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在对乌审旗林业有害生物监测预报工作现状进行分析的基础上,找出存在的问题并提出建议,以提高监测数据的准确性和预报的及时性,进一步完善监测预报工作。  相似文献   

浅析鄂温克旗林业有害生物监测与预报技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章通过鄂温克旗有害生物发生现状,对有害生物监测进行了布局,用科学有效方法对有害生物进行监测、预报,供林业有害生物工作者参考。  相似文献   

阐述林业有害生物预测预报的时间、空间和人员三大要素,提出如何及时、准确地掌握林业有害生物的发生发展动态,及做出正确有效的防治措施,以供后来者参考.  相似文献   

林业有害生物发生发展与气象条件关系研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
气候是林业生产重要的环境因子和自然资源, 它决定着森林生态的类型和物种分布, 林业有害生物是森林生态系统的一个组成部分, 所以气象因素也是影响林业有害生物的重要因子, 对其分布、发生及发展有着显著的影响。综述了近几十年来国内外关于林业有害生物发生发展与气象条件关系的研究进展情况, 并对未来的研究趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

概述了林业有害生物预测预报工作起步、试验、探索及应用于林业生产建设的过程,尤其是森林病虫害防治信息系统的推广应用,实现了森林病虫害信息数据处理传输电子化,促进林业病虫害管理信息化的进程,林业有害生物预测预报工作有章可循,逐步走向规范化管理。  相似文献   

我国林业两大体系建设正处于快速发展时期,林权制度改革也处于转折时期,林业有害生物的发生危害进入到持续高发时期,森林管护特别是有害生物管理工作面临更加严峻的形势,必须进一步加强林业有害生物监测预报工作,在工作思路上做出相应的调整。  相似文献   

为提高林业有害生物信息的管理水平以及远程诊断的可靠性,笔者以江西省为例,开发了一套省级林业有害生物监测预报系统。系统是基于计算机、网络、3S技术、信息管理系统等技术,通过对林业有害生物监测数据的处理,实现对林业有害生物发生情况的实时监测、定位跟踪、汇总分析和远程诊断,达到各级森防部门对监测数据的共享和信息的实时管理,实现监测预报信息集中化、精细化、图形化管理,提升监测预报准确性和科技水平,强化灾害应急处置能力。  相似文献   

全面总结和调研了远安县近几年林业有害生物监测预报工作,对当前时期林业有害生物监测预报工作进行了分析,提出了相应的对策与建议,为林业有害生物防控提供科学的参考。  相似文献   

针对江西省林业有害生物防治检疫局对林业有害生物的管理和防治业务需求,阐述了基于GIS的林业有害生物预测预报系统的设计思路与具体功能,建立了一个可供省、市、县三级林业有害生物测报人员应用的软件系统,为林业有害生物预测l预报提供辅助决策.  相似文献   

辽宁林业有害生物监测预报网络现状及发展对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在简述辽宁省林业有害生物监测预报网络现状的基础上,剖析了实际工作中存在的主要问题,并提出了相应的改进对策。存在问题:专项法规制度欠缺,专项监测经费短缺,监测数据精度有待提升,监测意识有待增强,监测专业人才储备不足。对策:健全相关法律法规,提高主动监测意识,改善测报工作环境,提高测报管理水平,增强测报服务意识,提高科研创新能力。  相似文献   

通过对云南省多个地方1950年到1980年气象测报数据进行分析,建立了适合云南省长期火险预报方法,实现了云南省长期森林火险趋势定量分析。对2006年云南省十六个地州市雨季气象资料进行计算,得到云南省各地州2007年森林长期火险等级,为防火工作提供科学依据。  相似文献   

外来有害生物的危害与防范对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文明确指出现代物流等人类活动是外来有害生物入侵的主要途径,通过大量数据和例证阐述了外来有害生物危害的严重性,通过分析外来有害生物防控工作中存在的问题,提出了行之有效的防范对策和措施。  相似文献   

瓦房店市林业有害生物防治对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
迟安荣 《辽宁林业科技》2011,(4):47-47,51,53
针对瓦房店市林业有害生物持续严重发生状况,提出了实施林业有害生物防控的新理念。并从6个方面论述了如何做好林业有害生物防治工作,加大宣传力度、加强营林技术措施、提高监测预警技术水平、树立新的防治理念实现防治战略的根本转变等层面提出了意见和建议。  相似文献   

