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Abstract – Diets of adults of six important piscivorous fish species, black crappie Pomoxis nigromaculatus , largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides , northern pike Esox lucius , smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieui , walleye Stizostedion vitreum , and yellow perch Perca flavescens were quantified in Spirit Lake, Iowa, USA from May to October in 1995–1997. Forty-one prey taxa were found in the diets of these species, including 19 species of fish. The most important prey taxa overall were yellow perch, amphipods and dipterans. Diets of northern pike and walleye were dominated by yellow perch. Largemouth bass diets included large percentages of both yellow perch and black bullhead Ameiurus melas . Smallmouth bass diets included large percentages of both yellow perch and crayfish. Black crappie and yellow perch diets were dominated by invertebrates, primarily amphipods and dipterans. There were pronounced differences in diets among species, among size classes within species and over time. Most of the dominant prey taxa we documented in the diets of piscivorous species were in accordance with previous studies, but a few deviated significantly from expectations. Many of the temporal diet changes were asynchronous among piscivorous species and size classes, suggesting different responses to common prey resources over time.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Competition, both intraspecific and interspecific, among piscivorous fishes (predators) may be more pronounced in reservoirs because of the artificial nature of these systems and the continuous anthropogenic influences that may not allow natural processes to regulate their densities. Most studies attempting to measure the extent of competition are based on predator–prey balance indices that are annual snapshots and do not account for seasonal changes. We sought to identify times during the year when intra- and interspecific exploitative competition for prey was most likely among dominant predators in a large reservoir of the south-eastern United States. The possibility of interspecific competition was measured by examining the seasonal extent of diet overlap based on samples of stomach contents. The likelihood or severity of this competition was indexed by how well predators met their energy needs. We found predators were realising less of their energy requirements during spring and autumn, and diet analyses showed predators overlapped substantially in their use of prey during those seasons. Thus, exploitative competition was most likely or severe during spring and autumn; furthermore, this competition had the potential to be interspecific as evidenced by resource overlap.  相似文献   

Zooplankton and fish densities in the southern Strait of Georgia were observed to coincide with variations in surface salinities resulting from the outflow of the Fraser River. Vertical net hauls in the euphotic zone revealed that copepods, amphipods, and euphausiids were significantly more abundant per m3 in the brackish estuarine plume (surface salinities - 10–15 ppt) when compared to the area covered by the freshwater of the Fraser River plume (0–10 ppt) and the region of the Strait of Georgia (25–30 ppt) unaffected by the outflow of the Fraser River.
The estuarine and riverine plumes had significantly higher fish densities (adult and juvenile herring, and juvenile salmonids [excluding chinook]) than the Strait of Georgia region, with no significant differences in densities of juvenile chinook salmon observed between regions. The highest catches of juvenile salmonids were at the boundary between the estuarine plume and the Strait of Georgia. Zooplankton found in the stomach contents of both adult and juvenile herring suggested that the herring were filter-feeding on the zooplankton in the estuarine plume. Juvenile salmonids fed primarily on small unidentifiable juvenile fish. The existence of increased densities of prey items in the estuarine plume is proposed to be the primary mechanism resulting in increased residence time in this region by outmigrating juvenile salmonids. Utilization of aggregated zooplankton could lead to increased salmonid growth rates and therefore to enhanced survival of individuals utilizing the Fraser River plume environment.  相似文献   

