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Two experiments were conducted to determine the effect of pre-harvest treatment by formic acid spray on the moisture concentration (MC) of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) in vegetative growth. In Experiment 1 aqueous solutions containing 0.080, 0.148 and 0.259 kg formic acid per litre were applied to a perennial ryegrass sward (fresh matter yield 21.0 t ha?1) at a constant volume of 41.2 litres t?1to give active ingredient application rates of 3.5, 6.0 and 11.5 kg t?1 respectively. In Experiment 2 similar solutions were applied to a perennial ryegrass sward (fresh matter yield of 6.9 t ha?1) at 35.2, 19.0 and 10.9 litres t?1 respectively to give a constant formic acid application of 2.8 kg t?1. The changes in MC and chemical composition after treatment with acid were compared with those in untreated plots In both experiments treatment with acid significantly reduced the MC (P < 0.001) within 5 h of treatment from 4.4 to 3.0 kg per kg of dry matter (DM) in Experiment 1 and from 3.0 to 2.6 kg per kg DM in Experiment 2. There was no effect of level of acid applied in Experiment 1 or of the volume of water applied with the low level of acid in Experiment 2 on the changes in MC of acid-treated plots. There was however a significant (P < 0.00l) difference between the MC of plots treated with acid and those untreated which was maintained in Experiment I for up to 9 d even during rainfall. There were no differences between the chemical compositions of samples from acid-treated plots in either Experiment I or 2 or between untreated and acid-treated plots in Experiment 2. However there were significant differences between untreated and acid-treated plots in Experiment 1 for the content of nitrogen (N), water-soluble carbohydrate (WSC) and digestible organic matter (DOM). There were changes in the content of N, WSC and DOM with time in both experiments. In Experiment I there was an interaction between sampling time and treatment for both N and WSC but not for DOM. Compared with untreated plots, treatment with acid at all levels accelerated the loss of WSC and delayed the fall in N content. There were no such interactions in Experiment 2.  相似文献   

Differences between eight related grasses within the Lolium-Festuca complex in conditions of severe water shortage were investigated. Transparent covers were used to restrict the access of rain to field plots of pure stands of Westerwolds ryegrass ( Lolium multiflorum var. Westerwoldicum), Italian ryegrass ( L. multiflorum ), hybrid ryegrass ( L. multiflorum × L. perenne ), perennial ryegrass ( L. perenne ), meadow fescue ( Festuca pratensis ), Italian ryegrass × meadow fescue, perennial ryegrass × meadow rescue, tall fescue ( Festuca arundinacea ) and three mixtures (Italian ryegrass with perennial ryegrass; Italian ryegrass with tall fescue; perennial ryegrass with tall rescue) grown in west Wales. Westerwolds ryegrass and Italian ryegrass died out after 12–15 months of exclusion of rain; meadow fescue, meadow rescue × ryegrass hybrids and perennial ryegrass died out after ≊ 2 years of exclusion of rain; tall rescue was still alive after 4 years of exclusion of rain. During the 2 years after the year of sowing, the loss of water from the top 1 m of soil was greater with tall rescue than with the other grasses. Tall fescue and perennial ryegrass had a low rate of leaf expansion, a small increase in length of exposed leaf sheath and a high weight per unit area of emerging leaf blade. Tall rescue had a greater number and weight of roots than the other grasses, particularly in the 50–100 cm layer of soil, on an adjoining, uncovered site. The order of suitability of the eight grasses for conditions of severe water shortage appears to be tall fescue > perennial ryegrass > perennial ryegrass × meadow rescue, meadow fescue, Italian ryegrass × meadow rescue, hybrid ryegrass > Italian ryegrass > Westerwolds ryegrass.  相似文献   

Leafy strains of five grasses were grown for seed and subjected to various cattle grazing treatments between October and April for three harvest years. The grasses were: S.143 cocksfoot, S.215 meadow fescue, S.170 tall fescue, S.59 red fescue and S.23 perennial ryegrass. All but S.59 red fescue (row crop) were studied as row and broadcast crops. The plots were sown under an arable silage crop and received top dressings of nitrogenous fertiliser every year. Yield of seed, and also quantity of herbage in winter, were measured.
October grazing in the seeding year reduced the first crop of seed in all species except ryegrass. Grazing in December improved the yield of meadow fescue throughout the experiment, and of cocksfoot, tall fescue and red fescue after the first year. Several factors might operate to bring about this effect; suggestions are made for further investigation. Repeated grazing from December to March tended to reduce vigour, and so to offset the advantage of removing autumn-grown herbage. Grazing at intervals from December to late April seriously reduced yield in all species. Tall fescue and red fescue, early flowering species, were most seriously affected, meadow fescue and perennial ryegrass least. Cocksfoot and tall fescue yielded more seed when grown in 2-ft. rows than when broadcast. Meadow fescue and perennial ryegrass did not. The yield of meadow fescue was less affected by adverse conditions than cocksfoot.  相似文献   

