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基因工程大豆,花生根瘤菌的研究和应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

对来自于中国黄淮海大豆产区、北方大豆产区和南方大豆产区的316个大豆品种的主要农艺性状进行了鉴定和比较。结果表明,育成品种的分枝数、分枝荚数、单株总荚数明显不及农家品种,而其它性状如主茎荚数、单株粒重、单株粒数和百粒重优于农家品种。以育成品种和农家品种分别所作的相关分析表明,主茎荚数、分枝荚数、单株总荚数均与单株粒数和单株粒重呈显著的正相关;主茎节数与株高、主茎荚数、单株总荚数、单株粒重、单株粒数呈显著正相关;分枝数与分枝荚数、单株总荚数、单株粒数和单株粒重呈极显著或非显著正相关,但与主茎荚数呈负向显著相关;单株粒数与单株粒重显著正相关,百粒重与单株粒重正向显著相关,与单株粒数负相关显著。通过比较和分析,就百粒重、生育期和株高筛选出一些具有极端值的品种,可以用作品种选育的亲本和大豆分子育种如转基因受体或分子标记作图群体的遗传材料。  相似文献   

旨在建立羊蜱蝇的分子生物学鉴定方法,从新疆南疆库车县的绵羊体表采集样品,形态学鉴定初步确定为羊蜱蝇,随后进行羊蜱蝇12SrDNA、16SrDNA和18SrDNA基因的扩增和测序,将所得序列进行Blast在线分析和MEGA 5.0分析。结果表明,12SrDNA序列与云南2016年提交的相似性为100%,16S rDNA序列与丹麦2007年、捷克2017年和新疆2017年提交的相似性均为99%,18SrDNA序列与新疆2016年提交的相似性为99%。羊蜱蝇16SrDNA和18SrDNA序列均能与GenBank数据库中已知羊蜱蝇基因序列聚类,且羊蜱蝇种内K2P遗传距离为0~2.3%,通过12SrDNA、16SrDNA和18SrDNA基因的扩增和测序可准确鉴定羊蜱蝇。  相似文献   

Soybean seed products contain isoflavones (genistein, daidzein, and glycitein) that display biological effects when ingested by humans and animals. These effects are species, dose and age dependent. Therefore, the content and quality of isoflavones in soybeans is a key factor to the biological effect. Our objective was to identify the genetic effects that underlie the isoflavone content in soybean seeds. A genetic model for quantitative traits of seeds in diploid plants was applied to estimate the genetic main effects and genotype x environment (GE) interaction effects for the isoflavone content (IC) of soybean seeds by using two years experimental data with an incomplete diallel mating design of six parents. Results showed that the IC of soybean seeds was simultaneously controlled by the genetic effects of maternal, embryo, and cytoplasm, of which maternal genetic effects were most important, followed by embryo and cytoplasmic genetic effects. The main effects of different genetic systems on IC trait were more important than environment interaction effects. The strong dominance effects on isoflavone from residual was made easily by environment conditions. Therefore, the improvement of the IC of soybean seeds would be more efficient when selection is based on maternal plants than that on the single seed. Maternal heritability (65.73%) was most important for IC, followed by embryo heritability (25.87%) and cytoplasmic heritability (8.39%). Based on predicated genetic effects, Yudou 29 and Zheng 90007 were better than other parents for increasing IC in the progeny and improving the quality of soybean, The significant effects of maternal and embryo dominance effects in variance show that the embryo heterosis and maternal heterosis are existent and uninfluenced by environment interaction effects.  相似文献   

采用10%PEG-6000模拟干旱胁迫,研究了抗旱品种晋大74与不抗旱品种晋大75两种大豆幼苗在水分胁迫及复水后叶片MDA含量、O2-·含量、SOD、CAT、APX及POD等的活性变化,旨在揭示抗氧化酶对干旱及复水的响应机制。结果表明,在干旱胁迫下,两种大豆叶片MDA及O2-·,含量都高于对照,且晋大75增加幅度显著大于晋大74;复水后晋大74中MDA及O2-·接近于对照水平,表明旱后复水产生了补偿效应。干旱胁迫下,晋大74通过保持较高的SOD活性或较低的APX、CAT降幅以减弱活性氧伤害,而旱后复水过程中晋大74通过维持较高的SOD、APX、CAT酶活性,利用其协同作用有效清除活性氧,避免膜伤害。总之,耐旱品种在干旱及复水过程中具有更强的抗氧化修复能力。  相似文献   

Trichomes (plant hairs) are present on nearly all land plants and are known to play important roles in plant protection, specifically against insect herbivory, drought, and UV radiation. The identification of quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with trichome density should help to interpret the molecular genetic mechanism of soybean trichome density. 184 recombinant inbred lines (RILs), derived from a cross between soybean cultivars Kefeng 1 and Nannong 1138-2 were used as segregating population for evaluation of TDU (trichome density on the upper surface of leaf blade) and TDD (trichome density on the downer surface of leaf blade). A total of 15 QTL were detected on molecular linkage groups (MLG) A2, Dla, Dlb, E and H by composite interval mapping (CIM) and among all the QTL, qtuA2-1, qtuD 1 a-1, qtuD lb-2, qtuH-2 qtuE-1, qtdDlb-2, and qtdH- 2 were affirmed by multiple interval mapping (MIM). The contribution ofphenotypic variance of qtuH-2 was 31.81 and 29.4% by CIM and MIM, respectively, suggesting it might be major gene Ps loci. Only 10 pairs of main QTL interactions for TDU were detected, explained a range of 0.2-5.1% of phenotypic variations for each pair for a total of 22.8%. The QTL on MLG Dlb affecting trichome density were mapped near to Rsc-7 conditioning resistance to SMV (soybean mosaic virus). This study showed that the genetic mechanism of trichome density was the mixed major gene and polygene inheritance, and also suggested that the causal nature between trichome density and other agronomic traits.  相似文献   

