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正马下颌骨是面颅骨中最大的骨,也是面部唯一可以活动的骨,由于部位暴露,缺少保护,受到外力撞击时极易造成骨折。笔者曾遇到3例因外力导致马下颌骨骨折的病例,经颌间固定术治疗后均痊愈,现就其中1例总结如下。1发病情况2014年5月5日早上,一匹体重约650 kg、9岁弗里斯兰公马草未吃完,马房内窗台处及马房门口有大量新鲜血液,随即来我院就诊。患马从4年前开始用于每周1次的马  相似文献   

4月龄雌性未绝育德国牧羊犬因无法打开口腔前来就诊.该犬1月龄时左侧面部被咬伤,后发现其口腔逐渐无法打开.临床检查见双侧颧弓下方不对称,触诊左侧颧弓下方有骨性突起.头部CT扫描显示左侧冠状突和颧弓畸形愈合,诊断为颞下颌关节强直.采取手术治疗,通过尾侧下颌骨节段性切除术解除颞下颌关节强直,骨切除范围从最后臼齿远中侧至下颌冠...  相似文献   

当前,我国法律明令禁止对濒危野生动物进行猎杀、滥食以及非法交易,但鼓励人工饲养种群的规模化养殖和商业化利用。这引起一个重要问题:即从野外非法猎取的野生动物,会假借人工驯养繁殖的名义合法地进入市场,这对执法部门如何精准鉴定动物来源造成了极大的困扰。现有的依靠骨密度和头骨形态的鉴定方法不能满足需求。本研究以野外水貂(n=25)和人工驯养水貂(n=38)的下颌骨为对象,建立一个更为简便而有效的鉴别方法。下颌骨与咬肌构成一个杠杆系统,髁状突为支点,前臼齿和臼齿的齿尖为阻力点,各个齿尖到髁状突的距离为阻力臂。我们推测,野生水貂的食物质地较为坚硬,而人工饲养的动物食物柔软,因而野生水貂捕食和进食时需要更大的咬合力和咬合效率。这一差异在个体发育过程中很可能导致阻力臂结构发生变化。如果这种变化足够明显,就可以据此建立动物来源的判别指标。通过测定髁状突到前臼齿第3齿尖以及臼齿上的下原尖和下前尖的阻力臂、齿冠长及齿尖高等数据,建立了13个判别指标,利用这些指标分析野生与饲养个体间的差异并进行判别分析,以已知来源个体的正确回判率来评价其有效性。结果显示,与野生组相比,人工饲养水貂下颌咬合杠杆的阻力臂更长,支持了我们的推测。在13个判别指标中,H2/L2(臼齿下前尖高和其力臂长之比)和CosA(犬齿沿矢状面的倾角)无性别差异,二者联合使用时,已知来源个体的正确回判率可达到91.20%,具有很强的鉴别能力。由于水貂是典型的小型食肉动物,因此本研究的结果对其他小型食肉动物的鉴别也具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

通过大体解剖学和动物学头骨测定的方法对马鹿头骨进行观察,并与牛、羊、马、鬣羚相比较。雄性马鹿头骨呈狭长的角锥性,额骨上有角突,角突长而分叉;鼻骨较短前窄后宽,前端呈水平状,边缘呈锯齿状,这与马、鬣羚鼻骨不相似;上颌骨接近颌前骨部位有一个犬齿齿槽,齿槽部位有6个臼齿齿槽,下颌骨有6.5个,因此上颌骨臼齿齿列比下颌骨臼齿齿列短;颧骨的前下方、鼻骨的侧面、泪骨的前上方及上颌骨的后上方,形成一个等边三角形缝隙;缝隙与鼻腔之间由一形状不规则的薄骨片隔开,这与牛、羊、马、鬣羚都不相似。  相似文献   

