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Quantifying seasonal dynamics of active soil C and N pools is important for understanding how production systems can be better managed to sustain long-term soil productivity especially in warm subhumid climates. Our objectives were to determine seasonal dynamics of inorganic soil N, potential C and N mineralization, soil microbial biomass C (SMBC), and the metabolic quotient of microbial biomass in continuous corn (Zea mays L.) under conventional (CT), moldboard (MB), chisel (CH), minimum tillage (MT), and no-tillage (NT) with low (45kgNha–1) and high (90kgNha–1) N fertilization. An Orelia sandy clay loam (fine-loamy, mixed, hyperthermic Typic Ochraqualf) in south Texas, United States, was sampled before corn planting in February, during pollination in May, and following harvest in July. Soil inorganic N, SMBC, and potential C and N mineralization were usually highest in soils under NT, whereas these characteristics were consistently lower throughout the growing season in soils receiving MB tillage. Nitrogen fertilization had little effect on soil inorganic N, SMBC, and potential C and N mineralization. The metabolic quotient of microbial biomass exhibited seasonal patterns inverse to that of SMBC. Seasonal changes in SMBC, inorganic N, and mineralizable C and N indicated the dependence of seasonal C and N dynamics on long-term substrate availability from crop residues. Long-term reduced tillage increased soil organic matter (SOM), SMBC, inorganic N, and labile C and N pools as compared with plowed systems and may be more sustainable over the long term. Seasonal changes in active soil C and N pools were affected more by tillage than by N fertilization in this subhumid climate. Received: 20 September 1996  相似文献   

 The denitrifying enzyme activity (DEA), denitrification potential (DP) and anaerobic respiration (RESP) together with chemical characteristics were measured in three contrasting soils collected from experimental arable plots that had been subjected to long-term (21–23 years) fertilizer treatments. The plots sampled were either unfertilized or had received either annual inorganic NPK, manure and lime, or inorganic NPK and manure treatments. Addition of inorganic NPK, manure and lime led to large increases in the DEA for two of the three soils, but in the absence of lime, inorganic NPK and manure caused only small increases in DEA compared to unfertilized soils. Both DP and RESP were increased by the addition of inorganic NPK, manure and lime, but were substantially decreased by fertilizer treatments without lime. In most cases there was a simple relationship between soil pH and either DEA and DP, with those treatments that reduced soil pH also leading to reduced denitrification and vice versa. The effects of artificially increasing the pH to a value close to the pH in unfertilized soils (6.3) by addition of NaOH to the soils that had received inorganic NPK, and which had the lowest soil pH values, were to increase substantially DEA, DP and RESP. In soil from one of the sites that had been stored for 5 weeks, the DP values responded differently between the fertilizer treatments. The DP value was lowest in the soil that had inorganic NPK and manure, higher in the soil that received inorganic NPK, manure and lime and it was the highest in unfertilized (control) soil. The soil pH values for these treatments were 4.47, 5.79 and 6.58, respectively. However, when the soil pHs were adjusted by addition of either H2SO4 or NaOH to give a range between pH 2 and 12, the DP values from all three fertilizer treatments showed almost identical responses. The optimum pH value for DP was between 7 and 8 for all three fertilizer treatments. Substrate-induced respiration values from all fertilizer treatments showed a similar trend to DP when the soil pHs were modified. The results show that soil pH was an important factor which in the studied soils controls the microbial community in general and the community of denitrifiers in particular. However, denitrifiers showed a high pH resilience leading to no marked change of the pH optimum for potential denitrification. Received: 10 September 1998  相似文献   

