepam given intravenously to effect. The cat’s trachea was intubated and anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane in oxygen, and continuous infusions of remifentanil and ketamine. Epidural analgesia with preservative‐free morphine was administered prior to surgery. Postoperative analgesia was provided by oxymorphone subcutaneously, interpleural bupivacaine, and fentanyl infusion. Postoperative complications included airway obstruction, hypoxemia and hypercapnia. Follow‐up The cat was discharged 3 days after surgery. Discharge medications included pyridostigmine and prednisone. Nine days after surgery, the cat had a significant increase in its activity level, and medications were discontinued. Histopathologically, the mass was consistent with a thymoma. Approximately 6 weeks later the cat became weak again and pyridostigmine and prednisone administration was resumed. Conclusion The perioperative management of patients with MG for transsternal thymectomy is a complex task. The increased potential for respiratory compromise requires the anesthesiologist to be familiar with the underlying disease state, and the interaction of anesthetic and non‐anesthetic drugs with MG. Careful monitoring of ventilation and oxygenation is indicated postoperatively.  相似文献   

An infiltrative granular cell tumor (myoblastoma) occurred in the superficial parieto-occipital cortex of an ataxic 12-year-old dog. The neoplasm was characterized by cells with numerous small PAS-positive, diastase-resistant cytoplasmic granules. The neoplasm also had numerous cells with large globular PAS-positive bodies (angulate bodies). Ultrastructurally, the neoplastic cells were characterized by numerous homogenous electron-dense, sharply bounded granules and large pleomorphic, indistinctly bounded granules. The angulate bodies were composed of 8- to 10-nm fibrils, a few of which formed parallel arrays or tubule-like structures. This represents the first report of a granular cell tumor in the central nervous system of the dog.  相似文献   

A 7-y-old, intact male Alaskan Malamute was presented with a 3-mo history of stertor and epistaxis. Computed tomography of the skull revealed generalized loss of gas throughout both nasal passages with replacement by a soft tissue mass that traversed the cribriform plate. Histopathology revealed neoplastic neuroblast cells arranged in anastomosing cords, as well as separately located aggregates of ganglion cells. Both neoplastic cell populations demonstrated immunoreactivity to MAP-2, TuJ-1, and synaptophysin. Neuroblastic cells additionally exhibited punctate immunoreactivity to MCK and CK8/18. We document here both the positive neural immunohistochemical markers for this neoplasm, as well as propose possible histomorphologic variants.  相似文献   

Objective The third eyelid of domestic animals is important for the production and distribution of tears, in removing ocular debris and in protection of the globe, and has significant immunologic functions. Although it is known that tears contain antibodies of the immunoglobulin A (IgA) isotype which are produced mainly by plasma cells of the lacrimal gland, very little is known about the antibody repertoires in the third eyelid of domestic animals. To assess whether IgA is derived from local synthesis, we analyzed the location of IgA‐producing cells and the cellular distribution of secretory component (SC) in the third eyelid of domestic animals in a comparative study. Animal studied A total of 83 third eyelids of dogs, cats, pigs, cows, sheep, goats and horses were investigated in the course of this study. Procedures Third eyelids were obtained immediately after death, cut length‐wise, fixed overnight and processed for immunohistochemical detection of IgA and SC by the ABC technique. Results The results show that IgA‐producing plasma cells are densely populated in subepithelial spaces of the surface epithelium as well as in the nictitating gland in a species‐specific manner. In contrast, the SC could be demonstrated exclusively in glandular acinar and ductal epithelial cells and in different cell types of the surface epithelium, preferentially located on the bulbar side of the nictitating membrane. Conclusion It is suggested that most of the SC is locally produced by resident plasma cells and subsequently transferred through the surface epithelium and glandular duct cells by transcytosis. This indicates that the third eyelid is an important member of the secretory immune system in domestic animals.  相似文献   

An 18‐year‐old zoo‐kept female Amur tiger presented with an approximately 5 mm diameter lateral canthal eyelid mass in the left eye which grossly appeared red and irregular. The mass was completely excised via lateral canthoplasty. Histopathologic evaluation was consistent with a diagnosis of sebaceous cell carcinoma, which is a potentially aggressive cutaneous neoplasm. The sebaceous carcinoma recurred within 3 months and slowly increased in size until a second surgical excision was performed 9 months following the first surgery. The second surgical excision was combined with intralesional injection of 10 mg of the antiangiogenic drug bevacizumab. Histology confirmed the diagnosis. The tiger was euthanized 16 months postoperatively for reasons unrelated to, and without recurrence of, the eyelid neoplasm. At postmortem, no gross periocular or metastatic lesions were noted, and histopathology of the lateral canthus provided no evidence of recurrence. Surgical excision combined with intralesional bevacizumab treatment induced life‐long resolution of the sebaceous carcinoma. Bevacizumab treatment may be associated with the regression of periocular angiogenic proliferative conditions, including neoplasia, by inhibiting angiogenesis.  相似文献   