近几年来宠物临床疾病发病种类增多,病症也越加复杂。我们对近两年来2191例病例初次就诊情况进行统计,患运动器官疾病有224例,占总病例的10%;其中骨折有48例,占总病数2%,犬43例,猫5例。骨折是指当外力超过了骨所能忍受的极限应力应变时,在外力的作用部位骨的完整性或连续性机械破坏,发生骨折。骨折的同时常伴有周围软组织不同程度的损伤。临床发病主要与饲养管理和护理不当有关。直接骨折有车辆冲撞、重物压伤、火器伤、从高处摔下等;间接损伤如跳跃、摔倒等。我们统计所有骨折几乎都为闭合性骨折.开放性骨折仅遇一例。各部位骨折中又以四肢骨折居多。  相似文献   

骨折是指当外力超过了骨所能承受的极限时,在外力作用部位骨骼结构的完整性或连 贯性遭受机械破坏的状态.骨折有不同的形式:大多数骨折为直接暴力的挤压、打击等机械外力作用下发生的,如车辆冲撞、重物压轧、跌落撞击等,这样的骨折多伴有周围软组织的损伤.  相似文献   

目的 :讨论归纳比较成人髁突骨折三种切口术式:耳屏前切口、腮腺入路切口、下颌下切口及其在切口、止血、面神经损伤中的不同,达到最大程度管控手术风险及获得后期包括功能恢复等满意疗效。方法:对于耳屏前切口术式,采用本科室手术患者手术全程观察,作为实验组对象;对于腮腺入路切口术式及下颌下切口术式,在其他条件与耳屏前切口术式基本相同的条件下(髁突骨折部位均为单侧高位)采用相关文献资料查阅,作为观察组对象。进而通过观察演绎,以比较三种切口术式在切口、止血、面神经损伤中的不同。结果:1)实验组在术中损伤面横动脉导致大出血,紧急采取纱布块填塞、结扎止血后顺利完成手术;2)实验组、对照组显示不同切口术式由于切口选择位置、开放式手术入路的不同,对于术中止血难度、面神经保护,以及术后功能恢复、瘢痕愈合存在不同影响,文中将展开具体论述。结论:1)三种切口术式对于不同的病例选择各有优缺点,耳屏前切口术式(本科室按照四类手术进行)由于该区域存在上颌动脉等重要知名动脉对手术者要求较高,存在较高的手术风险。而其由于切口术野暴露充分,术者可以通过患者口内配合口外暴露的开放式术野利用手感将断开的髁突固定,对于辅助切口的要求不高甚至不需要辅助切口,该入路切口比较隐蔽故患者术后伤口遗留瘢痕较少适合于亚洲等瘢痕体质者。腮腺入路切口术式切口面积较小,可以避开知名动脉减少术中大出血(注意保护面横动脉),同时手术视野暴露充分,大大降低了手术风险,但术中易损伤面神经(在进入面神经颊支和下颌缘支之间较宽的间隙之前)以及术后可遗留较明显瘢痕,故适合欧美非瘢痕体质者。下颌下切口术式由于切口位置可以事先寻找面神经下颌缘支,将其分离出来并牵开保护,同时结扎面动脉和面静脉,但术中视野对术者提出了较高的要求,有时需要将切口向下颌支后延伸或辅助切口的添加对于术后美观要求也较高。2)三种切口术式只要术中髁突固定完成,对于术后的功能恢复没有明显差异,其差异主要体现在术中不同切口手术入路对于止血、面神经的保护,以及术后出现瘢痕的不同。  相似文献   

下关穴,属足阳明胃经的面部经穴,出自《灵枢·本输》,为足阳明、少阳之会(《针灸甲乙经》)。此穴有消肿止痛、益气聪耳、通关利窍之功,在临床中应用较广。穴名释义:“关”,即机关,为开阖之枢机;该穴正当下颌关节处,有关牙齿的开阖,故名之于“关”;因为其在颧骨弓下,并与上关穴相对,故名之于“下关”。另一说,下关者,因牙关分上下二处,上关即客主人,位于下关穴之上;下者,下片部也,牙关是开合之机关,属下,两“关”穴相对,故名下关。1取穴方法闭口取穴,下关穴位于耳屏前约1拇指横指,当颧弓下缘凹陷处,下颌骨髁状突的前方。此穴闭口有孔,张口即…  相似文献   

