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The aim of conservation agriculture (CA) is to improve soil quality and crop yield whilst reducing runoff and topsoil erosion. An experiment was carried out in a rainfed field using a permanent raised bed planting system for 3 yr (2005–2007) in Adigudem, northern Ethiopia in order to evaluate the effect of CA on runoff, soil loss and crop yield. CA practices were introduced in fields with Vertisols in a randomized complete block design on permanent 5 × 19 m plots. Three treatments were evaluated: (1) conventional tillage (CT) with a minimum of three tillage operations and removal of crop residues, (2) terwah (TER) that was similar to CT except that contour furrows were included at 1.5 m intervals, and (3) derdero+ (DER+), which consists of permanent raised beds with a furrow and bed system, retention of 30% of standing crop residues and zero tillage on the top of the bed. All ploughing as well as the maintenance of the furrows of the permanent raised beds was done using a local ard plough called maresha. Results from monitoring over 3 yr showed that soil loss and runoff were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in CT followed by TER and DER+. Average soil losses of 5.2, 20.1 and 24.2 t/ha were recorded from DER+, TER and CT, respectively. Runoff was 46.3, 76.3 and 98.1 mm from DER+, TER and CT, respectively. Grain yield was significantly lower (P < 0.05) in DER+ under teff in 2006, probably due to the high sensitivity of teff to weeds. The yield of wheat in 2007 was significantly higher in DER+ followed by TER. The terwah system is recommended as a first measure for wider adoption to reduce runoff and soil loss and to increase crop yield. The long‐term goal is to achieve a derdero+ system, i.e. a permanent raised bed planting system along with the application of crop residues.  相似文献   

This study aims to examine the effects of long‐term fertilization and cropping on some chemical and microbiological properties of the soil in a 32 y old long‐term fertility experiment at Almora (Himalayan region, India) under rainfed soybean‐wheat rotation. Continuous annual application of recommended doses of chemical fertilizer and 10 Mg ha–1 FYM on fresh‐weight basis (NPK + FYM) to soybean (Glycine max L.) sustained not only higher productivity of soybean and residual wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) crop, but also resulted in build‐up of total soil organic C (SOC), total soil N, P, and K. Concentration of SOC increased by 40% and 70% in the NPK + FYM–treated plots as compared to NPK (43.1 Mg C ha–1) and unfertilized control plots (35.5 Mg C ha–1), respectively. Average annual contribution of C input from soybean was 29% and that from wheat was 24% of the harvestable aboveground biomass yield. Annual gross C input and annual rate of total SOC enrichment from initial soil in the 0–15 cm layer were 4362 and 333 kg C ha–1, respectively, for the plots under NPK + FYM. It was observed that the soils under the unfertilized control, NK and N + FYM treatments, suffered a net annual loss of 5.1, 5.2, and 15.8 kg P ha–1, respectively, whereas the soils under NP, NPK, and NPK + FYM had net annual gains of 25.3, 18.8, and 16.4 kg P ha–1, respectively. There was net negative K balance in all the treatments ranging from 6.9 kg ha–1 y–1 in NK to 82.4 kg ha–1 y–1 in N + FYM–treated plots. The application of NPK + FYM also recorded the highest levels of soil microbial‐biomass C, soil microbial‐biomass N, populations of viable and culturable soil microbes.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the influence of tillage methods (conventional tillage (CT) and minimum tillage (MT)) and N rates (0, 50, 150, 250 kg N ha?1) on crop yield, N uptake and soil organic carbon (SOC), bulk density (BD), total N (TN), electrical conductivity (EC), pH and soil nutrient contents on a clay-loam near Hashtgerd, Iran. A successive corn-based rotation (2012–2014) was conducted as a split-plot in a randomized complete block design in which tillage methods were considered as main plots, and N rates as subplots. Tillage had no significant effect on corn 2012 and canola 2012–2013 grain yields. CT and MT systems showed different critical N rates to reach their maximum grain yield in corn (2013) and wheat (2013–2014). MT system required more N application to reach its maximum grain yield. Tillage × N rate effect on none of the soil properties was significant. Tillage had no significant (P ≤ 0.05) effect on soil pH, BD, TN and SOC. However, soil EC of 0–5 cm depth in MT system was higher than CT system by 64%. MT system under higher N application could increase corn grain yield, but on the other hand probably adversely changes soil chemical properties.  相似文献   

