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以2004-2014年贵州省水稻生产相关投入产出数据为基础,运用DEA-Malmquist指数模型对贵州省水稻生产综合技术效率和全要素生产率进行了研究。结果表明,贵州省水稻生产综合技术效率依旧偏低,纯技术效率和规模效率仍有一定的提升空间,进一步加强新型农业科技应用和进行适度规模化经营仍有较大的增产潜力;贵州省水稻生产全要素生产率总体呈缓慢上升趋势,技术进步呈明显衰退趋势,而技术效率改进幅度不大,规模效率的提高是技术效率提高的主要原因;贵州省水稻生产全要素生产率增长较慢的主要原因是技术进步缓慢甚至出现了倒退;导致贵州省各地区水稻生产效率差别较大的主要原因在于区域间经济地理条件和资源禀赋的差异。由以上研究结果推导出3点政策含义:一是因地制宜,保持生产适度规模,提高水稻生产技术效率是促进水稻生产的重要途径;二是注重技术效率与技术进步同步改进,重心应向技术进步方面倾斜是提高水稻全要素生产率的必要途径;三是稳步推进农业供给侧结构性改革,提高水稻生产全要素生产率是保障贵州省粮食安全的根本途径。  相似文献   

基于浙江、江西、安徽、湖南四省342户农户水稻种植的微观数据,运用统计分析方法,研究影响长江中下游稻区农户用种行为的主要因素。结果显示,农户用种行为受水稻种植规模、农户年龄、从事水稻种植年份、信息获取难易程度和是否拥有农业保险等因素影响。提出相应对策建议:通过育种政策引导培育广适性品种,提升农业技术推广的深度和广度,通过补贴政策引导鼓励农户适度规模经营,培育家庭农场等新型农业经营主体,扩大农业保险以提升稻农抗风险能力。  相似文献   

郑旭媛  林庆林  邓鸣 《玉米科学》2023,31(2):158-165
基于索洛余值法和随机前沿法测算2003~2019年间玉米的全要素生产率,并将单产增长率和全要素生产率进行贡献分解,分析长期以来我国玉米单产增长和全要素生产率变化的原因。结果表明,2003~2019年间,中国玉米单产累计增长28%,其中劳动投入量、机械费用、种子用量、化肥施用量及全要素生产率增长的贡献率分别为-0.8%、22.5%、-3.8%、6.1%和75.9%。2003~2019年间,中国玉米生产全要素生产率波动性增长,余值法和随机前沿生产函数法计算累计涨幅达13.7%和18.7%,技术进步和技术效率提升在玉米全要素生产率增长中起到决定性的贡献作用,贡献率分别为68.8%和32.3%。在全要素生产率的强有力拉动作用下,我国玉米单产增长已从投入型转向效率型增长,要素投入趋于饱和,但全要素生产率提升仍有空间,分别表现在种子创新力提高、机械转型升级以及通过服务规模化提升规模效率等方面。  相似文献   

本文采用DEA-Malquist指数模型测算了我国2002-2007年红茶、绿茶、乌龙茶和紧压茶这四类茶的全要素生产率指数及其分解指标。研究发现:我国茶产业的TFP指数呈现出先增加后减少的趋势;影响我国茶产业全要素生产率的主要动因是技术进步,而纯技术效率和规模效率的作用效果不明显;我国茶产业存在着空间发展不平衡的现象。因此,我国茶产业要建立以技术创新为核心、以技术效率和规模效率提升为支撑的经济增长机制,同时关注空间发展不平衡性的问题。  相似文献   

付磊  孙桐  夏涛  文小孟 《茶叶科学》2018,38(6):643-651
基于茶叶家庭农场的科学定义,本文采用数据包络分析法(DEA)模型,对安徽省六安市100个茶叶家庭农场的经营效率展开分析,并在此基础上利用层次分析法(AHP)构建、评价茶叶家庭农场适度规模的体系,对茶叶家庭农场的规模化问题进行讨论。研究结果表明,100个茶叶家庭农场中有16个处于规模有效阶段,其中2~2.667βhm2规模的综合效益大于0~0.667βhm2及6.667βhm2以上规模的综合效益,因此现阶段安徽省主要产茶区发展茶叶家庭农场的适度规模为2~2.667βhm2。在此基础上,作者提出完善土地流转制度、培育新型茶叶家庭农场主、开展多种形式的培训、完善农业社会化服务体系、完善扶持政策等相关建议。  相似文献   

