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生态稳定性是森林生态系统健康的重要评估指标。红松人工栽植在辽宁东部得到广泛推广,研究人工红松种群动态是认识辽宁东部区域生态系统的基础,分析间伐强度对红松人工林的种群动态的影响对认识局部地区的生态稳定性有重要的作用。本文选取人工红松种群的5块强度间伐区,经过连续20年固定样地的观测数据分析得出:强度间伐后的红松人工种群生长规律大致为a_(81)a_(66)a_(71)a_(44)a_(38);在密度1670时为下凹生长趋势;郁闭度对人工红松种群生长有促进作用,林下没有发现更新幼苗,说明强度间伐后红松人工林生态稳定性较差。  相似文献   

由于受到来自生境破坏和土地利用地改变以及过度采集等方面的威胁,世界上野生兰科植物的数量正在日益减少。为了使野生兰科植物得到有效保护,应建立野生兰科植物种群动态监测点,对野生兰科植物进行长期的监测。评估野生兰科植物受威胁的程度可采用标本材料法和种群动态的研究方法。基于生活史阶段模型的种群动态研究方法,不仅能够揭示种群当前所处的状态,还能揭示对种群增长率影响最大的生活史阶段以及对该阶段产生影响的环境因素,可为制订野生兰科植物合理保护政策提供可靠的依据。  相似文献   

2013年4—10月对浙江省杭州市萧山地区南部马尾松与松阔次生混交林林中松墨天牛的种群数量动态进行了监测,结果表明,松墨天牛在萧山地区南部松林中1年只发生1代,成虫活动期为5月中旬至9月下旬,6月下旬为成虫羽化高峰期,2个监测点所诱获的松墨天牛成虫种群个体的雌、雄性比为1.51:1和1.73:1。  相似文献   

不同光环境下濒危植物崖柏的光合日动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
崖柏(Thuja sutchuenensis Franch.)为柏科(Cupressaceae)崖柏属常绿乔木,是我国特有的珍稀濒危植物[1].该植物目前多见于重庆城口县和开县交界的石灰岩山地,喜光,生长缓慢,耐瘠薄.目前有关崖柏的研究有遗传多样性[2-3]、群落生态学[4]、无性繁殖[5]和低温适应机制[6]等,但是崖柏光合特征参数与环境因子的相关性及其对光环境响应方面的研究尚未见报道.光是影响植物生存和生长发育最重要的环境因子之一,植物与光环境的关系一直是植物生理生态学研究的热点问题.随着生长光强的变化,植物能够在形态及生理方面产生可塑性响应,以适应变化的光环境[7].  相似文献   

采用种群保存及生长指标综合指数,以间伐灌木后引进的乔木种群作为对照标准,以直接引进的乔木种群作为主要研究对象,进行不作间伐的灌木环境对于乔木种群的适宜度对比分析;再运用灰色局势决策理论和方法,以乔木种群优势和良好的林相、尽快发挥防风消浪效果、改造后所形成的半人工小群落合理的乔灌比例和最大的生产力、合理的乔木种群结构、群落的可持续性更新和长期发挥效益等方面进行多目标综合决策,从中选出了改造我国普遍存在的次生桐花树+角果木灌木群落的较好乔木树种和确定较佳的改造方式。结果表明:不作任何间伐的灌木环境对三个乔木种群的适宜度大小依次为:红海榄>木榄>海莲;相对于直接引进方式而言,块状间伐灌木后引进乔木种群的改造方式可明显提高乔木种群的保存和生长发育效果;以直接引进乔木种群的方式改造桐花树+角果木灌木群落,按乔木种群的优劣次序可排列为:红海榄→红树→木榄→海莲。  相似文献   

