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The shortage of organ donors has stimulated interest in the possibility of using animal organs for transplantation into humans. In addition, pigs are now considered to be the most likely source animals for human xenotransplantation because of their advantages over non-human primates. However, the appropriate standard values for estimations of the liver of micropigs have not been established. The determination of standard values for the micropig liver using multi-detector row computed tomography (MDCT) would help to select a suitable donor for an individual patient, determine the condition of the liver of the micropigs and help predict patient prognosis. Therefore, we determined the standard values for the livers of micropigs using MDCT. The liver parenchyma showed homogenous enhancement and had no space-occupying lesions. The total and right lobe volumes of the liver were 698.57 ± 47.81 ml and 420.14 ± 26.70 ml, which are 51.74% and 49.35% of the human liver volume, respectively. In micropigs, the percentage of liver volume to body weight was approximately 2.05%. The diameters of the common hepatic artery and proper hepatic artery were 6.24 ± 0.20 mm and 4.68 ± 0.13 mm, respectively. The hepatic vascular system of the micropigs was similar to that of humans, except for the variation in the length of the proper hepatic artery. In addition, the diameter of the portal vein was 11.27 ± 0.38 mm. In conclusion, imaging evaluation using the MDCT was a reliable method for liver evaluation and its vascular anatomy for xenotransplantation using micropigs.  相似文献   

Multidetector row computed tomography (MDCT) provides anatomical information about the kidney and other internal organs. Presently, the suitability of 64-channel MDCT to assess the kidney of healthy micropigs was evaluated. Morphological evaluations of the kidney and the major renal vessels of six healthy micropigs were carried out using MDCT, recording kidney volume and the diameter and length of renal arteries and veins. The mean diameters and lengths of the renal artery were 0.44 ± 0.05 and 4.51 ± 0.55 cm on the right side and 0.46 ± 0.06 and 3.36 ± 0.27 cm on the left side, respectively. The mean diameters and lengths of the renal vein were 1.44 ± 0.52 and 4.22 ± 1.29 cm on the right side and 1.38 ± 0.17 and 5.15 ± 0.87 cm on the left side, respectively. The mean volume of the right kidney was 79.3 ± 14.5 mL and of the left kidney was 78.0 ± 13.9 mL. The data presented in this study suggest that the MDCT offers a noninvasive, rapid, and accurate method for the evaluation of the renal anatomy in living kidney donors. It also provides sufficient information about extra-renal anatomy important for donor surgery and determination of organ suitability.  相似文献   

Pigs are the most likely source animals for cardiac xenotransplantation. However, an appropriate method for estimating the cardiac function of micropigs had not been established. Computed tomography (CT) analysis aimed at estimating cardiac function and assessing the coronary arteries has not been carried out in micropigs. This study determined the feasibility of evaluating cardiac function in a micropig model using multidetector row computed tomography (MDCT) and compared the cardiac function values with those of conventional pigs. The mean age of the conventional pigs and micropigs was approximately 80 days and approximately 360 days, respectively. The mean body weight in the conventional pigs and micropigs was 29.70 ± 0.73 and 34.10 ± 0.98 kg, respectively. Cardiac MDCT detected ejection fractions of 52.93 ± 3.10% and 59.00 ± 5.56% and cardiac outputs of 1.46 ± 0.64 l/min and 1.21 ± 0.24 l/min in conventional pigs and micropigs, respectively. There were no significant differences in cardiac function between conventional pigs and micropigs in the reconstructed CT images. There were also no differences in the coronary angiographic images obtained by MDCT. It is expected that the results of this study will help improve understanding of cardiac function in micropigs. The data presented in this study suggest that MDCT is a feasible method for evaluating cardiac function in micropigs.  相似文献   

This study was performed to radiographically examine the prevalence of aspiration sites and to evaluate their atomical correlation with the bronchial pattens. Ten healthy beagle dogs were repeatedly radiographed, at weekly intervals, in the left and right lateral, ventrodorsal (VD) and dorsoventral (DV) positions. Three mililiters of iohexol distilled with same volume of saline was infused into the tracheal inlet. Which lung lobe was aspirated was decided upon by the presence of a significant alveolar pattern due to the contrast medium. Alveolar patterns were identified at the left (100%) and right cranial lung lobes (77%) with the dogs in dependant lateral recumbency, at the right caudal lung lobe (71%) with the dogs in VD recumbency and at the right middle lung lobe (59%) with the dogs in DV recumbency, respectively. The anatomical correlation was evaluated by performing computed tomography. The right principal bronchus (165.8 ± 1.6°) was more straightly bifurcated than was the left principal bronchus (142.7 ± 1.8°, p < 0.01). In VD position, the right side lung had a greater opertunity to become aspirated. The ventrally positioned right middle lobar bronchial origin was more easily to be aspirated the other laterally positioned ones. We think that these anatomical characteristics can be one of the causes for aspiration pneumonia to occur more frequently in the right side lung.  相似文献   

