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Roots of trees (Sesbania sesban) and crops (Zea mays) were quantified during two tree/crop cycles in a sequential tree — crop system at Chipata, Eastern Zambia. The experiment included one- and two-year fallows as well as fertilized and unfertilized controls. The roots of S. sesban represent a standing biomass in the soil of 3 Mg hat-1 in the top 1.5 m after two years, with 45–60% and 70–75% being in the top 25 and 50 cm respectively. S. sesban fallow improved early rooting and growth of the following maize crop. Increased soil infiltration was also observed in the two-year fallow treatment, as well as decreased bulk density and resistance to penetration in the soil. No differences between maize root parameters could be detected at tasselling, nor differences between nutrient status of the different treatments. Study results indicate that under the drought-prone conditions of Eastern Zambia, where improved soil physical conditions are important for early deep rooting of crops and access to water and nutrients, tree roots could play an important role in the fallow effect. Further studies are required to assess the relative importance of the improvement of soil chemical and physical properties.Submitted as ICRAF Journal Article # 95/28.  相似文献   

In eastern Zambia, nitrogen deficiency is a major limiting factor for increased food production. Soil fertility has been declining because of nearly continuous maize (Zea mays) cultivation with little or no nutrient inputs. The use of short-duration tree fallows was one of several agroforestry options hypothesized to restore soil fertility. Sesbania sesban, an indigenous N2-fixing tree was the most promising among species tested in screening trials. Several studies since 1987 have demonstrated the dramatic potential of two- or three-year sesbania fallows in restoring soil fertility and increasing maize yields. Analyses showed that these improved fallow systems were feasible, profitable, and acceptable to farmers. Results suggest that high maize yields following fallows are primarily due to improved N input and availability by the fallows. The potential to increase maize production without applying mineral fertilizers has excited thousands of farmers who are enthusiastically participating in the evaluation of this technology. The number of farmers who are testing a range of improved fallow practices has increased from 200 in 1994 to over 3000 in 1997. Presently, a strong network of institutions comprising government, NGOs, development projects, and farmer organizations is facilitating the adaptive research and expansion of improved fallow technology in eastern Zambia. Key elements in the research process that contributed to the achievements are effective diagnosis of farmers' problems, building on farmers' indigenous knowledge, generating several different fallow options for farmers to test, ex-ante economic analysis, farmer participation in on-farm trials, and development of a network for adaptive research and dissemination.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Striga hermonthica is a major constraint to smallholder subsistence agriculture production in the sub-Saharan African region. Low soil fertility and overall environmental degradation has contributed to the build-up of the parasitic weed infestation. Improved cropping systems have to be introduced to address the interrelated problems of S. hermonthica and soil fertility decline. Thus, the effects of improved fallow with leguminous shrub Sesbania sesban on maize yields and levels of S. hermonthica infestation on farm land in the bimodal highlands of western Kenya were investigated. The experimental treatments were arranged in a phased entry, and randomized complete block scheme were six months Sesbania fallow, 18 months Sesbania fallow, six months natural fallow consisting of regrowth of natural vegetation without cultivation, 18 months natural fallow, continuous maize cropping without fertilizer application, and continuous maize cropping with P and N fertilization. Results show that Sesbania fallows significantly (p<0.05) increase maize yield relative to continuous unfertilized maize. S. hermonthica plant populations decrease in continuous maize between the first season (mean = 428 000 ± 63 000 ha−1) and second season (mean=51 000 ± 15 000 ha−1), presumably in response to good weed management. S. hermonthica seed populations in the soil decrease throughout the duration of the experiment in the continuous maize treatments. Short-duration Sesbania fallows can provide modest yield improvements relative to continuous unfertilized maize, but short-duration weedy fallows are ineffective. Continuous maize cultivation with good weed control may provide more effective S. hermonthica control than fallowing.  相似文献   

