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This article describes a virological investigation in a mixed flock of ducks and geese following detection of avian influenza virus antibodies in domestic geese. Low pathogenic H7N1 was found in both domestic and wild birds, indicating that transmission of virus was likely to have taken place between these. The importance of implementing and maintaining appropriate biosecurity measures is re‐emphasized.  相似文献   

Veterinary Research Communications -  相似文献   

Beginning at the end of March 1999, a syndrome characterized by severe depression, anorexia, fever, and respiratory and enteric symptoms appeared in flocks of turkeys and, to a lesser extent, of chickens in the densely populated poultry-rearing regions of northeast Italy. The disease was characterized by sinusitis, tracheitis, peritonitis, and pancreatitis. The mortality varied between 5% and 90%. The disease was diagnosed as low pathogenic avian influenza, H7N1 serotype. After a summer period of declining cases, the disease reappeared in autumn exclusively in turkeys. Since the middle of December 1999, many farms of chickens, turkeys, and guinea fowl were abruptly affected by a highly pathogenic H7N1 virus, with very severe depression and mortality up to 100% in a few days. By the end of March 2000, nearly 500 farms, representing over 15 million birds, were affected or depopulated. To date, control measures have focused on improved biosecurity measures. Vaccine was not allowed, but its use was debated.  相似文献   

In 1999-2000, Italian poultry production was disrupted by an H7N1 virus subtype epidemic of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI). The objectives of the present study were to identify risk factors for infection on poultry farms located in regions that had the highest number of outbreaks (Veneto and Lombardia) and the impact of pre-emptive culling as a complementary measure for eradicating infection. A Cox regression model that included spatial factors, such as the G index, was used. The results confirmed the relationship between risk of infection and poultry species, production type and size of farms. The effectiveness of pre-emptive culling was confirmed. An increased risk of infection was observed for poultry farms located near an infected farm and those at altitudes less than 150m above sea level. The measures for the control and eradication of AI virus infection need to consider species differences in susceptibility, the types of production and the density of poultry farms in the affected areas.  相似文献   

为评估H5N1亚型禽流感病毒对鸽的致病性,用我国2004年分离的一株H5NI亚型禽流感病毒A/pigeon/GD/C2/2004( H5NI)人工感染4周龄鸽,进行了致病性试验.结果表明,该株病毒以106EID50/I00μL剂量感染能致死鸽,致死率为22.2%,病毒能在感染鸽体内广泛分布,其中肺脏和肾脏中病毒含量达到...  相似文献   

Low pathogenic avian influenza virus (LPAIv) infections of H5 and H7 subtypes in poultry are notifiable to the OIE, hence surveillance programmes are implemented. The rate at which LPAIv strains spread within a flock determines the prevalence of infected birds and the time it takes to reach that prevalence and, consequently, optimal sample size and sampling frequency. The aim of this study was to investigate the transmission characteristics of an H7N7 and an H5N7 LPAIv in layer chickens. Two transmission experiments were performed, which consisted of 30 (first experiment) and 20 (second experiment) pairs of conventional layers, respectively. At the start of the experiments, one chicken per pair was inoculated with LPAIv and the other chicken was contact-exposed. Occurrence of infection was monitored by regularly collecting tracheal and cloacal swab samples, which were examined for the presence of virus RNA by RT-PCR. The results of the test were used to estimate the transmission rate parameter (β), the infectious period (T) and the basic reproduction ratio (R(0)). In addition, egg production and virus shedding patterns were quantified. For the H7N7 virus, the β, T and R(0) estimates were 0.10 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.04-0.18) day(-1), 7.1 (95% CI: 6.5-7.8) days and 0.7 (95% CI: 0.0-1.7), respectively. With the H5N7 virus, only a few inoculated chickens (5 out of 20) became infected and no transmission was observed. This study shows that transmission characteristics of LPAIv strains may vary considerably, which has to be taken into account when designing surveillance programmes.  相似文献   

禽流感病毒(avian influenza virus,AIV)是一种重要的人兽共患病病原,严重制约养禽业的健康发展,并对公共卫生安全构成极大威胁。其中,H5(H5N1、H5N2、H5N6、H5N8等)和H7N9亚型高致病性禽流感病毒(highly pathogenic avian influenza virus,HPAIV)引起的高致病性禽流感(highly pathogenic avian influenza,HPAI)对我国养禽业危害巨大。通过实施强制免疫,疫情得到了控制,但在禽群中仍散状暴发,并出现多种新型病毒,防控形势依然严峻。本文总结了截至2021年9月我国禽类暴发H5和H7N9亚型HPAI的所有官方公布的疫情暴发事件以及监测数据,分析了其流行特点,以期为禽流感的预警和防控提供参考。  相似文献   

