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N. Mathys  S. Brochot  M. Meunier  D. Richard 《CATENA》2003,50(2-4):527-548
Erosion rates measured for 15 years in the small (ranging from 0.13 ha to nearly 1 km2) and steep (30–75%) mountainous marly basins of Draix (South Alps, France) are over 100 tons/ha/year in a badland area devoid of vegetation. In a similar basin, reforested at the end of the 19th century, the sediment yield is considerably reduced (less than 3 tons/ha/year). The analysis of the sediment yield of these torrents reveals the importance of the erosion processes on slopes at the scale of the elementary gully, and the influence of deposition, transport and scouring processes as soon as the channel network of the basin is developed.These processes were modelled by a hydrosedimentologic model developed by Cemagref for flood torrent erosion and called ETC. ETC is an integrated, spatialized and global model, working at the event scale. The rainfall–runoff component and the solid transport component, which involves scouring, deposition and armouring, are well developed. On the other hand, the erosion component is not yet a physically based model as the knowledge on the elementary processes is not enough quantitative. The ETC model was used on a badland basin of 86 ha in area, the Laval, and has shown its ability to simulate both water and sediment flows in mountainous and steep basins. The erosion modelling highlighted the need for a better representation of the slope processes and for more information on the storing of sediments in the channel network. Observations carried out on the influence of the vegetation cover patterns and the links between slopes and channels should be taken into account to improve the model.  相似文献   

Association of organic matter (OM) with minerals is an important pathway in the formation of stable OM in soil. While the importance of mineral–organic associations (MOA) in regulating soil carbon cycling has been rigorously demonstrated by empirical evidence, knowledge about the molecular‐scale arrangement of OM at mineral surfaces is still lacking. Such knowledge is urgently needed to disentangle the mechanisms of long‐term storage of soil OM. Based on indirect observations regarding the formation, composition, and structure of MOA, a conceptual multilayer model was proposed by Kleber et al. in 2007 to foster debate and help elucidating the structure and reactivity of MOA. According to this model, the associated OM at mineral surfaces is discrete and self‐organized into a multilayer structure. In this review, we aim to collect and evaluate existing studies that used this model to explain biogeochemical processes at mineral–organic interfaces, and based on this, assess the applicability of the model. The multilayer model has seen extensive adoption within soil science and related fields. In general, existing studies either support the concept of a patchy distribution of adsorbed OM on mineral surfaces or advocate that OM can be coprecipitated with nanosized poorly crystalline minerals or hydrolysable metals. However, the evidence for the patchy distribution of adsorbed OM cannot support the multilayer model on its own. There is little consensus about the role of N‐rich OM in forming the contact zone according to the multilayer model but surface conditioning by different classes of organic compounds appears to be an essential factor for the overall adsorption of OM. Nevertheless, large uncertainty still remains with respect to multilayer‐like organization of MOA. By taking advantage of recent developments in surface analytical sciences and computational chemistry, a rigid experimental testing of the multilayer model at the molecular level is still required and awaits to be integrated into improved concepts of MOA formation and OM stabilization.  相似文献   

Crop yield simulation using the Denitrification–Decomposition (DNDC) model can help to understand key bottlenecks for improved nitrogen (N) use efficiency and estimate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in West African urban vegetable production. The DNDC model was successfully calibrated using high‐resolution weather records, information on management practices and soils, and measured biomass accumulation and N uptake by amaranth (Amaranthus L.), jute mallow (Corchorus olitorius L.), lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), and roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) for different input intensities (May 2014–November 2015) in urban vegetable production of Tamale (N‐Ghana, West Africa). The root mean square error (RMSE) and relative error (E) values fell within the confidence interval (α 5%) of the measurements, and there was a high correlation (0.91 to 0.98) between measurements and predictions. However, the analysis of uncertainty and factor importance indicated that soil properties (pH, SOC, and clay content) and weather (precipitation) variability contributed highly to yield uncertainty of vegetable biomass.  相似文献   

