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对柏列氏白鬼伞的形态特征及菌丝生长特性进行了研究,结果表明,其菌丝无锁状联合.能在人工培养基上形成菌核。菌丝生长的最适碳源为蔗糖,以硝酸铵为氮源时生长速度最快,以酵母膏和蛋白胨为氮源时生长速度一般,但长势最好。以pH7~8,温度35℃,料水比1:1.6~1:2.2为宜。在不同固体培养料中,菌丝生长速度和长势不仅与含氮量有关,也与透气性有关。  相似文献   

Vermicompost can play an effective role in plant growth and development and also in reducing harmful effects of various environmental stresses on plants due to its porous structure, high water storage capacity, having hormone-like substances and plant growth regulators and also high levels of macro and micro nutrients. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of vermicompost and salinity interactions on some morphological and physiological features and concentration of mineral elements of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Light Red Kidney) cultivar. A factorial experimental with five different volumetric ratios of vermicompost and sand, including to: 0:100; 10:90; 25:75; 50:50 and 75:25 and four levels of salinity [20, 40, 60 and 80 mmol l?1 sodium chloride (NaCl)], and control was conducted base on Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. Bean seeds were sowed in plastic pots, the seedlings being sampled 42 days old (flowering stage).The results showed that vermicompost had significant effect on all studied traits under stress and non-stress (p ≤ 0.05).In this experiment, the vermicompost significantly increased the photosynthetic rate and concentrations of potassium (K+) and calcium (Ca2)+in leaf and root tissues. In salinity levels of 20, 40 and 60 mmol l?1NaCl, all subjected ratios of vermicompost and in 80 mmol l?1NaCl the ratios of 10% and 75% vermicompost, significantly ameliorated negative effects of salinity. In both stress and non-stress conditions, using 10% volume of vermicompost is recommended to improve the growth of bean plants.  相似文献   

在田间试验条件下,依据水稻收获时间设置了8月20日、8月30日、9月9日、9月19日、9月29日5个紫云英播期,研究不同播期对紫云英新品种"信紫1号"生长状况、产草量、种子产量、养分积累及生态效应的影响。结果表明,播期对紫云英苗期的生长状况影响比较明显,苗期时紫云英的株高、分枝数、地上部和地下部干重均随播期的推迟而降低,不同播期株高和地上部干重均差异显著。盛花期时不同播期紫云英株高和分枝数已无显著差异,地上部和地下部干重还有一定的差异。8月20日至9月9日播种有利于获得较高的地上部产草量,9月9日播种的紫云英地上部干重最高(4 354.22 kg/hm~2)。9月19日至29日播种能够获得较高种子产量,9月19日播种的种子产量最高(1 080 kg/hm2)。8月20日至9月9日播种有利于紫云英养分的积累,养分积累的主成分分析表明,9月9日播种是获得较高紫云英养分积累的最佳播期。紫云英地上部碳、氮、硫的最大积累量分别为1 952.05、197.48、26.61 kg/hm~2,固定碳、氮的能力较强,对大气中硫化物的净化也有一定的效果,适当早播有利于提高紫云英的生态效应。综上所述,本试验条件下紫云英新品种"信紫1号"8月20日至9月9日播种有利于获得较高的产草量、养分积累量及生态效应,9月19日至29日播种能够获得较高的种子产量。  相似文献   

腰果树体养分分布特征及其再吸收效率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以5个8龄腰果品系为对象,研究了腰果树体养分分布特征、品系间差异以及元素间相关性;并以无性系FL30为对象,研究了腰果树养分再吸收规律。试验结果表明,N、K、Ca、Mg、Mn主要存在于腰果叶片中,P、Cu主要分布于枝条和根系中,Fe、B则主要分布于根系中,Zn在叶、枝、根中分布较均匀。不同品系腰果树体养分分布特征存在一定的差异。腰果树体中养分元素之间存在一定的作用和影响,叶片中的Ca、Mn、B彼此之间以及N-P、Mg-Mn之间呈极显著的正相关关系,N-K、P-K、Cu-K、Zn-Cu之间呈显著的正相关关系;枝条中的N、P、K彼此之间以及Ca-B、Mg-B、Ca-Mn、Fe-Zn之间呈显著的正相关关系;根系中N-K、Ca-K、B-K、Fe-Zn之间呈极显著的正相关关系,N-B、Ca-B以及K-Zn之间呈显著的正相关关系。腰果树N、P、K再吸收效率较高,Cu、Zn再吸收效率较低;Ca、Mg、Fe、Mn、B在衰老叶片中富集,其中Mn的富集程度最高,其次是Ca>B>Mg,Fe的富集程度最低。  相似文献   