紫胶种植园中的粗纹举腹蚁与云南紫胶虫之间存在互利共生关系,为了揭示粗纹举腹蚁蚁巢和种群的时空分布,于2009年11月至2010年7月在云南省墨江县雅邑乡的紫胶林和对照林内分别调查了粗纹举腹蚁巢的数量、空间位置和体积,记录了蚁巢数量和工蚁数量的时间动态变化。结果表明:紫胶林中的蚁巢数量和工蚁数量均显著高于对照林;蚁巢的集群分布、随机分布和离散分布模式在研究样地内均有出现,但紫胶林中的随机分布频率高于对照林;蚁巢数量与工蚁数量随月份变化,紫胶虫成虫期的工蚁数量略高于紫胶虫幼虫期。本研究结果表明蚂蚁与紫胶虫的互利共生改变了蚁巢的分布模式,增加了蚂蚁的种群数量,为在紫胶种植园中利用粗纹举腹蚁进行生物防控提供了一定的生物学依据。  相似文献   

利用汞灯、黑光灯和引诱剂3种诱源,在不同地点同时进行了松墨天牛种群发生动态监测试验,结果表明松墨天牛在象山非防治区林分中种群分布均匀,种群结构稳定,雌性比为43%。汞灯和黑光灯均能取得良好监测效果,黑光为成本低于汞灯,可作为监测手段。  相似文献   

One 50 m × 50 m standard plot was sampled in a natural forest of Populus euphratica in Awati County, situated at the edge of the Tarim Basin, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China. The field investigation was conducted with a contiguous grid quadrate method. By means of a test of variance/mean value ratio, aggregation intensity index and theoretical distribution models, the spatial distribution pattern and the dynamics of primary populations in P. euphratica forest were studied. The results showed that the spatial distribution pattern of two dominant arbor populations conformed to clumped distribution. The aggregation intensity of the P. euphratica population was higher than that of P. pruinosa population. The spatial distribution pattern of two companion plant populations in the shrub layer also conformed to clump type, though the aggregation intensity of Tamarix chinensis was higher. In the herb layer, the distribution patterns of Glycyrrhiza uralensis and Asparagus persicus conformed respectively to a clumped pattern and a random pattern. The results of a Taylor power method test and Iwao’s regression model also verified that both P. euphratica and P. pruinosa populations belong to a clumped pattern. Although the distribution pattern of P. pruinosa population at different development stages all belonged to a clumped distribution pattern, the aggregation intensity dropped gradually along with age development. The distribution patterns of the P. euphratica population at different development stages changed from random type to clumped type, and further to random type. The differences in spatial distribution patterns of different populations at different development stages were related not only to ecological and biological characteristics of each species in the communities in the light of competitive exclusion principle among the populations, but were also closely related to the habitats in which the species lived in. __________ Translated from Journal of Southwest Forestry College, 2007, 27(2): 1–5 [译自: 西南林学院学报]  相似文献   

沙棘主要蛀干害虫危害特性及种群动态变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
沙棘木蠹蛾主要危害沙棘栽植树的根部和干部,红缘天牛同时危害沙棘栽植树和根蘖苗的干部,已成为宁夏沙棘林中两大主要蛀干害虫。通过对沙棘树不同高度范围内沙棘木蠹蛾幼虫和红缘天牛幼虫的调查发现,沙棘木蠹蛾幼虫主要分布在地下根部和干部40~120cm的范围内,而红缘天牛主要分布在树干40~120cm的高度内。红缘天牛幼虫数量随时间变化大致呈现向树干上部增加的变化趋势。沙棘木蠹蛾幼虫数量随时间变化呈现明显的向根部转移的趋势,7月末,有近98%的幼虫在根部危害。之后,由于初孵幼虫的大量出现,使干部幼虫数量急剧增加,越冬前,虽然有部分转移至根部危害,但到9月末仍有近43%的幼虫停留在树干40~120cm处越冬,直到次年越冬结束。沙棘木蠹蛾和红缘天牛在沙棘树干部40cm以上危害位置的较大重叠,必然造成它们在时间、空间和营养上的激烈竞争。  相似文献   

