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野狍的人工养殖技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
野狍俗称狍子 ,学名矮鹿 ,属双蹄目鹿科动物 ,现为国家野生保护。因其肉质纯瘦、味道鲜美、营养丰富 ,成为高级宾馆野味佳肴 ,同时也是高效创汇产品。野狍反应敏捷 ,行动迅速 ,性情活泼 ,胆小易惊 ,喜欢群居。其体形匀称 ,体质健壮 ,适应性和抗病力极强 ,且易驯化、好管理 ,食物来源广泛 ,各种阔叶树叶、野生杂草、农作物秸秆、水果皮、蔬菜等都是野狍喜食的饲料。养殖野狍周期短 ,饲养成本低 ,经济效益高。仔狍出生约 40 0d即可长为成年狍 ,体重可达40kg ,亦进入性成熟期。野狍 1年繁殖 1胎 ,单胎产 2~ 3仔 ,种狍繁殖使用年限约 1 0年…  相似文献   

性别不同导致肠道微生物组成和多样性存在差异,肠道微生物影响宿主的营养和免疫功能.貉是一种重要的经济动物,但是不同性别貉的肠道微生物的差异尚未见报道.通过比较冬毛期雌貉与雄貉肠道微生物的差异,探究性别对冬毛期貉肠道微生物的影响.试验于2月份,在同一饲养场采集了 24只(雌雄各半)日 粮及年龄相同、健康的冬毛期黑貉的新鲜粪...  相似文献   

狍是具有重要经济价值和科学研究价值的陆生野生动物。文中主要介绍了狍的生物学特性、养殖现状、研究现状及存在的问题,并对狍产业的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

应用PCR-DGGE分析南美白对虾肠道微生物多样性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从南美白对虾肠道中提取微生物基因组总DNA,以细菌16SrRNA基因通用引物341F/534R进行V3高变异区域PCR扩增,长约200bp的PCR产物纯化后经变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)分离,获得微生物群落的特征DNA指纹图谱。通过DGGE图谱的半定量分析,发现样品的优势群落明显。结果表明,PCR-DGGE是研究水产动物肠道微生物多样性的可行方法。  相似文献   

在脊椎动物的肠道内,存在着数量庞大、结构多样、动态变化的微生物群,它们对肠道的生理、代谢、免疫等具有重要的作用。在自然条件下,这些微生物和真核生物(如蠕虫、原生动物、真菌等)共同存在于脊椎动物肠道内。寄生虫与微生物群均可显著改变机体肠道生理与免疫环境,为它们之间的相互作用创造了机会。肠道微生物与寄生虫之间的相互作用会极大地影响感染的结果,进而对宿主的健康产生重要影响。如寄生虫感染会影响宿主与微生物的相互作用关系,从而促使或保护宿主免受细菌的侵害。另一方面,菌群又会影响寄生虫的定植、繁殖和毒性,使其沿着与宿主寄生性-互惠共生性的生存模式发展。这些相互作用的机理与结果是微生物学与寄生虫学之间交叉研究的前沿课题。笔者对近年来有关肠道寄生虫与肠道微生物间相互作用的最新研究成果进行了总结,并对其可能未考虑到的因素提出了自己的观点,旨在为肠道寄生虫病防控及肠道菌群研究提供参考。  相似文献   

曹东  辛金鸽  曾燕  倪学勤 《黑龙江畜牧兽医》2022,(23):115-120+137-138
为了研究性别对巴马小型猪粪便微生物组成及丰度的影响,试验以10头雄性和10头雌性试验用巴马小型猪作为试验对象,收集新鲜粪便,采用16S rRNA测序技术和生物信息学分析方法,分析微生物多样性、组成并对预测的代谢通路进行了差异分析。结果表明:雄性巴马小型猪和雌性巴马小型猪之间微生物的Alpha多样性无显著差异(P>0.05)。在门水平上雄性和雌性巴马小型猪的核心菌群均为厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)和拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes);在属水平上雄性的核心菌群为志贺氏杆菌属(Shigella,5.81%)、颤螺菌属(Oscillospira,4.62%)、密螺旋体属(Treponema,4.14%)、梭菌属(Clostridiaceae_Clostridium,2.73%)及拟杆菌属(Bacteroides,2.58%),雌性为颤螺菌属(5.23%)、密螺旋体属(4.94%)、链球菌属(Streptococcus,3.74%)、SMB53(2.35%)及梭菌属(2.12%)。在门水平上,雌性疣微菌门(Verrucomicrobia)的丰度显著高于雄性(P<0.05);在...  相似文献   

