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A mesocosm system was designed to study evaporation kinetics and transport of TCE in flowing surface water. The airtight unit, with a total internal volume of 52.01?×?10?2 m3, was fabricated with glass and Teflon material, and was provided with 8.53 m long channel to simulate water flow in an open channel. The peristaltic pumps, connected to the inlet and the outlet of the mesocosm, provided a constant water flow through the channels. The experimental studies were conducted at two different velocities, 9.42?×?10?3 and 4.71?×?10–3 m/s, respectively. For both the velocities, a tracer (NaBr) test confirmed uniform water flow in the channels. The total length and the length between the sampling ports were found sufficient to record gradual decrease in TCE concentrations along the direction of the flow in the channels. The volatilization coefficient for TCE was found to be 0.49 and 1.07 h?1 for the experiments conducted at lower and higher water velocities, respectively. The TCE evaporation half life (t 1/2) and the corresponding evaporation half distance (d 1/2) were 1.41 h and 23.98 m for lower velocity, and 0.65 h and 21.96 m for higher velocity, respectively.  相似文献   

以第二松花江干流为对象,研究其底泥有机无机复合体的组成及有机碳分布的差异,同时分析底泥有机无机复合体组成及其有机碳分布与岸边土壤之间的关系。结果表明:底泥与岸边土壤在有机无机复合体组成、有机碳分配和腐殖质组成方面表现出较好的一致性,说明岸边土壤对底泥的有机碳组成和分布有显著贡献。底泥的中央粒径呈现上游高、下游低的特点,抚松底泥中央粒径为200μm,吉林底泥中央粒径在70μm左右,榆树、松原底泥中央粒径在50μm左右;底泥的有机碳和腐殖酸含量也表现出上游高于下游的特点。底泥有机无机复合体组成以砂粒复合体为主,黏粒、粉粒复合体含量次之;并且随着复合体粒径的增加,有机碳含量减少。底泥HA/FA均大于1,从上游至下游表现为抚松>吉林>榆树>松原;底泥HA/FA均小于岸边土壤。  相似文献   

天鹅湖沉积物中营养盐和重金属的分布特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在荣成天鹅湖选取20个代表性样点,研究了表层沉积物中总氮、总磷、有机质和重金属的水平及分布状况,并对沉积物的环境质量进行了评价.结果表明,沉积物中总氮、总磷和有机质含量主要变化在0.6~1.2 g/kg,0.2~0.4 g/kg,5.0~20.0 g/kg之间,分别平均为0.85,0.35,19.89 g/kg;三生源要素的空间分布规律类似,其中有机质的变异程度较大.重金属Cd、Cr、Ni、Cu、Zn、Pb的平均含量分别为0.37,50.09,16.02,16.48,53.02,22.17 mg/kg,其中Cd、Cu、Zn的分布趋势类似,Cr和Ni相差不大.天鹅湖沉积物中营养盐和重金属的空间分布很不均衡,污染物质的累积与该区域的污染状况及沉积物粒度关系密切,北部人为活动频繁区和颗粒较细区含量较高,东近岸区及南部较低.与其它湖泊相比,天鹅湖沉积物中总磷和重金属的总体水平较低,Cr和Pb元素有所污染.据加拿大制定的沉积物评价标准,目前天鹅湖沉积物中污染物质不会产生大的生态毒性效应.  相似文献   

中国5种典型土壤的侵蚀泥沙粒径分布特征   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
通过天然降雨试验,研究我国5种典型土壤的侵蚀泥沙团粒和单粒粒径分布以及泥沙各级团粒的机械组成特征。2013—2014年汛期(6—9月),监测红壤、紫色土、黄绵土、褐土和黑土径流小区的降雨产流事件,收集侵蚀泥沙样品,利用湿筛法和吸管法测定其团粒和单粒粒径分布;同时,筛选出泥沙各级团粒样品,进一步测定其单粒粒径组成。结果表明:(1)侵蚀泥沙粒径分布是土壤质地和降雨强度综合作用的结果,团粒粒径分布更适合作为表征泥沙输移的指标;(2)5种土壤的侵蚀泥沙皆表现出粉团(0.002~0.05mm)和黏团(0.002mm)的明显富集;(3)在泥沙单粒粒径分布方面,除红壤的粉粒(0.002~0.05mm)和黏粒(0.002mm)有轻微富集外,其余4种土壤的各级单粒均无明显富集;(4)红壤侵蚀泥沙粉团(0.002~0.05mm)中的黏粒含量最多,其余4种土壤侵蚀泥沙机械组成和各级团粒的机械组成均与原土接近。  相似文献   

