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Germinated brown rice (GBR) has been suggested as an alternative approach to mitigate highly prevalent diseases providing nutrients and biologically active compounds. In this study, the content of γ-oryzanol, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), total phenolic compounds (TPC) and antioxidant activity of soaked (for 24 h at 28 °C) and GBR (for 48 and 96 h at 28 °C and 34 °C) were determined and the effect of sun-drying as an economically affordable process was assessed. Germination improved the content of GABA, TPC and antioxidant activity in a time-dependent manner. Sun-drying increased γ-oryzanol, TPC and antioxidant activity, whereas GABA content fluctuated depending on the previous germination conditions. This study indicates that sun-drying is an effective sustainable process promoting the accumulation of bioactive compounds in GBR. Sun-dried GBR can be consumed as ready-to-eat food after rehydration or included in bakery products to fight non-communicable diseases.  相似文献   

Cereals are recognised as an important food source of folate, and germinated cereals are reported to contain even more folate. This study examined the effects of germination and oven-drying on folate content in different wheat and rye cultivars. The native folate content in four wheat cultivars ranged from 23 to 33 μg/100 g dry matter (DM) and that in six rye cultivars from 31 to 39 μg/100 g DM. Mean folate content in rye was 25% higher than in wheat. Germination of both cereals resulted in a 4- to 6-fold increase in folate content, depending on cultivar and duration of germination. The highest folate content in both cereals was found after 96 h of germination and was 181 μg/100 g DM for cv. Kaskelott (rye) and 155 μg/100 g DM for cv. Kosack (wheat). Germination increased the amount of 5-CH3–H4folate in both cereals from 45 to 75%. Oven-drying of germinated wheat grains (for 48 and 72 h) at 50 °C did not affect the folate content. In conclusion, germination increases the folate content in wheat and rye cultivars, while subsequent oven-drying does not affect the folate content. Germination can therefore be recommended for producing bakery ingredients with increased folate content.  相似文献   

The use of whole grain rye products, beneficial to one's health, could be substantially extended if the typical intensively bitter flavour of rye could be modified without losing the characteristic rye-like flavour. The aim of the study was to evaluate the contribution of non-volatile phenolic compounds on the perceived flavour. Rye grain was milled into five milling fractions. The levels of phenolic compounds, i.e. the phenolic acids, alkylresorcinols and lignans, of the fractions were analysed and related statistically to sensory flavour profiles by partial least-squares (PLS) regression. The non-bound (free) phenolic acids are suggested to be most flavour-active. Cereal and intense flavour and aftertaste were related to vanillic and veratric acids, alkylresorcinol C23:0, and other lignans except for pinoresinol. The perceived bitterness of the bran fractions was suggested to result from pinoresinol and syringic acid. Sinapic and ferulic acids, alkylresorcinols, except for alkylresorcinol C23:0, and syringaresinol seemed to cause the germ-like flavour. Phenolic acids, alkylresorcinols and lignans distributed with a similar pattern in the rye grain as the flavour attributes: the phenolic compounds were clearly located in the outer bran fractions being intense in flavour, but not in the mild-tasting inner layers of the grain.  相似文献   

Naked barley products used in bread making gain popularity as a source of both soluble and insoluble fractions of dietary fibre, especially β-glucans. The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of different naked barley flour share in rye bread formulations and dough preparation methods (Single-phase and Detmold sourdough) on non-starch polysaccharides content and solubility and antioxidant properties of products at different processing stage. Naked barley incorporation to rye contributed to the increase in dietary fibre content with higher soluble fraction share, highly enriched products in β-glucan and increased antioxidant activity of products. It also contains high amounts of arabinoxylans, but less soluble than those from rye. A Single Phase method of rye bread production resulted in higher β-glucan concentration in products and their antioxidant activity, compared to Detmold method products. The nutritional quality of bread is highly influenced by the process parameters.  相似文献   

The effects of germination time and temperature on the quality of rye malt and worts derived thereof were investigated using Response Surface Methodology. Amylolytic and proteolytic enzyme activities were increased by long germination periods, while β-glucanase activity was not influenced. Total and Soluble Nitrogen content were also not significantly affected by the variations in germination conditions. Free Amino Nitrogen (FAN) was found in higher amounts in worts prepared from rye malts with long germination times. Extract contents were higher in rye malt than in the control barley malt and could be increased by a favourable germination regime, while no such impact on wort fermentability was found. High wort viscosities could be significantly reduced by a long germination period at low temperatures, but were still unacceptably high. The same conditions favoured the development of endoxylanase activity. Arabinoxylan (AX) accumulated during the germination process and their extractability increased. The results suggest that longer germination periods resulted in an increased number of AX molecules with lower molecular mass. Optimal rye malt qualities within the limits of this study were found for a germination time of 144 h at 10 °C, which resulted in an acceptable FAN content and the lowest measured viscosity.  相似文献   

