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Ten Certified Seed lots of S23 perennial ryegrass produced in different counties in England during 1966, and ten lots produced in 1972, were examined for differences in characters affecting seed quality. The 1966 seed lots differed significantly in 1000–seed weight, germination rate, N content of the seed and seedling dry weight, and there was a significant correlation between seed N content and the seedling weight of the progeny. In both S23 and S24 perennial ryegrass N applied at inflorescence emergence or at anthesis increased N content of the seed and seedling dry weight. In S24 application of N at anthesis increased 1000–seed weight also. When plants of S23 perennial ryegrass were subjected to reduced moisture supplies their seed N content was increased. It is concluded that late N applications to grass seed crops may affect seed quality.  相似文献   

Leafy grass varieties S24 perennial ryegrass, S26 cocksfoot, S215 meadow fescue and S51 timothy were cut in October and at various growth stages in spring; S53 meadow fescue was grazed at similar periods. Sub-plots were given different applications of N. The control plots had similar manurial treatments but were not defoliated. The seed yield of S24 following October cutting was significantly lower than the control in the first harvest year and significantly higher in the second; the mean yields over 2 years, as a result of cutting at this stage and before ear formation in March, were very similar to those of the control treatment. The mean yields from 3 harvest years for S26, S215 and S51 were generally improved by cutting in October and before ear formation, but cutting after ear formation reduced the number of heads and the seed yields. Extra N applied in conjunction with the defoliation had no significant effect on the number of seed heads or on seed yield. Double grazing of S53 in Sept. and Dec. reduced significantly its seed production in both harvest years. Application of N in spring gave a greater response than a similar application in autumn.  相似文献   

A leafy strain of timothy and of perennial ryegrass showed no significant reductions in seed yields following grazing at different dates from October to January, when extra nitrogen was applied.
Spring and winter + spring grazing, together with extra nitrogen, significantly reduced the seed yield of S50 timothy for three successive harvest years.
Perennial ryegrass S101 showed no reduction after spring or winter + spring grazing when defoliation was made not later than mid-April, but when grazing was delayed until May and drought occurred there was a significant reduction in seed yield.  相似文献   

In outbreeding species, such as perennial ryegrass, most plants are heterozygous for genes controlling agronomic characters and varieties must usually be based on more than one plant to avoid inbreeding depression. This leads to the possibility of change under the selective action of seed multiplication.
Several stocks of S23 perennial ryegrass were examined to see whether such a change occurred; Irish, Kent and Hunsballe were grown for comparison.
The characters recorded were date of ear emergence, winter requirement before heading, and leaf size, rate of leaf appearance, tillering and dry-weight production in the young seedling.
A slight shift towards earliness of heading occurred during seed multiplication, but no regular change in the other characters could be detected. The S23 stocks could readily be distinguished from Hunsballe and, less easily, from Irish, as early as the sixth leaf stage.
It is concluded that although considerable genetic variation for all these characters exists within the S23 stocks, changes during seed multiplication are not inevitable but depend on the management of the crop.  相似文献   

The effects of sowing from 10 to 50 lb/acre of tall-fescue seed on plant establishment and on the annual and seasonal distribution of DM yield of tall fescue and its companion grasses were measured through two growing seasons. Increasing the seed rate increased plant numbers per unit area and decreased per cent establishment. Adding Scots timothy as a companion grass depressed both plant number and per cent establishment. S37 cocksfoot and New Zealand perennial ryegrass reduced both still further. Total annual dry-matter production was relatively unaffected by varying either the seed rate or the companion grass. The contribution of tall fescue to total production was highest when sown alone and was successively reduced by timothy, perennial ryegrass and cocksfoot. When sown alone there were only slight differences in contribution of tall fescue due to seed rate. With any companion grass the contribution from tall fescue increased with increasing seed rate. Early growth was not reduced by modifying seed rate but was reduced by all the companion grasses. It is concluded that increasing the seed rate of tall fescue above 30 lb is not justified, that Scots timothy can be sown at 3 lb/acre with tall fescue without affecting total production or early growth of the mixture, with the advantages of control of unsown species and improved palatability of the herbage.  相似文献   

