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免疫增强剂对鸡球虫体液免疫指标的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
艾维茵雏鸡于7日龄和14日龄时分别以1000、5000个E.Tenella卵囊/只免疫两次,并于首免时注射卡介苗(BCG)或黄芪多糖(APS)1次,21日龄以5万和25万卵囊攻击。试验鸡于7、14、21日龄和28日龄采血,ELISA测定血清中IgG、IgM抗体的含量。结果表明:BCG具有促进球虫免疫鸡体液免疫应答的作用,而APS的作用效果不明显。  相似文献   

将柔嫩艾美球虫DNA疫苗pcDNA4.0(c)-pEtK2-IL-2以50μg分别对14日龄和21日龄雏鸡进行胸部肌肉注射免疫,28日龄对各未免疫组与免疫组鸡分别口服接种柔嫩艾美球虫、巨型艾美球虫、堆形艾美球虫和毒害艾美球虫孢子化卵囊,36日龄剖杀,分析比较免疫保护效果。结果显示,柔嫩艾美球虫攻毒免疫试验组与柔嫩艾美球虫攻毒未免疫对照组比较,增重、盲肠病变记分、OPG值差异显著(P〈0.05),免疫保护效果明显,抗球虫指数(ACI)达186.50;而巨型艾美球虫、堆形艾美球虫和毒害艾关球虫攻毒免疫试验组的ACI分别为147.85、142.71和153.82,增重、盲肠病变记分、OPG值和ACI与相应的攻毒未免疫对照组比较,均有不同程度改善,免疫保护效果不明显。表明,该DNA疫苗对柔嫩艾美球虫的攻击具有完全免疫保护作用,而对巨型艾美球虫、堆形艾关球虫、毒害艾美球虫的攻击具有部分交叉保护力。  相似文献   

黄芪多糖对鸡新城疫和传染性腔上囊病疫苗免疫力的影响   总被引:47,自引:0,他引:47  
将黄芪多糖(APS)分别按0、2.5、5.0、10.0mg只,以点眼、滴鼻、皮下注射、肌肉注射的不同方式,分别与鸡NDⅠ系、NDⅣ系、ND油乳剂苗和IBD冻干苗同时接种于4组(每组35只)健康非免疫雏鸡,对血清中ND、IBD抗体效价及脾、腔上囊重量的变化进行了动态观察。检测结果:各APS组血清ND、IBD抗体效价显著高于APS空白组(P<0.05),其中以APS5.0mg/只组的抗体效价最高;除ND油乳剂苗各APS组和NDⅣ系APS2.5mg/只在12日龄测定值外,各APS 脾和腔上囊重量显著高于APS空白组(P<0.05)。试验表明,APS可用作鸡疫苗的免疫佐剂提高鸡的免疫力;点眼、滴鼻、皮下注射、肌肉注射的接种方式不影响APS提高鸡免疫力的作用;APS以5.0mg/只为最适剂量。  相似文献   

选用体重相近的35日龄断奶新西兰肉兔150只,随机分成5个组,分别为对照组、试验1、2、3、4组,对照组添加氯苯胍150 mg/kg,试验1、2、3组分别添加Es-ap、Em-mg、Ei-ma卵黄抗体1 g/kg,试验4组添加上述3种球虫重组蛋白复合卵黄抗体1 g/kg(各占1/3),每组设5个重复,每个重复6只,分别饲喂对应日粮,并于42日龄人工感染攻虫。试验结果显示,试验4组在平均日增重、日采食量、成活率方面均显著高于其他组别(P<0.05),料肉比显著低于其他组别(P<0.05);抗球虫指数(ACI)值判定标准为:Es-ap、Em-mg、Ei-ma卵黄抗体均具有中等抗球虫效果,3种卵黄抗体组合使用,具有良好的抗球虫效果。结论:筛选的兔球虫重组蛋白抗原制备卵黄抗体(IgY)不仅对兔球虫具有良好的免疫保护作用,不同虫种还具有交叉免疫保护力。  相似文献   

