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For increasing rice production in West Africa, both expansion of rice harvested area and raising rice yield are required. Development of small-scale irrigation schemes is given high priority in national rice development plans. For realizing potential of the newly developed schemes, it is essential to understand yield level, farmers’ crop management practices and production constraints. A series of field surveys were conducted in six small-scale irrigation schemes in Zou department, Benin during the dry season in 2010–2011 to assess variation in rice yields and identify factors affecting the variation. The schemes were established between 1969 and 2009. Rice yields ranged from 1.3 to 7.8 t ha−1 with an average yield of 4.8 t ha−1. The average yield was only 2.9 t ha−1 for newer irrigation schemes developed in 2002 and 2009. Multiple regression analysis using farmers’ crop management practices as well as abiotic and biotic stresses as independent variables revealed that 75% of the variation in yields could be explained by five agronomic factors (fallow residue management, ploughing method, water stress, rat damage and N application rate) and two edaphic factors (sloped surfaces and sand content in the soil). Removing fallow residue from the fields for land preparation reduced yields. Yields were lower in plots ploughed by hand than by machine. Sloped surface, water stress and rat damage reduced yields. Yield increase due to N application ranged from 0.8 to 1.6 t ha−1. Higher sand content was associated with lowered yields. The low yields in new irrigation schemes caused by sub-optimal crop management practices suggest that farmer-to-farmer learning and extension of good agricultural principles and practices can increase yields. Organizational capacity is also important to ensure the use of common resources such as irrigation water and tractors for land preparation.  相似文献   

High temperature has become a bottleneck limiting rice production in many rice‐growing districts. Silicon is considered as a beneficial element for rice development, being involved in mitigating adversity stress. In order to ascertain how high temperature and silicon affect nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P) and potassium (K) translocation efficiencies and allocation in rice plants, a field experiment with split plot design was conducted in two consecutive years. Silicon fertilizer treatments, including applying silicon fertilizer and without applying silicon fertilizer, were regarded as main plots. Temperature treatments, including high daytime temperature (HDT) and normal temperature (NT), were assigned as subplots. The results indicated that, as compared to NT, HDT reduced the translocation efficiencies of N, P and K in leaves and stems plus sheaths except for the K translocation efficiency in stems plus sheaths. Moreover, HDT decreased grain yield and the allocation rates of N, P and K in panicles at maturity. Under HDT, the application of silicon fertilizer obviously enhanced the N translocation efficiency of leaves and stems plus sheaths, and the K translocation efficiency of leaves. The application of silicon fertilizer increased grain yield and the allocation rates of N and K in panicles at maturity under HDT. Correlation analysis showed that rice grain yield was positively significantly correlated with N, P and K translocation efficiencies of leaves and their allocation rates in panicles at maturity. Conversely, grain yield was negatively related to the N and P allocation rates in leaves and stems plus sheaths at maturity. These results imply that HDT generated adverse effect on the translocation efficiency of nutrition in rice plants, which might be another damage induced by high temperature to the formation of rice grain yield. Additionally, silicon fertilizer could play a key role in positively regulating the N and K translocation efficiencies and allocation rates in rice under HDT.  相似文献   

通过分子标记辅助选择(molecular marker-assisted selection,MAS)培育氮高效水稻品种是减少氮肥使用量、发展绿色农业和可持续农业的一个重要途经。水稻OsGRF4基因编码生长调节因子蛋白,编码区第487和488碱基由TC变异为AA,导致丝氨酸突变为赖氨酸,使得水稻具有氮高效利用、高产和耐冷的特性。为了提高OsGRF4基因在育种中的选择效率,本研究根据功能SNP(single nucleotide polymorphism)位点设计和筛选出等位基因特异PCR(polymerase chain reaction)功能标记PF+DMR+PR和PF+XMR+PR。利用此功能标记对不同品种(品系)和川大粒/巨穗稻的F2群体进行基因型检测,结合测序分析验证,能准确快速鉴定OsGRF4的纯合显性、纯合隐性和杂合基因型,且具有操作简单、成本低的特点。本研究开发的功能标记为通过MAS方法利用OsGRF4基因培育氮高效、高产和耐冷水稻新品种提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

