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Pseudorabies virus was inoculated intratracheally into sheep to investigate the pathogenesis of pseudorabies virus infection. Clinical signs of pyrexia, depression, frequent swallowing, facial fasciculations, chorea, excessive salivation, mild tympanites, labored breathing and focal pruritus were followed by death Macroscopic lesions were severe focal facial trauma, petechiae in cervicothoracic ganglia and dilated esophaguses. The medulla oblongata and the trigeminal, cranial cervical, cervicothoracic and parabronchial ganglia contained pseudorabies virus and pronounced nonsuppurative inflammatory changes. The neural distribution of lesions and virus suggests that the virus travelled from the respiratory mucosa to the central and sympathetic nervous system by two routes: 1) in the vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves to the medulla oblongata and 2) in the postganglionic fibers to the sympathetic ganglia. The presence of virus in the nasal mucus indicated that horizontal transmission of pseudorabies virus may occur among sheep.  相似文献   

Economic-welfare analysis of animal disease prevention programs frequently ignore the constraints of the agricultural policy environment. Prevention programs affect producers, consumers and the government. The policy environment to a large extent determines the magnitude as well as the distribution of benefits of the program among these groups. The Swedish hog industry has been exposed to three major policy changes during the 1990–1995 period. These scenarios involve various degrees of government intervention in the agricultural sector including internal market deregulation and EU-membership. Aujeszky's disease is a virus disease with swine as the natural infection reservoir. Piglets are the most fragile and an outbreak of the disease results in symptoms such as shaking, cramps and convulsions with an increase in the mortality rate. Slaughter hogs suffer from coughing, fever and reduce their feed consumption. During the last 20–25 years the incidence of Aujeszky's disease (AD) has been increasing in Sweden. In 1989 an eradication program was undertaken. A model is developed to analyze social benefits of an eradication program given variations in agricultural policy. The model refers to the specifics of the AD-program implemented in Sweden. The expected benefits of the program are evaluated using a welfare-economic analysis applying cost-benefit analysis. Total benefits of the program are evaluated across herd and size categories and different regions. Data concerning the frequency of the virus among various categories of herds prior to enacting the program were used (Wahlström et al., 1990). In addition, data from an agricultural insurance company were used to estimate the conditional probability of an outbreak given that the herd is infected. Biological and technical parameter values were collected from a variety of sources. The results of the analysis indicate that the program is economically viable given a social rate of discount in the range of 3–5% without considering non-monetary aspects such as animal ethics. A scenario where the Swedish agricultural sector is deregulated provides the maximum benefits of the program. Consumers obtain about 50% of the benefits excluding program costs. The deregulation scenario would correspond closely to a case where a reformed Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is applied across member countries. In the current case where Sweden is a member of the EU, the benefits are reduced mainly due to lower prices of inputs and pork.  相似文献   

The main features in terms of etiology, clinical signs, pathogenesis, pathology, diagnosis, epizootiology and control and prevention that are known about pseudorabies are briefly reviewed. Areas still lacking in information which may provide more effective and reliable means of dealing with pseudorabies are mentioned and recommendations using available tools and knowledge to deal with the problem of pseudorabies are given.  相似文献   

This experiment was done to determine the effect(s) of single passage of pseudorabies virus in dead-end hosts on the stability of the pseudorabies virus genome. Calves, dogs, rabbits and cats were inoculated with a virulent strain of pseudorabies virus and the virus was reisolated from each animal and restriction endonuclease analysis was used to determine possible alterations in the DNA banding patterns. The restriction fragment migration profile of the pseudorabies virus DNA isolated from the animals was indistinguishable from the DNA profile of the original pseudorabies virus inoculum. The restriction endonuclease viral DNA profile appears to be relatively stable after a single passage in dead-end hosts, although minor changes in the viral genome that are not detectable in the DNA banding pattern may have occurred.  相似文献   

