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牛蛙爱德华氏菌病病理形态学研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
牛蛙爱德华氏菌病的主要眼观病变是病牛蛙全身肿胀,腹部膨大,腹腔积液,躯体或四肢有时可见充血或炎性反应。主要组织学所见是肝、肾、心等脏器实质细胞变性、坏死以及呈渗出性和纤维素性炎症变化。  相似文献   

以实验病理学方法对人工感染Ⅰ型鸭疫里默氏杆菌(含菌量3×109CFU/mL)的20日龄天府肉鸭进行了系统病理组织学研究.眼观特征为全身浆膜及各组织器官的被膜纤维素渗出物;心脏、肝脏、脾脏肿大,胸腺、法氏囊缩小,脑水肿.病理组织学变化表现为纤维素性心包炎,肝周炎、气囊炎、脾炎和脑膜炎,腺胃和小肠出血性或坏死性炎,胰腺细胞、肌胃黏膜上皮及砂囊腺上皮细胞变性与坏死,肾小管变性与局灶性坏死,胸腺和法氏囊淋巴细胞减少.结果表明鸭疫里默氏杆菌病侵害多种组织器官,引起功能障碍致雏鸭发病死亡.  相似文献   

用鸭疫里默杆菌人工感染17日龄雏鸭,观察其动态病理变化。结果表明鸭在感染2~3d后就开始出现浆液纤维素性心包炎、肝周炎、气囊炎,并持续整个病理过程。组织学病变主要为肝脏、心脏、脾脏、气囊、大脑等浆膜面有大量浆液纤维素渗出和炎症细胞浸润,后期出现机化。实质细胞出现不向程度的变性和坏死,间质增生。表明鸭疫里默杆菌主要侵害浆膜,引起多发性浆膜炎和实质器官的功能降低。  相似文献   

雏鸭鸭疫里默氏杆菌病的病理形态学研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
以实验病理学方法对人工感染Ⅰ型鸭疫里默氏杆菌(含菌量3×109cfu/mL)的20日龄天府肉鸭进行了系统病理形态学研究。感染后第1天出现临床症状,第3天达死亡高峰。眼观特征为全身浆膜及各组织器官的被膜纤维素渗出附着,心脏、肝脏、脾脏肿大,胸腺、法氏囊缩小,脑水肿,部分病程稍长的鸭单侧或双侧跗关节肿大,关节腔积液。病理组织学变化表现为纤维素性心包炎、肝周炎、气囊炎、脾炎和脑膜炎,胰腺细胞、食道、舌的粘膜上皮细胞空泡变性,腺胃和小肠出血性或坏死性炎,肌胃粘膜上皮及砂囊腺上皮细胞变性与坏死,肾小管上皮变性与局灶性坏死,胸腺和法氏囊淋巴细胞的减少。结果表明:鸭疫里默氏杆菌病侵害多种组织器官,引起功能障碍致雏鸭发病死亡。  相似文献   

对90只11日龄鸭通过颈部皮下人工接种鸭疫里氏杆菌,分别在感染后12h、24h、36h、48h、60h、72h剖杀,观察其动态病理变化。结果表明,鸭在感染24h后就开始出现浆液纤维素性心包炎、肝周炎、气囊炎,并持续整个病理过程。组织学病变主要为肝脏、心脏、脾脏、气囊等表面增厚,有大量浆液纤维素性渗出物,其中有嗜中性粒细胞和单核细胞浸润;心肌细胞和肾小管上皮细胞颗粒变性,肝细胞脂肪变性和凝固性坏死,脾脏淋巴细胞减少,脑膜水肿充血。证实了鸭疫里氏杆菌主要侵害浆膜和肝脏,引起多发性浆膜炎和肝坏死。  相似文献   

绵羊铅镉联合中毒的病理学研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
用普通光镜和电镜观察及元素分析等方法对白银工业污染区绵羊进行了系统研究。形态观察表明,该地区绵羊有明显的中毒变化,特征为牙的损伤,皮下水肿,全身小动脉壁的玻璃样变,肺漫性肺泡隔炎、支气管与血管周围炎及片状纤维组织增生,肝细胞变性、坏死,中毒性肾病、近曲小管上皮内核内包涵体及亚急性肾小球肾炎。主要的超微结构变化是肺I型上皮的变性和坏死、Ⅱ型上皮增生及肺泡隔胶原形成,肝细胞线粒体变性和肿胀、滑面内质网  相似文献   

