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Summary Concentrations of Ca, P, K, Mg, Al, Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn were determined in healthy tuber peelings of cultivars less (Karin, Santé and Symfonia) and more (Agria, Désirée and Tomensa) susceptible to common scab when grown at two sites that differed in the level of scab incidence. The accumulation of some elements was significantly influenced by site, year, cultivar, maturity and the age of tuber periderm. At both sites, Ca and P in periderm tissue declined but Mg increased during the growing season. The Ca/P ratios in tuber periderm of all cultivars greatly decreased 83 days after planting. Concentrations of mineral elements measured at harvest may not reflect conditions present during the infection period, and consequently may not be related to scab incidence or severity.  相似文献   

Summary Increasing doses of nitrogenous fertilizer increased storage rots in six potato cultivars of which cvs Kufri Sindhuri and Kufri Lalima rotted less and were found to contain high amounts of total phenols compared to the more susceptible cultivars Kufri Jyoti and Kufri Badshah. Nine phenolic acids were identified in the peel and the pulp of tubers and four of these and of other phenolic extracts from tubers suppressed the growth ofErwinia carotovora ssp.carotovora. Research Publication No. 5811, Experiment Station, G.B.P.U.A. & T., Pantnagar 263 145, India.  相似文献   

Summary The selective-diagnostic crystal violet pectate (CVP) medium for the detection and isolation of soft rot erwinias was modified and improved to allow the use of a new source of sodium polypectate (Slendid type 440), as the previous polypectate (Bulmer) is no longer available. Two formulations were developed: CVP-S1 medium was less transparent but otherwise similar to the Bulmer polypectate-based CVP medium (CVP-B) except that NaOH was added and CaCl2 concentration reduced. CVP-S2 medium was prepared by mixing equal volumes of two double strength preparations containing 1) polypectate and NaOH, and 2) all other ingredients, both sterilised separately. Although erwinia cavity formation was slower, it showed a number of advantages over CVP-B and CVP-S1 media, thereby facilitating colony/cavity detection and enumeration. These included the absence of precipitate, greater firmness and a reduced risk of liquefaction in the presence of large erwinia numbers, and a reduction in the number of saprophytic bacteria.  相似文献   

Summary The majority of isolates ofFusarium avenaceum caused dry rot on potato tubers; many were as pathogenic asF. coeruleum. Pathogenicity ofF. avenaceum was not related to the plant species from which the isolates originated. Tubers of potato cv. Cara were more susceptible than those of cvs Romano or Maris Piper. Temperature (5–15° C) had no effect on lesion depth but lesions tended to be slightly wider at the lowest temperature. Two isolates (of 61) from wheat and white lupin had a moderate level of resistance to thiabendazole. The results are discussed in relation to the control of dry rot in stored potato tubers.  相似文献   

Summary Soft rot caused by Erwinia carotovora ssp. atroseptica is a major disease of stored potatoes. Since varietal resistance can contribute to control, the work reported was designed to find new sources of resistance among related tuber-bearing Solanum spp. True seeds were imported from two international collections and families were screened for resistance to tuber soft rot. Forty-eight resistant clones were found in 21 out of 100 accessions. These clones will be used in breeding programmes at the diploid or tetraploid level.  相似文献   

Summary Effects of three rates of fertilizer nitrogen, viz. 80, 160 and 240 kg N/ha, on tuber yield and dry-matter percentage in potato cv. Record were compared in two experiments. Crop nitrogen uptake increased with application rate but total uptake differed between experiments. Tuber yield was highest following application of 160 or 240 kg N/ha but differences between these two rates were not significant. Tuber dry-matter percentage was reduced in one experiment with increasing nitrogen rate, but in the second experiment final dry- matter percentage was highest following application of 240 kg N/ha. In all treatments, positive linear relationships were found between dry matter percentage and mean fresh weight of tubers >30 mm, but within experiments, the regression coefficients were generally reduced by increased crop nitrogen uptake.  相似文献   

Summary Two modifications of the selective-diagnostic crystal violet pectate (CVP) medium for soft rot erwinias were developed using a new formulation of sodium polypectate; these were a single layer medium and a double layer medium consisting of an agar base with a pectate overlayer. Both media contained 0.1% tryptone to promote growth and cavity formation by erwinias and 40 μg ml−1 novobiocin instead of sodium lauryl sulphate to increase recovery rate and selectivity. Colonies of the three erwinias commonly associated with potatoes formed characteristic deep cavities in the single layer modified CVP. Cavities in the double layer CVP although deep were smaller but remained distinct longer. Recovery rate and selectivity with both media were better than with the original CVP.  相似文献   