In Vietnam as much as half of the total land area is already degraded by soil erosion and nutrient depletion. In particular, degradation due to deforestation is increasingly affecting mountainous areas in north-western Vietnam. The necessity to safeguard the farmers' livelihoods requires sustainable resource management, which firstly requires a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of resources. The objectives of the present study were to (1) identify the dominant soil types and their vulnerability using elicitation of local soil knowledge, (2) characterise the physical and chemical properties of the soils and (3) link them to the relief position and land use in order to (4) initiate sustainable soil use based on recommendations deduced from objectives (1) to (3). These objectives were achieved also by the elicitation of local knowledge. The final aim of the study was to initiate sustainable soil use based on recommendations for sustainable land use scenarios. The Chieng Khoi commune in Son La province of northern Vietnam was chosen as representative for other erosion-prone Southeast Asian sloping areas. In a participatory approach, combining local and scientific knowledge, sixteen sites were selected, representative for distinct relief positions, parent material (sand stone and silt stone), land use history, and erosion hazard. Chemical (e.g. content of organic matter, nitrogen, cation exchange capacity, base saturation, and plant available phosphorous) and physical properties (e.g. air capacity, plant available water) were used to estimate soil fertility. The predominant reference soil groups in the study area are Alisols and Luvisols, with a high diversity in respect to soil fertility. These soils are locally named ‘red soil’ and ‘black soil’, respectively. Although the main physical processes are erosion and selective sedimentation, farmers tend to underestimate their impact and causes, whereas soil quality was well-evaluated. Soils with high fertility were found on less eroded upper parts of hills and at sites, where agricultural use started only recently. Once degraded by cultivation practices, soils derived from sandstone did not recover even after more than 50 years of fallow. As a result of unsustainable land use, soils on middle and lower slopes are often affected by severe soil erosion, whereas foot slope soils suffer from accumulation of eroded infertile subsoil material as well as stagnic conditions. This study showed that unsustainable land use at upslope landscape positions has a severe impact on downslope areas. The elicitation of local knowledge facilitated the identification of such hot spots, allowing the implementation of spatially targeted conservation measures.  相似文献   

西南喀斯特地区是我国主要的生态脆弱区之一,石漠化严重,旱涝灾害频发。植被恢复是提升脆弱生态系统土壤碳氮固持的有效方式,但该区不同植被恢复方式土壤碳氮动态监测的研究还很缺乏。本研究以典型喀斯特峰丛洼地为对象,选取人工林、牧草地、人工林+牧草地、撂荒地自然恢复4种最主要的植被恢复方式为研究对象,以耕地作为对照,对比分析退耕前(2004年)、退耕10年(2014年)和13年后(2017年)土壤碳氮储量动态变化特征。其中2004—2014年研究区未发生极端内涝灾害, 2014—2017年连续发生2次极端内涝灾害事件。研究结果表明,退耕10年后, 4种恢复方式下土壤有机碳(SOC)储量均显著增加,但退耕13年后,除撂荒地SOC持续增加外,其他3种恢复方式下SOC表现出下降趋势。植被恢复后土壤全氮(TN)储量提升相对缓慢,退耕10年仅牧草地显著增加,退耕13年后人工林+牧草和撂荒地TN增加,且撂荒地在退耕后呈持续增加趋势。相关性分析结果表明,土壤交换性Ca~(2+)与SOC、TN均呈显著正相关关系,且与2014年相比, 2017年不同植物恢复方式下土壤交换性Ca~(2+)均显著下降,这可能与研究区2015年和2016年连续内涝灾害有关。以上结果说明,不同恢复方式均能显著提升喀斯特地区土壤碳氮固持,并以自然恢复最佳,其生态系统能有效抵御极端气候灾害带来的负面影响。  相似文献   

