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To date only one species of the genus Vatica Linn. (Dipterocarpaceae) has been identified, and a subspecies and three varieties have been reported on Hainan Island, China. However, it remained controversial whether the species was Vatica mangachapoi or a new species Vatica hainanensis, and whether the subspecies or varieties are taxonomically valid. We evaluated here morphometric variations of 133 trees collected from nine populations and herbarium specimens of Vatica spp. using 16 traits of leaf and fruit. Among these, leaf traits varied more within and among populations than did fruit traits. Four traits of ratios were more stable than directly-measured traits within and among populations. The ranges of lamina length, lamina width and height of maximum lamina width point were the greatest among the 16 traits, while number of lateral veins varied least among the 12 directly-measured traits. Measurements from all 9 populations overlapped for each morphological trait, and variation of each trait was continuous among both individuals and populations. The range of variation did not distinguish any specimen from V. mangachapoi as described in the flora of Southeast Asia. By cluster analysis, individuals of each population as well as specimens of each variety formed no distinct clusters. The published varieties thus were characterized by no distinguishing variations in comparison with the nine sampled populations. In conclusion, the new species V. hainanensis as well as the subspecies and varieties were not supported by our comparisons, and only V. mangachapoi without any subspecies or varieties occurs on Hainan Island, China. 相似文献
采用ISSR分子标记检测海南岛青梅(Vatica mangachapoi Blanco)7 个自然居群192 株个体的遗传多样性及遗传结构。筛选的10 条ISSR 引物共扩增出清晰位点132 个,其中多态性位点130 个,多态性百分率(PPB)达98.48%。物种水平上,Nei's 基因多样性指数(H)为0.3391,Shannon多态性信息指数(I)为0.5095,总基因多样度(Ht)为0.3441,反映了很高的遗传多样性。AMOVA 分析显示,青梅的遗传变异主要存在于居群内个体间,但亦产生了相当程度的居群间遗传分化(Gst为0.332),另外 Mantel 检测表明,青梅的遗传距离与地理距离间没有显著的相关性(r<0.2),地理隔离对青梅各自然居群间的基因流影响不明显。 相似文献
采用AFLP标记检测海南岛青梅7个主要自然居群192株个体的遗传多样性及遗传结构.应用筛选出的6对引物共扩增出频率大于5.00%的位点777个,其中多态位点比例为99.61%(774).在种级水平上,Nei's基因多样性指数(H)为0.266 1,Shannon多态性信息指数(I)为0.420 4;总基因多样度(H,1)为0.268 4.居群水平的平均多态性位点数和多态性比例为617个和79.45%;H和I平均值分别为0.215 3和0.335 2.遗传分化指数(Fst)和基因流(N,m)分别为0.198 0和1.012 7.UPGMA聚类和遗传距离与空间距离相关性分析结果表明,居群间遗传亲缘关系与其地理位置关系不明显(P=0.230 0,r'2=0.232 5.综合研究结果表明,青梅具有较高的遗传多样性,居群间有一定的遗传分化.建议采取人工促进天然林下层苗木生长和人工造林等措施,促进现有青梅居群遗传多样性保育和发展. 相似文献
尖峰岭国家级自然保护区青皮林资源及其垂直分布特征 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
