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Prevention of seed input to the seedbank of Striga hermonthica‐infested fields is an important objective of Striga management. In three consecutive years of field experimentation in Mali, Striga reproduction was studied for 10 sorghum genotypes at infestation levels ranging from 30 000 to 200 000 seeds m?2. Host resistance was identified as an important determinant of Striga reproduction, with the most resistant genotypes (N13, IS9830 and SRN39) reducing Striga reproduction by 70–93% compared with the most susceptible genotype (CK60‐B). Seedbank density had a significant effect on Striga seed production. Higher seedbank density resulted in more Striga plants, which led to increased intra‐specific competition and consequently a reduced level of reproduction per plant. For the most susceptible sorghum genotypes, density dependence also occurred in the earlier belowground stages. Striga reproduction continued beyond harvest. At the high infestation level just 8% of the total reproduction was realised after harvest, whereas at the low infestation level 39% was attained after harvest. Even though host‐plant genotype plays a significant role in Striga reproduction, calculations indicated that only at very low infestation levels the use of the most resistant genotype was able to lower the Striga seedbank.  相似文献   

In 1996, a study was conducted on the seedbanks of a pre‐alpine valley in northern Italy which had been organically farmed since 1986. The seedbanks were evaluated using soil cores taken from 16 organic fields located at various altitudes and seed numbers were determined using the ‘seedling emergence method’. Thirteen soil properties were also evaluated. In 2003, the germinable seedbank was assessed in five other fields chosen at random. Soil properties were evaluated by the same method as in 1996. Using the data of the first 16 fields as the analysis data set and those of the latter five as an independent validation data set, a quadratic weed seedbank‐soil properties model was built with partial least square regression analysis. The model estimates the relative abundance of the various species as the sum of the contribution of individual soil properties and has a high predictive capacity. With a novel graphic approach, it is possible to describe the nonlinear relationship between each soil property and weed species relative abundance, giving a rational, quantitative, explanation as to why some species are widespread (e.g. Chenopodium album, Galinsoga parviflora and Chenopodium polyspermum), whereas others tend to concentrate in specific fields (e.g. Spergula arvensis). The approach can, when some hypotheses hold, give a rational basis for the explanation of the relative abundance of species in a weed community and constitutes a useful methodology for study and research.  相似文献   

Understanding the impacts of agricultural land use is desired for proper management of riparian forests buffers (RFs) in savannas. In this light, we analyzed the relationship between woody plant diversity and soil properties of RFs in farmlands (FAs) and protected areas (PAs) along Afram (Guinean zone) and Tankwidi (Sudanian zone) Rivers located within the Volta sub-basin of Ghana. ALOS-AVNIR imageries were used to map RFs to facilitate sampling of soil and woody vegetation (dbh ≥5?cm) using stratified randomized design (72 plots; size: 500?m2 each) for the analysis of soil physical and chemical properties and Shannon-Wiener plant species diversity. Although the fractions of sand, silt, and clay varied between the PAs and FAs, they were predominantly categorized as sandy loam. Along the Afram River, there were no significant differences in the concentrations and nutrient stocks of soil C, N, P, and K as well as the pH, moisture content, and bulk density between PA and FA. For the Tankwidi River, the concentrations and nutrient stocks of C and K significantly decreased from PA to FA while N, P, pH, bulk density, and moisture content were not different. Of the soil attributes measured C, N, P, pH, ground slope, and soil moisture had significant relationships with the diversity and density of the riparian woody plants. Controlling agricultural activities in riparian forests could preserve soil properties similar to that found in protected areas.  相似文献   

Witchweed, Striga hermonthica (hereafter, referred to as “Striga”), is a major biotic constraint to cereal production in sub‐Saharan Africa. The parasitic plant is a socioeconomic problem that has forced some resource‐poor farmers to abandon their farms due to high infestation. This study was designed in order to elucidate farmers' perceptions of Striga control measures and to determine their potential adoption in two villages in western Kenya. Participatory rural appraisals and individual interviews were conducted in 2009 and 2010 in a sample of 128 and 120 households in Kaura and Kogweno‐Oriang villages in Homabay and Rachuonyo districts, respectively. The results revealed that crop production was the main occupation in most households. The farmers identified Striga as one of the major constraints to maize, sorghum, and finger millet production. According to the farmers, the most popular control measures were hand‐pulling, crop rotation, and intercropping, even though rotational systems might need a longer timeframe to reduce the soil seed bank of Striga. Although the level of Striga infestation and damage were increasing in the farmers' fields, the adoption of the control options was limited. The reason for the low adoption level of the control methods by the farmers is because they are “too risky” as there is no guarantee of a direct pay‐off in increased crop yield. Farmer‐led evaluation and adaptation of the various Striga control technologies in real‐life situations will facilitate the choice of appropriate options and facilitate their uptake.  相似文献   

