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Many bull trout populations have declined from non‐native brook trout introductions, habitat changes (e.g. water temperature) and other factors. We systematically sampled the distribution of bull trout and brook trout in the upper Powder River basin in Oregon in the 1990s and resampled it in 2013–2015, examined temperature differences in the habitats of the two species and analysed trends in temperatures in the light of possible increases associated with climate change. The species’ distributions are currently similar to those in the 1990s, except in one stream where bull trout declined. However, bull trout consisting of resident forms remain restricted to a few kilometres of habitat at the upper end of fish distribution. In streams where both species occur, the typical pattern was an intermediate zone of mixed bull trout, brook trout, and hybrids downstream of allopatric bull trout and allopatric brook trout extending farther downstream. Temperature differences between where bull trout and most brook trout occurred were small (0.5–1.0°C August mean). There were no statistical increases in water temperatures in nearby streams since the 1990s and no warming trends in air temperatures for the past 25–60 years. However, peak summer water temperatures are occurring about 3 weeks earlier than 25 years ago. Future effects of climate change, including possible increases in temperature, changes in timing and other factors (e.g. snowpack, flow and extreme events) remain a concern for the persistence of these populations. However, it is difficult to precisely predict where those changes will occur and what they will be.  相似文献   

Abstract— Due to species introductions, brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) occur together in many North American streams and typically exhibit a pattern of distribution in which brook charr numerically dominate headwaters and rainbow trout dominate downstream reaches. It has been suggested that 1) the two species compete or 2) the two species do not compete because they are differentially adapted to environmental conditions found in upstream and downstream zones. We assessed whether there were differences in growth and macrohabitat (pool, run and riffle) selection of brook charr and rainbow trout in upper, middle and lower stream zones of a small Pennsylvania stream. Brook charr and rainbow trout placed in replicate paired enclosures set in upstream and downstream reaches showed no significant differences in growth and survival rates upstream, but brook charr had significantly greater growth rates than rainbow trout downstream. Enclosed fish and free-ranging fish both had negative growth rates during the summer. Enclosed fish lost significantly less weight than free-ranging fish. Instantaneous growth rates of free-ranging adult brook charr and rainbow trout from May to August were negative for both species in all stream zones. Underwater observations of adult brook charr and rainbow trout showed both species occurred significantly more often in pool macrohabitats than expected on the basis of macrohabitat availability, except for rainbow trout in the upstream zone. The proportion of pool macrohabitat was not significantly different among stream zones. Brook charr do not appear to be better adapted to upstream environments in Powdermill Run based on growth, survival and macrohabitat selection during summer. Negative biotic interactions acting along with differential environmental adaptations may explain the pattern of distribution of brook charr and rainbow trout in streams, but long-term transplant experiments with additional life stages will be necessary to examine this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Abstract – Warm stream temperatures may effectively limit the distribution and abundance of Pacific salmon Oncorhynchus spp. in streams. The role of cold thermal refugia created by upwelling groundwater in mediating this effect has been hypothesized but not quantitatively described. Between June 21 and September 15, 1994, rainbow trout O. mykiss abundance within 12 northeast Oregon (USA) stream reaches was inversely correlated with mean ambient maximum stream temperatures ( r =−0.7, P <0.05). Some rainbow trout used thermal refugia (1–10 m2 surface area) that were on average 3–8°C colder than ambient stream temperatures. Within the warmest reaches, high ambient stream temperatures (>22°C) persisted from mid-June through August, and on average 10–40% of rainbow trout were observed within thermal refugia during periods of midday maximum stream temperatures. Frequency of cold-water patches within reaches was not significantly associated with rainbow trout density after accounting for the influence of ambient stream temperature ( P =0.06; extra sum of squares F -test). Given prolonged high ambient stream temperatures in some reaches, the thermal refugia available in the streams we examined may be too small and too infrequent to sustain high densities of rainbow trout. However, these refugia could allow some rainbow trout to persist, although at low densities, in warm stream reaches.  相似文献   