Soil organic carbon (SOC) plays an essential role in the sustainability of natural and agricultural systems. The identification of sensitive SOC fractions can be crucial for an understanding of SOC dynamics and stabilization. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of long‐term no‐tillage (NT) on SOC content and its distribution between particulate organic matter (POM) and mineral‐associated organic matter (Min) fractions in five different cereal production areas of Aragon (north‐east Spain). The study was conducted under on‐farm conditions where pairs of adjacent fields under NT and conventional tillage (CT) were compared. An undisturbed soil nearby under native vegetation (NAT) was included. The results indicate that SOC was significantly affected by tillage in the first 5 cm with the greatest concentrations found in NT (1.5–43% more than in CT). Below 40 cm, SOC under NT decreased (20–40%) to values similar or less than those under CT. However, the stratification ratio (SR) never reached the threshold value of 2. The POM‐C fraction, disproportionate to its small contribution to total SOC (10–30%), was greatly affected by soil management. The pronounced stratification in this fraction (SR>2 in NT) and its usefulness for differentiating the study sites in terms of response to NT make POM‐C a good indicator of changes in soil management under the study conditions. Results from this on‐farm study indicate that NT can be recommended as an alternative strategy to increase organic carbon at the soil surface in the cereal production areas of Aragon and in other analogous areas.  相似文献   

保护性耕作对土壤水分和小麦产量的影响   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
采用3种稻田保护性耕作栽培模式与传统栽培模式的定位试验,对成都平原稻田小麦季的土壤水分及产量进行了研究。结果表明:小麦全生育期,免耕覆盖处理的土壤含水率明显地高于翻耕覆盖处理,而翻耕不覆盖处理最差;小麦分蘖高峰期,覆盖处理的土壤含水率比不覆盖处理高17.7%~75.9%,免耕覆盖处理的土壤含水率比翻耕覆盖处理高12.7%~41.0%;免耕覆盖处理的小麦最高茎蘖数又比翻耕覆盖处理增加23.8%~72.3%,均极显著优于翻耕处理;覆盖处理的小麦产量比不覆盖处理增产6.3%~19.5%,免耕覆盖处理比翻耕覆盖处理增产3.2%~8.0%。稻田保护性耕作有利于提高成都平原区小麦产量。  相似文献   

保护性耕作对土壤物理特性及玉米产量的影响   总被引:25,自引:13,他引:25  
保护性耕作措施是干旱区农田提高作物产量的新型耕作技术。为了探讨其区域适应性,在2004~2007年期间,以毛乌素沙地南缘的靖边县北部风沙区农田为研究对象,选用了免耕、秸秆覆盖、覆膜和传统翻耕(CK)4种措施,采用完全随机试验设计进行了田间定位试验研究。结果表明,秸秆覆盖和免耕地的地温在春播初期略比传统翻耕低0.1℃,但随后迅速回升,覆膜在玉米生长期都高于其他措施。耕作措施对播种前土壤容重没有显著影响,而对收获后土壤容重影响显著,与传统翻耕相比,免耕降低了表层土壤容重1.65%,但次层20~40 cm容重增加了1.8%。3种保护性耕作措施均增加了土壤含水量,顺序依次为秸秆覆盖>覆膜>免耕>翻耕,且在作物需水关键期免耕和秸秆覆盖下的土壤含水量相对稳定,保证作物需水,提高水分利用率,分别为8%、22.0%和13.3%。使作物分别增产4.44%、13.14%和19.26%。因此,保护性耕作在风沙区有利于改善农田土壤物理条件,提高作物产量,适于在风沙区推广。  相似文献   

