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传统的免疫,无论是使用弱毒疫苗、灭活疫苗还是使用基因工种疫苗,都可称为蛋白依赖性免疫,即它们都是靠直接向体内输入抗原来刺激机体产生免疫应答的。而DNA疫苗与传统疫苗的本质区别在于DNA疫苗本身不是蛋白质,而是经过改造带有某种或某些蛋白编码基因并能在体细胞内表达蛋白的质粒DNA。DNA疫苗的基本原理是:通过注射这种改造的质粒DNA后,DNA进入体细胞,伴随着体细胞的生命活动进行其转录和翻译,从而不断产生具有免疫活性的抗原。DNA本身可以在免疫应答过程中起到佐剂的作用。通过肌肉注射大量DNA后,可以激活巨噬…  相似文献   

近年来 ,许多畜禽病毒性传染病已不能依靠传统疫苗如灭活疫苗、弱毒疫苗等对其进行防治 ,DNA疫苗的出现使得这一状况得到改善。编码病毒、细菌和寄生虫等不同种类抗原基因的质粒DNA ,能够引起脊椎动物如哺乳类、鸟类和鱼类等多个物种产生强烈而持久的免疫反应。DNA疫苗被人们称为继灭活疫苗和弱毒疫苗、亚单位疫苗之后的“第三代疫苗” ,具有广阔的发展前景。1 DNA疫苗简介DNA疫苗又称核酸疫苗或基因疫苗 ,是编码免疫原或与免疫原相关的真核表达质粒DNA(有时也可是RNA) ,它可经一定途径进入动物体内 ,被动物宿主细胞…  相似文献   

作为一种全新的疫苗,DNA疫苗具有多方面的优越性,可同时诱导细胞免疫和体液免疫,其本身具有佐剂效应,也可通过其他途径优化免疫应答,本文综述了DNA疫苗的优点、接种方式、引起免疫应答的类型以及优化途径;同时也探讨了目前需要解决的问题及其应用情况。  相似文献   

DNA疫苗又称核酸疫苗或基因疫苗 ,是最近几年从基因治疗研究领域发展起来的一种全新疫苗 ,其出现被誉为第 3次疫苗革命。DNA疫苗的本质是指能在哺乳动物细胞内表达重组蛋白抗原的质粒DNA ,通过肌肉注射等途径接种动物或人体后 ,其携带的外源基因能在宿主细胞表达目的蛋白并诱导免疫应答。 1 992年以来 ,应用这一技术己成功地在小鼠、鸡、牛、黑猩猩等多种动物和人体诱生抗病毒、细菌、原虫和肿瘤的免疫应答。DNA疫苗在实验动物的免疫效力及其性质稳定、成本低廉等特点 ,使其成为今后疫苗发展的显而易见的选择。随着对DNA疫苗…  相似文献   

未来的家禽疫苗韦平编译广西农业大学530005导言疫苗是控制禽病的奠基石。有了有效的疫苗,家禽生产因疾病所造成的损失大大降低了,但由于变异株或毒力增强株的出现,现有产品的效力日益受到影响,加上DNA重组技术的发现,就大大刺激了对传统和新型疫苗的研究。...  相似文献   

分子寄生虫学10年成果辈出,抗绦虫、线虫、吸虫、原虫以及节肢动物的重组抗原疫苗都已经研制出来。兽医寄生虫疫苗进展比较快是因为许多免疫方案能在攻击试验中得到检验,使得宿主保护性抗原的鉴定比人医重要寄生虫相对容易些。研制寄生虫疫苗有好几种方法,致弱虫体的传统方法继续提供几种原虫和线虫的有效虫苗。过去5年主要采用重组DNA技术、单克隆抗体技术、蛋白质化学和免疫化学技术研制限定抗原疫苗,取得了突出成果。研  相似文献   

核酸疫苗的构成及主要特点   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
核酸疫苗 (nucleicacidvaccines)是将编码某种抗原蛋白的外源基因 (DNA或RNA)直接导入动物体细胞内 ,并通过宿主细胞的表达系统合成抗原蛋白 ,诱导宿主产生对该抗原蛋白的免疫应答 ,以达到预防和治疗疾病的目的。核酸疫苗又称为基因疫苗或DNA疫苗 ,这种免疫称为核酸免疫、基因免疫、DNA介导的免疫以及遗传免疫等。核酸疫苗是由基因治疗而发展起来的。 70年代末 ,M .A .Isral等〔1,2〕将纯化的多瘤病毒完整的DNA直接注射小鼠使其感染 ,首次证明DNA可被动物体细胞摄入并到达细胞核得以转录。 1 9…  相似文献   

动物基因工程疫苗安全性及免疫效力的评估   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
动物基因工程疫苗安全性及免疫效力的评估崔治中扬州大学农学院动医系扬州225009随着微生物分子生物学及重组DNA技术研究向产业化发展,基因工程的产品开始成为生物制品及疫苗生产中的一部分。虽然目前在我国兽用疫苗产品中,基因工程疫苗还极为有限,但可以预计...  相似文献   