Leafy grass varieties S24 perennial ryegrass, S26 cocksfoot, S215 meadow fescue and S51 timothy were cut in October and at various growth stages in spring; S53 meadow fescue was grazed at similar periods. Sub-plots were given different applications of N. The control plots had similar manurial treatments but were not defoliated. The seed yield of S24 following October cutting was significantly lower than the control in the first harvest year and significantly higher in the second; the mean yields over 2 years, as a result of cutting at this stage and before ear formation in March, were very similar to those of the control treatment. The mean yields from 3 harvest years for S26, S215 and S51 were generally improved by cutting in October and before ear formation, but cutting after ear formation reduced the number of heads and the seed yields. Extra N applied in conjunction with the defoliation had no significant effect on the number of seed heads or on seed yield. Double grazing of S53 in Sept. and Dec. reduced significantly its seed production in both harvest years. Application of N in spring gave a greater response than a similar application in autumn.  相似文献   

Four‐species mixtures and pure stands of perennial ryegrass, tall fescue, white clover and red clover were grown in three‐cut and five‐cut systems at Ås, southern Norway, at a low fertilization rate (100 kg N ha?1 year?1). Over a three‐year experiment, we found strong positive effects of species diversity on annual dry‐matter yield and yield stability under both cutting frequencies. The overyielding in mixtures relative to pure stands was highest in the five‐cut system and in the second year. Among the possible pairwise species interaction effects contributing to the diversity effect, the grass–grass interaction was the strongest, being significant in both cutting systems and in all years. The grass–legume interactions were sometimes significant, but no significant legume–legume interaction could be detected. Competitive relationships between species varied from year to year and also between cutting systems. Estimations based on species identity effects and pair‐specific interactions suggested that the optimal proportions of red clover, white clover, perennial ryegrass and tall fescue in seed mixtures would have been around 0·1, 0·2, 0·4 and 0·3 in the three‐cut system, and 0·1, 0·3, 0·3 and 0·3 in the five‐cut system.  相似文献   

Perennial ryegrass/white clover swards have some limitations in temperate grazed dairying systems. This study tested the hypothesis that farmlets based on alternative species would be equally or more profitable than those perennial ryegrass‐based, and would produce more herbage in summer‐dry conditions. Six farmlets were established; three with perennial ryegrass‐ and three with tall fescue‐based swards. For each grass species, one farmlet was solely based on grass‐clover swards while the other two had either chicory‐red clover or lucerne crops planted on 20%–25% of the area. Animal‐ and herbage performance‐related variables were measured for 3 years, and calculated financial performance was evaluated. Using tall fescue improved total annual herbage yield compared with perennial ryegrass, but animal production and operating profit were lower. This was likely due to the reduced yield and nutritive value of tall fescue during spring and an associated decline in daily milksolids production. The deficit in spring milksolids production was never recovered, despite greater herbage production from tall fescue during summer/autumn. Incorporating chicory‐red clover or lucerne crops reduced both annual herbage and milksolids production. This reduced farm income, while increasing operating expenses as the farmlets required crop renewal and more purchased supplementary feed to maintain feed supply. Under the conditions of this study (i.e., partial irrigation, high nitrogen supply), changing the forage base from perennial ryegrass to tall fescue did not improve animal production or profitability, nor did incorporation of crops on 20%–25% of the farmlet area.  相似文献   

There is increasing interest in tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) in Western Europe and elsewhere, mainly because of its better drought resistance and yield potential compared with perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). Important drawbacks of tall fescue, compared with perennial ryegrass, are its lower digestibility and voluntary intake. Mixtures of both species might combine the advantages of each, and species interactions may eventually lead to transgressive overyielding. We compared the agronomic performance of tall fescue, perennial ryegrass and tall fescue–perennial ryegrass mixtures, as pure‐grass swards or in association with white clover (Trifolium repens L.). Tall fescue–perennial ryegrass mixtures differed in the proportion and ploidy of the perennial ryegrass component. Yield, feed quality and botanical composition were measured in the 3 years after the sowing year. We found significant effects of ploidy of the ryegrass variety and of the proportion of ryegrass in the initial seed mixture on the botanical composition of the swards. Nevertheless, all swards were dominated by tall fescue at the end of the experiment. No overyielding of the mixtures compared with that of single‐species swards was found, but feed quality was intermediate between that of the single‐species swards. Mixed swards had better drought resistance than L. perenne and higher feeding quality than F. arundinacea swards.  相似文献   