A study was made of the fate of tillers arising at different times in the autumn and the contribution which these tillers made to the final seed yield of single spaced plants of perennial ryegrass planted at different dates for seed production. The flexibility in tiller function and in seed-bearing capacity exhibited within these plants resulted in October-planted material producing as much seed in the following harvest-year as August-planted material, although the latter had twice as many living tillers per plant at harvest. This reproductive versatility has economic importance and may have biological significance in certain ecological conditions.  相似文献   

A series of experiments were carried out in 1954 and 1955 designed to investigate the effects of MCPA and 2,4-D applied at different stages of growth to grasses grown for seed. Single, spaced plants were sprayed at the rate of 1·5 lb. a.e. per acre with 2,4-D amine in 1954 and with 2,4-D amine and ester and MCPA ester in 1955. The development of the grass growing point was used as a criterion of the developmental stages at which the plants were sprayed.
Some treatments caused abnormal types of growth. S.23 perennial ryegrass and S.143 cocksfoot developed ear malformations, S.53 meadow fescue had leaf and ear malformations, while S.51 timothy showed leaf, stem and ear abnormalities.
Leaf malformations developed only after spraying when the growing points showed vegetative primordia while ear abnormalities usually appeared after treatment at most early stages of development. Stem malformation in timothy occurred after spraying at all stages in 1954, but only at the vegetative stages in 1955.
The percentage of abnormal ears in a random sample of tillers in all but one case fell as the growing point developed and most damage occurred after treatment when the apex was at the vegetative stage. Normally, treatment when glume ridges were visible on the apex produced no significant difference between the number of abnormal ears in the treated and untreated plots.
The results suggest that the chemicals act on that part of the apex which is just beginning its development but is not yet visible as a protuberance on the apex.
The type of abnormalities occurring in grasses as a result of spraying with growth regulating weedkillers is similar to those found in cereals after similar treatment.
Provided that the chemicals are applied in the 4 to 5 weeks prior to ear emergence the amount of malformation occurring in the grasses will be small.  相似文献   

These studies showed that in the first autumn the capacity for soil establishment of different varieties of perennial ryegrass was connected with seed size. On one of two experimental fields, shoot production in the early stages was found to be positively correlated with seed size. The rate of tillering was initially similar for all varieties, but by January or February, the pasture varieties had the highest tiller numbers. However, shoot weights at this time differed very little from variety to variety. Tillering virtually ceased during December and January and started again in February.
The yields obtained from the five varieties in spring, when cut with an autoscythe. differed greatly despite the similar shoot weights of individual plants. It is suggested that the spring growth in pasture varieties is largely below cutting level.  相似文献   

The effects of five herbicides on seed yield and viability of perennial ryegrass cv. S24 were tested at two sites. Benzoylprop-ethyl, chlorfenpropmethyl, difenzoquat, ethofumesate and flam-prop-isopropyl were safe to use at doses recommended for use in other crops. When applied at three times the recommended dose, only difenzoquat reduced the yield and germination of seed and benzoylprop-ethyl reduced seed germination. The recommended doses of difenzoquat and ethofumesate were safe when applied on cv. Barlenna at different growth stages. Difenzoquat reduced seed yield only after three times the recommended dose was applied to tillered plants. Ethofumesate, even at three times the recommended dose, did not affect seed yield but plant numbers were reduced by early treatment. The results suggest that the herbicides tested may be safe to use in perennial ryegrass seed crops at the recommended doses but more work is needed on the safety of difenzoquat in relation to crop growth stage.  相似文献   

Three experiments were carried out to examine the influence of grass seed-rate upon the amount of clover growing with different varieties of perennial ryegrass. The bred varieties S23 and S24 were compared with Irish ryegrass. A larger quantity of clover grew with Irish ryegrass than with bred varieties at any given seed-rate. If the varieties were to be compared in terms of herbage of similar clover content, then Irish ryegrass sown at 20 lb/ac had to be compared with S23 or S24 sown at about a quarter of that rate. Reducing the seed-rate of the bred varieties from 20 to 5 lb/ac had only a small effect upon yield of ryegrass, and this was offset by an increase in yield of clover. Since weed grasses also took advantage of low grass seed-rate, it is concluded that other factors in the management of variety trials must be so controlled as to produce a satisfactory clover content without too drastic a reduction in the seed-rate of any variety. The relationship between grass seed-rate and yield of clover varied markedly with the availability of moisture.  相似文献   