《Soil & Tillage Research》2005,80(1-2):201-213
Minimum tillage practices are known for increasing soil organic carbon (SOC). However, not all environmental situations may manifest this potential change. The SOC and N stocks were assessed on a Mollisol in central Ohio in an 8-year-old tillage experiment as well as under two relatively undisturbed land uses; a secondary forest and a pasture on the same soil type. Cropped systems had 51±4 (equiv. mass) Mg ha−1 lower SOC and lower 3.5±0.3 (equiv. mass) Mg ha−1 N in the top 30 cm soil layer than under forest. Being a secondary forest, the loss in SOC and N stocks by cultivation may have been even more than these reported herein. No differences among systems were detected below this depth. The SOC stock in the pasture treatment was 29±3 Mg ha−1 greater in the top 10 cm layer than in cultivated soils, but was similar to those under forest and no-till (NT). Among tillage practices (plow, chisel and NT) only the 0–5 cm soil layer under NT exhibited higher SOC and N concentrations. An analysis of the literature of NT effect on SOC stocks, using meta-analysis, suggested that NT would have an overall positive effect on SOC sequestration rate but with a greater variability of what was previously reported. The average sequestration rate of NT was 330 kg SOC ha−1 year−1 with a 95% confidence interval ranging from 47 to 620 kg SOC ha−1 year−1. There was no effect of soil texture or crop rotation on the SOC sequestration rate that could explain this variability. The conversion factor for SOC stock changes from plow to NT was equal to 1.04. This suggests that the complex mechanisms and pathways of SOC accrual warrant a cautious approach when generalizing the beneficial changes of NT on SOC stocks.  相似文献   

 Soil respiration was measured by closed chamber and gradient methods in soils under forest, sown meadow and crops. Annual total soil respiration determined with the closed chamber method ranged from 180 to 642 g CO2-C m–2 year–1 and from 145 to 382 g CO2-C m–2 year–1 determined with the CO2 profile method. Soil respiration increased in the order: cropland<sown meadow<forest. The C balance calculated as the difference between net primary production (sink) and respiration of heterotrophs (source) suggested an equilibrium between the input and output of C in the cropland, and sequestration of 135 and 387 g CO2-C m–2 year–1 in the forest and meadow, respectively. Received: 1 December 1997  相似文献   

 Soil tillage was studied as a strategy to synchronize N mineralization with plant demand following ploughing of two types of grazed pastures [ryegrass/white clover (Lolium perenne/Trifolium repens) and pure ryegrass]. The swards were either rotovated and ploughed or ploughed only. Soil respiration, as determined by a dynamic chamber method, was related to net N mineralization and to plant N uptake in a subsequent spring barley crop (Hordeum vulgare). Diurnal variations in temperature were important for the CO2 flux and care must be taken that temperatures during measuring periods are representative of the daily mean. Soil tillage increased the CO2 flux considerably compared with untilled soil with total emissions of 2.6 and 1.4 t C ha–1, respectively, from start of April to end of June. Sward type or rotovation did not markedly influence accumulated emissions. Rotovation significantly increased the content of nitrate in the soil until 43 days after rotovation, showing that net N mineralization occurred rapidly during this period, in spite of low soil temperatures (5–10  °C). Rotovation increased barley grain yield by 10–12% and N-uptake by 14%. For both sward types, rotovation caused an extra N-uptake in harvested plant material of about 12 kg ha–1. The availability of soil inorganic N at the early stages of barley was important for the final yield and N-uptake. The results indicated that soil biological activity was not enhanced by rotovation and that the yield effect of rotovation was mainly caused by quicker availability and better synchrony between N mineralization and plant uptake due to earlier start of decomposition. Received: 3 May 2000  相似文献   