游彩云  刘菁  梅拥军 《安徽农业科学》2010,38(28):15535-15537
[目的]探讨江西湖口黑豆的皮红色素提取工艺和理化性质,以期探讨其产业应用价值。[方法]进行了传统溶剂提取、微波提取和超声波提取等色素提取方法的比较,通过正交试验优化提取工艺,以吸光度为指标,分析热、光、H2O2、Na2SO3和金属离子对黑豆色素稳定性的影响。[结果]湖口黑豆色素提取以超声波提取法较优;最佳提取工艺流程为:pH值为1,乙醇体积分数为20%,料液比为1∶40,提取温度为60℃,提取功率为80W,提取时间为20min;色素耐热性、耐光性均较好,而氧化剂、还原剂和金属离子等因素对该色素影响较大。[结论]该试验得到提取黑豆皮红色素的最佳提取工艺,为江西湖口黑豆皮红色素的产业化应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

一种快速、高效的大豆农杆菌转化技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】拟通过改进大豆外植体的组织培养、农杆菌侵染以及植株再生等关键性环节,构建快速、高效的大豆转基因技术体系,解决外源基因难以导入大豆的难题。【方法】成熟大豆种子在环境温度25~28℃、含有1 mg•L-1 6-苄氨基嘌呤的MSB5培养基上催芽24 h。保留大豆下胚轴、胚尖及1片子叶作为外植体,并在相同条件下预培养24 h。将外植体转入2/3 MSB5液体培养基(1 mg•L-1 6-苄氨基嘌呤+100 μmol•L-1乙酰丁香酮+携带有Ti质粒pBI121的根瘤农杆菌GV3101)中,在28℃黑暗环境下侵染21 h。侵染后的外植体在28℃黑暗条件下共培养3 d。外植体经无菌水处理后移栽到灭菌土中,并在适宜条件下培养。【结果】分子检测结果表明,本研究涉及的新型外植体的再生率高达90%以上(中品661为95%,垦农18为93%,绿75为90%),转化效率明显提高;而利用子叶节和胚尖进行培养获得的外植体的再生率仅50%和70%。此外,本研究涉及的大豆转化体系省去了外植体后期繁琐、耗时的组织培养步骤,再生周期明显缩短。【结论】与前人报道的大豆遗传转化体系技术相比,本研究所使用的方法更加快速、高效,可为农杆菌介导的大豆转基因、突变体构建等基因组学研究提供强有力的技术平台。  相似文献   

大豆异黄酮及其组分含量的配合力和杂种优势   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
 为了能在大豆异黄酮及其组分的育种中合理选配亲本,利用杂种优势,本研究选用8个异黄酮含量不同的大豆品种采用NCⅡ设计配置杂交组合,对大豆籽粒异黄酮及其组分含量进行遗传分析。研究结果表明,大豆籽粒异黄酮及其组分含量在供试品种间表现有明显的差异,籽粒异黄酮含量和黄豆甙元既受加性效应又受非加性效应的控制,染料木甙主要受非加性效应控制,染料木素、大豆甙元和大豆甙这3个性状的遗传主要受加性效应控制;不同亲本组配的不同组合的GCA和SCA差异较大。在中亲优势测定中,除黄豆甙元含量和大豆甙表现为正向超亲外,其余性状均表现为负向超亲。本研究认为在大豆高异黄酮育种中应选择高异黄酮材料作为亲本之一,选配组合时亲本最好采用高×高类型或高×低类型配置组合。  相似文献   

 采用大田小区试验,设不施肥,PK,NK,NP,NPK,鸽粪,NPK+鸽粪,NPK+中微肥等处理,来探讨提高豇豆品质及产量的营养供应模式。结果表明:单独施用鸽粪的纯有机营养模式在两种类型土壤上都能够有效降低豇豆硝酸盐含量,且有较高的豇豆VC累积水平,可有效改善豇豆营养品质。与NPK+鸽粪处理的有机无机结合营养模式类似,采用NPK+中微肥的纯化学态养分平衡供肥模式,在两种类型土壤上也有提高豇豆VC含量的明显效果,因而也改善了豇豆营养品质,且在砂质土上增产效应突出,对豇豆优质稳产高产亦有重要作用。  相似文献   

The genetic analysis of soybean isoflavone content and its components were carried out based on the NC Ⅱ mating design in eight soybean varieties. The results showed that the isoflavone contents and its components of soybean seed are quite differences among the tested materials, the contents of isoflavone and daidzein are controlled not only by additive effects and but also by non-additive effects, while the content of genistin is dominated by non-additive effects,and genistein, glycitin and daidzin are mainly controlled by additive effects. There are significant differences in the contents of isoflavone and its components among the combinations derived from different parents. Results also indicated that the tested traits are negatively heterosis except for the contens of daidzein and daidzin are positively heterosis based on the data of the GCA and SCA in average heterosis values. In this research we have a suggestion that soybean variety with high isoflavone should be used as one of the parents in the breeding program, and it is the best choice that the combinations crossed between two high isoflavone varieties or a high variety and a low one.  相似文献   

樱桃忍冬广泛分布于山西省中条山,是一种具有食用、药用、观赏价值的野生经济树种.文章调查了樱桃忍冬在中条山区的分布情况,研究了不同育苗方式对其幼苗成活率的影响,并简述了樱桃忍冬栽植管理技术及病虫害防治技术.  相似文献   

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