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Under conditions of limited nutrient supply, plant nutrient uptake is controlled by the external concentration of the ions. Limited information exists about the whole-plant regulation of nutrient uptake when the supply is adequate. To study the relationship between growth rate and carbon dioxide (CO2) assimilation with nutrient uptake, growth chamber experiments were conducted with temperatures ranging from 10 to 35°C at medium (600 µmol m?2 s?1) and high (1200 µmol m?2 s?1) light intensities. Nutrient solution samples were collected every 24 hours and the concentration of ions was analyzed by Inductively coupled plasma -atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) and nitrate and ammonium (NO3?/NH4+) conductivity. Leaf photo-synthesis was measured using a closed gas exchange system and the total amount of CO2 assimilated was calculated from dry weight increases. The daily absorption of NO3?, Total nitrogen (N), dihydrogen phosphate (H2PO4?) and potassium (K+) responded linearly to plant growth, while ammonium (NH4+) and sulfate (SO42?) uptake showed a curvilinear response. All the ions studied showed a curvilinear relation with CO2 assimilation.  相似文献   

The effects of humic acid (HA) and phosphorus (P) applications on plant growth and nutrient content of lettuce, together with available soil phosphorus remaining after harvest were examined. The amounts of phosphorus used were 0, 120, and 240 kg ha?1 and those of humic acid were 0, 100, 200, and 300 kg ha?1. Phosphorus increased the nitrogen content of lettuce significantly (P<0.01) while the application of humic acid did not have significant effect. Humic acid, phosphorus, and HA×P interaction increased the nitrogen content of lettuce significantly (P<0.05). All effects were not significant for plant K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, and Mn contents. Application of phosphorus decreased Zn content significantly (P<0.05). Increased amount of phosphorus caused significant increases in residual soil phosphorus (P<0.01). It was concluded that the application of 120 kg ha?1 of phosphorus together with 300 kg ha?1 of humic acid was convenient for the head weight of lettuce.  相似文献   


Concentration ratios (CR values) for cesium and strontium were measured in tumbleweed shoots as a function of plant age and radionuclide concentration in a totally mixed soil and radionuclide system. At a given plant age, CR values were found to be independent of soil concentration over five orders of magnitude for Sr and three orders of magnitude for Cs. CR values for Sr in 4‐, 8‐, and 12‐week old plants were 10.8, 9.6, and 19, and for Cs were 0.025, 0.033, and 0.053, respectively. Based on shoot growth and tissue concentration data for Sr and Cs, the CR values appear to be dependent on shoot dry matter production, with the rate of uptake of Sr and Cs remaining relatively constant over the 12‐week period.  相似文献   


The distribution of some nutrient elements in various parts of Siratro plants of different age and phosphorus status was examined in order to assess which plant parts were best to sample for chemical analysis of nutrient status and to estimate the relative mobility of these elements within the shoot.

With increasing physiological age of leaves, concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur and potassium decreased, concentrations of calcium, aluminium, manganese and boron increased and concentrations of magnesium, iron, zinc and copper were little affected. Concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur, calcium, aluminium, boron, zinc and copper in plant parts between the tip and the third youngest, expanded leaf changed little with plant age, suggesting that analysis of this portion of the shoot would be a suitable guide to the sufficiency, or otherwise, of these elements in Siratro plants. By contrast, potassium concentration in all plant parts was markedly depressed by increasing plant age, suggesting that a standardized sampling time would be necessary for interpretation of plant potassium status. Concentrations of magnesium, iron and manganese in all plant parts also decreased with plant age, but to a lesser extent than potassium.

Concentrations of all elements, except nitrogen and phosphorus, decreased slightly with increasing phosphorus supply. This decrease could best be attributed to a dilution of these elements with increased plant growth, induced by phosphorus.