Subclinical low-prevalent Aujeszky's disease (AD) serological test reactors test reactors are defined as those few swine within a qualified AD virus (ADV)-negative herd that have antibodies to wild type virus. However, clinical signs of the associated diease are not observed in these putatively infected swine or elsewhere in the herd. Twelve such animals, including 7 previously vaccinated with a genetically modified ADV, were identified in Illinois (USA) during a 2.5 year period. The humoral immune responses of the 5 nonvaccinated swine were assessed by an enhanced virus neutralization test and a radioimmunoassay. Anti-ADV antibodies were determined to be present in the serum from 4 of these swine. Attempts to isolate ADV by in vitro and in vivo inculations of cell cultures and weanling mice, respectively, of tonsillar and trigeminal nerve ganglionic tissue preparations from each animal (vaccinated and nonvaccinated) were unsuccessful. Tonsillar and trigeminal nerve ganglionic tissues of each animal were screened for the presecence of wild type and/or vaccine viral genomes by a soluble polymerase chain reaction (PCR) coupled with Southern hybridization. Unique PCR primers were used distinguish between wild type and vaccine viral DNAs. Additional PCR procedure, which amplifiers a portion of the essential and highly conserved viral gp50 gene, also was employed in an effort to detect viral genomes. Wild type viral DNA was found in the tissues from at least 5 of the vaccinated and 3 of the nonvaccinated swine. These results indicate that such animals should be considered as being infected with ADV. Further, these findings emphasize the need to develope highly specific and sensitive antemortem testing methods for accurate assessment of ADV infection in herds containing such subclinical, yet serologically positive, swine.  相似文献   

A serological survey was initiated to uncover subclinical foci of infection with pseudorabies virus. A total of 2819 serum samples, collected from sows during February to November 1977, were found negative for antibodies to pseudorabies virus.  相似文献   

A geographic information system (GIS) is being developed to study the spread of pseudorabies virus (PRV) among swine herds in the state of Minnesota. This GIS features an interface with a database management system that stores and manages pertinent data. These data include herd size, type of production system, degree of confinement, topographical features surrounding the farm, density of swine herds and distance to the closest quarantined herd. A pilot study was conducted in one Minnesota county with 280 swine herds, of which the PRV status was known in 115. Cox regression analysis was used to determine factors associated with herd PRV status. Relative risks (RR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated. No association was detected between the PRV status of the herd and distance to the nearest county road, highway or quarantined herd. However, the following factors were significant: located within 1 km of a river or lake (RR, 0.524; CI, 0.328–0.828); farrow to finish (RR, 2.120; CI, 1.194–3.791); complete confinement (RR, 3.423; CI, 1.639–7.139); density of swine herds within a 5 km radius (RR, 1.036 per herd; CI, 0.996–1.064).  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to evaluate the role which non-essential envelope glycoproteins play in the neuroinvasion and neural spread of ADV. The invasion and spread in the trigeminal nervous pathway with the Ka strain of ADV and its single deletion mutants Ka gI, Ka gp63 and Ka gIII were examined after intranasal inoculation in neonatal pigs by virus isolation and immunocytochemistry. Evaluation was performed in the nasal mucosa, trigeminal ganglion (1st neuronal level), pons-medulla (2nd neuronal level) and thalamus-cerebellum (3rd neuronal level). The Ka gIII mutant invaded up to the 3rd neuronal level of the trigeminal pathway and spread in a similar way to the parental Ka strain. The Ka gp63 mutant invaded up to the 3rd neuronal level but the spread of this mutant was impaired at all the neuronal levels. The Ka gI mutant was least neuroinvasive and reached only up to the 2nd neuronal level. The results showed that glycoproteins gI and gp63 play a role in the invasion and spread of ADV in the nervous system. However, the gI glycoprotein appears to be the most important for neuroinvasion and neural spread of ADV in pigs. Therefore, gI deleted vaccines may be considered to be safer with respect to the neuroinvasion than vaccines carrying single deletions of other non-essential envelope glycoproteins.  相似文献   