梳理了1986—2018年我国茶产业政策变迁趋势,并利用数据包络分析法测算了我国茶产业的全要素生产率,使用Tobit模型检验了茶产业政策对全要素生产率变动的影响。结果表明:(1)产业政策数量能够显著提升茶产业全要素生产率,这一促进作用在解决了内生性后依然存在;(2)鼓励型政策数量和直接政策数量对茶产业全要素生产率的影响具有持久性,限制型政策数量和间接政策数量对茶产业全要素生产率的影响具有时滞效应;(3)直接政策对茶产业全要素生产率的影响最大,间接政策对茶产业全要素生产率的影响最小。为提升茶产业全要素生产率,应加强政策支持,提高产业政策时效性。  相似文献   

碳排放约束下中国大豆全要素生产率增长与分解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨雪  何玉成  闫桂权 《大豆科学》2019,38(3):460-468
本文将碳排放纳入大豆全要素生产率分析框架,为实现大豆低碳生产提供参考依据。首先测算并分析2006-2016年中国大豆主产区碳排放量和密度的时空特征,然后利用基于方向性距离函数的Malmquist-Luenberger指数测度碳排放约束下2006-2016年中国大豆主产区11个省市全要素生产率。结果表明:2016年中国大豆碳排放量较2006年降低11.70%,年均负增长1.24%,而碳排放密度较2006年增长14.02%,年均增长1.32%,皆呈先升后降的趋势。按省份比较,黑龙江和内蒙古碳排放量最多,吉林和山西碳排放密度最大。2006-2016年碳排放约束下中国大豆全要素生产率年均增长2.32%,其中技术效率年均提升0.6%,前沿技术进步年均增长1.66%,中国大豆全要素生产率增长主要依靠前沿技术进步拉动,技术效率提升作用不明显。从地区分布看,碳排放约束下中国大豆全要素生产率存在地区不平衡现象,西部地区增长最快,东部地区增长最慢,各省市全要素生产率增长模式存在差异。中国大豆主产区缺少"环境技术创新者"。根据结果本研究提出提高中国大豆全要素生产率的政策建议。  相似文献   

厘清改革开放以来中国油菜全要素生产率发展状况,是提高油菜综合生产能力的逻辑起点。本文基于1979-2020年间11个油菜主产省份的投入产出相关数据,在使用Global Malmquist指数测算全要素生产率基础上,分别使用Kernel密度估计、δ收敛和β收敛,分析其动态演进及收敛性。研究结果表明:从时序特征来看,改革开放以来中国油菜全要素生产率在剧烈波动中实现一定增长,表现为技术诱导型增长模式,而技术效率对其促进作用并不显著;从动态演进来看,油菜全要素生产率增长的地区差异不断缩小。从收敛性来看,油菜全要素生产率的δ值整体呈波动下降态势,自2012年始基本稳定在0.01以下,出现明显收敛趋势,说明存在δ收敛。油菜全要素生产率存在绝对β收敛和条件β收敛,将空间效应引入收敛模型后,其收敛性依旧显著,且存在正向空间溢出效应。为进一步提高油菜全要素生产率,本文提出推进国家油菜产业技术体系建设、实施区域化发展战略和促进区域协调发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

姜天龙  李美佳 《玉米科学》2015,23(6):154-158
运用Malmquist指数方法,利用2001~2013年东北三省玉米生产的投入和产出面板数据(Paneldata),对玉米生产的全要素生产率进行实证分析。结果表明,东北三省玉米生产的全要素生产率呈增长态势,全要素生产率增长的原因主要在于技术进步的贡献,技术效率在研究阶段变化不大,对全要素生产率影响较弱。黑龙江省的全要素生产率增长在东北三省中最快,其次是吉林省。  相似文献   

黑龙江省玉米生产效率研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
运用非参数的HMB指数方法,利用1991~2005年黑龙江省玉米生产的投入产出的面板数据(Panel data),对玉米生产的全要素生产率进行实证分析。结果表明,黑龙江省玉米生产率的增长过程比较明显,呈先升后降的趋势,技术进步和混合效率的增长是促进全要素生产率增长的主要原因,规模效率的变化对玉米生产率的增长起了阻碍作用。  相似文献   

稻田综合种养模式下稻谷和水产品价值协同提升,显著增加单位面积产值,并改善农田生态环境。该规程规定了稻鱼综合种养环境条件、品种选择、田间设施建设、稻鱼共生期管理及收获等管理技术,为丘陵山区稻田综合种养提供技术支持。  相似文献   