用黄艾美耳球虫重复免疫2月龄新西兰品种无球虫兔,设计3种免疫程序:(1)均等中剂量,免疫3次,间隔10d,2000个卵囊/只·次;(2)均等低剂量,免疫5次,间隔5d,200个卵囊/只·次;(3)加倍递增剂量免疫程序,免疫5次,间隔5d,起始剂量为200个卵囊/只·次。在30000个孢子化卵囊攻虫后的17d,对所有实验动物各段肠道取样,用扫描电镜进行观察,结果发现,家兔各段肠道杯状细胞分泌旺盛,可见到大量的分泌物,粘液团块及由粘液所形成的假膜覆盖在肠粘膜表面。在肠粘膜表面见到较多的大肠杆菌。小肠肠绒毛萎缩、变短、有的胀肿,大肠肠粘膜表面的纵行皱折萎缩。相比而言,低剂量免疫的家兔小肠肠绒毛萎缩和大肠粘膜的纵行皱折萎缩均较严重,而且有较严重的卡他性肠炎。中剂量和加倍递增剂量免疫的家兔病变程度较接近。  相似文献   

柔嫩艾美尔球虫裂殖子免疫原性的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文评价了柔嫩艾美尔球虫第二代裂殖子的免疫原性。试验采用弗氏完全佐剂乳化的裂殖子抗原及从组织中分离得的活游离殖子,以不同剂量的不同时间接种健康小鸡,随后用同源球虫进行攻击。效果评价指标为:(1)比较各抗原组的鸡只死亡率及盲肠病变记分;(2)各抗原组鸡只的增重差异。结果表明,柔嫩艾美尔球虫第二代裂殖子抗原不能刺激鸡体产生保护性免疫力;具有活力的裂殖子接种于健康鸡盲肠能诱发部分免疫力,但较自然感染者为  相似文献   

中药复方多糖对鸡红细胞免疫功能的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
观察不同浓度的中药复方多糖、黄芪多糖(APS)、当归多糖(ASP)及淫羊藿多糖(EPS)对正常罗曼雏鸡免疫功能的影响。将260羽1日龄健康罗曼雏鸡随机分为13组,每组20羽。分别于1日龄皮下注射生理盐水以及中药复方多糖、APS、ASP、EPS,连续注射7d,于7、14、21、28、35、42、49、56日龄采血,检测红细胞免疫功能。试验结果表明:使用中药复方多糖、APS、ASP、EPS后,各试验组红细胞-Gb花环率和红细胞-IC花环率明显升高。中药复方多糖红细胞-C3b花环率和红细胞-IC花环率显著高于其他多糖组。中药复方多糖、APS、ASP、EPS均可提高鸡的红细胞免疫功能,其中以中药复方多糖效果最好。  相似文献   

为了确定柔嫩艾美耳球虫(Eimenatenella)早熟株合适的免疫剂量,本文设立7个早熟株免疫攻虫组、1个不免疫攻虫组和1个不免疫不攻虫组,免疫组的免疫剂量为孢子化卵囊100、200、400、600、800、1000和2000个/羽,经嗉囊感染,7日龄首次免疫,14日龄以同等剂量进行第二次免疫,21日龄以8×10^4个/羽的同源母株进行攻虫,28日龄结束试验,以存活率、增重、肠道病变记分、血便数量、卵囊减少率为观测指标。对免疫保护效果较好的3个免疫剂量进行重复试验,同时设置商品化球虫疫苗对照组,免疫方法、试验周期、试验指标同第一批试验。结果显示:攻虫后,不免疫攻虫组出现5%死亡,而各免疫组来出现死亡;各免疫组卵囊减少率在61.57%~69.52%;200~2000免疫组的增重与不免疫不攻虫组差异不具备显著统计学意义(P〉0.05);600~2000免疫组的肠道病变记分和血便数量均明显少于不免疫攻虫组(P〈0.05)。用600、800和1000进行重复试验,三个免疫组攻虫期间均来出现死亡,而不免疫组和疫苗对照组均出现5%死亡;三个免疫组的增重均明显高于不免疫攻虫组和疫苗对照组(P〈0.05);早熟株免疫组的肠道病变记分和血便数量明显低于不免疫攻虫组(P〈0.05),而疫苗对照组与不免疫攻虫组的相当(P〉0.05);卵囊减少率在66.30%-78.75%,高于疫苗对照组的51.82%。结果表明,该柔嫩艾美耳球虫早熟株保持了良好的免疫原性,不同免疫剂量均能诱发鸡产生免疫保护力,其中600、800和1000个/羽的免疫效果均优于疫苗对照组,可考虑以600个/羽作为该早熟株在疫苗制备中的推荐免疫剂量。  相似文献   