A 15-y-old castrated male Maine Coon cat was evaluated for an ulcerated soft tissue mass on the right hindlimb that had been observed for 4 mo and had grown rapidly. A 3 × 3 cm soft, raised, amorphous, and ulcerated subcutaneous mass was observed on the lateral right metatarsus. In-house cytology via fine-needle aspiration was nondiagnostic. Incisional biopsy of the mass and further staging was declined, and amputation was elected. The amputated limb was submitted for histopathology, which revealed severe chronic nodular granulomatous dermatitis and multifocal granulomatous popliteal lymphadenitis with large numbers of intralesional fungal hyphae. Fungal PCR and sequencing on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue identified Chalastospora gossypii. No adjunctive therapy was elected at the time. The patient has done well clinically 1 y post-operatively. C. gossypii is a rare microfungus found worldwide and is considered a minor pathogen of several plants. To our knowledge, infection by this fungus has not been reported previously in veterinary species. Features in our case are comparable to other mycotic infections. Nodular granulomatous mycotic dermatitis and cellulitis, although uncommon, should be a differential for soft tissue masses in veterinary species; C. gossypii is a novel isolate.  相似文献   

Rickets is a metabolic bone disease associated with failure of endochondral ossification and impaired osteoid mineralization in growing animals. As a consequence, affected individuals can develop gross and microscopic bone malformations. The most common causes of rickets in domestic species include vitamin D and phosphorus deficiency. Rickets has been described in multiple species; however, comprehensive postmortem characterizations with confirmatory histopathology in equids have not been published. A 6-mo-old, Thoroughbred-cross foal was diagnosed with rickets based on gross autopsy findings and microscopic examination of the ribs and long bones. Grossly, all costochondral junctions of the ribs were enlarged with a “rachitic rosary” appearance, and there were multiple fracture calluses in the rib bodies. Epiphyses and metaphyses of the long bones appeared widened on sagittal section, and their physes were irregularly thickened. Histologically, there were poorly organized columns of hypertrophic chondrocytes within the physes of affected bones, islands of chondrocytes embedded within the primary and secondary spongiosa, and faintly eosinophilic seams of poorly mineralized osteoid within the bone trabeculae. Areas of focally increased osteoclastic activity were observed in some of the sections, perhaps pointing to a more complex metabolic bone disease in a growing animal. Low serum concentrations of calcium and 25-hydroxyvitamin D were detected in an antemortem sample. The pathogenesis of these imbalances was not definitively established, but lack of sunlight exposure, low concentration of vitamin D precursors in the diet (perhaps secondary to malnutrition), or both, were suspected; a genetic basis cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

A 15-month-old purebred Brown Swiss heifer was presented because of posterior paresis and ataxia. Histopathological examination of the brain and spinal cord showed evidence of a mild diffuse degenerative myeloencephalopathy. The most severe degenerative lesions were located in the white matter of the thoracic spinal cord. We believe this to be the first documented case of bovine progressive degenerative myeloencephalopathy (“weaver syndrome”) in Canada.  相似文献   

This report describes a long‐horned cowfish, which was diagnosed with buphthalmia and lens sub‐luxation in the right eye, conditions that progressed to complete anterior lens luxation and secondary keratoconus. Three months after the initial evaluation, a pigmented mass was observed protruding from the vitreous. An enucleation was performed under general anesthesia. Ocular histopathology revealed an iridociliary melanoma. Reports of intraocular melanomas are extremely rare in fish. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first report of an iridociliary melanoma that led to buphthalmia, lens luxation, and keratoconus in a fish. Histological findings of lens luxation are also demonstrated. Due to the presence of a complex suspensory apparatus involving the teleost lens, this report speculates that lens luxation is a more devastating disease process in teleosts than in mammals.  相似文献   

This report describes a case of notomelia in a female piglet. The extra limb was attached at the interscapular region and was significantly undergrown. Its appendage was bifurcated with a unilateral keratinized tip. This is probably the first report of notomelia in a pig. The observations were compared with the bovine and ovine cases of notomelia reported so far.  相似文献   

The first known report of synovial fluid eosinophilia in a dog is described here. The occurrence of eosinophils in joint fluid is rare. Sporadic cases have been recorded in humans and most can be related to immunemediated reactions, both parasitic and non- parasitic. The dog in this case report had 20-52% eosinophils in multiple joints, as well as hemarthrosis and marked mononuclear cell reactivity. An intense peripheral eosinophilia was demonstrated one week later. The associated lameness resolved with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory therapy. Lack of remarkable history or other clinical symptoms led to a diagnosis of idiopathic, eosinophilic, polyarthritis, likely immune-mediated.  相似文献   

A survey of mortality in hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) was carried out between July 1976 and November 1986. Most were from Norfolk. Of the 74 examined, 35 (47.3 per cent) were road casualties, one of which yielded Salmonella typhimurium phage type (PT) 104. Of the remaining 39, 13 (33.3 per cent) had salmonellosis due to S enteritidis PT 11. This organism, which appears to be common and widespread in hedgehogs in England was found in 10 separate incidents. The only other zoonosis was ringworm (Trichophyton erinacei infection). Other findings included ectoparasitic infestations with mange mites (Caparinia tripilis), fleas (Archaeopsylla erinacei) and ticks (Ixodes hexagonus). Helminths comprised Crenosoma striatum lungworms (associated with Bordetella bronchiseptica infection in one animal), intestinal nematodes (Capillaria species), cestodes (Rodentolepis erinacei), trematodes (Brachylaemus erinacei) and acanthocephalans (Prosthoryhnchus species). Metaldehyde poisoning was diagnosed in three animals. Over a 10 year period 370 carcases were counted on a stretch of 18 miles of road in Norfolk. The major causes of mortality are probably road casualties and hypothermia during the winter months. In December 1988 S enteritidis PT 11 was isolated from three of four carcases examined in Berkshire and the zoonosis pseudotuberculosis (Yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection) was diagnosed in two of them.  相似文献   

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