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使用5,10,20mg/kg剂量奥芬哒唑可湿性粉剂,对放牧藏系绵羊进行驱除线虫,绦虫试验。试验结果;5mg/kg剂量对消化道线虫,绦虫的虫卵转阴率,下降率均为100%、对原圆科线虫幼虫转阴率为60%,下降率为94.1%,10,20剂量的虫卵转阴率,下降率的100%,安全性良好。  相似文献   

奥芬哒唑驱除动物寄生蠕虫试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
奥芬哒唑(oxfendazole)是芬苯哒唑(fenden-dazole)的衍生物,由于高效、异味小而对药物极为敏感的野生动物有着广泛的用途.但奥芬哒唑用于野生动物寄生蠕虫的驱除试验未见报道.为了慎重,我们先在家畜上做毒性试验后,再用于野生动物.  相似文献   

芬苯达唑驱除绵羊消化道线虫试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
芬苯达唑驱除绵羊消化道线虫试验徐德纯,王喜民,张庆伟,敖恩(内蒙古兴安盟牧业科学研究所,137400)高云峰,徐福录(内蒙古兴安盟索伦牧场)陈昌,郑贤育(中国预防医学科学院寄生虫病研究所)自1987年中国预防医学科学院寄生虫病研究所于国内首次合成了芬...  相似文献   

为了寻找一种治疗脑多头蚴早期感染的新药物,应用奥芬哒唑(Oxfendazole)于感染后第8d和第15d以30mg/kg的剂量,对人工感染脑多头蚴的绵羊进行了单剂量和三剂量早期治疗试验。结果表明:无论是第8d还是第15d,三剂量组对人工接种早期感染脑多头蚴的绵羊具有完全的治疗作用。奥芬哒唑是治疗羊脑多头病的理想药物。  相似文献   

应用阿维菌素气雾剂在青藏高原对放牧羊群进行绵羊消化道线虫及外寄生虫驱除效果试验和毒生试验,同时与同类伊维菌素气雾剂进行比较,结果按每千克体重使用阿维菌素气雾剂0.2mg组和伊维菌素气雾剂0.18mg组对绵羊消化道线虫和体外寄生虫的驱虫率均达到100%。  相似文献   

绵羊绦虫病是绵羊常见的寄生虫病,常呈地方性流行,有明显的季节性。在流行严重的地区,绵羊的感染率可达50%~60%。绵羊绦虫病感染强度较大时,常给绵羊造成严重的危害,重症者引起死亡,轻症者会导致生长发育缓慢,是养羊生产中急需解决的问题。为了找到一种更有效的药物治疗绵羊绦虫病,对驱绦虫有良好效果的硫酸铜、吡喹酮、氯硝柳胺三种药物进行了驱除绵羊绦虫效果比较试验:  相似文献   

绵羊内寄生虫病的防治是兽医工作中的一个重要组成部分,当前使用药物驱虫仍是防治寄生虫病的一个重要环节。而以往常用的口服灌药方法需要逐只抓羊,花费劳力多,劳动强度大。影响羊只抓膘,所以有些地区不能适时进行灌药驱虫,寄生虫病的危害相当严重,直接关系到畜牧业生产的发展。为探索一种简易有效,节省劳力的驱虫方法,  相似文献   

应用奥芬哒唑干混悬剂给猪口服驱虫,设5mg/kg b.w,l0mg/kg b.w,15mg/kg b.w3个剂量试验组和对照组。结果:5mg/kg剖量组的虫卵转阴率为60%,减少率为99.40%;l0mg/kg和15mg/kg剂量组虫卵转阴率和减少率均达100%。全部给药猪均未出现毒副反应。  相似文献   

湖北省长阳县火烧坪草畜示范场,现有从新疆、内蒙引进的中国美利奴细毛羊400只,另有本地山羊近百只。尽管该场每两月用丙硫咪唑按常规剂量给绵羊、山羊投服1次,但从1991年11月开始对该场羊寄生虫调查,结果仍相当严重,主要是消化道线虫。为此,我们于1992年8月用蠕虫清(芬苯达唑)进行了驱除羊消化道线虫的疗效试验。  相似文献   


AIM: To conduct a cost-benefit analysis of the administration of anthelmintics to adult ewes around lambing.

METHODS: Production data from comparisons of different anthelmintic treatments with no treatment were used in a cost-benefit analysis. The data were from 14 trials (part of an experiment carried out on one farm in 1 year) conducted on sheep and beef farms (eight in 2011 and six in 2012) in the Wairarapa region of New Zealand. The cost structure involved the purchase price of products and the labour cost of administration. The four key benefits identified for the calculation of economic returns, relative to untreated ewes, were: increased value of ewes sold (culled) at weaning, additional lambs weaned related to ewe liveweight at mating, increased total weight of lamb weaned per ewe, and reduced number of ewes requiring removal of soiled wool at weaning due to a lower dag score. Commercial values for these variables as at December 2013 were used, with the measured production data, to calculate a net (NZ$) benefit for every treatment-trial combination.