采用大肠杆菌表达鸡艾美耳球虫微线蛋白(ETMIC—2),对石歧杂小公雏在1、2周龄按分组以不同剂量分别肌注免疫,3周龄人工感染强毒柔嫩艾美耳球虫孢子化卵囊,4周龄全部捕杀,进行增重、盲肠病变和免疫淋巴器官病理组织学观察。结果表明,全部试验组增重率均高于红对照组,其中两组超过白对照组;盲肠病变均低于红对照组;免疫淋巴器官发生不同程度的增生,尤其是胸腺,盲肠扁桃体及脾脏,淋巴滤泡增大,淋巴细胞明显增殖。此结果可以提示,适量的ETMIC—2基因表达产物免疫雏鸡后,再进行柔嫩艾美耳球虫的强毒攻击,能刺激机体的免疫淋巴组织器官产生免疫应答反应,对机体具有较好的保护力。  相似文献   

本文对鸡球虫苗(DLV)免疫和免疫后攻击引起鸡体类特异抗体应答和血液重要生理指标的动态变化进行了系统研究。结果发现,DLV每次免疫都激发了高于上次水平的IgG反应,到末次免疫后1~2周鸡体内已达较高IgG水平;IgM仅在初次免疫后第9天检到低水平反应。虫苗免疫对鸡血细胞压积(PCV)、血红蛋白(Hb)含量无任何影响,血脂、血清蛋白量和碱性磷酸酶(SAP)活力在后期有不同程度下降,但很快基本恢复。末次免疫后2周大剂量攻击,攻后6天免疫鸡抗体水平未见升高,且上述各血液指标均无明显变化;而不免疫对照鸡攻击后各血液指标均剧烈下降。  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究夏季高温环境下在饲粮中添加苜蓿多糖对蛋鸡生产性能及蛋品质的影响。将540只156日龄海兰褐蛋鸡随机分成6组,每组6个重复,每个重复15只鸡。对照组饲喂基础饲粮,试验组分别饲喂在基础饲粮中添加250、500、1 000、2 000和4 000 mg/kg苜蓿多糖的试验饲粮。试验期为6周。结果显示:与对照组相比,1)饲粮中添加不同水平苜蓿多糖对平均蛋重、平均日采食量、不合格蛋率和死淘率均无显著影响(P0.05),而添加500、1 000和4 000 mg/kg苜蓿多糖显著提高了蛋鸡的产蛋率(P0.05),添加500、1 000、2 000和4 000 mg/kg苜蓿多糖显著降低了料蛋比(P0.05)。2)饲粮中添加不同水平苜蓿多糖对蛋白高度和哈夫单位均无显著影响(P0.05);250 mg/kg苜蓿多糖添加组第4和6周末的蛋黄颜色显著提高(P0.05);500 mg/kg苜蓿多糖添加组第6周末的蛋形指数显著降低(P0.05),第1、4和6周末的蛋黄颜色显著提高(P0.05);1 000 mg/kg苜蓿多糖添加组第4和6周末的蛋壳颜色显著加深(P0.05),第1、2和4周末的蛋壳强度和蛋壳厚度显著提高(P0.05),第1和6周末的蛋形指数显著降低(P0.05),第1、2、4和6周末的蛋黄颜色显著提高(P0.05);2 000 mg/kg苜蓿多糖添加组第1和4周末的蛋壳厚度显著提高(P0.05),第6周末的蛋形指数显著降低(P0.05),第1、4和6周末的蛋黄颜色显著提高(P0.05);4 000 mg/kg苜蓿多糖添加组第4周末的蛋壳颜色显著加深(P0.05)且蛋壳强度显著提高(P0.05),第1和4周末的蛋壳厚度显著提高(P0.05),第6周末的蛋形指数显著降低(P0.05),第1、4和6周末的蛋黄颜色显著提高(P0.05)。结果表明,夏季高温环境下,在饲粮中添加适量的苜蓿多糖可以有效缓解蛋鸡的热应激,提高蛋鸡的生产性能,改善蛋品质,且适宜添加量为1 000 mg/kg。  相似文献   

