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Association mapping is a method to identify associations between target traits and genetic markers based on linkage disequilibrium (LD) of a quantitative trait locus. Synthetic hexaploid wheat (SHW) is derived from a cross between Triticum durum Desf. and Aegilops tauschii Coss. that enhances genetic diversity and broadens breeding resources. In this study, phenotypic diversity in 110 wheat accessions (86 SHW germplasm specimens and 24 conventional wheat varieties) was evaluated quantitatively for yield characteristics of grains per spike, thousand kernel weight, and spike length. Phenotypic data were collected over two years at two locations, and 1785 alleles were detected (mean 6.59), ranging from 3 to 11 alleles per locus. The average genetic diversity index was 0.749, with a range from 0.239 to 0.923. The polymorphic information content (PIC) ranged from 0.145 to 0.968, with a mean value of 0.695. The genetic diversity index and PIC indicated that genome B > D > A. Accessions were grouped into three subgroups based on STRUCTURE and unweighted pair-group with arithmetic mean clustering. The mean LD decay across the genome was 11.78 cM. Association mapping between traits and simple sequence repeat markers was performed using the generalized linear model approach. Forty-six SSR loci were significantly associated with the measured agronomic traits in two geographic locations. Together, these results broaden our knowledge of how to harness elite genes and genetic diversity in SHW in genomic and marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

粳稻新品种新稻19号产量构成及相关农艺性状分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对粳稻新品种新稻19号的主要农艺性状及其在河南省11个试验点的产量构成因素进行了分析.结果表明,新稻19号每穗总拉数、有效穗数变异系数较大,均与产量达显著正相关,其中每穗总粒数对产量的直接正向作用最大,有效穗数与每穗总粒数之间存在显著的负相关.沿黄地区超级粳稻选育应注重选择较大穗型并兼顾有效穗数多的品种较易达到超高产育种目标.在栽培技术上,应主攻每穗总粒数、有效穗数,并协调有效穗数与每穗总粒数之间的关系.  相似文献   

采用裂区设计,以4.5万株/hm~2和5.7万株/hm~2 2个密度为主处理,以平展型至半紧凑型和紧凑型2种类型7个玉米品种为副处理进行随机区组排列,研究不同密度对玉米品种产量和农艺性状的影响。结果表明:密度5.7万株/hm~2的产量较4.5万株/hm~2产量明显提高,其中冠玉568在5.7万株/hm~2密度下的产量较4.5万株/hm~2增产25.7%,差异极显著;冠玉1129在5.7万株/hm~2密度下的产量较4.5万株/hm~2高18.4%,差异极显著。冠玉568和冠玉1129这2个品种在西南地区既可以4.5万株/hm~2的密度栽培,也可以5.7万株/hm~2的密度栽培,冠玉164只适宜4.5万株/hm~2的密度栽培。  相似文献   

Seed shattering is an undesirable characteristic of rice cultivars affecting the loss of grain yield before and during harvesting. These grain losses are influenced by varietal characteristics. The histological peculiarities of the abscission region obtained were different among rice varieties, and had a close relationship with grain shedding. In order to obtain information for the breeding of new persistent shedding varieties, this study was designed to clarify the inheritance of grain shedding habits in relation to the abscission layer. In the cross combination of two easily shedding varieties, Milyang 23, a japonica-indica hybrid rice with cracked abscission layers and Ashahi, a japonica-type rice with uncracked abscission layers, the cracking of parenchymatous cells in the abscission layer was controlled by a single dominant gene. The breaking tensile strength coincided well with cracked and uncracked abscission layers. In four crosses between a persistent shedding variety without abscission layers and two easily shedding varieties with cracked abscission layers, and two medium shedding varieties with uncracked abscission layers, respectively, the formation of the abscission layer was controlled by a single dominant gene. The easily shedding and persistent shedding habits coincided well when the abscission layers were both present and absent. The easily shedding characteristics were dominant in cross combination. The close negative correlations were recognized between degrees of grain shedding and breaking tensile strengths.  相似文献   