In autumn 2009, the implementation of two successive acoustic surveys targeting juvenile anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) in the Bay of Biscay allowed us to monitor the changes in the spatial distribution and aggregation patterns of juveniles of this species during 45 days under fairly stable meteorological conditions. Juvenile anchovy changed its biological condition and behavior in a different manner in two distinct areas. In the Spanish sector, the juveniles migrated 20 nautical miles (n.mi.) towards the coast, but they remained on the shelf and near the surface during the whole surveyed period. As the advance towards the shelf break progressed, their area of distribution decreased, their density increased and the juveniles spread in fewer but heavier shoals. In the French sector, the juveniles also migrated from slope waters towards the coast at a similar velocity, but they crossed the shelf break into the continental shelf, where they increased their mean depth significantly until gradually adopting the typical nyctemeral migrations of adult anchovy. The mean length of the juveniles that adopted the nyctemeral migrations was significantly higher than that of the juveniles remaining at the surface, suggesting that body size is relevant to accomplish this change. Besides, the stronger temperature gradients between the shelf and oceanic waters in the Spanish sector, favored by a narrow shelf, may have acted as a barrier influencing the distinct observed spatial patterns in the two areas.  相似文献   

Abstract— Between March 1992 and February 1993 five piscivorous fish species, Acestrorhynchus lacustris (Reinhardt, 1874), Hoplias malabaricus (Bloch, 1794), Rhaphiodon vulpinus Agassiz, 1829, Salminus maxillosus , Valenciennes, 1840 and Plagioscion squamosissimus (Heckel, 1840), of the high Paranà River floodplain showed a wide total prey spectrum though only three to four taxa were dominant in their diet. Shrimp, Macrobrachium amazonicum , were also common to the majority of species. Seasonal and spatial variations occurred throughout the study period probably due the availability of prey species. The main resources shared by the predators were also the most abundant in the area, with consumption markedly focused on prey about 5.0 cm long. Detrended correspondence analysis was effective in discriminating two groups of predators species that exploited distinct microhabitats. The predators with the least scores consumed small characids that inhabit mid-water or the littoral region, whereas those with the largest scores consumed prey associated to the bottom.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Relationships between fish length, otolith size, age and weight were assessed for a population of wild Australian smelt ( Retropinna semoni ) larvae and juveniles captured over a 4-year period to aid further interpretation of growth and condition during the early life history of the species. Nonlinear smoothed generalized additive models best described the fish–otolith size relationship during the larval and juvenile period, indicating that the proportionality between fish length and otolith size varies in relation to size. It is proposed that back-calculated predictions of fish size at a previous age or otolith size, accounting for individual variation is possible by assuming a body proportional hypothesis. Growth rate of larval and juvenile Australian smelt was best described using the Gompertz model that indicated a steady decline in growth rate after around 30 days of age. The allometric growth of larval and juvenile Australian smelt established from the length/weight relationship can subsequently be used to assess the condition of fish within this population using a relative condition or relative weight condition index. The results of the study have provided significant information to enable more precise growth reconstruction and condition assessment for the species in Australian lowland rivers.  相似文献   

Abstract – Fish, which are generally visual foragers, experiences reduced reaction distance in visually degraded environments, which has consequences for encounter rates with prey. Small prey is detected at shorter distances than larger prey, and piscivores are therefore predicted to be more strongly affected by visual degradation. In experiments, roach (Rutilus rutilus) were fed two plankton prey types and pike (Esox lucius) were fed Daphnia and larval roach, in clear water, algal turbid water and water coloured brown by dissolved organic matter (DOM). Planktivorous foraging in roach was not affected by visual degradation, while pike foraging on both Daphnia and larval roach was. Pike showed increased reaction distance to Daphnia in visually degraded water, while it was severely reduced with roach as prey even if the visual range was not reduced below pike reaction distances in clear water. Pike foraging on Daphnia was not affected, but when foraging on roach, the reduced search efficiency was counteracted by increased attack rates. However, there was no increase in movement and no difference between turbid and DOM treatments. Effects on piscivores will likely become more pronounced at later life stages as prey size and the reliance on long‐distance detection increases at the same time as changing climatic conditions may further deteriorate the visual conditions in future.  相似文献   