病毒活载体疫苗的构建原理及应用于力童光志赵雅芝*(哈尔滨兽医研究所兽医生物技术国家重点实验室)在过去的100年里,预防细菌和病毒疾病的常规疫苗,为人类健康和畜牧业生产做出了重要的贡献。随着重组DNA技术的发展和应用,近20年中基因工程疫苗的研究取得了...  相似文献   

核酸疫苗又称为基因疫苗、脱氧核糖核酸 (DNA)疫苗。它是将外源基因克隆到真核质粒表达载体上 ,然后将重组的质粒DNA直接注射到动物体内 ,使外源基因在该动物体内表达 ,产生的抗原激活体内的免疫系统 ,诱导免疫应答反应 ,从而达到预防和治疗疾病的目的。核酸疫苗与疫苗史上前两代疫苗 :减毒、灭活疫苗 ;基因工程亚单位苗相比 ,被誉为疫苗史上的第三次革命。现将近十几年来核酸疫苗的研究情况简介如下[1~ 6 ] 。1 核酸疫苗的理论基础1990年Wolff[1] 等人将DNA重组表达载体注入小鼠的骨骼肌中 ,结果意外发现载体上的基因在局…  相似文献   

Recently we have demonstrated, with a DNA vaccine, that the immediate early protein (IE180) of pseudorabies virus provides a moderate level of protection in mice. In order to improve its immunogenicity and protective capacity, this IE180 DNA vaccine was delivered to C3H/HeJ mice either in combination with an IL-2 expressing plasmid or complexed with cationic liposomes. Co-delivery of the vaccine and IL-2 DNA by gene gun resulted in seroconversion in 5/5 of the vaccinated mice after a single administration, whereas two intramuscular (i.m.) injections were required to achieve seroconversion in all mice. Antibody and delayed-type hypersensitivity responses were augmented in mice, which received the DNA vaccine and the IL-2 gene compared to those of mice receiving the DNA vaccine alone. In addition, the time of death after challenge was significantly delayed in mice, which received the IL-2 gene. The proportion of surviving mice (40%), however, was similar to that obtained in mice which received the vaccine alone by gene gun. Liposome-mediated vaccine delivery also resulted in a higher rate of seroconversion when compared with that induced by the naked DNA vaccine. Thus, all vaccinated mice seroconverted after either two i.v. or three i.m. injections of the liposome/DNA complex, with 40 and 25% of these mice being protected against challenge, respectively. These data support that co-administration of the IE180 DNA vaccine with the IL-2 gene or delivery in liposomes are two effective approaches to increase its immunogenicity.  相似文献   

DNA疫苗的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
DNA疫苗是在分子生物学技术基础上发展起来的第3代新型疫苗,已体现出其竞争优势和应用潜能。同传统的疫苗相比,DNA疫苗具有免疫效果好、生产成本低、临床应用方便等优点,但同样存在安全性的担忧。文章回顾了DNA疫苗的发展简史,阐述了DNA疫苗的免疫机理,分析了DNA疫苗研究现状,并对DNA疫苗的安全性提出了自己的观点与看法,旨在为DNA疫苗研究提供参考。  相似文献   

DNA vaccine has been tested for protection against foot-and-mouth disease. However, the relatively low efficacy of DNA vaccine in inducing immune responses in large animals has restricted its practical use. Interleukin-1 plays an essential role in amplifying both the cellular and humoral immune responses to foreign antigens, and may therefore represent a good candidate as an adjuvant of DNA vaccines. Since the inflammatory activity of IL-I may restrict its application in DNA vaccine treatment, we explored the possibilities of augmenting immune responses without unwanted inflammatory effects using the IL-1beta fragment (amino acids (aa) 163-171), which is essential for IL-1 receptor-1 binding. The DNA fragment encoding the human IL-1beta fragment (aa 163-171) was fused to foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) DNA vaccine, and injected into mice to analyse its immune response. Compared with control mice receiving FMDV DNA vaccine alone, significant increases in the FMDV-specific antibody response and also in T cell proliferation were observed in mice receiving IL-1beta (163-171)-FMDV. These results suggested that DNA fragment encoding IL-1beta 163-171 peptide might represent a good candidate for an adjuvant of FMDV DNA vaccine.  相似文献   

DNA疫苗又称为核酸疫苗,是20世纪90年代初发展起来的一种全新疫苗,具有能够激发机体体液和细胞免疫反应,核酸疫苗因高效、持久、广谱、简便、廉价、无致病性等特点,被作为一种新型的疫苗而得到广泛的研究和应用,是近年来研究的一个热点。抗原编码基因的选择、质粒的构建、各种佐剂的应用以及疫苗接种方法和途径等因素可以提高和改变DNA疫苗的免疫效果与反应类型。DNA疫苗不仅有预防疾病的作用,同时还具有治疗疾病的作用。在不久的将来,DNA疫苗有望成为人类防治疾病的重要手段。  相似文献   