荣成天鹅湖沉积物磷的赋存形态和时空分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采集了荣成天鹅湖表层和柱状沉积物,研究了沉积物中磷的赋存形态、空间及垂向变化特征,并对沉积物的理化性质与磷形态间的关系进行了初步分析。结果表明,天鹅湖表层沉积物中总磷水平不高,变化在79.15~565.12mg/kg之间。不同区域沉积物中总磷和各形态磷的含量差异较大,从西北至东南呈高-低-高-最低的变化趋势,外源污染和沉积物颗粒组成是影响其分布的主要因子。垂向分布上,总磷和各形态磷的含量均表现为自表层向下递减,8-10cm深度含量最低。相关性分析表明,总磷与各形态磷之间均呈较好的正相关关系,其中与无机磷的相关性最好,无机磷是总磷的主要赋存形态,占总磷含量的42.24%~82.04%;钙结合态磷是无机磷的优势组分,其含量远高于铁铝结合态磷;铁铝结合态磷在表层有明显的富集,与近几十年来入湖污染的增加有关。在天鹅湖湖水碱性条件下,湖区西北部及西端沉积物具有较大的释磷潜力。  相似文献   

以乌梁素海和岱海表层沉积物为吸附剂,开展了磷在沉积物上的吸附动力学和等温吸附实验研究,采用交叉型Langmuir模型描述了磷在2个湖泊沉积物上的吸附行为,并分析测定了等温吸附后沉积物中磷的形态分布。结果表明,不同浓度条件下沉积物对磷的吸附动力学过程基本相似,Elovich方程能较好地描述2个湖泊沉积物对磷酸盐的吸附动力学过程;Langmuir交叉型吸附等温式能较好地描述磷在岱海和乌梁素海沉积物上的等温吸附行为(R2=0.990),模型中的k、Qm、EPC0、NAP等参数较好地反映了2个湖泊沉积物在成因、粒度及矿物组成等方面的差异;吸附磷的形态再分布揭示颗粒物所吸附的水相磷主要分布于Ex-P,且Or-P是沉积物中重要的潜在生物有效性磷源,对湖泊富营养化的作用不容忽视。  相似文献   

采用改进的七步连续提取法分别对黄河中下游流域5个不同段位表层沉积物中总磷(TP)、有机磷(OP)及各种无机磷形态进行了分析,研究并探讨了沉积物中磷的分布特征及其对河海可能产生的影响,为预测黄河乃至渤海流域的营养状况、预防及科学管理等提供理论依据。结果表明,所测黄河表层沉积物中TP含量范围为240.71-576.59μg.g^-1,以无机磷(IP)为主,占TP含量的85.73%-98.48%;OP含量占TP的1.52%-14.27%。受陆地河流和海流注入的影响,所研究沉积物样中TP、IP和OP含量的最大值均出现在靠近黄河口的渤海浅海区,其次是黄河口。IP分为6种形态磷,即交换态磷(Ex-P)、铝结合态磷(Al-P)、铁结合态磷(Fe-P)、闭蓄态磷(Obs-P)、自生钙结合磷(Ca-P)和原生碎屑磷(De-P),其中以De-P为主,其次是Ca-P,分别占TP的52.47%-73.67%和18.32%-38.20%,Ex-P、Fe-P和Al-P含量均相对较低,Obs-P含量最低。各形态磷的空间分布均与调查区沉积物粒径有一定相关性,粒径小于0.063 mm的沉积物样中TP和IP含量均最高。Ex-P、Al-P、Fe-P、Or-P和部分Ca—P作为黄河表层沉积物中潜在的生物可利用磷,其总量至少占TP的6.09%-24.46%。  相似文献   