The water loss from tall fescue cv. S170, perennial ryegrass cv. S24, Italian ryegrass cv. R v P and timothy cv. S352 when dried as a thin layer under controlled conditions at 20°C and r.h. 50% is described. Comparisons were made on six occasions between mid-April and mid-June. Tall fescue dried faster than the other species and the time to reach a water concentration of 0·2 g water per g dry matter varied little between the six harvests. In contrast, the drying time for the ryegrasses and timothy increased to maximal values in mid-May and then fell. Drying time was dependent on the initial water concentration of the grass, the ratio of leaf to stem and on the amount of true stem exposed to the drying environment. The practical implications in relation to haymaking are discussed.  相似文献   

Yield profile characteristics of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.), cv. Retu, were compared with those of meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis Huds.). The study was conducted in Finland and was based on official variety trial data recorded between 1980 and 1998 at 17 trial sites between latitudes 60° and 66°N. The crops were managed according to silage‐cutting regimes. The pattern of yield formation of the tall fescue cv. Retu differed significantly from that of meadow fescue cultivars, both within a growing season as well as in sward age. Tall fescue cv. Retu established slowly, and the dry‐matter (DM) yield from the first cut, made in the first year of harvest, was significantly lower than that for meadow fescue. In the second and third years, the DM yield from the first cut did not differ between tall fescue and meadow fescue. Tall fescue produced significantly higher DM yield as regrowth (second and third cuts) than meadow fescue. The sward age significantly affected total DM production. In first‐year swards, there were no significant differences in total DM yield between tall fescue and meadow fescue but, in the second‐ and third‐year swards, tall fescue produced significantly higher DM yields than meadow fescue. The difference in yield profile between tall fescue and meadow fescue was similar in all the environments included in the study. DM yield for the first cut (kg DM ha–1) for tall fescue cv. Retu, in comparison with meadow fescue cultivars, was 2495 vs. 3099 (P < 0·001), 3735 vs. 3741 (NS, P=0·94) and 3553 vs. 3468 (NS, P=0·30) in the first‐, second‐ and third‐year swards respectively. The respective DM regrowth yields (second plus third cut) were: 6059 vs. 5416 (P < 0·001); 5445 vs. 4221 (P < 0·001); and 5580 vs. 4113 (P < 0·001) in first‐, second‐ and third‐year swards. Total DM yields per season for tall fescue vs. meadow fescue were (kg DM ha–1) 8554 vs. 8515 (NS, P=0·69), 9180 vs. 7962 (P < 0·001) and 9133 vs. 7581 (P < 0·001) in first‐, second‐ and third‐year swards respectively. Over the three‐year sward rotation period, which is common in Finland, tall fescue produced on average 12% higher DM yield than meadow fescue. Both tall fescue and meadow fescue suffered little winter damage in Finnish conditions; the differences between cultivars of the two species were small. The results indicated that tall fescue cv. Retu is a productive and persistent forage species suited to Finnish growing conditions.  相似文献   

Data from six experiments conducted at two Agricultural Development and Advisory Service Experimental Husbandry Farms during 1980–83 were used to compare low dry matter (DM, 160 g kg-1), low water soluble carbohydrate (WSC, 15 g kg-1), non-additive treated silage with silage treated with commercial inoculants or formic acid with or without added formalin (formic acid ± formalin). Formic acid ± formalin significantly decreased silage pH and ammonia-N and significantly increased silage residual WSC compared with inoculant or untreated silage. Formic acid ± formalin significantly increased oven DM and significantly reduced DM loss during ensiling compared with untreated silage. Formic acid ± formalin treatment significantly increased both silage DM and total DM intake compared with untreated silage. Daily liveweight gains of cattle offered formic acid ± formalin were significantly higher than those given inoculant or untreated silage.
It is suggested from the results that formic acid ± formalin additives can be used successfully to prevent a clostridial fermentation developing when crops contain 15 g WSC kg-1.  相似文献   

In view of the implication of ley-farming in the increasing incidence of hypomagnesaemia, a preliminary study has been made of the blood serum calcium and magnesium levels in bullocks grazing leys consisting mainly of S24 ryegrass or S170 tall fescue, and old pastures. It was found that the serum magnesium was significantly higher while the animals were grazing the leys and that the tall fescue appeared to provide more magnesium than the ryegrass.  相似文献   