Conservation agriculture (CA) is thought to reduce weed pressure from the third year of adoption, when recommended practices are followed. Weed growth and crop yield were assessed during the third and fourth year of maize–cowpea–sorghum rotation, second and third year of maize–cowpea rotation and first and second year of maize monocropping on a clay loam soil at Matopos Research Station (annual rainfall, 573 mm) following recommended CA management practices. Each experiment had a split‐plot randomized complete block design with mouldboard plough (CONV), minimum tillage (MT) with ripper tine and planting basins as main‐plot factor and maize residue mulch rate (0, 2 and 4 t/ha) as a subplot factor, with threefold replication. All subplots were surface mulched and weeded by hoe at the same time. We hypothesized that under MT weed growth would be considerable with maize monocropping but from year 3 of CA, weed growth would decrease and crop yield increase relative to values from unmulched CONV. Minimum tillage increased weed growth in 2nd year of maize monocropping. Under the maize–cowpea rotation, the considerable weed growth in planting basins was likely due to the large intrarow spacing and poor light competiveness of the cowpea variety. Mulch contributed to weed growth being suppressed by up to 36% under CA in the maize–cowpea–sorghum rotation relative to unmulched CONV. When planted on the same date, crop yield did not differ between CA and unmulched CONV. Maize–cowpea–sorghum rotation grain yield (3143 kg/ha) was double that under monocropping , probably due to improvements in soil physical and chemical conditions.  相似文献   

保护性耕作对旱作农田耕层土壤肥力及酶活性的影响   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18  
通过田间定位试验,研究了不同耕作方式对黄土高原西部旱农区耕层土壤肥力和酶活性的影响。结果表明,秸秆还田可以显著提高 0—5和5—10 cm土层有机质、全氮、全磷、全钾、铵态氮、速效磷、速效钾和3种水解酶活性; 10—30 cm 土层仅提高了有机质、全钾和速效钾含量,对其余各养分含量和水解酶活性并无明显影响。免耕降低了0—5、5—10和10—30 cm土层硝态氮含量,但对过氧化氢酶活性有明显促进作用。相关分析表明,土壤有机质、养分和碱性磷酸酶、蔗糖酶活性之间呈极显著相关关系。进一步应用主成分分析表明,土壤有机质、养分和水解酶活性共同反映着黄土高原雨养农区土壤肥力水平的高低。  相似文献   

In rainfed semi‐arid agroecosystems, soil organic carbon (SOC) may increase with the adoption of alternative tillage systems (e.g. no‐tillage, NT). This study evaluated the effect of two tillage systems (conventional tillage, CT vs. NT) on total SOC content, SOC concentration, water stable aggregate‐size distribution and aggregate carbon concentration from 0 to 40 cm soil depth. Three tillage experiments were chosen, all located in northeast Spain and using contrasting tillage types but with different lengths of time since their establishment (20, 17, and 1‐yr). In the two fields with mouldboard ploughing as CT, NT sequestered more SOC in the 0–5 cm layer compared with CT. However, despite there being no significant differences, SOC tended to accumulate under CT compared with NT in the 20–30 and 30–40 cm depths in the AG‐17 field with 25–50% higher SOC content in CT compared with NT. Greater amounts of large and small macroaggregates under NT compared with CT were measured at 0–5 cm depth in AG‐17 and at 5–10 cm in both AG‐1 and AG‐17. Differences in macroaggregate C concentration between tillage treatments were only found in the AG‐17 field at the soil surface with 19.5 and 11.6 g C/kg macroaggregates in NT and CT, respectively. After 17 yr of experiment, CT with mouldboard ploughing resulted in a greater total SOC concentration and macroaggregate C concentration below 20 cm depth, but similar macroaggregate content compared with NT. This study emphasizes the need for adopting whole‐soil profile approaches when studying the suitability of NT versus CT for SOC sequestration and CO2 offsetting.  相似文献   