Agricultural soils contribute significantly to atmospheric nitrous oxide (N2O). A considerable part of the annual N2O emission may occur during the cold season, possibly supported by high product ratios in denitrification (N2O/(N2+N2O)) and nitrification (N2O-N/(NO3-N+NO2-N)) at low temperatures and/or in response to freeze-thaw perturbation. Water-soluble organic materials released from frost-sensitive catch crops and green manure may further increase winter emissions. We conducted short-term laboratory incubations under standardized moisture and oxygen (O2) conditions, using nitrogen (N) tracers (15N) to determine process rates and sources of emitted N2O after freeze-thaw treatment of soil or after addition of freeze-thaw extract from clover. Soil respiration and N2O production was stimulated by freeze-thaw or addition of plant extract. The N2O emission response was inversely related to O2 concentration, indicating denitrification as the quantitatively prevailing process. Denitrification product ratios in the two studied soils (pH 4.5 and 7.0) remained largely unaltered by freeze-thaw or freeze-thaw-released plant material, refuting the hypothesis that high winter emissions are due to frost damage of N2O reductase activity. Nitrification rates estimated by nitrate (NO3) pool enrichment were 1.5-1.8 μg NO3-N g−1 dw soil d−1 in freeze-thaw-treated soil when incubated at O2 concentrations above 2.3 vol% and one order of magnitude lower at 0.8 vol% O2. Thus, the experiments captured a situation with severely O2-limited nitrification. As expected, the O2 stress at 0.8 vol% resulted in a high nitrification product ratio (0.3 g g−1). Despite this high product ratio, only 4.4% of the measured N2O accumulation originated from nitrification, reaffirming that denitrification was the main N2O source at the various tested O2 concentrations in freeze-thaw-affected soil. N2O emission response to both freeze-thaw and plant extract addition appeared strongly linked to stimulation of carbon (C) respiration, suggesting that freeze-thaw-induced release of decomposable organic C was the major driving force for N2O emissions in our soils, both by fuelling denitrifiers and by depleting O2. The soluble C (applied as plant extract) necessary to induce a CO2 and N2O production rate comparable with that of freeze-thaw was 20-30 μg C g−1 soil dw. This is in the range of estimates for over-winter soluble C loss from catch crops and green manure plots reported in the literature. Thus, freeze-thaw-released organic C from plants may play a significant role in freeze-thaw-related N2O emissions.  相似文献   

In the middle terrace area of south Sumatra, Indonesia, where red acid soils poor in crop productivity are widely distributed, the effects of cropping pattern and cultivation techniques on physico-chemical properties of soil were investigated. Five patterns for cassava cropping, including monoculture, a rotation with annual food crops, and three intercroppings with differences in the combination with annual crops and in the planting density, were evaluated in Experiment I. In Experiment II, eight plots composed of the combinations of two tillage methods (no-tillage or conventional tillage), the presence or absence of surface mulch from crop residues, and two rates of chemical fertilizers were established for a maize–soybean–cowpea sequential cropping pattern. At the end of 3 years, there was no difference in total C and total N concentrations among the plots in Experiment I irrespective of the mulch treatment using crop residues. Soil organic matter (SOM) concentration was not affected even in the no-tillage plot where the maximum crop residues (20 t ha−1) was given as surface mulch with the increased root residues due to higher rates of fertilizers (Experiment II). In Experiment I, available P concentration was highest in an intercropping with higher fertilizer rates and lowest cassava planting density. In Experiment II, an increase in available P was attained by mulching and the higher rate of fertilizers, and a minor positive effect of fertilizer was also observed in exchangeable Mg and K concentrations. Surface mulch resulted in less clay fraction compared with the non-mulch plots in both the experiments, suggesting its effect on the maintenance of soil particle distribution. An additional finding suggested no prominent influence of cassava monoculture on the level of SOM in this area based on the comparison with other major land uses, including secondary forest, rubber plantation, and mixed cultivation of fruits with crops. Nevertheless, the introduction of crop residue mulch and higher rates of fertilizers are recommended for sustaining soil quality and achieving higher crop yields.  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide emitted by soils can be produced either by denitrification in anoxic conditions or by nitrification in presence of O2. The relative importance of the two processes, particularly under varied partial pressures of O2, is not always known. This paper focuses on the influence of O2 concentration on N2O production by nitrification and denitrification in an arable Orthic Luvisol. Soil aggregates (2-3 mm size), water unsaturated, received 116 mg N kg−1 as ammonium sulphate labelled with 15N and were incubated during 14 days at different O2 partial pressures: 0, 0.35, 0.76, 1.5, 4.3 and 20.4 kPa. A 15N tracing technique was used to quantify nitrification and denitrification rates. 15N2O and 15N2 were measured. Oxygen pressure appeared to strongly influence both nitrification and denitrification rates and also N2O emissions. Nitrification rates were reduced by a factor of 6-9 when O2 decreased from 20.4 to 0.35 kPa. They were highly correlated with O2 consumption rates. Denitrification mainly occurred in complete anoxic conditions. The proportion of N2O emitted by denitrification was estimated by two independent methods: one based on 15N tracing using isotope composition of NH4, NO3 and N2O, the other based on the measurement of the 15N2O:15N2 ratio. The two methods gave close results. The highest N2O emissions were obtained under complete anoxic conditions and were due to denitrification. However, N2O emissions almost as important were obtained at day 14 with 1.5 kPa O2 pressure, and they were due to nitrification. Nitrification was the main source of N2O at O2 concentrations greater than 0.35 kPa. The amounts of N2O-N emitted by nitrification were linearly related to the amounts of N nitrified, but the slope of the regression was highly dependent on O2 concentration: it varied from 0.16 to 1.48% when O2 concentration was reduced from 20.4 to 0.76 kPa. Emissions of N2O by nitrification may then be quite significant if nitrification occurs at a reduced O2 concentration.  相似文献   