Summary The tuber dry matter concentration, [DM], of crops of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) was related using regression analysis, to time, thermal time, incident radiation accumulated from plant emergence, and soil moisture deficit (SMD). Variation in [DM] was best accounted for by the regression model that was a function of thermal time above a base of 0 °C accumulated from plant emergence, and SMD. When validated against an independent data set, there was good agreement between observed and estimated [DM] with a linear relation accounting for 79.3% of the variance.  相似文献   

Summary In 1983 and 1984 there were reports in Norway of more severe late blight infection than usual on tubers of cv. Pimpernel, a cultivar without R-genes known to be somewhat resistant to both haulm and tuber infection. Results from routine tests confirmed earlier experience that cv. Pimpernel shows stable resistance to tuber late blight, although the ranking of cultivars may vary between years. In experiments during three harvest seasons tubers of different cultivars were inoculated with isolates ofP. infestans obtained from stocks of cv. Pimpernel with severe tuber late blight and with other isolates. In these experiments the isolates from cv. Pimpernel caused more rot on tubers of Pimpernel than did other isolates.  相似文献   

Summary Pasteurisation of potato tubers by immersion in hot water is being examined as a method of blackleg control. Studies on the in vitro heat resistance of representative pectolytic erwinia have enabled prediction curves for the selection of suitable times and temperatures of pasteurisation to be prepared. High levels of contamination on some tubers may require heat treatment that will reduce the erwinia population by more than 80% to ensure that only innocuous levels remain.  相似文献   

Summary Laboratory experiments and observations in commercial stores showed that viable sporangia ofPhytophthora infestans can be produced on infected potato tubers of different cultivars. Infection was also found to spread from diseased to healthy tubers during handling.  相似文献   

Summary In the cell wall matrix of higher plants, cellulose fibrils are embedded in a network of pectic substances, hemicelluloses and structural proteins. But plant pathogenicErwinia carotovora bacteria secrete a mixture of enzymes including pectinases, cellulases and proteases to degrade the cell walls of host plant tissue. Tuber tissue of 31 potato genotypes was exposed to a mixture ofErwinia enzymes before the degree of cell wall lysis was determined by a Neutral-red vital staining method. The data indicate that the resistance of cell walls to the action ofErwinia enzymes differed significantly among the potato cultivars and clones. The decrease in cell viability caused by the action of enzymes ranged from 7% for cv. Maxilla to >46% for cv. Arnika. An increased rate of N-fertilization coincided with enhanced susceptibility of cell walls to the action ofErwinia enzymes. There was a correlation between the amount of cell wall substances in tuber tissue and the resistance of cell walls to enzymic degradation.  相似文献   

Summary In a glasshouse experiment three potato cultivars were grown to maturity in wet or dry compost. The number of lenticels per tuber was greater with larger tubers but was unaffected by the cultivar or soil moisture regime. The frequency of lenticel penetration by a water soluble stain, safranin O, remained high as tubers developed to maturity in wet soil. In dry soil penetration declined markedly as the tubers matured. When tubers, harvested just before the onset of haulm senescence, were inoculated withErwinia carotovora ssp.atroseptica, the frequency of lenticel rotting was less than the rate of stain penetration, indicating that additional factors were involved in the bacterial infection process. Inoculating mature tubers with bacteria and incubating them in anaerobic conditions frequently resulted in rotting of the lenticels. Comparable tubers incubated in aerobic conditions showed no rotting or invasion by bacteria. The results are discussed in relation to the biological control of blackleg.  相似文献   