应用冷冻辐照(CI)童虫苗和冻融(F/T)苗预防日本血吸虫病的4项实验室试验和1项田间试验,分别在1979~1980年进行,结果如下:(1)1次免疫皮内接种水牛犊10,000条20 krad CI童虫加1 ml卡介苗,得到62%减虫率(P<0.05);应用相同方法注射黄牛,得到55%减虫率(P<0.01)。(2)对水牛犊免疫2次,间隔1.5月,分别用10,000和20,000条CI童虫,结果得到减虫率65%。(3)应用10,000条CI童虫加1ml卡介苗对水牛犊进行初步田间试验,结果得到减虫率53%。(4)对黄牛皮内注射30,000条F/T童虫和1ml卡介苗,揭示减虫率57%,但增加免疫接种次数并未改进保护效果。(5)水牛应用CI苗,黄牛应用F/T苗,探究其对雌虫及其产卵和孵出毛蚴的数目的影响,获得了若干证明。(6)水牛用CI童虫苗免疫后所激发出的细胞和体液免疫应答,曾用淋巴细胞转化试验和酶联免疫吸附试验检测。  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine factors that may influence the efficacy of an oral pelleted vaccine containing Mycobacterium bovis bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) to induce protection of brushtail possums against tuberculosis. To determine the duration of protective immunity following oral administration of BCG.

METHODS: In Study 1, a group of possums (n=7) was immunised by feeding 10 pellets containing dead Pasteur BCG, followed 15 weeks later with a single pellet of live Pasteur BCG. At that time, four other groups of possums (n=7 per group) were given a single pellet of live Pasteur BCG orally, a single pellet of live Danish BCG orally, 10 pellets of live Pasteur BCG orally, or a subcutaneous injection of live Pasteur BCG. For the oral pelleted vaccines, BCG was formulated into a lipid matrix, and each pellet contained approximately 107 colony forming units (cfu) of BCG, while the vaccine injected subcutaneously contained 106 cfu of BCG. A sixth, non-vaccinated, group (n=7) served as a control. All possums were challenged by the aerosol route with a low dose of virulent M. bovis 7 weeks after vaccination, and killed 7–8 weeks after challenge. Protection against challenge with M. bovis was assessed from pathological and bacteriological findings.

In Study 2, lipid-formulated live Danish BCG was administered orally to three groups of possums (10–11 per group), and these possums were challenged with virulent M. bovis 8, 29 or 54 weeks later. The possums were killed 7 weeks after challenge, to assess protection in comparison to a non-vaccinated group.

RESULTS: The results from Study 1 showed that vaccine efficacy was not adversely affected by feeding dead BCG prior to live BCG. Feeding 10 vaccine pellets induced a level of protection similar to feeding a single pellet. Protection was similar when feeding possums a single pellet containing the Pasteur or Danish strains of BCG. All vaccinated groups had significantly reduced pathological changes or bacterial counts when compared to the non-vaccinated group. In Study 2, oral administration of Danish BCG induced protection against challenge with M. bovis, which persisted for at least 54 weeks after vaccination. Some protection was observed in possums challenged 54 weeks after vaccination, but this protection was significantly less than that observed in groups vaccinated 29 or 8 weeks prior to challenge. There was a strong relationship between the proportion of animals producing positive lymphocyte proliferation responses to M. bovis antigens and protection against challenge with M. bovis.