Localization of alkylresorcinols in wheat,rye and barley kernels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cereal alkylresorcinols (AR), a group of phenolic lipids mainly found in the outer parts of wheat and rye kernels, are currently being studied for the possibility to use them as biomarkers for the intake of whole grain wheat and rye foods. In this work, AR were localised in grains by using light microscopy and gas chromatographic analysis of hand-dissected botanical and pearling fractions. GC-analysis of hand-dissected fractions showed that more than 99% of the total AR content was located in an intermediate layer of the caryopsis, including the hyaline layer, testa and inner pericarp. Microscopic examination showed that the outer cuticle of testa/inner cuticle of pericarp was the exact location, and that no AR were found in the endosperm or in the germ, suggesting that AR could be used as a selective marker of testa.  相似文献   

The aim was to evaluate the effect of sourdough and dietary fiber addition, as well as partially baked frozen (PBF) technology, on biological value of proteins, lipid profile, and some minerals content in selected tissues of rats.In all breads, the limited amino acid was lysine. Proteins of PBF conventional and PBF breads with an addition of dietary fiber (PBF DF breads) had significantly higher Chemical score and Essential amino acid index in comparison to proteins of Direct bread (P < 0.05). Protein digestibility corrected amino acids score was significantly lower in Direct DF and PBF improved breads (P < 0.05).Addition of fiber to Direct and PBF bread decreased significantly total digestibility of protein compared to all groups (P < 0.05).Concentration of calcium was significantly lower in liver of rats fed with Direct sourdough and PBF improved breads in comparison to rodents fed with Direct bread. The concentration of iron was significantly higher in liver of animals fed with Direct bread. The highest level of calcium in femoral bones of rats was shown in groups fed with PBF conventional bread. The lowest level of iron was measured in femoral bone of rats fed with PBF sourdough bread in comparison to the rest of the experimental groups.  相似文献   

The pH, soluble nitrogen, soluble solids and titratable acidity increased during a 6 day fermentation of fluted pumpkin seeds. Gas liquid chromatographic analysis of trimethylsilyl (TMS) dirivatives of carbohydrates extracted from the seeds showed that the unfermented seeds contained mostly sucrose with a low content of flatus-oligosaccharides, raffinose and stachyose. There were also high contents of fructose and galactose. Fermentation increased the total monosaccharides with high content of glucose and some unidentified monosaccharides. Fermentation decreased the total oligosaccharide, eliminated raffinose and stachyose and increased the content of maltose. Except for a slight decrease in total saturated and increase in total unsaturated fatty acids, fermentation had no effect on fatty acid composition.  相似文献   

Soybean seed of the Mazovia variety (Glycine max) were germinated in the dark at a constant temperature of 25°C up to 168 h (24 h × 7). Changes in content of low molecular weight antioxidants (LMWA) in the course of germination were studied. The analyzed compounds were: total phenolics, soluble proteins, tocopherols (-T, -T, -T, -T), reduced and oxidized glutathione, L-ascorbic acid and L-dehydroascorbic acid. The changes in total antioxidant status (TAS) and the peroxyl radical-trapping capacity (PRTC) of the processed seeds were measured and compared to those of the raw seeds. On the basis of data obtained, the contribution of LMWA to the TAS of raw and germinated soybean seeds was calculated. The results showed a very high molar percentage contribution of phenolic compounds (49.7%) in opposition to glutathione (7.0%), tocopherols (4.0%) and soluble protein (5.7%) to the total TAS of raw soybean seeds. The germination process led to the increased contribution of phenolic compounds (67.7%), soluble proteins (9.3%) and ascorbic acid (4.4%) to the total TAS of germinated seeds and as a result, a decrease in the antioxidant gap was observed compared to the total TAS of raw soybean seeds. This study showed that the contribution of experimentally obtained total PRTC to the total TAS of raw and germinated soybean seeds after seven days ofthe process was 48% and 25.2%, respectively. The PRTC results were comparable to those obtained in TAS only when calculation was done by multiple mean values for content of investigated compounds and their relative potency with respect to Trolox. The PRTC values obtained in this manner were higher than those obtained experimentally indicating that high molecular weight antioxidants as well as are able to quench peroxyl radicals as well as low molecular weight antioxidants. Therefore, calculation of PRTC is a more accurate method that eliminates the puzzling question of unidentified antioxidants shown as the antioxidant gap in the TAS assay.  相似文献   