Summary Potato tubers were inoculated with two biotypes ofPhytophthora infestans then stored at 3,7, 10 and 15°C. Image analysis quantified average reflective intensity (ARI) of diseased tissue from cut surfaces of sample tubers. Tuber tissue infection and infection rate were measured by calculating Mean ARI of samples. Average tuber tissue infection and infection rate was minimal at 3°C (P.i.-US8 orP.i.-US1). Tuber tissue infection increased at temperatures >3°C, from 220 Mean ARI seven days after inoculation (dai) to 190–150 Mean ARI 50 dai (depending on cultivar and biotype ofP. infestans). Rate of tuber tissue infection caused byP.i.-US1 at 7°C was about zero in cv. Snowden but greater than −0.2 ARI day−1 (cvs Russet Burbank and Superior). Rate of late blight infection in tuber tissue generally increased with temperature from −0.2 ARI day−1 (at 7°C) in all cultivars to a maximum of −0.8 ARI day−1 (10°C).  相似文献   

Summary The effect of adding gypsum (CaSO4) to growing media on the resistance toErwinia carotovora subsp.atroseptica (van Hall) Dye of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) stems and mother and daughter tubers was examined in field and glasshouse experiments. The decayin situ of inoculated mother tubers from field plots treated before planting with gypsum was significantly delayed compared with tubers sampled from non-amended plots. Blackleg development was also significantly delayed in the gypsum-amended plots; however, for both mother tubers and stems the increased resistance associated with the application of gypsum later disappeared. Stem resistance tended to be related to tissue calcium and magnesium concentrations which were higher in plots treated with gypsum than in untreated plots. Daughter tubers produced in plots amended with gypsum generally contained a higher concentration of calcium in their cortex and were more resistant to decay byE. carotovora subsp.atroseptica but the effect was not consistent.  相似文献   

Summary Boron (B) requirements differ widely among plant species and the concentration range between toxicity and deficiency is less for B than for any other nutrient. Excess B can adversely affect calcium (Ca) uptake and plant growth. Potato cvs Bintje and Norland plantlets were micropropagated on Murashige & Skoog (MS) nutrient medium, supplemented with 3 (MS control level) or 9 mM Ca, and a range of H3BO3 levels (0.025 to 0.300 mM B). Medium B levels of 0.100 and 0.300 mM decreased Ca content in leaves and shoots of cv. Norland, but not Bintje. Medium B level of 0.025 mM, which is 25% of the control MS level, enhanced Ca uptake in cv. Norland and did not compromise normal plantlet growth in either cultivar. This lower H3BO3 level (0.025 mM B), and a B-free gelling agent such as Gelrite, could be used for micropropagation of potato and possibly other species susceptible to Ca defifiency disorders.  相似文献   

Summary In eight experiments in 4 years, inoculating seed tubers withR. solani caused stem canker and in seven experiments decreased the total yield and the yield of tubers 40–70 mm. Yields of larger tubers were usually increased. In most experiments inoculating increased the reducing sugar content of the tubers and darkened the colour of crisps, but did not consistently affect the amounts of sucrose. Treating soil with aldicarb or oxamyl before planting also slightly increased the total reducing sugars.  相似文献   

Summary Potato plants, after inoculation with a South African strain of biovar 2 or a strain of biovar 3 ofPseudomonas solanacearum were grown in growth chambers at temperatures ranging from 14/16°C (dark/light) up to 25/30°C. When grown at 14/16°C or higher, plants inoculated with the biovar 2 strain developed wilting symptoms and internal symptoms on progeny tubers and the disease was transmitted by the progeny tubers. When the plants were inoculated with the biovar 3 strain, wilting symptoms developed from 18/20°C, internal symptoms on progeny tubers from 20/22°C and the disease was transmitted by progeny tubers from plants grown at 16/18°C or higher.  相似文献   