RESULTS: The economic return on treating ewes around lambing with anthelmintics was highly variable and across all trials treatment resulted in a financial loss in 18/38 (47%) groups of ewes. The mean net benefit from pre-lambing administration of a controlled release capsule (CRC) containing albendazole and abamectin was 5.36 (95% CI=?2.64 to 13.35) $/ewe, but overall was not different from zero (p=0.171). A breakdown of the overall gross benefit into its various components showed that weight of lamb weaned per ewe had the largest influence (a mean benefit of $5.68/ewe), followed by ewe liveweight pre-mating ($2.45/ewe), ewe liveweight at weaning ($0.66/ewe) and reduced dag score ($0.15/ewe). Other anthelmintic treatments all showed highly variable responses amongst trials, with some negative cost-benefits. There was no significant difference between any of the treatments except a short-acting oral treatment at tail-docking had a lower net benefit than a CRC containing albendazole administered pre-lambing (p<0.05).

CONCLUSIONS: A positive financial return resulting from the anthelmintic treatment of adult ewes around lambing is neither consistent nor predictable, and is often not achieved. Given that the additional costs of accelerating the development of anthelmintic resistance were not included in these calculations, farmers need to consider carefully the merits of administering anthelmintics to ewes around lambing.  相似文献   

乳汁中体细胞增高,是奶牛隐性乳腺炎的主要指标,用传统中兽医理论组方,针对奶牛隐性乳腺炎,配制了一种具有清热解毒、通经活络和提高乳房抵抗力及免疫功能的中药添加剂——"降体细胞中药添加剂",并对奶牛隐性乳腺炎病例进行了降低体细胞的治疗试验。结果显示,其一个疗程(7d)对奶牛隐性乳腺炎病例降低体细胞功能的有效率为83%,略高于市售产品对照组80%的有效率。因为是纯中药配方,可作为市售同功效但泌乳期禁用药物的替代产品。  相似文献   

1989年某军牧5志向匀以下羊棘球蚴的平均感染率为80%,牛为66.67%;彩用氢溴酸槟榔碱驱虫法监测犬细粒棘球绦虫的感染率为38.46%;1969年以来,人间包虫病累计手术病例数超过当地居民数的0.5‰。1990-1994年施行控制养犬数量,吡喹酮定期给犬驱虫、妥盖处理患病脏器等综合性防治,连续防治5年后监测结果:5岁以下羊棘球是细的平均感染率下降至9.58%,牛棘球蚴的感染率下降至6.06%,犬细粒棘球绦虫的感染率下降为零。在人间再未发现新的包虫病病例。  相似文献   

理囊散治疗奶牛卵巢疾病性不孕症的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用理囊散对奶牛卵泡囊肿和排卵延迟进行分组治疗,并与激素治疗作对比.试验结果表明,理囊散治疗卵泡囊肿试验牛的有效率为91.3%、配种受胎率为85.71%;理囊散治疗排卵延迟试验牛的有效率为88.89%、配种受胎率为93.75%;促排卵3号治疗卵泡囊肿试验牛的有效率为55.85%、配种受胎卒为84.21%;促排卵3号治疗排卵延迟试验牛的有效率为63.89%、配种受胎率为91.30%.由此说明,理囊散治疗奶牛卵泡囊肿和排卵延迟性不孕症效果显著.  相似文献   

AIM: To establish a protocol for determining the iodine status of a flock and managing the risks of iodine deficiency, using thyroid-weight:birthweight ratios of newborn lambs and serum iodine concentrations of ewes.

METHODS: Data were collected from iodine supplementation studies in Southland and Rangitikei, of sheep fed exclusively pasture or pasture plus brassica during the latter half of gestation (n=350, or 89 per treatment group). The ewes were supplemented pre-mating or at the time of pregnancy scanning with an injection of long-acting iodised oil. Serum iodine concentrations were measured in ewes prepartum in Rangitikei and postpartum at both locations. The thyroid-weight:birthweight ratios (as g/kg) in 229 newborn lambs were determined at post-mortem examination and compared between iodine supplemented vs unsupplemented flocks using probit analysis. Samples of pasture and kale were analysed monthly for determination of iodine and selenium.

RESULTS: Initial mean serum iodine concentration of all ewes was 41 µg iodine/L. Supplementation increased serum iodine concentrations regardless of forage fed, and concentrations remained high for between 127 and 206 days. The range of thyroid-weight:birthweight ratios in lambs from supplemented ewes was 0.09–0.70 (mean 0.35, standard deviation (SD) 0.147) g/kg. Among lambs from unsupplemented ewes, the range was much wider (0.21–8.5; mean 1.61, SD 1.95 g/kg). About half of those ratios were >0.8 g/kg and clearly indicative of goitre, including 62% from the groups on brassica and 18% from the Rangitikei group fed exclusively pasture. Probit calculations showed that a ratio of 0.40 (95% confidence interval (CI)=0.29–0.47) g/kg predicted with 35% probability, and a ratio of 0.80 (95% CI=0.70–0.99) g/kg predicted with 90% probability that a lamb came from an unsupplemented flock.

