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符云  叶卫  林群  王琳  梁旭方 《南方水产》2009,5(4):73-76
谷胱甘肽S-转移酶(glutathione S-transferase,GSTs)是代谢多种内源或外源毒性物质之解毒酶系统的重要组成部分.农药等毒物终点检测技术(end point test)是基于不同毒物最终均将导致鱼体肝脏去毒酶GSTs基因表达变化,通过固定方法检测GSTs基因表达水平这一个指标即可反映生物体受不同毒物的污染情况.通过采用该检测技术可以简便而可靠检测淡水鱼类体内所含的毒物含量,进而确定了淡水养殖鱼类的食用安全问题.  相似文献   

昆虫蛋白资源在水产养殖中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戴贤君 《淡水渔业》2000,30(10):43-45
昆虫是地球上种类最多、生物量最大的尚未充分利用的生物类群 ,其食物转换率高、繁殖速度快、分布广、资源量大、蛋白质含量高。如果能够将昆虫作为水产动物重要的饲料蛋白资源加以开发利用 ,对弥补水产饲料蛋白资源的不足 ,促进水产养殖业及饲料工业的可持续发展具有重要意义。1 昆虫蛋白资源的研究现状昆虫历来就是许多动物的天然饲料 ,民间很早就有用昆虫作为饲料饲养观赏鱼、鸟 ,利用农林害虫喂养鸡、鸭的习惯。世界上许多国家也都将人工饲养昆虫作为解决蛋白质饲料来源的主攻方向 ,从 6 0年代开始 ,美、德、匈、朝等国家结合养殖业的…  相似文献   

Genetic improvement in the Australian aquaculture industry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most aquaculture industries in Australia are at an early stage of development and would benefit from the introduction of genetic improvement programmes. Size at harvest is perceived by industry participants, managers and researchers as the trait that will most influence profitability. Although most current genetic improvement programmes in aquaculture use mass selection, inbreeding is widely regarded as an important problem, which could be overcome by the use of family data in selection decisions. The major research priority is the development of genetic markers to enable accurate pedigree determination. The major constraint upon the implementation of genetic improvement programmes by aquaculture industries is lack of available funds and resources. Industry ownership and national co‐ordination of research and development is seen as the best way of addressing this constraint.  相似文献   

Recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) is an increasingly popular alternative to open aquaculture production systems. However, off‐flavours and odours can accumulate in the fish flesh from the circulating water and decrease the fish meat quality. Off‐flavours are typically caused by geosmin (GSM) and 2‐methylisoborneol (MIB) that are lipophilic compounds formed as secondary by‐products of bacterial metabolism. Even though GSM and MIB are not toxic, they often are disliked by consumers, and both have very low human sensory detection limits. Multiple methods have been suggested to remove or decrease GSM and MIB in fish, including ozonation, advanced oxidation processes (AOP)s and adsorption removal from water using activated carbon and/or zeolites. So far, purging with fresh water is the only efficient method available to remove the off‐flavours. There are multiple analytical methods available for the extraction and separation of GSM and MIB from fish flesh and water. This review discusses the current knowledge of GSM and MIB formation, the challenges faced by RAS farms due to these compounds and process solutions available for their removal.  相似文献   

刘永新  邵长伟  侯吉伦  张殿昌  郑先虎 《水产学报》2023,31(1):019605-1-019605-14
水产育种是世界各国竞相发展的热点研究领域,育种技术开发和优良品种培育充分体现了一个国家的综合创新实力和市场竞争能力。开展水产养殖生物的遗传育种研究,可提高种质资源开发强度和基因资源挖掘深度,发掘我国水产种业科技潜能和增强产业化应用水平。我国水产育种涵盖了完整的品种育成和扩繁推两大系统,已经成为推动水产养殖业绿色发展的重中之重,在保障优质蛋白稳定供给、提升种业强国竞争实力和改善国民饮食消费习惯等方面展示了杰出功效。随着生命科学特别是分子生物学和基因组学的飞速发展,我国水产育种取得了丰硕的科研成果,但也遇到了诸多核心瓶颈和制约因素。本文概括性总结了开展水产育种研究的重要意义,分析了当前我国水产育种研究的整体现状,凝练了亟需突破和解决的关键问题,提出了强化种质资源挖掘与高效利用、重视基础研究开展源头创新、研发前沿技术进行重点攻关、聚焦市场需求培育优良新品种等今后研究重点任务,形成了建设种质资源保藏体系、建成创新支撑平台、推进保护政策扶持、打造新型研发主体等对策建议,以期为我国引领世界水产育种研究和新时代渔业转型升级提供参考资料。  相似文献   