Evaluation of computer models with field data is required before they can be effectively used for predicting agricultural management systems. A study was conducted to evaluate tillage effects on the movement of water and nitrate–nitrogen (NO3–N) in the root zone under continuous corn (Zea mays L.) production. Four tillage treatments considered were: chisel plow (CP), moldboard plow (MP), no-tillage (NT), and ridge-tillage (RT). The root zone water quality model (RZWQM: V.3.25) was used to conduct these simulations. Three years (1990–1992) of field observed data on soil water contents and NO3–N concentrations in the soil profile were used to evaluate the performance of the model. The RZWQM usually predicted higher soil water contents compared with the observed soil water contents. The model predicted higher NO3–N concentrations in the soil profile for MP and NT treatments in comparison with CP and RT treatments, but the magnitude of simulated NO3–N peak concentrations in the soil profile were substantially different from those of the observed peaks. The average NO3–N concentrations for the entire soil profile predicted by the model were close to the observed concentrations except for ridge tillage (percent difference for CP=+5.1%, MP=+12.8%, NT=+18.4%, RT=−44.8%). Discrepancies between the simulated and observed water contents and NO3–N concentrations in the soil profile indicated a need for the calibration of plant growth component of the model further for different soil and climatic conditions to improve the N-uptake predictions of the RZWQM.  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of an investigation of changes in soil water pressure head (ψ) and its relationship to the macropore network in a cracking clay soil. Four vertical nests, each consisting of three tensiometers positioned at depths of 30 cm, 60 cm and 90 cm below the surface, were monitored continuously over a two-year period to study changes in ψ. On one occasion an anionic tracer (Br-) was applied to investigate the extent of macropore flow. The results revealed considerable temporal variation in ψ with consistent variations between adjacent tensiometer nests. Variations in ψ indicated the seasonal development of a soil macropore system, followed by its subsequent decay and demonstrated the significant effect of rainfall intensity, duration and timing on percolation pathways. Differences in ψ were examined for individual summer rain events which were characterised by differences in precipitation amount and intensity. A total of 79 rain events extending across the period of study were analysed to assess the degree to which time-invariant parameters can be used to describe changes in ψ at a depth of 30 cm below the surface. The results indicated that individual regression models had considerable success in predicting ψ, although the residuals in the regression models were high for the specific case of large summer rain events, and in particular for three events.  相似文献   

Well‐aerated soils are sinks for atmospheric methane (CH4) whereas hydromorphic soils act as sources. Both CH4 oxidation and production are highly sensitive to variation in soil moisture. Significant changes of net CH4 fluxes from soils can therefore be expected to accompany redistribution of precipitation in the course of climate change where more extreme events are predicted for the future. The extreme summer drought in 2003 offered the opportunity to study the impact of such events on methane fluxes under field conditions. The objective was to evaluate the impact of the summer drought in 2003 on net methane budget of a spruce‐forest ecosystem. We studied net CH4 flux (bi‐)weekly during the summers of 2000–2004 using a closed‐chamber technique on six different soil types ranging from well‐aerated Cambisols, to poorly drained Gleysols and a wet Histosol in a cool‐humid spruce forest.  相似文献   

From 2006 to 2010, low water levels resulted in the drying of previously submerged inland acid sulphate soils (IASS) in wetlands of the Murray–Darling Basin (MDB). The potential for widespread severe acidification resulting from the oxidation of pyrite in these wetland soils triggered a basin‐wide study to assess the occurrence and risks posed by IASS material in the floodplain wetlands of the MDB. The results of pH measurements before and following soil incubation from more than 7200 samples (representing ca. 2500 profiles from 1055 georeferenced wetlands) were used to assess the potential occurrence of sulphuric and sulphidic material in IASS across the MDB. Their occurrence was investigated on a regional basis by dividing the MDB into 13 geographical regions whose boundaries roughly follow hydrological catchment boundaries. A total of 238 floodplain wetlands, representing 23% of the total wetlands assessed, were found to contain soils that became ultra‐acidic (pH < 4) when oxidized and therefore present a severe acidification hazard. These soils, the majority of which are likely to be IASS materials, were found in 11 of the 13 geographical regions. Among the 11 geographical regions likely containing IASS materials, the proportion of wetlands that presented an acidification hazard varied between 2 and 52% of those assessed. The geographical regions found to present the greatest acidification hazard were in the southern MDB, downstream of the Murray–Darling confluence, and in catchments on the southern side of the Murray River channel in Victoria. This study provided policy makers with a valuable screening tool, which helped them to identify priority wetlands and regions that required more detailed IASS investigations.  相似文献   

