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Haemangioendothelioma in domestic animals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In human cancer treatment, CEA (carcino embryonic antigen) testing is a routine procedure, even though the test is of low sensitivity (40%) and low specificity (70%). Since tests with polyclonal antibodies render no reproducible results with animal sera, the applicability of a recently available monoclonal CEA test designed for human sera was evaluated. We were able to show that the latter test was of supplemental diagnostic value when testing animal sera. The upper normal limit for dogs is 1.65 ng/ml, for cats 2.81 ng/ml, for cows 2.85 ng/ml, for sheep 2.85 ng/ml and for horses 1.61 ng/ml.  相似文献   

Iron is essential for the organism. In ionized forms (Fe++, Fe ), it constitutes an integrated part of a lot of different functional proteins (Figure 1). The most important functions are participation in oxygen transport in blood, oxygen storage in muscle tissues and oxidation of nutrients in the mitochondria. Iron is an essential part of cytochrome C and alpha-glycerolphosphate dehydrogenase, and early stages of iron deficiency may, therefore, cause disturbances in tissue metabolism before development of anaemia. Thus, haemoglobin determinations is not very suitable for diagnosing early iron deficiency. The content of iron in roughages, apart from root crops (Table II), is usually sufficient to cover the requirement of domestic animals (Table III), which is met by about 50 mg per kg feed dry matter. Iron deficiency is very often caused by a reduced absorption in the intestinal tract because of components in the feed forming complexes with iron of very low solubility or inhibitors reducing the absorption processes. The immune status of the organism and its resistance against infections depends on the iron supply. Iron deficiency inhibits the myeloperoxidase activity and thus decreases the bacteriocide effect of the leucocytes. In spite of this, when exposed to infections the physiological mechanisms reduce the blood concentration of available iron. By this mode of action, invading pathogens, needing iron like the host animals, will be restrained. The low content of iron in milk (Table II) combined with a high content of iron binding lactoferrin, is ideal to protect newborn and milk fed young animals against intestinal infections.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Abortion or neonatal disease may follow infection with several α, β and γ-herpesviruses. The α-herpesvirus, equid herpesvirus-1 (EHV-1), causes single or epizootic abortions or neonatal deaths in equids, and the closely related virus EHV-4 causes sporadic equine abortions. In cattle, the α-herpesviruses, bovine herpesvirus-1 (infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus) and bovine herpesvirus-5 (bovine encephalitis virus), and a γ-herpesvirus, bovine herpesvirus-4, have all been implicated as causes of abortion. In pigs, suid herpesvirus-1 (SHV-1: pseudorabies virus), an α-herpesvirus, and SHV-2 (porcine cytomegalovirus), a β-herpesvirus, each cause abortion or neonatal piglet losses. Caprine herpesvirus-1, canine herpesvirus and feline herpesvirus-1, all α-herpesviruses, cause abortions or neonatal deaths in goats, dogs and cats, respectively. This review discusses the pathogenesis, pathology and laboratory diagnosis of these herpesviral abortions and neonatal diseases, with an emphasis on experimental studies of each disease. Alternative reviews covering other aspects of each infection, such as the genetic and antigenic structure of the viruses, host immune responses and approaches to vaccination and disease control are indicated at appropriate points in the text. nts in the text.  相似文献   

疱疹病毒是一群较大的有囊膜的双链 DNA病毒 ,到目前为止 ,几乎所有家畜和家禽都有各自的疱疹病毒 ,但一种家畜可能感染几种 (型 )疱疹病毒 ,一种疱疹病毒也可能感染几种动物。至今发现的疱疹病毒已有 80余种。早期 ,根据其生物及分子生物学特性 ,将疱疹病毒科分为 α-疱疹病毒、β-疱疹病毒和γ-疱疹病毒 3个亚科 ,而 1 995年国际病毒分类委员会则将疱疹病毒科分类为甲、乙和丙 3个亚科。但许多疱疹病毒感染可引起流产或新生动物疾病 ,如马疱疹病毒 1型 ( EHV- 1 )引起马的单一性或地方流行性流产或新生马驹死亡 ,而与之密切相关病毒EH…  相似文献   

Domestic animals are quite often poisoned by pesticides despite the considerable effort made through legislation and Ministry recommendations to provide adequate safeguards for the use of agricultural chemicals. All pesticides have to be registered and recommendations and restrictions for use are printed on the labels. But a number of cases involving the misuse of certain poisons as bait for vermin has caused concern recently to both Government and industry. Special problems face the veterinary surgeon who has to treat a pet animal with suspected esticide poisoning. This paper provides possible sources of information from which the veterinary surgeon may obtain help with diagnosis, advice on treatment and laboratory aid.  相似文献   

近两年 ,伊犁地区几个县市的各类畜禽时常发生一种以肺炎为主要病症的传染病 ,经流行病学调查、病理剖检、实验室化验后均诊断为肺炎链球菌病。其病理表现虽不尽相同 ,但上呼吸道感染、病程急、高烧、死亡率高是其共同的特点。现报道如下。1 流行病学情况  1 999年 1 1月 ,伊宁县一鸡场 2 8日龄雏鸡发生水泻、伸颈呼吸等病症 ,6天内死亡36% ;1 999年 3月 1 7日 ,新源县一生产母羊群突发咳嗽、气喘 ,随后波及所哺羔羊 ,发病羔羊在 2~ 3天内死亡 ;1 999年 4月 1 3日 ,昭苏军马场一群冬羔约31 0只在草场放牧 ,突发跳跃等神经症状后即倒地 ,…  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Necropsy: Procedures and Basic Diagnostic Methods for Practising Veterinarians. AC Strafuss. Charles C Thomas
Ticks and Tick Borne Diseases. RW Sutherst .  相似文献   

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