在全膜双垄沟播条件下,研究了不同密度处理2种不同品种玉米富农1号和武科2号干物质积累与分配规律。结果表明:玉米单株干物质积累和群体干物质积累均呈Logistic生长曲线;各生育时期单株干物质积累量随密度增加而减小,群体干物质积累随密度的增加而增加;密度对单株干物质积累的影响主要体现在大喇叭口期以后;密度对干物质分配的影响主要体现在灌浆期以后;茎、叶干物质转移率对密度的反应不敏感,而转换率随密度的增加而上升。  相似文献   

基于GIS的藏东横断山区土壤侵蚀分布特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用ARC/INFO的空间分析与统计分析功能,从海拔、坡度、土壤以及土地利用四个方面,对藏东横断山区土壤侵蚀的空间分布特征进行了研究。结果表明:(1)从总体上来讲,三江河谷地带水蚀较强;山体中部以微度侵蚀为主,而森林采伐迹地土壤侵蚀严重;海拔4500m以上地带,冻融侵蚀严重。(2)不同的海拔与坡度等级下,4000-5000m与25°-35°土壤侵蚀最强。(3)水力侵蚀主要发生在褐土与灰褐土土壤类型,冻融侵蚀主要发生在寒冻土、黑毡土以及草毡土土壤类型。(4)土壤侵蚀主要发生在草地和林地,低覆盖草地上冻融侵蚀尤为严重。通过土壤侵蚀分布特征的研究,为土壤侵蚀防治对策提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The grain size composition, distribution characteristics and spatial variation of eolian sand soil on distinct positions across two longitudinal dunes and interdune areas were studied by means of conventional grain size analysis and geostatistical methods. In the study, 184 samples of eolian sand soil from the 0-30cm layer were systemically collected and measured from two longitudinal dunes and interdunes in the southern Gurbantunggut Desert. The results show that the dominant grain sizes are fine and very fine sands, and the differences of grain size compositions between the distinct geomorphologic positions are significant. The contents of clay and silt are highest on the interdune areas and lowest on the crests, and higher on the leeward slopes than on the windward slopes. The contents of very fine and fine sands are highest on the windward slopes and lowest on the crests. The contents of medium, coarse and very coarse sands are lowest on the interdune lands, and highest on the crests, and are identical on the two slopes. The coarser sizes (φ1) and mean sizes (Mz) for eolian sand soil all have a varying tendency from fine to coarse sizes with interdune area → leeward slope → windward slope → crest, and the sorting (σ) are poorly to well sorted. The results of geostatistical analysis reveal that φ1, Mz and σ values are moderately to strongly spatially autocorrelated. The values of the spatially correlated ranges are φ1<σ相似文献   

陇中半干旱区集雨限灌对马铃薯干物质积累和产量的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了大田条件下集雨有限补偿灌溉对旱区马铃薯干物质积累分配和产量的影响。结果表明:进行有限补充灌溉对旱作马铃薯有显著的增产效果,其经济系数也得到相应提高,与对照(不灌水)相比,补灌处理产量增幅在3.91%~21.21%之间,苗期补灌45 mm与90 mm对马铃薯产量的补偿效应显著;补灌马铃薯干物质积累量与对照相比无显著差异,但花后干物质的分配运转,苗期补灌处理比对照移动量大,转换率高,有利于花后薯块营养物质的积累;薯块膨大期补灌45 mm和90 mm,在干物质积累和花后干物质转化方面均低于对照,增产效果也并不显著。  相似文献   

通过对不同施肥处理的免耕土壤酶活性和CO2排放通量测定分析,研究北方农牧交错区施肥对旱作免耕农田土壤酶活性、CO2排放量的影响及其相互关系,为提高土壤质量、实现固碳减排和可持续利用提供理论依据。结果表明:免耕施肥土壤酶活性和CO2排放通量高于不施肥处理;氮肥对脲酶、碱性磷酸酶、蔗糖酶活性和CO2排放通量的增加影响最大,其次是磷肥,钾肥最小;过氧化氢酶活性的增加受钾肥影响最大,磷肥次之,氮肥最小;氮磷或氮磷钾肥配施更能增加土壤酶活性和CO2排放通量,单施钾肥土壤过氧化氢酶活性高于氮磷肥配施。蔗糖酶和脲酶活性与土壤CO2排放量呈显著正相关,碱性磷酸酶和过氧化氢酶与土壤CO2排放量之间相关性不显著。  相似文献   