We monitored water chemistry and populations of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and mottled sculpins (Cottus bairdi) in 5 streams and some tributaries to determine how the severity of acidic episodes (low pH and high Al) influenced density and distribution of these species. Among streams, Linn Run had the lowest pH (4.8) and highest concentrations of total dissolved Al (>400 μg-l?1) during periods of high discharge. Densities of brook trout and mottled sculpins were low in Linn Run, but high in tributaries, where pH (6.5) and Al (30 μg-l?1) remained well below lethal levels. Among the other streams, brook trout density was highest where the acidic episodes were least severe and the density of age-0 brook trout was lowest when precipitation during the early months of the year was above normal. Immigration of brook trout from downstream areas maintained populations in the stream segments subjected to severe episodes. Mottled sculpins were not found in streams with severe episodes.  相似文献   

Withdrawal of water from streams and groundwater is increasing in Midwestern North America and is a potential threat to coldwater fishes. We examined the effects of summer water withdrawals on brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis populations and water warming rates by diverting 50–90% of summer baseflow from a 602‐m treatment zone (TZ) in a groundwater‐influenced Michigan stream during 1991–1998. We compared density of brook trout in fall, and spring‐to‐fall growth and survival of brook trout, between the TZ and an adjacent reference zone (RZ) whose flows were not altered. Flow reductions had no significant effects on the density of brook trout in fall or spring‐to‐fall survival of brook trout. However, spring‐to‐fall growth of brook trout in the TZ declined significantly when 75% flow reductions occurred. Cold upstream temperatures and the relatively short study reach kept thermal habitat conditions excellent for brook trout in the TZ throughout the dewatering experiments. These findings suggest that brook trout can tolerate some seasonal loss of physical habitat if temperature conditions remain suitable. In summer 1999, we experimentally assessed the influence of flow reduction on the warming rate through the TZ by diverting from 0% to 90% of flow around the TZ in 3‐ or 4‐day trials on a randomised schedule. Average daily temperature increased exponentially as stream flows declined from normal summer levels. Our findings suggest the risk of trout habitat loss from dewatering is potentially large and proportional to the magnitude of withdrawal, especially as thermal conditions approach critical levels for trout.  相似文献   

Seasonal patterns in growth, survival and movement of brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis were monitored in two southeastern Minnesota streams divided into study reaches based on brown trout Salmo trutta abundance. We estimated survival and movement while testing for effects of stream reach and time using a multistrata Cormack–Jolly–Seber model in Program MARK. Multistrata models were analysed for three age groups (age‐0, age‐1 and age‐2+) to estimate apparent survival, capture probability and movement. Survival varied by time period, but not brown trout abundance and was lower during flood events. Age‐0 brook trout emigrated from reaches with low brown trout abundance, whereas adult brook trout emigrated from downstream brown trout‐dominated reaches. Growth was highest in spring and summer and did not differ across streams or reaches for the youngest age classes. For age‐2+ brook trout, however, growth was lower in reaches where brown trout were abundant. Interspecific interactions can be age or size dependent; our results show evidence for adult interactions, but not for age‐0. Our results suggest that brook trout can be limited by both environmental and brown trout interactions that can vary by season and life stage.  相似文献   

Abstract— Underwater observations were used to describe habitat use and diel behavior of juvenile bull trout ( Salvelinus confluentus ) at the onset of winter (0.8°C) in a second-order central Idaho stream. All fish observed during daytime counts were concealed beneath "home stones" (mean dimensions 32.3 by 21.9 cm) in primarily pool and run habitats. Focal point depths and velocities averaged 57.2 cm and 4.7 cm/s (home stone removed). Fish maintained stations over substrate with low percentages of fine (< 2 mm, mean= 5.2%) sediment. Concealed bull trout were not evenly distributed across the stream channel. Significantly more home stones were distributed near the midline of the channel, compared to the channel margins. Fish size was positively correlated with home stone size. At night, bull trout exhibited a diel behavioral shift, some fish moved out of daytime concealment cover into the water column. At night, bull trout were observed feeding and resting, primarily in pool and run habitats. During both day and night, bull trout used riffles significantly less frequently than those habitats were available.  相似文献   