Feeding the future world population requires increased crop production. Here, we investigate the intensification option of increasing production by increasing cropping intensity and choice of varieties with different crop duration. We developed a model to generate, compare and visualise opportunities for single/double/triple cropping systems consisting of irrigated rice and optionally a vegetable. The model was applied in a case study in the Senegal River valley. Results showed that with appropriate choice of sowing dates, severe cold sterility in rice can be avoided, also in rice–rice crop rotations. At optimal sowing dates, simulated total long term average potential yields of single, double and triple cropping yields were 10.3, 19.0 and 18.9 t/ha respectively (total of 1,2 and 3 yields). With a hypothetical completely cold tolerant variety, yields could increase to 11.2, 20.2 and 20.9 respectively. Simulated Triple crop yields are hardly any higher than those of a double crop with two medium duration varieties. Delay in sowing due to late availability of resources (machinery, irrigation water allocation within a scheme, credits for pump fuel) is a known problem in the region. Therefore we also simulated how much delay was possible (width of the sowing windows) whilst still allowing for double cropping. We found enough delay was possible to allow for a rice–rice or a rice-vegetable crop. A rice-rice-vegetable triple cropping system would only be possible without delays and with a very short duration vegetable of 2 months. Most promising options to increase production are through shifting the sowing date to facilitate double cropping, adoption of medium duration varieties and breeding for cold tolerant varieties.  相似文献   

Dense planting and less basal nitrogen (N) fertilization have been recommended to further increase rice (Oryza sativa L.) grain yield and N use efficiency (NUE), respectively. The objective of this study was to evaluate the integrative impacts of dense planting with reduced basal N application (DR) on rice yield, NUE and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Field experiments with one conventional sparse planting (CK) and four treatments of dense planting (increased seedlings per hill) with less basal N application were conducted in northeast China from 2012 to 2013. In addition, a two-factor experiment was conducted to isolate the effect of planting density and basal N rate on CH4 emission in 2013. Our results show that an increase in planting density by about 50% with a correspondingly reduction in basal N rate by about 30% (DR1 and DR2) enhanced NUE by 14.3–50.6% and rice grain yield by 0.5–7.4% over CK. Meanwhile, DR1 and DR2 reduced GWP by 6.4–12.6% and yield-scaled GWP by 7.0–17.0% over CK. According to the two-factor experiment, soil CH4 production and oxidation and CH4 emission were not affected by planting density. However, reduced basal N rate decreased CH4 emission due to it significantly reduced soil CH4 production with a smaller reduction in soil CH4 oxidation. The above results indicate that moderate dense planting with less basal N application might be an environment friendly mode for rice cropping for high yield and NUE with less GHG emissions.  相似文献   

化肥有机肥配合对水稻产量和氮素利用的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
摘要:通过对不同施肥与水稻产量和氮肥利用率连续4年定位观测研究,结果表明:在红壤丘陵区稻田上,土壤氮素来源以施肥带入为主,占土壤氮素总收入95%以上,氮素带出以作物吸收和氨挥发损失为主要途径;水稻对氮素吸收利用与氮素形态关系密切,早稻对无机氮吸收利用好于有机氮,晚稻对有机氮利用优于无机氮;对水稻4年产量统计分析,单施有机肥(M)处理与化肥(NPK)处理具有同等的产量效果,但有机肥料处理提高土壤有机质含量,提升了土壤生产力;单施有机肥(M)处理氮肥利用率达37.8%,化肥有机肥配施(NPKM)处理氮肥利用率为35.1%,而单施化肥(NPK)处理氮肥利用率仅为25.7%。  相似文献   

