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为了研究不同时间和不同温度对蜂蜜中淀粉酶值的影响,用枣花蜜、洋槐蜜、枸杞蜜为原材料,采用试管比色法在30,40,50,70℃条件下.分别在6,12,24 h测定淀粉酶值.研究结果表明:不同蜂蜜中淀粉酶值不同,对同一种蜂蜜而言.淀粉酶值随着温度的升高而下降.在低温(30,40℃)下.随着时间的延长淀粉酶值几乎不变,在较高温度(50,70℃)下,随着时间的延长淀粉酶值显著下降.说明通过测定蜂蜜淀粉酶值的变化可以检测蜂蜜产品的质量,也可以鉴别真假蜂蜜.在生产实际中,控制保存的温度及时间有利于蜂蜜的保质.  相似文献   

加热温度及时间对蜂蜜淀粉酶值影响的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加热温度及时间对蜂蜜淀粉酶值影响的探讨黑龙江853农场(156331)杨莉,吴家钦前言蜂蜜虽然是天然食品,但由于在采收、收购及运输过程难免混入杂质,故在出口分装及国内瓶装出售之前都要进行精滤,为了达到快速精滤,精滤前必须对蜂蜜进行加温。大家知道,蜂蜜...  相似文献   

温度和时间对蜂蜜中淀粉酶值的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以同一蜂蜜样品为实验材料,在35℃、45℃、55℃温度下分别培养8h、16h、24h,然后通过分光光度计法测量蜂蜜中淀粉酶值,结果表明:随着温度的升高和时间的延长,蜂蜜中的淀粉酶值有所下降。  相似文献   

蜂蜜中的花粉,是蜂蜜的重要成分,是具有确定性、稳定性、追溯性的天然标识物。而且,实验简便快速经多年的验证,蜂蜜花粉的基本形态及数量比例的测定是不可或缺的常规或现场检测项目。  相似文献   

汪隽波 《蜜蜂杂志》2013,33(1):21-21
蜂蜜的自然结晶是一种正常的物理现象,虽然不影响其营养价值,但是影响瓶装蜂蜜的销售。笔者通过多年的蜂蜜加工实践,找到一种简便和可靠的延缓瓶装蜂蜜结晶的方法。该法的主要技术是在瓶装蜂蜜传统生产工艺流程中,加一个融化结晶核的环节。其过程如下:  相似文献   

蜂蜜结晶新探及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着市场经济的发展,蜂蜜市场出现一派欣欣向荣的景象,各种品质的蜂蜜纷纷出现:槐花蜜、荆条蜜、紫云英蜜等,满足了市场多方面的需求。但这些蜜到了冬季经常出现结晶,为此商家虽然多方面加强检测手段,但至今不能在不改变蜂蜜质量的条件下有效地防止结晶的发生。蜂蜜...  相似文献   

市售蜂蜜样品中淀粉酶活性的调查研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文测定市场上不同蜜源共52个蜂蜜样品的淀粉酶活性,其中大多数蜂蜜样品的酶值集中在8.0~30.0范围内,94.2%的蜂蜜淀粉酶活性在8以上。2个枇杷蜜样品淀粉酶值均小于4,说明枇杷蜜的淀粉酶活性低。有2个蜂蜜样品的淀粉酶值较高,一个为洋槐蜜,酶值为87.5;一个为山楂蜜,酶值为94.2。  相似文献   

<正>"青海蜂蜜"又称"菜花蜜",因青海油菜播种面积大,花繁蜜多,所产蜂蜜系单一油菜花蜜,故名。液态青海蜂蜜呈特浅琥珀色或乳白色结晶、半结晶状态,纯度高而清香;葡萄糖和果糖等还原糖含量高、蔗糖含量低,甜而不腻;淀粉酶值高、无羧甲基糠醛(HMF);富含丰富的氨基酸、维生素和微量元素,以其营养价值高而著称。一、蜜源种植方式决定青海蜂蜜高纯度青海油菜连片、单一种植面积大,种植区内无其他蜜源作物,环境纯净无污染,造就"青海蜂蜜"纯度高[1],液态为纯净的琥珀色、结晶或者半结晶状态,乳白色。  相似文献   

蜂蜜酶值快速检测的研究——标准参考比色板法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蜂蜜中淀粉酶活性值 (酶值DN)是评定蜂蜜质量的一项重要指标 ,新鲜的蜂蜜其酶值较高 ,营养价值好。本文在传统检测方法 ,试管碘反应目测法和分光光度比色法的基础上 ,结合两者的优点 ,采用标准参考比色板法 ,该方法具有方便、易行、快速可靠等优点。  相似文献   

本文研究了蜂蜜加工过程(解晶、过滤、真空浓缩、巴氏灭菌)对蜂蜜中甲基对硫磷和对硫磷含量的影响。利用GC-FPD测定每个加工过程后蜂蜜中甲基对硫磷和对硫磷的含量。结果表明四个加工步骤均能降低蜂蜜中甲基对硫磷和对硫磷的含量,其中甲基对硫磷在加工过程中含量从3.39分别降至3.25,3.01,2.10和1.61 mg/kg;对硫磷在加工过程中含量从2.77分别降至2.74,2.54,2.30和2.23 mg/kg。在真空浓缩步骤中,甲基对硫磷下降率明显大于对硫磷,其下降率为30.2%。  相似文献   