为研究不同生长发育阶段猪肠道微生物菌群结构与特征的差异,本研究将50头28日龄体重8 kg左右的杜×长×大断奶仔猪随机分为5栏,分别在第60、90、120、150、180日龄饲喂前,从每栏随机挑选5头猪,每头采取100 g左右的新鲜粪样,采用16S rRNA高通量测序技术对微生物多样性进行研究。结果显示:通过菌群分类学分析发现,不同时期猪肠道微生物分布于22个门、42个纲、74个目、119个科、321个属和579个种,厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroides)、螺旋体门(Spirochaetae)为主要优势菌门,不同时期的特异菌群显著差异;对丰度值前30的肠道菌群与血液免疫抗体浓度进行相关性关联分析发现,IL-2浓度与12个菌群存在显著相关性,IL-6浓度与14个菌群存在显著相关性,IgG浓度与12个菌群存在显著相关性,IgM浓度与11个菌群存在显著相关性,IgA浓度与26个菌群存在显著相关性。综上表明,猪肠道微生物菌群结构与组成在不同生长发育阶段均存在显著差异,对猪免疫性能具有重要作用。  相似文献   

黑龙江凉水国家级自然保护区西伯利亚狍的冬季食性   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
2011年11月~2012年1月,在黑龙江凉水国家级自然保护区,采用粪便显微组织学分析方法研究了西伯利亚狍的冬季食性,结果表明:西伯利亚狍冬季采食的植物类别共有17科25种,主要食物为粗茎鳞毛蕨、白桦、毛榛子、山杨和刺五加,可辨认的每种植物相对密度(RD)分别为36.01%、12.10%、7.24%、6.22%、6.07%,共占食物组成比例的65.29%。取食植物类别中,乔木植物所占比例最高,为47.76%,灌木次之,为14.94%,草本最少,为37.30%。计算出的Shannon-Wiener指数H'值为-3.25;均匀度指数J'值为-1.01;生态位宽度B值为7.12。  相似文献   

家禽肠道微生物区系是一个复杂且庞大的系统。肠道微生物通过促进宿主肠道发育、提高养分利用率和增强宿主免疫力等,在维持动物机体健康和提高生产性能方面发挥至关重要的作用。深入了解家禽肠道微生物定植的规律及其影响因素,将为制定更加合理的营养水平、调控菌群结构、提高生产效益奠定理论基础。为全面揭示肠道微生物的组成与功能,文章从肠道微生态平衡体系的建立、不同肠段微生物的空间分布、肠道微生物生理和营养物质代谢功能三个方面进行综述,总结了家禽肠道微生物的研究现状,对今后的研究思路和发展进行展望,以期为家禽规模化养殖中饲粮配方设计、改善肠道健康和提高生产性能等提供理论依据。  相似文献   

利用高通量测序方法对养殖黑斑蛙(Rana nigromaculata Howell)前肠、中肠和后肠微生物结构和功能进行分析。结果表明:黑斑蛙肠道核心菌群为拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)、变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)。拟杆菌属(Bacteroides)、不动杆菌属(Acinetobacter)、支原菌属(Mycoplasma)和叶杆菌属(Phyllobacterium)是优势菌属。肠道中存在不动杆菌属(Acinetobacter)、气单胞菌属(Aermonas)、黄杆菌属(Flavobacterium)等潜在致病菌和芽胞杆菌(Bacillus)、乳酸杆菌(Lactobacillus)等潜在益生菌。比较发现,前肠和中肠微生物丰度和多样性均显著高于后肠,且在门和属水平菌群结构差异明显;前肠和中肠微生物功能相似,与脂代谢、氨基酸代谢、外源物质降解和代谢等代谢关联微生物丰度较高,而后肠中与碳水化合物代谢、多糖合成和代谢、辅因子和维他命代谢等关联微生物丰度较高,并且后肠中与信号转导、环境适应、免疫、膜转运、基因信息处理等关联微生物丰度高于前肠和中肠。  相似文献   

应用Sry-PCR扩增鉴定狍(Capreolus capreolus)的性别   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据人的SRY基因核心序列设计合成1对引物C1、C2,应用PCR技术对野生狍(Capreolus capreolus)Sry基因(哺乳动物Y染色体DNA雄性特异区)进行扩增.结果在野生狍雄性样本扩增出1条带(221bp).而在雌性样本未见扩增带.显示了Sry基因的性别特异性。应用这1对引物对42个未知性别狍肌肉组织样本进行了性别鉴定.结果雄性22个,雌性20个。对Sry-PCR产物克隆测序,得到185bp的Sry基因部分核苷酸序列。本试验为狍种群性别比率及其种群动态变化机制研究提供了资料。  相似文献   