Rice (Oryza sativa L.) grain yields vary considerably between seasons under subtropical irrigated conditions. Reports on comparisons of grain yield between early- and late-season rice in subtropical environments are lacking. In order to evaluate the role of climatic and physiological factors under double rice-cropping system in determining rice grain yield in farmers’ fields, six field experiments were conducted in both early and late seasons from 2008 to 2010 in Wuxue County, Hubei province, China. For early season crop, the attainable yield was highest under dense planting (38.5 hills m−2) when N was applied at a rate of 120–180 kg ha−1. However, the effect of hill density on grain yield was relatively smaller for late season crop, while moderate hill density (28.1 hills m−2) and nitrogen rate (120 kg ha−1) were advantageous in terms of grain yield and lodging resistance. Remarkably higher grain yields were achieved in late season crops compared with early season crops, as the former had superiority over the latter in sink size (sink capacity, such as spikelets per m2) and biomass production. The comparatively lower yield under early season mainly resulted from slower growth during the vegetative phase, which can be attributed to the lower temperature rather than reduced mean daily radiation. Summary statistics suggested that there was ample opportunity to improve rice yield in early season crops, compared with late season crops. Correlation analysis further showed that spikelets per m2, panicles per m2, leaf area index at panicle initiation and flowering, biomass at physiological maturity and biomass accumulation after flowering should be emphasized for increasing grain yield, especially in early season crops under the double rice-cropping system in central China. Current breeding programs need to target strong tillering ability, large panicle size and greater grain filling (%) for early season crops, and high yield potential and lodging-resistance for late season crops as primary objectives.  相似文献   

田间开放式增温对东北水稻氮素利用的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东北地区是全球气候变暖趋势最为显著的地区之一,研究预期增温对东北水稻氮素吸收利用的影响,可为区域水稻可持续生产与氮肥优化管理提供借鉴。本研究于2019—2020年在黑龙江省哈尔滨市设置田间开放式增温(free air temperature increase,FATI)系统,大田与盆栽试验相结合,采用15N同位素示踪技术,模拟预期增温(+1.5℃)对水稻产量、氮素利用以及氮肥去向的影响。结果表明,增温促进了水稻地上部干物质积累,与对照相比,大田与盆栽的水稻产量2年平均分别提高10.4%和10.8%;增温显著提高了水稻氮素吸收总量,与对照相比,2年平均增幅达21.3%,但增温处理的氮素籽粒利用效率呈降低趋势;增温处理下水稻从肥料中吸收的氮素显著下降,但从土壤中吸收的氮素显著增加31.1%,导致氮肥回收率降低12.5%,而氮肥损失率增加14.2%。总体来看,增温有增加水稻籽粒产量的趋势,但降低了水稻对肥料氮的吸收比例,导致氮素利用效率降低,氮肥损失率显著增加。在气候变暖背景下,建议合理增加水稻移栽密度,以充分利用温度升高对水稻产量的正向效应,适当减少氮肥施用量、优化氮肥运筹管理,提高水稻氮...  相似文献   

