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臭氧在温室蔬菜生产中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
臭氧是一种广谱杀菌剂,对细菌繁殖体、芽孢、病毒等均有灭活作用.低浓度的臭氧能够有效防治温室蔬菜病虫害.阐述臭氧防治植物病害的原理,简述臭氧生成及灭菌技术在我国农业领域的应用现状,概述臭氧发生装置的选用原则,介绍臭氧在温室蔬菜生产中的应用情况及影响其灭菌效果的因素.  相似文献   

1.温室中臭氧的产生及作用 臭氧是一种具有强氧化性的气体,能够很有效地对空气进行灭菌消毒和除臭。在设施植物植保领域的应用始于1993年,但直到2000年才开始正式推广应用。在温室中通过臭氧发生器(如图1)对抽入机内的空气进行高压放电而使空气臭氧化,臭氧化的空气又通过机内风机外吹,并沿铺设在温室空间的塑料喉管均匀地扩散出去。  相似文献   

温室病害臭氧防治技术是现代物理农业技术之一,是防治蔬菜病害,生产绿色无公害蔬菜的一种有效手段,为绿色无公害蔬菜生产提供了有效保障。  相似文献   

近年来,生物有机肥在温室蔬菜种植中的推广应用有效地减少了化肥的施用,为生产安全、绿色蔬菜,提高蔬菜的产量和品质、改良土壤、保护生态环境提供了有效的途径.本文阐述了生物有机肥的特点和优势、施用方法、注意事项,供借鉴参考.  相似文献   

介绍应用物理农业技术的原理,通过物理农业技术在蔬菜大棚中的应用试验,证实应用物理农业技术可促进蔬菜的长势、减少病虫害发生、提高产量和品质,从而实现蔬菜生产向无农药、无化肥的经济、绿色、环保方向发展。  相似文献   

物理农业技术在温室大棚蔬菜生产中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍应用物理农业技术的原理,通过物理农业技术在蔬菜大棚中的应用试验,证实应用物理农业技术可促进蔬菜的长势、减少病虫害发生、提高产量和品质,从而实现蔬菜生产向无农药、无化肥的经济、绿色、环保方向发展。  相似文献   

大连绿晨园艺有限公司成立于1998年10月,位于大连市旅顺口区三涧堡街道土城子村。现有温室大棚面积200亩,其中,日光温室52栋。拥有各种农机具和设备58台(套),拥有物理农业技术设备52台(件)。2006年被列为辽宁省设施农业机械化示范基地,大连市设施农业双技术(机械化技术和物力农业技术)示范园区。  相似文献   

空间电场促生理论是八十年代末发展起来的关于植物生长的外驱动力理论。依据该理论设计开发的电除雾灭菌系统对植物生长有着强烈的促进作用,同时对温室植物生长环境的改善以及病虫害的减少有着显著的作用。下面就其组成及用于温室中除雾防病、促进离子肥料与CO2的吸收和提高温室蔬菜抗逆能力和最佳使用方法方面进行介绍。1电除雾灭菌促生系统的组成本系统由控制器、场驱电源、空间电场及带电粒子释放系列装置、臭氧释放装置组成。该系统可确保蔬菜免遭有害微生物的侵害并能在增补CO2的条件下,稳定地提高蔬菜产量。2用于温室除雾灭菌方面在…  相似文献   

燃煤热风炉在温室生产中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
科学地选择和设计温室供热系统,既能满足作物生长需求,又能最大限度地节约能源、提高温室的经济效益和保护环境,是设施农业生产中期待解决的问题。为此,在研究国内外燃煤热风炉应用的基础上,结合我国的能源状况和环境保护要求,对燃煤热风炉在温室蔬菜生产中的应用进行了系统研究。进而证明了新型间接加热煤热风炉是适合我国国情的炉型之一。  相似文献   

温度是设施生产中作物生长的主要制约因素之一,提前预测温室温度对精准调控温室环境具有重要的指导意义。因此提出一种基于灰狼优化算法的长短期记忆网络模型预测温室温度,该模型利用灰狼优化算法(Grey Wolf Optimizer, GWO)对长短期记忆网络(Long Short-Term Memory, LSTM)模型参数进行调整优化。以江苏省农业科学院阳光板温室2020年9月23日—12月21日期间的试验数据对该方法进行验证。结果显示:在预测时间步长30 min时,GWO-LSTM的预测均方根误差、平均绝对误差、平均绝对百分比误差和决定系数分别为0.677 6、0.411 4、0.168 7和0.960 4。在预测时间步长60 min内,GWO-LSTM模型预测精度均高于标准LSTM和反向传播人工神经网络(Back Propagation Artificial Neural Network, BP-ANN)。说明所提出的GWO-LSTM模型能够准确地预测未来温室内温度变化,可为制定温室环境智能调控策略提供有效的数据支撑。  相似文献   

