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Enteric viruses in diarrheic turkey poults   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Thirty-three intestinal samples from 10-to-21-day-old diarrheic turkey poults were examined for the presence of enteric viruses by electron microscopy. Samples originated from 32 flocks in six commercial operations located in six states. Mortality in these flocks ranged from 3 to 15%, and birds from recovered flocks varied greatly in size. Rotavirus-like agents (RVLA) were the most common viruses associated with diarrhea outbreaks in the flocks examined, occurring in five out of six operations. Other viruses detected either singly or in combination, in order of prevalence, were astroviruses, reoviruses, rotaviruses, enteroviruses, and adenoviruses. With the exception of RVLA and rotaviruses, the other viruses were identified solely on the basis of morphology. Salmonellae were isolated from only one of the intestinal samples. By electron microscopy, RVLA were morphologically indistinguishable from rotaviruses, occurring as both 55-nm single-shelled and 70-nm double-shelled particles. However, immune electron microscopy was useful for antigenic differentiation of these two viruses. Turkey rotaviruses reacted with antisera to porcine and bovine rotaviruses, whereas turkey RVLA did not. Neither turkey rotaviruses nor RVLA reacted with antisera to porcine para-rotavirus or an antigenically distinct bovine rotavirus (bovine rotavirus-like agent). Similarly, convalescent anti-turkey RVLA serum (from recovered specific-pathogen-free poults) reacted with homologous virus but did not react with mammalian or avian rotaviruses or reoviruses. Further, RVLA were found to possess RNA electrophoretic migration patterns unlike those of conventional rotaviruses or reoviruses. This trait was used as an additional means of differentiating these viruses.  相似文献   

Four- and 5-day-old specific-pathogen-free turkey poults were inoculated orally or by contact exposure to a small round turkey-origin enteric virus. At days 4 and 8 postinoculation (PI), the orally inoculated poults had significantly lower body weight gains than control poults. Poults at day 4 (orally inoculated) and 5 (contact-exposed) PI had watery droppings, dilated thin-walled ceca filled with yellow foamy fluid, catarrhal small intestinal secretions, pale intestinal serosa, and mild lymphocytic enteritis. In addition, at day 4 PI, poults were lymphopenic, had intracytoplasmic crystalline arrays of 17.1 +/- 1.1 nm viral particles in the jejunal villar enterocytes, and had an 18-to-24-nm virus in intestinal contents. Analysis of morphometric data revealed mild shortening of villi in the duodenum and elongation of crypts in the duodenum and ileum during the late stage of the syndrome (day 8 PI). These findings suggest that the 18-to-24-nm virus can produce an enteric disease syndrome and that the acute clinical manifestation of this syndrome is not the result of morphologic change such as intestinal villus atrophy. The definitive identity of this 18-to-24-nm virus is not known; however, based on size and intracytoplasmic arrays of virus, it is most probably an enterovirus.  相似文献   

C Riddell 《Avian diseases》1983,27(2):430-441
Fifteen outbreaks of rickets were diagnosed in turkey poults in Saskatchewan between 1978 and 1981. No relationship to farm, source of poults, or source of feed was apparent. Most outbreaks started when the poults were between 10 and 14 days of age, and they had recovered by 28 days of age. Losses varied from 1% to 14% of poults started. Skeletal lesions were characteristic of a vitamin D or calcium deficiency. On the basis of chemical analyses, adequate levels of calcium and phosphorus and proper amounts of vitamin premixes were present in the feed, but in five outbreaks biological feed tests implicated feed as a causative factor. The severity of rickets in poults fed defective feeds was markedly reduced by providing the poults with extra vitamin D in the drinking water or by injection. Two premixes used in different feeds contained adequate available vitamin D on the basis of biological testing. In some of the outbreaks, the rickets may have resulted from inadequate distribution of vitamin D in the feed, destruction of vitamin D during feed processing, or some unknown factor in the feed interfering with vitamin D utilization.  相似文献   

The prevalence of Chlamydia psittaci infections in Belgian commericial turkey poults was examined and a follow-up study of one Belgian turkey flock was performed. Sera were examined for the presence of anti-chlamydia antibodies by immunoblotting. Cloacal and conjunctival swab smears and lung impression smears were examined for the presence of chlamydial antigen using the IMAGEN Chlamydia immunofluorescence test. Anti-chlamydia antibodies were found in 90 of 100 sera collected at slaughter from turkeys raised during the summer of 1992. The following winter, 73 of 100 sera reacted positively. On all twenty farms examined during 1992, turkeys were positive for anti-chlamydial antibodies. During 1993, chlamydial antigen was detected in swabs from 20 of 40 slaughterhouse turkeys tested. Antigen was found more often in the cloaca than in the conjunctiva. Chlamydial antigen was detected in samples from each of the 4 farms examined. The follow-up study on a turkey farm, sampling the birds at weekly intervals from one week old until 12 weeks of age, revealed that chlamydial antigen and anti-chlamydial antibodies were present during the whole period. During 1994, chlamydial antigen was detected in 45 of 60 lungs from slaughterhouse turkeys from all of 6 farms. During 1995, chlamydial antigen was detected in 41 of 54 lungs of 6 week old commercial turkey poults. The results of the present study indicate that Chlamydia psittaci infections are highly prevalent amongst Belgian commercial turkey poults with apparently little seasonal or year-to-year variation and that turkeys can contract the infection at an early age.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to evaluate the protective effect of humoral and cellular immunities on turkeys infected with turkey coronavirus (TCV). Two trials were conducted with two separate hatches of turkey poults. Turkey's were experimentally immunosuppressed with cyclosporin A (CsA) or cyclophosphamide (CY) and infected with TCV. Prior to infection, treatment with CsA selectively suppressed T cell activity as revealed by 2-3 fold decreased (p < 0.1) lymphocyte proliferation responses to a T cell mitogen, concanavalin A (Con A). Treatment with CY mainly induced B cell deficiency as indicated by significant reductions (p < 0.05) in antibody responses to sheep erythrocytes 7 days after injection. Body weight gain of turkeys treated with CY was significantly lower (p < 0.05) than that of untreated turkeys at 9 days post-infection (PI). Turkeys treated with CY had 1-2 fold higher immunofluorescent antibody assay (IFA) scores for TCV antigens (p < 0.05) in the intestine than untreated turkeys at 9 or 14 days PI. These results suggested that humoral immunity against TCV infection may be important in turkeys.  相似文献   