Summary Potato tubers were injected with 10 μl of each of six inoculum levels (from 1 · 106 to 5 · 109 cells ml) ofErwinia carotovora var.atroseptica (van Hall) Dye. Analysis of the Weibull plot indicated that the bacteria acted independently and that all tubers were equally susceptible to decay. The amount of decay was significantly higher at 2% than at 6 and 10% oxygen. Under aerobic conditions at 22°C the bacteria multiplied quickly for no longer than 24 h but in a nitrogen atmosphere populations increased rapidly for 72 h at which time decay symptoms appeared. Changes in relative humidity had no effect on the diameter of decay induced by injecting six levels of inoculum into tubers but at 16°C decay developed significantly faster than at 10°C. Tubers treated with rindite to break dormancy initially decayed more than untreated tubers but 10 weeks after treatment, they decayed to a lesser extent. Susceptibility of tubers, treated with Furarex to break dormancy, was relatively constant throughout the storage period: untreated tubers. however, decreased in susceptibility after four weeks' storage.
Zusammenfassung Kartoffelknollen (Sorte Russet Burbank) wurden mit 10 μl von 6 verschiedenen Suspensionen zwischen 1 · 106 und 5 · 109 Zellen/ml vonErwinia carotovora var.atroseptica (van Hall) Dye. inokuliert. Der Prozentsatz von inokulierten Stellen (injected loci), die bei 2% Sauerstoff in F?ulnis übergingen, aufgetragen auf einer Weibull-Skala als Funktion des Gehaltes an Inokulum, ergab eine Gerade mit einheitlichem Anstieg (Fig. 1) und zeigte Homogenit?t in der Anf?lligkeit der Knollen und unabh?ngige Wirkung der Bakterien. Ein Anstieg der ED50 war mit einer Zunahme der Sauerstoffkonzentration positiv korreliert (Fig. 2). In Luft und in Stickstoffatmosph?re wurden ?nderungen der Population vonE. carotovora var.atroseptica, die den Kartoffelknollen injiziert wurden, in vivo untersucht (Fig. 3A). Unter aeroben Bedingungen nahm die Zahl der Zellen in den ersten 24 Stunden schnell und dann nur langsam zu; F?ulesymptome entwickelten sich nicht. Im Gegensatz dazu nahm die Zahl der Zellen unter anaeroben Bedingungen bis zu 72 Stunden zu und zu dieser Zeit war die F?ule bereits sichtbar. Der Hemmung des Bakterienwachstums unter aeroben Bedingungen folgte ein schnelles Wachstum, wenn die Knollen in anaerobe Bedingungen gebracht wurden (Fig. 3B). Mit frisch geernteten Knollen (Sorte Red La Soda), die in Florida gewachsen waren, wurde der Einfluss der Sauerstoffkonzentration, der Temperatur, der relativen Luftfeuchtigkeit und der Keimruhe auf die Knollenanf?lligkeit untersucht. Einige Knollen wurden mit Fusarex (Tetrachlornitrobenzol) behandelt, um die Keimruhe aufrecht zuerhalten und einige mit Rindite (?thylenchlorhydrin, ?thylendichlorid, Tetrachlorkohlenstoff, 7∶3∶1), um die Keimruhe zu brechen. Unterschiede in der Anf?lligkeit wurden durch ausmessen der F?uledurchmesser erfasst, die sich an jeder Injektionsstelle mit einer der 6 Konzentrationen entwickelten. Die F?ule war bei 16°C st?rker als bei 10°C (Tabelle 1) und die Unterschiede im Ausmass der F?ule zwischen den beiden Temperaturen waren bei der st?rksten Konzentration in allen Versuchen am gr?ssten (Fig. 4). Die F?ule entwickelte sich bei 2%. Sauerstoff schneller als bei 6 und 10% (Tabelle 2). Eine Woche nach der Ernte faulten die mit Rindite behandelten Knollen in einem gr?sseren Ausmass als die mit Fusarex behandelten oder die unbehandelten Knollen (Tabelle 3). In den folgenden Wochen nahm die Anf?lligkeit ab und 10 Wochen nach der Ernte waren die F?ulen in den mit Rindite behandelten Knollen signifikant geringer als in den mit Fusarex behandelten oder den unbehandelten Knollen. Die mit Fusarex behandelten Knollen waren 4 Wochen nach der Ernte weniger anf?llig als nach 1 Woche, aber nach 7 Wochen war die Anf?lligkeit wieder auf dem ursprünglichen Niveau. Bei unbehandelten Knollen nahm die Anf?lligkeit in diesem und in vorangegangenen Versuchen nach 4 Wochen Lagerung signifikant ab. Verschiedene relative Luftfeuchtigkeiten hatten keinen Einfluss auf die Zahl oder das Ausmass der F?ulen. Die Injektionstechnik zeigte, dass relativ kleine Unterschiede in einem Umweltfaktor wie z.B. Sauerstoff einen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Anf?lligkeit für Nassf?ule haben. Dieses Verfahren ist wichtig für die Auslese auf Resistenz gegen Nassf?ule in den Züchtungsprogrammen und für die Bestimmung eines m?glichen Effektes anderer Faktoren und chemischer Behandlungen auf die Anf?lligkeit für Nassf?ule.

