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Conservation of biodiversity and mitigation of global warming are two major environmental challenges today. In this context, the relationship between biodiversity (especially plant diversity) and soil carbon (C) sequestration (as a means of mitigating global warming) has become a subject of considerable scientific interest. This relationship was tested for homegardens (HG), a popular and sustainable agroforestry system in the tropics, in Thrissur district, Kerala, India. The major objectives were to examine how tree density and plant-stand characteristics of homegardens affect soil C sequestration. Soil samples were collected at four depths (0–20, 20–50, 50–80, 80–100 cm) from HG of varying sizes and age classes, and their total C content determined. Tree density and plant-stand characteristics such as species richness (Margalef Index) and diversity (Shannon Index) of the HG were also determined. Results indicated that the soil C stock was directly related to plant diversity of HG. Homegardens with higher, compared to those with lower, number of plant species, as well as higher species richness and tree density had higher soil carbon, especially in the top 50 cm of soil. Overall, within 1 m profile, soil C content ranged from 101.5 to 127.4 Mg ha−1. Smaller-sized HG (<0.4 ha) that had higher tree density and plant-species density had more soil C per unit area (119.3 Mg ha−1) of land than larger-sized ones (>0.4 ha) (108.2 Mg ha−1). Soil C content, especially below 50 cm, was higher in older gardens. The enhanced soil-C storage in species-rich homegardens could have relevance and applications in broader ecological contexts.
Subhrajit K. SahaEmail:

Traditional homegardens (HGs) are considered to harbor high levels of plant diversity and have been therefore characterized as sustainable agro-ecosystems suitable for on-farm (incl. circa situm) conservation of plant genetic resources. While the functional structure of traditional HGs is poorly understood specifically for semi-arid and arid regions, their plant species richness and diversity is increasingly threatened by recent and fast evolving agricultural transformation processes. This has been particularly claimed for traditional jubraka HG systems of Sudan. Therefore, sixty-one HGs in four villages of the Nuba Mountains, South-Kordofan Province, Sudan, were randomly selected, geographically recorded and plant richness and abundance determined and plant diversity parameters calculated. In addition, socio-economic household data were assessed by interviews and soil samples taken to allow a comprehensive analysis of putative factors affecting HG plant diversity across different villages, levels of commercialization and plant species composition based clusters. A total of 110 species from 35 plant families were grown in the HGs along with 71 ornamentals. Perennial species accounted for 57 % including 12 indigenous fruit tree (IFT) species and six exotic fruit tree species. Mean species richness of useful plant species (excluding ornamentals) per HG was 23 (range 6–46). On average, 41 % of the 23 species per HG were of exotic origin, however, with a large range (21–83 %) among locations. Mean diversity and evenness indices were 1.46 (range 0.49–2.42) and 0.48 (0.15–0.87), respectively. The level of commercialization of HGs only marginally affected species diversity measures although the species richness was significantly higher for commercial than subsistence HGs. Species richness was higher on lower (6.6–7.2) pH soils. IFT richness was highly variable, but non-significantly different across the four locations. Plant species richness and diversity was high in comparison with other HG systems in semi-arid regions. Cluster analysis was found to be a valuable tool to classify HGs and to extract homogeneous HG types with low, intermediate and high richness and diversity. In addition, the share of exotic and ornamental species in HGs indicated a trend towards the loss of traditional farming practices, particularly in areas with good market access. The data did not indicate the hypothesized loss of inter-specific diversity due to commercialization and species richness was numerically even higher for market-oriented HGs compared to subsistence ones.  相似文献   