连环湖敖包泡沉积物磷形态垂向分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用SMT连续提取法对连环湖敖包泡北部(AB1)和南部(AB2)柱状沉积岩芯中磷形态的含量和垂向分布特征进行对比分析,结合沉积岩芯年代测定,探讨了该湖区沉积物中磷的演化特征与人为污染历史以及内源磷的释放风险。结果表明,AB1、AB2沉积物中磷形态的含量和垂向变化不同,AB1沉积物中各形态磷含量均高于AB2,且随深度变化波动较大。20世纪40年代中期至1981年,AB1沉积物各形态磷和OM含量波动较大;AB2沉积物中Ca-P、IP、TP含量呈先增加后减少之势,Fe/Al-P、OP、OM含量变化较稳定。1981—2009年,AB1沉积物Ca-P、IP、OM含量变化较小,Fe/Al-P、OP、TP含量相对波动较大;AB2沉积物Ca-P、Fe/Al-P、TP含量不同程度上先增加后减少,IP、OP、OM含量变化均呈增加趋势。连环湖敖包泡沉积物磷人为来源以工业废水、居民生活污水和农药化肥的流失为主。湖泊北部磷含量高于南部,这与人类活动强度密切相关,敖包泡北部附近村落密集而南部没有村落。应用单一因子标准指数法对湖泊表层沉积物磷素进行生态风险评价表明,湖区北部表层沉积物总磷含量超标,存在一定的安全风险,同时AB1沉积物上部较底部活性磷(Fe/Al-P和OP)增加较多、且活性磷(Fe/Al-P和OP)是AB1沉积物磷增加的主要形态,因此连环湖敖包泡沉积物中磷向上覆水体释放的风险增加,对湖泊水体的富营养化的影响应予以关注。  相似文献   

天鹅湖泻湖表层沉积物中各形态磷的空间分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以山东半岛天然泻湖—荣成天鹅湖为研究对象,研究了表层沉积物中总磷、各形态无机磷、有机磷的含量水平及空间分布特征,明确了不同湖区沉积物磷的潜在生物可利用性,并对各形态磷与磷酸酶的相关性进行了分析。结果表明,天鹅湖表层沉积物总磷含量变化在236.9~689.7 mg kg-1之间;在大多数样点,无机磷含量高于有机磷,钙结合态磷是无机磷的主要存在形式。有机磷含量变幅为40.57~198.7 mg kg-1,中等活性和非活性有机磷之和占有机磷总量的90%以上。相关性分析表明,有机磷与无机磷、铁铝结合态磷、总磷呈极显著相关关系,碱性磷酸酶与总磷、有机磷、铁铝结合态磷等呈极显著相关(P0.01)。天鹅湖沉积物的总磷及各形态磷含量存在较大的空间差异性,其中西北部和东北部铁铝结合态磷、生物可利用磷和活性有机磷含量均较高,说明此湖区沉积物中的磷具有较大生物可利用性。  相似文献   

A serious health scare involving thesupply of drinking water to Sydney, Australia hasrecently focussed attention on the environmentalstatus of river catchments of the main reservoir, LakeBurragorang. Although the Coxs River – a majorcatchment of Lake Burragorang – comprises mainlyforests and grazing land, it supports a moderate sizedtown, power stations and coal mines. The heavy metal content of stream-bed sedimentscharacterises environmental impact in this ruralcatchment and sources of contamination. Sediment in acreek flowing through a country town (population 12 000) is markedly enriched in Cr, Pb and Zn (3×, 18×and 52×, respectively) over background, probably dueto a long history of metal-based industry. The highestCu, Pb and Zn concentrations (204, 332 and2460 μg g-1, respectively) in fluvialsediment in the town are, however associated withdischarges from a sewage treatment plant. Twocoal-based power stations in the catchment contributeconsiderable Cu and Ni (maximum concentrations 562 and157 μg g-1, respectively) to ambient fluvialsediments, possibly from cooling towers and coalstorage areas. The highest Co and Cr concentrations(113 and 490 μg g-1) in fluvial sediments ofthis catchment are associated with coal-miningactivities. Selective extraction indicates that about50% of the anthropogenic fraction may bebioavailable, whereas sequential extraction proceduressuggest that <25% is associated with the easilyexchangeable/adsorbed phase.Two dams restrict the migration of heavy metals downthe Coxs River and sediment discharging into LakeBurragorang is low in metals.  相似文献   

Microplastics (MPs) in sediments from the complex lagoon-channel of Bizerte were investigated, for the first time, to evaluate the occurrence and abundance of MPs in Tunisia. After density separation in saline solution, MPs were counted by a stereomicroscope. The number of MPs was at the range of 3–18 items/g sediment (3000–18,000 items/kg dry sediment) and the most contaminated site was of Menzel Abderrahmane (MA) followed by Carrier Bay (CB), Menzel Jemil (MJ) and Channel of Bizerte (C). The MPs gathered during the survey varied in size from 0.3 to 5 mm, and appear in a variety of shapes and colours. The dominant shape was fibre (88.88% in MA, 91.00% in CB, 82.35% in C and 21.05% in MJ). The rest of MPs are fragments whilst no micro beads were found. Colours are clear, white, blue, green, red and black. Cities discharges, fishing activity and industrial production sites are the most likely sources of MPs. This first work provides original data on the presence of MPs that determines their bioavailability to organisms as seafood, and then possibly transfers of to human. The high MP concentrations registered in the complex lagoon-channel of Bizerte suggest that this site is a hotspot for MP pollution and there is an urgency to understand their origins and effects on marine life. The results will provide useful background information for further investigations.  相似文献   

