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Biomass plays a vital role in the energy supply of many developing countries. It is the major energy source for the rural population of Nepal, where 70 % of the total energy is derived from woody plant biomass in the form of fuelwood. The main aim of this study is to describe the fuelwood consumption pattern and the role of community forests and trees on private farmland in biomass supply to rural households in Nepal. The study investigates whether demography and socioeconomic attributes of households affect fuelwood consumption. A household survey was conducted, along with measurements of fuelwood mass for six community forest user groups in Dolakha district of Nepal. Average daily household fuelwood consumption was estimated to be 8.4 kg, giving a mean annual consumption of 3060 kg per household. Per capita fuelwood consumption per day was found to be 1.7 kg. Total fuelwood consumption of households is significantly correlated with household size, ownership of cultivated irrigated terraces and number of livestock per household, and negatively significantly correlated with ownership of cultivated rain-fed terraces. Fuelwood consumption varies significantly between seasons. Among various sources of biomass energy, fuelwood from community forests contributes 23 % and trees on private farmland contribute 12 %. The rest is provided from other biomass sources, including the remains of fodder collected from private farmland vegetation, wood previously used for fences and trellises in private farmland, crop residues, and purchased fuelwood.  相似文献   

湖南省经济林产业可持续发展的战略思考   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
姚先铭 《经济林研究》2007,25(2):95-101
湖南地处中亚热带,自然条件优越,经济林资源丰富,主要经济林品种产业化发展在建国以后已取得了长足的进步,为发展农林经济、致富农民乃至生态建设都起到了很大的作用.但是,目前湖南省的经济林发展,普遍存在着数量大、质量低、规模小、深加工产品少、管理滞后、消费群体单一、科技创新能力弱、技术标准质量监督体系不健全等问题,严重地影响了湖南省经济林产业的可持缓发展.分析了湖南省经济林产业的现状、存在问题和发展潜力,在此基础上提出了湖南经挤林可持续经营的技术措施.  相似文献   

Even though many forest villagers have been living on forest department land and serving the department in the northeastern hill forests region of Bangladesh since the early 1950s, their livelihood has not yet been fully explored. This paper examines the livelihoods of forest villagers (Khasia ethnic people) and their contribution to forest conservation, using data from the Sylhet forest division. The forest villagers are well-endowed with all the elements of a sustainable livelihoods framework, though human capital in terms of education is not satisfactory. Strong social capital, stable natural capital and a productive market-oriented agroforestry system facilitate the generation of financial and physical capital that make the livelihoods of Khasia people sustainable. At the same time, their reciprocal contributions in terms of forest protection and plantation development support forest conservation. However, some institutional issues such as insecure land tenure with regular agreement renewal problems need to be resolved for the sake of their livelihoods and forest conservation. Lessons learned from the study can be utilized in formulating future participatory forest management schemes in the country.  相似文献   

根据南方经济林生产现状,分析了南方经济林生产与管理中存在的问题,结合国内外市场对经济林产品需求,提出了保障南方经济林健康,稳定,持续发展的经营管理策略。  相似文献   

Community forestry is an approach for mitigating deforestation and forest degradation by managing the forest resources for benefitting neighboring communities. Monetary benefits and costs are associated in a community forest during conservation and management of a forest. For sustainable forest management, the benefit should be more than cost which is a contesting issue of research. So, this study was conducted in a community forest of the central part of Nepal with the help of 80 household surveys and a focus group discussion. The firsthand information collected at the site is complimented by forest product harvest and cost-related secondary information. It was observed that the total annual harvest of timber was 60 cubic feet, pole was 8 cubic feet, firewood was 1,110 Bhari,1 fodder was 4,388 Bhari, and leaf litter was 590 Bhari. To manage a forest, people were involved in fencing, thinning, and meetings. Management cost was six times higher than administration cost. The benefit from firewood and fodder was more due to the dependency of people in a forest for enhancing their livelihood. The higher value of benefit cost ratio indicates that the Community Forest User Group benefited from community forest management.  相似文献   

国际森林和林产品认证的现状和展望   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
近十几年来,随着森林可持续经营的发展,世界森林和林产品认证体系相继建立,世界自然基金会等国际组织和许多国家成立了森林和林产品认证机构,并逐步开展了森林和林产品的认证工作.我国的森林认证工作起步较晚,但在国家林业局的大力支持下,发展较快.文中介绍了国际森林和林产品认证的作用、现状及展望.  相似文献   