费骥慧  汪兴中  邵晓阳 《水产学报》2012,36(8):1225-1233
根据2009年8—11月对洱海鱼类调查获得的有关资料,研究了洱海鱼类群落的空间分布格局,旨在为洱海鱼类资源的保护和利用提供有价值的资料。研究结果表明:洱海鱼类群落可分为3种群落类型,分别为洱海西岸与南北端湖滨带群落类型(群落Ⅰ)、东岸与湖心区群落类型(群落Ⅱ)和上游小型湖泊群落类型(群落Ⅲ)。群落Ⅰ的主要特征种为(Hemiculterleucisculus)、鲫(Carassius auratus)、麦穗鱼(Pseudorasbora parva)、黄(Hypseleotris swin-honis)、子陵栉虎鱼(Ctenogobius giurinus),对群落内平均相似性贡献率为80.71%。群落Ⅱ的主要特征种为鳙(Aristichthys nobilis)、鲢(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)、团头鲂(Megalobrama amblycephala)、草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idella)、鲤(Cyprinus carpio),对群落内平均相似性贡献率为98.20%。群落Ⅲ的主要特征种为鲫、麦穗鱼、长身(Acheilognathuselongatus)、棒花鱼(Abbottina rivularis)、中华鳑鲏(Oryzias latipes sinensis)、子陵栉虎鱼等,对群落内平均相似性贡献率为94.94%。群落Ⅰ和群落Ⅲ在种类和数量组成上以小型鱼类为主,群落Ⅱ则以大中型鱼类为主,鱼类群落在空间分布上的环境差异明显。  相似文献   

  • 1. Lake Encantada, in the basin of the Almada River (Bahia State), has an area of 650.5 ha and a perimeter of 13.3 km. In 1993, an area of 11 800 ha around the lake was designated an Environmental Protection Area (Class V category). The main goal of this study was to identify fish species in the lake and to determine possible threats to their conservation.
  • 2. Fish samples were obtained with gillnets between May 2002 and February 2004, and used to calculate indices of species diversity Shannon (H′), richness (d) and evenness (J′).
  • 3. Eleven fish species comprising nine families were collected during the sampling period. Three introduced species occurred in the lake: Prochilodus argenteus, endemic to the São Francisco river basin, and two African species, Oreochromis niloticus and Clarias gariepinus. In overall ranking, Prochilodus argenteus was first in number of individuals (46%) and weight (59%), followed by Genidens genidens in numbers (31%), and Clarias gariepinus in weight (15%).
  • 4. The occurrence and dominance of introduced species is discussed as well as their possible impacts on the trophic structure of this ecosystem.
Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract  Removal of piscivores may affect population size structure, abundance and growth rates of the remaining fish community. A total of 572 northern pike, Esox lucius L., was removed from 25-ha West Long Lake, Nebraska from 2003 to 2006. The northern pike population was reduced from 36 fish ha−1 and 22 kg ha−1 in 2002 to 20 fish ha−1 and 9 kg ha−1 in 2006. The northern pike population shifted to dominance by smaller individuals. Relative abundance increased for bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus Rafinesque, but remained similar between years for largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides (Lacepède), and yellow perch, Perca flavescens (Mitchill). Bluegill and yellow perch size structure increased probably because of reduced predation by northern pike. The effects of reduced northern pike density on largemouth bass were less evident. The largemouth bass population may be returning to higher density with smaller size structure observed before pike were introduced. The sport fish community responded positively to the removal of northern pike in this small lake.  相似文献   