微生态制剂在水产养殖中的应用   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
近 2 0年来水产养殖业迅速发展 ,工业化高密度养殖规模日益扩大 ,与此同时 ,未处理养殖废水和工业、生活污水的排放使近岸海水受到严重的污染 ,养殖生态环境遭到破坏 ,致使养殖业病害频繁发生。目前主要使用广谱抗生素来控制病害的发生 ,而过度的使用抗生素药物不仅使细菌耐药性增加 ,破坏和干扰养殖环境的正常生物区系 ,导致微生物的生态失调 ,产生二重感染 ,还使抗生素在生物体内残留 ,人长期摄入含有残留抗生素的食品 ,可导致慢性中毒等 ,对人体产生危害。近年来 ,人们开始尝试在养殖水体中使用微生态制剂 (Probi otics)来改善…  相似文献   

Aquaculture is the world's fastest growing animal food producing sector. Although its overall performance is very good, it is unevenly spread geographically. In particular, the growth in most EU countries has been stagnating over the past 20 years despite repeated policy initiatives to launch new growth in the industry. The lack of production growth in EU aquaculture is often explained by strict environmental regulation and bureaucracy. In this article, we argue that an additional important element is an industry structure that limits the innovation and use of new technologies. Historically, farms have been small and often co‐managed with larger agriculture production. However, to succeed in a market with global competition, technological innovation and sector‐wide specialization, it is necessary to continuously increase productivity and induce investments in larger production facilities to take advantage of economies of scale. In Denmark, a structural change was ‘kicked off’ in 2005. In just 6 years, 30% of Danish production in freshwater has been reallocated to larger and more technologically advanced recirculation farms. Labour productivity has increased and the environmental impact per kilo of fish produced has been reduced, improving future prospects for aquaculture in Denmark and Europe.  相似文献   

循环流水水产养殖可持续发展特性探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水产养殖是农业生产的重要组成部分 ,在过去的五十年中得到了迅猛发展。在现代科技的支持下 ,水产养殖有望成为继种植业之后的第二大食物产业。但传统的养殖方式由于技术和管理问题 ,已越来越暴露出不可持续生产的局限性 ,不但自身受到暴发性流行病的困扰 ,生产效益的持续性得不到保证 ,而且还存在破坏生态环境和浪费资源 (水、饵料等 )等弊端。如何对旧的生产方式进行改革 ,在有限的资源条件下 ,进一步提高水产养殖生产水平 ,同时又保护和改善生态环境 ,实现可持续发展 ,是现代水产养殖所面临的最严峻的挑战。可持续发展是社会、经济发展和…  相似文献   

生物絮团技术在水产养殖中的应用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
传统的水产养殖模式所带来的环境污染、资源浪费和病害频发等问题已成为制约我国水产养殖业可持续发展的主要因素。生物絮团技术(BFT)具有净化水质、提高饵料利用率及病害防控等优点,被认为是有望解决上述问题的新型健康生态养殖技术,已在国内外得到一定规模的应用,并获得了良好的经济、社会和生态效益。本文重点介绍了生物絮团的形成与培养、生物絮团的主要影响因素及其在水产养殖中的应用效果。研究认为,BFT能够改良水质、节约养殖用水、降低饲料成本、提高养殖对象存活率、增加养殖产量和效益;将BFT与生物膜技术相结合,能够更有效地维持养殖水体中适宜的生物絮团含量,避免生物絮团的过量沉积,并能提高水质改良及增产增收的应用效果,具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

喹诺酮类药物在水产养殖中的应用研究概况   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以抗菌素为主的药物防治已成为水产养殖业病害治疗的重要措施,其中喹诺酮类药物在水产上的应用尤为广泛。由于水产用药仍存在盲目性,故对药物的应用研究具有重要的意义。文章综述了近年来喹诺酮类药物的研究现状及其在水产方面的应用和药物代谢研究概况,并对其发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

王文磊  徐燕  纪德华  谢潮添 《水产学报》2023,18(11):119104-1-119104-14



胡红浪  韩枫  桂建芳 《水产学报》2023,18(1):019101-1-019101-10
种业是农业发展的基础,振兴种业是保障国家粮食安全的核心要素,也是保障国家安全的重要举措。种业发展涉及政策、技术和市场等多种因素。我国水产遗传育种技术发展日新月异,但与《种业振兴行动方案》提出的要求尚有差距。本文从育种技术研究、发展与应用等角度阐述了我国水产遗传育种技术发展现状,对照《种业振兴行动方案》提出的目标与任务,从种质资源保护与利用、育种技术创新、种业生产体系建设和种苗监管等方面分析了我国水产育种技术发展存在的短板,认为我国水产养殖用种总体有保障、风险可管控,也存在国内种质资源丰富但遗传改良率不高、科研育种成果多但转化效率不高、种业企业多但核心竞争力不强等3个主要问题。针对短板,本文提出加强种质资源挖掘保存与创新利用技术研究、加强现代育种技术特别是新种质创制的研究及应用、加强生产体系技术标准化应用、加强育种技术商业化应用研究、加强种业市场监管技术支撑等建议,以期为我国水产育种技术创新攻关及种业发展政策制定提供参考。  相似文献   