J. Hamblin  C. M. Donald 《Euphytica》1974,23(3):535-542
Summary The grain yield of F5 lines from a barley cross, grown in field plots, showed no correlation with F3 single plant grain yield. F5 grain yield did however show a significant inverse relationship with plant height and leaf length in the F3, especially at high levels of nitrogen. Shorter plants with shorter leaves in the F3 tended to produce lines of similar habit in the F5, and these characters were associated with lower F3 grain yield and higher F5 grain yield.These relationships are believed to depend on the different circumstances of competition in the F3 and the F5 respectively. It is concluded that plant form in segregating generations of cereals may provide a valuable selection criterion for high grain yield in monocultures.  相似文献   

旱稻品种主要农艺性状及抗病性的鉴定与评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过田间种植观察及室内考种,鉴定和评价 30个旱稻品系的丰产性、适应性等 11个主要农艺性状及其抗病性.试验表明, 7个品种全生育期较短, 17个参试品种属矮秆旱稻, 19个品种单株有效分蘖力超过 5个, 7个品种属于大粒型, 15个品种籽粒细长,普遍能抗稻瘟病、胡麻病及纹枯病.  相似文献   

Hybrid breeding is a widely discussed alternative for triticale. Heterosis as well as general (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) effects were estimated for eight agronomic traits. The experiment comprised 24 F1 hybrids, produced by a chemical hybridizing agent, together with their six female and four male parents, grown in drilled plots in two locations. In comparison with the mid‐parent values, hybrids averaged a 6.4 dt/ha (10.1%) higher grain yield, 8.4% more kernels per spike, a 6.8% higher 1000‐kernel weight, 9.7% lower falling number (FN) and 4.4% greater plant height. SCA effects for grain yield were significant and ranged from 4.5 to 6.9 dt/ha for grain yield. Together with GCA x location interactions, they explained most of the variation. For 1000‐kernel weight, GCA effects were predominant. SCA and interactions with location accounted for most of the variation in FN, whereas interactions were negligible for plant height. Correlations between mid‐parent and hybrid performance and between GCA and per se performance of parents were tight for all traits except grain yield, which allows for pre‐selection of parental lines. Although the amount of heterosis in triticale at present is closer to wheat than to rye, by selecting parents for combining ability and identifying heterotic patterns, grain yield heterosis of up to 20% appears sufficiently encouraging to embark on hybrid breeding.  相似文献   

Maize is the major staple food in southern Africa with human consumption averaging 91 kg capita?1 year?1, and normal maize is nutritionally deficient in two essential amino acids: tryptophan and lysine. Despite the development of quality protein maize (QPM) with high tryptophan and lysine, stunting and kwashiorkor remain high in sub-Saharan Africa due to lack of high yielding and adapted QPM varieties. This study aimed at evaluating a new generation of QPM varieties for yield and related agronomic traits. Before the QPM varieties were validated on-farm, they were simultaneously selected on-station under five different management conditions. In the 2014/2015 season, 10 elite QPM varieties were selected from on-station trials based on high grain yield and stability, and were compared with the best commercial check varieties on-farm. During the 2015/2016 season, some poorly performing QPM varieties were dropped while new ones were added, resulting in 12 elite QPM varieties being evaluated on-farm. Analysis of variance for the 2014/2015 season showed non-significant hybrid × management condition interaction. Mean grain yields across management conditions ranged from 1.5 to 4 t ha?1 and were higher under mild stress (2.3–5.5 t ha?1) compared to random stress conditions (1.1–2.9 t ha?1). Broad sense heritability estimates were low to moderate (11–69%), and thus could still permit effective selection of better genotypes. Yield advantage ranged from 12 to 25% across the 2 years, suggesting effective genetic gains in QPM breeding. QPM hybrids CZH132044Q, CZH142238Q and CZH142236Q were stable and high yielding. Promotion of such QPM hybrids may help reduce protein energy malnutrition.  相似文献   