本研究对2007年~2010年我国H9N2亚型禽流感病毒分离株的鸡胚平均死亡时间(MDT)进行分析,发现自2008年下半年来分离的H9N2亚型禽流感病毒对鸡胚的致病性有增强的趋势,在此基础上,选择MDT在60.5~96.3 h之间的9株病毒,比较其对SPF鸡的致病力.结果表明,对鸡胚致病性强的毒株,对SPF鸡的致病性也较强,能引起气管、肺、十二指肠、肾和脑等多器官的系统性感染,而且病毒在各组织器官的复制能力与致病性呈正相关.在感染SPF鸡后,所有毒株均呈现不同程度的排毒,而致病力较强毒株的感染组,排毒的比例更高,排毒时间也更长.这些数据表明,H9N2病毒在进化过程中,致病力发生了一定的变化,新近出现了一些对鸡致病力增强的毒株,这提示我们必须重视对H9N2病毒进化和变异的监测,加强对H9N2病毒的防控.  相似文献   

应用实验室分离的鸭源高致病性禽流感病毒(AIV)A/Duck/Harbin/01/2004(H5N1)毒株,经SPF鸡胚增殖病毒,通过滴鼻途径人工感染鸽子,通过临床观察、剖检、HA、HI、PCR等方法进行体内分布和毒性研究。结果病死鸽子的肺脏损害最为严重,其次为脑、法氏囊;在病死鸽子的肺、肝、肾、脑中检测到病毒,其中肺中的病毒含量最高,脑、肝、肾中的病毒含量次之,再次为心和脾;各组织HA和HI检测阳性;各组织PCR检测到目的基因;对照组所有检测均为阴性。结果表明AIV在鸽子体内可以复制,并在肺、脑内病毒含量较高,为预防AIV奠定了基础。  相似文献   

从2008年10月到2009年9月采集不同家禽的泄殖腔拭子共2420个,禽流感阳性样品178个,分离到AIVs毒株83株,总分离率7.36%。所分离到的亚型及各亚型分离率从高到低依次为H6、H3、H4、H9、H11、H1、H8。禽流感的分布季节性非常明显,以冬、春为高,各亚型又有其不同分布特点。水禽被认为是流感病毒的重要宿主,尤其是家鸭。到目前为止,作者已经从家鸭中分离到8种HA亚型,依次为H1、H3、H4、H6、H8、H9、H10、H11,7种NA亚型,包括N1、N2、N3、N4、N5、N6、N8。两者之间有18种组合,与野鸭的带毒情况十分相似。家鸭还很最容易发生混合感染,并以H6亚型为主,很多亚型都可与其混合感染,尤其是H3、H9亚型,这为基因重组产生新的亚型及毒力的变异提供了好的载体。  相似文献   

Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus H5N1 is now endemic in South-East Asia but HPAI control methods differ between countries. A widespread HPAI vaccination campaign that started at the end of 2005 in Viet Nam resulted in the cessation of poultry and human cases, but in 2006/2007 severe HPAI outbreaks re-emerged. In this study we investigated the pattern of this first post-vaccination epidemic in southern Viet Nam identifying a spatio-temporal cluster of outbreak occurrence and estimating spatially smoothed incidence rates of HPAI. Spatial risk factors associated with HPAI occurrence were identified. Medium-level poultry density resulted in an increased outbreak risk (Odds ratio (OR) = 5.4, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.6–18.9) but also climate-vegetation factors played an important role: medium-level normalised difference vegetation indices during the rainy season from May to October were associated with higher risk of HPAI outbreaks (OR = 3.7, 95% CI: 1.7–8.1), probably because temporal flooding might have provided suitable conditions for the re-emergence of HPAI by expanding the virus distribution in the environment and by enlarging areas of possible contacts between domestic waterfowl and wild birds. On the other hand, several agricultural production factors, such as sweet potatoes yield, increased buffalo density, as well as increased electricity supply were associated with decreased risk of HPAI outbreaks. This illustrates that preventive control measures for HPAI should include a promotion of low-risk agricultural management practices as well as improvement of the infrastructure in village households. Improved HPAI vaccination efforts and coverage should focus on medium poultry density areas and on the pre-monsoon time period.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of risk factors and control policies following the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) epidemic that struck northern Italy's poultry industry in the winter of 1999–2000. The epidemic was caused by a type-A influenza virus of the H7N1 subtype, that originated from a low-pathogenic AI virus which spread among poultry farms in northeastern Italy in 1999 and eventually became virulent by mutation. Most infected premises (IP) were located in the regions of Lombardy and Veneto (382 out of 413, 92.5%), and the eradication measures provided for in the European legislation were enforced. In Veneto, where flock density was highest, infection-control was also accomplished by means of depopulation of susceptible flocks through a ban on restocking and pre-emptive slaughter of flocks that were in the vicinities of or that had dangerous contacts with IPs. In Lombardy, such control measures were applied to a lesser extent. Infection incidence rate (IR) was 2.6 cases per 1000 flocks per day in Lombardy and 1.1 in Veneto. After the implementation of infection-control measures, the at-risk population, the percentage of flocks ≤1.5 km from IPs, and the HPAI-IR underwent a greater reduction in Veneto than in Lombardy. Although the proximity (≤1.5 km) to IPs in the temporal risk window (TRW) was a major risk factor for HPAI at the individual flock level, its effect at the population level (population-attributable fraction) did not exceed 31.3%. Viral transmission therefore also occurred among relatively distant flocks. Turkey flocks were characterised by grerater IR of HPAI compared with other bird species such as layer hens, broilers, gamebirds, and waterfowl, even when located at distances >1.5 km from IPs. In Lombardy, IR for species other than turkeys was also relatively high.  相似文献   