Résumé Des tubercules de la variété Russet Burbank ont été inoculés par injection de 10 μl d'un mélange de 6 inoculumd'Erwinia carotovora var.atroseptica (van Hall) Dye, à des taux variant entre 1 · 106 et 5 · 109 cellules ml. Le pourcentage des points d'injection évoluant par la suite en pourriture ayant été reporté sur graphique, les auteurs constatent qu'il est fonction du taux d'inoculum. Comme on peut l'observer aprés ajustement sur l'échelle de Weibull, on a une droite avec une pente unitaire (Fig. 1), cela a montré une homogénéité dans la sensibilité des tubercules et une action indépendante pour les bactéries. Une augmentation de ED50 est corrélée de maniére positive avec une augmentation de la concentration en Oxygéne (Fig. 2). In vivo, des modifications de la populationd'E. carotovora varatroseptica aprés injection dans les tubercules ont été observées en condition normale d'aération et en atmosphéres azotées. (Fig. 3 A). En conditions aérobies, le nombre de cellules a augmenté rapidement pendant 24 h, ensuite il n'a évolué que lentement et les sympt?mes de pourritures ne sont pas apparus. Au contraire, en conditions anaérobies, le nombre de cellules augmenté pendant 72 h. à ce moment la pourriture devient visible. L'arrêt de la croissance bactérienne en conditions aérobies a été suivi d'une augmentation rapide de la population bactérienne, quand on place ensuite ces tubercules en conditions anaérobies (Fig. 3B). Les effets de la concentration en oxygéne, de la température, de l'humidité relative et de la dormance du tubercule, sur la sensibilité, ont été étudies avec des tubercules provenant de Floride (var. Red la Soda) et venant d'être récoltés. Une partie des tubercules a été traitée avec Fusarex (tétrachloronitrobenzène) afin de maintenir la dormance et l'autre partie avec de la rindite (éthylène chlorohydrine, éthylène dichloré, carbone tétrachloré · 7∶3∶1) pour lever la dormance. Des différences de sensibilité ont été mises en évidence par analyse des diamètres des surfaces malades apparaissant au niveau de chaque point d'injection avec l'un des six taux d'inoculum. L'importance des pourritures est plus élevée à 16°C qu'à 10°C (tableau 1) et les différences au niveau de la quantité de pourritures entre les 2 températures étaient plus importantes pour les taux d'inoculum les plus forts dans toutes les expérimentations (Fig. 4). Les pourritures se sont développées plus rapidement avec 2% d'oxygène qu'avec 6 et 10% (tableau 2). Une semaine après la récolte, les tubercules ayant été traités à la rindite ont pourri dans une plus grande mesure que ceux traités au Fusarex ou que les témoins (tableau 3). La sensibilité décroit les semaines suivantes, ainsi, 10 semaines après la récolte, les mesures enregistrées ont été significativement plus faibles pour les tubercules traités à la rindite que pour ceux traités au Fusarex ou pour les témoins. Les tubercules ayant été traités au Fusarex ont été moins sensibles, quand on les a testés 4 semaines après la récolte, que ceux testés après 1 semaine, mais après 7 semaines, leur sensibilité est revenue au niveau intial. Des tubercules non traités, à la fois dans cette expérimentation et dans d'autres études préliminaires ont une sensibilité à la maladie qui décroit de manière significative après 4 semaines de conservation. Le taux d'évolution de la maladie n'a pas été affecté par différentes humidités relatives. La technique d'injection s'est révélée intéressante car elle a montré des différences relativement faibles: même avec le facteur environnement (oxygéne) dont le r?le est important pour les changements de sensibilité à la pourriture molle. Ce procédé pourrait être utilisé dans un programme de sélection orienté vers la recherche de gènes de résistance à l'égard des pourritures bactériennes, dans la détermination des effets possibles d'autres facteurs, et de l'influence des traitements chimiques sur la sensibilité aux pourritures humides.

Summary Reducing sugar and sucrose contents of potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum L.) from six cultivars were monitored both during the growing season and after a four months storage period at 10°C. Significant correlations were found between tuber sugar contents (sucrose, reducing and total) measured at harvest and the reducing sugar content after storage. Similarly, in five of the six cultivars, the sucrose loss and the corresponding reducing sugar gain during storage were significantly correlated.  相似文献   

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