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Serum amyloid A (SAA) is the major acute phase protein in horses. It is produced during the acute phase response (APR), a nonspecific systemic reaction to any type of tissue injury. In the blood of healthy horses, SAA concentration is very low, but it increases dramatically with inflammation. Due to the short half-life of SAA, changes in its concentration in blood closely reflect the onset of inflammation and, therefore, measurement of SAA useful in the diagnosis and monitoring of disease and response to treatment. Increases in SAA concentration have been described in equine digestive, reproductive and respiratory diseases and following surgical procedures. Moreover, SAA has proven useful for detection of some subclinical pathologies that can disturb training and competing in equine athletes. Increasing availability of diagnostic tests for both laboratory and field use adds to SAA's applicability as a reliable indicator of horses’ health status. This review article presents the current information on changes in SAA concentrations in the blood of healthy and diseased horses, focussing on clinical application of this biomarker.  相似文献   

Rapid, accurate detection of serum amyloid A (SAA) is needed in equine practice. We validated a patient-side point-of-care (POC) assay (Stablelab; Zoetis) compared to the turbidimetric immunoassays LZ-SAA (TIA-Hum) and VET-SAA (TIA-Vet; both Eiken Chemical). Analytical performance was assessed at 3 different concentration ranges and with interferences. Inter-method comparison using 49 equine serum samples revealed a significant difference between median SAA results (p < 0.0001), with the strongest bias between the POC and TIA-Vet (median 1,093 vs. 578 mg/L). The median SAA value obtained with the TIA-Hum method was 752 mg/L. Correlation between POC/TIA-Hum and between POC/TIA-Vet was fair (rs = 0.77 and 0.69) and excellent between both TIAs (rs = 0.93). Bias between POC/TIA-Hum, POC/TIA-Vet, and TIA-Hum/TIA-Vet was −56.7%, –80.9%, and −28.2%, respectively. POC intra- and inter-assay CVs (16.1–30% and 19.8–35.5%) were higher than TIA CVs (generally <12%). Bilirubin and hemoglobin had a negative bias on POC and TIA-Vet results (−16.6 to −45.6%); addition of intralipid yielded a positive bias (35.9–77.4%). The POC had good linearity of SAA concentrations up to 10,312 mg/L (R2 = 0.92). A hook effect was present at SAA >3,000 mg/L for the POC assay. Equine serum SAA was stable over a median period of 2.5 y when stored at −80°C. Overall, there was excellent-to-moderate correlation between tests, but imprecision and hook effect of the POC, as well as bias between the methods, must be considered.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate systematically the quality of equine veterinary top sports medicine in The Netherlands and the degree to which the expectations in the field are met. Focus was on structure, process and outcome of care. The structure of care is generally satisfactory but there is insufficient transfer of applicable scientific knowledge to the equine community and a lack of regular checks by team vets. The process of care is hampered by the failure in communication between the veterinary and paraveterinary members of a team. For continuation of the excellent international results of Dutch riders and drivers a more collaborative approach, abandoning the often secretive character of equine medicine in relation to sport horses, is necessary.  相似文献   

A field study was undertaken to investigate plasma protein electrophoresis (PPE) and serum amyloid A (SAA) concentrations at 1, 3 and 7 days of age in foals born by oxytocin-induced (group A, n =17) or spontaneous (group B, n =12) parturition. The putative diagnostic role of PPE and SAA in four septicaemic foals was also examined. At birth, beta-gamma-globulins were higher in group B, and then increased in both groups, probably due to colostrum intake. At day 3, no significant differences between the groups were detectable. In both groups, SAA values increased from day 0 to day 3, then decreased at day 7. Septicaemic foals had decreased concentrations of many electrophoretic fractions (probably reflecting decreased colostrum intake and circulating bacterial proteases) and an increased SAA concentration. It was concluded that both PPE and SAA concentrations vary with age and type of foaling and may be useful in the early diagnosis of neonatal septicaemia.  相似文献   

