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1. Broiler breeder females were reared on one of three growth curves (ad libitum, conventional or modified restriction) and given rations containing a high or low concentration of crude protein. After the peak rate of lay they were fed ad libitum or a decreasing quantity of food in response to declining egg production. The welfare of the birds was assessed by determining the changes in indices of welfare at 36, 48 and 60 weeks of age. 2. Body weight increased rapidly in restricted birds fed ad libitum post-peak and water intake declined. 3. Post-peak food restriction was associated with a decrease in resting and increased drinking and spot-pecking activities. Birds that were food restricted during rearing spent more time foraging and spot-pecking at 36 and 48 but not 60 weeks of age. 4. Immune function increased with age but was not affected by the experimental treatments. The heterophil-lymphocyte ratio in birds fed ad libitum during rearing was numerically lower at 36 and higher at 48 and 60 weeks of age compared with restricted birds. 5. There was no effect of treatment on plasma corticosterone concentration. Creatine kinase activity was high at 60 weeks in treatments that were characterised by poor reproductive status and the activities of other enzymes reflected differences in reproductive status and mortality. 6. There was no long-term welfare or production advantage from feeding low protein rations or more generous feeding during the rearing period compared with conventional food restriction programmes.  相似文献   

Plasma concentrations of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) were determined in male and female turkeys from a medium weight (RBC2) and a related heavy weight line (F) from 1 to 28 wks of age. At hatch, the concentrations of IGF-I were relatively low and not different between lines or sexes. During the neonatal period (1 to 7 wks), the concentrations of IGF-I increased and were higher in the faster growing F line and in males. During the juvenile period (8 to 15 wks) the concentrations of IGF-I were higher in males but not different between lines. During the preadolescent period (16 to 21 wks), the concentrations of IGF-I were higher in males but was not different between lines in males while the females of the RBC2 line had higher concentrations than females of the F line. During the adolescent period (22 to 28 wks) the concentrations of IGF-I were higher in males but was not different between lines in males while the females of the RBC2 line had higher concentrations than females of the F line. A phenotypic correlation (+.25) between plasma IGF-I and growth rate was present after statistical absorption of model effects during the neonatal period but not at the later ages. We conclude that IGF-I concentration was positively correlated with growth rate during the neonatal period, but that this relationship changed during the preadolescent and adolescent periods so that IGF-I concentrations were not related to growth rate in males but were negatively related to growth rate in females.  相似文献   

1. The aim of the experiment was to estimate the selenium requirement of growing male turkeys using the selenium concentrations in different organs and blood plasma and by fitting a continuous broken line to the activity of glutathione peroxidase in liver and plasma. 2. Newly hatched male BUT BIG 6 turkeys were fed either on the selenium deficient basal soybean-maize diets (selenium <0.010 mg/kg diet) adapted to the NRC (1994) and GfE (2004) recommendations for growing turkeys from 0 to 2 weeks (prestarter diet) and 3 to 5 weeks (starter diet) or the basal diets supplemented with 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25, 0.30, 0.35 or 0.40 mg selenium/kg diet as sodium selenate. Vitamin E was supplemented adequately in all diets. 3. After 5 weeks the weight in all groups (mean 2568 g) exceeded the expectations for the genotype investigated. Feed consumption and weight gain were however significantly reduced in the group receiving the selenium-deficient diet. 4. After 2 and 5 weeks selenium concentration and activity of glutathione peroxidase in the plasma and the organs examined were greatly influenced by selenium supplementation. 5. Under the conditions investigated, 0.30 mg Se/kg diet was necessary for fast-growing male turkeys to ensure maximum selenium accumulation in the organs examined and maximum glutathione peroxidase activity in plasma and liver.  相似文献   