甘白远缘杂交新材料单株产量与农艺性状的相关性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了明确甘白远缘杂交新材料各性状对单株产量影响,促进新材料在育种中的应用,对133个远缘杂交BC1F4后代株系的农艺性状,进行了变异分析、相关分析、通径分析和主成份分析。结果表明,远缘杂交后代农艺性状中主序无效角果数变异最大,株高的变异最小。单株产量与株高、分枝高度、主序有效长度、一次分枝数、主序无效角果数、每果粒数和千粒重呈正相关,其中与株高呈极显著关系。影响单株产量的主要性状为株高、分枝高度,二次分枝角果数和主序有效角果数。主成份分析可将相关性状综合为5大类,其中第一、三为产量控制性状,其余依次为株高控制性状、主序控制性状和分枝控制性状。因此,本研究中甘白远缘杂交后代的单株产量主要受株高、分枝高度、二次分枝角果数和主序角果数的影响。本研究结果对于充分利用甘白杂交后代优良性状,选育优良品种提高有价值参考。  相似文献   

Climate change may lead to an increase in both day and night time temperatures in rice (Oryza sativa L) growing regions, but the impact of such temperature increases on yields of Australian rice varieties is not known. We evaluated the biomass and grain yield response of eleven Australian rice varieties including long, medium and short grain types, and the Californian cultivar M205, to heat stress during the reproductive phase and grain filling stages. Heat stress (day/night = 35/25°C) was applied at one of three stages: from panicle exertion to anthesis (PE), from anthesis to 10 days after anthesis (EGF) and from 10–20 days after anthesis (LGF) periods after which the effect on biomass and grain yield was compared to control plants. When heat stress was applied at PE and early grain filling stages, mean grain yield losses across rice varieties were 83% and 53%, respectively, though significant genotype × heat stress treatment interactions were observed. Notably, three varieties—YRM 67, Koshihikari and Opus—appeared to possess greater tolerance to heat stress at these growth stages. A significant genotype × heat stress treatment interaction was also observed in the LGF treatment, where significant yield reductions were only observed in Opus (21% loss) and YRM 67 (25% loss). A lack of effect of heat stress on total grain yield in most varieties at late grain filling appeared to be due to late tiller grain yields which were either unaffected by the heat stress or increased significantly compared to control plants. While genetic variation for tolerance to heat stress across the three growth stages was observed, there was no rice genotype that was consistently tolerant (in terms of yield under stress) across all three heat stress treatments. In the absence of a genotype that showed broad heat stress tolerance during reproductive growth, we suggest screening of a wider pool of more diverse rice germplasm is warranted.  相似文献   

B. Kjær  J. Jensen 《Euphytica》1996,90(1):39-48
Summary The positions of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for yield and yield components were estimated using a 85-point linkage map and phenotype data from a F1-derived doubled haploid (DH) population of barley. Yield and its components were recorded in two growing seasons. Highly significant QTL effects were found for all traits at several sites in the genome. A major portion of the QTL was found on chromosome 2. The effect of the alleles in locus v on thousand grain weight and kernels per ear explained 70–80% of the genetic variation in the traits. QTL × year interaction was found for grain yield. Several different QTL were found within the two-rowed DH lines compared to those found in the six-rowed DH lines. Epistasis between locus v and several loci for yield and yield components indicates that genes are expressed differently in the two ear types. This may explain the difficulties of selecting high yielding lines from crosses between two-rowed and six-rowed barley.Abbreviations DH doubled haploid - QTL quantitative trait locus/loci - RAPD random amplified polymorphic DNA - RFLP restriction fragment length polymorphism - T. Prentice Tystofte Prentice - V. Gold Vogelsanger Gold  相似文献   