康文成 《草业学报》2000,17(4):77-79
人类不合理的活动是产生环境问题的根源.环境的恶化又制约着人类的生存和发展.治理和保护环境,走可持续发展之路,已成为人类的共识.  相似文献   

Delayed healing associated with distal limb wounds is a particular problem in equine clinical practice. Recent studies in human beings and other species have demonstrated the beneficial wound healing properties of honey, and medical grade honey dressings are available commercially in equine practice. Equine clinicians are reported to source other non-medical grade honeys for the same purpose. This study aimed to assess the antimicrobial activity of a number of honey types against common equine wound bacterial pathogens. Twenty-nine honey products were sourced, including gamma-irradiated and non-irradiated commercial medical grade honeys, supermarket honeys, and honeys from local beekeepers. To exclude contaminated honeys from the project, all honeys were cultured aerobically for evidence of bacterial contamination. Aerobic bacteria or fungi were recovered from 18 products. The antimicrobial activity of the remaining 11 products was assessed against 10 wound bacteria, recovered from the wounds of horses, including methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Eight products were effective against all 10 bacterial isolates at concentrations varying from <2% to 16% (v/v). Overall, the Scottish Heather Honey was the best performing product, and inhibited the growth of all 10 bacterial isolates at concentrations ranging from <2% to 6% (v/v).Although Manuka has been the most studied honey to date, other sources may have valuable antimicrobial properties. Since some honeys were found to be contaminated with aerobic bacteria or fungi, non-sterile honeys may not be suitable for wound treatment. Further assessment of gamma-irradiated honeys from the best performing honeys would be useful.  相似文献   

环境问题的产生与治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
康文成 《草业科学》2000,17(4):77-78,F003
人类不合理的活动是产生环境问题的根源。环境的恶化又制约着人类的生存和发展。治理和保护环境,走可持续发展之路,已成为人类的共识。  相似文献   

用加了抗生素的PDA培养基,分别分离中蜂蜜和意蜂蜜中的耐高糖酵母,再进行菌种鉴定。结果显示,中蜂蜜与意蜂蜜中的耐糖酵母为同一种,都为鲁氏接合酵母。  相似文献   

This review approaches sheep welfare during the periparturient period from a veterinary practitioner viewpoint. At the most fundamental husbandry level, the general hygiene standards adopted on many sheep farms in the United Kingdom (UK) during the lambing period are unacceptable and require urgent improvement. Concerns also arise from obstetrical conditions attended by farmers which cause pain that can be identified using clinical criteria such as altered demeanour and behaviour of the ewe, and the presence of inflammation of the reproductive tract. Reduced production is evidenced by poor milk production and hungry lambs, the necessity to rear such lambs artificially and, in neglected cases, death of the ewe and her lambs. The correction of dystocia, periparturient vaginal, uterine and rectal prolapses is greatly facilitated after epidural injection of lignocaine, or a combination of xylazine and lignocaine administered by a veterinary surgeon. However, the perceived high professional fees charged for these services, and for Caesarean operations, result in few sheep receiving veterinary care, with such neglect directly contributing to poor welfare standards and an increased ewe mortality rate during the periparturient period. Whilst ending any welfare concern, the destruction of ewes rather than requesting veterinary services purely for economic reasons is a disturbing trend in sheep production in the UK and raises concerns regarding positive interaction between veterinary practitioner and farmer. In this article, veterinary treatments which provide effective analgesia are described and costed for obstetrical conditions in sheep. Recommended treatment protocols are described for the common obstetrical problems in sheep. In addition to appropriate treatment of obstetrical problems and alleviation of pain, if veterinary involvement could reduce ewe periparturient mortality from estimated figures of 4-2% this would save an estimated 400,000 ewes annually in the UK. Sheep welfare could be considerably improved by practising veterinarians providing practical instruction to small groups of clients with funding provided by government agencies.  相似文献   

防城区的大部分地区 ,群众养鸡仍以散养为主 ,规模多在 3 0羽 /户左右。散养既提高其肉质风味 ,又可降低饲养成本 ,但饲养管理水平和防疫水平跟不上 ,死亡较多。为了提高散养鸡的成活率 ,发掘放牧散养的优势 ,我们进行农户养鸡现状调查 ,以便总结经验指导农村散养鸡生产 ,增加农民收入 ,提高农户养鸡积极性。1 调查方法本次调查选择了防城区 5个乡共 1 5个村 ,每村调查 1 0个养鸡户 ,共调查 1 50户 ,调查内容包括 2 0 0 2年鸡饲养数、损失数、病死数、活鸡市场价格等 ,同时调查了 8户规模较大的围栏养鸡户。2 调查结果本次调查结果见表 1…  相似文献   

The asymmetric shape of the heart, small acoustic window, and range of interindividual variation in normal and abnormal states all can limit the extent of echocardiographic studies in small animal medicine. Beyond these uncontrollable variables, however, there are a number of additional potentially complicating factors that the echocardiogapher controls. Understanding and handling this second category of variables is critical for optimizing the quality and diagnostic value of echocardiographic studies. These variables range from such simple issues as proper restraint and an indissociable association between echocardiographic findings and clinical information, to specific points relating to simultaneous electrocardiogram display, good visualization of cardiac structures using multiple overlapping imaging planes, and avoidance of oblique or tangential views. The basic overview presented here aims to describe these commonly encountered, clinically relevant points in a way that helps veterinarians improve the quality of echocardiograms they perform.  相似文献   

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