Four boars were inoculated intranasally with pseudorabies virus to determine if microscopic testicular changes occurred as a result of infection. Testicular biopsies and semen samples were taken at two, four and six weeks postinoculation and the boars were castrated immediately after the last sample collection. Testicular samples and semen were cultured to determine if the virus was present. Pseudorabies virus was not isolated from the semen or testicular tissue. Virus was isolated from trigeminal ganglia at necropsy and from nasal swabs taken one day after castration. Consequently, a time of high risk for shed of the virus from clinically normal carrier animals is immediately following castration. Gross changes were not observed in testicular tissues and microscopic changes in the testicles were the result of biopsy. Lesions consistent with pseudorabies virus infection were observed in the central nervous system of all inoculated boars. Temporary lowered fertility may result from the effects of elevated body temperature on spermatogenesis during acute clinical disease. However, it appears that the strain of pseudorabies virus used, lacked the ability to infect and/or replicate in the boars' reproductive tracts.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine the effects of experimental inoculation with pseudorabies virus on the reproductive tracts of young adult boars. Pseudorabies virus was inoculated intranasally into 12 boars and intrapreputially into four boars. All animals seroconverted after nasal or preputial inoculation. Semen abnormalities were observed 21 days postinoculation with partial recovery by 50 days postinoculation. Virus was isolated from the preputial sheath of two intrapreputially inoculated boars 12 days postinoculation. It was concluded that pseudorabies virus infection can be established via preputial inoculation and that decreased spermatogenesis and infertility can result.  相似文献   

The interactions between the respiratory and cardiovascular system in neonates with severe illness are relevant to the equine clinician. There is little information available regarding the treatment of congenital heart disease or pulmonary hypertension in foals, thus a team approach with experts in these fields may help our equine cases.  相似文献   

Glomerular diseases are a leading cause of chronic kidney disease in dogs but seem to be less common in cats. Glomerular diseases are diverse, and a renal biopsy is needed to determine the specific glomerular disease that is present in any animal. Familial glomerulopathies occur in many breeds of dogs. However, most dogs with glomerular disease have acquired glomerular injury that is either immune-complex mediated or due to systemic factors, both of which are believed to be the result of a disease process elsewhere in the body (i.e., neoplastic, infectious, and noninfectious inflammatory disorders). A thorough clinical evaluation is indicated in all dogs suspected of having glomerular disease and should include an extensive evaluation for potential predisposing disorders. Nonspecific management of dogs with glomerular disease can be divided into 3 major categories: (1) treatment of potential predisposing disorders, (2) management of proteinuria, and (3) management of uremia and other complications of glomerular disease and chronic kidney disease. Specific management of specific glomerular diseases has not been fully studied in dogs. However, it may be reasonable to consider immunosuppressive therapy in dogs that have developed a form of glomerulonephritis secondary to a steroid-responsive disease (e.g., systemic lupus erythematosus) or have immune-mediated lesions that have been documented in renal biopsy specimens. Appropriate patient monitoring during therapy is important for maximizing patient care. The prognosis for dogs and cats with glomerular disease is variable and probably dependent on a combination of factors. The purpose of this article is to discuss the general diagnosis and management of dogs with glomerular disease.  相似文献   

Periodontal disease is the most commonly diagnosed problem in small animal veterinary medicine. In the vast majority of cases, however, there are little to no outward clinical signs of the disease process, and, therefore, therapy often comes very late in the disease course. Consequently, periodontal disease is also the most undertreated animal health problem. In addition, unchecked periodontal disease has numerous dire consequences both locally and systemically. These consequences are detailed in the article and should be utilized to educate clients and encourage compliance of therapeutic recommendations. The local consequences include oronasal fistulas, class II perio-endo lesions, pathologic fractures, ocular problems, osteomyelitis, and an increased incidence of oral cancer. Systemic diseases linked to periodontal disease include: renal, hepatic, pulmonary, and cardiac diseases; osteoporosis, adverse pregnancy effects, and diabetes mellitus. Before the discussion of consequences, this article covers the pathogenesis of periodontal disease, followed by clinical features and diagnostic tests.  相似文献   

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