通过气体原位采集系统对稻麦轮作体系下土壤剖面不同层次N2O浓度动态变化进行了两年田间原位监测。共设4个处理:对照(N0S0)、施氮无秸秆(N1S0)、配施低量秸秆(N1S1)以及配施高量秸秆(N1S2)。结果表明,土壤剖面N2O浓度具有明显的时空分布特征:各处理在小麦和水稻生长前期均出现明显的浓度峰值,施加氮肥加大峰值,添加高量秸秆降低峰值。水稻生长季N2O主要产生在近表层土壤(7 cm和15 cm),N2O浓度两年均为15 cm≥7 cm≥30 cm≥50 cm;小麦生长季N2O主要产生在下层土壤(30 cm和50 cm)。与N0S0相比,施加氮肥3个处理均显著增加土壤剖面各层次的N2O浓度(p0.05),其中N1S0处理各土层N2O浓度是N0S0处理对应土层的2倍~3倍。配施高量秸秆(N1S2)能显著减少近表层土壤N2O浓度。  相似文献   

The nations that have ratified the Kyoto Protocol must set up an appropriate national inventory on N2O emissions from agricultural land use, in order to report properly on the achievements made in reducing greenhouse‐gas emissions. The search for the appropriate method is a controversial topic as it is subject to high uncertainty in particular associated to the upscaling from site measurements. In this study, all available data from Germany on annual N2O‐emission rates derived from field experiments of at least an entire year are summarized. From each study, only differences in soil properties on N input qualified as an individual data set. Under these premises, 101 treatments from 27 sites were found equally spread across Germany. The annual N application ranged from 0 to 400 kg N ha–1 and the annual emission rates from 0.04 to 17.1 kg ha–1. Annual emission factors (EFs), uncorrected for background emission, varied considerably from 0.18% to 15.54% of N applied. There was no nationwide correlation found for the relationship between N2O losses and N application, soil C, soil N, soil texture, or soil pH. However, site‐specific trends in the relationship between emission factor and mean soil aeration status, as expressed by the soil type and/or mean climatic conditions, were revealed. Regularly water‐logged soils were characterized by low emission factors as were soils from the drier regions (<600 mm y–1), whereas well‐aerated soils from the frost‐intensive regions showed exceptionally high emission factors. Since purely physical and chemical parameterization failed to describe N2O emissions from agricultural land use on the national scale, there must be a biological adaptation to mean site conditions, i.e., different microbial communities react differently to similar actual conditions in terms of N2O dynamics. Regardless of the point of view, the chapter on N2O soil dynamics cannot be closed yet, and new additional model concepts, process studies, and field measurements are needed.  相似文献   