为了解西藏哲古措土著鱼类消化道寄生蠕虫的群落结构及季节动态,于2018年9月(秋季)和12月(冬季)、2019年3月(春季)和6月(夏季)对哲古措进行了4个季节的采样调查。共采集到2种土著鱼类,分别为高原裸鲤(Gymnocypris waddellii)和异尾高原鳅(Triplophysa stewartii),与原来的记录不同。在高原裸鲤的消化道中采集到了5种寄生蠕虫,分别为聂氏拟短结绦虫(Parabreviscolex niepini)、新棘吻虫未定种(Neoechinorhynchus sp.)、异肉吸虫未定种(Allocreadium sp.)、对盲囊线虫未定种线虫(Contracaecum sp.)和束首线虫未定种(Streptocara sp.),并对形态特征进行了描述。本研究发现,哲古措土著鱼类消化道寄生蠕虫的物种组成具有一定地域性,大部分为广布性寄生虫,鸟类在其传播过程中起到了重要作用。经过分析,高原裸鲤消化道寄生蠕虫群落的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数为0.70~1.27,显示了较高的群落多样性,Berger-Parker优势度指数为0.38~0.76,优势群为线虫。线虫表现出一定的季节消长规律:秋季为周年最高,冬季下降,春季上升,夏季降至最低,推测与水温、中间宿主的种群数量、线虫的生命周期和鱼类宿主繁殖期的行为等有关。复殖吸虫、绦虫和棘头虫四季的感染率均在10%以内浮动,平均丰度也较低。异尾高原鳅的消化道中未发现任何寄生蠕虫,推测与宿主肠道空间大小、摄食量和分布空间的差异有关。本研究通过对西藏湖泊土著鱼类寄生蠕虫的调查与分析,旨在为深入了解西藏寄生虫的组成特点、研究青藏高原隆升对寄生虫与鱼类宿主协同进化提供基础理论依据。  相似文献   

The numbers of particular prey in stomach samples of juvenile chinook salmon varied between sites, months and years in two controlled flow demonstration channel sites and the mainstem lower Waitaki River. During 4 growing seasons, 1982–1986, Deleatidium, Aoteapsyche, Hydroptilidae, Elmidae, Chironomidae and Amphipoda were important components of the diet. Salmon also ate a variety of other items of aquatic and terrestrial origin. Diets were quite similar and tended to change in the same way in all sites simultaneously, perhaps in response to discharge. Smaller prey (Chironomidae, Hydroptilidae and early instar Aoteapsyche) were more numerous in stomach samples in seasons of lower, more stable, discharge. Fewer but larger prey were consumed during high flows. The salmon sampled in March 1986 originated from the high egg deposition of 1985 and grew during a season of low discharge. They were exceptionally small and their diet consisted of large numbers of small prey. There was no evidence of progressive annual changes in the habitat or the diet of salmon in the demonstration channels. However, it would be prudent to arrange for flow fluctuations that would be sufficient to flush finer substrate sediments in a controlled flow residual river, thus maintaining the diversity of prey for juvenile salmon.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The diet shift of larval and juvenile Ryukyu-ayu Plecoglossus altivelis ryukyuensis was investigated for the landlocked population stocked in the Fukuji Reservoir, Okinawa Island. Gut contents of 274 specimens (5.1–31.4 mm in body length) including 31 yolk-sac larvae (5.7–8.0 mm) were examined. The diet of larval and juvenile landlocked P. a. ryukyuensis was mainly composed of zooplankton such as dinoflagellates, rotifers, copepods, and cladocerans. Feeding incidence was 48% in total and it gradually increased with growth. Diet analysis clearly demonstrated a diet shift during the larval and juvenile periods. For yolk-sac larvae and 5.0–19.9 mm fish, the diet was dominated by dinoflagellates Gymnodinium sp., and Peridinium sp., both numerically and by frequency, followed by rotifers that mainly consisted of Polyarthra spp. Diet breadth (Levin's standardized index BA) diversified with growth, and feeding on copepods and cladocerans gradually increased in 10.0–14.9 mm fish. Diet overlap (Morisita's index: C) showed that diet drastically changed in 20.0–24.9 mm fish with a specialization on cladocerans Bosminopsis deitersi and Diaphanosoma brachyurum . This diet shift probably corresponded with an increase of feeding ability resulting from an enlargement of the mouth, increased swimming ability, and the development of sense organs.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Diet composition of Pterodoras granulosus was investigated from June 2004 to June 2005 in the Upper Paraná River floodplain, following invasion by two mollusc species Corbicula fluminea and Limnoperna fortunei . Stomach and intestinal contents analysis showed spatial differences in the diet composition. In the Baía River, P. granulosus diet consisted mainly of C. fluminea , whereas plant items dominated in the Ivinheima River, and L. fortunei was the most important food in the Paraná River. There was little selectivity in shell length consumed. In spite of C. fluminea being a larger mollusc, L. fortunei appears to be energetically more profitable because its shell is more fragile and is rapidly opened and digested. A considerable amount of closed shells of C. fluminea at the end of the digestive tract points to a possible role of P. granulosus as a mollusc disperser.  相似文献   