Rye crisp doughs and breads were made from three rye flours with different falling numbers (i.e. different enzyme activity), with or without oat bran rich in β-glucan (OBG) added, and with different fermentation times. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of endogenous enzymes in the flour on molecular weight and content of water-extractable β-glucan in the doughs and breads. The molecular weight distribution of β-glucan was unimodal for the flours, with a calcofluor average molecular weight of about 90×104 g/mol for the rye flours, and 150×104 g/mol for rye flours with added OBG. The molecular weight decreased with increasing fermentation time for all doughs, but was almost unchanged during oven-baking. The calcofluor average molecular weight was highest in doughs and breads made of flour with highest falling number (i.e. lowest enzyme activity), indicating that the endogenous enzymes in the flour were responsible for the breakdown of β-glucan. During fermentation, water-extractable β-glucan was released from the insoluble matrix, probably by the endogenous enzymes in the flour. When the molecular weight of the water-extractable β-glucan decreased, they probably associated with each other or with other components in the dough to form unextractable complexes. The content of water-extractable β-glucan did not change during oven-baking.  相似文献   

甘蓝型油菜耐湿种质资源的快速筛选   总被引:1,自引:7,他引:1  
将不同来源甘蓝型油菜种质资源种子发芽60h,取露白种子进行密闭水淹缺氧处理12h后转入砂床继续 发芽,未作缺氧处理的露白种子作为对照, 6d后测定发芽相关性状,根据发芽性状差异评价油菜耐湿性。结果表 明,与对照相比,缺氧处理对油菜幼苗生长具有显著的抑制作用:平均相对根长为24. 7% ,平均相对茎长和鲜重分 别为59. 7%、69. 1% ,平均相对成苗率为79. 4% ,平均相对活力指数(RV I)为0. 49。相关分析表明, RV I、电导率、相 对成苗率、相对根长、相对茎长、相对鲜重等各发芽相关性状均相互呈极显著相关,其中相对活力指数可以全面评 估甘蓝型油菜在缺氧胁迫后的恢复生长能力,而电导率可以作为耐湿材料高通量早期筛选的指标。不同材料RV I 呈正态分布,变幅为0. 04~0. 92,表明甘蓝型油菜种质资源耐湿性存在十分丰富的遗传差异,其中03P79 - 1、03P62 - 5、中双8号等品系(种)具有较强的耐湿性,可以作为耐湿性资源加以利用。  相似文献   

The 75K γ-secalins encoded by genes present at the locus Sec2 on chromosome 2R are unique to rye and contribute about half of all rye storage proteins. However, there is a lack of sequence information for paralogous genes in this locus. For this study, 59 γ-secalin paralogous sequences in the Sec2 locus were characterized from a cultivated rye and derived lines after crossing with bread wheat. They had similar structures with conserved sequences in their repetitive regions for the signal peptide, N-terminal, C-terminal and the repeat motif. Their high homology indicated that they originated from an ancestor sequence that existed before the speciation of the genus Secale. Duplication and divergence might have led to the formation of the paralogous genes at Sec2. Besides point mutations, these paralogs showed variations in DNA length due to insertion or deletion events in their repetitive regions. They encoded secalins with deduced molecular weight ranges between 22.2 and 54.5 kDa. These insertion or deletions may be caused by illegitimate recombination and this locus seemed to contribute to increased levels of protein content. However, the incorporation of locus Sec2 may have a negative effect on flour processing quality since it reduced the SDS-sedimentation value.  相似文献   

This paper reports the effects of flour extraction rate on antioxidant activity, early, fluorescent and coloured Maillard reaction products in rye flour, crumb, crust and bread. Extent of the reaction was determined by analyses of furosine, fluorescence compounds and browning while antioxidant properties were measured by Folin reaction, Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity (TEAC) and Oxygen Radical Antioxidant Capacity (ORACFL) assays. Antioxidants present in rye flours and breads scavenged peroxyl and ABTS radicals and reduced Folin-Ciocalteu reagent. Data indicated that baking favoured the formation of antioxidant compounds. In controversy, milling to obtain white rye flour negatively affected bread quality.  相似文献   

Screening strategies based on the ecological knowledge of antibiotic producing microorganisms and their roles in the natural environment are being increasingly employed in the search for novel antibiotic agents. Micromonosporae are common inhabitants of aquatic habitats and have proved to be a continuing source of novel bioactive compounds including antibacterial and antitumor agents. The ecological distribution and frequency of bioactive micromonosporae in Sunshine Coast region aquatic habitats were studied through a range of selective isolation procedures designed to negatively select against the isolation of unwanted microbial taxa commonly associated with marine environments. It was revealed that bioactive compound producing species of micromonosporae were present in the aquatic habitats of the Sunshine Coast region in Australia.  相似文献   