我国加入WTO后 ,我国关税已基本符合发展中国家入世条件 ,经济全球化这将有利于湖北省人造板业、家居装饰业的发展。湖北省林产工业应正视机遇 ,提高认识 ,优化产业结构 ,加大技术进步与引进 ,加速速生丰产基地建设。  相似文献   

Forests provide a source of livelihood to all classes of rural people, especially in tribal dominated areas. With the advent of joint forest management concepts and commercial earning prospects from non-timber forest products (NTFPs), it was expected that forests would be best preserved by the villagers who depend on them for a substantial part of their livelihoods. However, in the case of the Ranibundh block in the Bankura district, it was observed that the predominance of private agencies in marketing channels of NTFPs, together with risk of eviction, loss of customary right to access forest resources, low employment prospects, and lack of training about proper management of NTFPs have led to the failure in motivating the forest dwellers to prevent degradation of forest resources. It is suggested that government agencies, producer institutions, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and other strong institutional entities can promote forest preservation when complemented by the granting of forest rights to rural people, the extension of training facilities, and alternative employment prospects.  相似文献   

如何应对木材合法性要求是当前中国林产品出口企业面临的现实问题。文中从林产品出口企业视角出发,构建中国林产品出口企业应对合法性要求可选策略的综合评价模型,基于企业实地调研数据,从市场利益、非市场利益、成本投入3个方面对现阶段市场认可度比较高的5种策略进行综合评价。结果显示:中国森林认证体系(CFCC)森林认证得分最高,但与其他策略的分差并不明显,企业可结合自身情况选择适合的应对策略。据此对CFCC和中国木材合法性验证体系(CTLVS)建设提出改进建议。  相似文献   

About 100 million rural households in China have obtained forest property certification, which could serve as collateral to help households obtain microloans intended for forest management and investment. However, it is still difficult for households to receive these loans using forests as collateral. The strong demand for loans from the Rural Credit Cooperative cannot be met. This paper attempts to understand microloan access behavior using 241 respondents in three typical Chinese counties. It argues that the loan is determined by both the demand from the household as well as the supply from banks. Logistic regression models are used to investigate what might affect accessibility to households’ microloans. Household characteristics like age, education, income, forest characteristics as well as the regional variation of loans are used as explanatory variables. Age, education and income as well as the perception of the bank services are found statistically significant. Other findings include that only half of the respondents who received loans supposed for forest management but use for other purposes. Most importantly, it is found that joint-loan arrangement is more suitable for small-scale households and direct-loan and guaranteed-loans are better match larger property size. A simplified loan-process and discount points would lower transaction costs and improve rural households’ accessibility to microloan using of forest property collateral.  相似文献   

森林认证与中国木材产品市场   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
森林认证作为促进森林可持续经营的一种市场机制已经在世界范围内广泛开展 ,特别是欧洲和北美国家的消费者普遍要求在市场上销售的木材产品应贴有经过认证的标签 ,以证明他们所购买的木材产品源自可持续经营的森林。因此 ,中国的森林经营认证和林产品的产销监管链认证 (绿色标签 )对于促进森林的可持续经营 ,稳定企业现有产品市场份额 ,进入新市场具有重要意义。  相似文献   

森林病虫鼠害是内蒙古大兴安岭林区林业生产的重要自然灾害 ,是制约培育高效人工林以及林业可持续发展的重要因子之一。本文回顾总结林业生物灾害综合防治技术在已往林业生产中的减灾作用 ,针对林区森林病虫鼠害发生危害此起彼伏、关键防治技术落后、预警及预测预报能力差、应用基础研究薄弱以及科研与实际应用脱节严重等现象 ,分析了林区生物灾害研究面临的新挑战 ,从加强人员管理及资金投入力度、开展重大森林病虫鼠害中长期预测预报及综合防治关键技术研究、重视高新技术应用研究等角度 ,指出了可持续控制生物灾害的对策与途径  相似文献   

The study was conducted in Mangling Village under Dehong Perfecture, Yunnan Province, for thorough investigation of forest tenure structure, management mode and forestland transfer of collective forests as well as of farmers’ preference for management and transfer intention. The impact factors of management orientation of farmer households were analyzed with Logistic Model. The results showed that tenure structure and management modes of collective forest have been diversified after the collective forest tenure reform, and 87.5% of farmer households preferred to independent or joint management while 12.5% of them would rather to transfer their forestland. The choice of farmer household for management mode was mainly influenced by their education background, production skill, household labors and household income sources. The main factors influencing farmer households’ forestland transfer activities include the proportion of forestry revenues to the total revenues, farmers’ experiences, amount of household labor and forest land area.  相似文献   