Soil texture is an important influence on nutrient cycling in upland soils, with documented relationships between mineral particle size distribution and organic matter retention, nitrogen (N) mineralization, microbial biomass and other soil properties. However, little is known of the role of mineral particle size in riparian soils, where fluvial sorting creates strong spatial contrasts in the size distribution of sediments in sedimentary landforms. We studied total organic carbon (TOC) and total N (TN) storage and net N mineralization relative to soil texture and landform in soils of a riparian toposequence along the Phugwane River in Kruger National Park, South Africa. TOC, TN and potential N mineralization related strongly to particle size distribution in all soils along the toposequence. TOC and TN were positively correlated with silt and clay concentration (r2 =0.78). In long-term laboratory incubations, N mineralization was greatest in fine-textured, N-rich soils, although the proportions of soil N mineralized were inversely related to fine particle concentrations (r2=0.61). There were differences in TOC, TN and potential N mineralization among landform types, but none of these soil properties were statistically significant after accounting for the effect of particle size. These results demonstrate the influence of particle size in mediating N retention and mineralization in these soils. Predictable differences in soil texture across alluvial landforms contribute to corresponding contrasts in soil conditions, and may play an important role in structuring riparian soil and plant communities.  相似文献   

A wide range of tillage systems have been used by producers in the Corn-Belt in the United States during the past decade due to their economic and environmental benefits. However, changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) and nitrogen (SON) and crop responses to these tillage systems are not well documented in a corn–soybean rotation. Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of different tillage systems on SOC and SON, residue C and N inputs, and corn and soybean yields across Iowa. The first experiment consisted of no-tillage (NT) and chisel plow (CP) treatments, established in 1994 in Clarion–Nicollet–Webster (CNW), Galva–Primghar–Sac (GPS), Kenyon–Floyd–Clyde (KFC), Marshall (M), and Otley–Mahaska–Taintor (OMT) soil associations. The second experiment consisted of NT, strip-tillage (ST), CP, deep rip (DR), and moldboard plow (MP) treatments, established in 1998 in the CNW soil association. Both corn and soybean yields of NT were statistically comparable to those of CP treatment for each soil association in a corn–soybean rotation during the 7 years of tillage practices. The NT, ST, CP, and DR treatments produced similar corn and soybean yields as MP treatment in a corn–soybean rotation during the 3 years of tillage implementation of the second experiment. Significant increases in SOC of 17.3, 19.5, 6.1, and 19.3% with NT over CP treatment were observed at the top 15-cm soil depth in CNW, KFC, M, and OMT soil associations, respectively, except for the GPS soil association in a corn–soybean rotation at the end of 7 years. The NT and ST resulted in significant increases in SOC of 14.7 and 11.4%, respectively, compared with MP treatment after 3 years. Changes in SON due to tillage were similar to those observed with SOC in both experiments. The increases in SOC and SON in NT treatment were not attributed to the vertical stratification of organic C and N in the soil profile or annual C and N inputs from crop residue, but most likely due to the decrease in soil organic matter mineralization in wet and cold soil conditions. It was concluded that NT and ST are superior to CP and MP in increasing SOC and SON in the top 15 cm in the short-term. The adoption of NT or CP can be an effective strategy in increasing SOC and SON in the Corn-Belt soils without significant adverse impact on corn and soybean yields in a corn–soybean rotation.  相似文献   

In the small, agricultural, artificially drained Orgeval watershed δ15N values of leached nitrates and soil organic nitrogen were found to be significantly higher than the primary nitrogen (N) sources from which they are derived, namely, synthetic fertilizers, atmospheric deposition, and symbiotic or nonsymbiotic N2 fixation (all with δ15N close to zero). In vertical soil profiles, the δ15N of organic N increased with depth, reaching higher values (up to 8‰) particularly at stations that were frequently waterlogged as judged from ochre iron traces, such as downhill field sites or in riparian buffer strips. Nitrification, volatilization, and denitrification are the main fractionating processes able to modify the isotopic composition of soil N. Using a newly designed algorithm for calculating the equilibrium isotopic composition of all soil N species, resulting from the average annual balance of their transformations, we show that the observed trends can be explained by the action of denitrification. We suggest that the isotopic composition of soil organic N can be used as a semiquantitative indicator of the intensity of denitrification integrated over century-long periods.  相似文献   