CONCLUSIONS: Factors considered potentially capable of interfering with vaccination, including feeding dead BCG to possums prior to feeding live BCG, feeding multiple doses of BCG at one time, and changing strains of BCG, were shown not to interfere with the acquisition of protective immune responses in possums. Protection against tuberculosis was undiminished up to 29 weeks after vaccination with BCG administered orally. It is concluded that vaccination of possums by feeding pellets containing BCG is a robust and efficient approach to enhance the resistance of these animals to tuberculosis.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine factors that may influence the efficacy of an oral pelleted vaccine containing Mycobacterium bovis bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) to induce protection of brushtail possums against tuberculosis. To determine the duration of protective immunity following oral administration of BCG. METHODS: In Study 1, a group of possums (n=7) was immunised by feeding 10 pellets containing dead Pasteur BCG, followed 15 weeks later with a single pellet of live Pasteur BCG. At that time, four other groups of possums (n=7 per group) were given a single pellet of live Pasteur BCG orally, a single pellet of live Danish BCG orally, 10 pellets of live Pasteur BCG orally, or a subcutaneous injection of live Pasteur BCG. For the oral pelleted vaccines, BCG was formulated into a lipid matrix, and each pellet contained approximately 107 colony forming units (cfu) of BCG, while the vaccine injected subcutaneously contained 106 cfu of BCG. A sixth, non-vaccinated, group (n=7) served as a control. All possums were challenged by the aerosol route with a low dose of virulent M. bovis 7 weeks after vaccination, and killed 7-8 weeks after challenge. Protection against challenge with M. bovis was assessed from pathological and bacteriological findings. In Study 2, lipid-formulated live Danish BCG was administered orally to three groups of possums (10-11 per group), and these possums were challenged with virulent M. bovis 8, 29 or 54 weeks later. The possums were killed 7 weeks after challenge, to assess protection in comparison to a non-vaccinated group. RESULTS: The results from Study 1 showed that vaccine efficacy was not adversely affected by feeding dead BCG prior to live BCG. Feeding 10 vaccine pellets induced a level of protection similar to feeding a single pellet. Protection was similar when feeding possums a single pellet containing the Pasteur or Danish strains of BCG. All vaccinated groups had significantly reduced pathological changes or bacterial counts when compared to the non-vaccinated group. In Study 2, oral administration of Danish BCG induced protection against challenge with M. bovis, which persisted for at least 54 weeks after vaccination. Some protection was observed in possums challenged 54 weeks after vaccination, but this protection was significantly less than that observed in groups vaccinated 29 or 8 weeks prior to challenge. There was a strong relationship between the proportion of animals producing positive lymphocyte proliferation responses to M. bovis antigens and protection against challenge with M. bovis. CONCLUSIONS: Factors considered potentially capable of interfering with vaccination, including feeding dead BCG to possums prior to feeding live BCG, feeding multiple doses of BCG at one time, and changing strains of BCG, were shown not to interfere with the acquisition of protective immune responses in possums. Protection against tuberculosis was undiminished up to 29 weeks after vaccination with BCG administered orally. It is concluded that vaccination of possums by feeding pellets containing BCG is a robust and efficient approach to enhance the resistance of these animals to tuberculosis.  相似文献   

A number of studies have demonstrated significant protection of cattle against bovine tuberculosis following vaccination with the Pasteur strain of Mycobacterium bovis bacille Calmete-Guerin (BCG). However, it is unclear if other daughter strains of BCG are as effective, which is an important issue to resolve for a variety of regulatory compliance issues. This study compared the protective immune responses to bovine tuberculosis induced in cattle vaccinated with BCG Danish with those induced by BCG Pasteur. Groups of calves (n=10) were vaccinated with 10(6) colony forming units (CFU) BCG Pasteur prepared from a fresh liquid culture, 10(6) CFU BCG Danish prepared from a fresh liquid culture or 0.4 mg of reconstituted freeze-dried culture of BCG Danish. Another group (n=10) served as non-vaccinated controls. BCG Pasteur induced significantly higher and more sustained levels of bovine purified protein derivative (PPD)-specific gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) in whole-blood cultures following vaccination compared to either fresh culture BCG Danish or freeze-dried BCG Danish. Vaccination with a fresh culture of BCG Pasteur, fresh culture BCG Danish and freeze-dried BCG Danish gave a significant enhancement in three, four and three pathological and microbiological parameters of protection, respectively, compared to the non-vaccinated group. These results demonstrate the Danish strain of BCG is a viable alternative to BCG Pasteur for vaccination of cattle as both strains had similar efficacy and there was little difference between freshly cultured and freeze-dried formulation of BCG Danish. The results also show that post-vaccination antigen-specific IFN-gamma levels in whole blood is not always a reliable indicator of protection against a subsequent virulent challenge.  相似文献   