In this study, the financial implications of variations in produce market value, yield, plant density, workrate and reduced cultivation have been evaluated using a model of a horticultural enterprise, in order to estimate the likely value of developing gantry systems for leaf vegetable production.Experimental data on the effect of gantry systems of production on these factors is not available. However, the results of this study indicate that for 1985 costs, the potential benefits are large. Capital expenditures of £167, £82, £62 and £28/ha can be justified, respectively for every 1% improvement in market value, yield, plant density and harvest workrate; while, conversely, £32/ha less capital expenditure can be justified for every 1% reduction in overall workrate. As a first order approximation, these independent effects are linearly cumulative.The utilization in terms of area/gantry is studied for versatile gantries which are able to perform all operations on a leaf vegetable crop, and specialist machines which perform one or a limited number of tasks. A harvesting only gantry, operated by six workers, would cover approximately 26 ha of leaf vegetables annually. This figure is reduced to about 22 ha for a versatile machine doing all operations. A gantry performing spray and fertilizer applications only will cover 160 ha and a cultivation-only gantry 70 ha.A simplified assessment of gantry costs and benefits has been used to calculate optimum gantry span which is found to lie between 5 and 9 m.  相似文献   

Irrigation scheduling based on the daily historical crop evapotranspiration (ETh) data was theoretically and experimentally assessed for the major soil-grown greenhouse horticultural crops on the Almería coast in order to improve irrigation efficiency. Overall, the simulated seasonal ETh values for different crop cycles from 41 greenhouses were not significantly different from the corresponding values of real-time crop evapotranspiration (ETc). Additionally, for the main greenhouse crops on the Almería coast, the simulated values of the maximum cumulative soil water deficit in each of the 15 consecutive growth cycles (1988–2002) were determined using simple soil-water balances comparing daily ETh and ETc values to schedule irrigation. In most cases, no soil-water deficits affecting greenhouse crop productivity were detected, but the few cases found led us to also assess experimentally the use of ETh for irrigation scheduling of greenhouse horticultural crops. The response of five greenhouse crops to water applications scheduled with daily estimates of ETh and ETc was evaluated in a typical enarenado soil. In tomato, fruit yield did not differ statistically between irrigation treatments, but the spring green bean irrigated using the ETh data presented lower yield than that irrigated using the ETc data. In the remaining experiments, the irrigation-management method based on ETh data was modified to consider the standard deviation of the inter-annual greenhouse reference ET. No differences between irrigation treatments were found for productivity of pepper, zucchini and melon crops.  相似文献   

In many water scarce areas, saline water has been included as an important substitutable resource in agricultural irrigation. It would be of practical use to investigate the effect of stage-specific saline irrigation on yield, fruit quality, and other growth responses of greenhouse tomato, to establish a proper irrigation management strategy for tomato production in these regions. Here, saline irrigations (3.33, 8.33, and 16.67 dS m−1 NaCl solution) were applied during four growth stages of greenhouse tomato (L. esculentum Mill. cv. Zhongza No. 9) grown in the North China Plain, respectively. These include flowering and fruit-bearing stage (stage 1), first cluster fruit expanding stage (stage 2), second cluster fruit expanding stage (stage 3), and harvesting stage (stage 4). Compared with the following three stages, yield loss was most remarkable in stage 1 under all three salinity levels. Under irrigation practices using 3.33 dS m−1 saline water in all four stages, 8.33 dS m−1 saline water in latter three stages, and 16.67 dS m−1 saline water in stage 4, yield reduction was not significant while fruit quality was improved. In conclusion, it is feasible to use stage-specific saline irrigation for tomato production in water scarce areas like North China Plain.  相似文献   