Equine endometriosis is a multifactorial disease considered to be a major cause of equine infertility. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the reliability of histomorphological grading for biopsy-like samples compared to entire uterine wall samples, to examine the association between the degree of endometriosis with animal age, and to investigate the role of inflammation in endometriosis and the expression of different matrix metalloproteinases in equine endometrium. Histomorphological lesions in 35 uterine samples were examined while comparing biopsy-like samples and entire-wall samples. Seventeen uterine samples were stained with antibodies against MMP-2, MMP-9, MMP-14, and TIMP-2. The morphologic evaluation results of the biopsy-like tissue and entire-wall samples were significantly correlated. Endometriosis in older mares (>12 years of age) was more severe than in young mares (2~4 years of age), confirming the positive correlation between animal age and disease severity, while inflammation was poorly related to the degree of endometriosis. MMP-2 and MMP-14 were detected in stromal cells, while MMP-9 and TIMP-2 were both found in stromal and glandular epithelial cells. There were no significant differences in MMPs expression between the two groups (young vs. old mares). Additional studies on the activity of MMPs could further define the role of these enzymes in equine endometriosis.  相似文献   

This study established the precision and accuracy of a modified latex agglutination turbidimetric immunoassay (LATIA) reagent, and evaluated the ability of the measurement of serum amyloid A (SAA) compared to haptoglobin and α1-acid glycoprotein, which are acute phase proteins (APPs), for diagnosis of clinical mastitis. Concentrations of APPs in cows with mastitis were significantly higher than those in healthy cow. Only the plasma SAA concentration in cows with clinical mastitis (44.90 mg/l; n=15) was significantly higher than that in those with subclinical mastitis (10.70 mg/l; n=16), enabling their diagnosis in contrast to other APPs. Thus, the SAA assay using a LATIA reagent is useful in assessing mastitis severity due to its higher sensitivity and specificity than other APP assays.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To develop rapid (< 8 hour) tests using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the diagnosis of equine herpesvirus 3 (EHV3; equine coital exanthema virus), equine gammaherpesviruses 2 (EHV2) and EHV5, equine adenovirus 1 (EAdV1), EAdV2, equine arteritis virus (EAV), equine rhinitis A virus (ERAV; formerly equine rhinovirus 1) DESIGN: Either single round or second round (seminested) PCRs were developed and validated. METHODS: Oligonucleotide primers were designed that were specific for each virus, PCR conditions were defined and the specificity and sensitivity of the assays were determined. The application of the tests was validated using a number of independent virus isolates for most of the viruses studied. The PCRs were applied directly to clinical samples where samples were available. RESULTS: We developed a single round PCR for the diagnosis of EHV3, a seminested PCR for EHV2 and single round PCRs for EHV5, EAdV1, EAdV2 and RT-PCRs for EAV and ERAV. The PCR primer sets for each virus were designed and shown to be highly specific (did not amplify any recognised non-target template) and sensitive (detection of minimal amounts of virus) and, where multiple virus isolates were available all isolates were detected. CONCLUSION: The development and validation of a comprehensive panel of PCR diagnostic tests, predominantly for viruses causing equine respiratory disease, that can be completed within 8 hours from receipt of clinical samples, provides a major advance in the rapid diagnosis or exclusion diagnosis of these endemic equine virus diseases in Australia.  相似文献   

The serum levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) produced as an inflammatory response in dogs with various disorders and surgical traumas were measured by enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay and slide reversed passive latex agglutination test (RPLA). The CRP levels were greatly increased 1–2 days after surgery in most of the dogs (n=29) subjected to surgery. These levels had markedly decreased by the time the sutures were removed. In dogs with various disorders (n=58), the serum CRP levels at first diagnosis were high in infectious diseases. In dogs from which paired serum samples were examined, the serum CRP usually showed a decrease with improvement in the condition (n=11) or a terminal increase (n=4) but, conversely, some showed an increase with improvement in the condition (n=3).Abbreviations CRP C-reactive protein - ELISA enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay - Latex soap free latex - RPLA reversed passive latex agglutination  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: There is little scientific information available about the ability of ocular disease to cause a systemic inflammatory response. Horses are frequently affected with ocular disease and ensuring their systemic health prior to performing vision saving surgery under anaesthesia is essential for the successful treatment of ophthalmic disease. Hypothesis: Ocular disease will cause elevations in the concentration of the acute phase proteins fibrinogen and serum amyloid A in peripheral blood. Methods: Whole blood and serum samples were obtained from 38 mature horses with ulcerative keratitis or uveitis and no evidence of systemic disease, 9 mature horses with no evidence of ocular or systemic disease (negative controls) and 10 mature horses with systemic inflammatory disease and no evidence of ocular disease (positive controls). Blood samples were assayed for concentrations of the acute phase proteins fibrinogen and serum amyloid A. Results: Fibrinogen and serum amyloid A were significantly different in the positive control group compared to the negative control, corneal disease and uveitis groups (P<0.126). There was no significant difference between the negative control, corneal disease and uveitis groups (P<0.001). Conclusions: Ulcerative keratitis and anterior uveitis are not associated with elevated concentrations of the acute phase proteins fibrinogen and serum amyloid A in peripheral blood. Potential relevance: When the clinician is presented with a patient with ocular disease and elevated plasma fibrinogen or serum amyloid A concentrations, a nonocular inflammatory focus should be suspected.  相似文献   