Any soil deformation induced by agricultural machinery is transmitted three‐dimensionally and the “kneading effect” of tractor wheeling further rearranges soil particles and aggregates anisotropically. In this work, we investigated how heterogeneous soil structure remained 10 y after a complete wheeling of fields in 1995 with a single pass of 2 × 2.5 Mg and of 6 × 5 Mg on a silty loam Luvisol derived from loess. Control plots received no tractor wheeling. We also analyzed how soil physical properties responded to the tractor wheeling under two management systems: continuous conservation tillage (chisel plow = CS) with mulch cover and conventional tillage (plowing to 25 cm depth annually = CT). We compared three sampling dates: done before wheeling in 1995, after wheeling in 1995, and in 2004. Results showed that applying tractor wheeling in 1995 not only reduced total soil‐pore volume but also increased soil strength as expressed by precompression stress. The reduction of total pore volume at 30 cm depth was more pronounced in CS than in CT. After 10 y of continuous use of the two tillage systems, the precompression stress of the wheeled soils was greater in the vertical direction than in the horizontal direction. This anisotropy of soil strength and its load dependency were also more pronounced in CS than in CT. The effect of wheeling on the fluxes of gas and water was covered up by the effects of biochannels, causing a prevailing vertical passage. From this study, we conclude that heavy, agricultural machinery causes soil degradation, which is more evident in CS than in CT.  相似文献   

保护性耕作对丘陵区水稻土团聚体稳定性的影响   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
长期保护性耕作通过增加土壤有机碳而成为稻田土壤结构改良的一项有效措施,而保护性耕作对土壤团聚体稳定机制的影响尚未完全清楚。本文供试土样采自耕作制定位试验水旱轮作、冬水免耕、垄作免耕和厢作免耕耕层(0~ 20 cm)土壤,土样经过糊化作用、湿润作用和再次糊化作用等预处理,用以阐明稻田土壤团聚体的破碎机制。研究结果表明:糊化作用和湿润作用后紫色水稻土团聚体稳定性差异不明显,而保护性耕作显著影响团聚体的稳定性。糊化作用后团聚体水稳性强弱顺序为:垄作免耕>厢作免耕>冬水免耕>水旱轮作,湿润作用后团聚体水稳性强弱顺序为:厢作免耕>垄作免耕>冬水免耕>水旱轮作。糊化作用下团聚体稳定性与有机碳浓度相关性不显著(r=0.432,p>0.05),湿润作用下团聚体稳定性与有机碳浓度呈极显著正相关(r=0.626,p<0.01)。因此,研究结果说明保护性耕作有利于紫色水稻土大团聚体有机碳含量提高,进而增强团聚体的水稳性。  相似文献   

Northeast China, the important grain-producing region in China, is under threat from soil degradation because of long-term conventional tillage (CT). The adoption of conservation tillage is anticipated to restore soil fertility, maintain crop yields and enhance sustainability. However, the integrated effects of conservation tillage practice on crop yields and soil organic carbon (SOC) remain unclear. In this meta-analysis of peer-reviewed studies conducted in the Northeast China region, we assess crop yields and SOC values under no-till, ridge tillage and subsoiling tillage practices. The results indicate that in areas with mean annual temperatures (MAT) below 3°C, crop yields were significantly (p < .05) higher under ridge tillage (0.8%) and subsoiling tillage (13.1%) compared with CT, whereas yields reduced under no-till (−3.7%). Ridge tillage generally had a similar effect on crop yield as no-till, without the negative impact in colder regions. We also report that no-till practice increased SOC concentrations by 24.1%, 43.9% and 17.4% in areas of higher temperature (MAT > 6°C), low mean annual precipitation (MAP) (<500 mm) and continuous cropping conditions, respectively. Ridge tillage and subsoiling tillage also had positive effects on SOC concentrations (to a lesser degree than no-till), indicating that conservation tillage can enhance SOC in Northeast China. Overall, the implementation of different conservation tillage measures in Northeast China was found to enhance crop yields and sequester carbon. We recommend that ridge tillage is used in colder areas and that subsoiling tillage is used in rotation with other tillage measures to maintain crop yields.  相似文献   

构建适宜作物生长的耕层是解决农田土壤耕层变浅、变薄、变硬和透气透水性差的重要技术途径之一,对于土壤黏粒含量较高的土壤来说,更是如此.该研究以黑龙江省较为典型的农田暗棕壤为研究对象,在黑河市爱辉农业示范园区设置不同耕层构建模式试验,分析不同翻耕深度(15、35 cm)和不同有机物还田(秸秆和牛粪)对暗棕壤物理性质、玉...  相似文献   