设施蔬菜生产无人化开沟施肥机控制系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解决设施蔬菜生产存在的用工难、用工贵、劳动强度大、作业效率低、农机农艺融合不够等问题,设计基于PLC和自适应Fuzzy-PID的设施蔬菜生产无人化开沟施肥机的控制系统。采用西门子S7-200 SMART PLC作为主控制器开发开沟施肥机的控制系统,实现无人化开沟施肥;再采用自适应Fuzzy-PID控制方法实现精准施肥。通过试验可得开沟深度最大相对误差为7.5%,平均相对误差为1.2%,施肥量最大相对误差14%,平均相对误差为6.6%,满足开沟控制要求和精准施肥要求,控制系统稳定性好,控制精度高,满足生产要求。  相似文献   

Low pressure drip irrigation is being promoted in Sub Saharan Africa as an alternative to traditional methods of small scale irrigation of vegetables. The African Market Garden (AMG) is a horticultural production system for smallholders based on low-pressure drip irrigation combined with an improved crop management package. The agronomic and economic performance of the AMG is compared to two gardens irrigated manually with watering cans. One of these gardens is managed according to the same improved crop management package as in the AMG, this treatment is called Improved Management (IM). The other garden is managed according to common practices of vegetable producers in the area, this treatment is called the Farmer Practice (FP). Crop productivity, labor and water use were monitored for two vegetable species (okra and eggplants). The experiment was performed on-station in Niger on three adjacent 500 m2 plots in a sandy acid soil. It was found that improved crop management practices greatly enhance crop productivity over traditional methods at comparable production costs. The AMG gave higher crop yields and higher returns to investment than the treatments irrigated with watering cans. Labor accounts for up to 45% of the production cost in vegetable gardens irrigated by hand, where 80% of the producer time is spent on irrigation. The total labor requirement for the drip irrigated AMG was on average 1.1 man hours per day against 4.7 man hours per day for the Farmers Practice on a 500 m2 garden. Returns on labor are at least double for the AMG against the other treatments. The returns on land from eggplant were found to be US$ 1.7, 0.8 and 0.1 per m2 for the AMG, IM and FP respectively. The returns on water for the cultivation of eggplant are around US$ 2 per m3 in the AMG, against US$ 0.1 in the Farmers Practice. This experiment showed the strong positive impact of drip irrigation and improved crop management practices on profits at minimal environmental costs, indicating that transformation of existing practices poses a considerable potential towards sustainable agricultural development.  相似文献   

冬暖式大棚蔬菜滴灌技术的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文结合推广应用情况,试述了大棚蔬菜滴灌系统的布置、管网设计、安装,并对各类滴头代缺点进行了比较。  相似文献   

农业塑料大棚的使用对农业生产至关重要,但若使用不当会对农业生产和生态环境带来不利影响。因此,运用遥感技术监测农业塑料大棚的数量与规模对于农业的可持续发展具有重要意义。首先,分析及对比了不同分类原理、遥感数据源、分类器在农业塑料大棚识别中的具体应用,然后,简要阐述了遥感技术在大棚识别领域的发展前景,以期为相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

李磊 《湖南农机》2011,38(9):209-210
随着生活质量的提高,人们对蔬菜的要求越来越高,无公害蔬菜正日益成为人们所青睐的食品.但是,在无公害蔬菜生产中,农药使用存在诸多严重问题,针对这些问题文章提出一些对策建议,以期有利于无公害蔬菜的生产.  相似文献   

《Agricultural Systems》2005,86(1):97-114
Actions to moderate the major emission contributors of enteric fermentation, fertiliser and manure management on farms should not simply move the emissions elsewhere in the system, but actually reduce them. Life cycle assessment methodology was used to provide an objective framework for estimating emissions and to evaluate emission management scenarios with respect to kg CO2 eq emitted per unit of milk produced. An average dairy unit was defined and emissions were compartmentalised to calculate a total emission of 1.50 kg CO2 eq kg−1 (energy corrected milk) yr−1 and 1.3 kg CO2 eq kg−1 yr−1 with economic allocation between milk and meat. Of the total emissions, 49% was enteric fermentation, 21% fertiliser, 13% concentrate feed, 11% dung management and 5% electricity and diesel consumption. Scenario testing indicated that more efficient cows with extensive management could reduce emissions by 14–18%, elimination of non-milking animals could reduce emissions by 14–26% and a combination of both could reduce emissions by 28–33%. It was concluded that the evolution of the Irish dairy sector, driven by the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), should result in reduced GHG emissions.  相似文献   

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