分离到1株 H5N1亚型高致病性禽流感病毒, 经序列测定发现HA蛋白裂解位点上插入多个连续的碱性氨基酸(PQREIRRKKR*G),从分子上证实是一株高致病性禽流感病毒。核酸序列比较分析结果表明,分离的流感病毒HA基因与A/duck/VietNam/Ncvd1/2002(H5N1)同源率最高,达到98.8%;NA基因与A/duck/VietNam/Ncvd1/2002(H5N1) 和A/chicken/Jiangsu/cz1/2002(H5N1)同源率最高,达到98.7%。氨基酸水平上,HA与A/duck/Viet Nam/Ncvd1/2002(H5N1)同源率最高,可达99.3%;NA与A/chicken/Jiangsu/cz1/2002(H5N1)同源率最高,达98.7%。HA与NA基因的潜在糖基化位点与作者所选参比毒株一致。通过遗传进化树分析结果表明,A/duck/VietNam/Ncvd1/2002(H5N1)可能是该毒株的来源株。  相似文献   

2004年从广东某地送检的病死天鹅肺组织中分离到1株禽流感病毒,用血凝抑制试验(HI)、聚合酶链反应(PCR)、基因测序等对其进行了亚型鉴定。结果表明,此分离株具有血凝活性,且H5亚型禽流感病毒标准阳性血清能对其产生特异性抑制作用;分别用针对禽流感病毒M基因、H5亚型禽流感病毒HA基因、N1亚型禽流感病毒NA基因特异性引物对该分离株进行PCR扩增,均获得特异性目的片段;测序及BLAST分析表明HA基因与A/chicken/Viet Nam/Ncvd8/2003(H5N1)的HA基因同源性为98%;NA基因与A/swine/Fujian/1/2003(H5N1)的NA基因同源性为98%,由此该分离株鉴定为H5N1亚型禽流感病毒,按照国际流感病毒系统命名原则将该病毒株暂命名为A/Swan/Guangdong/197/2004。  相似文献   

We estimated between-farm transmission parameters of the highly pathogenic avian-influenza (HPAI) epidemic that struck the poultry industry of northern Italy (including turkeys, layer hens, broilers, gamebirds, and waterfowl) from December 1999 through April 2000. We estimated the average number of susceptible farms that were infected with HPAI virus by each infectious farm during a day (β) with a generalised linear model (GLM). The HPAI's reproductive ratios (Rh; the average number of new infected farms (IFs) that were caused by an infectious farm) were calculated separately for the regions of Lombardy and Veneto, where 382 out of 413 (92.5%) of IFs were located. In both regions, Rh decreased to 1 during the second month of the epidemic (showing that its containment had been initiated). Subsequently, during the last two months of the epidemic, β and Rh were reduced to 0.04/day and 0.6, respectively, in Veneto and to 0.07/day and 0.8 in Lombardy. The reduction of the susceptible population through strict control measures, including pre-emptive slaughter of at-risk poultry flocks, was implemented to a greatest extent in Veneto and this might have been associated with a more rapid control of the epidemic in this region than in Lombardy.  相似文献   

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