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The chemical compositions of the dichloromethane extracts of inner and outer barks from six Pinus species (P. elliotii, P. oocarpa, P. caribeae, P. merkusii, P. montezumae, and P. insularis) grown in Indonesia were investigated by GC and GC–MS. Generally, the amounts of extractive contents were higher in the inner bark than in the outer bark except for P. merksuii. Fatty acids, monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, resin acids, triterpenoids, and steroids were detected and quantified. Inner and outer barks differed not only in content of these compounds but also in their composition. Fatty acids and alcohols were the major classes of lipophilic compounds in the outer bark of P. caribeae, P. insularis, and P. montezumae. Steroids and triterpenoids were the dominant compounds identified in the inner bark of P. elliotii, P. insularis, and P. merkusii. Resin acids were the most abundant group in the inner bark of P. oocarpa whereas monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes were recorded in minor quantities in both bark layers of all species.  相似文献   

The objectives were to determine the content and composition of lipophilic extractives, particularly fatty and resin acids, in three Scots pine trees from each of two stands in northern Sweden, one that was due for thinning and one due for final cutting. Extractives content of branches, needles, barks, stem discs from branch whorls, and sapwood and heartwood samples from various heights was measured. Fractions had very different concentrations and distributions of extractives due to differences in the composition of tissues. The needles had the highest total extractive concentration (around 150?kg/ton d.w.), followed by the branches, bark, timber from the final cut stand, and then the pulpwood and timber from the thinning stand. The final cut stand generally provided higher yields of extractives in assortments per hectare than the thinning stand; the difference was five-fold for timber, three-fold for whole trees, two-fold for branches, needles and bark and similar for pulpwood. This information on the content and composition of extractives in different tissues, and the dependence of these quantities on tree age could be used together with information on conventional stand data such as tree numbers and dimensions to guide the selection and management of feedstocks for biorefineries.  相似文献   

无论光通量密度(PPFD)为200靘ol穖-2穝-1还是500靘ol穖-2穝-1,生长在林冠下的红松幼苗光合速率达稳定净光合速率的50%和90%的诱导时间均长于全光条件下生长苗木。全光下生长的红松幼苗在PPFD为500靘ol穖-2穝-1时的诱导反应较PPFD为200靘ol穖-2穝-1时缓慢,而林冠下生长苗木则恰好相反。表明林冠下生长红松幼苗的光合作用诱导期与光斑强度有关。图3参6。  相似文献   

One-year-old seedlings of Abies balsamea (L.) Mill, Picea glauca (Moench) Voss, Pinus contorta Loudon, Betula papyrifera Marsh., Populus tremuloides Michx. and Populus balsamifera L. were transplanted in the spring, in pots, to the understory of a mixed P. tremuloides-P. balsamifera stand or to an adjacent open site. Growth and leaf characteristics were measured and photosynthetic light response curves determined in mid-August. Overall, the coniferous seedlings showed less photosynthetic plasticity in response to growth conditions than the deciduous species. Abies balsamea, P. glauca and B. papyrifera responded to the understory environment with higher leaf area ratios, and lower photosynthetic light saturation points and area-based leaf respiration relative to values for open-grown seedlings, while they matched or exceeded the height growth of open-grown seedlings. In contrast, seedlings of Pinus contorta, P. tremuloides and P. balsamifera displayed characteristics that were not conducive to survival in the understory. These characteristics included a high light saturation point and leaf dark respiration rate in P. contorta, and lower leaf area variables combined with higher carbon allocation to roots in P. tremuloides and P. balsamifera. By the second growing season, all seedlings of P. tremuloides and P. balsamifera growing in the understory had died.  相似文献   

The terpenic profile for 8 major monoterpenes determined on ten grafted clones of Scots pine grown on three different sites in Sweden. As graft effects could not be detected, oleoresin, samples from primary and secondary grafts were used to study genetic variation. In three quite different environmental conditions, a strong broad sense heritability was demonstrated for 3‐carene, myrcene, limonene and β‐phellandrene. Pinenes and sabinene seem to be much more dependent on environmental factors. Both site and clone × site interaction have a small effect on overall phenotypic variation. There is a strong positive correlation between concentrations of 3‐carene and terpinolene, which supports a possible pleiotropic effect of the same major gene on the two monoterpenes. The results show that there is no risk of an important bias when the comparison is made between genotypes sampled on very different sites (stands or comparative trials). The relative concentration of monoterpenes is to a great extent independent of environmental conditions.  相似文献   