肉鸭鸭疫理尔默氏病的病理变化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文通过对江苏省发生的肉鸭鸭疫理尔默氏菌病的自然病例和试验感染病例的病理学观察,发现其剖检变化以纤维素性心包炎、肝周炎、气囊炎、脑膜炎以及部分病例出现干酪性输卵管炎、关节炎为特征,组织学病变主要表现为浆膜的纤维素性或浆液性纤维素性炎症,肺、肾、脑、心等实质器官严重的淤血、甚至出血,肝细胞弥温性的脂肪变性以及心肌细胞和肾小管上皮细胞严重的颗粒变性,法氏囊淋巴滤泡萎缩、间质水肿,脾脏以及部分病例胸腺的淋巴滤泡萎缩。  相似文献   

禽流感( Avian Influenza)是由 A型流感病毒侵犯各种禽类呼吸系统、神经系统的一种急性综合症。本研究利用禽流感病毒株人工感染实验鸡,观察了接毒鸡的发病情况、临床表现、病理剖检变化以及病理组织学变化。结果表明:各种日龄鸡均可感染,感染后一般1~2 d 出现临床症状。主要表现呼吸道症状,包括咳嗽、打喷 嚏、口罗音和大量流泪。有的出现头部和脸部水肿、神经紊乱和腹泻。产蛋鸡产蛋量严重下降。发病率达80% 以上,死亡率差异较大。剖检变化:有的表现为卡他性、纤维素性、浆液性/纤维素性、脓性或干酪性炎症。气管粘膜有轻度水肿,并伴有数量不等的浆液性或干酪样渗出物。个别出现纤维素性腹膜炎及“蛋性腹膜炎”。蛋鸡的卵泡畸形、萎缩,输卵管内有渗出物。肝、脾、肾有黄白色坏死灶。有的十二指肠和心外膜出血,尤其是肌胃与腺胃交接处的乳头及粘膜出血严重。气囊、腹腔、输卵管表面被覆纤维素性渗出物。常见纤维素性心包炎。肺脏因炎性变化而变硬,有时出现黄白色病灶。病理组织学观察:主要表现为心肌、 脾、肺、脑及肉垂等发生充血、出血、血管周围形成淋巴细胞管套。肝、脾、肾有实质变性与坏死。脑组织出现非化脓性脑炎,血管周围管套,神经细胞变性,神经胶质  相似文献   

牛硅爱德华氏菌病病理形态学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牛蛙爱德华氏菌病的主要眼观病变是病牛蛙全身肿胀,胜部膨大,腹腔积液,躯体或四肢有时可见充血或炎性反应。主要组织学见是肝、肾、心等脏器实质细胞变性、二死以及呈渗出性和纤维素性炎症变化。  相似文献   

乌鳢溃疡性疾病综合症,剖检主要特征为:患部形成灰白色斑块状隆起,严重时,鱼体发生坏死性溃疡,肝脏肿大,桔黄色,胆汁呈黑绿色,脾脏紫红色,胃粘膜潮红,肾血管怒张;病理组织学观察结果显示:肝脏颗粒变性,水泡变性,脂变,脾脏实质细胞坏死,肾小管上皮细胞颗粒变性,间质炎性细胞浸润,肌纤维变性,坏死,炎性细胞浸润。  相似文献   

Fibrinous pericarditis, fibrinous pleuritis and pneumonia associated with Streptococcus zooepidemicus were observed in two lambs in a small flock of sheep. These lesions were reproduced in lambs inoculated intratracheally with Streptococcus zooepidemicus. Clinical signs included pyrexia, serous to mucopurulent nasal discharge, dyspnea and depression followed by death in six to seven days. Histologically the tissue changes were characterized by an acute inflammatory response involving bronchioles and alveoli, fibrinous pleuritis and fibrinous pericarditis.  相似文献   