The flow–sediment relationship is important to understand the soil erosion and land degradation processes in severe eroded areas. This study researches on variations of streamflow, sediment load, and flow–sediment relationship on multi‐temporal scales (annual, flood season and, monthly scales) in a highly erodible catchment of Chinese Loess Plateau. The results demonstrated that the streamflow, sediment load, sediment concentration, runoff coefficient, and sediment coefficient all experienced evident reductions, and the decrease in the middle and downstream stations was more significant compared with the upstream stations. The land use changes and implementation of soil and water conservation measures played major role for the streamflow and sediment load reductions with respect to precipitation change, and the runoff coefficient and sediment coefficient linearly decreased with the percentage of conservation measure area. The runoff‐sediment yield relationship on annual, flood season, and monthly scales could be generally characterized by the linear function, and the slopes during the post‐change period was lower than those during the pre‐change period of sediment load. The sediment concentration–streamflow discharge relationship represented consistent form over the entire study period, and the logarithmic function was appropriate to describe the relationships on the three timescales. The decrease of sediment concentration contributed greatest (60·7%) to sediment reduction compared with runoff productivity of rainfall (30·2%) and precipitation (9·1%). Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil quality in rice (Oryza sativa L.)–wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cropping systems is governed primarily by the tillage practices used to fulfill the contrasting soil physical and hydrological requirements of the two crops. The objective of this study was to develop a soil quality index (SQI) based on bulk density (BD), penetration resistance (PR), water stable aggregates (WSA) and soil organic matter (OM) to evaluate this important cropping system on a Vertisol in India. Regression analysis between crop yield and SQI values for various tillage and crop residue management treatments indicated SQI values of 0.84–0.92, 0.88–0.93 and 0.86–0.92 were optimum for rice, wheat and the combined system (rice + wheat), respectively. The maximum yields for rice and wheat were 5806 and 1825 kg ha−1 occurred at SQI values of 0.85 and 0.99, respectively. Using zero tillage (ZT) for wheat had a positive effect on soil quality regardless of the treatments used for rice. Regression analyses to predict sustainability of the various tillage and crop residue treatments showed that as puddling intensity for rice increased, sustainability without returning crop residues decreased from 6 to 1 years. When residue was returned, the time for sustainable productivity increased from 6 to 15 years for direct seeded rice, 5 to 11 years with low-intensity puddling (P1) and 1 to 8 years for high-intensity (P2) puddling. For sustainability and productivity, the best practice for this or similar Vertisols in India would be direct seeding of rice with conventional tillage and residues returned.  相似文献   

To explore long-term impact of organic and inorganic fertilizers on soil health and grain quality, we monitored the enzyme activities and chemical properties of soil; and chemical composition of grain from eight treatments at an experimental field site established in 1996. There were eight treatments applied to both wheat and maize seasons: a control; four inorganic fertilizers, that is, nitrogen and phosphorus (NP), nitrogen and potassium (NK), phosphorous and potassium (PK) and nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK); farm yard manure alone (FYM) and addition of FYM at two different doses (100 and 50% of recommendation) to NPK that is, NPK + FYM and ½ NPK + FYM. After 11 years of the experiment the NPK + FYM and ½ NPK + FYM treatments had the highest yields, about 5 Mg maize ha−1 and 2 Mg wheat ha−1 with about 2 and 0.5 Mg ha−1, respectively more than the NPK treatments. The dehydrogeanse activity of soils increased significantly in FYM and ½ NPK + FYM. Except urease all other enzymatic activities were increased in those treatments, which received manure. Urease activity was higher in mineral-N applied plots. Grain protein content of both maize and wheat was highest in mineral fertilized plots. Test weight also increased significantly on application of mineral fertilizer. Plots treated with half dose of recommended mineral fertilizer along with FYM were higher in urease, phosphomono and diesterase activities than that of NPK + FYM treated plots. Long-term application of inorganic nutrients along with FYM improved grain mineral composition and yield. Inhibition of few enzymatic activities were also observed upon application of inorganic nutrients either alone or in combination.  相似文献   