Electrocardiograms (ECGs) were recorded from turkey poults infected with the W isolate of Bordetella avium. Strip chart data (amplitudes and intervals) were measured at 7, 14, 21, and 28 days postinoculation and compared with data from uninoculated controls. B. avium infection altered P-, RS-, and T-wave amplitudes, as well as P-R and S-T intervals throughout the 4-week experimental period. Heart rates were similar over the 4-week period in control poults, while rates in the infected birds were variable. Alterations in ECGs associated with B. avium infection appeared to be the result of disturbances in the cardiovascular system and may be associated with the pathogenicity of the organism in turkey coryza.  相似文献   

A 4% mortality in 5-to-11-day-old turkey poults was attributed to 1.85% sodium chloride in the feed. The syndrome included peracute respiratory distress, ascites, and sudden death that resembled peracute heart failure. Clinical signs were observed only in the final phase of the toxicity, but progressive histologic lesions were found. Live, apparently unaffected poults showed increases in intracellular glycogen and cytoplasmic granularity, loss of striation, and early mild intercellular myocardial edema; similar but more severe histologic lesions were seen in live, ascites-affected poults. The ascites-affected poults had hydropericardium and hydrothorax which seemed to develop just minutes before death. Ultrastructurally, focal areas of myocardial cells exhibited myofibrillar disarray, lysis of myofilaments, widened Z-bands, and dilation of sarcoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

Furazolidone (FZ) toxicity was evaluated in turkey poults treated with neomycin at a dose of 20 mg/kg body weight for 5, 10, or 26 days. Neomycin treatment had no effect on FZ-induced anorexia, delayed the onset of altered electrocardiographic patterns by approximately 1 week, and did not significantly affect the development of FZ-induced cardiomyopathy. Data indicated that FZ toxicity is not significantly altered by the gut microflora.  相似文献   

Turkey viral hepatitis (TVH) was experimentally reproduced in two experiments in 1-day-old poults. In the first experiment, an infectious inoculum was prepared from filtered yolk materials harvested from dead embryonating chicken eggs (ECE) previously inoculated with suspensions of liver and pancreas tissues collected from TVH-affected birds in commercial turkey flocks. One-day-old poults given a yolk-sac inoculation or oral gavage with this preparation developed lesions in the liver and pancreas characteristic of TVH at 20 days postinoculation (PI) in 60% and 14% of the experimentally infected birds, respectively. With the identical inoculum, embryo mortality occurred at 8 and 10 days PI in embryonating turkey eggs (ETE) inoculated into the yolk sac. In the second experiment, an infectious inoculum was prepared from filtered yolk materials from dead ETE harvested in the first experiment. One-day-old poults given a yolk-sac inoculation with this filtered yolk material developed lesions in the liver and pancreas within 5 days PI. At 20 days PI, 67% of the experimentally infected birds had similar lesions. With the inoculum given to these poults, embryo mortality occurred at 6, 8, and 10 days PI in ETE inoculated into the yolk sac. Virus particles 26-28 nm in diameter with icosahedral morphology typical of picornaviruses were identified by EM in the yolk sacs of ETE that died in both experiments, and inoculated ETE that died following passage of filtered suspensions of pancreatic tissues collected from affected birds in the first experiment.  相似文献   

The present study was to characterize turkey coronavirus associated with turkey poult enteritis and mortality. Intestinal contents or intestines from affected turkey poults and inoculated turkey embryos contained coronaviruses as revealed by electron microscopy or were positive for turkey coronavirus by immunofluorescent antibody assay. Sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation of the virus-containing intestinal homogenate yielded two opalescent bands corresponding to the buoyant densities of 1.14-1.15 and 1.18-1.20 g/ml, respectively. Coronaviral particles from intestinal contents or the sucrose density gradient preparation were mainly spherical in shape and had envelope and central depression. They were surrounded by a fringe of regularly spaced petal-shaped projections attached to the particles by a short stalk. Purified viruses hemagglutinated rabbit erythrocytes with a titer of 16. Major protein bands of purified viruses analyzed by SDS-PAGE were located at 200, 100-110, 50-60, and 30-35 kDa. The patterns of protein bands were consistent with those of Minnesota or Quebec turkey coronavirus isolates. A 568 bp nucleotide fragment of turkey coronavirus spike protein gene was amplified from RNA of inoculated turkey embryo intestine or purified virus. Sequence analysis of the 568 bp PCR product revealed high degree of identity with the corresponding spike protein gene sequence of human and bovine coronaviruses. The results indicated that turkey coronavirus was associated with turkey poults with acute enteritis.  相似文献   

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