Pathology of spontaneous colibacillosis in a broiler flock   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Forty-eight of 134 chickens collected from a flock on a broiler farm were diagnosed pathologically and microbiologically to have colibacillosis. Both acute septicemia (seven birds, 1 to 36 days old) and subacute serositis (41 birds, 5 to 57 days old) were found. The former consisted of necrosis with fibrinous exudates in the ellipsoids and lymphoid follicles of the spleen, and fibrinous thrombi in sinusoids of the liver with occasional necrosis of hepatic cells. The latter had fibrinopurulent inflammation with granulomatous changes in the serosal tissues--including the epicardium, pericardium, and hepatic peritoneal sac--accompanied by septicemic lesions in the spleen and liver. Respiratory lesions (airsacculitis, pneumonia, and tracheitis) were noted in most chickens affected with acute septicemia and subacute serositis. Degenerative changes also were observed in the bursa of Fabricius.  相似文献   

Data from a retrospective field study were used to describe the epidemiology of fatal fibrinous pneumonia as it affected beef calves entering a large commercial feedlot in southwestern Alberta during the fall months of y 1985 to 1988. A chute-side computer system was used to record processing and health data on 58885 calves during this period. The large annual variation (10%-57%) in the proportion of total mortality due to fibrinous pneumonia indicated that crude mortality cannot be used in epidemiological studies as a surrogate measure of fibrinous pneumonia mortality. Yearly epidemic curves for fatal fibrinous pneumonia were very similar, with a short time interval (median, 19-22 d) between arrival and fatal disease. Fully 75% of the calves that died of fibrinous pneumonia already were sick within 2 weeks of arrival. Studies of the biological, environmental, and population factors that are present before and shortly after arrival at the feedlot are needed to identify strategies for reducing the incidence of fatal fibrinous pneumonia.  相似文献   

雏鸭实验性镉中毒的病理学研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用114只3日龄肉鸭作急性、亚急性镉中毒的病理学观察。急性镉中毒的LD50为289mg/kg体重。灌服1/10、1/20、1/30LD50剂量作亚急性毒性试验,每日服药一次,试验期6周,其发病率分别为11/11、11/11和3/11,死亡率分别为10/11、7/11和3/11。中毒鸭表现为生长缓慢,Hb、RBC和PCV显著降低,死前多呈现呼吸困难。尸体剖检和病理组织学变化主要是纤维素性心外膜炎、心肌变性、间质性心肌炎,纤维素性肝周围炎、肝细胞严重脂变、间质性肝炎,纤维素性肺浆膜炎、支气管肺炎,气囊积液、气囊壁水肿和钙化,卡他性肠炎以及脑充血、出血等。透射电镜观察,心肌纤维、肝细胞和肾曲管上皮细胞内线粒体严重肿胀,嵴断裂、溶解。肝细胞还可见糖元颗粒明显减少,脂滴增多等。测得亚急性组织肝脏和肾脏的镉含量,试验组与对照组之间有极显著差异(P<0.01)。试验组口服镉含量高的与镉含量低的之间亦有显著或极显著差异(P<0.05或P<0.01)。  相似文献   

Gross and microscopic lesions observed in bovine and porcine hemorrhagic septicemia, and in bovine Pasteurella multocida endotoxemia are described. Widely distributed hemorrhages, edema, and general hyperemia were the most obvious tissue changes observed in the infected calves. Pneumonia was a constant lesion. Aerosol exposure produced a multiple focal fibrinosuppurative pneumonia, while intranasal and intramuscular inoculation resulted in generalized interstitial pneumonia. A slight lymphadenitis and degenerative changes in hepatic and renal parenchymal cells were also observed.

The predominant lesions observed in infected pigs were a diffuse, extensive, fibrinous pneumonia and fibrinous polyserositis. Edema and general hyperemia were observed, but the widespread hemorrhages which occurred in the calves were not present. Acute lymphadenitis and renal tubule vacuolar degeneration were observed. A slight amount of cloudy swelling and focal areas of necrosis were found in the liver.

Lesions in a calf that died following administration of Past. multocida endotoxin were widely distributed hemorrhages, edema, and general hyperemia. These lesions were especially evident in the lungs, and indicated widespread vascular alteration.