Understanding resident fish population responses to restored connectivity would enhance decision-making on dam removal and fish passage. Since such evaluations are limited in the Great Lakes region of North America, we compared abundance, survival, and growth of resident brook trout and brown trout between sets of Michigan streams where populations were or were not interacting with salmonid species that might be present if connectivity existed. We analysed data from 34 electrofishing index sites to compare resident trout populations between streams without versus with Great Lakes access (and migratory Pacific salmonids), and brook trout populations in Great Lakes inaccessible (land-locked) streams where brown trout were present versus absent. Great Lakes accessibility effects on fish density became increasingly positive for older age groups of brown trout while generally negative for all age classes of brook trout. Brown trout had consistently negative effects on brook trout density in land-locked streams. Increased connectivity had significant effects on annual survival for only one of seven trout age classes modelled, while intraspecific density-dependent effects on survival were significant in six models. Significant intraspecific effects on resident trout growth occurred for seven of eleven age classes examined. Negative interspecific effects of Great Lakes access on resident trout growth were most noticeable for age-0 and age-1 resident trout, age classes that likely compete with juvenile Pacific salmonids. Our findings provide a more robust understanding of how Great Lakes connectivity affects resident trout populations, highlighting negative influences of brown trout on brook trout and intraspecific density-dependent effects.  相似文献   

Brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) are a commercially important coldwater species reared in Wisconsin and the Midwestern United States. Brook trout are raised by private, tribal, state, and federal fish hatchery facilities in Wisconsin. Approximately 10% of private coldwater aquaculture operations are presently raising brook trout of various strains for stocking uses and a limited amount for food markets. Growing brook trout to a larger size, if they can be reared in a shorter time span, may present a potential new sector for the aquaculture market in the Midwestern US. The present study reports hatchery production attributes, i.e., growth, survival, fin condition, feed efficiency, water chemistry requirements and general husbandry of Lake Superior strain (Nipigon) brook trout reared in a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS), operated at an average temperature of 13 °C. The recycle system at NADF reared 1379 kg of brook trout over a 10-month period from fingerling (9 g) to market size (340–454 g). The trout grew faster (0.84 g/day and 0.64 mm/day) in the RAS than fish cultured in traditional flow-through tank culture utilizing ground water at 7.6 °C (0.14 g/day and 0.35 mm/day). Final average weight of RAS fish was 260 g, while the flow-through fish averaged 65 g. Final tank densities for the RAS averaged 40.4 kg/m3 while flow-through tanks averaged 31.2 kg/m3. Throughout the project, feed conversions in the RAS ranged from 0.9 to 1.3. Water quality variables such as TAN, nitrite, DO, temperature, TSS, CO2, ph, etc. were within safe limits for brook trout and will be discussed. It does appear from this initial research project that market size brook trout can be raised successfully in a recycle system within a similar time frame as a rainbow trout produced in a Wisconsin typical flow-through facility.  相似文献   


The production characteristics of juvenile rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss and brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis were compared under winter pond conditions. Juvenile rainbow trout (55.1 ±1.5 g) and brook trout (28.9 ±0.4 g) were stocked at a density of 8,750 fish/ha into six 0.04-ha ponds. After 163 days, survival, growth, and feed conversion were similar (P >0.05). The results of this study suggest that brook trout may attain growth rates similar to rainbow trout under winter pond conditions in temperate regions of North America.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Feeding activity was examined at high temperatures by using a demand feeder for thermally selected and normal rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss strains. When the water temperature was raised in experiment 1 from 17.5 to 25.7°C at 0.3°C/day in 21 days, the average daily food consumption rate in the thermally selected strain rose to 7.1%, which was significantly higher than that of the normal strain (4.1%, P  < 0.05). The corresponding rate was also significantly higher in the thermally selected (0.8%) than in the normal strain (0.2%, P  < 0.05) of fish in experiment 2 where water temperature was raised to 24.1°C in 0.5°C/day increments. When water temperature was raised rapidly in experiment 3 from 16.7 to 21.7°C in one day and gradually to 24.4°C in 28 days at 0.1°C/day, the average daily food consumption rates were 1.0 and 0.1% for the thermally selected and normal strains, respectively, with significant difference ( P  < 0.01). These results suggest that the thermally selected strain has acquired thermal tolerance as a result of artificial selection.  相似文献   

