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埃塞俄比亚竹资源丰富,有竹林面积147万多hm2,约占全球竹林总面积的5%、非洲竹林总面积的40%。埃塞俄比亚的竹制品加工以传统作坊加工为主,工厂化生产仍处于起步阶段;竹产业发展面临着竹林缺乏经营、市场发育不良、竹产业链不完善、科研和技术推广薄弱等问题。在国际竹藤组织多年的协调努力下,特别是“中非竹子中心”的成立,埃塞俄比亚的竹产业发展迎来了前所未有的机遇。埃塞俄比亚竹资源丰富,劳动力成本低,适合发展劳动密集型的竹产业,竹制品市场需求大,同时有着良好的投资政策。因此,建议企业和投资者到埃塞俄比亚投资建厂,发展竹产业。  相似文献   

Frankincense is one of the major commercial NTFPs in the Sudan produced by tapping the bark of Boswellia papyrifera (Del.) Hochst trees. It is one of the major NTFPs of the Sudan traded locally and internationally. The aims of the present study include: (1) to identify the chain actors and their functions (2) to estimate benefit distribution and value added along the chain; and (3) to determine the mechanisms by which actors control and maintain access to benefits. The study was conducted in the Rashad locality, South Kordofan state, Sudan in 2008/2009. A combination of Rapid Rural Appraisal tools including key informant interview, in-depth semi-structured interviews, group discussion and direct observations were used for primary data collection. Eight major actors involved in the value chain were identified and their activities and characteristics examined. The average annual net income of tapper, producer, village trader, and urban merchant was estimated to be 74, 740, 1,300, and 11,230 USD, respectively. The results clearly demonstrate the upward skewed benefit distribution among the value chain actors. The total relative commercialization margin was 62.5% indicating that the actors involved in marketing of the product accrued higher proportion of the end market price. While those involved in the production activities, tappers and producers, receive less income counting about 37.5% of the end market price. The results also illustrate that there is limited value added processing in the commodity chain. Commercial benefits in the commodity chain are gained, maintained and controlled through different mechanisms. The study concludes that frankincense production and marketing is financially profitable for producers, village traders and urban merchants. However, frankincense tappers and producers receive less income. Technical, financial, and institutional support could result in an increase in local actors?? income and contribute to sustainability of the supply of the product.  相似文献   

We identified the major non-timber forest products (NTFPs), their contributions to household incomes, and the determinants influenc-ing engagement of households in using NTFPs in the Bonga forest area of Gimbo and Decha Districts of Kaffa Zone, southwest Ethiopia. Six Kebeles (the lowest administrative unit in Ethiopia) were sampled from two Districts and 150 households were randomly sampled using propor-tional-to-size techniques based on the number of farm households in each Kebele. Secondary data were collected from and focus group discussions were conducted with selected individuals. The farmers diversified liveli-hood activities such as crop and livestock production, collection of NTFPs and off-farm activities. NTFPs played a significant role in household incomes. The contribution from the major NTFPs (forest coffee, honey and spices) accounted for 47% of annual household in-come. The role of NTFPs was influenced by a number of factors. Vari-ables including being native to the area (+), total land holding (+), pos-session of livestock (+) and access to extension (+) significantly affected forest coffee production. Age of household head (-), land holding (+) and distance of the market from the residence (-) significantly affected honey production. Size of landholding (+), distance to market (-) and distance of the forest from the residence (-) were significant variables determining the NTFP incomes derived by the households. Attention is needed in the design of policies and strategies for the well-being of households to the contribution of NTFPs to local incomes and the variables that affect the collection of NTFPs must be considered.  相似文献   