杨扇舟蛾发生及防治研究现状   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨扇舟蛾以幼虫啃食杨树叶片,影响树木生长,经济损失巨大。该文综述了杨扇舟蛾的危害特点、生物学特性,分析了爆发成灾的原因,总结了目前主要的防治方法,为今后杨扇舟蛾研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Unusual and extensive dieback of European hop hornbeam (Ostrya carpinifolia) has been observed in western Slovenia and northern Italy in recent years, when extreme drought and higher temperatures were recorded. A preliminary study identified Botryosphaeria dothidea as a potential causative agent of the dieback. Further characterization of intra- and interspecies diversity of Botryosphaeriaceae collected from O. carpinifolia and other tree species in the affected area was achieved based on anamorph morphology, sequence data from the ITS rDNA and EF1-??, PCR?CRFLP analysis and AFLP profiles. The majority of the isolates analyzed were identified as B. dothidea, and in vitro pathogenicity tests re-confirmed the fungus to be an important cause of the disease. Insight into the B. dothidea population, diversity based on AFLP markers indicates that the dieback observed in O. carpinifolia is probably associated with a heterogenous population of B. dothidea, which emerged from a latent state in response to changed climate conditions. Isolates with Dothiorella-like conidia were also identified during the survey, but these were collected more rarely and appear to represent undescribed species. Isolates from Dothiorella genus expressed low pathogenicity in pathogenicity tests and proved no impact on the pathogenic ability of B. dothidea.  相似文献   

马力  马俊  常学向 《甘肃林业科技》2002,27(1):32-33,39
受大陆性荒漠气候和高山寒冷气候的双重影响,祁连山林区冬春两季寒冷干燥,且春季多大风天气,可燃物含水量接近风干状态。针对该林区森林防火的现状,分析了森林火灾发生的特点及发生趋势,并提出林区林火预报预防的建议。  相似文献   

对鹅掌楸褐斑病的发生发展规律以及防治方法开展了较详细地研究.主要采用实地调查的研究方法,并在此基础上运用了归纳和推理等方法.研究结论是病原菌在一年之内有多次侵染,在4月初对鹅掌楸新叶用1%波尔多液喷雾能取得明显的防治效果.  相似文献   

Water potentials, transpiration rates and abscisic acid (ABA) levels in shoots of black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) BSP), white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) and jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) seedlings were monitored during periods of drought and recovery from drought. Abscisic acid contents of shoots increased during the period of drought as water potentials decreased. The increase in levels of ABA was closely associated with a decrease in rates of transpiration. In the spruces, the levels of ABA peaked and then fell while plant water potentials continued to decrease, whereas in jack pine, the level of ABA rose throughout the drought treatment. After rewatering, the levels of ABA in all three conifers fell concurrent with a rise in transpiration rates. At the end of the three-day recovery period, ABA levels and transpiration rates in the spruces were either at or near control levels, whereas the concentration of ABA in jack pine remained approximately twice the control level, and transpiration was only 60% of the control rate. A compound tentatively identified as phaseic acid followed trends similar to those for ABA.  相似文献   

The diameter growth of trees may vary depending on the tree size, species and other tree-related factors. However, such variation is challenging to consider while estimating the growth response to weather conditions. This study investigated the effects of the weather conditions and variations in tree factors on diameter growth in a mature forest. In particular, we focused on diameter growth in June, the month of active diameter growth. We recorded the monthly diameter growth of 6 tree species for 7 years and constructed a generalized linear mixed model in which the mean growth was dependant on tree size, weather conditions, and the interaction between tree size and weather.  相似文献   

Overgaard  R.; Gemmel  P.; Karlsson  M. 《Forestry》2007,80(5):555-565
During the last two decades, an increase of the frequency ofnaturally regenerated beech seedlings has been reported. Thismay be due to an increased masting. In this investigation insouthern Sweden, mast year frequency, mast crop size and therelationships between mast year and climatic variables werestudied. Our analysis shows that while the average mast yearinterval was 4–6 years from the end of the seventeenthcentury up to the 1960s, the mean interval has decreased to2.5 years during the most recent 30 years, and there have beentwo consecutive mast years on two occasions during this laterperiod. Mast years have often followed years in which the temperaturein July and September was higher than the 30-year mean. However,there were significant variations in the amounts of beechnutsproduced between different mast years, and beechnut productionincreased with increasing site index. Climatic changes, especiallyincreases in temperature, may have been responsible for thehigher frequency of mast years, but increased atmospheric nitrogendeposition may also have been a contributory factor.  相似文献   

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