Plant breeding for drought-prone habitats envisages a favorable combination of grain yield and drought resistance. Though several components enhancing drought resistance have been identified in rice,their association with grain yield, under low-moisture stress, has been established in very few instances. We attempt to study the associations between rice grain yield and root system parameters both at phenotypic and genotypic levels. The doubled haploid population of IR64/Azucena was evaluated for root related traits at peak vegetative stage and grain yield related traits under both low-moisture stress and non stress conditions. ‘Mean environment’ was computed for yield related traits. Correlation and QTL mapping was attempted to find out the associations. The correlation between maximum root length and grain yield was positive under stress and negative in non stress. Genotypes with thicker and deeper roots, manifested higher biomass and grain yield under stress. Only one QTL found to increase days to flowering in non stress was also found to influence root volume and dry weight negatively under stress. The study suggests that loci enhancing grain yield and related traits were not pleiotropic with loci for desirable root morphological traits studied under low-moisture stress at vegetative stage, in the genetic material used in the study. It is thus possible to combine higher grain yield and desirable root morphological traits, favorably, to enhance productivity of rice under low-moisture stress. In rainfed ecologies, where deep roots contribute to enhanced drought resistance in rice, the results indicate the possibility of combining drought resistance with higher levels of grain yield. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary One 3-to 5-year clonal and two recent seedling-derived populations of white yam cultivars were grown and studied for the association of sex, flowering intensity, number of fruits and seed yield with vegetative characters and tuber yield. Yield was lowest in non-flowering plants and increased in the following order: male, monoecious and female plants; with females yielding almost twice as much as the non-flowering plants. The plants produced from small tuber setts, with higher leaf virus infection, low plant leafiness either had low flowering intensity, fewer fruits and seeds or even failed to flower. The sequence and timing of vegetative and reproductive processes in relation to the difference in yield between male and female plants is discussed. There is a strong indication that the intensity of flowering and fruiting is lower in plants from previous vegetative propagation compared to recent seedling-serived clones.  相似文献   

M. Allahgholipour    A. J. Ali    F. Alinia    T. Nagamine    Y. Kojima 《Plant Breeding》2006,125(4):357-362
One hundred and sixty‐seven rice varieties/laudraces from 23 different rice‐growing countries were used for studying the relationship between the amylose content (AC %) and paste viscosity parameters (RVU) through Pearson correlation. AC and paste viscosity parameters were measured using Auto Analyser and Rapid Visco Analysers respectively. Based on all five RVA pasting properties, i.e. peak viscosity (PV), minimum viscosity (MV), breakdown (BD), final viscosity (FV) and setback (SB), the simple paired t‐test (at P = 0.05) was carried out to identify varieties that showed non‐significant differences (similar) from the check variety, separately for each of the four AC groups, e.g. Waxy rice AC (0–8%, n = 21) –‘IR29’ (Philippines); Low AC (8.1–16%, n = 58) –‘Koshihikari’ (Japan); Intermediate AC (16.1–24%, n = 64) –‘Local Sadri’ (Iran); high AC (>24.1%, n = 24) –‘Kasalath’ (India). Significant variation among the rice varieties for AC and pasting properties were observed. Means of the AC and the viscosity parameters including PV, MV, BD, FV and SB were 15.8, 416.1, 180.3, 235.8, 380.9 and 200.6 RVU respectively. Significant correlations existed between AC and paste viscosity parameters at AC group level. The paste viscosity parameters, i.e. PV, BD and SB are important within an AC group as far as cooking quality is concerned. In the low AC group, ‘Koshihikari’ (check) was most preferred by Japanese consumers, which was used for identifying 16 varieties that showed non‐significant differences for pasting properties with it. Some of the important Japanese varieties were ‘Todorokiwase’, ‘Owarihatamochi’, ‘Sasanishiki’, ‘Reimei’ and ‘Kinuhikari’. These varieties had good cooking quality with low AC, high PV and BD with low SB. In contrast, the Iranian cultivar ‘Local Sadri’ with good cooking quality had intermediate levels of AC and SB while recording high PV and BD. The varietal diversity for pasting properties available within each AC group may allow the breeder to make effective selections for improving the cooking quality according to consumer choice.  相似文献   

