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Background: Laser lithotripsy has been used as an alternative to surgical removal of uroliths.
Objective: To describe the procedure and efficacy of laser lithotripsy for removal of lower urinary tract uroliths in horses. Additionally, the ultrastructure and the differences in mineralogy and microstructure from 1 successful and 1 unsuccessful laser lithotripsy case are described.
Animals: Six client-owned horses with 7 episodes of naturally occurring urocystoliths, urethroliths, or both.
Methods: Retrospective study of all horses treated between 2006 and 2008 by laser lithotripsy. All horses were sedated followed by laser lithotripsy. Quantitative urolith analysis was performed in all cases. Ultrastructure and microstructure analyses were performed on uroliths from 2 horses.
Results: Procedural success was achieved in 5 of 7 laser lithotripsy procedures. No complications occurred as a result of laser lithotripsy. One horse developed uroabdomen likely as a result of manual lithotrite disruption of the bladder after failure of laser lithotripsy. There were differences in microstructure between 1 urolith that was successfully fragmented by laser lithotripsy and 1 urolith that was resistant to laser fragmentation.
Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Laser lithotripsy is an effective procedure for removal of some urocystoliths, urethroliths, or both in horses.  相似文献   

Wound healing in horses is complicated by the excessive growth of granulation tissue, commonly known as proud flesh and is similar to keloids in human beings. At present, there is no satisfactory treatment for proud flesh in horses. In this study, we, for the first time, demonstrated that leaf extract of Aerva javanica suppresses excessive growth of granulation tissue in horses. Many plant flavonoids are claimed to have antiproliferative properties. Kaempferol is a natural flavonoid containing 3-hydroxy flavone backbone found in many plants in its aglycone form and attached with various sugars. Ecdysteroids are steroidal analogs of invertebrate steroidal hormones found in plants. Both flavonoids and ecdysteroids accumulate more in plants during abiotic stress. We hypothesized that Aerva javanica may have high levels of ecdysteroids and kaempferols for surviving in stressful conditions of desert. Those kaempferols may suppress the growth of granulation tissue by their antiangiogenesis property. Ecdysteroids may control the larvae of habronema if associated with proud flesh. Extract was prepared using solvent-based fractionation and silica gel column flash chromatography. Application of the leaf extract in horses suppressed growth of granulation tissue along with restoration of normal skin function. Various purification steps and mass spectrometry were used to identify the active components in the study.  相似文献   

A study of 57 cutaneous melanocytic tumors from 53 horses revealed 4 distinct clinical syndromes: melanocytic nevus, dermal melanoma, dermal melanomatosis, and anaplastic malignant melanoma. Melanocytic nevus and anaplastic melanoma each had histopathologic features that distinguished them from dermal melanoma and dermal melanomatosis. Dermal melanoma and dermal melanomatosis were histologically similar but could be differentiated by their clinical features. Melanocytic nevi were diagnosed in 29 horses with an average age of 5 years; they were solitary, superficial masses that occurred in both grey and nongrey horses, and in which surgical excision was generally curative. Dermal melanomas were diagnosed in 20 horses with an average age of 13 years; all horses of known coat color were grey. Eight horses with an average age of 7 years had 1 or 2 discrete dermal melanomas. Follow-up information was available for 6 horses; metastases occurred in 2 horses, and surgical excision was apparently curative in 4 horses. Dermal melanomatosis was diagnosed in 12 grey horses with an average age of 17 years; all 6 of these horses evaluated had internal metastases. In 2 aged nongrey horses with anaplastic malignant melanoma, the tumors metastasized within 1 year of diagnosis. Two tumors with features of both melanocytic nevus and dermal melanoma remained unclassified.  相似文献   