远东龟铁甲Cassidispa relicta Medvedev是近年来在内蒙古大青山国家级自然保护区白桦Betula platyphylla天然次生林首次发生危害的食叶害虫,属于中国新纪录种。通过野外调查与室内饲养相结合的研究方法,观察、记录远东龟铁甲的生物学特性和发生规律。研究表明:该虫1 a发生1代,4月中下旬开始化蛹,5月中旬出现成虫,6月上旬产卵,6月底孵化幼虫,虫龄4龄,10月初开始随落叶下树越冬,幼虫喜欢在落叶下层越冬,越冬幼虫死亡率高,成虫羽化率为20.7%。  相似文献   

肉桂双瓣卷蛾种群动态及综合治理研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
郑宝荣 《福建林业科技》2007,34(2):10-13,31
通过室内饲养和林间调查相结合的方法,研究了肉桂双瓣卷蛾的种群动态。该虫的发生、消长猖獗成灾与温度、湿度、林分结构和组成、林龄及天敌等环境因子有密切关系。提出了采取预防为主,营林技术措施为基础,生物防治为主导,科学地采取生物、人工、化学防治和保护利用天敌等的综合治理措施,可有效控制其危害。  相似文献   

【目的】梢斑螟是黑龙江省红松人工林的主要果梢害虫,研究了其成虫种群动态及未来种群变化趋势,为种群预测以及防治提供科学理论依据。【方法】在梢斑螟成虫发生期6月下旬—8月初,每天夜间19:00—23:00在红松林缘利用灯光诱捕梢斑螟成虫,结合幼虫鉴定种类,分析其种群动态。【结果】1)在牡丹江林口林业局的湖水、曙光和西北楞3个地点,诱捕到的种类均为赤松梢斑螟Dioryctria sylvestrella、冷杉梢斑螟D.abietella和微红梢斑螟D.rubella。2)在湖水,梢斑螟的种群数量最多,平均每天诱捕111.38头;西北楞其次,平均每天诱捕79.625头;曙光最少,平均每天诱捕69.63头。微红梢斑螟在3个地点均是优势种。3)在整个诱捕期间,冷杉梢斑螟和赤松梢斑螟成虫期为6月上旬—7月下旬,高峰期为6月下旬;微红梢斑螟成虫期为6月上旬—8月下旬,高峰期为6月下旬和7月中旬。4)3种梢斑螟都是在21:00—22:00诱捕的数量最多。5)3种梢斑螟的雌雄性比随着季节的推移波动较大,由开始的小于1,到接近于1,最终大于1,但总的性比接近1:1。【结论】梢斑螟的种群动态随时间和小生境的不同变化明显,6月下旬和7月中旬是其羽化高峰期,21:00—22:00是其最活跃时间。因此,对其防治应适时适地采取有效措施。  相似文献   

Typhlodromus pyri Scheuten (Acari, Phytoseiidae) has been reported as the most important predator of the European red mite, Panonychus ulmi (Koch) (Acari, Tetranychidae) in apple culture. However, biological data on T. pyri was insufficient on important parameters like seasonal population dynamics and within-tree and on-leaf distribution in apple orchards in the region of Meckenheim, Germany. The purpose of the present work was, therefore, to obtain experimental data on these parameters of T. pyri from 2000 to 2002 in the apple orchards in this region. The results showed that overwintered females of T. pyri reactivate and start laying eggs between late March and early April. The mean daily number of the different stages of T. pyri per leaf peaked in July each year, where it ranged between 0.92–1.68 eggs, 0.81–1.41 nymphs, 0.64–1.32 females and 0.37–0.52 males. A significantly higher number of T. pyri individuals congregated in the bottom layer of trees (0.34–0.64 individuals/leaf) than in the middle and top layers (0.23–0.38 and 0.12–0.23 individuals/leaf, respectively). We found that 91.4–94.1% of the total eggs, 89.6–91.7% larvae, 73.0–76.5% nymphs, 60.5–64.6% adult females and 52.6–55.9% adult males concentrated their activities in the inner area of the leaf surface. More than 50% of the predatory mites congregated in the bottom layer in winter. Mean total density of the overwintering females in December of 2000,2001 and 2002 ranged between 10.6–14.2 females/5 cm twig in the bottom, 7.3–10.4 in the middle and 4.1–6.9 in the top layers of the apple trees. Mean total fecundity recorded over the 3 years was lowest in the overwintering generation with 31.8–37.6 eggs/female, highest in the June generation with 45.9–53.7 eggs/female, and intermediate in the August generation with 41.5–46.1 eggs/female. The overwintering generation was composed entirely of females, while the female to male ratio in the June generation was 2:1, and in the August generation 3:1. T. pyri overwinters as adult females in rough structures, cracks and crevices of twigs.  相似文献   