The characteristics of contrast media formulation (mgI/ml, osmolarity, and viscosity) are generally not considered important in computed tomography (CT) angiography in animals. The purpose of this study was to assess the contrast effect in CT angiography as a function of contrast media formulation, with a constant iodine dose. The contrast effects of three contrast media with different iodine concentrations were compared by administering identical iodine dosages (mgI/kg). The contrast effects of the three contrast media differed, and the area under the time-attenuation curve of iohexol 350 mgI/ml, which had the highest iodine concentration, was the lowest. It was hypothesized that the contrast effect of a contrast medium decreases with higher iodine concentration because of the high amount of residual iodine present in the circulatory system from the injection site to the portion immediately before the great vessels. In addition, the influence of osmotic dilution on contrast media with high osmolarity was also considered. In conclusion, the contrast effect varies with different contrast media formulations, even when the same iodine dosage is administered.  相似文献   

Computed tomography (CT) in equine orthopaedics is currently limited because of the price, availability, impossibility to transport the scanner into surgical theatre, and the contraindications of general anaesthesia in some patients. A pQCT (peripheral quantitative computerised tomography) scanner was designed by the authors to image the limbs of the horse, both in standing or recumbent position. Standing computed tomography of the foot with a pQCT scanner is feasible and well tolerated by the horse. It enables good visualisation of bony structures but is not suitable to evaluate soft tissues. The technique can also assist surgery by assessing the 3D configuration of bone lesions.  相似文献   

Complete assessment of vertebral trauma in dogs currently requires CT and MRI for evaluation of the osseous and soft tissue structures that contribute to vertebral stability. Some studies in people have suggested that MRI may be sensitive and specific at detecting vertebral fractures making this potentially a single modality that could be used in spinal trauma evaluation. This study aimed to assess the ability for observers to evaluate vertebral fractures using MRI when compared to CT, which was used as the reference standard. Twenty‐nine dogs with previously diagnosed acute vertebral fractures and four dogs with no vertebral fracture that had undergone sequential CT and MRI were included into the study. One hundred twenty‐eight vertebrae were evaluated for the presence of fractures. Imaging studies were read by two observers blinded to the history. While both observers had similarly high sensitivity and specificity for simple detection of any fractured vertebrae, interobserver agreement was only moderate (κ = 0.584). When evaluations were specifically limited to detection of structurally unstable fractured vertebrae both observers showed improved specificity and interobserver agreement became substantial (κ = 0.650). Complete agreement for exact fracture location between MRI and CT results was only achieved in 14.3‐32.6% of fractured vertebra with up to 79% of fractures being missed in some vertebral structures. This suggests that although MRI may be able to detect the presence of fractured vertebrae, it is not able to replace CT for the complete evaluation of the traumatized spine and documentation of fracture morphology.  相似文献   

Many gastrointestinal diseases affect the mucosal layer, suggesting that on computed tomography (CT) examination, detection of consistent inner wall layering of the gastrointestinal tract may aid in detection of disease. Changes in wall enhancement can also characterise specific diseases and provide prognostic information. The objectives of this mixed retrospective and prospective analytical study were therefore to identify the scan delays for peak detection of canine stomach and small intestinal inner wall layering and enhancement when using a 20 s fixed-injection-duration and bolus tracking technique. For each patient, 700 mg I/kg iohexol was administered intravenously. Bolus tracking was used to determine aortic arrival. Diagnostic scans were performed after a post-aortic arrival scan delay. Postcontrast CT series were grouped according to post-aortic arrival scan delay: 5 s (n = 17), 10 s (n = 18), 15 s (n = 23), 20 s (n = 10), 25 s (n = 6), 30 s (n = 14), 35 s (n = 17), 40 s (n = 24), and 180 s (n = 60). The stomach and small intestine were assessed for the presence of a contrast-enhancing inner wall layer and wall enhancement. Statistical modeling showed that the scan delays for peak inner wall layering and enhancement were 10 and 15 s for the small intestine, respectively, and 40 s for the stomach. For the injection protocol used in this study, assessment of the canine gastrointestinal tract may use scan delays of 10–15 s and 40 s.  相似文献   