竹子现代科技园区综合经营体系建设   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
竹子现代科技园区是现代竹业发展的新型模式,不仅在新技术的研究、示范和推广等方面起到了积极作用,同时,以园区为载体,对发挥地方特色,实现专业化生产,延长产业链,提升竹业品牌效益有重要意义.该文总结了浙江省级竹子园区建设经验,提出了以科学规划与合理布局为先导,建设技术支持体系、技术服务体系、园区组织体系和完善基础设施体系等4大体系的建设方案.  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of anatomical characteristics of Ethiopian lowland bamboo on selected physical and mechanical properties. A total of 45 solid culms from three different age groups (2-, 3- and 4- year-old) were harvested from natural bamboo forest in Ethiopia and then samples were transported to China for carrying out anatomical characteristics test. Physical and mechanical properties testing were conducted in Ethiopia. The result indicates that age and height had signi...  相似文献   

The commercial opportunities for sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria L. Nielsen) are expanding rapidly in Indonesia, but there remains a lack of supply for the processing industry of the desired volume and quality of timber for processing from this fast-grown tree. This article discusses recent analysis of the value chain of sengon in Indonesia to determine (i) who the stakeholders were and how each added value, and (ii) how the benefits were distributed among stakeholders. Information was collected from a mix of farmers (as tree growers) and other actors involved in the value chain. The research revealed two broad types of value chains for sengon–‘direct’ and ‘traditional’, with the potential increased income for farmers being as high as 35% when they use the direct approach, compared to the traditional approach. As expected, the further ‘downstream’ the position of the stakeholder in the value chain, the greater the monetary value added to the sengon timber and subsequent products. If farmers were to acquire a greater understanding of the market dynamics for sengon, they could better target the sale of their forest products to specific market segments and make forestry a more profitable enterprise. While village traders in the traditional value chain play an important role connecting small-scale tree growers to commercial markets, the sustained viability of their role is uncertain if more farmers adopt the ‘direct’ approach.  相似文献   

石竹(Phyllostachys nuda)为小型优良笋材两用竹种,因笋质优良而极具市场开发价值。万市镇是浙江省杭州市石竹的分布集中区域,有着悠久的石笋加工历史,石笋产业已成为当地竹农的支柱产业。由于受到土地竞争性利用及传统粗放经营技术的限制,石笋产业未能得到很好的发展。文章分析了万市镇发展石笋产业的优势和劣势,提出了加快石笋产业发展的建议,以真正实现“一根竹子富一方”的目标,助力乡村振兴。  相似文献   

为发展竹笋产业,带动当地农户增收致富,重庆市武隆区人民政府和桐梓镇人民政府通过招商引资引进重庆御竹农业科技发展有限公司,于2015年启动了高产笋用林基地建设项目。经过4年的建设,项目投资3 000万元,在铜梓镇长征村建设了竹子组培实验室、育苗基地,在香树村建设了冷库及加工厂,种植笋用竹林660多hm2,探索了1年栽种成林、2年产笋、3年见效益的高效生产模式,在当地产生了很好的经济、生态和社会效益。文章详细介绍了高产笋用林栽培与管理的关键技术、取得的成效,分析了笋用林基地建设项目的前景。  相似文献   

基于产业链理论的贵州省竹产业发展模式研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
竹产业是贵州省农村产业革命确立的12个特色优势产业之一,产业链模式及分布格局是影响贵州省竹产业高质量发展的重要因素。文章系统分析了基于行业和产值的贵州省竹产业企业分布状况,重点剖析了竹化学纤维制品、竹笋制品和竹材制品产业链,以及特色竹产业中的非物质文化遗产竹产品、竹制工艺品和竹林旅游产业链。文章认为,贵州省竹产业链多属于成长型,产品多处于中低端阶段。竹产业高质量发展要贯彻产业生态化和生态产业化理念,有区别的区域化产业链建设是前提,打造竹产业高地是重要途径。  相似文献   