Regional contamination by Pb and Zn in southern Moravia (south-east part of the Czech Republic) in the twentieth century was analysed in Brno Dam lake sediments and in floodplain sediments of the Morava River near Strážnice. The age model for the Brno Dam lake sediments has been obtained by 137Cs (maxima corresponding to the nuclear tests in atmosphere and the 1986 Chernobyl accident) and the construction of the dam (1940); the time constraints for the Morava River sediments was the erection of flood defences (1930s) and 210Pb dating. In the case of floodplain sediments, profiles exhibiting post-depositional mobilisation of heavy metals by pedogenic processes (gleying) must be excluded to reconstruct the history of contamination. There was a relatively fast joint onset of Pb and Zn load since the early stages of industrialisation in the first half of the twentieth century, but then the concentrations of these two metals developed in a different manner. Pb load only slightly increased till its peak in 1960s and 1970s. The increase of Zn load was rather stepwise: Soon before 1930s (Morava River floodplain) and in 1940s and 1950s (in Brno Lake), the relative contamination by Zn was much lower than during its peak in the 1970s to the present days. The offset of Pb and Zn contamination curves could have been caused by three different artificial sources of these heavy metals. The temporal shift of Pb and Zn loads can be used for dating sediments.  相似文献   

铜矿尾矿库坝高库大,尾砂粒胶结性很差,十分松散,抗蚀能力极弱,在风力和径流作用下,风蚀、水蚀交替发生,坝坡年均每平方公里侵蚀量高达8万余吨,库内年风蚀模数3~4万t/km2。如若防护不当,极易发生面蚀、沟蚀,直至垮坝成灾。保持尾矿坝坝体稳定和各子坝坝坡、坝顶的完整,是尾矿库尾砂安全存放的关键,从建库初期起必须重视坝体结构、子坝护坡护顶及尾矿库保护等各项防蚀措施的建设。覆土利用是根治库区尾矿侵蚀,变害为利的有效措施,在同类或类似矿区应大力推广应用。  相似文献   

为判识湖泊沉积物中重金属的地球化学行为特征及其控制因素,以包头市南海湖为研究对象,采用连续提取法,系统开展了沉积物中生物有效态重金属的分布研究。结果表明,表层沉积物中重金属生物有效态(前4态之和)的平均比例序列为Cd〉Pb〉Zn〉Cu;Cu的生物有效态占总量的比例为23%,Pb为75%,Zn为42%,Cd为83%。总体而言,表层沉积物中Cd和Pb的潜在危害性最大。湖心区、西南和东北部湖区为表层沉积物中Cu、Pb和Zn的生物有效态含量高值区,Cd仅在西南湖区表现高值。有机物结合态为沉积物柱芯中Cu和Cd生物有效态的主导形态,铁锰氧化物结合态为Pb和Zn生物有效态的主导形态。强还原性条件下,沉积物中以铁锰氧化物结合态为主导形态的Pb、Zn、Cd有一定的潜在风险,Cu的潜在危害较小。与黄河沉积物重金属形态百分比的对比分析表明,南海湖沉积物对重金属的固定能力更强。  相似文献   

李爽  张祖陆  孙媛媛 《水土保持研究》2012,19(3):185-189,301
对南四湖水生植被区、农田居民地、养殖区、自然水面的29个采样点表层底泥TN、TP和TOC的含量进行分析,揭示了不同地表覆被下表层底泥中营养元素的分布特征,通过对底泥和上层覆水所含营养元素进行相关分析,探讨了营养元素的可能来源。利用有机指数,对底泥有机污染进行了分析。结果表明:南四湖养殖区和农田居民地已经出现富营养化现象,水生植被区和自然水面还尚未受到富营养化威胁。表层底泥的TN主要来自内源有机氮,TP主要来自外源无机磷。  相似文献   