CONCLUSIONS: Compared to iodine concentrations in forages, thyroid-weight:birthweight ratios more accurately reflected the iodine status of the flock and could be used to identify which flocks to supplement the following year. Serum iodine concentrations of ewes measured before or after lambing did not reflect forage fed, but values near 40 µg/L were associated with goitrous lambs.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Thyroid-weight:birthweight ratios >0.8 g/kg were indicative of iodine deficiency, and ewes should be supplemented pre-mating or during pregnancy to prevent goitre the following year. Ratios <0.4 g/kg rarely occurred among deficient flocks, so the probability of benefit from supplementation was low. Intermediate ratios were ambiguous, and the iodine status of the flock could not be determined from biomarkers. In such cases individual-farm supplementation trials might be required to detect and manage the risks of marginal deficiency.  相似文献   

为评定引入青海省湟源县良种肉羊繁育基地的陶赛特羊和小尾寒羊两个绵羊品种的生态适应性,对其18个生理生化指标进行了系统测定分析,结果表明:①引入的陶赛特羊和小尾寒羊两个绵羊品种大多数生理生化指标在品种内或不同品种间的不同性别、不同年龄个体间以及同性别、同年龄个体间差异不显著(P〉0.05)。②两绵羊品种所测血浆CO2结合力远超出本地藏绵羊水平;体温(T)、呼吸频率(R)、脉搏(P)和瘤胃蠕动频率以及白细胞数(WBC)、红细胞数(RBC)、血红蛋白含量(HGB)的测定结果均大致在本地藏绵羊的各生理指标测定范围之内。③与已引入青海牧区的小尾寒羊大多数生理生化指标相比,本次引进的小尾寒羊在经过一段时间的适应性饲养后,其大多数生理生化指标已与其基本接近或一致;同时,引入的陶赛特羊和小尾寒羊与原产地相应品种在基础生理指标上相比较接近。  相似文献   

本试验分别用体内法和体外法,测定12种典型绵羊日粮的可利用赖氨酸(utilizable lysine,uLys)和可利用色氨酸(utilizable tryptophan,uTrp),研究体内法和体外法的回归关系,从而通过该回归关系,利用体外法测定的结果估测体内到达十二指肠的uLys和uTrp。体内法用3只体重(46.00±1.30)kg,装有瘤胃瘘管和T型十二指肠瘘管的成年杂交绵羊羯羊(小尾寒羊×无角多赛特)作为试验动物,12种日粮粗蛋白质(CP)水平递增。12种日粮和3只试验动物4个设计3×3拉丁方试验。每个拉丁方试验分为3个试验期,每期10 d,预试期7 d,正试期3 d。正试期收集十二指肠食糜,分别用聚乙二醇(PEG,分子量4 000)和三氧化二铬(Cr2O3)作为液相和固相指示剂计算十二指肠食糜流量。通过测定食糜样品的赖氨酸和色氨酸,根据食糜流量计算到达十二指肠的可利用赖氨酸(in vivo-uLys)和可利用色氨酸(in vivo-uTrp)。体外法用Zhao等的体外培养技术测定日粮的可利用赖氨酸(in vitro-uLys)和可利用色氨酸(in vitro-uTrp)。结果表明,in vitro-uLys和in vivo-uLys存在显著的回归关系(R2=0.4 9,P<0.0 5,RSD=0.0 7);in vitro-uTrp和in vivo-uTrp回归关系极显著(R2=0.6 0,P<0.0 1,RSD=0.03)。  相似文献   

Fifty randomly selected sheep flocks from a region in central Norway were sampled in December 1999 to determine the flock prevalence of Salmonella enterica subspecies diarizonae serovar 61:k:1,5,(7) (S. IIIb 61:k:1,5,(7)). From each flock, 15–41 rectal swabs were collected from individual sheep of different age groups and examined for S. IIIb 61:k:1,5,(7). Positive flocks were visited again in January–April and each time, rectal swabs from the same animals were collected and examined for this specific serovar. Seven flocks (14%; 95% CI 6.3–27%) were positive for S. IIIb 61:k:1,5,(7) in December; in all, 10 sheep out of the 1233 (0.8%) were positive at the first sampling. From the seven positive flocks, six, five, six, and nine animals were positive in January, February, March, and April, respectively. Of the total 21 individual sheep tested positive from January to April, 15 were >2 years old (ORex=3.26; 1.1–10.2). Six out of the seven positive flocks were large flocks (>117 ewes). Sharing of rams between flocks did not seem to be a risk factor for the presence of S. IIIb 61:k:1,5,(7) in a flock.  相似文献   

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