绿色超级稻品种的农艺与生理性状分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探明绿色超级稻的农艺与生理性状,对于培育和选用绿色超级稻品种有重要意义。本研究以4个绿色超级稻品种为材料,1个超级稻品种和1个非超级稻品种为对照,观察了绿色超级稻的农艺与生理表现。结果表明,与对照品种相比,绿色超级稻品种具有较高的产量和氮素利用效率。绿色超级稻品种较高的产量得益于总颖花数和结实率的同步提高,较高的氮素利用率主要在于较高的植株氮素籽粒生产效率(氮素内部利用效率)。绿色超级稻具有较高的茎蘖成穗率和粒叶比,抽穗期较高的糖花比,灌浆期较高的作物生长速率、净同化率、根系氧化力和茎中同化物向籽粒的运转率和成熟期较高的收获指数。这些性状与产量及植株氮素籽粒生产效率均呈极显著的正相关。建议将上述性状作为培育和选用绿色超级稻品种的参考指标。  相似文献   

Some sources of cytoplasm have been favoredin rice breeding for unknown reasons. Tostudy cytoplasmic effects on agronomictraits, five core japonica parents inOryza sativa, Xinan 175, Reimei,Keqing No. 3, Todorokiwase, and Toride No.1, which are ancestors of 75 % of cultivarsbred in Yunnan, China, were used as femaleparents in crosses with 3 distinctjaponica rice cultivars, 8-126,Lijiangxintuanheigu, and Norinmochi No.20as males. These nuclear genomes weresubstituted into the five cytoplasms viaseven backcrosses using the original maleas recurrent parent. Fifteen combinationsof BC7F2 and their parents weresown in Jinghong during the late season(July-October) for agronomic evaluation in1999. Meanwhile, all materials werescreened for low temperature tolerancebased upon two methods in Kunming (1916 mabove sea level): natural field and lowtemperature water (19 °C) cyclingirrigation at booting stage. Spikeletfertility was used as an indication of lowtemperature tolerance. Effects of cytoplasmon yield, width of flag leaf, and lowtemperature tolerance were significant. Significant cytoplasm-nucleus interactionon yield, plant height, and low temperaturetolerance were also observed. These resultsindicated that cytoplasm andcytoplasm-nucleus interaction playedimportant roles in yield, low temperaturetolerance, and some important agronomictraits in japonica rice. The role ofcytoplasm and cytoplasm-nucleus interactionshould be considered in future ricebreeding and resources work.  相似文献   

Genotypes with better root development have good nutrient acquisition capacity and may yield better under limited nitrogen (N) conditions and consequently can help reduce the N fertilization rate and hence mitigate some economic and ecological problems. This study focused on the genotypic variation among diverse maize inbred lines for seedling and adult plant traits under contrasting N levels. Seventy-four lines were screened under high and low N levels in a climate chamber and in the field. High phenotypic diversity was observed for seedling and adult plant traits together with moderate to high broad-sense heritability estimates. Seedling total root length and root dry weight were significantly correlated with other root traits in maize. Of the adult plant traits evaluated in the field, the anthesis-silking interval and the leaf chlorophyll contents were significantly correlated with grain yield under both low and high N levels. In one location, the seminal root length was correlated with grain yield both under low and high N levels and the root dry weight was correlated with grain yield under high N. Selection indices based on secondary root traits along with grain yield could lead to an increase in selection efficiency for grain yield under N stress condition. By identifying lines with better root development, particularly lines with longer SRL, it may be possible to select inbred lines with higher grain yield particularly under low N condition.  相似文献   

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