Depending on the top and subsoil textures, semi-arid soils exhibit cohesive and frictional properties that are associated with the relatively high soil strength, bulk density and penetration resistance. The objective of this study was to gain the knowledge of mechanical properties of the compacting chromic luvisols in order to improve the design of tillage tools. Therefore, we applied critical state soil mechanics to study the stress–strain behaviour of the luvisols using triaxial tests under laboratory conditions. Field investigations involved random collection of undisturbed soil samples which were subjected to triaxial testing first by isotropic consolidation and compression and then triaxial shearing. Plots of deviatoric stress against axial strain were made to determine the soil shear strengths at the critical states over different soil water levels and the two soil depths of 0–20 cm for the plough and 20–40 cm for the hard pan layers, respectively. An exponential model used to fit the deviatoric stress–axial strain test data accurately predicted the trends. Soil water significantly influenced the shear strength, cohesion (c′) and internal angle of friction (′) and hence the mechanical behaviour of the luvisols. The regression equations developed showed that c′ and ′ have quadratic relationships with soil water. The very high clay bonding strength in the subsoil (hard pan) layer resulted in high shear strength, bulk density and penetration resistance values for this soil layer. The increase in shear strength with decreasing water content affected the deviatoric stress–axial strain relationships between the upper and lower plastic limits of the sandy soil. Thus, as the soil dried, the soil ceased to behave in the plastic (ductile flow) manner and thus began to break apart and crumble. The crumbling was indicative of brittle failure. The transition stage from an increase to a decrease in c′ and ′ values with soil water occurred in the soil water content range of 6–10%. Knowledge of stress–strain behaviour of compacting soils is of practical significance in the design of appropriate tillage tools for the specific soil type.  相似文献   

Integrated crop–livestock management systems (ICLS) have been increasingly recommended in Brazilian agroecosystems. However, knowledge of their effect on soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen (TN) concentrations and stocks is still limited. The study was undertaken to evaluate the effects of ICLS under two tillage and fertilization regimes on SOC and TN concentrations and stocks in the 0–30 cm soil layer, in comparison with continuous crops or pasture. The following soil management systems were studied: continuous pasture; continuous crop; 4 years’ crop followed by 4 years’ pasture and vice-versa. The adjacent native Cerrado area was used as a control. Under the rotation and continuous crop systems there were two levels of soil tillage (conventional and no-tillage) and fertility (maintenance and corrective fertility). The stock calculations were done using the equivalent soil mass approach. The land use systems had a significant effect on the concentrations of SOC and TN in the soil, but no effect was observed for the soil tillage and fertilizer regimes. For these two latter, some significant discrepancies appeared in the distribution of SOC and TN concentrations in the 0–30 cm layer. Carbon storage was 60.87 Mg ha−1 under Cerrado, and ranged from 52.21 Mg ha−1 under the ICLS rotation to 59.89 Mg ha−1 with continuous cropping. The decrease in SOC stocks was approximately 8.5 and 7.5 Mg ha−1, or 14 and 12%, for continuous pasture and ICLS respectively. No-tillage for 10 years after the conversion of conventional tillage to no-tillage under the continuous crop system, and 13 years of conventional tillage in continuous cropping did not result in significant changes in SOC stocks. The SOC and TN stocks in surface layers, using the equivalent soil mass approach rather than the equivalent depth, stress the differences induced by the calculation method. As soil compaction is the principal feature of variability of stocks determinations, the thickness should be avoid in these types of studies.  相似文献   