The sustainability of freshwater fisheries is increasingly affected by climate warming, habitat alteration, invasive species and other drivers of global change. The State of Michigan, USA, contains ecologically, socioeconomically valuable coldwater stream salmonid fisheries that are highly susceptible to these ecological alterations. Thus, there is a need for future management approaches that promote resilient stream ecosystems that absorb change amidst disturbances. Fisheries professionals in Michigan are responding to this need by designing a comprehensive management plan for stream brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis), brown trout (Salmo trutta) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) populations. To assist in developing such a plan, we used stream‐specific regression models to forecast thermal habitat suitability in streams throughout Michigan from 2006 to 2056 under different predicted climate change scenarios. As baseflow index (i.e., relative groundwater input) increased, stream thermal sensitivity (i.e., relative susceptibility to temperature change) decreased. Thus, the magnitude of temperature warming and frequency of thermal habitat degradation were lowest in streams with the highest baseflow indices. Thermal habitats were most suitable in rainbow trout streams as this species has a wider temperature range for growth (12.0–22.5 °C) compared to brook charr (11.0–20.5 °C) and brown trout (12.0–20.0 °C). Our study promotes resilience‐based salmonid management by providing a methodology for stream temperature and thermal habitat suitability prediction. Fisheries professionals can use this approach to protect coldwater habitats and drivers of stream cooling and ultimately conserve resilient salmonid populations amidst global change.  相似文献   

We quantified microhabitat selection of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) at 2 flows (low= 1.13 m3. s?1 and high =4.95 m3. s?1) in the Pit River, California. Flows were controlled by an upstream dam and habitat availability was similar during 4 sampling periods at low flow and 2 periods at high flow. A principal components analysis reduced 6 microhabitat variables to 3 new variables that explained 80% of the observed variance. The 3 components loaded heavily on velocity variables, depth variables and substrate. Microhabitat selection generally differed among macrohabitats (i. e., pools, runs, and riffles). Rainbow trout selected different microhabitats at high flow relative to low flow in response to the availability of deeper, faster water. At low flow, depth and velocity selection were positively correlated with seasonal temperature change for adults but not juveniles. Rainbow trout apparently sought shelter in interstitial spaces in the substrate of runs and riffles during the day in early winter. Generally, large rainbow trout were observed in pools, intermediate-sized fish in runs, and small trout in riffles. The largest fish occurred in slow, deep areas of pools, where they moved slowly without orientation to flow and were not observed feeding, whereas small fish generally faced upstream and fed in all habitat types. Foraging forays were directed up in the water column at velocities similar to the mean water column velocities at holding positions. Rainbow trout were the most abundant species in 76% of the population survey stations. Other species that might have influenced microhabitat selection by rainbow trout were uncommon.  相似文献   

The early humoral responses of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), and brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchill), with sterile inflammation induced by intraperitoneal Lipogen Triple vaccination were compared to determine if genetic differences in susceptibility to furunculosis in salmonids correlated with different acute phase responses to vaccination. Similar severe acute sterile peritonitis occurred in response to Lipogen Triple in both species. Both species also had a rapid transient reduction in plasma iron concentration at 3 days. Moderate hypoferraemia persisted to day 14 in brook trout, but returned to normal by day 7 in rainbow trout. Plasma zinc decreased sharply 3 days after vaccination in rainbow trout and returned nearly to control levels by day 10; however, plasma zinc did not change in brook trout. Two-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide electrophoresis of plasma proteins revealed that increased amounts of a 48-kDa protein group coincided with the hypoferraemic response in rainbow trout. In addition, a modest elevation in a 16-kDa protein group also occurred in rainbow trout. These studies demonstrated the rapid changes in plasma iron in both species and mild elevation of two putative acute phase plasma proteins associated with vaccine-induced inflammation in rainbow trout.  相似文献   

Hybridisation with introduced taxa poses a threat to native fish populations. Mechanisms of reproductive isolation can limit or prevent hybridisation between closely related species. Understanding how these mechanisms interact between the same species across geographically distinct occurrences of secondary contact, and how regional factors influence them, can inform our understanding of hybridisation as a threat and management actions to mitigate this threat. We used data collected on adult fish migration timing and approximate emergence timing of subsequent juvenile fish paired with genomic data to assess whether temporal isolation in the timing of spawning exists between Yellowstone cutthroat trout, rainbow trout and hybrids in the North Fork Shoshone River drainage in northwest Wyoming. We found evidence that Yellowstone cutthroat trout spawn, on average, two to four weeks later than rainbow trout and hybrids and two environmental covariates related to water temperature and discharge were associated with differences in spawning migration timing. Despite statistical support for Yellowstone cutthroat trout spawning later, disproportionately high numbers of rainbow trout and hybrids, paired with extended spawning seasons, lead to substantial overlap between all genotypes. Our results provide further evidence of temporal segregation in the timing of spawning as a mechanism of reproductive isolation between closely related species, but substantial spawning overlap suggests temporal segregation alone will not be enough to curtail hybridisation in conservation populations.  相似文献   