Kenaf is a warm-season species that recently has been proved to be a good source of biomass for cellulose pulp for the paper industry in Mediterranean countries, where the use of hemp is problematic for legal reasons. A two-year research program aiming at studying the effects of different water regimes and nitrogen fertilization levels, upon plant growth, leaf area index, biomass accumulation, water and radiation use efficiency, was carried out on kenaf under a typically semi-arid Mediterranean climate of South Italy. In cv. Tainung 2, four different water regimes (I0 = no irrigation, I25, I50 and I100 = 25, 50 and 100% ETc restoration, respectively) and three nitrogen levels (N0 = no nitrogen, N75 and N150 = 75 and 150 kg ha−1 of N, respectively) were studied. The amount of water applied strongly affected plant growth (in terms of LAI, plant height and biomass) and final total and stem dry yield, which significantly increased from I0 to I100. Nitrogen did not exert any beneficial effect upon dry yield. Radiation Use Efficiency (RUE), calculated in the second year only, was the highest (1.95 g DM MJ−1) in fully irrigated treatment (I100) and the lowest (0.86 g DM MJ−1) in the dry control.Water use efficiency (WUE) was rather similar among water regimes, whilst irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) progressively increased with the decrease of total volume of water distributed to the crop by irrigation, from 3.47 to 12.45 kg m−3 in 2004 and from 4.27 to 7.72 kg m−3 in 2005. The results obtained from this research demonstrate that in semi-arid areas of South Italy, irrigation at a reduced rate (50% ETc restoration) may be advantageous, since it allowed a 42–45% irrigation water saving, when compared to the fully irrigation treatment, against a 23% (in 2004) and 36% (in 2005) yield reduction, and a still good efficiency (near that potential) in transforming the solar radiation in dry biomass was maintained (RUE = 1.76 g DM MJ−1, against 1.95 g DM MJ−1 in fully irrigated treatment).  相似文献   

Research on tomato tolerance to salt stress indicates that thresholds of ECe for the decrease of yield and plant growth are moderately high and differ among varieties. Some results suggest that nitrogen fertilisation may help increase the threshold for yield reduction. Most literature data have been collected either in small-scale containers or in the open field and both systems are often subjected to disturbances making hypotheses difficult to test. A set of experiments was conducted in large containers in a rainout-shelter field setting to assess the response of a “cherry”-type tomato variety to irrigation with saline water and to test the hypothesis that salt stress may be mitigated through nitrogen fertilisation.Tomato hybrid ‘TOMITO F 1’ was irrigated with water at four levels of salinity (0.7, 2.5, 5.0, and 10.0 dS m−1 ECw) and three levels of nitrogen fertilisation (no added nitrogen = N0, 120 kg ha−1 = N120, and 160 kg ha−1 = N160) in factorial combination. Plant growth and water use were measured throughout the growth cycle, and gas exchange and leaf water potentials were measured at the fruit-growing stage. Two growing cycles were completed, one with high initial soil nitrogen (HN) and the second with low initial soil nitrogen (LN).No interaction was found between the application of nitrogen and plant response to saline irrigation. Plant growth and yield were affected by the saline treatments and less by nitrogen fertilisation, especially in the HN treatment.Irrigations with saline water resulted in increased values of soil salinity. Water use was lower with increasing soil and water EC, and the marginal reduction ranged from about 31 mm for each dS m−1 of water EC at low salinity to about 6 mm for each dS m−1 at high water EC.The marginal reduction in yield ranged from about 3.3 t ha−1 for each dS m−1 at low salinity water to less than 0.6 t ha−1 for each dS m−1 at high EC of irrigation water. Yield reductions were mainly due to lower fruit weight. Biomass values decreased as the salinity levels increased and fruit quality was improved in both cycles with increasing salinity.The hypothesis that nitrogen fertilisation could help tomato plants increase tolerance to salinity was not confirmed by data of this experiment and alterations induced by salinity in plant growth, yield and quality stabilised at high levels of water EC.  相似文献   