Sesbania [Sesbania sesban (L.) Merr.] fallows are being promoted as a means for replenishing soil fertility in N-depleted soils of small-scale, resource-poor farmers in southern Africa. Knowledge of soil water distribution in the soil profile and water balance under proposed systems is important for knowing the long-term implications of the systems at plot, field and watershed levels. Soil water balance was quantified for maize (Zea mays L.) following 2-year sesbania fallow and in continuous maize with and without fertilizer during 1998–1999 and 1999–2000 at Chipata in eastern Zambia. Sesbania fallow increased grain yield and dry matter production of subsequent maize per unit amount of water used. Average maize grain yields following sesbania fallow, and in continuous maize with and without fertilizer were 3, 6 and 1 Mg ha−1 with corresponding water use efficiencies of 4.3, 8.8 and 1.7 kg mm−1 ha−1, respectively. Sesbania fallow increased the soil-water storage in the soil profile and drainage below the maximum crop root zone compared with the conventionally tilled non-fertilized maize. However, sesbania fallow did not significantly affect the seasonal crop water use, mainly because rainfall during both the years of the study was above the normal seasonal water requirements of maize (400 to 600 mm). Besides improving grain yields of maize in rotation, sesbania fallows have the potential to recharge the subsoil water through increased subsurface drainage and increase nitrate leaching below the crop root zone in excess rainfall seasons. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Managed short-duration fallows may have the potential to replace longer fallows in regions where population density no longer permits slow natural fallow successions. The purpose of fallows is not only to improve subsequent crop performance but also to restore soil fertility and organic matter content for the long term. We therefore evaluated the soil organic matter and nutrient flows and fractions in a short fallow experiment managed in the western Kenya highlands, and also compared the experimental area with a 9–12-yr-oldadjacent natural bush fallow. The factorial agroforestry field experiment with four land-use and two P fertilizer treatments on a Kandiudalfic Eutrudox showed that 31-wk managed fallows with Tithonia diversifolia(Hemsley) A. Gray and Crotalaria grahamiana Wight &Arn. improved soil fertility and organic matter content above those of a natural weed fallow and continuous maize (Zea mays L.). Post-fallow maize yields were also improved, although cumulative three-season increases in yield were small (0–1.2 Mg ha−1) when the yield foregone during the fallow season was accounted for. Improvements in yield and soil quality could be traced to quantity or quality of biomass recycled by the managed fallows. The non-woody recycled biomass produced by the continuous maize, weed fallow, and tithonia treatments was near 2Mg ha−1, whereas crotalaria produced three times more recyclable biomass and associated N and P. Increases in topsoil N due to the fallows may have been attributable in part to deep acquisition and recycling of N by the fallows. Particulate macro-organic matter produced by the fallows contained sufficient N(30–50 kg ha−1) to contribute substantially to maize production. Organic Paccumulation (29 kg ha−1) similarly may play a significant role in crop nutrition upon subsequent mineralization. The effect of the P fertilizer application on soil properties and maize yield was constant for all land-use systems (i.e., no land-use system × P fertilizer interactions occurred). There was an indication that tithonia may have stimulated infestation of Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth., and care must be taken to evaluate the full effects of managed fallows over several seasons. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The relay cropping of sesbania (Sesbania sesban) — a N2-fixing legume — with maize (Zea mays) has been proposed as a strategy to increase soil fertility and food production in densely populated areas in southern Africa. We determined the production of relay-cropped maize and sesbania at three landscape positions under researcher-designed and farmer-managed conditions in southern Malawi. Three landscape positions (dambo valley or bottomland, dambo margin with < 12% slope, and steep slopes with > 12% slope) were examined in factorial combination with N sources for maize (no added N, relay-cropped sesbania, and calcium ammonium nitrate fertilizer). Relay cropping of sesbania with maize increased maize grain yield, as compared to unfertilized sole maize in two of three years. Split application of 96 kg N ha–1 as N fertilizer, however, was more effective than sesbania in increasing maize yields. Survival of sesbania seedlings and biomass production of sesbania were greater in the dambo valley and dambo margin than on steep slopes. Maize yields tended to be lower on steep slopes than in the dambo valley and dambo margin areas. Biomass production of sesbania and hence the potential benefits of intercropping sesbania with maize appear greater in the dambo valleys and dambo margins than on steep slopes.