尖峰岭国家级自然保护区三分区的青皮林是目前海南岛保存最好的林分之一,其生态系统的原生性较强.组成种类繁多,林分结构合理,平均胸径为28.6cm,最大植株胸径达143.3cm,23个样方中有14个样方出现了胸径≥70cm的大乔木;林木蓄积量高达469.773m^3/hm^2,而青皮、细子龙、野生荔枝、盘壳栎等13个种的蓄积量占总蓄积量的45%,其余301个少见种或偶见种的蓄积量只占55%,反映了青皮是热带常绿季雨林生态系统关键种的现实。青皮与细子龙、野生荔枝等的最佳分布海拔在300m~650m之间,它们与向低海拔分布的白茶、翻白叶和向高海拔分布的大叶白颜、青兰、拟核果茶等一道组成了热带常绿季雨林的表征种类。 相似文献
海南岛不同海拔高度青皮林天然更新特征 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在基于不同海拔高度对青皮林群落的物种组成、结构及群落特征影响分析的基础上,进一步分析不同海拔高度对青皮林天然更新的影响,结果表明:青皮林二级幼树的群落组成、青皮重要值、群落多样性及更新数量与海拔高度的关系与成树有相同的规律;青皮一级幼树高度分布像径级分布一样也呈倒J曲线分布;根据成树和二级幼树重要值排序均为前10位的树种可筛选出天然更新能力及竞争能力均较强的树种的原则,青皮为天然更新能力和竞争能力极强的树种,此外,吊罗山高海拔地区的皱萼蒲桃、白榄、黄樟、海南冬青和岭南山竹子,三亚中海拔地区的光叶巴豆、线枝蒲桃、白树、琼榄、叶被木和岭南山竹子天然更新能力和竞争能力也较强。 相似文献
对海南岛不同海拔高度青皮为优势种的群落进行了典型抽样调查,共计调查临时样方13个,总面积2 800m2,分析了不同海拔高度对青皮林群落的物种组成、结构及群落特征的影响。分析结果表明:不同海拔高度青皮群落的优势种组成存在显著差异;青皮成树(DBH≥5cm)重要值和群落多样性与海拔高度呈相反变化趋势;不同海拔高度青皮成树株数各径级分布均呈倒J曲线分布,但差异较大,随海拔高度的升高,倒J曲线越趋于平缓;成树青皮株数、比例和断面积均随海拔高度的升高而减少,青皮平均胸径则随海拔高度的升高而增加。 相似文献
海南尖峰岭国家级保护区青皮林资源与乔木层群落学特征 总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14
三分区位于尖峰岭国家级自然保护区,目前区内有海南岛保存最好的青皮林.根据1.38 hm2的样地资料,林分平均蓄积量高达469.773m3·hm-2;平均胸径28.6 cm,最大胸径143.3 cm;林木组成复杂,记载种类300多种.青皮为热带常绿季雨林的表征种和建群种,重要值为16.8,该种群的径级和年龄结构合理,具有反J曲线的正常增长型种群.聚类分析结果表明:属于典型热带常绿季雨林类型的青皮林群落分布在海拔300~650 m处,伴生树种有白茶、细子龙、野生荔枝等.调查区内有8种国家重点保护植物,其中坡垒为国家一级保护植物,青皮是关键种,该区的森林生态系统具有极高的保护价值. 相似文献
海南岛棕榈藤生产消费系统个案研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
海南岛是我国原藤的主要来源.本文通过对农户、采购商、制造商和政府官员的半结构化访问以及实地观察和收集资料等方式收集海南岛棕榈藤业的信息,得到如下结果:1)海南岛天然棕榈藤可采资源储量超过25×10^6 公斤,但实际每年产量仅2×10^6公斤;2)海南2000-2005年人工种植的棕榈藤资源达1万公顷,主要以黄藤为主,其次是白藤和单叶省藤,但目前还未投产;3)海南省藤加工业利用的本地棕榈藤种类主要是黄藤、白藤、大白藤和单叶省藤,国外原藤种类有杜尔智、巴丹和沙藤,虽然国外藤种用量有所上升,但仍以本地藤种为主.4)在海南,大宗原藤视同木材,必须办理运输证,同时必须缴纳育林基金;5)构建出海南棕榈藤业的生产消费系统流程.根据上述结果,作者最后提出相应建议. 相似文献
Zhicong Dai Chuncan Si Deli Zhai Ping Huang Shanshan Qi Ying Lin Ruiping Wang Qiongxin Zhong Daolin Du 《林业研究》2018,(2)
The endangered Vatica mangachapoi,a longlived,tropical tree with economic and ecological importance found in Hainan,China,was used to assess the hypothesis that historical human activities in Hainan's tropical rain forest could have negative effects on the genetic diversity of V.mangachapoi.Three hundred and twenty individuals from 11 natural populations—which were classified into three groups according to levels of disturbance—were sampled and analyzed with ISSRmarkers.Although genetic diversity of V.mangachapoi is high at the species level,it is relatively low within populations.A significant genetic differentiation occurs among different disturbance levels.Significant isolation-by-distance indicated relevant historical anthropogenic changes.Our findings showed that historical human disturbances significantly increase the genetic differentiation and slightly decrease the genetic diversity of long-lived tree V.mangachapoi.Relevant targeting conservation actions were recommended. 相似文献