In order to explore the release of nutrients and the effects of global warming on the decomposition rate of forest litter, an experiment is designed to reciprocally decompose forest foliar litter in two sites across climatic zones: Mt. Jianfengling in Hainan Province in the tropics and Mt. Dinghushan in Guangdong Province in the subtropics. The two sites have similar altitudes, soil types, annual mean rainfall and seasonality of dry and wet. The main difference between these two sites is the annual mean temperature with the difference of 3.7°C. Foliar litters of 10 native dominant tree species have been collected respectively from the two sites and divided into single-species litter and mixed litter. They are decomposed reciprocally in the two sites. The results indicate that litter decomposes in the tropical site 1.36–3.06 times more rapidly than in the subtropical site. Apparent Q 10, calculated on the basis of the temperature difference between the two sites, ranges from 3.7 to 7.5. The return amount of N, P and C will increase by 32.42, 1.033 and 741.1 kg/hm2, respectively in Mt. Dinghushan in the first year’s litter decomposition under the prevailing temperature condition. Only in Mt. Dinghushan is the correlation between decomposition rate constant and initial litter quality high and significant in the ratio of lignin to N, lignin, the ratio of lignin to P, HLQ and C. This is not the case at Mt. Jianfengling. __________ Translated from Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2005, 27(1): 24–32 [译自: 北京林业大学学报, 2005, 27(1): 24–32]  相似文献   

We investigated the phytosociology, structure and dynamics of Pinus roxburghii in 40 stands in northern areas of Pakistan by using cluster analysis (Ward’s agglomerative clustering) and ordination (Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling). Cluster analysis revealed three major groups associated with specific environmental characteristics: (1) P. roxburghii (2) Pinus-Quercus baloot and (3) Pinus-Olea ferruginea community types. NMS-ordination showed the major gradient as an amalgam of elevation (r2=0.441, p<0.01) and slope (r2=0.391, p<0.05) as the two topographic factors correlated with species distribution. The first ordination axis also showed positive correlation with soil variables like pH and electrical conductivity, suggesting that soil chemistry was related to topographic characteristics and probably acted as a secondary gradient. We also examined size class distributions, age structures and growth rates of the three communities in order to describe community development and dynamics. Total tree density was 14700 plants/ha, with P. roxburghii having a relative density of 82%to 100%. Density of juve-nile and total density and basal area of the subordinate tree species were low. The low density of trees in the smallest diameter size-class sug-gested that the recruitment of small P. roxburghii plants into the adult population may be lower than the required replacement rate for the stands. Pooled size-class distributions for the species showed a multimo-dal pattern with some regeneration gaps. Browsing, heavy logging and other anthropogenic activities were the overriding factors responsible for the poor recruitment of P. roxburghii. We concluded from the age struc-ture that the forests were characterized by the dominance of young trees. Growth rate analysis revealed that P. roxburghii was the fastest growing species among the conifers species in Pakistan. In view of its relatively fast growth and longevity, P. roxburghii seems to be a suitable choice for short-t  相似文献   

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