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Isolated acholeplasma laidlawii strains exhibited highly differentiated behaviours regarding their udder pathogenicity. Twelve of 16 tested strains were pathogenic to udder. Symptoms of acute udder inflammation were caused by all ten A. laidlawii strains isolated from differentiated material of calf, but by only two of six strains isolated from differentiated material of cattle. Intracisternal instillation of both strains from milk and one strain each from udder skin or cervical mucus caused merely temporary disorders of secretion. Ultrasonic extracts of A. laidlawii strains, some of them additionally heated, were intracisternally applied, as well. Udder irritation was caused only by those acholeplasma strains which were udder-patha was assumed to be attributable to a toxin of the polysaccharide type. Pathogenicity to udder was recorded also from one M. alkalescens strain isolated from a nose swab taken of cattle as well as from two A. granularum strains isolated from calf lungs.  相似文献   

Reported in this paper is the occurrence of enzootic mastitis in three dairy cattle stocks. The outbreaks had been caused by Mycoplasma bovis, Acholeplasma laidlawii, Acholeplasma axanthum as well as by one unidentified strain of the family of mycoplasmataceae. All animals with positive response to mycoplasma tests were identified an selected by repetitive testing of cultures in milk samples which had been taken from all lactating and dry cows and heifers as well as by evaluation of organ samples obtained from slaughtered cows. Regular cleaning and disinfection of stands in cowsheds, cattle tracks, and milk parlours as well as disinfection of udders and milking cups worked extremely well throughout the action in control of those cases of enzootic mycoplasma mastitis.  相似文献   

Thirty-two isolates of altered milk samples taken from cows with mastitis on three industrialised dairy cattle units were biochemically tested following five passes through no-inhibitor media, assessment of filtratability through 450-nm-membrane filter, and clone assay. Something between five and ten clones of each of the strains involved were tested for their growth properties both at 22 degrees C and in no-serum media, sensitivity to digitonin and capability of aesculin hydrolysis. TTC reduction (triphenyltetrazolium-chloride), as well as for decomposition of glucose, arginine, and urea. The properties found were characteristic of M. bovis, A. laidlawii, and A. axanthum, and of the family of mycoplasmataceaea in the strains of one of the stocks.  相似文献   

The recipes Medium-I broth, Medium-B broth, and Weissenseemycoplasma broth as well as Medium-I agar, Medium-B agar, and MRL agar were tested for their applicability to culturing mycoplasma from milk samples, using the direct and indirect techniques. No dependable information on the occurrence of mycoplasma was obtainable from tested material unless several nutritive media and techniques were combined. Medium I, for which almost no imported substances were needed, was in no way inferior to common international nutritive substrates. Its use in conjunction with the indirect culturing technique is recommended for routine diagnosis.  相似文献   

Thirty-two isolates from altered milk samples taken from cows with mastitis of two herds were serologically tested by the WHT against rabbit hyperimmune sera of 16 reference and type strains. The strains tested were associated and grouped in the following way: 16 M. bovis, nine A. laidlawii, and seven A. axanthum. The classification of on M. bovis strain was confirmed by SHT. Five isolates from another stock, with biochemical properties related to the family of mycoplasmataceae, were not serologically identified.  相似文献   

The most important characteristics of Mycoplasma mastitis on dairy farms are described, based on two case studies. Clinical symptoms, diagnostics, epidemiology, and a plan of action are presented. In the herds investigated, Mycoplasma mastitis was characterized by multiple affected quarters unresponsive to treatment with antibiotic and/or anti-inflammatory agents. Most striking were a sandy sediment, brown colouring, and rice-like structure of the milk of affected animals. Clinical symptoms differed in the two affected herds. Diagnosis was based on bacteriological investigation of samples of milk and synovial fluid taken from infected cows. Affected animals were culled immediately, and the herds were monitored by repeated testing of bulk milk samples. It was concluded that a consequence of the increasing size of cattle herds in the Netherlands is that subclinical/clinical Mycoplasma mastitis may be diagnosed more frequently than in the past. In the case of Mycoplasma mastitis, farmers and veterinary practitioners are advised to draw up a plan of action together, incorporating aspects such as diagnostics at cow level, direct culling of affected animals, hygiene during milking, including post-milking teat disinfection, and routine monitoring of bulk milk. Unpasteurized milk should not be given to calves.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma spp. are highly contagious pathogens and intramammary Mycoplasma infection is a serious issue for the dairy industry. As there is no effective vaccine for Mycoplasma infection, control depends on good husbandry and chemo‐antibiotic therapy. In this study, antimicrobial susceptibility of Mycoplasma strains recently isolated from cases of bovine mastitis in Japan was evaluated by minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). All Mycoplasma bovis strains were sensitive to pirlimycin, danofloxacin and enrofloxacin, but not kanamycin, oxytetracycline, tilmicosin or tylosin. M. californicum and M. bovigenitalium strains were sensitive to pirlimycin, danofloxacin, enrofloxacin, oxytetracycline, tilmicosin and tylosin, but not to kanamycin. This is the first report to describe the MIC of major antimicrobial agents for Mycoplasma species isolated from bovine mastitis in Japan.  相似文献   