应用克氏针和钢丝内固定治疗犬骨折   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>1患犬情况2008年5月末,家住长春市东广场附近的某女士饲养的6月龄雄性萨摩犬被出租车撞伤,一周后送来治疗。接诊检查该犬左后肢站立时悬吊而爪尖不能着地,膝上部肌肉肿胀,触诊疼痛有骨摩擦音,X线拍片显示股骨远端2/3处呈35°角完全斜骨折并断骨两断端移位。遂犬主同意给该犬行骨折内固定手术。  相似文献   

鹿茸是雄性鹿的第二性征,也是哺乳动物器官中唯一能完全再生的。鹿茸是从着生于头部的被称为角柄的永久性骨桩上发生、再生和脱落的。鹿接近青春期时,雄激素逐渐升高并刺激角柄生长。如果在角柄发生前将公鹿去势,角柄将终生不能发生,但当给其施以足够的外源睾酮激素时,可以诱导它们重新生长。研究结果发现,角柄的发生除了与雄性激素有关外,还受到营养水平的调节,只有当鹿的体重达到一定阈值时,角柄才能发生。进一步研究结果发现,营养水平通过调控体内胰岛素样生长因子1(kinsulin-like growth factor l,IGF1)而调节角柄的发生。因此角柄发生不仅与雄性激素有关,也依赖于体内IGF1水平。由于鹿茸的完全再生取决于角柄,因此,对角柄发生机制的研究是对鹿茸再生研究的一个重要方面。作者针对IGF1和睾酮激素对鹿角柄发生所产生的影响进行综述,为研究角柄发生机制提供重要依据。  相似文献   

This study examined the three-dimensional (3D) microarchitecture of regions of the equine third metacarpal bone (McIII) commonly involved in distal condylar fractures. Limbs were obtained from Thoroughbred horses (neonates to age 24 years) destroyed for inoperable fractures and a variety of other conditions. Beams, blocks and sections were cut in the principal axes, some embedded in PMMA and others examined unembedded. Several methods were used to study the 3D structure, including conventional and confocal optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and radiography. The mineralised articular cartilage tends to cleave in the sagittal plane. Proximal to the subchondral bone, the main trabeculae are robust plates running in the sagittal direction with less significant mediolateral connections. Small blood vessel canals lie inside the sagittal plates. This structure gives maximum strength and protection in the sagittal plane in which the bone rotates, but offers minimal resistance to fracture propagation in this plane. The anatomical course of the common distal condylar fractures of the third metacarpal bones can be explained by underlying anisotropic structural features of the mineralised tissues.  相似文献   

Three cats and 1 dog with fracture of the mandibular condyloid process and concomitant fracture(s) of the rostral portion of the mandible were treated successfully by wire fixation of the rostral mandibular fracture(s) and by conservative management of the mandibular condylar fracture. All animals regained satisfactory dental occlusion and normal, pain-free motion of the jaw. Fracture of the mandibular condyloid process is an infrequently diagnosed injury that usually occurs with other mandibular fractures. If satisfactory dental occlusion can be achieved by surgical stabilization of the noncondylar fractures, surgical repair of the mandibular condyloid fracture may not be necessary.  相似文献   