Many studies have been conducted in examining the effects of N fertilizers on cereal yields and nitrogen (N) uptake, the effects of different kind of crop residues and their management practices on cereal yield, nitrogen uptake and simple N balance have not been studied extensively. We studied the effects of antecedent leguminous (white clover and field pea) and non-leguminous (perennial ryegrass and winter wheat) crop residues, each subjected to four different residue management practices (ploughed, rotary hoed, mulched and burned) on grain yield, nitrogen uptake by succeeding winter wheat crops, soil N mineralization and simple N balance. Grain yield and N uptake by the first wheat crop were significantly higher under leguminous than non-leguminous residues, following the order of white clover>pea>ryegrass>wheat. Grain yield under the mulched treatment was significantly lower than those of other management treatments due to lower plant population established. While N uptake was significantly lower under rotary hoed and mulched treatments as compared to other treatments, mulching had a positive residual effect on the grain yield of second wheat crop. Similar to grain yield, total soil N mineralization was greater under leguminous residues during the growing period of first wheat crop and was significantly correlated with C/N ratio of the residues. The calculated simple N balance showed that positive N balances occurred under white clover after one wheat crop when N inputs from only crop residue tops was considered. This also occurred even after two wheat crops when total N inputs from crop residues (tops+roots) were considered. However, with pea, the positive N balance occurred only after the first wheat crop when total N input from crop residues (tops+roots) were considered. These calculations demonstrated the important contribution of root-N to the N economy of the cropping system, which was largely ignored in most studies. The burning of residues showed no significant advantage over other residue management treatments. This was also evident from N balance calculations, which showed, in general, N balance was lower or more negative under residue-burned treatment as compared with other treatments. Overall, present results showed that it is beneficial to retain crop residues in the field, even though non-leguminous residues may cause substantial soil N immobilization initially reducing N availability to the first wheat crop, this N eventually became available to subsequent wheat crops and also increase the fertility of soils in the long-term. Thus, N inputs from crop residues are far more beneficial to the cropping system as compared to the burning of crop residues in the field or their removal from the field.  相似文献   

不同氮效率玉米基因型苗期对光和氮响应的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对氮效率表现差异显著的三个玉米自交系幼苗采用不同光强和氮浓度处理,比较根冠比、生物产量、硝酸还原酶和谷氨酰胺合成酶的响应差异。结果表明:不同氮效率自交系对不同氮浓度与光照强度处理的响应存在显著差异;氮低效材料在低光低氮条件下的生物产量表现比氮高效材料好,在高光高氮条件下时生物产量表现比氮高效差;氮高效材料随着氮浓度增加比氮低效材料更能保持根的发达性,表明根系是氮高效的保证。不同氮效率自交系生物产量和硝酸还原酶光氮最佳耦合点值不同,氮低效自交系出现光氮最佳耦合点时所需要的氮浓度(或光强)要比氮高效自交系低。因此,玉米基因型氮效率的发挥不但需要适宜的供氮水平,还需要合适的光照强度。  相似文献   

Functional stay-green (FSG) is characterized by delayed senescence during the reproductive stage in rice. A recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from ‘Pusa 677’/‘PSG16’ was used to study the genetics of FSG in a rice mutant, ‘PSG16’. The RILs exhibited significant variation under two N regimes for agro-morphological traits, leaf chlorophyll content, flowering time, yield components and nitrogen (N) use. Using a genome wide linkage map spanning 1910.8 cM with 104 polymorphic markers, we have mapped six major quantitative trait loci (QTLs). One robust QTL on chromosome 1 was associated consistently across different N regimes with chlorophyll content and flowering time. The QTL on chromosome 7 was associated with grain number, whereas the QTL on chromosome 6 was found related to N harvest index and spikelet fertility. Although ‘PSG16’ showed a clear advantage in grain yield as well as having better N assimilation, we could not establish a direct genetic relationship SG trait and N use. Based on the QTL information, FSG trait of ‘PSG16’ could be useful in deciphering multiple stress responses in rice.  相似文献   

研究不同降水年型施氮量对旱地冬小麦产量、氮素利用及土壤氮素表观平衡的影响,探讨渭北旱塬旱作麦田稳产增效的最佳氮素投入量,为高效施氮提供理论依据。田间定位施氮试验于2017—2020年连续3年在陕西合阳县开展,以长6359为试验材料,设置5个施氮量处理包括0、60、120、180和240 kg hm-2 (分别以N0、N60、N120、N180和N240表示),研究旱地冬小麦产量、氮肥利用率及土壤氮素平衡对降水年型与施氮量的响应。连续3年定位试验表明:(1)降水年型对冬小麦产量和经济收益影响显著,丰水年较平水年和欠水年分别增产33.6%和113.3%,经济收益提高2~3倍以上。冬小麦氮肥回收利用率和农学效率与产量有相似的变化规律,丰水年氮肥回收利用率和农学效率较平水年和欠水年分别提高4.7个百分点、0.6 kg kg–1 (平水年)和11.9个百分点、2.5 kg kg–1 (欠水年)。(2)无论何种降水年型,冬小麦产量、氮肥回收利用率和农学效率均随施氮量增加呈现先增加后下降的趋势。在丰水年和平水年,均以N180处理下最高,收获期0~100 cm土层土壤硝态氮积累分...  相似文献   