Possums are a wildlife vector of bovine tuberculosis in New Zealand. Vaccination of possums with BCG is being considered as a measure to control the spread of bovine tuberculosis to cattle and deer. Delivery via oral bait is feasible but BCG is degraded in the stomach. The aim was to determine whether ranitidine (Zantac) would reduce gastric acidity and enhance the efficacy of intragastrically administered BCG. A dose of 75 mg reduced gastric acidity for at least 4 h. Thus, possums were vaccinated intragastrically with BCG after receiving 75 mg ranitidine or ranitidine or BCG alone, as controls, before challenge with virulent Mycobacterium bovis. Proliferative responses of blood lymphocytes to M. bovis antigens after vaccination were significantly higher in possums given ranitidine/BCG compared to controls and seven weeks after challenge they had significantly lower lung weights and spleen bacterial counts than ranitidine alone controls. Vaccination with BCG alone only gave a reduction in loss in body weight. Agents that reduce gastric acidity may be useful in formulating BCG for oral bait delivery to wildlife for vaccination against bovine tuberculosis.  相似文献   

This study investigated the humoral immunization of Astragalus polysaccharide (APS) against H9N2 avian influenza virus (H9N2 AIV) infection in chickens.The effects of APS treatment on H9N2 infection was evaluated by an MTT [3(4, 5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2, 3-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide] assay and analysis of MHC and cytokine mRNA expression. The effect on lymphocyte and serum antibody titers in vivo was also investigated. IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, LITAF, IL-12 and antibody titers to H9N2 AIV were enhanced in the first week after APS treatment. The results indicated that APS treatment reduces H9N2 AIV replication and promotes early humoral immune responses in young chickens.  相似文献   

Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is caused by Mycobacterium bovis. The incidence of bTB is increasing in cattle herds of developed countries that have a wild life reservoir of M. bovis, such as the UK, New Zealand and the USA. The increase in the incidence of bTB is thought to be due, at least in part, to a wildlife reservoir of M. bovis. M. bovis is also capable of infecting humans and on a worldwide basis, M. bovis is thought to account for up to 10% of cases of human TB [Cosivi O, Grange JM, Daborn CJ et al. Zoonotic tuberculosis due to Mycobacterium bovis in developing countries. Emerg Infect Dis 1998;4(1):59–70]. Thus, the increased incidence of bTB, besides being a major economic problem, poses an increased risk to human health. In the UK, the incidence of bTB continues to rise despite the use of the tuberculin test and slaughter control policy, highlighting the need for improved control strategies. Vaccination of cattle, in combination with more specific and sensitive diagnostic tests, is suggested as the most effective strategy for bovine TB control. The only vaccine currently available for human and bovine TB is the live attenuated Bacille Calmette Guerin (BCG). BCG is thought to confer protection through the induction of Th1 responses against mycobacteria. However, protection against TB conferred by BCG is variable and to this date the reasons for the successes and failures of BCG are not clear. Therefore, there is a need to develop vaccines that confer greater and more consistent protection against bTB than that afforded by BCG. Given that BCG is currently the only licensed vaccine against human TB, it is likely that any new vaccine or vaccination strategy will be based around BCG. In this review we discuss immune responses elicited by mycobacteria in cattle and the novel approaches emerging for the control of bovine TB based on our increasing knowledge of protective immune responses.  相似文献   

Immunogenicity of different vaccines against the main viral diseases was compared: feline infectious rhinotracheitis, feline panleucopenia virus and calicivirus. These inactivated vaccines developed higher protective activity when adjuvants such as BCG or aluminium hydroxide were used. Animals vaccinated and boostered with an identical dose of these vaccines resisted the viral challenges. Neutralizing antibodies titers obtained with BCG adjuvated vaccines were twofold higher than those containing aluminium hydroxide.  相似文献   

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