从林区职工家庭的视角出发,在问卷调查的基础上弄清目前国有森林资源管护经营责任制的实施现状,总结出职工在管护经营林地中存在认知水平较低、发展林下经营问题重重、缺乏管护积极性的问题,并提出强化宣传、加大政府扶持、实施差别化管护策略的改进对策。  相似文献   

澳大利亚国土面积为768万km2,林地面积占国土面积的13.8%。森林主要分布在东南沿海一窄长地区。该国经营林业的战略是:以发挥森林的生态环境利用为主。澳国将全国林地面积的77%划为环保林,其中501万ha划为森林保护区和国家森林公园。天然成熟林实行凭证定量采伐。与此同时,大力发展速生优质人工林。其主要树种为辐射松和南洋杉,并以此代替低产的桉树林。目前占林地总面积2%的人工林,其采伐量已占全国采伐量的40%。在经营强度上,人工林大于天然林。扩大林业经济效益的主要途径是发展纸浆和造纸工业。澳大利亚把在一定时期内保持林产品进口,作为保存、发展本国森林资源的保护战略。  相似文献   

采用改进的线路调查方法对惠州市梁化森林公园植被进行了调查,结果表明梁化森林公园植物资源丰富,公园的现状植被可以划分为3个类型,2个亚型。森林可分为南亚热带次生常绿阔叶林、南亚热带常绿针叶林。此外,还有果园、山坡灌丛。对梁化森林公园的林分改造提出了建议,为公园的建设提供参考。  相似文献   

从林业地位、森林资源和林产品贸易三个方面介绍了巴西林业的概况,并在分析巴西林产品贸易特点的基础上,总结出对我国林产品贸易的4点启示,即要拓宽国内外市场,保证供需;稳扎稳打步步为营,形成优势出口产品品牌;内外兼顾,完善本国对外贸易法规;防微杜渐,提高管理和科技水平。巴西是世界生物资源和森林资源最为丰富的国家之一,总结和借鉴巴西林产品贸易情况对推动和促进我国林产品贸易及林业产业发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   


For landscape level conservation and rural sustenance, forests outside of protected areas are becoming increasingly important. Since most outside forests in the lowlands of Nepal are under government control and utilized as open access resources, their feasibility to achieve these objectives is questionable. We compared forests inside (with three decades of strict protection) and outside of protected areas (under government control and proposed as community forests) to assess the ecological sustainability of outside forests and to provide baseline data on structure of outside forests so that effectiveness of community forestry (after implementation) can be evaluated in the future. Our results indicate that outside forests were in a degraded condition with low tree, sapling and seedling densities and lower species diversity. Trees in lower dbh (diameter at breast height) classes were absent in these forests. Although the canopy layer was not significantly different, the ordination of plots and species showed that species composition of understory and the ground layer were different than protected forests. The present condition of outside forests is not only ecologically unsustainable but also cannot fulfill the demands for forest products of local people. The inefficiency of government to monitor against exploitation has been responsible for present conditions. We recommend that community forestry programs, which are successful in improving conditions of degraded forests in the mountains of Nepal, should be widely implemented in lowland areas (Terai) and proposed community forests should be handed over to local communities as soon as it is practicable.  相似文献   

大力发展森林康养产业是适应当前国内外生态系统服务功能的发展趋势以及满足“健康中国”国家战略的人才需求和“经济转型”国家健康产业行业需求的重要举措,也是践行“两山论”理念的有效途径。要想让绿水青山变成金山银山,就要赋予绿水青山的功能,即康养功能。森林康养是森林旅游的高级阶段,越来越多的人期盼在森林中感受其独特的康养功效。文中收集整理了我国截至目前获批的7批国家级森林康养基地相关信息及资源利用情况,统计分析了各区域和省(区、市)的国家级森林康养基地数量及占比,以及当前中国森林康养资源利用现状、资源类型和森林康养产品开发等情况;同时,针对我国森林康养产业发展存在的问题和面临的挑战提出未来发展建议,以期为我国森林康养相关从业人员和有森林康养需求的大众提供参考。  相似文献   

森林疗养作为健康中国的新实践,近年来被越来越多的人所关注,森林疗养基地的认证和建设工作也随之展开.但我国森林疗养起步较晚,相关理论实践基础薄弱,相应的服务水平和管理体系仍处于探索、尝试阶段.而日本在森林疗养产业方面起步早,产业发展模式较为丰富,已建成了颇具规模和质量的森林疗养基地.文中梳理了日本森林疗养发展历程和建...  相似文献   

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