Tree growing by smallholder farmers is an emerging livelihood strategy in Lake Tana catchment. The objectives of this study were to (1) identify the most important tree species grown, (2) investigate the drivers of the existing pattern, and (3) identify determinants of the number and diversity of tree species and their spatial patterns. Survey data were collected from 200 households. Multiple linear regression was employed to identify the determinants of tree growing behaviour of households and spatial variables affecting the abundance of tree species. Eucalyptus globulus, Acacia decurrens and E. camaldulensis dominate woodlots. Only a fraction of the forest production is used by the households, the rest being sold as poles or charcoal. Location in relation to market centres, number of livestock owned, landholding size and age of household head were found to positively affected the number of tree species and trees grown. Gender affected the species and spatial pattern of trees. Woodlots, farm boundaries and homesteads were found to be important tree growing niches. These results substantiate the proposition that farmers assign their parcels of land to uses that increase the rent value of the land, and this value is affected by access to roads. Woodlots are on the increase at the cost of productive agricultural land. Provision of a tree planting extension service may increase participation of farmers in tree planting, and a management-oriented tree planting extension service may give desirable results.  相似文献   

中国经济已由高速增长阶段转向高质量发展阶段。创新是引领发展的第一动力。以企业为主体的技术创新和产品创新,是提高企业竞争力和产业竞争力的关键。中国竹产业发展至今,通过引进技术并消化吸收,现代工业体系基本建立,并初具产业规模,如今正处于以创新驱动产业转型升级为主要特征的高质量发展阶段。创新不但能够提高笋竹产品的附加值,还能驱动生产率的提高和产品性能的提升,促进新科技、新模式、新产品、新业态的出现,不断推动竹产业向价值链的中高端迈进。然而在调研中发现,全国各地竹产区在大力发展竹产业的同时,也出现了一些不利于竹产业持续健康发展的倾向。文章结合浙江安吉竹产业发展实践,分析了当前竹产业发展中的一些倾向,提出了高质量发展竹产业的建议,以期为中国竹产业的健康稳定发展提供参考。  相似文献   

成渝地区位于中国西部、长江上游,生态区位重要,生态地位突出,是支撑“一带一路”、长江经济带的纽带与核心腹地。区域内竹资源丰富,竹产业优势独特,在全国竹产业发展中占有重要地位。文章围绕“成渝地区双城经济圈建设”国家重大区域发展战略,聚焦国家和区域战略需求,坚持问题导向、目标导向、市场导向,坚持创新驱动发展,从战略高度,按照现代产业“延伸产业链、融通供应链、提升价值链”的要求,对竹产业助推成渝地区双城经济圈建设进行探讨,分析竹产业发展优势和突出问题,谋划四川竹产业高质量发展布局,提出了重点实施“智慧竹业、人文竹业、商贸竹业”3大工程的建议。  相似文献   

随着竹材应用领域的不断扩大,市场对圆竹材的需求逐年增加,然而较落后的竹材加工方式已成为制约竹材规模化、工业化利用的瓶颈,产业化发展圆竹标准材迫在眉睫。文章在结合中国竹资源分布特点和对圆竹材产业调研的基础上,系统分析了圆竹标准材制备、仓储体系构建、模块化构件加工及工程应用等环节的发展现状。文章认为,目前不完备的圆竹标准材生产和加工体系,制约了其产业链中上游资源的高效利用和下游产品的开发应用,应依据中国竹种的分布特点,规划实施圆竹材储备工程,建立圆竹标准材工业收储体系,推广圆竹标准材模块化应用,以加快圆竹标准材产业化发展。  相似文献   

为了改变竹林落后的生产方式,降低竹林采运和经营过程中的竹笋、农资和化肥等运输成本,研发了丘陵山地竹林单轨运输机。设备的运输作业结果表明,其工作效率是传统人工效率的8倍以上;整套设备占地空间小,操作简单;设备性能安全可靠,而且维护和使用成本低。设备的推广应用为竹子下山提供了新的运输途径,将极大提高竹资源开发效率,促进竹农增收致富,推动竹区经济发展,市场前景广阔。  相似文献   