Today in Japan, agricultural productivity of rice cropping farmers is low. In order to get sufficient agricultural productivity, Japanese government is encouraging enlarging core farmers' farm sizes to 10–20 ha by borrowing farm lots from retiring farmers of small farms and carrying out the land consolidation projects to construct large rice paddy lots. In order to realize large rice paddy lots of more than several hectares, it is necessary to consolidate small scattered leased farm lots of core tenant farmers, but it is supposed to be very difficult. In order to clarify how to consolidate those leased lots into large rice paddy lots, I investigated five land consolidation project areas in which large rice paddy lots of more than several hectares were constructed for core tenant farmers. The result shows that (1) large rice paddy lots for core tenant farmers were settled in relatively inferior areas of the project areas, for instance, far from the land owners' residence area. (2) Basically land lenders do not accept their substitute lots settled into large rice paddy lots in such inferior areas, (3) but some land lenders who were eager to lend their farmland to core farmers accepted their substitute lots in such inferior areas. (4) Even in cases that tenant farmers could not consolidate substitute lots of their tenant land into large rice paddy lots, they could consolidate their cultivating lots by adjusting user rights, that is, exchange of user rights of lots between land lenders whose substitute lots were located outside of a large rice paddy lot area and owner farmers whose substitute lots were located in the area. (5) Owner farmers accepted this adjustment on their farmland as they could cultivate superior lots, consolidate their scattered cultivating lots into one place and so on.  相似文献   

基于湖南省长沙县、岳阳县、临澧县和益阳市大通湖区4个主产县(区)水稻种植户微观调研数据,按早稻、双季晚稻、一季稻以及再生稻的种植模式分类,对不同模式成本效益的变化趋势、不同规模经营效益等进行了分析,并探析了不同模式生产经营中面临的个性问题、共性问题和区域问题。结果发现,不同种稻模式和主体单位面积净利润均呈下降趋势,适度规模具有成本优势;再生稻效益较好,但面临制度和技术限制;籼稻区面临的共性和区域问题包括机械化率低、信贷成本高、品牌效应弱等。基于此,从政府加大农田基础设施建设力度、完善社会化服务、畅通信贷渠道、引导订单化生产、将再生稻纳入粮食统计等方面提出了提高我国籼稻生产经营效益的政策建议。  相似文献   

浙江金华地区水稻土养分供应能力研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
 自1997年早稻开始,在浙江省金华市农业科学研究所试验区稻田设立了监测水稻土生产力及肥力变化的长期肥料定位试验,并在试验区周围10 km范围内选择了21户农民的稻田进行相应的监测试验。试验区内农户间稻田土壤的养分供应能力相差很大,氮供应能力变化于49~116 kg/hm2,磷供应能力变化于13~32 kg/hm2,钾供应能力变化于68~183 kg/hm2。农民常规施肥区的氮肥利用效率很低,氮表观回收率的平均值为14%~26%,氮肥农业效率平均值为4.6~8.2,且农户之间、早晚稻之间均存在较大差异。肥料定位试验结果表明,在连续种植水稻条件下,缺肥区土壤相应的有效养分消耗很快。与NPK全肥区比较,NP区从第2季水稻起,NK区从第3季水稻起,即开始出现减产。针对当地农民现行养分管理的实际情况,就水稻系统发展适地养分综合管理新技术进行了讨论。  相似文献   

东北粳稻发展趋势及展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着国民经济发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,中国稻米市场对粳米的需求持续增长。东北稻区的粳稻生产直接影响着我国粳米市场的稳定和我国人民的口粮安全,承载着国家粮食安全和社会稳定的历史重任。合理、适度地发展东北粳稻生产,增加优质粳稻总产量,对于确保我国口粮绝对安全和社会稳定具有重要意义。文章分析了东北粳稻发展历史、现状,提出了存在的问题和今后的对策。  相似文献   

稻米品质性状遗传及性状间相关性的研究综述   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
稻米品质已成为影响我国稻米市场发展的决定因素.综述了稻米主要品质性状的遗传以及品质性状间相关性的研究进展,指出了目前研究中有关的问题,提出了今后稻米品质改良的研究方向.  相似文献   