Knowledge of soil moisture spatial variation with land use along the precipitation gradient is necessary to improve land management and guide restoration practice in the water‐limited Chinese Loess Plateau. This study selected 45 sampling points at 11 sites across the north–south transect of the Loess Plateau based on the precipitation gradient and land use. Results showed that the vertical profiles of soil moisture revealed large variations with the precipitation gradient changing, especially in the surface layer (0–100 cm). Significant linear correlation existed between the average soil moisture of the profile and the mean annual precipitation (MAP) for each land use type (p < 0·05). Hereinto, the soil moisture under the grassland was affected more greatly by precipitation. The soil moisture under each land use commonly revealed the trend as farmland > grassland > shrubland > woodland, while it might be higher under the woodland than the shrubland in the surface layer in regions with MAP <500 mm. The soil moisture of woodland or shrubland at the selected points was below or approximate to the permanent wilting point in regions with MAP <520 mm. Covariance analysis confirmed the effects of land use and MAP on the soil moisture in depth of 100–300 cm, and it showed land use did not pose significant effects in the surface layer. In addition, our study indicated that it is necessary to reconsider and re‐evaluate the current vegetation restoration strategy in the perspective of vegetation sustainability and soil water availability, in which woodland and shrubland were selected on a large scale in the arid and semi‐arid regions. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Prolonged summer droughts due to climate change are expected for this century, but little is known about the effects of drying and wetting on biogenic trace‐gas fluxes of forest soils. Here, the response of CO2, N2O, NO, and CH4 fluxes from temperate forest soils towards drying–wetting events has been investigated, using undisturbed soil columns from a Norway spruce forest in the “Fichtelgebirge”, Germany. Two different types of soil columns have been used for this study to quantify the contribution of organic and mineral horizons to the total fluxes: (1) organic horizons (O) and (2) organic and mineral soil horizons (O+M). Three drying–wetting treatments with different rewetting intensities (8, 20, and 50 mm of irrigation d–1) have been compared to a constantly moist control to estimate the influence of rainfall intensity under identical drying conditions and constant temperature (+15°C). Drought significantly reduced CO2, N2O, and NO fluxes in most cycles. Following rewetting, CO2 fluxes quickly recovered back to control level in the O columns but remained significantly reduced in the O+M columns with total CO2 fluxes from the drying–wetting treatment ranging approx. 80% of control fluxes. Fluxes of N2O and NO remained significantly reduced in both O and O+M columns even after rewetting, with cumulative fluxes from drying–wetting treatments ranging between 20% and 90% of the control fluxes, depending on gas and cycle. Fluxes of CH4 were small in all treatments and seem to play no significant role in this soil. No evidence for the release of additional gas fluxes due to drying–wetting was found. The intensity of rewetting had no significant effect on the CO2, N2O, NO, and CH4 fluxes, suggesting that the length of the drought period is more important for the emission of these gases. We can therefore not confirm earlier findings that fluxes of CO2, N2O, and NO during wetting of dry soil exceed the fluxes of constantly moist soil.  相似文献   

Soil samples from the Hexi Corridor located in the arid regions of Northwestern China were collected from a site that had received fertilizer applications for 23 years. Effects of freeze–thaw on aggregate stability and the organic carbon (OC) and nitrogen (N) enrichment ratios in water stable aggregate (WSA) fractions were investigated. In treatments combining the application of N fertilizer with green manure (GN) or straw (SN), the percentage of >0.25 mm WSA fraction was not significantly different from the control soil that received no fertilizer or organic amendment. After a freeze–thaw cycle, the percentages of the >0.25 mm WSA fraction in the GN and SN treatments showed no change, but the size of this fraction in the other treatments decreased. In addition, the organic carbon (OC) and N enrichment ratios in the >0.25 mm WSA fraction in GN and SN treatments increased after a freeze–thaw cycle. However, in this size fraction, the OC and N enrichment ratios decreased in other treatments. Both the changes of the percentages of the >0.25 mm WSA fraction and the OC and N enrichment ratios in this fraction under freeze–thaw in the GN and SN treatments exhibited the most significant increases compared with other treatments (< 0.05). The results indicated that the GN and SN treatments could prevent the damaging effects of freeze–thaw on aggregate stability and protect soil from erosion.  相似文献   