  • 1. A detailed study on the spatial and temporal patterns of reef fish assemblages associated with non‐reefal coral communities at A Ma Wan (AMW) and A Ye Wan (AYW) in Tung Ping Chau, Hong Kong, China, was carried out using an underwater visual census method from January 1998 to December 1999.
  • 2. The study identified a total of 106 species (76 genera in 39 families) of fish in the study sites, in which 88 species were recorded in AMW and 78 species in AYW. Seasonal patterns in the abundance and species richness of all reef fishes and most of the frequently encountered families/trophic groups in both study sites were observed. Seasonal fluctuation of macroalgae, the influence of recruitment of larvae, and the possible seasonal variation in the behaviour of fish may all contribute to these observed seasonal patterns.
  • 3. Multidimensional scaling (MDS) ordinations demonstrated that there were spatial variations in the fish community structures within and between sites. Such spatial patterns were possibly related to the spatial variation of the coral community structures in the study sites. The ordinations also showed that the fish community structures in the study sites were not seasonally stable. Such temporal instability of the fish community structures may be partly due to habitat isolation among the fish communities around the island.
  • 4. These results imply that preservation and enhancement of habitat connectivity of the coral communities should be one of the main conservation strategies for the reef fish communities of Tung Ping Chau, and those of Hong Kong in general. This strategy may be equally applicable to other non‐reefal coral communities elsewhere around the world.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract– Juvenile chinook salmon in the Waitaki River, New Zealand and demonstration channels, living at about 16°C, increased in length by 0.32 mm day−1 between 4 November and 4 March. They gained weight quickly, accumulated large visceral fat deposits and had high conditions factors. At 1600 h, stomachs averaged half full. The number of prey tended to decline as the fish grew and consumed larger items. Initially the diet was based mainly on chironomid larvae, but by December it included a diversity of prey in more equal proportions. These included Deleatidium in the Waitaki; amphipods in the demonstration channels; various trichopterans, hemipterans, elmid beetles, zooplankton. terrestrial dipterans and a variety of other prey. There were significant differences between sites in numbers of prey consumed and these probably reflected differences in the benthos. Diets in the Waitaki differ from those in the Rakaia River and the food of juvenile salmon appears closely linked to the availability of a diverse range of possible prey.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Matsalu Bay in the Väinameri (West-Estonian Archipelago Sea) is a relatively shallow but large bay. It is the only real delta estuary in the northern Baltic Sea. The fish fauna is strongly dominated by freshwater species such as perch Perca fluviatilis , roach Rutilus rutilus , white bream Blicca bjoerkna and rudd Scardinius erythrophthalmus . The study presents CPUE data describing annual and seasonal variations in the species composition, abundance and spatial distribution, based on 1 year of monthly samplings from August 2001 to August 2002 and routine coastal monitoring (in late July–early August) between 1994 and 2003. The bay can be divided into three rather distinct parts. The fish fauna of the inner part (salinity 0–2 p.p.t.) is different from two open parts and resembles that of freshwater lakes. In the openmost part (salinity usually 4–6 p.p.t.) some marine species, such as herring Clupea harengus membras , flounder Platichthys flesus and eelpout Zoarces viviparus may seasonally be abundant. Species composition and abundance of most species varies seasonally and interannually. Only the abundance of few species such as pike Esox lucius and pikeperch Stizostedion lucioperca was not impacted by seasonality. The most dynamic period in the bay is spring, when several species (some of them very rare in summer, such as herring and smelt Osmerus eperlanus ) enter the bay for spawning.  相似文献   