连年翻压紫云英对稻田土壤养分和微生物学特性的影响   总被引:25,自引:9,他引:16  
【目的】紫云英(Astragalus sinicus L.)是南方稻区主要的冬种绿肥作物。本研究通过紫云英-化肥配施比例不同对水稻产量、 土壤养分和微生物学特性的影响探讨化肥的合理施用量,以期最大限度地减少化肥投入。【方法】紫云英水稻长期轮作定位试验始于2009年,试验设5个处理,对照(不施紫云英和化肥,CK),全量化肥(100%F),紫云英18000 kg/hm2+全量化肥(MV+100%F),紫云英18000 kg/hm2+60%化肥(MV+60%F),单施紫云英18000 kg/hm2(MV)。每个处理3次重复,小区面积15 m2。2012年10月份于水稻收获后采集土壤样品, 测定水稻产量、 土壤养分、 微生物量碳氮、 可培养微生物数量和土壤酶活性。【结果】1)与单施化肥相比,在翻压紫云英的条件下,化肥减量40%,对水稻产量没有影响,紫云英可替代部分化肥,达到减少化肥用量,保持产量的目的。2)不同施肥制度对土壤养分含量有一定的影响。与100%F处理相比,化肥结合翻压紫云英和单施紫云英处理能够提高土壤有机质和全氮含量; 施肥模式对土壤全磷和全钾含量无显著影响。与100%F处理相比, MV+100%F处理土壤的有效氮含量显著提高; 与100%F处理相比,MV和MV+60%F处理的速效磷含量显著减少; 100%F处理的土壤速效钾含量最高。不同施肥模式对土壤pH无显著影响。3)100%F、 MV+100%F处理的细菌数量较CK分别增加了102.3% 、 138.8%,而MV+60%F和MV处理与CK无显著差异,说明细菌对土壤养分有很强的依赖性。单施化肥或单施紫云英都不利于真菌和放线菌的生长,而化肥与翻压紫云英配合能显著提高其数量。4)相关性分析可以看出,细菌数量与土壤有效氮、 速效钾、 速效磷含量呈显著或极显著正相关; 真菌和放线菌的数量与铵态氮含量呈显著或极显著正相关,说明氮、磷、钾养分对土壤细菌数量的影响较大,而真菌和放线菌的数量主要受NH+4-N的影响。5) 与100%F处理相比,化肥配施紫云英可以显著提高微生物生物碳量(SMBC)和微生物生物氮量(SMBN)的含量。6) 除了过氧化氢酶,转化酶、 脲酶和酸性磷酸酶总体表现为紫云英与化肥混施大于单施化肥或紫云英。7)土壤酶活性、微生物生物量与土壤氮素的相关性最强。土壤转化酶、脲酶和酸性磷酸酶与水稻产量呈显著或极显著正相关,说明转化酶、脲酶和酸性磷酸酶活性的大小可作为衡量水稻产量多少的依据之一。【结论】MV+60%F处理在保证水稻产量的同时能够减少40%的化肥用量,是一种高效节能的培肥模式。单施化肥不利于土壤有机质、 全氮和有效氮的积累,同时不利于微生物的生长和酶活的提高。MV+60%F 培肥模式有利于改良土壤的生物学性状,值得推广并有待今后进一步观察验证。  相似文献   

转Bt基因棉种植对根际土壤生物学特性和养分含量的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过盆栽试验,比较了转Bt基因棉Bt新彩1和Bt基因的受体棉新彩1根际土壤可培养微生物种群数量、酶活性及养分含量的变化。结果表明,Bt新彩1根际土壤可检测到Bt蛋白,且花期达到峰值56.14 ng/g;与对照新彩1相比,Bt#61472;新彩1根际土壤更有利于细菌和真菌的生长和繁殖,放线菌数量没有显著变化。Bt新彩1的根际土壤碱性磷酸酶活性受到抑制,在生长旺盛期脱氢酶活性受到激活,而根际土壤蛋白酶、脲酶和蔗糖酶活性无显著变化;苗期、花期Bt新彩1根际土壤有机质、全氮、速效氮和钾含量没有显著变化,且苗期速效磷含量也没有显著改变,花期其含量显著降低。  相似文献   

