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A technique using a modification of the transilial pin technique for stabilization of fracture/ luxations of the lumbosacral joint was performed in six dogs. This technique used an internal skeletal fixator composed of two transilial pins secured with two double fixator clamps. Collapse (shortening) of the seventh lumbar vertebra (L7) was observed in five dogs without compromise of the vertebral canal. Kirschner wires placed across the articular facets as supplemental fixation devices migrated to the subcutaneous tissues in two dogs and were easily removed. Migration of the internal fixators was not observed during healing; vertebral canal dimensions were maintained in all cases, and the internal fixators were not removed after resolution of fracture healing. All fractures were healed within 6 to 12 weeks of surgery without evidence of pain, neurologic impairment, or long-term complications.  相似文献   

This work aimed at applying geometric morphometric analysis techniques to the skull of the Mediterranean monk seal ( Monachus monachus , Hermann, 1779). Inferential analyses were performed using a non-parameteric permutation framework based on a series of skulls of different age classes belonging to individuals of both sexes. Our goal was to establish whether a statistical approach based on osteometric measurements and surface analysis of photographs of the left lateral plane of the skull may lead to a different and scientifically sound method of age and sex classification in this critically endangered marine mammal. Our data indicate that non-parametric combination methodology enables the researcher to give local assessment using a combination with domains. Developing geometric morphometric techniques in a non-parametric permutation framework could be useful in solving high dimensional and small sample size problems as well as classification problems, including zoological classification of specimens within a specific population. The Mediterranean monk seal is believed to be the world's rarest pinniped and one of the most endangered mammals of the world, with fewer than 600 individuals currently surviving. The use of shape analysis would allow new insights into the biological characteristics of the monk seal by simply extracting potentially new information on age and size from museal specimens.  相似文献   

The lamins are components of nuclear lamina and they have a profound influence on nuclear structure and functions. They are encoded by three genes, LMNA, LMNB1 and LMNB2. A genomic fragment of the porcine LMNA gene (822 bp; from exons 7 to 9) was amplified by polymerase chain reaction and comparatively sequenced. Four single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified in intronic sequences: G162A, G208A, T367G and C618T. The SNPs are within the restriction sites for enzymes Bsh1236I, HpaII, AluI and Bsh1236I respectively. Allele frequencies at SNPs G208A, T367G and C618T were determined by using eight pig breeds. Linkage analysis in the Hohenheim Meishan × Piétrain family placed the LMNA gene in the chromosome 4q linkage group, between MEF2D and GBA (MEF2D– 3.0 cM –LMNA– 0.2 cM –GBA). In radiation hybrid mapping LMNA was most significantly linked to SW270 on chromosome 4 (39 cR; LOD = 7.86). The LMNA gene is located in the quantitative trait loci region for some carcass traits on chromosome 4q.  相似文献   

The capacity of a TK-negative (TK-) and gI/gE-negative (gI/gE-) pseudorabies virus (PRV) mutant to protect pigs against Aujeszky's disease carried out by experimental infection with a virulent PRV strain, was tested. There were three groups, each of four susceptible pigs which were inoculated twice by two different schedules. Group 1 received the modified virus by the intradermal (first inoculation)-intramuscular (second inoculation) routes; group 2 was treated by the intranasal (first inoculation)-intramuscular (second inoculation) routes. The third group was left untreated as the control. All of the pigs were challenged intranasally with a virulent PRV strain and they were subsequently injected with dexamethasone. Two pigs in each group were necropsied on days 5 and 15 after dexamethasone inoculation. The challenge exposure resulted in mild clinical signs, increase in growth and a shorter period of virus shedding in vaccinated pigs, whereas the control group showed severe signs of Aujeszky's disease. No difference in the titre of the virulent virus which was excreted by pigs of all three groups, was observed and all animals seroconverted. Both the mutant strain and the wild-type virus established a latent infection although only the latter was reactivated and shed. Slight lesions were observed in target tissues of the vaccinated animals and no significant differences were detected between the two inoculation schedules.  相似文献   

The serological response of 6 calves to experimental oral infection with between 60,000 and 100,000 Taenia saginata eggs at 3–12 months of age was monitored by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and the tanned cell indirect haemagglutination technique (IDH). A serum antibody response was detected by both techniques by 2–3 weeks post infection, rising to a plateau about 4–6 weeks post infection. The serum antibody levels began to decline by about 30 weeks post infection. Two uninfected control cattle gave negative reactions.In addition, the serological response of 5 calves which had received a dose of 10,000 T. saginata eggs at 2–3 days of age and then weekly serial doses of 500 eggs for 12 months thereafter, was compared with a similar group of 5 calves, which had received the single infection of 10,000 eggs at 2–3 days of age only. Calves in both groups developed an antibody response detectable by the ELISA technique whereas those in a group of 5 control calves did not show such a response. When studied individually however there was marked variation in the serum antibody levels of these young cattle, as although some calves gave a relatively strong serological response, others hardly varied from the controls.  相似文献   