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Although N-rich leaf biomass of multipurpose trees is known to be a good source of N to crops, integrating such trees into crop production systems is a major challenge in the development of viable agroforestry systems. An approach to integrating calliandra (Calliandra calothyrsus Meissner) and leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit), two promising agroforestry tree species, into maize (Zea mays L.) production system was investigated in the subhumid highlands of central Kenya during four maize-growing seasons from 1994 to 1996. The experiment consisted of maize plots to which tree prunings obtained from hedgerows grown either in situ (alley cropping) or ex situ (biomass transfer from outside) were applied. When alley-cropped with leucaena, maize produced significantly higher yields compared to maize monoculture (both non-fertilized and fertilized) treatments, but when alley-cropped with calliandra, the yield of maize was less than that of the monocropped unfertilized control. Application of ex situ grown calliandra and leucaena prunings with or without fertilizer resulted in higher maize grain yield than in the nonfertilized and fertilized treatments. Yields of calliandra alley- cropped maize were 11% to 51% lower than those of nonalley-cropped treatments receiving calliandra prunings from ex situ grown trees; the decrease was 2% to 17% with leucaena, indicating that calliandra hedges were more competitive than leucaena hedges. The alley-cropped prunings-removed treatments produced the lowest maize yields. The study showed that, in the subhumid tropical highlands of Kenya, inclusion of calliandra hedges on cropland adversely affected maize yields. On the other hand, alley cropping with leucaena was advantageous. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A field study was carried out on a six-year-old on-farm field trial during long-rains season (April–August) 2003 to investigate the effect of improved fallow systems and phosphorus application on arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi (AMF) symbiosis in maize. The trial comprised of maize rotated with a fast growing leguminous Crotalaria grahamiana fallow and a non-leguminous Tithonia diversifolia fallow for 3 years followed by continuous maize. The experiment was randomized complete block design with three cropping (continuous maize, Crotalaria fallow and Tithonia fallow) systems and two phosphorus levels (0 and 50 kg P/ha). AMF colonization in maize roots, maize yield and macro-nutrients uptake were recorded. Phosphorus applications improved (P < 0.05) early (<8 weeks old maize) AMF colonization, nutrient uptake and maize yield in improved fallow systems. Greater differences due to phosphorus application were noted in maize in Tithonia fallow than in Crotalaria fallow. Following phosphorus application, a positive relationship existed between early AMF colonization and maize yield (r = 0.38), and phosphorus and nitrogen uptake (r = 0.40 and r = 0.43, respectively), demonstrating the importance of phosphorus fertilization in enhancing low-input technologies (improved fallows systems) in phosphorus deficient and acidic soils of western Kenya.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to assess the suitability of two fallow species that are indigenous to West Africa, M. thonningii (Schum and Thonn) and P. santalinoides (L'Her), for alley cropping with maize and their effect on soil chemical properties. It was carried out during the rain-fed cropping season at Ibadan, Nigeria and Mbalmayo, Cameroon in 1993 and 1994. Total dry matter of P. santalinoides prunings was higher at the two sites than that of M. thonningii by about 35% to 37%. Maize grain yield in plots supplied with prunings was significantly higher (P > 0.05) than in control (no prunings or fertilizer application) at Ibadan. Grain yield in plots supplied with prunings plus 40 kg ha−1 urea fertilizer gave significantly higher yields than plots supplied with 80 kg N ha−1 urea fertilizer only. At Mbalmayo, there was no significant difference between grain yield in plots supplied with 80 kg N ha−1 and plots supplied with prunings plus 40 kg N ha-1 urea fertilizer though the latter had higher yields. Grain yield was also higher in the middle rows than in rows adjacent to the hedgerows and these were not significantly different. Weed dry matter was reduced by 27% to 43% when Pterocarpus prunings were applied and 13% to 31% with application of Millettia prunings. Weed flora in both locations changed from grasses to broad leaved. Soil chemical changes at soil depth 0 to 10 cm showed significant increases (pH, C, N, P and Ca) after two cropping seasons in plots supplied with prunings or prunings plus fertilizer than the initial values. At Mbalmayo, K was lower after cropping in treatments than the initial values while at Ibadan, K and Mg were lower except in plots supplied with Pterocarpus prunings only. P. santalinoides and M. thonningii have significant potential for agroforestry in this sub-region. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Reductions of up to 90% in weed biomass was observed under Leucaena leucocephala alley cropping with varying tree between (2,4 and 8 m) and within-row spacing combinations when compared to crop-only control. An increase of 24 to 76 % in maize yields of alley cropped plots compared to the crop-only control was also recorded. The 2m alley widths closed canopy faster than the 4 and 8m, and hence realized highest weed biomass reduction during the short-fallow period between two cropping seasons. At the end of the short fallow period, substantial fuelwood (up to 8 t ha –1) was realized.  相似文献   

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