We studied the movement of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in four small streams in northern Colorado using mark-recapture methods and weirs. The recapture rates of marked adult trout were low for all streams, and large numbers of unmarked adult trout, apparently immigrants, were found each year. Significantly more trout, immigrated into sections that were experimentally modified by installing low log dams, which increased depth, pool volume and the amount of overhead cover. The number of immigrant and resident trout was significantly related to the amount of cover in the sections. Resident trout were larger than immigrants in all streams in the last year of sampling. Most mobile brook trout moved upstream during summer on the two streams where weirs were operated, and upstream migrants were significantly larger than downstream migrants on both streams. We suggest that a high degree of movement may be an adaptive response by brook trout to the heterogeneous nature of small mountain streams.  相似文献   

Spawning runs of brown trout Salmo trutta L., and rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum, were compared in three tributaries of two lakes for timing, numbers and redd characteristics. Redd characteristics for the two species in four other streams were examined. No significant differences in redd characteristics between the two species were observed, but in all lake tributaries the possibilities of superimposition of spring spawning rainbow trout on redds of brown trout were examined. A common feature was the high ratio of numbers of spawners to the area of preferred spawning gravel, and it was concluded that in the lake tributaries, superimposition resulted in increased mortality of brown trout eggs, and in one case elimination of the brown trout population. Management possibilities for control of the species proportions in comparable situations are discussed.  相似文献   

Ontario supports a vast fisheries resource with an abundance of lakes, rivers and streams. A landscape approach to management informed by a broad‐scale monitoring programme has been initiated to assess the status of fisheries within lakes. However, not all species are assessed by this programme, and there is no provincial monitoring of species inhabiting rivers and streams. As such, changes in the status of a species such as brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchill), could be entirely missed. Brook trout is a highly valued and sought after species by anglers within the province, but there are concerns the species is declining. Given the paucity of broad, empirical data, the status and trends of brook trout across the province have been based on expert opinion at multiple local scales. In 2016, a online questionnaire was sent to brook trout experts to determine status, stressors, management approaches and assess risks (magnitude and probability) to lake and river/stream populations in different geographic areas of Ontario. A Bayesian network was used to analyse responses and develop a risk assessment based on expert opinion for brook trout at multiple scales within the province.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Thermal tolerance was studied in a rainbow trout strain successively selected through high temperature breeding at 20–27°C since 1966 in Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan. The hatching rate and fry mortality at high temperatures were examined in the selected strain along with normal strains cultured at water temperature of 9–17°C. The hatching rate of embryos fertilized at either 10 or 14°C and subsequently subjected to high temperatures in the blastula or neurula stage of the selected strain, was marginally higher than that of the normal strain counterparts. The upper 50% lethal temperatures (LT50) for embryos in the early segmentation, blastula and neurula stages of the selected strain were also higher than those of the normal strain counterparts. Death temperatures and LT50 of fries acclimated to 20°C of the selected strain were significantly higher than those of the normal strains. However, no difference in the critical thermal maximum was detected between the different strains. These results suggest that the selected strain of rainbow trout established by selecting successively for many generations at high temperatures acquired a degree of thermal tolerance.  相似文献   

Abstract  Proper interpretation of measures used to describe fish populations requires knowledge of the measure's inherent spatial and temporal variation. Proportional stock density (PSD), the ratio of 'quality-length' fish to 'stock-length' fish multiplied by 100, is commonly used as a measure of population size structure; PSD values range from 0 to 100. Spatial and temporal variation in brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchill), and brown trout Salmo trutta L., PSD scores in Wisconsin are described and tested to determine if variation differed by stream order and ecoregion. Neither stream order nor ecoregion significantly affected variation of PSD scores. The mean standard deviation of PSD scores over time at a site was 12.49 for brook trout populations and 12.95 for brown trout populations. The mean standard deviation of PSD scores between sites in the same stream was 15.07 for brook trout populations and 12.50 for brown trout populations. Sampling frequency required to characterise a PSD score of a single population of trout in Wisconsin streams with a degree of precision equal to the amount of observed temporal variation is approximately 14 sites for brook trout and 20 sites for brown trout.  相似文献   

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