The area covered by standing male meat turkeys between 11 and 21 weeks of age was measured by planimetry on photographs taken from directly above the birds. There was a strong relationship (r = 0.86) between their liveweight and the area covered, and a formula was derived for the calculation of the area covered by turkeys weighing between 7.6 and 21.8 kg. A comparison with the formula developed on theoretical grounds in 1995 by the Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC) showed that for heavy turkeys the FAWC formula is not valid, because it yields values which are about 50 per cent too low.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine if exogenous oestradiol or the phyto-oestrogen genistein could reduce food intake in male and female cats fed ad libitum that had been allowed to accrue excessive bodyfat following neutering. METHODS: Sixteen adult (eight female, eight male) cats were neutered and allowed to increase their bodyweight (BW) through feeding ad libitum of a complete and balanced dry diet. Oestradiol was injected subcutaneously for 5-day periods in incremental doses (0.25-4 microg per cat), then food intake was recorded, and vaginal cytological changes were observed in females. Similarly, genistein was administered orally for 5-day periods in incremental doses (5-100 mg/kg). RESULTS: In males and females, both oestradiol (p<0.001) and genistein (p=0.037) significantly reduced food intake during treatment, and the minimum daily doses that produced a significant effect were 0.5 mug and 100 mg/kg, respectively. The minimum daily dose of oestradiol that produced a significant effect on food intake was not associated with changes in vaginal cytology over the 5-day treatment period. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Gonadal oestradiol appeared to be a key modulator of food intake in both male and female cats, and replacement of oestrogen to neutered cats via oestradiol or an oestrogen surrogate such as genistein has potential for reducing the prevalence of obesity in neutered cats.  相似文献   

1. Turkey females were fed ad libitum or restricted from 6 weeks of age to achieve mean body weights of 0.6 of ad libitum fed birds on photostimulation at 18, 24 or 30 weeks of age. Body weight, food intake, egg production and hatchability were recorded to 54 weeks of age. 2. Restricted turkeys were fed ad libitum after first egg or 36 weeks of age. Food intake after 30 weeks of age averaged 170 g/bird/d and was similar for all treatments. At 54 weeks of age, restricted turkeys photostimulated at 24 and 30 weeks were not as heavy as turkeys photostimulated at 18 weeks and ad libitum fed turkeys. 3. A large proportion of restricted turkeys photostimulated at 18 weeks of age did not commence lay until 30 to 40 weeks and a significant number of restricted birds photostimulated at 24 weeks had short laying cycles. Restricted birds photostimulated at 30 weeks came into lay and showed similar persistency of lay to ad libitum fed turkeys. 4. Ad libitum fed turkeys laid 115.0, 122.0 and 101.0 and restricted turkeys 92.4, 99.5 and 103.4 eggs when photostimulated at 18, 24 and 30 weeks, respectively. The number of non-settable eggs was lower in restricted compared with ad libitum fed turkeys and declined with age at photostimulation. 5. Egg size at the end of the experiment was similar for ad libitum fed turkeys and restricted birds photostimulated at 18 weeks but was 2.3 g lower for restricted birds photostimulated at 24 and 30 weeks of age. 6. Hatchability was higher, and the proportion of second quality poults was lower with eggs from restricted turkeys. The mean numbers of poults hatched were 59.9, 75.1 and 66.0 for ad libitum fed and 71.7, 65.7 and 79.4 for restricted turkeys photostimulated at 18, 24 and 30 weeks of age.  相似文献   

1. Females from a medium body weight strain of turkeys were fed ad libitum or restricted to 0.6 of ad libitum-fed body weight at sexual maturity and were photostimulated at 18, 24 or 30 weeks of age. Ovarian follicular structure was assessed in 8 birds from both rearing treatments at photostimulation, after photostimulation for 6 or 12 weeks and at 55 weeks of age. 2. The patterns of small white follicles and of larger yellow follicles were similar in restricted and in ad libitum-fed turkeys for birds in lay at the same age, regardless of the time elapsed since photostimulation. 3. Among birds in lay the number of normal yellow follicles and the proportion of multiple yellow follicles declined with age. A relatively low proportion of restricted birds photostimulated at 18 and 24 weeks were in lay after 12 weeks of photostimulation. 4. For birds in lay the number of white follicles 1.4 to less than 1.8 mm in diameter increased and the number greater than 1.8 mm declined with age. There was a corresponding increase in the rates of atresia in follicles 1.8 to less than 5.0 mm in diameter.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine effects of restricted food intake on estrous cycle frequency, interestrus interval, and pseudopregnancy prevalence in dogs. ANIMALS: 28 female Labrador Retrievers. PROCEDURE: Dogs were paired by body weight when they were 6 weeks old and fed so that the limit-fed pair-mate received 75% of the amount of food offered to its maintenance-fed counterpart. Estrous cycle, interestrus interval, and pseudopregnancy data were recorded. RESULTS: Mean annual frequency of estrous cycles and duration of interestrus intervals did not differ between feeding groups. Prevalence of clinically evident pseudopregnancy was significantly greater among females that were maintenance fed, although results of endocrinologic testing did not identify a mechanism for this observation. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Pseudopregnancy in dogs can be influenced by physiologic factors related to nutrition. Clinicians should consider a variety of physiologic and environmental factors when evaluating reproductive function in dogs.  相似文献   