A nutrient solution experiment was done to evaluate effects of different concentrations of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) on leaf mineral concentrations and some enzymes activity of melon seedlings (Cucumismelo var. inodorus subvar. Khatouni). Different levels of these nutrients including 0, 53, 105, 158 and 210?mg L?1 N; 0, 8, 16, 23 and 31?mg L?1 P; 0, 59, 118, 176 and 235?mg L?1 K, all corresponding to 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of their concentrations in Hoagland nutrient solution, were applied to plants. The results showed that the highest leaf nitrate reductase (NR) activity was observed at highest N and P levels, whereas the three highest K levels showed the highest NR activity. The highest leaf peroxidase activity was observed at 8?mg L?1 P, 59?mg L?1 K and 158?mg L?1 N. The leaf catalase activity was highest at zero concentration of P, 158?mg L?1 N and 176?mg L?1 K; however, catalase activity was decreased by increasing P levels. Leaf protein content showed an increasing trend with increasing N, P and K levels of nutrient solution, while there was no significant difference between 158 and 210?mg L?1 N. The highest leaf concentrations of N, P, K and Mg were observed at highest nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus levels of nutrient solution, whereas the highest leaf concentration of Ca were obtained at 53 or 105?mg L?1 N, 176?mg L?1 K and 23–31?mg L?1 P. The highest iron concentration of leaves was obtained from 23 to 31?mg L?1 P, 176?mg L?1 K and 210?mg L?1 N.  相似文献   

Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution - Combretum indicum (L.) DeFilipps seeds have anthelmintic properties and are recognized to be medicinal; however, the array of their morphological characters,...  相似文献   

In order to evaluate irrigation regimes and nitrogen fertilization on quality characteristics of wheat cultivars, a field experiment was carried out using split-plot factorial design based on randomized complete block design with three replications in Quchan, Iran (2010–2012). Main plots were assigned with four irrigation regimes; I1, 90 mm; I2, 130 mm; I3, 170 mm based on evaporation from a class A pan; and I4, water deficit stress during post-anthesis stage; sub-plots were assigned with four levels of nitrogen (N1, 0; N2, 70; N3, 140; and N4, 210 kg ha?1); and three wheat cultivars (V1, Mihan; V2, C-87-6; and V3, C-87-11) were used as factorial. The results showed that nitrogen fertilization increased some quality characteristics. Under water deficit (I4), gluten index, grain protein content, grain yield, and sedimentation volume decreased. Significant interactions between irrigation regimes and both nitrogen levels and cultivars were observed.  相似文献   

Multivariate methods, including principal component, cluster and discriminant analyses, were used to assess the patterns of morphological variation and to group 415 sorghum accessions for 15 quantitative characters. The first five principal components explained 79% of the total variation with plant height and days to 50% flowering being the most important characters in the first principal component. Cluster analysis grouped the accessions into ten clusters. A greater proportion of accessions of similar adaptation zones and accessions from regions of origin with similar agro-climatic conditions were grouped together. Moreover, discrimination of accessions was more pronounced when discriminant analysis was based on zone of adaptation rather than regions of origin. Based on the observed patterns of variation, it is concluded that the morphological variation in the material studied is structured by environmental factors. The implications of the results for plant breeding and germplasm conservation programmes arediscussed.  相似文献   


The Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) was used as a tool to assess the limiting nutrients for wheat growth. To this effect, two separate greenhouse experiments were conducted to assess the limiting nutrients for wheat growth using soil samples collected from Wolmera district, Ethiopia. The experiments consisted of eight fertilizer treatments, optimum (Opt.), optimum-N (Opt-N), optimum-P (Opt-P), optimum-K (Opt-K), optimum-S (Opt-S), optimum-B (Opt-B), optimum-Zn (Opt-Zn) and control on Nitisols and six fertilizer treatments (Opt, Opt-N, Opt-P, Opt-S, Opt-B, and control) on Vertisols. In Nitisols, dry shoot weight yields were reduced by 93%, 70%, and 50% in the control, Opt-N, and Opt-P treatments, respectively. Whereas the corresponding reductions were 85%, 78%, and 42%, respectively, in Vertisols as compared to the optimum treatment. DRIS results indicated that N is the most limiting nutrient, followed by S, B, and P, while Zn was the least limiting nutrient for wheat production in the two study soils.  相似文献   