Experimental intracisternal infection, using mycoplasma bovis strains, proved to cause typical mastitis of grave severity. The clinical pattern was in conformity with published findings. Testing of mycoplasma strains for their pathogenicity to cattle udder during lactation was found to be an adequate approach to elucidating the importance of mycoplasma species isolated from cattle herds.  相似文献   

To elucidate the spectra of Prototheca species and P. zopfii genotypes in milk samples from mastitis affected cattle, 200 Prototheca-isolates of 57 German dairy cattle barns were analyzed by species- and genotype- specific PCR and RFLP analysis. The investigations showed that 177 (88.5%) of all isolates represented P. zopfii genotype 2, 21 (10.5%) isolates represented P. blaschkeae and two (1.0%) P. zopfii genotype 1. Therefore mainly P. zopfii genotype 2 but also P. blaschkeae act in the epidemiology of mastitis in cattle, whereas the role of P. blaschkeae in development of bovine protothecal mastitis should be further explored in epidemiological studies. In this study P. blaschkeae was demonstrated for the first time in association with bovine mastitis in Germany.  相似文献   

All 83 bacterial strains isolated from seven farms in three areas of the island of Java in Indonesia investigated in the present study could be identified as Streptococcus agalactiae. Identification was performed by cultural, biochemical and serological properties and by polymerase chain reaction amplification of species-specific parts of the gene encoding the 16S rRNA, the 16S-23S rDNA intergenic spacer region and the CAMP factor (cfb) gene. All isolates were unpigmented. almost all of the isolates had the serotype pattern II/X. Despite these similarities a macrorestriction analysis of the chromosomal DNA of the bacteria revealed no significant homologies of the DNA-fingerprints of the S. agalactiae from the various areas. This last finding might possibly indicate that a single ancestral unpigmented serotype II/X S. agalactiae clone was responsible for the mastitis situation on Java and had evolved separately in the various farms and regions.  相似文献   

Dairy production is not traditional in Vietnam. The farmers have little practical knowledge and udder health control is generally lacking. In order to give the farmers appropriate advice, knowledge about the distribution of udder pathogens is crucial. The aim of the study was to investigate the prevalence of sub-clinical mastitis and to identify udder pathogens isolated from smallholder dairy herds in Southern Vietnam. Twenty farms with a herd somatic cell count (SCC) ranging from low (≤400?×?103?cells/mL) to high (>400?×?103?cells/mL) were randomly selected. Milk samples were collected from 458 quarters of 115 clinically healthy cows. SCC was analyzed on farm by a portable cell counter. Bacteriological samples were taken using Mastistrip© cassettes and sent to Sweden for examination. For all herds the mean herd SCC was 632?×?103/mL milk. The prevalence of subclinical mastitis at quarter SCC basis was 63.2 % and at cow basis 88.6 %. Only 40 % of all cows were bacteriologically negative in all quarters. Streptococcus agalactiae was the most commonly found bacteria species, isolated from 96 of the 458 quarter samples, in 13 of the 20 farms. The results indicate pronounced subclinical mastitis problems among the dairy cows in this region mainly due to infections with S. agalactiae. The high prevalence of this highly contagious pathogen is probably attributable to the generally poor milking hygiene and low awareness of proper measures to prevent occurrence and spread of udder infections. A strict, targeted action program for the herds in this area is required in order to lower the prevalence of subclinical mastitis.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to determine the distribution of subclincial mastitis and intramammary infection (IMI) across udder quarters and to quantify, if any, the level of interdependence between quarters. Subclinical mastitis was defined as an udder quarter somatic cell count of > or =250,000. Intramammary infection was defined as the presence of pathogens in an udder quarter. The data used in the analyses consisted 6577 test-day records from 2034 lactations with observations on subclinical mastitis and 8428 test-day records from 2575 lactations with observations on IMI; each test-day record consisted data on all four udder quarters. Records were from animals on three research herds in southern Ireland. Observed distributions of IMI were compared to expected distributions, estimated using a binomial probability distribution, assuming independence among quarters. Generally, the observed frequencies deviated significantly from the expected frequencies, indicating some level of interdependence between quarters. Intraclass correlations were estimated from a mixed model including cow and test-day record nested within cow as random effects; fixed effects in the model included herd, year of calving, month of calving, parity, days in milk at sampling and interactions. Intraclass correlations within test-day record ranged from 0.14 to 0.50 for subclinical mastitis and from 0.02 to 0.40 for IMI. Thus, substantial interdependence between quarters exists which should be accounted for when analysing data from experiments across udder quarters. Failure to do so may result in incorrect inferences from statistical tests.  相似文献   

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