Soil tillage is an agricultural practice that directly affects the global carbon cycle. Our study sought to assess the implications of adopting sunn hemp cover crops with different tillage practices on CO2 emissions for two soil types (clayey and sandy soil) cultivated with sugarcane in Brazil. The experimental design was a split‐plot with randomized blocks, with the main plots being with cover crop or fallow and sub‐plots being under conventional or minimum tillage. Our results indicate that during the first 50 days after soil tillage, the variation in soil CO2 emissions was stimulated by cover crop and soil tillage, while after that, it became dominated by the root respiration of sugarcane plants. We also found that over the first 97 days after the tillage, the clayey soil showed differences between minimum tillage with cover crop and fallow. Conversely, for sandy soil over the first 50 days following, there were differences between the tillage systems under cover cropping. Emissions from sugarcane rows were found to be greater than those from inter‐row positions. We concluded that soils under different textural classes had distinct patterns in terms of soil CO2 emissions. The correct quantification of CO2 emissions during the sugarcane renovation period should prioritize having a short assessment period (~50 days after soil tillage) as well as including measurements at row and inter‐row positions.  相似文献   

黑土区不同耕作措施的水土保持效益   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了探求黑土区坡耕地水土流失的有效防治措施,以吉林省伊通县毯子房小流域为典型试验研究区,采用野外观测与室内实验相结合的方法,对留茬、轮作和秸秆还田3种不同耕作措施下黑土区坡耕地的水土保持效益进行研究与分析。结果表明:1)对照处理产生径流量和泥沙量最大,秸秆还田产生侵蚀量最小,留茬、轮作和秸秆还田比对照处理径流量减少36.4%~66.7%,泥沙量减少75.2%~86.4%;2)与对照相比,留茬、轮作和秸秆还田3种不同措施下冲刷泥沙中土壤有机质质量分数分别减少56.6%,62.8%和81.4%,全氮质量分数分别减少53.3%,60.0%和80.0%,全磷质量分数减少38.5%,61.5%和84.6%,且不同处理下3种土壤养分流失总量均比对照减少85%以上。  相似文献   

保护性耕作模式对黑土有机碳含量和密度的影响   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
以公主岭市长期(10 a)保护性耕作定位试验为研究对象,分析与传统耕作模式相比的几种保护性耕作模式对黑土固碳效应的影响。共设4种耕作模式,即秋翻秋耙匀垄、秋灭茬匀垄、全面旋耕深松和宽窄行交替休闲(又叫松带、苗带交替休闲)(后3种视为保护性耕作)。结果表明,经过10 a的耕作试验,不同的耕作模式对土壤有机碳有显著的影响。表层0~20 cm秋翻秋耙匀垄和秋灭茬匀垄模式的土壤有机碳含量最低,深层30~50 cm全面旋耕深松模式的土壤有机碳质量分数显著低于其他耕作模式13.49%~25.14%;0~50 cm耕层中宽窄行交替休闲的土壤有机碳质量分数高于其他耕作处理0~33.58%。宽窄行交替休闲模式下的宽窄行松带活性有机碳质量分数及缓性有机碳质量分数分别高于其他模式8.06%~48.87%和0~33.83%。全面旋耕深松模式与宽窄行交替休闲模式下的宽窄行苗带土壤有机碳密度分别低于和高于秋翻秋耙10.95%、17.13%;>20~50 cm宽窄行苗带的活性有机碳密度及缓性有机碳密度分别高于其他耕作模式2.20%~18.85%和17.00%~29.19%,不同耕作模式的土壤惰性有机碳密度没有显著性差异。相对秋翻秋耙的传统模式,不同的保护性耕作模式能够增加土壤有机碳密度也能够降低土壤有机碳密度,宽窄行交替休闲主要通过增加土壤活性有机碳及缓性有机碳密度来增加其土壤有机碳密度,是东北地区固定土壤有机碳、提高土壤有机碳质量的有效耕作方式。  相似文献   