通过测定苹果与小麦间作条件下土壤养分及土壤生物活性的变化,探讨了种植方式对农田土壤肥力的影响。结果表明,土壤有机质、全磷及速效磷含量和几种主要土壤酶活性、微生物数量存在离树距内的空间变异。距树越近,有机质含量越高,全磷及速效磷含量越低;树冠区及近冠区几种主要水解酶和氧化酶活性显著受抑,且细菌、放线菌总数和解磷菌、纤维分解菌数量减少。  相似文献   

水氮配置对地下渗灌枣树光合特性及产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
探寻旱区适宜的水氮配置对地下渗灌枣树光合特性及产量的影响.以8年成龄枣树作为研究对象,设置不同灌溉定额(W1:2250 m3/hm2、W2:3000 m3/hm2、W3:3750 m3/hm2)+施氮量(N1:240 kg/hm2、N2:300 kg/hm2、N3:360 kg/hm2)的2因素3水平试验.分析不同配置...  相似文献   

Asiatic cotton (Gossypium arboreum) is mostly grown in the rainfed regions of India. However, little is known about the effects of nutrient‐management practices on plant growth and fruiting pattern of Asiatic cotton. Therefore, plant growth and fruiting pattern under four nutrient‐management treatments, N, NPK, FYM (10 Mg ha–1), and INM (integrated nutrient management: a combination of NPK and FYM) were quantified during 2000–01 to 2002–03 (years 16 to 18 of a long‐term field experiment). Plants of the INM and FYM treatments were taller (68.4–149.5 cm) and had more main stem nodes per plant (30.5–44.5) as compared to N and NPK treatments. In treatment N, the shortest plants (50.9–83.6 cm) and the least number of fruiting structures were produced. Plants of the INM and FYM treatments accumulated more squares and bolls. Maximum boll production was 10–19 days earlier with the manure‐amended than the N and NPK treatments. Treatment N had the lowest seed cotton yield (639–790 kg ha–1), because of small boll size (1.48–1.73 g) and few open bolls. Seed cotton yield followed the trend: NPK (815–1278 kg ha–1) < INM (776–1551 kg ha–1) < FYM (902–1593 kg ha–1). Water stress and nutrient deficiencies (P and Zn in the N and Zn in the NPK treatments) as a consequence of nutrient depletion over the years may have decreased seed cotton yields in treatments that received mineral fertilizer alone in comparison with manure‐amended treatments. On a long‐term basis, FYM application should therefore form an integral part of nutrient recommendation.  相似文献   

The effect of soil potassium (K) supplies on the yield and nutritional status of maize and on interactions between the nutrients was examined in a long-term mineral fertilization experiment on maize. The experiment was set up in 1989 in Hungarian Great Plain, Szarvas on chernozem meadow soil calcareous in the deeper layers, with four levels each of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) supplies. The present paper describes the results of K fertilization in the 7–19th years of the experiment, from 1996 to 2008. The ammonium (NH4)-lactate (AL) potassium oxide (K2O) content of the ploughed layer ranged from 200 to 550 mg kg–1 depending on the K fertilization level. No significant yield surpluses were recorded in any of the 13 years in response to the better K supplies ensured by K fertilizer. The results of leaf analysis indicated that the K concentrations representing satisfactory K supplies at a grain yield level of 10–14 t ha–1 were 2.3–4.3% at the 5–6-leaf stage and 1.5–2.6% at the beginning of tasselling. When the AL-K2O content of the soil was above 200–320 mg kg–1, K– calcium (Ca), K–magnesium (Mg) and K–copper (Cu) antagonism was observed in the nutrient concentrations of the maize leaves in most years. The limit values of satisfactory nutrient supplies for maize in the 5–6-leaf stage and at the beginning of tasselling were 0.25–0.60% for Ca, 0.15–0.40% for Mg, and 7–11 mg kg–1 and 2–11 mg kg–1, respectively, for Cu. In dry years the iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) concentrations of maize leaves declined at higher soil K supply levels.  相似文献   