Access to volumetric imaging modalities, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT), has increased over the past decade and has revolutionised the way clinicians evaluate equine anatomy. More recent advancements have resulted in the development of multiple commercially available cone-beam CT (CBCT) scanners for equine use. CBCT scanners modify the traditional fan-shaped beam of ionising radiation into a three-dimensional pyramidal- or cone-shaped beam of radiation. This modification enables the scanner to acquire sufficient data to create diagnostic images of a region of interest after a single rotation of the gantry. The rapid acquisition of data and divergent X-ray beam causes some artifacts to be more prominent on CBCT images—as well as the unique cone-beam artifact—resulting in decreased contrast resolution. While the use of CT for evaluation of the equine musculoskeletal anatomy is not new, there is a paucity of literature and scientific studies on the capabilities of CBCT for equine imaging. CBCT units do not require a specialised table for imaging and in some cases are portable for imaging in the standing or anaesthetised patient. This review article summarises the basic physics of CT technology, including how CBCT imaging differs, and provides objective information about the strengths and limitations of this modality. Finally, potential future applications and techniques for imaging with CT which will need to be explored in order to fully consider the capabilities of CT imaging in the horse are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to check the relevance of using in‐vivo micro computed tomography (µCT) for the diagnosis of possible diseases of the middle and inner ear of the cat. Therefore, on the one hand, differences of the detail detectability between the two imaging methods conventional computed tomography (cCT) and in‐vivo µCT were analyzed. Six healthy cat ears were dissected and scanned several times and the obtained images were compared with each other. On the other hand, histological slices of all ears were prepared and pictures of defined anatomical structures were taken and compared with the identical sectional plane of the µCT‐images. This way it was possible to evaluate the quality and clinical limitations of the in‐vivo µCT. The results show that an in‐vivo µCT is suitable to analyze even the smallest osseous structures, such as the semicircular ducts, the spiral osseous lamina or the ossicles whereas with the help of cCT it is not possible to identify such small osseous structures because of their blurred and less detailed representation. Delicate soft tissue structures as the membranous labyrinth including hearing and vestibular organ cannot be differentiated with as well in‐vivo µCT‐ as with cCT‐images. In‐vivo µCT represent a good possibility for more detailed diagnosis of extremely fine structures which cannot be detected with cCT. Histological slices can nonetheless not be replaced by in‐vivo µCT due to a too low spatial resolution and the limitations of the in‐vivo µCT with regard to the evaluation of soft tissue dense structures.  相似文献   

Computed tomography (CT) uses x‐ray beams and reconstructive computer technology to create tomographic slices (sections) of the area being imaged. Computed tomography has higher contrast resolution than conventional radiography allowing for more accurate differentiation of soft tissues and fluids. This form of 3D imaging removes problems caused by superimposition of multiple anatomical structures, which is a major impediment when viewing radiographs of the equine head. Once the images are acquired, multi‐planar and 3D reconstructions can be performed to view different teeth or associated structures in an optimal way. Anatomical and pathological changes in the dental tissues, periodontal tissues, alveolar bone and adjacent sinuses can then be assessed. Scintigraphy with 99m technetium methyl‐diphosphate (methylene‐diphosphonate) can detect changes in bone that precede radiographic changes, and this makes it a very useful imaging modality for diagnosis of early periapical infection of the equine cheek teeth. Additionally, it is invaluable for imaging suspected infections of supernumerary or dysplastic teeth where the results of radiography or even CT may be equivocal. Periapical infections of the cheek teeth typically result in focal and intense increased radionuclide uptake located over the apical region of the affected tooth.  相似文献   

The bovine corneal opacity and permeability (BCOP) assay is an alternative method to the in vivo Draize eye test in rabbits for evaluating eye irritation in vitro. Here, we compared the numerical results of the BCOP assay with the corresponding histopathology for three different corneas for each test substance, including commercially available shampoos, make-up removers and cleansing foams that contained surfactants and other ingredients. The histopathological score was defined based on the severity of lesions in the corneal epithelium. The histopathological findings and scores of the three sections for each test substance were comparable. The in vitro irritancy score (IVIS) generally corresponds to the corneal irritant potential of the test substances assigned on the basis of the histopathological findings in this study. In the present study, we characterized the histopathology of the corneal epithelium and stroma and especially showed that the corneal epithelial injury caused by test substances might be important in assessment of test substances that are mild eye irritants (category 2B) as classified by the United Nations (UN) Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS), as corneal lesions suggestive of classification into category 2B were localized on the border between the corneal epithelium and stroma, which contained cell elements related to assessment of prognosis of an in vivo eye injury. Histopathological assessment might be useful in predicting in vivo ocular irritation, particularly for test substances with an IVIS >3.1 but ≤25 that are classified as mild irritants (category 2B) according to the UN GHS.  相似文献   

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