Hormones, antibiotics, vitamins and several other chemicals have been tested in aquaculture operations for various remedies. Even though they give positive effects, they cannot be recommended due to their residual and other side effects. The alternative herbal bio-medicinal products in the aquacultural operations, that have the characteristics of growth promoting ability and tonic to improve the immune system, act as appetite stimulators. They increase consumption, induce maturation, and have antimicrobial capability and also antistress characteristics that will be of immense use in the culture of shrimps and other fin fishes without any environmental and hazardous problems. Herbal compounds such as phenolics, polyphenols, alkaloids, quinones, terpenoids, lectines and polypeptides have been shown to be very effective alternatives to antibiotics and other synthetic compounds. The present paper is presented after a careful review of more than 50 herbal plants for their biological effects such as growth promotion, immunostimulation, antistress, antibacterial, antifungal, antivirals, appetite stimulators and aphrodisiac.  相似文献   

A case study is presented to compare the results of design and management including circulation and dissolved oxygen management at a modified split-pond facility in west-central Alabama to the recommended design. Modifications included: the use of and a propeller pump instead of a slow-moving paddlewheel, lack of baffle in the waste cells, waste cell to fish cell ratio size, and improperly positioned aerators and DO sensing probes.Over a three year time period, the modified split-pond facility had net yields of hybrid catfish (Ictalurus punctatus ♀ x I. furcatus ♂) that reached up to 11,416 kg/ha/year; however, this includes several reports of fish kills. The present study experienced a minimum 15% reduction in net production compared to the recommended design values with a maximum potential loss of 54%. Ponds used an axial pump to transfer water between a 6:1 ratio of waste treatment area to fish grow-out area. Water flowed from the fish cell to the waste cell at a rate of 31.2 m3/min and from the waste cell back to the fish cell at a rate of 0.78 m3/min. Aerators used 5619–7492 kW-hr/ha which is more than the electrical use in traditional ponds (2238 kW-hr/ha). Even with the extra aeration, this study had at least one fish cell and one waste cell drop below a dissolved oxygen concentration of 2.5 mg/L. These specific modifications may lead to poor survival and production in split-pond aquaculture and are discussed with best management practices of the recommended design.  相似文献   

王海兄 《畜禽业》2016,(4):66-67
祁连是一个以草地畜牧业为经济支柱的牧业县,畜牧养殖业在国民经济中占举足轻重的作用。发展畜牧养殖业业既是传统的民族经济,又是全县主导基础产业,发展藏羊、牦牛产业是提高我县农牧民收入的根本,对该县牲畜存栏情况、养殖藏羊、牦牛发展状况及存在的问题、进行了调查。  相似文献   

中国鲟鱼产业技术研发现状与展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2016年中国鲟鱼养殖产量89 773吨。鲟鱼种苗、饲料、养殖、加工及销售等环节的一些实用技术基本能满足鲟鱼产业的现实需要,但仍然存在不少问题,如种质退化问题、鱼子酱及鱼肉的品质问题、养殖过程中的氮磷排放问题。本文就中国已经形成的鲟鱼产业技术进行梳理、评述和展望。  相似文献   

High aquacultural rearing density and handling of fish may frequently result in skin or gills wounds, thereby facilitating the onset of secondary infections. The capacity of the zebrafish to regenerate tissues, as well as fins and other organs, makes it an ideal animal model for studying the mechanisms of tissue regeneration. Since macrophages are involved in tissue regeneration, a diet including ß‐glucans might positively affect the process through activation of macrophages and other immune pathways. Consequently, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of the oral administration of 1,3‐1,6 β‐glucans on the regeneration process of the caudal fin after its amputation in zebrafish. One hundred and twenty zebrafish were randomly distributed into four groups with three replicates each: an untreated non‐amputated group (CNA) and an untreated amputated group (CA) fed a control diet; two treated and amputated groups (MI and MII) fed for 14 days the same diet with the addition of two differently extracted 1,3‐1,6 ß‐glucans (MacroGard® and Experimental MacroGard®, Biorigin©). ß‐glucans were added to allowed the administration of 12.5 mg/kg of fish body weight (0.35 g/kg of feed). Results showed that 1,3‐1,6 ß‐glucans decreased fish mortality rate and enhanced both daily and cumulative regenerated fin area, independent of the specific ß‐glucan extraction method used. Based on the mechanisms similarities of the innate immune system and tissue regeneration among different teleost species, these results may likely be extended to species of interest for the aquaculture sector.  相似文献   

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