Leafy strains of five grasses were grown for seed and subjected to various cattle grazing treatments between October and April for three harvest years. The grasses were: S.143 cocksfoot, S.215 meadow fescue, S.170 tall fescue, S.59 red fescue and S.23 perennial ryegrass. All but S.59 red fescue (row crop) were studied as row and broadcast crops. The plots were sown under an arable silage crop and received top dressings of nitrogenous fertiliser every year. Yield of seed, and also quantity of herbage in winter, were measured.
October grazing in the seeding year reduced the first crop of seed in all species except ryegrass. Grazing in December improved the yield of meadow fescue throughout the experiment, and of cocksfoot, tall fescue and red fescue after the first year. Several factors might operate to bring about this effect; suggestions are made for further investigation. Repeated grazing from December to March tended to reduce vigour, and so to offset the advantage of removing autumn-grown herbage. Grazing at intervals from December to late April seriously reduced yield in all species. Tall fescue and red fescue, early flowering species, were most seriously affected, meadow fescue and perennial ryegrass least. Cocksfoot and tall fescue yielded more seed when grown in 2-ft. rows than when broadcast. Meadow fescue and perennial ryegrass did not. The yield of meadow fescue was less affected by adverse conditions than cocksfoot.  相似文献   

Three pot experiments are described in which perennial ryegrass (S23) and Plantago lanceolata (ribgrass) were grown alone and in mixed stands at varying densities and cent at different frequencies. With frequent cutting the yield of ryegrass was reduced to a greater extent than that of rihgrass, but the mean plant weights of both species were independent of sowing density. The pattern of competition was not altered by a single cutting treatment, the balance being quickly restored by the rapid regrowth of the ryegrass.  相似文献   

Seed of S24 perennial ryegrass of two weight ranges, 0.9–2.1 and 2.5–3.6 mg, were sown in soil at depths of 1.25, 2.5, 5.0 and 7.5 cm. Seedling growth was studied during the 3 weeks following germination.
Seeds of both weight ranges germinated equally well at soil depths down to 7.5 cm. However, the number of shoots that emerged was reduced as the sowing depth increased. At similar depths of sowing, seedlings from the heavy seed were heavier and developed more leaves and tillers than those from light seed. Deeper sowing reduced seedling weight and the rate of leaf- and tiller-production. After emergence, the relative growth rates of the seedlings which grew from seed of both weight ranges were similar at those depths of sowing which permitted the highest proportion of emerged shoots to seeds sown. This indicates that the weight advantage gained by the seedlings that developed from heavy seed during their non-photosynthetic stage of growth was maintained, and was not increased by a greater relative growth rate after photosynthesis began.
The implications of the findings are discussed in relation to plant breeding, commercial seed production and sward establishment.  相似文献   

Pure cultures and mixtures of equal numbers of plants of Irish. New Zealand and S23 perennial ryegrass were grown in artificially constructed swards under field conditions. They were cut every time they reached grazing height for three successive years. Counts of plant numbers and tiller numbers per plant made each November show that S23 suppressed both plant number and tiller number per plant of Irish ryegrass and to a lesser extent of New Zealand perennial ryegrass. Its own plant number and tiller number per plant were improved in these combinations. New Zealand perennial ryegrass suppressed plant and tiller numbers of Irish perennial ryegrass.
Varying the method of cutting to match the growth of each variety resulted in improved plant survival and tiller number per unit area of Irish perennial ryegrass when cut according to the growth of S23, i.e. late in the spring. The importance of the effect of experimental technique is discussed.  相似文献   

Methods used by growers to establish seed crops of perennial ryegrass, cocksfoot, timothy and meadow fescue have been examined. While satisfactory establishments were obtained by sowing perennial ryegrass broadcast, cocksfoot, timothy and meadow fescue should be sown in rows, especially if they are to be sown under a cover crop.  相似文献   