The present results suggested that potassium, and possibly iron and magnesium, were redistributed in Siratro shoots with time whereas other elements were relatively immobile.  相似文献   

Soils of the peach growing region of the Southeastern Coastal Plain are highly leached and excessively acid, with inherently low concentrations of subsoil magnesium (Mg). A greenhouse experiment was conducted to determine the effects of varying Mg concentrations at low pH on growth and Mg uptake of three peach seedling cultivars commonly used as rootstock in the region. Seedlings of ‘Lovell’, ‘Elberta’, [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] and ‘Nemaguard’ [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch X Prunus davidiana Carriere] were grown for 36 days in nutrient solution containing 9, 21, 42, 84, 167, 333, and 667 μM Mg. Magnesium concentration in solution did not increase lateral length, number of laterals, trunk cross‐sectional area, or root volume. All terminal growth responses were cultivar related. Magnesium concentration in the leaves, stems, and roots were increased either by quadratic or cubic relationship with solution Mg concentration while Mg uptake rate was increased linearly with solution Mg concentration with all three seedling cultivar. Uptake rates of calcium, manganese, and zinc, and tissue concentrations of phosphorus, manganese, and zinc decreased with increasing Mg concentrations in nutrient solution. Predicted Mg uptake rates by‐regression analysis revealed a cubic uptake isotherm for Nemaguard and a quadratic isotherm for Elberta. Predicted tissue Mg concentration followed similar patterns of accumulation for leaves and stems, but root Mg concentration followed a cubic uptake isotherm for all three seedlings. The linear Mg uptake at low pH may be an important physiological characteristic that enables Lovell seedlings to outperform either Elberta or Nemaguard when used as a rootstock in the southeastern soils.  相似文献   


Barley plants were grown in 201 pots containing a sandy soil rich in exchangeable and watersoluble Ca. Results from earlier experiments have indicated that the mode of action of supplementary Ca may differ according to, for example, the associate anion. In this experiment soil‐Ca was activated by placing NH4NO3 at three depths in the soil and by adding solutions of Ca salts. Yields were found to increase with successively deeper placements of NH4NO3 in treatments without Ca application, whereas only small differences between placement depths were observed when Ca was added as a saturated gypsum solution or equivalent amounts of CaCl2. The very pronounced responses to Ca application were in good agreement with visual symptoms of Ca deficiencies later in the season and with the nutrient uptake rates and growth rate over the intire growth period.  相似文献   

The composition of root‐derived substances is of great importance for the understanding of processes in the rhizosphere. Therefore, methods allowing a comprehensive collection and chemical analysis of the organic root exudates are necessary. In this study, we compare different methods with regard to their suitability to collect and characterize root exudates. Because the percolation or water logging method failed to quantitatively extract root exudates, a dipping method was developed which allowed an almost complete sampling of coldwater‐soluble root exudates. By 14CO2 labeling of the shoots the composition of root exudates was found to be influenced by plant species and growth stage. In comparison to pea plants maize plants had a higher share of carboxylic acids and a lower share of sugars. Younger maize plants exuded considerably higher amounts of 14C labeled organic substances per g root dry matter than older ones. During plant development the relative amount of sugars decreased at the expense of carboxylic acids. The described methods are well suited for the elucidation of the influence of growth factors on root exudation.  相似文献   

Seedlings of ‘Lovell’ peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch], and in vitro propagated plums, ‘St. Julien A GF 655–2’ [Prunus institia (L.) Bullace] (655–2), ‘Damas GF 1869’ [Prunus domestica (L.)] (D1869), and ‘Clark Hill Red Leaf’ [Prunus saliciana (Lindl) x Prunus cerasifera (EHRH)] (CH redleaf) were grown in the greenhouse 45 or 51 days in nutrient solutions containing 2, 6, 22, 200, and 400 μM Ca. Terminal length, number of laterals, trunk cross‐sectional area, and root volume were increased by the 22 μM Ca treatments at harvest 1. The CH redleaf and 655–2 plums had the largest increase in growth for harvest 1, but the ‘Lovell’ peach seedlings and D1869 plum had the largest increase in growth for harvest 2. There were no leaf symptoms of Ca deficiency when the leaf Ca concentration in the tissue exceeded 2500 μg/g (dry wt.) Calcium concentration was increased from 1406 to 4109 μg/g (dry wt.) in the stems, and from 540 to 2633 μg/g (dry wt) in the roots by Ca treatments of 400 μM after 45 days of growth. Calcium uptake rate for ‘Lovell’ seedlings was greater than were rates for CH redleaf and 655–2 plums at all solution concentrations during the first 45 days of growth. The Ca uptake rate for D1869 plum was greater than the rate for ‘Lovell’ seedlings during the second growth period. An interaction between Ca concentration and plant species occurred for P, K, and Mg uptake rates at both harvest dates. The in vitro propagated D1869 plum was equal to the ‘Lovell’ seedlings in growth, tissue Ca concentration, and Ca uptake rates.  相似文献   