Field experiments were carried out at the research farm of ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute (ICAR-IARI), New Delhi, India, during Kharif (June–October) seasons of 2011 and 2012 to study the effect of rice varieties and iron fertilization on water productivity, nutrient uptake and quality of aerobic rice. Treatments comprised of two rice varieties (PRH-10 and PS-5) and eight sources and modes of iron fertilization—control (no iron), iron sulphate @ 50 kg/ha + one foliar spray of 2.0% iron sulphate, iron sulphate @ 50 kg/ha + one foliar spray of 0.5% iron chelate, iron sulphate @ 100 kg/ha, two foliar sprays of 2.0% iron sulphate, three foliar sprays of 2.0% iron sulphate, two foliar sprays of 0.5% iron chelate and three foliar sprays of 0.5% iron chelate. Study results indicated that variety PRH-10 had higher concentration and uptake of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and iron than PS-5 variety in grain, straw and grain + straw. Three foliar sprays of 2.0% iron sulphate or 0.5% iron chelate favoured higher NPK and iron concentration and uptake in grain and straw of aerobic rice. Grain quality in respect of hulling, milling and head rice recovery was, however, superior in PS-5 than PRH-10. But the protein content was significantly higher in PRH-10 than in PS-5. Application of three foliar sprays of 2% iron sulphate and three foliar sprays of 0.5% iron chelate recorded significantly higher hulling, milling and head rice recovery as compared to control and remained statistically similar with each other. Irrigation and total water productivity was substantially higher in PRH-10 over PS-5. Growing of rice with PRH-10 recorded ~7.7% higher total water productivity as compared to PS-5, across iron fertilizations. Three or two foliar sprays of 2.0% iron sulphate or 0.5% iron chelate favoured higher irrigation and total water productivity of aerobic rice over control (no iron).  相似文献   

Improving rice yields is critical for global food security. China is a major rice-producing country having two rice cropping systems, i.e. single-season rice cropping system and a double-season system with both early- and late-season rice. There have been reports on the sink-source traits contributing to high grain yield for single- and early-season rice, but such information is limited for late-season rice. In this study, field experiments were conducted at the research farm of Guangxi University, Nanning, Guangxi Province, China in the late rice-growing season. Grain yield and sink-source traits were compared among five cultivars (Guiliangyou 2, Teyou 838, Y-liangyou 087, Teyou 582, and Yuxiangyouzhan) in 2012 and then three cultivars (Guiliangyou 2, Teyou 838, and Y-liangyou 087) in 2013. Y-liangyou 087 produced 6–26% higher grain yield than did the other cultivars. This higher grain yield was driven by improvements in sink-source capacity. Sink capacity was 8–31% higher in Y-liangyou 087 than in the other cultivars. Well-balanced relations between spikelets m?2 and grain weight was responsible for the higher sink capacity in Y-liangyou 087. The result was that Y-liangyou 087 produced 11–17% greater biomass (source capacity) than did the other cultivars. The greater source capacity in Y-liangyou 087 was mainly attributed to higher radiation use efficiency (RUE). Our study suggests that enhancing sink capacity through balanced relations between number of spikelets per unit land area and grain size, while improving source capacity through increasing RUE is a feasible way to achieve higher grain yield of late-season rice in South China.  相似文献   

Narrow genetic background is a key limiting factor in breeding stable high-yielding rice. The introduction and utilization of international rice core germplasm is an important way to increase the genetic diversity of domestic rice varieties. We conducted a genome-wide association study on 5 panicle traits of 315 rice accessions introduced from the international rice micro-core germplasm bank. Based on the tests from Yangzhou of China and Arkansas of American, environment exhibited a significant impacts on panicle length and primary branch number, while grain length, grain width and grain length/width ratio were insensitive to environment changes. We discovered a total of 7, 5, 10, 8 and 6 chromosomal regions or single nucleotide polymorphism marker loci that were significantly associated with primary branch number, panicle length, grain length, grain width and grain length/width ratio, respectively. Among them, eleven regions were associated with grain shape and one region associated with primary branch number, showing the good consistence in two different environments. Significant linear correlation was discovered between the average trait value and the number of favorable alleles carried by the varieties in all associated loci. Among the associated loci, varieties in aromatic and tropical japonica sub-groups possessed most favorable alleles, while those in temperate japonica sub-group contained the least. The domestic varieties mainly harbored unfavorable alleles in six of the associated loci being detected. On the contrary, 15 varieties from 11 different countries harbored more favorable alleles(as many as 30 or more) than the others. Remarkably, all these 15 varieties belonged to the tropical japonica sub-group. In conclusion, our study demonstrates that varieties in the tropical japonica sub-group had high potentials for breeding stable high-yielding rice. Based on this discovery, we proposed a new approach for improving the panicle traits of domestic rice by using tropical japonica varieties.  相似文献   

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