Mixtures and pure stands of perennial ryegrass, tall fescue, white clover and red clover were grown in a three‐cut and a five‐cut system in southern Norway, at a low fertilization rate (100 kg N ha?1 year?1). The nutritional quality (annual weighted averages) of the dried forage from the two‐first harvesting years was analysed. There was no significant effect of species diversity on crude protein (CP) concentration. In the three‐cut system, we found a significant species diversity effect leading to 10% higher concentrations of acid detergent fibre (ADF), 20–22% lower concentrations of water‐soluble carbohydrate (WSC) and 4% lower net energy for lactation (NEL) concentrations in mixtures compared with pure stands (averaged across the two‐first years). In the five‐cut system, similar effects were seen in the first year only. This diversity effect was associated with a reduction in WSC and NEL concentrations and an increase in ADF, NDF and CP concentrations in the grass species, and not in red clover, when grown in mixtures. This is thought to be a combined result of better N availability and more shading in the mixtures. Species diversity reduced the intra‐annual variability in nutritional quality in both cutting systems.  相似文献   

Tall fescue S170 and Italian ryegrass S22, slow- and rapid-establishing grasses, respectively, were sown either with white clover or with a mixture of red and white clovers, with or without a companion- or cover-crop, and with or without nitrogen. Swards established without a cover-crop were grazed frequently or cut infrequently; swards undersown with the oat crop were grazed once in the autumn. In the year of sowing tall fescue/clover mixtures produced yields similar to those of Italian ryegrass/clover swards. Tall fescue proved sensitive to competition, even from red clover, during establishment and sowing under a cover-crop is therefore not recommended. The yield of red- and white-clover was increased when sown under a cover-crop and when cut infrequently, compared with frequent grazing by sheep. The growth of white clover was greatly reduced by adding red clover to the mixture, particularly under a cover-crop and when defoliation was infrequent, but red clover increased total yield. The effect of N applied to the seed-bed varied with the method of establishment. Cereal yield was reduced under dry conditions by undersowing with a mixture containing red clover.  相似文献   

The annual yield of tall fescue was higher than that of Italian ryegrass in the third year after sowing, but the total yield of herbage from grass plus clover swards was similar.
In both the second and third year after sowing, the yield of herbage in the spring grazing was higher when fescue was used as the sown grass. The method of establishment of both tall fescue and Italian ryegrass affected the total and seasonal yield in the second and third year after sowing, but the magnitude of these effects was not nearly as marked as it was earlier in the life of the leys. In the second year after sowing, swards of both Italian ryegrass and tall fescue had a higher yield of total herbage and of white clover, and a lower ingress of unsown species, when established without a cover crop and grazed frequently in the year of sowing.
The inclusion of red clover did not increase total yield of DM in the second and third year after sowing, and it slightly decreased the yield of the tall fescue mixture in the third year following sowing when N was applied. S170 tall fescue was readily grazed by sheep in spring and autumn.
The apparent recovery of applied N varied with the mixture sown, and the management given during establishment.  相似文献   

The productivity and persistence of prairie grass ( Bromus willdenowii Kunth) cv. Grasslands Matua were compared with a similarly managed endophyte-free tall fescue × perennial ryegrass hybrid ( Festuca arundinacea Schreb. × Lolium perenne L.) cv. Johnstone. A field study was conducted on the Appalachian Plateau of southern West Virginia, USA (81°W, longitude; 38°N, latitude; 850m above sea level) for three consecutive years. Nitrogen totalling 0, 168, and 336 kg N ha−1 year−1 was applied to stands managed as hay. Annual herbage yields were similar for both species in year 1 (1989), but by year 3 (1991) Matua sown-grass yield was about 35% of first-year yields. Total herbage yield for Matua plots in the third year was similar to first-year yields owing to encroachment by non-seeded grasses and white clover ( Trifolium repens L.). Matua was susceptible to powdery mildew [ Blumeria graminis (DC) E. O. Speer] in this environment, and was similar in productivity (first year only) and nutritive quality to tall fescue × perennial ryegrass hybrid. Matua use may be limited to areas where low-temperature stress and resultant winter damage is unlikely to occur.  相似文献   