DNA疫苗又称为核酸疫苗,是20世纪90年代初发展起来的一种全新疫苗,具有能够激发机体体液和细胞免疫反应,核酸疫苗因高效、持久、广谱、简便、廉价、无致病性等特点,被作为一种新型的疫苗而得到广泛的研究和应用,是近年来研究的一个热点.抗原编码基因的选择、质粒的构建、各种佐剂的应用以及疫苗接种方法和途径等因素可以提高和改变DNA疫苗的免疫效果与反应类型.DNA疫苗不仅有预防疾病的作用,同时还具有治疗疾病的作用.在不久的将来,DNA疫苗有望成为人类防治疾病的重要手段.  相似文献   

A chimeric DNA vaccine co-expressing Eimeria tenella MZ5-7 and chicken IL-17 gene was constructed and its efficacy against E. tenella challenge was evaluated. The ORF of MZ5-7 from E. tenella's second generation merozoite and the mature interleukin 17 gene of chicken were cloned into the expression vector of pcDNA4.0 to construct DNA vaccine pcDNA4.0-MZ and pcDNA4.0-MZ-IL17. The expression of aim gene products in vivo was detected by western blotting. The expression of IL-2 and IFN-γ in chicken splenocytes was detected by RT-PCR 7 days post-immunization. The expression levels of the two cytokines in the pcDNA4.0-MZ-IL17 DNA vaccine immunized group were significantly higher than that in the pcDNA4.0-MZ immunized group (p<0.05). Either pcDNA4.0-MZ or pcDNA4.0-MZ-IL17 DNA vaccine could obviously alleviate cecal lesions, body weight loss and increase oocyst decrease ratio. The ACI of pcDNA4.0-MZ-IL17 group was 190, which is higher than that of pcDNA4.0-MZ group and all the three control groups. In short, MZ5-7 was an effective candidate antigen for vaccine and co-expression of cytokine with antigen was an alternative method to enhance the immunity DNA vaccine.  相似文献   

"自杀性"DNA疫苗研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
核酸疫苗又称基因疫苗、DNA疫苗 ,是从基因治疗研究领域发展起来的一种全新的免疫防制剂。核酸疫苗具有许多优点 ,但是同时也有其不可避免的缺陷 ,这就使人们不得不把注意力集中在对传统的核酸疫苗进行改造以保持其优点 ,避免其缺陷上。“自杀性”DNA疫苗(suicidalDNAvaccine)就是基于常规DNA疫苗和“自主复制型”RNA疫苗 (self replicatingRNAvaccine)基础上发展起来的一种新型疫苗 ,不仅具有常规DNA疫苗易制备、运输、保存等方面的优点 ,而且还有“自主复制型”RNA疫苗的安全性与有效性 ,这使得其成为目前核酸疫苗研究的热点。文章就“自杀性”DNA疫苗的载体、构建、作用机理、优点以及研究现状作了综述  相似文献   

Avian influenza (AI) is a kind of avian virulent syndrome caused by avian influenza virus (AIV),which threatens animal and human public health and seriously affects the development of poultry industry in China.Vaccination has always been the most effective means to control the spread of avian influenza virus.Based on the continuous development of genetic engineering technology,a variety of new vaccines have been developed and put into use.Among them,avian influenza DNA vaccine has many advantages,such as high safety,simple preparation,easy storage and transportation.Common HA DNA vaccine,NA DNA vaccine,M DNA vaccine,NP DNA vaccine.Avian influenza DNA vaccine introduces a recombinant plasmid containing the target gene sequence into animal cells to induce a humoral and cellular immune response.In order to improve the immune effect of avian influenza DNA vaccine,researchers at home and abroad have made some achievements in enhancing the transfection efficiency and gene expression level of DNA vaccine by adding appropriate adjuvants,introducing target genes into ideal plasmid vectors and optimizing antigen sequence.Since the development of DNA vaccines,many subtypes of avian influenza DNA vaccines,including H1,H3,H5,H7 and H9 subtypes,have been gradually developed.In 2018,the H5 subtype DNA vaccine developed by Harbin Veterinary Research Institute of The Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences obtained the National Class Ⅰ Veterinary Medicine certificate,which is the first DNA vaccine of avian influenza to be approved in China,greatly promoting the development of DNA vaccines.This review mainly discusses the development and innovation of avian influenza DNA vaccine in terms of vector construction,immune mechanism,adjuvant and vector selection,and vaccine research and development,and briefly analyzes its application prospect,in order to provide new ideas and references for researchers to develop new avian influenza vaccine.  相似文献   

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