This paper presents an example of how agroforestry is practised to satisfy the local people's basic subsistence needs in the isolated Indian Ocean island of Soqotra, Republic of Yemen, south of the Arabian Peninsula. Combined with an arid tropical climate, the harsh seasonal conditions and annual period of isolation have moulded the culture of the Soqotra population, and fostered a traditional approach to land-use, based on the seasonal cultivation of homegardens and ranging of livestock (mostly goats). The homegardens contain many species of cultivated plants, composed of a wide diversity of plant groups. In addition to food, some cultivated plants provide medicine (mostly endemic plants such as Aloe perryi, Jatropha unicostata, Commiphora ornifolia), forage for domestic goats, cattle and camels (e.g., Paracalyx sp., Thespesia populnea, Pennisetum purpureum), shade and other aesthetic values (e.g., Cordia sinensis, Parkinsonia aculeata, Pithecolobium dulce). Most gardens are located around the periphery of towns and villages, with aspects of location, climate, and other ecological parameters carefully considered in their establishment. Homegardens are mostly worked by women, and to a lesser extent by children and men. At present, only a small proportion of Soqotra's population cultivates homegardens. Historically, and up to the present day, there has been little commercial utilisation of the cultivated species. Considerable potential exists for the development and / or expansion of local markets, although the recent increase in supply of produce from the mainland via commercial air delivery may limit such expansion.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Natural rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) is one of the major plantation crops of the state of Kerala in India and intercropping is practised during the initial gestation period of the crop. In this paper a to bit model was used to study the decision making behaviour of farmers in adoption and extent of adoption of intercropping in three regions of Kerala. The availability of family labour and the type of intercrops were found significant in explaining the adoption behaviour in all three regions. The perception of profitability of intercropping was also found to influence decision on adoption. The probability of adoption of intercropping was highest for three intercrops, banana (Musa spp.), cassava (Manihot esculenta) and pineapple (Ananas comosus). Targeting extension efforts to groups of farmers with available family labour and popularising selected intercrops may result in higher rates of adoption of intercropping in all three regions of the state.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We examined structural and functional changes in the homegardens of Sukapura village, located in the upper Citarum Watershed of Indonesia, in relation to the increasing commercialization of agriculture. Our main purpose was to examine the structure and function of these homegardens during the rapid economic development of this area and the ecological, social, and economic implications of changes. A standard vegetation survey was used to describe the compositional and structural patterns of vegetation in the sampled homegardens, and interviewed 94 randomly selected respondents to help us understand the functions of their homegardens. The results suggest that commercialization in the agricultural sector has changed the structural patterns and functions of these homegardens. Plant diversity in commercialized (intensively managed) homegardens has decreased owing to the use of monocultures. The change from subsistence towards commercial farming has been accompanied by decreased plant diversity, higher risks, higher external inputs, increased instability, and reduced social equitability. The specific needs and preferences of the owners and market pressures were the main factors that triggered the development of intensive agriculture in the study area, leading to increased commercialization of homegardens.  相似文献   

In a 4-year study, we investigated changes in leaf physiology, crown morphology and whole-tree biomass allocation in seedlings and saplings of shade-tolerant sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) and intermediate shade-tolerant yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis Britt.) growing in natural understory light (0.5 to 35% of full sunlight) or in understory light reduced by 50% with shade nets to simulate the effect of gap closure. Leaf physiological parameters were mainly influenced by the light gradient, whereas crown morphological and whole-tree allocational parameters were mainly influenced by tree size. No single physiological, morphological or allocational trait was identified that could explain the difference in shade tolerance between the species. Yellow birch had higher growth rates, biomass allocation to branches and leaf physiological plasticity and lower crown morphological plasticity in unmodified understory light than sugar maple. Sugar maple did not display significant physiological plasticity, but showed variation with tree size in both crown morphology and whole-tree biomass allocation. When sugar maple was small, a greater proportion of whole-tree biomass was allocated to roots. However, physiological differences between the species decreased with decreasing light and most morphological and allocational differences tended to disappear with increasing tree size, suggesting that many species differences in shade-tolerance are expressed mainly during the seedling stage. Understory trees of both species survived for 4 years under shade nets, possibly because of higher plasticity when small and the use of stored reserves when taller.  相似文献   

A survey was conducted in 17 selectedthaluks (revenue sub-divisions) of Kerala state to elucidate the floristic structure, composition and the extent of similarities and diversities in the composition of homegardens of Kerala, with particular reference to small (below 0.4 ha), medium (0.5 to 2 ha) and large (>2.0 ha) holding size categories. Besides attempts wer also made to characterize the potential of homegardens to supply commercial timber and fuelwood. Two hundred and fifty two farmers were selected through a stratified random process. In addition to gathering general information on crop and livestock production enterprises, all scattered trees and shrubs (15 cm girth at breast height) on the homestead and border trees except palms and rubber were enumerated.There was tremendous variability both in the number of trees and shrubs present and species diversity of the selected homesteads in different provinces. The small, medium and large sized holdings also exhibited profound variability in the number of woody taxa and individuals present. In total, 127 woody species (Girth at Breast Height (GBH) 15 cm) were encountered. The mean number of woody taxa found in the homegardens ranged from 11 for Pathanapuram to 39 in Perinthalmanna. Floristic diversity was higher in the smaller homesteads. It decreased with increasing the size of holdings. Mean Simpson's diversity index for the homesteads ranged from 0.251 (Kochi) to 0.739 (Kottarakkara) suggesting that floristic diversity of homegardens was moderate to low compared to a value over 0.90 for the species-rich evergreen forests of the Western Ghats. The Sorensen's similarity indexes suggested a moderately high degree of similarity for the different tree species encountered in the homesteads of Kerala.No clear cut planting pattern was discernible in the homegardens of Kerala. The homegarden trees and shrubs were either scattered throughout the homestead or on farm boundaries. Farmers tend to prefer timber trees such as ailanthus (highest frequency) and teak besides fruit trees such as mango, jack, cashew and the like. Major homegarden species were represented in all diameter classes. The diameter structure, however, exhibited a slightly skewed (+) distribution pattern, having the highest frequency in the 20–30 cm classes ensuring adequate regeneration status and in that process making homegardens a sustainable as well as dynamic land use system.Standing stock of timber and firewood in the homestead of differentthaluks are presented. Average commercial standing stock of homesteads ranged from 6.6 to 50.8 m3 ha–1 and fuel wood volume was of the order of 23 to 86 m3 ha–1. Implicit in the high commercial timber volume and fuel wood volume is that a substantial proportion of the society's wood demands are met from the homesteads. Palms, however, constituted the dominant component of standing commercial timber and fuel wood volumes accounting as much as 63% and 72%, respectively, of the total wood in these categories.  相似文献   