This study aims to evaluate the chemical composition of wood and extractives of Pinus taeda and Schizolobium parahyba (guapuruvu) as potential feedstock for new applications in the biorefinery industry. For this purpose, their content of α-cellulose, hemicellulose, insoluble lignin, hot water solubility, NaOH1% solubility, inorganic materials (ash), and monomeric sugars by high-performance liquid chromatography was quantified. Attenuated total reflectance infrared spectroscopy and thermogravimetric analysis were also used to complete the physicochemical characterization of the studied woods. The extractives were obtained by soxhlet extraction with ethanol:toluene and dichloromethane and identified with pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy technique. The results showed that guapuruvu wood has the higher amount of hemicellulose (16%) when compared to pine wood (10%), which resulted in higher solubility in alkali solution. Furthermore, in relation to other biomasses, the two woods presented more percentage of lignin and minor content of hemicelluloses. The P. taeda wood presented the highest percentage of extractives mainly composed of fatty acids and aromatic hydrocarbons, while guapuruvu wood had a higher percentage of phenolic compounds and also fatty acids. Both the materials have low content of extractives with dichloromethane and were mainly composed of lipophilic compounds.  相似文献   

Summary Morphological and chemical examinations of the extractives of the tissues and shake contents of eight Dacrydium and one Podocarpus species have been made. The whitish deposits in heart-shakes are without exception mainly podocarpic acid (PCA). This compound occurs also in the tissue of samples but only when shakes are found nearby. Accordingly PCA is regarded as an anomalous extractive, synthesized in response to those conditions resulting in shake formation. In samples with shakes PCA is present in very small amounts at the sapwood-heartwood boundary and in one sample there were traces even in the innermost sapwood. It was notable that shakes containing deposits can arise in those Dacrydium species with coloured heartwood and with a known tendency for wetwood formation. On the other hand Dacrydium franklinii does not develop coloured heartwood or wetwood or shakes, and the lack of these features may have taxonomic significance.The third author expresses his gratitude to the Division of Building Research, CSIRO, Highett, Vic., for a visiting Fellowship during 1974.  相似文献   

This work was aimed to evaluate genotoxicity and antigenotoxicity activity against gamma-rays of a tannin fraction obtained from barks of Pinus caribaea, as well as to elucidate the antigenotoxic mechanisms involved in radioprotection by using different approaches as pre-, co- and post-irradiation cell treatments with plant extract. The tannin fraction was not genotoxic to Escherichia coli cells in experiments using different exposure times. This extract was antigenotoxic against gamma-rays when the cells were pre- or co-treated with this extracts, but not during post-irradiation treatments, suggesting a possibly antigenotoxic action through free radical scavenging mechanisms. The results are discussed in relation to the chemopreventive and therapeutic potential of the studied plant species.  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(3):179-185
Pendimethalin is used by some nursery managers to control weeds in Eucalyptus and Pinus seedbeds and cutting beds of Pinus. Six trials were implemented in open-rooted seedbeds to test the response of Pinus taeda to postemergence (to the crop) applications of 2.2 kg ha?1 active ingredient of pendimethalin (the formulation contained 455 g l?1). No stunting was noticed when treating seedlings with 2.2 kg ha?1 four to 10 weeks after sowing. In one study, treated seedlings were larger than those not treated. Although the 2.2 kg ha?1 rate provided good control of the prostrate weed Chamaesyce maculata, pine seedlings developed herbicide galls on the stem near the groundline. The frequency of herbicide galls at 2.2 kg ha?1 varied by study and ranged from 0 to 28%. At present, it is not known if the frequency of gall formation depends on environmental or genetic differences.  相似文献   

以陕西93种树种的枝为试样,在不同温度条件下对可燃性气体逸出百分率及其变化的测定表明,可燃性气体逸出百分率和温度之间的关系符合v=abx模型,并且在240℃条件下可燃性气体逸出百分率变化幅度大,可燃性气体逸出相对于150℃、190℃明显,用此指标选择抗火树种效果明显。  相似文献   