Abstract. Over a 10-year period, runoff and soil erosion on the plots of the Woburn Erosion Reference Experiment were concentrated in periods with sparse vegetation cover: in winter after the late planting of cereals; in spring after the planting of beets; or when soils were bare after harvest. The mean event runoff of 1.32 mm from plots cultivated up-and-downslope was significantly greater ( P <0.05) than that from plots cultivated across-slope (0.82 mm). However, mean event soil loss was not significantly different between the two cultivation directions. No significant differences were found between minimal and standard cultivations. Mean event runoff from the across-slope/minimal tillage treatment combination (0.58 mm) was significantly less ( P <0.01) than from the up-and-downslope/minimal tillage (1.41 mm), up-and-downslope/standard tillage (1.24 mm), and across-slope/standard tillage (1.07 mm) treatment combinations. Runoff from the across-slope/standard treatment combination was significantly ( P <0.05) less than from the up-and-downslope/minimal tillage treatment. The across-slope/minimal tillage treatment combination had a significantly smaller ( P <0.05) event soil loss (67 kg ha−1) than the up-and-downslope/standard tillage (278 kg ha−1) and up-and-downslope/minimal tillage (245 kg ha−1) combinations. Crop yields were significantly ( P <0.05) higher on across-slope plots in 1988, 1996 and 1997 than on up-and-downslope plots, and were also higher (but not significantly) on the across-slope plots in 7 of the 8 remaining years. Minimal cultivation decreased yield compared with standard cultivation in one year only. We recommend that across-slope cultivation combined with minimal tillage be investigated at field scale to assess its suitability for incorporation into UK farming systems.  相似文献   

Soil organic matter (SOM) is considered an important indicator of soil quality, which can be impacted by crop production practices such as tillage. In this study, two long‐term tillage regimes (conventional tillage [CT] and no tillage [NT], conducted for 36 years) were compared in continuous sorghum production in a sub‐tropical environment in southeast Texas. The positive effects of long‐term NT practice were more conspicuous at the soil surface compared with the deeper soil profiles. The SOC was greater (1.5 t C ha?1 greater) in the NT system compared with the CT system. Results from an incubation study indicate that the rate of C‐min at 0–5 cm soil depth was significantly greater (164 μg of CO2–C g?1 of soil greater) in NT than that of CT, but this trend was reversed at 10–20 cm depth wherein the C‐min rates were 106 μg of CO2–C g?1 of soil greater in CT compared with NT, which is likely because of soil disturbance during the study. Soil cumulative CO2‐C emissions were greater in the CT system (7.28 g m?2) than in the NT system (5.19 g m?2), which is primarily attributed to high soil temperature conditions in the CT system. Sorghum grain yield however was not influenced by the differences in SOC content in this long‐term experiment. Overall, the present study found that long‐term conservation tillage improved SOC stock and reduced carbon loss, thus had a positive impact on soil health and sustainability.  相似文献   

保护性耕作下土壤动物群落及其与土壤肥力的关系   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
保护性耕作不仅能改善土壤特性,增加作物产量,也是缓解农田生物多样性损失的重要措施之一。为了探讨保护性耕作下土壤动物群落结构及其与土壤肥力的关系,试验采用裂区设计,主区为翻耕和免耕,副区为3种秸秆还田处理。结果表明:秸秆还田显著增加了土壤动物优势类群弹尾目和蜱螨目,耕作方式和秸秆还田量之间存在显著的交互效应。免耕和秸秆还田的结合增加了土壤有机质含量,但pH值下降;秸秆还田增加了土壤全氮和速效磷;与初始条件相比,过氧化氢酶和蔗糖酶活性下降,而尿酶活性有所增加。土壤有机质和全氮对土壤动物特别是弹尾目和蜱螨目有显著的正效应,土壤速效磷含量也与优势类群表现为正相关;鞘翅目、双尾目和唇足纲表现了能适应相对较高pH值的土壤环境。总之,保护性耕作在一定程度上增加土壤碳库,缓解温室效应,同时也提高了土壤动物丰富度;土壤动物与土壤养分密切相关,表现其在作物对养分利用的有效性上起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

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