Ants are important soil engineers, affecting the structure and function of ecosystems. To address the impacts of ants (Camponotus herculeanus ) on the properties of an alpine meadow ecosystem of Qinghai–Tibet Plateau, we investigated the effects of ant mounds on plant biomass, soil physicochemical properties, microbial diversity, and functions. We found that the total biomass of plant community was significantly greater in ant mound periphery. Plant species richness in ant mounds was reduced compared with that of control plots without ant mounds. Significant changes in physicochemical properties of soil were also observed. Soil organic matter, total nitrogen, available phosphorous, total potassium, and available potassium increased in ant mound soil due to the excavation activities by ants as well as the accumulation of organic matter and other nutrients during mound construction. For example, roots/soil contents (g/g) and soil moisture in ant mound soils were lower than those in controls. Microbial community composition and microbial biomass were clearly changed in ant mound soils. BIOLOG analysis further indicated that the functional diversity of the microbial community of ant mound soil increased and differed from that of controls. This study indicates that ant‐induced modification of soil properties indirectly influences plant biomass and species composition, and ant mounds have different microbial communities from those of control soil. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We investigated whether the long‐term application of compost from agricultural waste improved soil physical structure, fertility and soil organic matter (SOM) storage. In 2006, we began a long‐term field experiment based on a rice–wheat rotation cropping system, having a control without fertilizer (NF) and three treatments: chemical fertilizers (CF), pig manure compost (PMC) and a prilled mixture of PMC and inorganic fertilizers (OICF). Following the harvest of wheat in 2010, the mean‐weight diameter (MWD) of water‐stable aggregates and the concentration of C and N in bulk soil (0–20 cm; <2 mm fraction) were significantly greater (P < 0.05) in PMC and NF plots than in CF or OICF plots. Pig manure compost significantly increased the proportion of >5‐mm aggregates, whereas CF significantly increased the proportion of 0.45‐ to 1‐mm aggregates. The C and N contents of all density fractions were greater in PMC than in other treatments with levels decreasing in the following order: free particulate organic matter (fPOM) >occluded particulate organic matter (oPOM) > mineral‐combined SOM (mineral–SOM). Solid‐state 13C CPMAS NMR spectra showed that alkyl C/O‐alkyl C ratios and aromatic component levels of SOM were smaller in PMC and OICF plots than in CF plots, suggesting that SOM in PMC and OICF plots was less degraded than that in CF plots. Nevertheless, yields of wheat in PMC and NF plots were smaller than those in CF and OICF plots, indicating that conditions for producing large grain yields did not maintain soil fertility.  相似文献   

Soil organic matter (SOM) contributes to the productivity and physical properties of soils. Although crop productivity is sustained mainly through the application of organic manure in the Indian Himalayas, no information is available on the effects of long-term manure addition along with mineral fertilizers on C sequestration and the contribution of total C input towards soil organic C (SOC) storage. We analyzed results of a long-term experiment, initiated in 1973 on a sandy loam soil under rainfed conditions to determine the influence of different combinations of NPK fertilizer and fertilizer + farmyard manure (FYM) at 10 Mg ha−1 on SOC content and its changes in the 0–45 cm soil depth. Concentration of SOC increased 40 and 70% in the NPK + FYM-treated plots as compared to NPK (43.1 Mg C ha−1) and unfertilized control plots (35.5 Mg C ha−1), respectively. Average annual contribution of C input from soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) was 29% and that from wheat (Triticum aestivum L. Emend. Flori and Paol) was 24% of the harvestable above-ground biomass yield. Annual gross C input and annual rate of total SOC enrichment were 4852 and 900 kg C ha−1, respectively, for the plots under NPK + FYM. It was estimated that 19% of the gross C input contributed towards the increase in SOC content. C loss from native SOM during 30 years averaged 61 kg C ha−1 yr−1. The estimated quantity of biomass C required to maintain equilibrium SOM content was 321 kg ha−1 yr−1. The total annual C input by the soybean–wheat rotation in the plots under unfertilized control was 890 kg ha−1 yr−1. Thus, increase in SOC concentration under long-term (30 years) rainfed soybean–wheat cropping was due to the fact that annual C input by the system was higher than the required amount to maintaining equilibrium SOM content.  相似文献   

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