An investigation was carried out to consider the effect of polystimulin-A6 on the growth of beech seedlings. A total of 1200 seedlings treated with Polystimulin-A6 at four different concentrations, and a total of 300 control seedlings, were investigated taking account of height, collar diameter, dry weight, number and size of leaves. The greatest height and collar diameter were found with the treatment Polystimulin-A6 at 200 mg/l. In contrast, the control treatment resulted in the least height and collar diameter. The greatest seedling height measured 52.77 cm at the 200 mg/l level, compared with 38.37 cm for the control seedlings. The greatest root collar diameter measured 16.44 mm with the transplanted seedlings, while the least measured 7.01 mm. with the control seedlings. Also, seedling dry weight, root percentage, number and size of leaves were higher than the control. To conclude, it is obvious that Polystimulin-A6 is very effective and has contributed significantly to the metabolism of Fagus orientalis L. seedlings. According to this study, the application of Polystimulin-A6 to beech seedlings has been recommended for practical use in nursery situations.  相似文献   


A significant part of potentially mineralizable organic nitrogen (N) in soil comprises microbial cells (Bonde et al. 1988). Since the major part of organic N in cow dung also consists of microbial biomass N (Marsh and Campling 1970), it may be worth comparing the origin and the successive processes of N mineralisation in cow dung with those in soil. We studied the effect of the dung beetle, Onthophagus lenzii H., on the decomposition of cow dung and found that the dung beetle played a significant role in this process (Yokoyama et al. 1990). We employed, here, the acid hydrolysis method to analyze the effect of the dung beetle on N transformation in dung balls and residual cow dung.  相似文献   

青皮竹地上部营养元素的吸收、积累和分配特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】青皮竹(Bambusa textilis)是重要的笋材两用丛生竹之一,具有一次造林成功即可永续利用、长期获益的特点,但对青皮竹的营养特性知之甚少。本文拟研究青皮竹地上部营养元素的吸收、积累和分配特性,为青皮竹的养分管理提供基础数据,以指导青皮竹的科学施肥工作。【方法】本研究于2013年1月,在青皮竹中心产区广东省广宁县,选择林分类型、组成、结构、生长状况和立地条件等具有代表性的青皮竹林分4块,建立面积为20 m×20 m的标准地。对每块标准地内的竹子按不同年龄进行每株检尺,计算出不同年龄竹子的平均胸径,选取与平均胸径一致的竹子作为标准株,砍伐不同年龄标准株各1株,并测量其株高。将不同标准株分叶、枝、秆,野外称出各器官鲜重。枝、秆分上、中、下三个部位取样组成混合样品,用于分析不同年龄(1 3 a)和不同器官(叶、枝、秆)的植株样品氮(N)、磷(P)、钾(K)、钙(Ca)、镁(Mg)、铁(Fe)、锰(Mn)、锌(Zn)和铜(Cu)等9种营养元素含量。【结果】青皮竹各器官中营养元素含量大小次序表现为Cu、Zn元素为枝叶秆,其他7种元素均表现为叶枝秆。各器官元素的含量均以氮元素最高,而以Cu含量最低。青皮竹地上部营养元素积累量为489.96kg/hm2,不同器官营养元素积累量的大小顺序为秆(331.05 kg/hm2)叶(101.14 kg/hm2)枝(57.77 kg/hm2),营养元素的积累量大小顺序为NKPCaMgFeMnZnCu。各器官营养元素积累量最多的是氮,为219.59 kg/hm2,占地上部积累量的44.82%,表明青皮竹具有较强的氮吸收能力。青皮竹地上部各器官营养元素的分配率大小顺序总体表现为秆(67.57%)叶(20.64%)枝(11.79%)。【结论】营养元素吸收量反映了植物对土壤养分需求和利用状况。青皮竹每生产1 t干物质所需5种大量营养元素为10.00 kg,以氮的吸收最多,其累积吸收量为219.59 kg/hm2,占地上部积累量的44.82%。因此,在青皮竹生产过程中应适当增施氮肥,可以促进青皮竹特别是经济部位茎秆的生长。  相似文献   

We investigated how plant height, number of stem and branch, seed production and seed germination of Capsella bursa-pastoris were affected by nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) fertilizer using a pot fertilizer experiment. Plant growth parameter was determined, and fully ripen seeds were tested for germination. C. bursa-pastoris exhibited great phenotypic variation in plant height, number of stem and branch in relation to N, P and K supply. Seed production per plant was lowest in the control and low P treatment, and highest in NPK treatment. More than 16,000 seeds per plant were produced in treatments where N and P were applied together. A balanced N, P and K supply results in producing a high percentage and fast germinating seeds, while a deficiency of P and K together with a high N supply results in low germination ability and fast germinating of the produced seeds in C. bursa-pastoris.  相似文献   

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