利用空间统计分析方法对中国1950年~1999年50年的年平均和季平均气温格点数据进行空间自相关分析,发现中国气温分布存在明显的空间集聚现象。结果表明,中国气温分布在空间上存在两个低温集聚区和一个高温集聚区,分别为东北低温集聚区、青藏高原低温集聚区和东南部近海高温集聚区,其余地区为介于高温集聚和低温集聚区之间的过渡区;而在春夏两季,塔里木盆地也形成一个高温集聚区。最后,本文对形成这种气温空间分布特征的影响因素进行了分析探讨。期望本研究对气候区划研究提供有益参考。  相似文献   

为提高旱直播稻的水分利用效率、降低旱直播稻田土壤氮、磷素环境风险,本文采用两种水分管理方式,即湿润灌溉(T1)和关键需水期灌溉(T2),研究水分管理对旱直播稻生长、养分吸收及稻田土壤氮、磷素迁移情况的影响.结果表明,T2处理有利于促进旱直播稻中后期生长,在拔节孕穗期株高为80.61 cm,SPAD值为41.03,均显著...  相似文献   

以玉米为试材,于2017—2018年在天津市滨海盐碱土进行了膜下滴灌试验,分析了覆膜和灌溉对玉米盐分离子质量分布特征、玉米干物质的变化规律和产量的影响。结果表明:(1)覆膜和灌溉对玉米离子分布的影响显著,显著减小了根部Na+吸收质量,成熟期FI20处理比LI10小56%,从而减少了盐分对叶片的伤害;显著增大了茎部K+的积累质量,成熟期FI20处理比LI10高24%,提高了植物的耐盐性;显著增加了叶部Ca2+质量,苗期FI20处理比LI10高96%,促进作物幼根的生长和根毛的形成,改善了玉米体内的离子平衡,减轻了盐胁迫作用;显著增加了叶部Mg2+质量,拔节期FI20处理比LI10高136%,增强了植株叶片的光合作用,提高了植株的耐盐性。(2)玉米地上部和根系干物质重均随着生育期进程而增加,覆膜和灌溉改变了植物体内盐分离子质量,对玉米生物量的积累影响较大,成熟期FI20处理比LI10高1%~46%;对玉米根冠比(R/S)有显著影响,使生物量分配比例显著改变,成熟期根冠比(R/S)FI20处理比LI10小...  相似文献   

利用137 Cs断代技术进行沉积物的测年,结合1953—2010年的降雨资料,对黄土洼天然聚湫坝淤地沉积物粒度特征与降雨的关系进行了分析。结果表明,坝淤地4.1 m沉积物是在近百年内形成的,至少记录了42次较大的暴雨洪水事件;集中性降水形成的洪水,主要携带粗颗粒沉积物,对土壤的侵蚀力更强;在丰水年,沉积物粒度与年降水、7—9月降水、30日最大降水和24 h最大降水的相关性极显著,而在枯水年,沉积物粒度与降水因子的相关性较丰水年弱。本研究为反演陕北黄土高原土壤侵蚀产沙过程,推算侵蚀量提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Galinsoga quadriradiata and Galinsoga parviflora are very troublesome weeds in many organic vegetable crops in Europe. A very straightforward method to keep Galinsoga infestations under control is by targeting the Galinsoga seedbank. To identify cropping systems able to reduce the seedbank size in vegetable‐based cropping systems, the relationships between the seedbank size of Galinsoga species and prevailing soil/crop management practices and pedo‐hydrological conditions were investigated. Hereto, the seedbank of the 0–20 cm topsoil layer was sampled in 50 organic vegetable fields and analysed according to the seedling emergence method. Field history data were collected for the past 5 years, and physical, chemical and microbial soil quality was determined. Galinsoga quadriradiata was the most frequent and abundant Galinsoga species in the weed seedbank. The genus Galinsoga was present in 90% of the soil weed seedbanks of organic vegetable fields but displayed wide variation in abundance. Smallest Galinsoga seedbanks were found in fields that were predominantly tilled with non‐inversion implements or rotationally ploughed, and continuously cropped with competitive crops during the entire growing season (April 15‐November 15). Contrary to G. quadriradiata, seedbank size of G. parviflora was closely related to soil organic carbon content and sand fraction. Remarkably, soils with a low level of easily plant‐available phosphorus and concomitant high activity of arbuscular mycorrhizae had smaller G. quadriradiata seedbanks. To reduce Galinsoga infestations, fields should preferably be tilled without soil inversion, fertilised with organic amendments with low content of readily plant‐available phosphorus and cropped with competitive crops all season long.  相似文献   