OBJECTIVE: To identify factors significantly associated with an epidemic of fibrinous pericarditis during spring 2001 among horses in central Kentucky. DESIGN: Case-control study. ANIMALS: 38 horses with fibrinous pericarditis and 30 control horses examined for other reasons. PROCEDURE: A questionnaire was developed to solicit information regarding a wide range of management practices and environmental exposures from farm owners or managers. RESULTS: The following factors were found in bivariate analyses to be significantly associated with an increased risk of pericarditis: being from a farm with mares and foals affected by mare reproductive loss syndrome, exposure to Eastern tent caterpillars in or around horse pastures, younger age, shorter duration of residence in Kentucky and at the farm of current residence, being fed hay grown outside Kentucky, a lack of access to pond water, access to orchard grass for grazing, and a lack of direct contact with cattle. In multivariate logistic regression analyses, only variables related to caterpillar exposure and age were significantly associated with fibrinous pericarditis. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELVANCE: Results suggest that fibrinous pericarditis in horses may be associated with mare reproductive loss syndrome. Exposure to Eastern tent caterpillars was the greatest risk factor for development of fibrinous pericarditis. The distribution of times of diagnosis of fibrinous pericarditis was consistent with a point-source epidemic.  相似文献   

Pathologic findings in mature dogs with old dog encephalitis were compared with the findings in multiple sclerosis, subacute sclerosing panencephalitis and neuromyelitis optica in man. Fluorescent antibody studies in animal and human tissues were compared. Optic neuritis in dogs with chronic distemper shows changes similar to those in the optic tract of human patients with severe demyelinating disease. The pathologic changes in multiple sclerosis, such as perivascular infiltration with lymphocytes, plasma cells and demyelination are similar to those seen in old dog encephalitis. Demyelination in old dog encephalitis is usually diffuse. The findings strongly support a possible relationship of old dog encephalitis to multiple sclerosis, subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, and neuromyelitis optica.  相似文献   

猪副嗜血杆菌感染的诊断与防治   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
吉林省长春市郊某猪场发生了疑似猪副嗜血杆菌引起的疾病。临床症状表现为体温升高,精神沉郁,食欲减退,消瘦,咳嗽,腹泻,关节肿胀。剖检见肺脏呈纤维素性胸膜肺炎,胸腔内有大量淡红色液体、纤维性渗出物及凝块;腹腔内有多量秀黄褐色漏出液,有的呈胶冻状凝块;心包膜上有奶酪样坏死,并与心脏粘连。肺臌胀,表面覆有大量纤维素性渗出物,并与胸壁粘连,镜检肺泡充满水肿液或纤维蛋白和红细胞。全身淋巴结肿大,呈浆液性卡他性炎,暗红色;取心血、肝、脾涂片,革兰氏染色,镜检,见有革兰氏阴性球杆菌。将病菌接种于血液琼脂平皿上,置37℃温箱培养48h,革兰氏染色,镜检该菌同涂片细菌。动物回归试验,病理变化同自然感染病例。用纸片法对32种药物进行药敏试验,结果该菌对阿米卡星、美西林、磺胺甲基异恶唑3种药物高度敏感。结合本病的流行情况、临床症状、病理变化和实验室检查,确诊为猪副嗜血杆菌感染。  相似文献   

An outbreak of fibrinous pleuropneumonia was observed in October 1971 in Saskatchewan on a farm of 900 feeder pigs. Morbidity and mortality were low. Pathologic-anatomic findings included fibrinous pleuritis, pulmonary vascular thrombosis and necrotizing fibrinous pneumonia. Hemophilus parahemolyticus was isolated from the lungs of affected animals. In addition pulmonary lesions were found which suggested an adenovirus infection. It was speculated that the viral infection possibly predisposed the pigs to the Hemophilus infection. The H. parahemolyticus isolate was sensitive to common antibiotics.  相似文献   

鸭源肠球菌的致病性试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以临床分离的2株鸭源肠球菌分别接种小白鼠,观察感染后小白鼠的主要临床症状和病变特点,并测定感染小白鼠的发病率、死亡率及半数致死量,旨在探讨这2个菌株对小白鼠的致病性。结果表明,2株肠球菌均能造成小白鼠发病。该病原主要侵害小白鼠肝脏、脾脏和肾脏,最明显的病变特征是引起脾肿大、纤维素性渗出性炎症;肝脏淤血、出血甚至坏死;肾间质血管淤血等。从而揭示了肠球菌可引起小鼠感染发病并导致组织病变而死亡。  相似文献   

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