A Palomino gelding presented for evaluation of a mandibular fracture and physical examination revealed swelling and excoriation of the skin over the ventral mandible. Upon further examination, malalignment of the incisors was appreciated in addition to instability and crepitance of both the rostral aspect and vertical ramus of the mandible. Radiographic examination revealed a comminuted fracture within the interdental space and fractures of both vertical ramii of the mandible. Under general anaesthesia via tracheotomy intubation, the fractures of the vertical ramii were reduced and compression plating techniques used along the caudal‐lateral border of both ramii for stabilisation. Intraoral tension band wires were used for repair of the interdental space fracture. A type II external skeletal fixator using Steinmann pins and polymethyl methacrylate connecting bars was applied to increase stability. The horse was maintained on broad spectrum antibiotics and phenylbutazone and discharged following 6 days of hospitalisation. Radiographs were taken 10 weeks after surgery and revealed evidence of adequate healing. On follow‐up 20 months later, the horse was reported to have no difficulties eating and was maintaining its bodyweight. This case is unique due to the severity of the mandibular fracture. The authors are unaware of any previous reports of such a severely comminuted mandibular fracture and its successful reconstruction employing multiple surgical techniques.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare drilling, tapping, and screw-insertion torque, force, and time for the 4.5-mm AO and 6.5-mm Acutrak Plus (AP) bone screws, and to compare the mechanical shear strength and stiffness of a simulated complete lateral condylar fracture of the equine third metacarpal bone (MC3) stabilized with either an AO or AP screw. STUDY DESIGN: In vitro biomechanical assessment of screw-insertion variables, and shear failure tests of a bone-screw-stabilized simulated lateral condylar fracture. SAMPLE POPULATION: Eight pairs of cadaveric equine MC3s METHODS: Metacarpi were placed in a fixture and centered on a biaxial load cell in a materials-testing system to measure torque, compressive force, and time for drilling, tapping, and screw insertion. Standardized simulated lateral condylar fractures were stabilized by either an AO or AP screw and tested in shear until failure. A paired t test was used to assess differences between screws, with significance set at P < .05. RESULTS: Insertion and mechanical shear testing variables were comparable for AO and AP insertion equipment and screws. CONCLUSION: The 6.5-mm tapered AP screw can be inserted in equine third metacarpal condyles and is mechanically comparable with the 4.5-mm AO screw for fixation of a simulated lateral condylar fracture. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Considering the comparable mechanical behavior, the potential for less-persistent soft-tissue irritation with the headless design, and the ability to achieve interfragmentary compression by inserting the screw in one hole drilled perpendicular to the fracture plane, the 6.5-mm tapered AP screw may be an attractive alternative for repair of incomplete lateral condylar fractures in horses.  相似文献   

This study aimed to divide the mandible into skeletal units based on three‐dimensional (3D) muscular anatomy with microcomputed tomography (micro‐CT) of Sprague–Dawley rat. Five normal rats were micro‐CT scanned at 12 weeks of age before and after contrast enhancements for the masticatory muscles. Three‐dimensional reconstruction of the mandible was performed from the initial micro‐CT images, followed by segmentation of the masticatory muscles using the second enhanced micro‐CT data. Bone and muscle models were superimposed based on the teeth and bony structures to evaluate muscular orientation and attachment. The mandible was divided into skeletal units using the bony structures and muscle attachments. The mandibular foramen and mental foramen were adopted as the reference points based on their anatomical and developmental significance. The skeletal units consisted of the condylar, coronoid, angular, body and symphyseal units. Further evaluation of these units in relation to development, growth, and other biology and medicine will be helpful in elucidating their biological identities.  相似文献   

The current study identified 124 lateral condylar fractures of the distal metacarpus or metatarsus over a 6-year period. Thirty of 124 lateral condylar fractures were classified as displaced. Eight of 30 displaced lateral condylar fractures and 1/86 incomplete lateral condylar fractures had concurrent sagittal axial fracture of the lateral proximal sesamoid bone. A 20-degree DMPLO view is the most sensitive radiographic projection to identify sagittal axial fracture of the lateral proximal sesamoid bone. A flexed 20-degree DMPLO projection demonstrates displacement of complete sagittal axial sesamoid fractures. Radiographic identification of axial sesamoid fracture is critical to provide the most accurate prognosis for return to racing. Arthroscopic assessment of the axial sesamoid fracture and cartilage injury on the lateral proximal sesamoid bone, as well as post-operative progression, are described in four surgical cases.  相似文献   