The interaction between copper, zinc, and chicken manure, whenadded to soil, was studied in a greenhouse setting. Coppersulfate and of zinc chloride at concentrations of 0.5 to 2.0mmol kg-1 were added separately to pots containing 3.0 kgof dystrophic dark red latosoil (LEd) plus 1,0% (m/m) pH 4.2chicken manure. IAPAR 57 beans were used as test plant andcultivated in the experimental soils for 30 days. Plant growthin terms of dry weight and the concentrations of copper and zincin the aerial part of the plants were determined. Bean plantingswere repeated four times, at four-month intervals. A 20%decrease in dry weight was observed when amounts of copper orzinc equal to or geater than 1.0 or 2.0 mmol kg-1, respectively, were applied to the soil over an average of fourplantings. For these concentrations, the average amount of metalfound in the plant was 13.4 mg kg-1 for copper and 224.8 mgkg-1 for zinc. Chlorosis of the leaves in the bean plantswas also observed. The copper and zinc concentrations in thetreated soil were determined using different extractants. Amongthe solutions evaluated for the extraction of available zinc,1.0 M ammonium acetate, pH 4.8, showed a better correlation withthe metal concentration in the plant. As for copper, the bestcorrelation was found with the Mehlich-1 extractant.  相似文献   

This paper reports on studies conducted during 2005 in the ecosystem of the Solina–Myczkowce mountain complex of mesotrophic reservoirs on the San River, SE Poland. Of the 1,950 t of dissolved silica calculated to flow into the reservoirs in the course of the year, c. 20% of the load was retained in the reservoirs. However, most of this retention took place in the lower Myczkowce Reservoir. Far-reaching depletion to below 10 μM L?1 of silicate was noted during the summer in the epilimnetic waters of the two reservoirs. In turn, the hypolimnion was seen to go through an enrichment process connected with sedimentation and releases from sediment. The observed depletion causes a decrease in the DSi:DIP ratio in the euphotic zone of the reservoirs, with simultaneous growth of non-siliceous algae expressed as chl a concentration.  相似文献   

研究了盆栽种植冬小麦条件下,质地、pH、碳氮比、有机质、水分5个影响因素对底泥土地利用后土壤中重金属铜形态及冬小麦各器官对铜的吸收、籽粒产量、生物量的影响。结果表明,土壤中铜的各形态含量均随底泥施用量的增加而增加;粘质土、高pH、高碳氮比、高有机质、低水分含量条件,可导致土壤中可交换态铜含量减少;铜在冬小麦各器官中的含量顺序为根系茎叶籽粒,并且随底泥施用量的增加而增加;在壤土条件、pH约7.80、碳氮比25∶1、高有机质、高水分条件下,冬小麦籽粒产量最高,生物量最大。  相似文献   

Variation of mercury (Hg) in sediments and biota from Coatzacoalcos estuary during the dry, rainy and windy seasons was estimated. In sediments, Hg concentrations ranged from 0.07 μg g?1 in site 13 (Ixhuatepec) located upstream, to 1.06 μg g?1 in site 3 (Coatzacoalcos river), located in the industrialized area. Highest enrichment factor (EF) and index of geoaccumulation (I geo) in surficial sediments were 53 and 5.1 respectively. From EF and I geo, it is considered that Coatzacoalcos estuary is from moderately contaminated to contaminated. In most fish species from Coatzacoalcos estuary, the sequence of Hg concentration was liver>muscle>gills. Average Hg concentrations in soft tissue of bivalves ranged from 0.09 μg g?1 in Corbicula fluminea to 0.18 μg g?1 in Polymesoda caroliniana. Biota-sediment accumulation factor (BSAF) ranged from 0.9 in P. caroliniana during the rainy season (site 4) to 3.8 in P. caroliniana from the same site during the windy season.  相似文献   

探究长潭水库库区沉积物中碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)含量特征及其污染状况,可为区域水环境质量提升提供理论依据。研究于2021年9月在水库中心区及8条入库支流断面设置28个采样点,对表层沉积物中的总有机碳(TOC)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)含量进行测定,并采用单因子指数法、综合污染指数法和有机污染指数法对库区污染状况进行了评价。结果表明:库区表层沉积物中TOC,TN和TP含量分别为(13.67±3.81) g/kg,(1.46±0.37) g/kg,(0.43±0.17) g/kg;其中,以柔极溪(RJR)含量较高,其TOC含量显著高于库中心区与其余入库支流(p<0.05)。表层沉积物中C/N,C/P,N/P比值范围分别为7.72~15.07,15.28~63.20,1.66~6.26。由单因子指数法和综合污染指数法分析可知,整个库区水体沉积物TN污染严重,基本属于重度污染;有机氮评价结果进一步表明库区整体处于Ⅲ级污染水平(尚清洁),其中以库中心区和RJR污染较重,存在有机氮污染(等级为Ⅳ级)。长潭水库存在一定的内源污染,且以有机污染为主。未来应加强库区水体沉积物营养盐含量动态的...  相似文献   

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