This experiment was conducted in maize field plots to study the effects of controlled release and application depth of urea on soil microbial biomass and activities at two depths of surface soil of a Japanese Andisol from June to September, 2001. Three N amendment treatments and a Control were included in this experiment: deep application (8 cm) of controlled release urea; deep application (8 cm) of conventional urea; surface application of conventional urea; Control, without N application. Prior to this experiment, the field plots received the same N fertilizer treatments for two consecutive years under maize/barley rotation. Soil microbial biomass, dehydrogenase and nitrification activities exhibited great vertical and temporal variations during the maize growth season, and the microbial biomass was significantly correlated to soil water-filled pore space (p<0.01). N fertilization did not significantly affect the microbial biomass, but greatly increased the dehydrogenase and nitrification activities. The increase in the microbial activities following N fertilization was not attributed to the increase in microbial biomass but to the increase in intrinsic microbial activities. Controlled release urea was found to continuously affect the dehydrogenase activity over a shorter distance, while conventional urea could greatly increase the enzyme activity for a shorter period of time. Both controlled release and deep application of urea had potentials to reduce the nitrification activity and suggested that the nitrate production might be decreased in 0–10 cm surface soil. Deep application of urea increased aboveground N uptake by maize and then the recovery rate of N fertilizer, whereas controlled release of urea greatly increased grain yield and N uptake by grain.  相似文献   

No-tillage systems affect soil properties depending on the soil, climate, and the time since its implementation. In heavy no-tilled soils a surface compacted layer is commonly found. Such layer can affect root growth and soil water infiltration. In several cases, surface organic carbon can buffer these problems. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of 4- and 7-year-old conventional (CT) and no-tillage (NT) treatments on soil physical properties, root growth, and wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum) yield in an Entic Haploxeroll of Central Chile. In both tillage treatments we study soil water retention, bulk density (ρb), soil particle density (ρs), soil water infiltration, mean-weight diameter of soil aggregates (MWD), penetration resistance, grain yield, and root length density (Lv) up to a depth of 15 cm. The MWD and the penetration resistance were higher under NT as compared to CT. For the top 5 cm of soil, Lv was greater under NT as compared to CT. Differences of Lv between NT and CT were 2.09, 7.60, and 4.31 cm root cm−3 soil during the two leaves, flowering and grain filling phenological stages, respectively. Generally, the effect of NT on these properties was more evident near the soil surface. In contrast, fast drainage macropores, ρs, and soil water infiltration rates were higher under CT than under NT. Tillage treatments did not significantly affect ρb and yield. A longer time under no-tillage enhanced aggregate stability, however, other soil physical properties were negatively affected.  相似文献   

 Changes in soil management practices influence the amount, quality and turnover of soil organic matter (SOM). Our objective was to study the effects of deforestation followed by pasture establishment on SOM quantity, quality and turnover in mountain soils of the Sui Checti valley in the Alay Range, Kyrgyzia. This objective was approached by analysis of total organic C (TOC), N, lignin-derived phenols, and neutral sugars in soil samples and primary particle-size soil fractions. Pasture installation led to a loss of about 30% TOC compared with the native Juniperus turkestanica forests. The pasture soils accumulated about 20% N, due to inputs via animal excrement. A change in land use from forest to pasture mainly affected the SOM bound to the silt fraction; there was more microbial decomposition in the pasture than in the forest silt fraction, as indicated by lower yields of lignin and carbohydrates, and also by a more advanced oxidative lignin side-chain oxidation and higher values of plant : microbial sugar ratios. The ratio of arabinose : xylose was indicative of the removal of carbohydrates when the original forest was replaced by pasture, and we conclude that this can be used as an indicator of deforestation. The accumulation of lignin and its low humification within the forest floor could be due to the extremely cold winter and dry summer climate. Received: 10 March 1999  相似文献   