Paddy processing can affect glycemic index (GI) and bioactive compounds of rice. Therefore, the effects of processing conditions such as germination, parboiling and polishing on total polyphenols, ferulic acid and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) contents of seven landrace varieties from Thailand were investigated. Subsequently, the best rice variety was chosen to evaluate GI in pre-diabetic subjects. Four different rice forms used were brown rice (BR), parboiled brown rice (PBR), germinated parboiled brown rice (GPBR) and polished rice (PR). Results showed that polishing process strongly reduced all bioactive compounds. In contrast, parboiling the grains slightly increased polyphenol, and germination followed by parboiling significantly increased polyphenol content. Ferulic acid content was found to be similar among BR, PBR and GPBR and the highest GABA content was found in GPBR. Furthermore, Leuang Awn variety exhibited the highest polyphenol (126.70 ± 1.08 mg GAE/100 g), ferulic acid (17.77 ± 0.16 mg/100 g) and GABA content (78.57 ± 1.00 mg/100 g) and was selected for GI study. PBR and GPBR had medium GI values (55.10 ± 5.37 and 60.58 ± 6.48) and PR showed high GI value (83.10 ± 5.10). In conclusion, parboiling and germination had less effects on the bioactive compounds of whole grain rice and produced low-medium GI, which could be beneficial for health promotion.  相似文献   

Studies of a spectrum of metabolites found in cereals are becoming one of the primary tools for evaluating their susceptibility to the effects of various environmental agents, such as: pathogens, temperature and precipitation. In order to reduce the effect of the environmental conditions, cultivars were grown under identical cultivation conditions.  相似文献   

Extracts of both leaves and roots of germinated maize were found to contain endo–β–1,4–xylanase inhibitors, previously reported only from whole maize meal. The inhibitors seem to be of the xylanase inhibitor protein (XIP) type, since they inhibit endoxylanases of families 10 and 11 and also show some other characteristics similar to XIP inhibitors described in other cereals. Inhibitors from leaves and roots appeared to be similar. A novel property of the inhibitors described in this work is their unusual thermostability. The half-life of inhibitors at pH 4.5 and 100 °C is greater than 10 h. However, the inhibitors are less thermostable at higher pH levels. Because they did not inhibit a plant endoxylanase, the inhibitors may play a role in maize defense against phytopathogens.  相似文献   

Rabadi fermentation of barley flour-buttermilk mixture (fresh and autoclaved) at 30, 35 and 40°C for 6, 12, 18, 24 and 48 h lowered pH, enhanced titratable acidity and did not change fat and total mineral (Ca, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn and P) content. Protein content of fermented fresh as well as autoclaved barley flour-buttermilk mixture either decreased or remained unchanged.Rabadi prepared from both types of barley flour at different temperatures and time periods was acceptable; but that which was fermented at 40°C for 48 h was less acceptable in terms of taste.  相似文献   

The effect of germination, cowpea fortification and fermentation on thechemical and amino acid composition of ogi-baba, a Nigerian fermented sorghum gruelwas investigated. The lowest protein value of 1.4% was obtained in the traditionally preparedsample, while samples prepared from germinated, fortified sorghum had 13%. The ash ranged from 0.9% to above 2%, while the fat was in the range of 1.2% to2.8%. Generally, fortification, in addition to germination, improved the chemicalcomposition of ogi-baba relative to the control sample. There was improvement in the amino acidprofile of all the ogi-baba samples compared to the unprocessed sorghum grains.Lysine, a limiting amino acid in sorghum, increased more than 50% in ogi-baba. However, samples prepared using germinated sorghum without the addition of cowpeas hada lower lysine content.  相似文献   

本文对苏引1、紫野7和紫野10三个不同基因型紫苏在不同浓度(0,50, 100, 150, 200,250mmol/L)盐胁迫下种子萌发、幼苗生长、根系活力、丙二醛及可溶性糖含量、过氧化物酶活性等进行了研究。结果表明:种子发芽率、发芽势、种子活力指数等发芽指标均随盐浓度增加而降低。不同盐浓度胁迫下幼苗培养3周后,随盐浓度增加,幼苗株高、幼苗活力指数、存活率、鲜重、干重和根系活力降低,MDA和可溶性糖增加,POD呈先增加后降低的趋势。三个紫苏品种在种子发芽、幼苗生长和生理变化上均表现出不同的耐盐能力,苏引1 耐盐能力最强,紫野7居中,紫野10对盐胁迫最敏感。  相似文献   

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