鞍带石斑鱼仔稚(幼)鱼的发育和生长研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对鞍带石斑鱼的仔稚幼鱼形态发育的各个阶段进行了观察与研究,详细描述从初孵仔鱼到幼鱼各个发育时期的形态特征和发育时间。根据卵黄囊的变化,长鳍棘的长出与收缩,鳞片和体色斑纹的出现,鞍带石斑鱼胚后发育可以划分为仔鱼期、稚鱼期、幼鱼期。仔鱼期又可分为卵黄囊期仔鱼和后期仔鱼。水温27~30℃,盐度27~31,pH值8.0~8.4的海水中培育,初孵仔鱼至孵化后2日龄为卵黄囊期仔鱼。2日龄仔鱼开口,3日龄至20日龄为后期仔鱼,22日龄至30日龄为稚鱼期,31日龄进入幼鱼期。鞍带石斑鱼胚后发育过程中最明显的变化是背鳍棘和腹鳍棘的生长和收缩,也是生产育苗当中比较关键的仔稚幼鱼变态过程。  相似文献   

王蕾  章守宇  汪振华  王凯  林军 《水产学报》2011,35(7):1037-1049
2005年—2006年及2010年5—6月对枸杞岛近岸岩礁生境分布的底栖海藻进行观测和潜水采样,发现岩礁生境潮下带底栖海藻组成模式分以大型底栖海藻铜藻为优势种和以孔石莼等小型藻类为优势种两类。2009年2月—2010年1月利用组合刺网对枸杞岛海域岩礁、沙地和贻贝筏式养殖区3种生境的鱼类进行了逐月采样,通过采用方差分析、聚类和非度量多维标度等统计分析手段发现:(1) 岩礁生境鱼类以底栖趋礁杂食性为主,沙地生境鱼类以中下层洄游肉食性为主,贻贝筏式养殖区生境鱼类大型个体占优;(2) 岩礁生境鱼类多样性较高,大型底栖海藻生长的岩礁生境中鱼类群落组成较小型底栖海藻生长的岩礁生境稳定。前者为枸杞岛近岸优势种群繁衍提供有利条件,对鱼类幼体和小型个体有诱集作用,为鱼类捕食者提供更多样化的食物选择,鱼类群落较稳定;后者易受外界鱼类迁移的影响,个体数量和生物量月间差异大。  相似文献   

An 8‐week experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary fish meal (FM) replaced by soybean protein concentrate (SPC) on Japanese strain of soft‐shelled turtle, Pelodiscus sinensis juveniles. Diets were formulated to replace FM protein by SPC at 0, 15, 30, 45, 60 or 60% supplemented with phytase (2000 FTU kg?1) (designated as S0, S15, S30, S45, S60 and S60P, respectively), and each diet was fed to triplicate groups. The results showed that the growth was significantly lower when dietary SPC replaced more than 45% FM. The turtles fed the S15 or S30 diet showed comparable feed and protein utilization efficiency compared with the S0 group, whereas more than 30% replacement of FM adversely affected these values. Increasing dietary SPC levels significantly lowered the apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) of dry matter, protein, lipid, phosphorus and gross energy. Whole‐body protein, ash and phosphorus content showed a declining trend when dietary SPC levels increased, while body lipid and moisture content were unaffected. When the turtles were fed diets with increasing levels of SPC, serum total protein concentration, alkaline phosphatase and catalase activities decreased with a corresponding increase in glutamic pyruvic transaminase activity. Turtles fed the S60P diet showed comparable growth performance and feed utilization efficiency to the S40 group, and were superior to the S60 group. The present study showed that SPC could successfully substitute for 30% FM protein in the diets for P. sinensis juveniles, and the maximum effective substitution may be greater if exogenous phytase was added.  相似文献   

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