This study examined 3-dimensional (3D) distribution of sectors with contrasting density in the equine third metacarpal (McIII) and third metatarsal (MtIII) bones with a view to explaining the aetiology of distal condylar fractures. Macroradiography and computed tomographic (CT) imaging were used in the nondestructive study of bones obtained from horses, most of which were Thoroughbreds in race training. Distal condylar regions of McIII and MtIII were also studied in microradiographs of 100 microm thick mediolateral sections cut perpendicular to the dorsal and palmar/plantar articular surfaces. Qualitative and quantitative results from all methods used (radiography, CT and microradiographic stereology) demonstrated a densification (sclerosis) of subchondral bone located in the palmar/plantar regions of the medial and lateral condyles of both McIII and MtIII. Substantial density gradients between the denser condyles and the subchondral bone of the sagittal groove were shown to equate with anatomical differences in loading intensity during locomotion. It is hypothesised that such differences in bone density results in stress concentration at the palmar/plantar aspect of the condylar grooves, which may predispose to fracture.  相似文献   

The technique for stabilizing the mandible using the bi-phase external splint is described. Considerations for the use of external skeletal fixation on the mandible are reviewed. Two severe mandibular fracture cases and 1 case of unilateral mandibular body excision for the treatment of oral neoplasia are presented. Excellent results have been obtained by using the bi-phase splint in dogs of moderate to large size.  相似文献   

Objective— To report treatment of a complex odontoma of the mandible by partial mandibulectomy and immediate surgical reconstruction using bridging plate fixation with a synthetic graft.
Study Design— Clinical case report.
Animals— A 4-year-old male castrated cocker spaniel.
Methods— Immediate reconstruction of the left mandible (5 cm gap) was performed after complete excision of a complex odontoma. Locking plate fixation was applied immediately before complete excision of the mass. Fixation was removed, then after partial mandibulectomy, including all abnormal tissue, restored to achieve occlusion. The resulting mandibular defect was filled with recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) delivered in an absorbable collagen sponge containing hydroxyapatite/tricalcium phosphate granules (compression resistant matrix [CRM]).
Results— New bone growth was evident radiographically and on palpation at 3 months. Bony remodeling was evident during follow-up examinations up to 26 months. Bone collected by biopsy at the graft site at 7 months had robust new bone formation and evidence of continued remodeling. Only minor complications (repeated intraoral plate exposure) were encountered postoperatively and were easily resolved.
Conclusions— An osteoinductive factor (rhBMP-2/CRM) was successfully used as a graft substitute in immediate reconstruction of a large mandibular defect.
Clinical Relevance— Immediate reconstruction of large mandibular defects with osteoinductive materials as a graft substitute may be a viable alternative to partial mandibular resection or radiation therapy for benign odontogenic tumors in dogs.  相似文献   


AIM: To show that changes are present at the site of origin of metacarpal condylar fracture in young Thoroughbred horses before they enter race training.

METHOD: Bone slices, 2 mm thick, in three mediolateral planes through the centre of rotation of the metacarpo-phalangeal joint (MCPJ) of both distal third metacarpal bones (Mc3) of 12 Thoroughbred horses aged 17 months, were imaged using point-projection digital X-ray imaging (µXR).

RESULTS: In some horses, linear or ovoid radiolucency was found in articular calcified cartilage (ACC) and subchondral bone of the palmaro-distal aspect of the sagittal groove, exactly at the site of more advanced stages of condylar fatigue fracture. An incidental finding was ovoid radiolucency in the apex of the dorso-distal aspect of the sagittal ridge, with or without fragmentation or disturbance of the subchondral mineralised tissue line, resembling equine osteochondrosis.

CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The findings imply that the aetiology of condylar fatigue fracture in young Thoroughbred horses includes abnormality in development of the bone and joint that is present before athletic activity occurs.  相似文献   

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