本文根据对降水、穿透水及林区溪水水质的动态观测分析,探讨了海南岛尖峰岭半落叶季雨林-砖红壤-花岗闪长岩、黑云母花岗岩及山地雨林-砖黄壤-似斑状(钾长石)花岗岩两个植被-土壤-基岩体系的水化学性状、季节变化及水化学平衡特点。文章指出,降水和穿透水是热带林生态系统主要的元素输入源,森林生态系统具有较强的水化学过滤、吸贮功能,元素的输出率可以大大降低,保持物质循环的封闭式平衡状态。山地雨林生态系统的水化学调节功能优于半落叶季雨林生态系统。 相似文献
海南岛西部地区桉树速生丰产林优化栽培模式研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
对在海南岛儋州林场实施的桉树速生丰产林栽培模式研究进行了总结。尾叶桉、刚果号桉施肥与株行距配置试验结果表明:施肥对幼林期尾叶桉、刚果号桉生1212长均有极显著的差异影响,不同的施肥配比和施肥量对尾叶桉生长的施肥效果是:B2 N0P150K160> B4 N90P200K160 >B3 N90P150K160> B1 N0P0K0(对照);对刚果号桉的效应是:12A3 N90P150K160> A4 N90P200K160> A2 N0P150K160> A1 N0P0K0;在相同的密度下不同的株行距配置方式对尾叶桉、刚果号桉的生长无影响,差异不显著。年生刚果号桉整地、密12312度与施肥试验结果表明:整地、施肥对家系和无性系的树高、胸径生长和胸径生长有影响,且差异极显著;密度仅对刚果号桉无性系胸径生长有影响且差异显著。三因素对12刚果号桉生长的影响程度为:整地>施肥>密度。—年生的四种人工林优化栽培模1236式分析结果表明:在同一立地类型,相同的栽培抚育管理措施下,选择适宜的良种是确保人工林实现丰产的关键;同一立地类型相同的栽培抚育措施下,刚果号桉行间间种12绢毛相思比间种大叶桃花心木生长量高;粗果相思在海南岛西北部的儋州地区发展潜力比马占相思大。 相似文献
Methane flux and production from sediments of a mangrove wetland on Hainan Island, China 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Methane fluxes from sediments in different zones of a Bruguiera sexangula mangrove wetland were determined by closed static chamber techniques during one whole year period, at Changning River estuary, northeast of Hainan Island, China. Methane productions were also measured by anaerobically incubating sediment samples. Impacts of salinity, sulphate and temperature on methane production rates were studied in vitro. Great differences of annual methane fluxes were observed in three zones, with the values of 0.39, 0.20 and 0.12gm–2 in the outer zone, middle zone and inner zone, respectively, in part due to the differences of sediment water contents and crab bioturbation. The highest fluxes in each zone occurred in autumn and the lowest in winter. Large diurnal fluctuations in fluxes were caused by the changes of tidal conditions rather than the changes of air or sediment temperatures. The temporal and spatial patterns of methane production differed somewhat from those of methane flux. There was great seasonality for methane production and the highest productions were found in autumn and the lowest in spring. Different horizontal and vertical patterns occurred in different seasons and different zones, suggesting the complexity of factors controlling methane production. The in vitro control experiments indicated that salinity and sulphate had negative effects whereas temperature (20–50°C) had positive effects on methane production rates. However, there were different sensitivities for the different levels of the three factors. 相似文献
海南岛是我国森林生物多样性最高的地区之一,全岛的野生植物种类约占全国的11.6%。而由于人口的增长,工农业生产和经济建设的飞速发展,热带森林遭到了很大程度的破坏,森林覆盖率已由1950年的35.4%下降到1990年的7.9%,全岛受国家和地方重点保护的珍稀濒危动动有102种,植物93种,已灭绝的植物1种,许多物种的生存目前受到了严重的威胁。文中分析了海南岛热带森林的变迁情况、毁林原因和生物多样性锐减的现状,并提出了保护海南岛热带森林及其生物多样性的措施和建议。 相似文献