不同变异类型杜仲皮及再生皮中木脂素类成分含量比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为分析比较不同类型杜仲皮和再生皮中木脂素类活性成分的差异性,利用高效液相色谱法分别测定了深纵裂型、浅纵裂型、龟裂型、光皮型杜仲皮及再生皮中9种木脂素类活性成分的含量。结果表明:木脂素类主要药用活性成分松脂素二糖苷、丁香素二糖苷及9种活性成分总含量均以光皮型杜仲皮中最高;不同类型杜仲皮中木脂素类活性成分组成比都以松脂素二糖苷最高,以丁香素最低。研究表明光皮型、浅纵裂型杜仲皮和再生皮中9种木脂素类成分的含量相对较高,杜仲再生皮中木脂素类成分与杜仲原生皮相比没有明显差异。  相似文献   

Studies on tree crop interaction under rainfed condition in Dehradun valley were conducted for 13 years during 1977 to 1990. Grewia optiva (Bhimal), Morus alba (Mulbery) and Eucalyptus hybrid were tried along with rice (CV: Akashi) — wheat (CV: RR-21) rotation. One-year-old tree seedlings of the above tree species were planted in line, 5 m apart in N-S direction, in July 1977, in the middle of the plot (size 20 m × 20 m). Eucalyptus was first harvested in 1987. Grewia optiva, Morus alba and coppice of Eucalyptus were harvested in 1990. All tree species had depressing effect on crop yields. Eucalyptus had maximum effect in depressing crop yield till the first harvest and had least effect thereafter. From 1987 onwards, Morus alba affected rice most, while wheat was mostly affected by Grewia optiva. The depressing effect on an average varied from 28 to 34% depending upon the species.Distance of tree line from the crop significantly affected the crop yield upto a distance of 5 m and there was 39% decrease in crop yield upto 1 m, 33% from 1–2 m, 25% from 2–3 m and 12% from 3–5 m distance. Annual removal of lops and tops from trees partly compensated the deficit. Grewia optiva could produce 1.08 t ha–1 yr–1 of branches and 0.26 t ha–1 yr–1 of leaves (air dry) and 1.28 t ha–1 yr–1 of branches and 0.28 t ha–1 yr–1 of leaves were obtained from Morus alba. Wood (ADT) produced by the trees was 33.6 t ha–1 from Eucalyptus, 9.5 t ha–1 from Grewia optiva and 11.6 t ha–1 from Morus alba.  相似文献   

Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) trees have been declining in the Rhône valley, Switzerland, for almost three decades. In an assessment of the role of fungi in this syndrome, the dominant fungus isolated from stained roots was a Leptographium species, morphologically similar to the asexual state of Grosmannia serpens. We examined isolates of this fungus based on DNA sequences of four protein‐coding genes including actin, β‐tubulin, calmodulin and translation elongation factor‐1 alpha. The results showed that they were of a distinct, undescribed taxon related to species in the Grosmannia serpens and G. wageneri complexes. The fungus, described here as Leptographium rhodanense sp. nov., resembles other species in the two species complexes morphologically, and most probably ecologically, as is suggested by the fact that it was isolated from stained pine roots.  相似文献   

Three Pinus tabulaeformis populations which experienced tending, shelterwood cutting, and closed tending were separately investigated to study the effects of these three forest practices on the age structures, static life tables, survivorship curves, and species diversities of P. tabulaeformis populations in Huanglongshan Mountain. Time sequence model was adopted to predict the dynamic population numbers of different P. tabulaeformis populations with different forest practices. The results revealed that the three populations are essentially identical in population structure, their young and old individuals make up a small proportion and their mid-aged individuals make up a large proportion and consequentially P. tabulaeformis populations generally stand stable. In the P. tabulaeformis communities with three tending practices, the highest species abundance index appears with tending and shelterwood cutting and the highest evenness index and species diversity appears with closed tending. The P. tabulaeformis populations with tending and shelterwood cutting practices belong to one developmental type and the P. tabulaeformis populations with closed tending practices belong to a stable type. It indicated that in the future, closed tending as the major practice and tending and shelterwood cutting as the supporting practices should be applied for P. tabulaeformis populations in Huanglongshan Mountain so that the communities will develop continuously. __________ Translated from Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica, 2006, 26(5): 1,007–1,013 [译自: 西北植物学报]  相似文献   