Many organizations in Ethiopia have for many years promoted exotic multipurpose fodder trees (EMPFT) for livestock feed and soil improvement. Despite the apparent benefits, the number of farmers planting these trees was low. The objectives were to elucidate farmers’ perceptions about their use value, management practices and constraints to adoption in three districts representing annual (one wheat-based and one teff-based) and perennial (coffee-based) crop-livestock systems in the Ethiopian highlands. Data were collected from 235 farm households. Most farmers (95.3%) had awareness of EMPFTs and the principal information sources were development agents (75.3%). Over half of the farmers were motivated to plant EMPFTs for feed value. Motivation for other purposes depended on cropping system, vegetation cover and availability of alternative local fodder trees in the area. Farmers had positive perceptions about EMPFTs for their feed value and contribution to soil conservation. Current adopters had a mean number of 587 (SE ± 84) EMPFTs per farm. Major constraints to adoption of EMPFTs were agronomic problems, low multipurpose value, and land shortage. Majority of farmers (89.8%) were interested to either continue or begin fodder tree development. Of the interested respondents, 44.5% preferred local fodder trees whereas 55.5% preferred EMPFTs. We conclude that farmers are aware of use values of EMPFTs while perceived constraints suggest that introduction of EMPFTs need consideration of farmers multiple criteria, but also awareness of feeding fodder trees and resource availability. Moreover, current development approaches have to recognize the importance of involving the end-users at all stages through participatory approaches to enhance adoption.  相似文献   

埃塞俄比亚拥有147万hm2竹林,是非洲大陆竹类资源丰富的国家。竹子作为埃塞俄比亚最重要的自然资源之一,对环境及社会经济有着重要贡献。但埃塞俄比亚利用竹子促进社会经济和生态发展的巨大潜力仍未被激发。文中概述了埃塞俄比亚竹类资源、竹林经营现状以及当地竹类资源的利用和国际贸易等竹业发展概况,提出了中埃两国竹业合作建议。  相似文献   

Hilly topography and inaccessible markets leave limited alternatives for Lao upland farmers who grow rice in slash-and-burn systems. They plant banana, mango, papaya, coconut and other perennials and collect forest products, specially bamboo shoot, banana inflorescence, rattan, cardamom, and benzoin for home consumption and market. Teak is the most important perennial planted on upland fields but farmers having teak are more likely to belong to the lowland ethnic groups and own lowland rice fields. Farmers preferred teak over fruit trees and coffee because of the better market potential and 82% considered cash income or wood for construction and 18% the securing of land tenure as major reasons for planting teak. Insufficient financial resources, non-availability of land, lack of seedlings, lack of labor and lack of experience were regarded as the main reasons for not planting teak by 41, 39, 35, 28 and 13% of non-teak growers, respectively. Plantations are often interplanted with rice for the first 1–3 years. Resource-poor families generally cannot risk the long-term investments and credit or modified systems combining food, livestock, and timber production are necessary to allow them to take part in the potentially lucrative teak production.  相似文献   

以龙游县为例,分析了竹业富民、生态环境保护、乡村绿化和景观改善、农村剩余劳动力就地安置、农民素质提高等竹业在社会主义新农村建设中的作用,提出了竹林立地生产力衰退、竹产业链环节的利益分配、竹业生产中的环境恶化等方面的现实问题及解决这些问题的建议。  相似文献   

浙江安吉县笋竹初级加工行业发展现状和对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
竹产业是安吉县最重要的农业产业,笋竹初加工是产业链的关键环节。近年来,安吉县笋竹初级加工业正经受着环保整治的严峻挑战,遭受着外部市场的冲击,行业开始进入衰退期,影响已波及生态、经济和社会各层面,引发社会各界的担忧。文章在阐述安吉笋竹初加工产业发展历程的基础上,分析了当前初加工行业面临的问题,并对笋竹初加工业的绿色发展提出相关建议。  相似文献   

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