In 34 out of 60 aortas from roe deer, aged from 6 months to more than 8 years, aortic lesions were found. The frequency of affected regions involved were, in the posterior abdominal portion 53.3 %, in the aortic arch 18.3 %, in the anterior abdominal portion 16.7 %, in the posterior thoracic portion 8.33 % and in the anterior thoracic portion 3.3 %. Of the observed lesions, fatty streaks were seen in 3, fatty streaks and fibrous plaques in 3, fatty streaks with complicated lesions (calcification and acid mucopolysaccharides) in 14 and fibrous plaques with complicated lesions in 14 of the aortas. Elastic tissue degeneration of the inner two thirds of the tunica media was principally found in the aorta of the animals beyond 4 years of age. The lesions significantly (P < 0.001) increased in number and severity with age and appeared to be more progressive in pregnant animals. There was, however, no significant difference between affected male and female animals in the different age groups.  相似文献   

本文分析了狍肉的营养价值,为狍肉的深入研究提供基础。试验中共有4组样品,每组均分别于背部、腹部、前腿部和后腿部4个部位进行取样。主要以干燥法、灼烧法、索氏提取法、气相色谱法等试验方法对狍肉的营养成分、氨基酸含量以及脂肪酸含量进行了测定。结果表明,狍肉的水分含量为73. 02%—81. 26%,脂肪含量为1. 66%—2. 87%,蛋白质含量为20. 49%—23. 95%。狍肉中有16种氨基酸,其中含有赖氨酸、缬氨酸、异亮氨酸等多种必需氨基酸,必需氨基酸含量占总氨基酸含量的45. 56%。样品狍肉中含有10种脂肪酸,ω-6系与ω-3系脂肪酸的比值为12. 87∶1. 00。  相似文献   

狍Sry基因PCR扩增的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
为研究狍性别决定机制,采用聚合酶链式反应(PCR)技术对野生狍(Capreoluscapreolus)(n♀=2,n♂=2)Sry基因(哺乳动物Y染色体DNA雄性特异区)进行扩增。根据人的SRY基因核心序列设计合成了1对引物1,2。结果在野生狍雄性个体中扩增出1条带,大小约为220bp,而在雌性个体中未见扩增带,表明了Sry基因的性别特异性,为探讨野生狍的性别决定机制提供了分子资料。  相似文献   

Anaplasma spp. (Rickettsiales: Anaplasmataceae) are tick-borne pathogens of veterinary and human importance. The wildlife hosts for these pathogens are not well characterized and may play an important role in the epidemiology of the disease. The objective of this research was to study the infection with A. marginale, A. ovis and A. phagocytophilum in free-ranging European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) from Cádiz, Andalucía, Spain. Of 17 roe deer tested, 14 (82%) and 5 (29%) had antibodies reactive to Anaplasma spp. and A. phagocytophilum by competitive ELISA and indirect immunofluorescent antibody testing, respectively. Polymerase chain reaction and sequence analysis of Anaplasma major surface protein 4 (msp4) gene was conducted on blood samples from all roe deer examined. Nine (53%) animals had evidence of infection with A. ovis and 3 (18%) were positive for A. phagocytophilum. Concurrent infections were not detected. Despite the presence of A. marginale infections in cattle in the study site (36% msp4 PCR-positive animals), none of the msp4 amplicons from roe deer corresponded to A. marginale sequences. A. ovis msp4 sequences were identical to a genotype previously identified in sheep in Sicily, Italy. Two different A. phagocytophilum genotypes were identified in infected roe deer. This is the first report of roe deer naturally infected with A. ovis. These results demonstrate that roe deer are infected with A. ovis and A. phagocytophilum in Spain and suggest that this species may be involved in the natural cycle of these pathogens in this region, thus acting as potential reservoir for transmission to domestic and wild animals.  相似文献   