Much of the published digestibility data refer to swards grown in the south of Britain. In order to study digestibility curves in a more northerly latitude, several pure swards were established in the west of Scotland in 1962 and 1963. Varieties included S22 and Tetila Italian ryegrass, S37 cocksfoot, S170 tall fescue, S215 meadow fescue, Scots timothy, English broad red clover, and SI00 white clover. In addition to primary growth in vitro digestibility, the effect of various cutting managements on digestibility and productivity was measured. Flowerhead emergence was delayed, with the result that the digestibility curve was later than is reported from southern Britain. Highest yields of digestible organic matter were obtained from the less frequent cutting regimes, but the mean digestibility of the herbage was lower. Pre-dictibility of herbage digestibility is desirable as the basis of a reliable and planned herbage utilization programme, particularly for conservation.  相似文献   

The drying rates of grasses and lucerne, following treatment with 1% formic acid, were compared with those of untreated crops. Material was fully exposed to a flow of air in a ventilated laboratory oven set at 23 °C. Treatment with formic acid initially enhanced the rate of drying of grass, but this was followed by retardation. This reduction in the rate of drying was caused by the rapid desiccation of laminae, which reduced their effectiveness in providing a pathway for water loss from the stem. The rate of water loss directly from the stem surface was not increased by formic acid treatment, probably because the enveloping leaf sheaths acted as a protective layer. In contrast, formic acid increased drying rate in lucerne. whose stems have no such protective layer. The results suggest that chemical desiccants. which have a contact action are unlikely to have any application in making hay from grass.  相似文献   

The effects of sowing from 10 to 50 lb/acre of tall-fescue seed on plant establishment and on the annual and seasonal distribution of DM yield of tall fescue and its companion grasses were measured through two growing seasons. Increasing the seed rate increased plant numbers per unit area and decreased per cent establishment. Adding Scots timothy as a companion grass depressed both plant number and per cent establishment. S37 cocksfoot and New Zealand perennial ryegrass reduced both still further. Total annual dry-matter production was relatively unaffected by varying either the seed rate or the companion grass. The contribution of tall fescue to total production was highest when sown alone and was successively reduced by timothy, perennial ryegrass and cocksfoot. When sown alone there were only slight differences in contribution of tall fescue due to seed rate. With any companion grass the contribution from tall fescue increased with increasing seed rate. Early growth was not reduced by modifying seed rate but was reduced by all the companion grasses. It is concluded that increasing the seed rate of tall fescue above 30 lb is not justified, that Scots timothy can be sown at 3 lb/acre with tall fescue without affecting total production or early growth of the mixture, with the advantages of control of unsown species and improved palatability of the herbage.  相似文献   

Field indicators of forage nutritive value could help farmers with rapid management decisions to optimize timing and intensity of grazing and meet objectives regarding animal nutrition. The objective of this research was to evaluate the likely relationships among leaf blade nutritive value, herbage mass and leaf stage of pasture regrowth under different growing seasons and residual sward heights. Experiments were performed on perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) pastures during spring and summer of 2016. In both pastures, three residual sward height treatments (3, 6 and 12 cm) were imposed on plots arranged in a split plot design, replicated in three blocks. Sward plots were harvested 5–6 times at intervals spaced 7–10 days apart to measure herbage mass, plant morphology, neutral detergent fibre (NDF), and the 24-hr in vitro digestibility of NDF (NDFD) and dry matter (DMD) of leaf blades. Pastures showed strong (R2: .62 to .70), but variable, negative relationships between NDFD and herbage mass that varied with the rate at which pasture grew in each season of experimentation. Although there was a consistent NDFD decline as leaf stage of regrowth progressed (R2: .75 to .97), the NDFD also decreased as residual sward height increased, most notably in tall fescue. Additionally, findings indicate that the greater leaf length plasticity of tall fescue compared to residual sward heights may offer opportunities to manage both post- and pre-grazing targets to achieve tall fescue forages with a similar high nutritive value as perennial ryegrass. However, the evaluation of this hypothesis at the farm level and its impacts on animal intake and performance warrants further careful investigations.  相似文献   

In the first experiment the buffering effect of Italian and perennial ryegrass to fonnic acid was determined with three varieties (Leda, S24 and Presto) cut at weekly intervals throughout the growth cycle. The buffer curves showed no significant differences between the three varieties at any one stage of growth and the results were combined to produce regression equations predicting pH values for the three ryegrasses cut at first ear emergence (e.e.), 50% e.e. and 100% e.e. after addition of formic acid. In the second experiment Italian ryegrass was harvested at three stages of growth, wilted to four different DM contents and ensiled in laboratory silos with five levels of formic acid. The interaction of stage of growth, formic acid level and DM content on the water-soluble carbohydrates, ethanol and volatile N contents of tbe resultant silages is discussed.  相似文献   

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