不同覆盖方式对旱地棉田土壤环境及棉花产量的影响   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
分析普通地膜覆盖、小麦秸秆覆盖、地膜 秸秆覆盖3种覆盖物对旱地棉田土壤环境、棉花产量构成因素的影响,结果表明:覆盖栽培能改善土壤环境,降低土壤容重,提高土壤水分利用率,调节土壤温、湿度,协调水热资源利用的同步性;秸秆覆盖能增加土壤养分含量,特别是速效钾含量;在棉花生长后期,提高叶面积指数,延长叶片功能期,提高棉株的光合能力从而防止棉花早衰,增加铃重,提高棉花产量。  相似文献   

Biological soil crusts(BSCs) are bio-sedimentary associations that play crucial ecological roles in arid and semi-arid regions. In the Gurbantunggut Desert of China, more than 27% of the land surface is characterized by a predominant cover of lichen-dominated BSCs that contribute to the stability of the desert. However, little is known about the major factors that limit the spatial distribution of BSCs at a macro scale. In this study, the cover of BSCs was investigated along a precipitation gradient from the margins to the center of the Gurbantunggut Desert. Environmental variables including precipitation, soil particle size, soil p H, electrical conductivity, soil organic carbon, total salt, total nitrogen, total phosphorus and total potassium were analyzed at a macro scale to determine their association with differing assemblages of BSCs(cyanobacteria crusts, lichen crusts and moss crusts) using constrained linear ordination redundancy analysis(RDA). A model of BSCs distribution correlated with environmental variables that dominated the first two axes of the RDA was constructed to clearly demonstrate the succession stages of BSCs. The study determined that soil particle size(represented by coarse sand content) and precipitation are the most significant drivers influencing the spatial distribution of BSCs at a macro scale in the Gurbantunggut Desert. The cover of lichen and moss crusts increased with increasing precipitation, while the cover of cyanobacteria crusts decreased with increasing precipitation. The cover of lichen and moss crusts was negatively associated with coarse sand content, whereas the cover of cyanobacteria crusts was positively correlated with coarse sand content. These findings highlight the need for both the availability of soil moisture and a relatively stable of soil matrix, not only for the growth of BSCs but more importantly, for the regeneration and rehabilitation of disturbed BSC communities in arid and semi-arid lands. Thereby, this study will provide a theory basis to effectively increase soil stability in desert regions.  相似文献   

通过连续3 a有机肥施用田间试验研究了有机肥不同施用量对半干旱旱作区土壤团聚体各层粒径分布和稳定性的影响。试验设计为高肥H(有机肥90000 kg/hm2)、中肥M(有机肥60 000 kg/hm2)和低肥L(有机肥30 000 kg/hm2)3个施肥水平,每个层次设3次重复,供试作物为小麦,品种为西峰26;土壤团聚体的各个粒径分布状况采用干筛法和湿筛法测定。与试验开始时土壤相比,施肥处理0~10 cm和30~40 cm土层0.25 mm的水稳性团聚体含量最大增幅分别是35%和75%;0.5 mm以上各粒级的水稳性团聚体含量均呈上升趋势,其中5 mm和2~5 mm大粒径团聚体的增加幅度最明显,0.25~0.5 mm的水稳性团聚体含量增加不显著。不同处理间5 mm土壤团聚体与0.25 mm土壤团聚体含量具有显著性差异。干筛结果表明,土壤中的团聚体主要以5 mm土壤团聚体为主,且处理之间差异性主要表现在0~20 cm土层。施肥处理使30~40 cm土层土壤团聚体的稳定性提高,稳定率平均较0~10 cm土层高87%。施肥处理平均重量直径均大于对照,且与0.25 mm水稳性团聚体含量呈显著正相关。有机肥不同施用量可显著增加土壤中大团聚体的比例,改良土壤中团聚体的结构;适宜的施肥量在60000 kg/hm2左右。  相似文献   

对麦田中芦苇的空间分布型及抽样技术进行了调查,结果表明,芦苇的空间分布为聚集分布,分布的基本成分是个体群,且聚集强度随着杂草密度的增加而增强.  相似文献   

在宁南半干旱区早作农田连续进行了4 a不同秸秆覆盖量的冬小麦栽培试验,对不同秸秆覆盖量下的土壤碳库活度(A)、碳库活度指数(AI)、碳库指数(CPI)和土壤碳库管理指数(CMPI)进行了分析.结果表明:与不覆盖(CK)相比,0.9-0.6万kg/hm2覆盖量下0~20 cm土层土壤总有机碳含量显著提高1.46~1.01...  相似文献   

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