1. Male turkeys were reared to 6 weeks of age at 15 degrees C and 26 degrees C and fed ad libitum or restricted to 0.5 of the body weight of birds fed ad libitum. Basal metabolic rate was determined by indirect calorimetry at an ambient temperature of 20 degrees C. 2. Turkeys at 15 degrees C were lighter than those kept at 26 degrees C. Feather lengths and weight were similar in both groups. Fasting heat production corrected for both metabolic body size and activity was greater in turkeys reared at 15 degrees C than those at 26 degrees C. 3. Cranial breast feathers were significantly longer in restricted birds than in those fed ad libitum in contrast to a proportional decrease in the lengths of other feathers of 0.1 to 0.3. Feather weight as a proportion of body weight was 0.072 in restricted turkeys compared with 0.046 in birds fed ad libitum. There was no difference in basal metabolic rate between ad libitum and restricted turkeys. 4. It was concluded that feather growth was maintained in preference to body and muscle growth and that rearing birds at 15 degrees C did not improve breast feather cover. It is suggested that the growth of breast feathers in turkeys fed ad libitum is impaired.  相似文献   

1. White blood cell responses of broilers, turkeys and ducks were examined at regular intervals after being subjected to various degrees of food restriction. 2. Restricted-fed broilers showed increases in heterophil and basophil numbers, together with a corresponding decrease in lymphocytes. The heterophil/lymphocyte ratio was raised. There were no differences between broiler strains. 3. After only one week of feeding restricted diets, heterophils were significantly raised in selected and unselected 2-week-old ducks. At 21 weeks of age, those ducks receiving 50% of food required to achieve their ad libitum-fed body weight had raised heterophils. 4. Ducks receiving food to achieve 25% of ad libitum-fed birds produced a marked basophilia, but no heterophilia. 5. After two weeks of food restriction, turkeys responded with significant heterophil/lymphocyte ratios following two degrees of restricted feeding. 6. It was concluded that in some poultry, a heterophilia may be the response to mild to moderate stress but a basophilia may result after severely stressing birds.  相似文献   

A sudden outbreak of lameness related to transport stress is described in a flock of male breeding turkeys. Most of the affected turkeys exhibited obvious unilateral leg disorders. All were affected with tibial or metatarsal dyschondroplasia with at least one lesion associated with a large focus of necrosis. By histological examinations, bone lesions showed the typical feature of osteomyelitis. The inflammatory bone lesions appeared at only single isolated sites and were always associated with obvious sequestra of dyschondroplastic retained cartilage. Osteomyelitis seems to be an unexpected acute complication of previous dyschondroplasia in relation with different breeding stress situations. The resulting pain of the associated lesions could be the main cause of clinical expression of lameness. The pathogenesis of the phenomenon remains uncertain.  相似文献   


1. This trial investigated the effect of forced locomotor activity (training) on walking ability, leg posture, and growth performance, as well as carcass composition and meat quality in male fattening turkeys.

2. A flock of 744 commercial turkeys was divided into three experimental groups, either without any training period (control), training from weeks 2 to 8 (short-term), or training from weeks 2 to 21 (long-term). All birds were slaughtered at an age of 21 weeks. To study the effect of short vs. long time lapse between shackling and stunning (suspension time), each training group was split into two halves that were hooked on the shackle for either 15 s or 3 min prior to stunning.

3. Long-term physical training, compared to short-term or no training, resulted in better walking ability and in a lower percentage of leg malposition, as assessed at the end of fattening. No effect on final body weight was detected.

4. In a subsample, the composition of 80 carcasses was determined by dissection. Long-term training favoured the percentage of the drumstick over that of the breast cut in comparison to the group without any training.

5. Meat quality parameters were determined for breast muscle. The pH values 20 min post-mortem were reduced by long-term training, and the highest value was observed for a combination of no training with short suspension. After 24 h, pH values did not differ between experimental groups. The breast muscles were characterised as fast-glycolysing. Prolonged suspension time resulted in higher electrical conductivity after 24 h, and in higher a* values (redness).