A miniature schnauzer presented for evaluation of a persistent lower urinary tract obstruction. Further examination revealed that the dog had developed an obstructive, inflammatory polyp secondary to a long-standing urinary tract infection. The polyp was located within the proximal urethra and interfered with normal voiding. The polyp was visualized using flexible endoscopy and then was successfully ablated using the neodymium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Nd:YAG) laser. The Nd:YAG laser is a potentially useful tool for treating various lesions of the lower urinary tract.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Eighty-six horses presented for examination at the Rural Veterinary Centre between January 1986 to December 1991 with acute diarrhoea. The average age of affected horses was 3.2 ± 0.2 years (mean ± SE), with 69% three years or younger. Sixty-one horses were male (36 stallions, 25 geldings) and 83 horses were Thoroughbreds (47) or Standardbreds (36). Sixty-six horses were undergoing routine training at the time of onset of diarrhoea. Eight horses were afflicted with a non-specific illness within one to five days before the onset of diarrhoea, whereas eight horses developed diarrhoea during or within 48 h of discontinuation of antimicrobial therapy. Three horses developed the diarrhoea within 24 h of road transportation. Clinically, the disorder was characterised by a fever, sudden onset of profuse diarrhoea, clinical evidence of dehydration (estimated to be 5 to 12% of body weight at the time of admission) and shock. Degenerative leucopaenia, hyponatraemia, hypochloraemia, hyperkalaemia, hyperglycaemia and azotaemia were characteristic laboratory findings. Laminitis was a sequel in about 30% of cases. The cause of diarrhoea remained undetermined in most cases. Salmonellas were isolated from faecal or tissue samples in only two cases. Similarly, there was no evidence of seroconversion to Erhlichia risticii in 17 cases. Sixty-two of the horses survived the acute phase of the disease in response to supportive care. In horses that did not survive, necropsies were performed and revealed sanguineous or turbid peritoneal fluid. The colonic and caecal walls were oedematous and thickened with serosal congestion and discolouration of these organs evident grossly. Histopathological examination of the caecum and colon revealed diffuse congestion, oedema, inflammatory reactions and submucosal vascular thrombosis with varying degrees of mucosal devitalisation. Most cases presented in this series represent a distinct syndrome of diarrhoea characterised by acute diarrhoea predominantly affecting young horses in training with concomitant signs of fever and toxaemia.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe a technique of contact neodymium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Nd:YAG) laser-assisted excision of progressive ethmoid hematoma (PEH) in horses, to determine the recurrence rate of clinical signs of PEH in horses with follow-up time of a minimum of 12 months, and to compare this result with reported results achieved by using conventional techniques. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 21 horses with 26 PEH. PROCEDURE: Medical records of all horses with PEH treated by Nd:YAG laser excision from December 1986 through August 1996 were analyzed. Twenty-one horses underwent unilateral (18 surgeries) or bilateral (14) frontonasal bone flap with excision of the mass, using an Nd:YAG laser. One horse with bilateral PEH underwent a unilateral bone flap twice, 1 year apart. RESULTS: 1 horse died. Four of 20 horses with followup times of 12 months or longer had recurrence of PEH. The PEH recurrence rate was 20% (5/25 PEH). Three of 6 horses with bilateral lesions had recurrence of PEH. Recurrence rate for horses that had bilateral PEH (3/6 horses) was greater than for horses with unilateral PEH (1/14 horses). CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: Treatment of PEH by Nd:YAG laser excision through a frontonasal bone flap results in a recurrence rate comparable with that reported for conventional techniques. Horses with bilateral lesions are more likely to have a recurrence of PEH.  相似文献   

Proximal open comminuted fractures of the fourth metatarsal bone (Mt IV) in eight horses were treated by complete removal of the affected bone and antimicrobial therapy. Two horses had concurrent septic arthritis of the tarsocrural or distal tarsal articulations, and five horses had radiographic evidence of osteomyelitis and sequestration of the affected bone. Five horses became athletically sound for their intended use, two horses with septic arthritis had residual lameness but were pasture sound, and one horse was lost to follow-up. Excision of the entire bone appears to be an acceptable treatment of open comminuted fractures of the proximal one-third of Mt IV that do not respond to more conservative modes of therapy.  相似文献   

The frequencies of neurologic diseases and various corresponding causes were analyzed in 4,319 Norman horses examined by autopsy between 1986 and 2006. Five hundred forty-three cases of nervous system disorders were detected, or a total prevalence of 12.6%. One hundred eighty-seven of the 543 horses (34.4%) exhibited lesions of a traumatic origin affecting the skull or the vertebral column at different levels. Their frequency was less in foals younger than 1 month of age and higher in horses aged 6 months to 2 years. Eighty-three cases of cervical vertebral compressive myelopathy (CVCM) (15.3%) were identified. Males and geldings were more often affected than females. CVCM was diagnosed mostly in animals aged 6 months to 2 years. Horses affected with lesions in the mid-cervical region (region C3–C5) were significantly younger than those exhibiting more caudal lesions (region C5–C7). Neonatal maladjustment syndrome was diagnosed in 62 foals younger than 3.5 days (4.8% of the causes of death between birth and 1 month) by using clinical or lesional criteria. The prevalence was higher in Thoroughbreds as well as in the miscellaneous breed category and less in French Standardbreds. Bacterial meningoencephalomyelitis and meningitis represented 9.6% of nervous system disorders (52 cases) and most often affected foals aged 1 to 6 months. The main bacteria identified were beta-hemolytic Streptococci , Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, and Actinobacillus sp. The other causes diagnosed were, in decreasing order of frequency: grass sickness or equine dysautonomia (6.3% of neurologic diseases), hepatic encephalopathy syndrome (5.2%), septic vertebral arthritis or osteitis mainly caused by Rhodococcus equi (2.6%), congenital defects of the nervous system (2.4%), equine herpesvirus 1 myeloencephalopathy (2.2%), botulism (2.2%), malformations of the vertebral column other than CVCM (2%), and neighboring polyneuritis associated with guttural pouch mycosis (1.5%).  相似文献   