This study aims at exploring the technical efficiency of lumber industry in northwestern Ontario,Canada using data envelopment analysis(DEA).The DEA model analyzes relative technical efficiency of lumber mills with disproportionate inputs and outputs by dividing the 10year time series data,for inputs and outputs of 24 lumber mills,over two periods(1999-2003 and 2004-2008).Four inputs,namely,material(log volume),labour(man-hours),two types of energy(hog-fuel and electricity),and one output(lumber volume) are used in this study.The trend analysis shows an annual reduction of 10%,13% and 13% for lumber output,log consumption(input) and number of employees,respectively,during the period 1999-2008.The results from DEA with two scenarios with energy inputs and without energy inputs,for the two periods are found to be mixed and interesting.While some mills have improved their performance in terms of best use of available scarce inputs in the second period,some have shown negative per cent change in efficiency.In the with energy input and the without energy input scenario,some of the mills show a reduction in efficiency in the second period from the first period,with the highest estimated reductions of-13.9% and-47.6%,respectively.A possible explanation for these negative performances of mills in the latter period is the decline in production in the second period compared to the first period,where these mills were not able to adjust their inputs(mostly labour) as proportional lay-offs might not have been possible.These results provide policy makers and industry stakeholders with an improved understanding of the trends of efficiency and employment as well as reallocation opportunities of future inputs in order to increase benefits from this sector.  相似文献   

Homegardens are one of the oldest forms of managed land use systems characterised by high diversity and complexity of their species structure which in turn contribute to efficient nutrient cycling. Litterfall and decomposition are the two major processes that replenish the soil nutrient pools and endow sustainability to these agroforests. A study was carried out in the village Dargakona, Barak Valley, northeast India to understand the pattern of litter production and litter decomposition in the traditional homegardens. Annual litter production was 6.27 Mg ha−1 with a bimodal distribution pattern and the nitrogen input through litterfall accounted for 48.17 kg ha−1 year−1. Litter decomposition studies for ten multipurpose trees revealed Sapium baccatum and Toona ciliata to be the most labile litter species and the decay rate coefficients varied among the species with differing rates of nutrient release pattern. Such studies can provide information regarding the litter quality of indigenous tree species and help validate farmers planting and management of multiple species which allows for efficient nutrient cycling of the system.  相似文献   