Objective To determine whether tetanus antitoxin, equine serum, and acetylcysteine, which are currently used in the treatment of equine corneal ulcer, inhibit the digestion of equine corneal collagen when exposed to collagenase in vitro. Animals studied Corneas from 40 adult horses. Procedures Sections of equine corneas were incubated with saline, a solution of bacterial collagenase in saline, bacterial collagenase in saline plus equine tetanus antitoxin, bacterial collagenase in saline plus equine serum, or bacterial collagenase in saline plus acetylcysteine. Each one of the collagenase inhibitors was tested at different concentrations. The degree of corneal collagen digestion was determined by concentrations of hydroxyproline released into the incubation media and/or by weight loss of the cornea. Results Corneas exposed to collagenase released a significant (0.05 level) large amount of hydroxyproline (43.1 ± 2.3 µg/mL/100 mg cornea/5 h) and decreased cornea weight by up to 89%. Blood serum (200 µL/mL), purified albumin or globulin fractions of serum, tetanus antitoxin (120 units/mL), and acetylcysteine (20 mg/mL) when used at the highest concentrations blocked collagenase digestive activity by approximately 50%. Dilution of inhibitors decreased corneal protection and linearly increased corneal weight loss. Purified equine serum albumin and globulin fractions were equally effective in protecting corneas. Conclusions This experiment indicates that tetanus antitoxin, serum and acetylcysteine equally protected corneas from collagenase digestion, in vitro. However, a clinical trial is needed to establish relative therapeutic value.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine the diagnostic value of measuring serum amyloid A (SAA) concentrations in milk of individual ewes and in farm bulk milk for monitoring udder health. Udder health was calculated by examining a randomly selected group of seven flocks at each farm visit by means of California mastitis test and bacteriological examination of 5749 milk samples. SAA was determined additionally in 267 randomly selected milk samples from six flocks. Thirty-one bulk milk samples from these farms were tested for SCC and SAA levels. Subclinical infections were detected in 29.5% of samples whereas no clinical infections were observed. Intramammary infected udder halves showed significantly elevated SAA concentrations (121.3+/-25.3 microg/ml) in milk compared to the levels of healthy udder halves (8.0+/-1.9 microg/ml; p<0.001). SAA was significantly elevated in sheep with elevated CMT scores and positive bacteriological results. Bulk milk SAA levels ranged from 18.6+/-6.7 to 37.4+/-14.1 microg/ml and showed a positive correlation with bSCC (r=0.38, p=0.018) but not with percent infected glands (r=0.022, p=0.453). This study demonstrated that SAA levels in milk can be used to detect subclinical mastitis in individual ewes whereas further investigations are needed to determine the value of measuring SAA in bulk milk for monitoring flock udder health.  相似文献   

The acute phase response (APR) is a key part of the innate immune system and acute phase proteins (APPs) represent the core of the early response to stimuli such as trauma, infection, stress, neoplasia, and autoimmune disease. These biomarkers have a different timeline and magnitude of expression vs traditional means of examining inflammation (e.g., total white blood count and albumin/globulin (A/G) ratio). Extensive studies conducted in companion and large animals have demonstrated many clinical applications for inflammatory biomarkers including diagnosis, prognosis, detection of subclinical disease and chronic inflammation, and monitoring stress. This article provides information regarding the APR and the uses of APP quantitation, as well as the growing body of information on APPSs in exotic animals.  相似文献   

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