A disease in wild living roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) caused by acid-fast bacteria is described.The morphological and cultural properties of these bacteria agree closely with corresponding properties of Mycobact. johnei.Enlarged lymph nodes, especially mesenteric lymph nodes with greyish-yellow necroses, were the most prominent macroscopic lesions. No intestinal lesions were present.The histopathological picture of the lymph nodes resembled mostly lesions which can occur in paratuberculous sheep and goats. The epithelioid cells contained masses of acid-fast bacteria. Such rods were also demonstrated in the intestinal villi.The acid-fast bacteria could be isolated from the mesenteric lymph nodes, spleens, bone marrow, mammary gland and also from the lymph nodes of other organs.The organism did not produce tuberculosis in guinea pigs. Intravenous injections into hens and rabbits resulted in miliary nodules resembling those of tuberculosis in the livers and spleens of the hens, and in joint and tendon sheath lesions in the rabbits. Microscopically the lesions mostly resembled those in paratuberculosis.One of the strains which was inoculated intravenously into two calves caused no lesions. The results of the allergy tests and serological blood tests in one animal indicate that infection with Mycobact. johnei cannot be excluded.A goat which was inoculated in the same manner and with the same strain as the calves died after six weeks. Miliary epithelioid cell granulomas in the liver, spleen, kidneys, bone marrow of long bones and in the submucosa of the ileum, as well as patchy infiltration of epithelioid cells in, among others, the mesenteric lymph nodes were observed on microscopic examinations.By intravenous infection the disease could be reproduced in a roe deer (fawn) (Gapreolus capreolus L.). The animal died nine weeks after the infection, and during the last two days before death it had a profuse diarrhoea. Masses of short acid-fast bacteria in clumps were present in the faeces. Nor in the experimental animal did macroscopic intestinal lesions occur. Enlarged villi infiltrated with epithelioid cells containing acid-fast bacteria were demonstrated by histological examination.The acid-fast bacteria could be recovered, but only on the Taylor/ Finlayson medium, from all experimental animals except the guinea pigs. Concerning the experimental calves, acid-fast bacteria were recovered from only one of them and then nearly three years after the infection.The acid-fast bacteria did not reduce nitrate. They showed positive neutral red reactions and were sensitive to isoniazid in a concentration of 2.5 µg per ml medium after three weeks’ incubation.The possibility that the isolated acid-fast bacteria and the lesions caused by them might be avian tubercle bacilli and avian tuberculosis has been discussed by the author. He does not, however, find any relevant reason for such an assumption. The author considers that the bacteria and the lesions exhibit the greatest similarity to Mycobact. johnei and paratuberculosis (Johne’s disease).On account of the organism’s pathogenicity for hens and rabbits, and necroses in the course of the disease, the author suggests that these bacteria possibly constitute a variety of the classic bovine Mycobact. johnei, different from the pigmented and the Icelandic varieties.  相似文献   

秦瑜  张明海 《野生动物》2009,30(2):100-104
马鹿在世界上主要分布于欧洲南部和中部、北美洲、非洲北部、亚洲的俄罗斯东部、蒙古、朝鲜和喜马拉雅山地区,在中国马鹿有8个亚种,主要分布在东北、华北、西北及西南等地。本文根据文献资料系统地总结了中国马鹿的研究现状,展望了马鹿需要研究的问题,为中国马鹿的保护及科研活动开展提供依据。  相似文献   

Demodex mites are part of the normal fauna of hair follicles of many, if not all, healthy mammal species. Normally these parasites live in harmony with their host, however in states of putative immunosuppression the acarids undergo excessive proliferation and cause clinical disease, which may be localised or generalised. This paper describes four cases of demodicosis in roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) with localised to generalised alopecia.  相似文献   

马肠道微生物群对其营养消化及维持机体健康具有重要作用,肠道不同部位的微生物具有不同功能,易受到各种因素的影响。马肠道正常微生物群结构遭到破坏,可导致肠道微生物失衡和机体功能紊乱,进而引起多种疾病。介绍了马肠道不同部位的微生物群结构组成特征,阐述了影响马肠道微生物群变化的各类因素,以期为改善马肠道营养健康、开发马健康监测和疾病预防工具提供科学依据,也为马肠道微生物研究提供新的视角。  相似文献   

人为干扰会对野生动物种间关系、个体适合度、群落结构和繁殖成功率等产生中长期的影响。因此,研究野生动物反干扰行为对于我们认识该物种对其生境的行为适应和进化机制具有重要意义。2017年11—12月在内蒙古贺兰山国家级自然保护区内通过建立多元逻辑斯蒂回归模型研究了岩羊(Pseudois nayaur)、马鹿(Cervus elaphus)的反干扰策略,本研究共设置33条样线,记录了10种在人为干扰下可能会影响岩羊、马鹿反应行为的变量,经模型分析发现影响岩羊反应行为的变量有5种,影响马鹿反应行为的变量有4种,共同影响因子分别是干扰源、性别、头的朝向和地形特征,而植被类型则只对岩羊产生影响。最后根据逻辑模型得出的数据计算发生比,从而了解各个分类变量与反应行为的关系。  相似文献   

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