The Yucatán Peninsula of México has shallow soils and receives low amounts of precipitation, and has therefore low agricultural potential. Lacking large-scale irrigation from rivers and adequate rainfall, the indigenous Maya groups maintain agricultural productivity by adapting a variety of practices. Multistrata homegardens, one of their agricultural systems, have provided goods for trade, sale and personal consumption for many centuries. Nevertheless, an understanding of the controlling biological factors and interactions within these systems can lead to yield improvements. Photosynthetic rates, water use and litter production for a variety of species have been studied in these gardens to determine how Maya management impacts resource flow, productivity and diversity. When irrigated, diurnal photosynthetic rates nearly doubled for Manilkara zapota and water use increased two fold for M. zapota and Cordia dodecandra. Total litter production in traditional homegardens varied from 1,000 to 4,000 kg ha−1 yr−1 and ten arboreal species were found to contribute more than 33% of total litterfall biomass. Nutrient concentrations in the leaves of the predominant species were analyzed; Meliococcusbijugatus and Spondias purpurea were found to contribute the largest quantities of N, P and C. Our research indicates that species and structural diversity are critical to sustainability of homegardens, allowing efficient use and transfer of carbon, nutrients and water. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effects of pruning on stem radial growth increment and leaf and twig biomass production, an experiment with four pruning intensities (0, 50, 75 and 90%) on ten locally important tree species (Ailanthus triphysa, Albizia odoratissima, Artocarpus hirsutus, Bombax malabarica, Bridelia crenulata, Erythrina indica, Grewia tiliifolia, Macaranga peltata, Terminalia paniculata and Xylia xylocarpa ), was carried out. The results did not support the contention that a certain level of pruning promotes stem growth in trees. Instead, all species have a level of pruning that reduces annual increment in stem diameter. In Ailanthus triphysa and Artocarpus hirsutus trees subjected to different pruning intensities showed a decline in the annual increment in stem diameter while in other species diameter increment reduced when the pruning intensity was 75% and 90%. Response to pruning in terms of biomass production also varied from species to species. In Erythrina indica, Macaranga peltata and Terminalia paniculata annual foliage and branch production in pruned trees was significantly more than that of the un-pruned trees. However, in Ailanthus triphysa, Albizia odoratissima, Artocarpus hirsutus, Bridelia crenulata, Grewia tiliifolia and Xylia xylocarpa pruned trees produced comparatively more amount of foliage and branches produced annually than that by the un-pruned trees when the pruning was carried out once in 2 years. Based on these observations it is recommended that trees of Erythrina indica, Macaranga peltata and Terminalia paniculata may be pruned at 50% level annually while the trees of Ailanthus triphysa, Albizia odoratissima, Artocarpus hirsutus, Bridelia crenulata, Grewia tiliifolia and Xylia xylocarpa may be pruned at the same pruning intensity once in 2 years.  相似文献   

Farmers' preferences and use of local fodder trees and shrubs in Kenya   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
Indigenous fodder trees and shrubs are now receiving increased research attention. Systematic information from farmers about the species they use is, however, scanty. The objective of this study was to find out farmers' ranking of local fodder tree species of their choice; their criteria for assessing fodder trees; how the most preferred species rated on each criterion; species' uses, management, and ways of establishment; and implications of these results for the design of similar studies in the tropics. The study consisted of informal and formal surveys in three agroecological zones with mean annual rainfall of 775, 950 and 1300 mm, respectively. Farmers used an indigenous board game, bao, to rank species. Improved, stall-fed dairy animals were the dominant livestock type in the subhumid zone whereas communally-grazed, local-breed cattle and goats were common in the dry zone. A total of 160 different local fodder trees and shrubs were used by farmers in the three zones. The three most preferred species in the subhumid zone were Triumfetta tomentosa, Commiphora zimmermanii, and Bridelia micrantha; in the medium zone, Aspilia mossambicensis, Lantana camara, and Grewia tembensis, and in the low zone, Melia volkensii,Crotalaria goodiiformis, and A. mossambicensis. In the subhumid zone, the most frequently mentioned criteria were the ability of the fodder to satisfy hunger and contributions to animal health. Palatability and drought resistance of the tree were the most important criteria in the medium zone and, effect on the condition of the animal and palatability were most important in the dry zone. Farmers' ratings on palatability for cattle and goats, and milk production for goats differed significantly among tree and shrub species (P < 0.05). The study has helped identify species for further research and development activities, with the aim of improving their productivity and disseminating them among farmers.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Some studies have attributed forest shrinkage to population growth, economic development, conversion of forest land to agricultural use and harvesting of trees for timber and fuelwood. But the statistical support for these hypotheses is not strong. This paper attempts to test the above hypotheses statistically in the case of Bangladesh. Factor analysis extracted 4 important factors—(a) exploitation of forests for timber, fuelwood, tea, and shrimp production, (b) demographic pressure in agriculture, (c) economic development, and (d) expansion of crop lands—as causes of deforestation. The statistical test supports the hypotheses that the exploitation of forests for timber, fuelwood, tea and shrimp production, and conversion of forests to crop lands have a negative influence on forest cover. Economic development and demographic pressure in agriculture are also negatively correlated with forest cover. Results of regression analysis show the conversion of forests to agricultural land is the most important cause of deforestation. Other important causes, in order of their relative importance, are the relative price of forest products, population growth, economic development, demographic pressure in agriculture, increasing production of shrimps, export of tea and shrimps, increasing production of timber and fuelwood, and expansion of tea lands. The statistical tests support the above relationships.  相似文献   