Seed crops of perennial ryegrass S321 and tetraploid hybrid ryegrass Sabrina were sprayed with 3 pt diquat in 30 gal. water/ac (4.21 diquat in 337 1 water/ha) a few days before the normal date for harvest. Very low germination values were obtained wben the harvested seed was later tested and the production of abnormal seedlings from the treated crops was attributed to the presence of diquat in the seed. On the basis of these results the use of diquat is not recommended as a pre-harvest desiccant for ryegrass seed crops.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to measure the effects of differrat ryegrass companion grasses and red-clover varieties on the productivity of red-clover swards. Three silage harvests per year were taken over a 2-year period. The addition of a companion grass increased total herbage yields; S24 perennial ryegrass gave the highest herbage yield over the two years, followed by Reveille perennial ryegrass. Because of lack of persistence, Tetila Italian ryegrass yielded poorly the second year. A companion grass had little effect on red-clover yields in the mixed swards but improved percentage digestibility of the OM of the total herbage and lowered the CP percentage. Its presence also reduced the ingress of unsown species. The variety of red clover used had little effect on total herbage yields or red-clover yields in the first harvest year. In the second year, Hungaropoly and Tilo persisted better and so gave higher total herbage yields and red-clover yields than Dorset Marl or Essex. The fall in total herbage yields from the first to the second year was entirely due to a fall in red-clover yield since yields of the ‘non-red clover’ fraction of the total herbage increased. A red-clover/grass sward may have advantages over a pure red-clover sward nutritionally, for silage-making and for its effect in diluting the oestrogenic activity of a pure clover sward. A major reappraisal of the role and potential of red-clover swards in the UK is warranted because of their many valuable attributes, particularly their ability to give high herbage yields of high nutritive value without the addition of fertilizer N. The improved persistency of some of the tetraploid varieties of red clover enhances the value of the plant.  相似文献   

Data on the growth rates of 'worm-free' Iambs were collected at different seasons over 4 years. In 1959 and 1960 the Iambs were set-stocked on a perennial ryegrass/white-clover sward, and in 1961 and 1962 lambs were rotationally grazed on a pure S23 perennial rye-grass sward. Although significant differences were obtained between seasons, there was no correlation between lamb growth rate and any one factor of herbage quality or environment.  相似文献   

The productivity and persistence of 27 varieties of herbage plants were compared, following sowing on a blanket peat after ploughing. Yields were estimated from 3–5 cuts per year for 5 growing seasons. The top yields in each year ranged from 2510 lb/ac. in the 5th year when no nitrogenous fertilizer was applied up to 4700 lb/ac. in the 3rd year when given 174 lb N/ac. Such levels are slightly less than half the level expected on lowland, but livestock output on hill land is far lower than on lowland. Varietal differences were significant, with red fescues, especially S59 smooth-stalked meadow grass, S170 tall fescue, S143 cocksfoot, Yorkshire fog and S53 meadow fescue giving top yields and persistence. Aberystwyth varieties were in all cases superior to other varieties. S50 timothy and S23 perennial ryegrass were persistent but production was low. The conclusions are compared with those of other investigators.  相似文献   

The influence of defoliation on the root, stubble and herbage weights of perennial ryegrass during establishment was studied on spaced plants in the greenhouse and field.
In the greenhouse trial the rate of root elongation was reduced by a single defoliation. In both the field and greenhouse, cutting reduced the number of roots and tillers per plant but increased the number of roots per tiller. A few weeks after defoliating plants in the field there was a lower root weight on the cut plants than on the uncut. Eventually the influence of a single cut disappeared, but if the cutting was in the laie summer or autumn the plants commenced the winter with a smaller amount of root and stubble, and this appeared to have a deleterious effect on the earliest spring growth.
Herbage growth in March and April was positively correlated with both root and stubble weights in the previous November.
As the number of cuts during the establishment period (March-November) was increased from 0–4 the root and stubble weight per plant progressively decreased.
The root and stubble weights decreased during the winter.  相似文献   

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