Objective: To validate the use of the LigaSure? Vessel Sealing System (LVSS) to perform thoracoscopic lung tissue biopsies in heaves‐affected horses. Study design: Prospective clinical study. Animals: Heaves‐affected horses (n=12). Methods: Lung biopsies (n=34) were collected with the LVSS (2–4 biopsies/horse) in horses with and without clinical signs of heaves. Thoracoscope (13th intercostal space [ICS]) and 2 instruments (between the 12–15th ICS) portals were used. Selected clinical and arterial blood gas variables were monitored. Postoperative pneumothorax was evaluated. Depth of thermal injury to the surrounding tissue and representativeness of the biopsies were determined. Results: Mean surgical time was 22.9±8.0 minutes. The complication rate was 5.6%, and primarily related to a focal inadequate sealing of the biopsy margin. Five horses in exacerbation required intraoperative intranasal O2. Mean PaO2 was significantly lower in heaves‐affected horses with clinical signs compared with those without clinical signs. Postoperative pneumothorax was detected radiographically after 20 of the 34 procedures. One horse with clinical signs of heaves developed a fatal tension pneumothorax 5 days postoperatively despite close radiographic monitoring. Conclusion: Thoracoscopic lung biopsy using LVSS is a rapid and effective technique to harvest peripheral lung tissues from heaves‐affected horses. Although the complication rate was tolerable, tension pneumothorax was a potential life‐threatening complication because of incomplete lung sealing. Clinical Relevance: LVSS can be used with relative safety to perform thoracoscopic lung biopsy, but close postoperative monitoring is necessary to avoid tension pneumothorax.  相似文献   

Bilateral palmar and plantar digital neurectomies were completed in 10 horses (a total of 80 neurectomies) using one of three methods: (1) simple transection (guillotine method); (2) epineural capping; (3) n-butyl cyanoacrylate injected into the epineural sheath to act as a nerve sealant. Horses were regularly evaluated clinically for tenderness in and around the surgical site, as well as skin sensation at the coronary band in the heel region, during the 12-week course of the study. None of the surgical sites exhibited any signs of drainage or infection. Horses were then euthanatized, the nerve stumps were dissected from surrounding tissues, and the length and width of the tissue mass that had formed on the end of the nerve was recorded. Longitudinal and transverse sections of the nerve endings were examined histologically for numbers of proliferating axon sprouts (neuroma formation); whether the axons had penetrated the epineurium; degree of Schwann cell proliferation; degree of chronic inflammation; extent of foreign body reaction; extent of retrograde degeneration of the nerve bundles; and amount of fibro vascular proliferation. The proportion of legs exhibiting tenderness or heel sensation did not differ significantly between the three different treatments at any of the six different times they were examined. There was no difference between the three treatments in the length or width of the fibrous tissue scar on the ends of the nerves or in the number of sprouting axons from the ends of the nerves. Of 80 nerves examined, only two nerves were not confined to the epineurium. Both these nerves had been treated by simple transection. Statistically there was more chronic inflammation and foreign body reaction in the acrylic treated nerves, but no difference in Schwann cell proliferation or retrograde degeneration between the three treatments. There was slightly less fibrovascular proliferation in the transected nerves than in those subjected to epineural capping or acrylic, but the difference was not statistically significant. The use of the tissue adhesive n-butyl cyanoacrylate to prevent the continuous growth of axons after digital neurectomy seems to offer little advantage over more traditional methods of neurectomy.  相似文献   