分析了西双版纳山地雨林和季节雨林土壤节肢动物群落的组成、分布特征及多样性状况。 2块样地 2次取样 ,共获取大、中小型土壤节肢动物 6 6 0 6个 ,分属 2 3目。蜱螨目、鞘翅目、弹尾目、膜翅目仍是 2林地土壤节肢动物群落组成共有的优势类群 ,但它们在不同样地生境中构成的数量比例不同 ,而常见和稀有类群组成较为复杂且样地间的差异更为突出 ,总体表现出季节雨林具有更多的热带成分 ,山地雨林则界于热带和亚热带之间。土壤节肢动物类群总数、个体总数及重要生物类群 (个体数量在 10 0 0个·m- 2 以上 )的分布 ,表现为山地雨林 (2 2类 ,4 974个 )多于季节雨林 (19类 ,16 32个 ) ,垂直分布结果表明 2类林地均具明显的表聚现象。从多样性尺度看 ,山地雨林密度 -类群指数高于季节雨林 ,这与 2林地土壤条件的优劣相符合  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(3):137-143
The main issue in forest inventory is the reliability of data collected, which depends on the shape and size of inventoried plots. There is also a need for harmonisation of inventoried plot patterns in West Africa. This study focused on the impact of plot patterns on the quantitative analysis of two vegetation types of West Africa based on case studies from Benin. Twenty and fifteen plots of 1 ha each were demarcated in dense forest and woodland, respectively. Each 1 ha plot was divided into 100 quadrats of 100 m2 each and diameter at breast height (dbh) of trees was recorded in each quadrat. The required time to measuring trees diameter in each 1 ha plot was also recorded to compute the mean inventory effort. From the 100 quadrats in each 1 ha plot, 14 subplots of different shapes and sizes were considered by grouping together adjacent quadrats. The basal area of each subplot was computed and the relationship between estimation bias of the basal area and the size of subplots was modeled using Smith's Law (Smith 1938). The mean absolute error of the shape parameter c of Weibull distribution was computed for each of the subplot shape, size and direction. The direction and shape of subplots did not influence significantly (P > 0.05) the precision of the quantitative analysis of vegetation. However, square subplots were suitable in practice. On the contrary, plot size was significantly (P < 0.05) and inversely correlated to estimation efficiency. The optimal plot size for quantitative analysis of vegetation was 1 800 and 2 000 m2 with an inventory effort of 0.51 and 0.85 man-days per subplot in woodland and dense forest, respectively. It is concluded that use of standard sample sizes will help to harmonise a forestry database and to carry out comparisons at regional level.  相似文献   

This paper explores the influence over time of past policies on people’s attitudes towards the use of forestland in Bangladesh. The discourses of the attitudes of people were captured from the observed social tradition towards forest resources. Forests were reserved systematically and solely through the Forest Department. The conservation processes were not participatory, and rights and tenure were strictly controlled. People were socially excluded and alienated from the forest, and the socio-political factors stimulated negative attitudes among people. Forests were considered to be government property, and therefore managing forests was the responsibility of the government. People only used forest resources to meet their own requirements, either with formal permission or illegally. This situation continued even after the independence of Bangladesh in 1971. As a result, the forests of Bangladesh have been degraded heavily in recent decades.  相似文献   

以文献调研为主,结合野外踏查,对深圳市野生植物和常见栽培植物、建成区内本地植物和外来植物进行了统计分析,得出深圳市"植物物种指数"为0.789,"本地植物指数"为0.701;还分析了深圳植物的区系特点和外来植物的应用现状。    相似文献   

新疆特有植物——野扁桃资源价值及保护利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对新疆特有植物野扁桃的资源分布、经济、生态等价值以及目前存在的问题进行了论述,并提出了相应保护措施和开发利用的建议。目的是让全社会更好地利用和保护这种珍稀植物。  相似文献   

Maintaining understory plant species diversity is an important management goal as forest restoration and fuel reduction treatments are applied extensively to dry coniferous forests of western North America. However, understory diversity is a function of both local species richness (number of species in a sample unit) and community heterogeneity (beta diversity) at multiple spatial scales, while studies of restoration treatment effects often only examine local species richness at one or two spatial scales. We studied experimental thinning and prescribed fire treatment effects on understory plant species richness and community heterogeneity at three spatial scales using additive diversity partitioning. We also evaluated treatment effects on understory plant species colonization and extirpation at two spatial scales. There was no evidence that active restoration treatments reduced species richness or increased local extirpation of species. Restoration treatments significantly increased herbaceous species richness at the treatment-unit level primarily by increasing community heterogeneity among sampling points within the units. The combination of thinning and burning produced the greatest increase in community heterogeneity, and increased colonization by species that were not sampled prior to treatment. These results suggest that restoration treatments designed primarily to reduce fire hazard and promote sustainable conditions in these fire-adapted ecosystems can also increase community heterogeneity and facilitate colonization by new understory species without significant local extirpation of extant species.  相似文献   

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