Effective and safe treatments of chytridiomycosis in amphibians, caused by Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, are needed to help prevent mortality in captive programs for threatened species, to reduce the risk of spread, and to better manage the disease in threatened populations. We describe a simple method to determine minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of antifungal agents that involves adding zoospores to various drug concentrations in 96 well plates and microscopic observation after four days. We report results from testing 10 commercially available antifungal compounds: benzalkonium chloride (<0.78 μg/ml), povidone iodine (312.5 μg/ml), amphotericin B (3.125 μg/ml), fluconazole (<1.56 μg/ml), itraconazole (<1.56 μg/ml), enilconazole (<1.56 μg/ml), mercurochrome (6.25 μg/ml), sodium chloride (12.5 mg/ml), methylene blue (<1.56 μg/ml) and Virkon (3.125 μg/ml). For treatment trials of juvenile Litoria caerulea, baths of benzalkonium chloride at 1 mg/L and fluconazole at 25 mg/L were used on 18 experimentally infected frogs per treatment. Although these treatments resulted in longer survival times (mean 43.7 ± 11.3 days) than in the untreated controls (37.9 ± 9.3 days), the mortality rate was still 100%. Higher doses of fluconazole are suggested for further animal trials.  相似文献   

To our knowledge, there was no study on interactive relationship between CHO molecular structure spectral profiles of newly developed cool-season adapted faba bean and nutritional characteristics in ruminants. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of genotypes and tannin levels on the physicochemical and nutritional characteristics of faba bean as an alternative protein and energy source for ruminants and its relation to CHO molecular structure spectral profiles using vibrational molecular spectroscopy (Ft/IR-ATR). Eight genotypes with two tannin levels (low and normal) grown at three different locations in Saskatchewan (CDC crop research fields) were analysed. Chemical analyses were performed using AOAC standards and energy was evaluated using NRC standards. Rumen degradation kinetics were determined using in situ dairy trial. Intestinal digestion was analysed by a modified three-step in vitro technique with 12 h pre-rumen incubation in dairy cows. Molecular spectral study was performed using Ft/IR–ATR, and the molecular structural features were analysed at ca. 4000–800 cm−1 using the Spectra ManagerII. CHO-related functional groups were analysed with OMNIC 7.3. The results showed low-tannin faba bean (LT) presented a highly significant difference (< 0.05) on rumen bypass starch (BSt) compared to normal tannin faba bean (NT). On the other hand, NT had more total tract digested starch (TDST) compared to LT. No significant differences (> 0.10) were observed for total digestible nutrients (TDN1x), metabolizable protein (MP), feed milk value (FMV) or rumen undegraded crude protein (RUP). Results showed differences in physicochemical characteristics among faba bean varieties; however, the predicted production performance was not different within faba bean genotypes. These outcomes suggest that faba bean can be used as nutritive ingredient for dairy cattle without a significant genotype or tannin level effect on metabolic characteristics. Results from vibrational spectroscopic study showed a higher ATR-Ft/IR absorbance (< 0.05) in NT on inherent structural CHO (STCHO), total CHO (TCHO) area and peaks (H_1015, H_1076, H_1145), and cellulosic compounds (CEC) to total CHO (TCHO) ratio. Significant correlations could be found between CHO spectral profiles and metabolic characteristics of faba bean, which indicates that structural spectral features of faba bean could be used to predict metabolic characteristics in ruminants.  相似文献   

The capacity of a TK‐negative (TK ) and gI/gE‐negative (gI/gE ) pseudorabies virus (PRV) mutant to protect pigs against Aujeszky's disease carried out by experimental infection with a virulent PRV strain, was tested. There were three groups, each of four susceptible pigs which were inoculated twice by two different schedules. Group 1 received the modified virus by the intradermal (first inoculation)‐intramuscular (second inoculation) routes; group 2 was treated by the intranasal (first inoculation)‐intramuscular (second inoculation) routes. The third group was left untreated as the control. All of the pigs were challenged intranasally with a virulent PRV strain and they were subsequently injected with dexamethasone. Two pigs in each group were necropsied on days 5 and 15 after dexamethasone inoculation. The challenge exposure resulted in mild clinical signs, increase in growth and a shorter period of virus shedding in vaccinated pigs, whereas the control group showed severe signs of Aujeszky's disease. No difference in the titre of the virulent virus which was excreted by pigs of all three groups, was observed and all animals seroconverted. Both the mutant strain and the wild‐type virus established a latent infection although only the latter was reactivated and shed. Slight lesions were observed in target tissues of the vaccinated animals and no significant differences were detected between the two inoculation schedules.  相似文献   

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