Enterocutaneous fistulae are rare in horses and occur most commonly as a complication of umbilical hernias or their treatment. Horses with enterocutaneous fistulae may be successfully treated by en bloc resection of the body wall and intestine or by allowing second intention healing. Complications associated with surgical intervention include fever, colic, incisional problems, and recurrence of the fistula. Nonsurgical management of two horses with presumptive large colon fistulae resulted in resolution of the fistulae without complications.  相似文献   

A vaginal septum was diagnosed in an English bulldog bitch during routine estrous cycle staging. The septum extended 16 cm from the vestibulo-vaginal junction to just caudal to the cervix. The septum was removed by two applications of an Nd:YAG laser via a flexible fiberoptic endoscope. Complete healing occurred over a 5-week period and was uneventful. The bitch was bred and subsequently delivered four puppies vaginally. Transendoscopic laser ablation provided a noninvasive approach to surgically remove a vaginal septum in the dog.  相似文献   

Outcomes of cardiopulmonary arrest and resuscitation in clinically affected dogs and cats have not been adequately studied. We examined the records from 200 dogs and 65 cats that had received cardiopulmonary resuscitation for respiratory or cardiopulmonary arrest; none of the animals had been anesthetized or intubated at the time of arrest, and all had been hospitalized in a veterinary critical care facility. Cardiopulmonary arrest was found to be more common than respiratory arrest in dogs and cats. Hospital discharge rates for animals with cardiopulmonary arrest ranged from 4.1% for dogs to 9.6% for cats, and were consistent with those reported from studies of human beings with cardiopulmonary arrest. Hospital discharge rates for dogs and cats with respiratory arrest were 28% and 58.3%, respectively.  相似文献   

It has been described in humans that chronic obstructive bronchitis leads to pathologic changes, especially in the right ventricular myocardium due to hypoxia, which can be assessed by tissue Doppler imaging (TDI). In our study, different TDI techniques, that is, pulsed-wave TDI and color TDI, were evaluated for applicability in different scan planes (apical long-axis view and short-axis view) for the analysis of right ventricular myocardial function in six healthy horses (control) and six horses affected with recurrent airway obstruction (RAO) (RAO group). Tissue Doppler imaging was applicable to all scan planes described. Myocardial movement directions in general and the absolute values of TDI parameters were assessable. Significantly reduced early diastolic filling velocities (E), elevated late diastolic filling velocities (A), thereby decreased E/A quotient, prolonged electromechanical coupling periods between electrocardiograph Q-wave and maximal velocities, and compensatory elevated systolic strain as well as diminished displacement could be observed in horses with RAO compared with the control group. To conclude, equine right ventricular myocardial function is assessable by TDI. Significant changes of right ventricular myocardial function could be demonstrated by TDI in horses with RAO compared with matched healthy controls. The hypothesis that RAO potentially leads to right ventricular dysfunction detectable by TDI before conventional echocardiography changes are evident is supported by this explorative study.  相似文献   

A 15-year-old, pregnant Dutch Warmblood mare was exhibiting intermittent hemorrhage secondary to a large vestibulovaginal varicosity. The vessel was reduced with transendoscopic Nd:YAG laser photocoagulation. This technique is minimally invasive compared with traditional surgical ligation, and significantly decreases the risk of severe hemorrhage, especially with advancing pregnancy. One laser treatment resulted in complete reduction in vessel size and allowed the pregnancy to continue to term without incident or further vaginal hemorrhage.  相似文献   

The medical and necropsy records of 41 cats diagnosed with nonlymphomatous hepatobiliary (NLHB) masses, including neoplasia and cysts, were reviewed. Overall, benign masses (n = 27) were more common than malignant ones (n = 14). The single most common malignancy was cholangiocellular carcinoma. The median age at diagnosis was significantly lower ( P < .01) for cats with malignant rather than benign disease. Clinical signs associated with hepatobiliary neoplasia were usually vague and included lethargy, vomiting, and anorexia, often present for at least 2 weeks before presentation. Benign masses were an incidental finding in significantly more ( P < .01) of the cases than were malignant masses. Median values for alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and total bilirubin were significantly higher ( P < .05) in cats with malignant versus benign masses. The prognosis for malignant disease was poor, with 86% of the cats dying or being euthanatized during hospitalization. Cats with benign disease that underwent exploratory celiotomy were more likely to recover and warranted a more favorable prognosis than cats with malignant tumors. Factors associated with malignancy included age at presentation, presence of clinical signs at presentation, and specific serum chemistry changes.  相似文献   

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