为探明油菜素甾醇(brassinosteroids,BRs)是否介导氮肥对水稻颖花退化的影响。水稻品种扬稻6号和甬优2640种植于盆钵,全生育期设置3种施氮水平,观察了不同氮肥处理下水稻减数分裂期幼穗中氮含量、BRs、过氧化氢(H2O2)和总抗氧化能力(totalantioxidantcapacity,T-AOC)水平及其与颖花退化的关系。结果表明,颖花退化率的降低与稻穗中增加的24-表油菜素甾酮(24-epicastasterone,24-epiCS)和28-高油菜素内酯(28-homobrassinolide,28-homBL)含量密切相关。当稻穗的氮含量为1.25%时,幼穗中BRs(24-epiCS和28-homBL)含量显著增加,颖花退化率显著降低。稻穗中T-AOC水平与BRs含量变化趋势相同,且均与水稻颖花退化率显著负相关,而H_2O_2含量与BRs含量和T-AOC变化趋势相反。施用外源BRs(24-epiCS或28-homBL)可显著提高稻穗中内源BRs(24-epiCS和28-homBL)含量与T-AOC水平,并显著降低稻穗中H_2O_2含量和颖花退化率,施用BRs合成抑制剂则效果相反。表明BRs可以介导氮肥对水稻颖花退化的调控,在减数分裂期适宜的稻穗含氮量(1.25%)可有效提高幼穗中的BRs含量,并通过提高抗氧化能力来抑制颖花退化。  相似文献   

《Soil Technology》1992,5(3):213-224
The methodology described in this paper provides land evaluators and land use planners with a tool to predict the land production potential for irrigated and rainfed winter wheat in Pinan County (China), taking into account environmental conditions and management practices of the local farmers.The correlation between predicted yields and actual reported yields by local farmers suggests a close resemblance between the simulated production environment and the situation in which the farmers operate.Incorporation in the model of quantified effects of limiting factors on crop performance allows estimation of inputs necessary to improve the actual yield level.  相似文献   

通过对15个品种丰产性、适应性和抗逆性进行综合比较.结果表明垦稻11号、垦粳2号、三江一号、龙粳20号、垦稻18号、龙粳17号、龙粳21号、龙粳24号综合性状表现良好,连续3年试验产量表现稳定,在栽培中注意各品种的自身特点,加强管理.可以搭配空育131种植.  相似文献   

豫南地区在水稻孕穗、抽穗期经常出现35℃以上的高温天气,此时杂交水稻进入抽穗扬花期,给水稻生产造成极严重的危害。为避免水稻生产遭受高温热害,介绍了高温热害的成因及其应对措施。  相似文献   

在簿层层析法确定氨熏蒸可降解稻谷中黄曲霉毒素 B_1的基础上,按我国现行的《食品安全性毒理学评价程序》,对经氨熏蒸后的稻谷(或加工成的大米)的卫生品质进行了评价。按规定完成了评价的第一阶段(急性毒性与七日喂养试验)、第二阶段(致畸、致突变的三个试验)及第三阶段(亚慢性毒性)试验。全部结果证实,氨熏蒸可有效地降解稻谷中黄曲霉毒素B_1,并且未发现其降解物对实验动物有毒性。此去毒法可在有关部门试用。  相似文献   

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