Summary The influence of extractive content on the shrinkage behaviour in eucalypts was shown by mathematical extraction after making certain assumptions with respect to available data. The slope of the volumetric shrinkage/specific gravity (S/) ratio changed from negative to positive after the theoretical removal of alcohol/benzene/water soluble or NaOH soluble extractives. Statistical analysis of available data suggested that collapse was positively related to the encrusting and extraneous materials and negatively related to the polysaccharide cell wall component. Conversely, normal volumetric shrinkage was positively related to the polysaccharides and negatively related to lignin and extractive content. Mechanisms by which extractive content might influence collapse development were discussed. R-values (change in external volume during shrinkage or swelling per change in weight of equivalent volume of water) appeared to be negatively correlated with extractive content in eucalypts and calculations for other species showed that R progressively increased with cold and hot water extraction. Further analysis suggested that the apparent change in lumen dimensions suggested by particular R-values was mitigated by the bulking effect of extractives in the cell wall. A possible role for R as an indicator of dimensional stability was postulated.  相似文献   

Summary An examination of shrinkage behaviour in a range of tree species has demonstrated clear differences between eucalypts and other species with respect to the volumetric shrinkage (S)/specific gravity () ratio. The equation S=f proposed by Stamm (1935a, 1952) to relate this ratio to the fibre saturation point (f) was inapplicable in eucalypts, both before reconditioning, where a highly negatively significant linear correlation was observed between S and , and after reconditioning where the correlation was not significant and the regression line indicated S to be nearly constant. Collapse was found to be highly negatively correlated with specific gravity in the eucalypt species and evidently was primarily responsible for the negative S/ relationship before reconditioning.In non-eucalypts S and were highly positively correlated, but the regression line did not pass through the origin and the slope was 10 to 14% less than the value of 28% suggested by Stamm for f. Only when the regression line was artificially forced through zero did the slope approach postulated fibre saturation point values. A power function was proposed as representing a more reasonable fit of the data.In line with these analyses, unit shrinkage (Su) was shown not to be equivalent to . This lack of equivalence was expressed as Su divided by basic density () which was termed the R-ratio and which was shown to be equal to the change in volume during shrinkage (or swelling) divided by the associated change in the weight of an equivalent volume of water. R was seldom equal to one, as required by the Stamm formula, and was negatively correlated with specific gravity in both eucalypts and non-eucalypts. A comparison of regression equations showed R values for eucalypts to be significantly different from those of non-eucalypts. Possible uses for the R-ratio were considered.  相似文献   

Summary Basic density and extractives content, of the sapwood and outer heartwood respectively, were compared for a fast-and a slow-grown tree in five, 40 year old, coppice clumps of each of six eucalypt species. Rate of growth did not appreciably influence extracted wood density, although outer heartwood extractives levels were significantly (P<0.05) higher in the larger stems. The juvenile core, as defined by radial variation in basic density, occupied a similar proportion of the tree diameter in the fast-and slow-grown trees, suggesting that sampling was effected in tissues of similar maturity in both tree groups.Helpful discussions with Dr. W. A. Heather, a co-worker, and Dr. W. E. Hillis, Visiting Fellow of this Department, are gratefully acknowledged  相似文献   

A methanolic extract of Ravenia spectabilis, an isolated alkaloid, arborinine plus a fraction comprising arborinine and gamma-fagarine (VLC), showed mild to significant in vitro antibacterial activity. In a brine shrimp lethality bioassay, the extract and the fraction were found to exhibit moderate cytotoxicity having LC50 of 76.26 microg/ml and 14.98 microg/ml, respectively.  相似文献   

Six wood species were carbonized under various carbonization temperatures and nonoxygen conditions to obtained charcoal. The effects of wood species, rate of temperature rise, and carbonization temperature on the electromagnetic shielding efficiency (ESE) of the electric field were investigated. The wood species used in this study were Japanese cedar, China fir, western hemlock, red oak, fortune paulownia, and Taiwan acacia. Tested materials were carbonized in a high-temperature oven under the following conditions: rate of temperature rise 1°–5°C/min; carbonization temperature 500°–1100°C, with temperature intervals of 100°C; maximum temperature maintained for 1h; and flow rate of nitrogen 300ml/min. The electromagnetic insulation strength system was used to detect the ESE of the electric field of charcoal. It was found that western hemlock and fortune paulownia charcoal showed maximum ESE values of of 36 and 61dB generated at a carbonization temperature of 1000°C. The charcoals derived from four other wood species showed maximum ESE values of 28dB for Japanese cedar, 23dB for China fir, 32dB for red oak, and 38dB for Taiwan acacia, respectively, at a carbonization temperature of 1100°C. The ESE value for fortune paulownia charcoal was similar to those of metal nets. The relations between ESE and logarithmic values of resistivity (log) could be represented by a negatively exponential formula.Part of this report was presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Kyoto, April 2000  相似文献   

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