氮对水稻铵转运蛋白表达的调控   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  


The frequent concentration‐ranges of various nutrient elements in soils and in plants are compared. Iron is different from almost all other nutrient elements in the fact that its optimal concentration range in plants is much lower than its frequent concentration range in soils. It is suggested that this observation is related to a chemical‐physiological mechanism of control on the uptake of iron by plants which in turn may explain the situations in which iron deficiency conditions in plants arise.  相似文献   


Rice variety IR 36, grown under flooding, was studied in 1998 to determine the effects of fly ash, organic, and inorganic fertilizers on changes in pH and organic carbon, release of nutrients (NH4 +-N, Bray's P, and NH4OAc K), and dehydrogenase activity in an acid lateritic soil at 15-day intervals. Application of fly ash at 10?t?ha?1 alone did not improve the availability of NH4 +-N, or P, as well as the rice grain yield. Availability of NH4 +-N (35.3–36.9?mg?kg?1), and P (12.3–14.6?mg?kg?1) at 15 days after transplanting, and rice grain yields (48.0–51.7?g per pot) were similar under the various fertilization sources such as inorganic fertilizer alone, inorganic fertilizer?+?fly ash or inorganic fertilizer?+?green manure?+?fly ash. Mean dehydrogenase activity was the highest (8.47?µg triphenyl formazon g?1 24?h?1) under the mixed fertilization treatments with green manure. At the end of the cropping season (75 days after transplanting), pH, organic carbon, and dehydrogenase activity were higher under the mixed fertilization treatments involving green manure by 3, 15 and 154%, respectively, compared with the inorganic fertilizer alone.  相似文献   


The suppression of plant-parasitic nematodes is crucial for maintaining the worldwide development of the banana industry. In this study, different application patterns of Camellia seed cake previously reported to suppress root-knot nematode were conducted to manage pests and promote banana seedling growth. The results demonstrated seven days delay before transplanting was necessary after Camellia seed cake application. The dose 5 g/kg soil resulted in best plant growth promotion performance, which increased banana seedling height, stem diameter, shoot, and root fresh weight by upto 29%, 27%, 47%, and 21%, respectively. Plastic film mulching was beneficial when high amount (2%) of Camellia seed cake was added. The application of Camellia seed cake increased nutrient potassium amounts; the abundance of soil free-living nematodes, especially bacterivores; and the abundance of soil microbes and the soil catalase activity, while reduced plant-parasitic nematodes amounts. Further correlation analysis between the soil nematodes and microbial abundance showed that plant-parasite numbers had significant negative correlations with the bacterial biomass and a portion of the fungal biomass; bacterivores had significant positive correlations with the bacterial biomass; and omnivores had significant correlations with the bacterial biomass and fungal biomass. A fundamental challenge of root-knot nematode control is to sustain ecological services without losing biodiversity. This study provided an environmentally friendly strategy based on Camellia seed cake to regulate the soil health and quality.  相似文献   


Co-inoculation of nitrogen-fixing bacteria with plant growth-promoting bacteria has become more popular than single inoculation of rhizobia or plant-growth-promoting bacteria because of the synergy of these bacteria in increasing soybean yield and nitrogen fixation. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of Bradyrhizobium japonicum SAY3-7 and Streptomyces griseoflavus P4 co-inoculation on plant growth, nodulation, nitrogen fixation, nutrient uptake, and seed yield of the ‘Yezin-6’ soybean cultivar. Nitrogen fixation was measured using the acetylene reduction assay and ureide methods. Uptake of major nutrients [nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg)] was also measured. This study showed that single inoculation of SAY3-7 significantly increased shoot biomass; nodulation; Relative Ureide Index (RUI %), percent nitrogen derived from N fixation (% Ndfa); N, P, K, Ca, and Mg uptakes; during the later growth stages (R3.5 and R5.5), compared with control. These observations indicate that SAY3-7 is an effective N-fixing bacterium for the plant growth, nodulation, and nitrogen fixation with an ability to compete with native bradyrhizobia. Co-inoculation of SAY3-7 and P4 significantly improved nodule number; nodule dry weight; shoot and root biomass; N fixation; N, P, K, Ca, and Mg uptake; at various growth stages and seed yield in ‘Yezin-6’ soybean cultivar compared with the control, but not the single inoculation treatments. Significant differences in plant growth, nodulation, N fixation, nutrient uptake, and yield between co-inoculation and control, not between single inoculation and control, suggest that there is a synergetic effect due to co-inoculation of SAY3-7 and P4. Therefore, we conclude that Myanmar Bradyrhizobium strain SAY3-7 and P4 will be useful as effective inoculants in biofertilizer production in the future.  相似文献   