6. In conclusion, the study revealed that a long-term training period improved walking ability and leg posture of heavy male turkeys. Thus, training can contribute to the improvement of animal welfare in turkey husbandry. Meat quality variables of breast muscles were partially influenced by locomotor activity and suspension time.  相似文献   

The use of cystoscopy is advocated as an aid to the early differential diagnosis of disease of the canine bladder. Techniques are described for carrying out urethroscopy and cystoscopy in both male and female dogs using modern medical diagnostic instruments. Males were examined with flexible paediatric bronchofibrescopes, which permitted urethroscopy and cystoscopy, but to obtain extensive biopsies or undertake cauterisation of the bladder surface with rigid endoscopes, a simple perineal urethrostomy was necessary. The bladder of females, on the other hand, was examined by cystoscopy and biopsied using standard rigid cystoscopes and resectoscopes.  相似文献   

Pharmacokinetics of sulfamethazine in male, female and castrated male swine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The concentration of sulfamethazine in plasma and sulfamethazine and its metabolites in urine were compared in male, female and castrated male swine. A surgical technique for placement of catheters in the urinary bladder was used to facilitate the collection of urine in males and castrated males. The elimination rate of sulfamethazine from plasma and the excretion of parent drug and metabolites into urine did not differ significantly among females, males and castrated male swine.  相似文献   

在种犬饲养过程中,大家都比较重视种犬的科学饲喂、散放运动和卫生疾病等方面的情况,却很少有人从种犬的性别搭配方面来思考种犬饲养方面的问题.其实,在实际工作中种犬的公母搭配饲养对种犬饲养工作是大有益处的.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters of growth curve parameters in male and female chickens.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
1. Individual growth curves of 7143 chickens selected for the form of the growth curve were fitted using the Laird form of the Gompertz function, BW4=BW0xe(L/K)(1-e-Kt) where BWt is the body weight at age t, BW0 the estimated hatching weight, L the initial specific growth rate and K the maturation rate. 2. Line and sex effects were significant for each parameter of the growth curve. In males, L, BW0, age and body weight at inflection (T(I)and BWI) were higher whereas K was lower than in females. Lines selected for high adult body weight had higher BW0 and BW(I) whereas lines selected for high juvenile body weight had larger estimates of L and lower estimates of T(I). 3. Data from 38,474 animals were included in order to estimate the genetic parameters of growth curve parameters in males and females, considering them as sex-limited traits. Genetic parameters were estimated with REML (REstricted Maximum Likelihood) and an animal model. Maternal genetic effects were also included. 4. Heritabilities of the growth curve parameters were moderate to high and ranged between 0.31 and 0.54, L, BW0 in both sexes and BW(I) in males exhibited significant maternal heritability. Heritabilities differed between males and females for BWI and T(I). Genetic correlations between sexes differed significantly from one for all parameters. L, K and T(I) were highly correlated but correlations involving BW0 and BW(I) were low to moderate. 5. Sexual dimorphism of body weight at 8 and 36 weeks and of L, K and T(I) was moderately heritable. Selection on growth curve parameters could modify the difference between sexes in precocity and thus in body weight at a given age.  相似文献   

This study consisted of two experiments: the first was conducted with Large White turkey males during the spring and summer (experiment 1) and the second during the autumn and winter (experiment 2). When 56 d of age, the birds were assigned to light-controlled pens and exposed to continuous illumination. Light sources used were incandescent, daylight fluorescent, warm fluorescent or high pressure sodium vapour lamps at light intensities of 10.8 or 86.1 lux. Results obtained showed that the light sources used had no significant effects on growth performance, efficiency of food utilization, feather scores or live bird quality of Large White turkeys. Social encounters were higher in birds reared under fluorescent and sodium vapour lights and mortality was higher in birds under fluorescent lights in experiment 1. Behaviour, feather scores, live bird grade and mortality were unaffected by light source treatments in experiment 2. Light intensity had no significant effect on growth, efficiency of food utilization, feather scores or bird market quality. Social encounters and mortality were higher in males exposed to 86.1 lux of light intensity.  相似文献   

In the context of a study on the tolerance of rapeseed meal in B.U.T. 6 turkeys, thyroid glands were histologically and immunohistochemically examined because of potential thyreostatic effects. In all groups including the controls with no rapeseed meal in their food, there was a high incidence of lymphocytic infiltration and thyroiditis (14% of thyroids with moderate to severe lymphocytic thyroiditis). Thirty per cent of mononuclear inflammatory cells were immunohistochemically identified as T cells. There were occasional accumulations of PAX‐5 labelled cells, indicating germinal centre development. These lesions resemble Hashimoto's disease in humans. The effect on thyroid function is unknown. Mild hypothyreosis might enhance productivity but also explain dispositions towards diseases seen in context with thyroid dysfunction such as skin diseases (foot pad disease?) and cardiovascular problems. Further studies on thyroid function in these turkeys are needed.  相似文献   

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