以海南岛霸王岭林区内不同恢复阶段低地雨林幼苗(DBH<1 cm)层为研究对象,比较了不同恢复群落中幼苗的物种组成和功能群变化,分析了幼苗层的自然恢复动态。结果表明:不同恢复阶段幼苗层的物种组成存在显著差异;不同恢复阶段幼苗层的物种个体多度都随高度级的增加而减少,其中,第I高度级幼苗的物种数和个体多度在各个恢复时期均显著高于其它3个高度级,这说明幼苗层的存活曲线接近凹型;恢复60年的次生林群落中幼苗的个体多度最高,符合中度干扰假说;随着恢复时间的增加,不同功能群重要值表现出明显的变化规律,先锋种的重要值随恢复时间的增加逐渐减少,而耐荫种的重要值则随恢复时间的增加而逐渐增大,说明在恢复过程中耐荫种逐渐取代先锋种,从而实现了群落的更新和演替。 相似文献
Currently, the one of great threats to tropical biodiversity is the conversion of natural ecosystems to agriculture, and this threat is particularly critical on Hainan, the largest tropical island in China and a global biodiversity hotspot. Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) has been planted on Hainan since the 1950s, resulting in extensive replacement of native forest, and the rate of this transformation has increased with latex prices since the 1990s. Rubber plantations now cover ca. 506,680 ha on Hainan and reach ca 1,000 m in elevation. To investigate the effect of this land-use change, we compared avian communities between a rubber plantation and a native secondary semi-deciduous monsoon forest. We found that species richness was higher in the native forest than in rubber, and that community composition differed greatly between the two habitats. No strict frugivores were recorded in rubber and no granivores in semi-deciduous monsoon forest. In both richness and abundance, more nectarivores and fewer insectivores occurred in rubber than in the native forest. Some common forest species, as well as protected species, were found only in native forest, including Hainan Partridge (Arborophila ardens), Red Junglefowl (Gallus gallus), Emerald Dove (Chalcophaps indica), Black-browed Barbet (Megalaima oorti), Blue-rumped Pitta (Pitta soror), Puff-throated Bulbul (Alophoixus pallidus), and Chestnut Bulbul (Hemixos castanonotus). Although ten babbler species were found in the native forest, only two were in rubber. Among the species missing in rubber was the endemic Hainan species Grey Laughingthrush (Garrulax maesi). Its endangerment through habitat conversion is of particular conservation concern. 相似文献
对海南岛尖峰岭热带山地雨林采伐迹地次生林及周围的保留林进行了群落调查.组建了一个基于分割线段模型的边缘效应测度公式:Y=α e0[1-(D/Dmax)](式中Y为与边缘垂直距离D处的测定指标值,e0为边缘效应强度的最大值,Dmax为边缘效应作用的最大距离,α为常数),研究了热带山地雨林群落的边缘效应,结果表明:(1)用组建的测度公式来分析热带山地雨林采伐迹地边缘的次生林及保留林的边缘效应强度及其作用距离,结果是有效和可靠的;(2)热带山地雨林采伐后形成的边缘,其效应的作用距离一般都不超过15m;(3)边缘对保留林和次生林的效应没有显著差异。 相似文献
概述了森林生态环境服务功能的价值核算基础和现状,并以海南岛尖峰岭热带林生态系统定位研究站过去几十年的研究结论和参数,对海南岛热带天然林的生态环境服务功能价值进行了核算,总价值达43.9×108元人民币·a-1,其中森林固定CO2的价值占20.53%,O2释放价值占22.82%,森林凋落物制肥效益占6.44%,固土价值占0.81%,保肥价值占4 .19%,蓄水价值占13.49%,调洪补枯价值占24.70%,改善环境价值占7.02%。按单位面积计算,热带原始林的价值接近7000元·hm-2·a-1,天然更新林超过6500元·hm-2·a-1。最后对海南岛以热带天然林为主的生态公益林补偿提出了建议。 相似文献