A long-term field experiment was conducted to examine the influence of mineral fertilizer and organic manure on the equilibrium dynamics of soil organic C in an intensively cultivated fluvo-aquic soil in the Fengqiu State Key Agro-Ecological Experimental Station (Fengqiu county, Henan province, China) since September 1989. Soil CO2 flux was measured during the maize and wheat growing seasons in 2002-2003 and 2004 to evaluate the response of soil respiration to additions and/or alterations in mineral fertilizer, organic manure and various environmental factors. The study included seven treatments: organic manure (OM), half-organic manure plus half-fertilizer N (NOM), fertilizer NPK (NPK), fertilizer NP (NP), fertilizer NK (NK), fertilizer PK (PK) and control (CK). Organic C in soil and the soil heavy fraction (organo-mineral complex) was increased from 4.47 to 8.61 mg C g−1 and from 3.32 to 5.68 mg C g−1, respectively, after the 13 yr application of organic manure. In contrast, organic C and the soil heavy fraction increased in NPK soil to only 5.41 and 4.38 mg C g−1, respectively. In the CK treatment, these parameters actually decreased from the initial C concentrations (4.47 and 3.32 mg C g−1) to 3.77 and 3.11 mg C g−1, respectively. Therefore, organic manure efficiently elevated soil organic C. However, only 66% of the increased soil organic C was combined with clay minerals in the OM treatment. Cumulative soil CO2 emissions from inter-row soil in the OM and NPK treatments were 228 and 188 g C m−2 during the 2002 maize growing season, 132 and 123 g C m−2 during the 2002/2003 wheat growing season, and 401 and 346 g C m−2 yr−1 in 2002-2003, respectively. However, during the 2004 maize growing season, cumulative soil CO2 emissions were as high as 617 and 556 g C m−2, respectively, due to the contribution of rhizosphere respiration. The addition of organic manure contributed to a 16% increase in soil CO2 emission in 2002-2003 (compared to NPK), where only 27%, 36% and 24% of applied organic C was released as CO2 during the 2002 and 2004 maize growing seasons and in 2002-2003, respectively. During the 2002/2003 wheat growing season, soil CO2 flux was significantly affected by soil temperature below 20 °C, but by soil moisture (WFPS) during the 2004 maize growing season at soil temperatures above 18 °C. Optimum soil WFPS for soil CO2 flux was approximately 70%. When WFPS was below 50%, it no longer had a significant impact on soil CO2 flux during the 2002 maize growing season. This study indicates the application of organic manure composted with wheat straw may be a preferred strategy for increasing soil organic C and sequestering C in soil.  相似文献   

不同土地利用方式土壤温室气体排放对碳氮添加的响应   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
王海飞  贾兴永  高兵  黄涛  苏芳  巨晓棠 《土壤学报》2013,50(6):1170-1179
揭示不同土地利用方式下土壤N2O产生机制及其CO2和CH4的排放,有助于土壤温室气体减排措施的制定。本研究以长沙金井河流域酸性红壤上菜地、稻田、茶园和林地土壤为研究对象,控制温度和土壤含水量,采用静态培养-气相色谱法,研究4种利用方式土壤N2O、CO2和CH4的排放对不同碳氮和硝化抑制剂添加的响应。结果表明,由于土壤pH较低,酸性红壤外加氮源后仅有较小的N2O排放。葡萄糖能够促进尿素添加后N2O的排放及土壤反硝化作用N2O的排放。异养硝化作用可能是酸性红壤N2O产生的主要途径。硝化抑制剂双氰胺(DCD)对酸性红壤N2O减排无明显效果。碳氮添加后土壤N2O的总排放量表现为茶园 > 菜地 > 稻田 > 林地。外源有机碳能够显著促进4种利用方式土壤CO2的排放,表现为茶园、稻田 > 菜地、林地。但除稻田土壤CH4排放增加外,菜地、茶园和林地土壤CH4排放对外源有机碳无明显响应。  相似文献   

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