科尔沁沙地草地植物群落功能性状对封育和放牧的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究以科尔沁沙地中草甸(meadow)、针茅草原(stipa steppe)、疏林草地(scattered tree grassland)和沙质草地(sandy grassland)4种草地的18种优势植物为研究对象,分别测定了不同草地植物群落在封育和放牧下的高度(height)、比叶面积(specific leaf area,SLA)、叶片干物质含量(leaf dry matter content,LDMC)、叶片面积(leaf area,LA)、叶片氮含量(leaf nitrogen content,LNC)和叶片碳同位素(leaf carbon isotopes)6个相关于植物生理生态过程的功能性状指标。结果表明:1)长期放牧增加了草地中一年生植物和C4植物的丰富度和重要值,降低了沙质草地中多年生植物的相对生物量;2)沙质草地植物群落的SLA和δ13C高于其他3种草地,LDMC小于其他3种草地;3)长期放牧降低了草地植物群落的高度和LA,增加了草地植物群落的δ13C,SLA、LDMC和LNC则不受放牧的影响;4)植物功能性状中,SLA与LDMC极显著负相关且不受放牧的干扰;而长期放牧导致了高度与SLA和δ13C显著负相关以及SLA和δ13C显著正相关。科尔沁沙地长期放牧的草地中一年生植物和C4植物比例相对增加,且优势植物具有较低的高度和LA以及较高的δ13C,表明了草地植物群落通过物种竞争结构和功能性状权衡策略的改变来适应长期放牧。因此,减轻放牧压力,改善植物群落的功能性状,对于该区域退化草地的恢复及持续管理具有一定的重要意义。  相似文献   

The resistance of most plants to salt can be impaired by concurrent waterlogging. However, few studies have examined this interaction during germination and early seedling growth and its implications for nutrient uptake. The aim of the study was to examine the response of germination, early growth, and nutrient uptake to salt (NaCl) and hypoxia applied to barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Stirling), in solution culture. Hypoxia, induced by covering seeds with water, lowered the germination from 94% to 28% but salinity and hypoxia together lowered it further to 13% at 120 mM NaCl. While the germination was 75% at 250 mM NaCl in aerated solution, it was completely inhibited at this NaCl concentration under hypoxia. Sodium ion (Na+) concentrations in germinated seedlings increased with increasing salinity under both aerated and hypoxic conditions during germination, while K+ and Mg+ concentrations were decreased with increasing salinity in 6 d old seedlings. After 20 d, control seedlings had the same dry weights of the roots and shoots with and without hypoxia but at 10 mM NaCl and higher, shoot and root dry weight was depressed with hypoxia. Sodium ion increased in roots and shoots with increased NaCl under both aerated and hypoxic conditions while K+ was depressed when salinity and hypoxia were applied together and Ca2+ was mostly decreased by NaCl. In general, hypoxia had greater effects on nutrient concentrations than NaCl by decreasing N, P, S, Mg, Mn, Zn, and Fe in shoots and by increasing B concentrations. The threshold salinity levels decreased markedly for germination, uptake of a range of nutrients, and for seedling growth of barley under hypoxic compared to well‐aerated conditions.  相似文献   


Measurements of gross N transfer in soils have as yet not distinguished between biological or physico-chemical processes. Here, we present a new approach that allows microbially-mediated gross N transfer rates to be estimated in undisturbed soils without adding 15N. It is based on the assumption that in undisturbed soil, the soil microbial growth rate is equal to its death rate. To assess the contribution of biological versus physico-chemical N transfer processes, we combined the new approach with the 15N-pool dilution technique. The relationship between both processes varied with soil C and fine particle contents. Nearly equal rates were observed within the carbon-poor soil (0.35% Corg, low fine particle content), whereas up to 2.5 times higher physico-chemical than biological N transfer rates were measured within the carbon-enriched soil (0.86% Corg, higher fine particle content). Furthermore, microbially-mediated gross N transfer rates increased three-fold after N fertilization compared to the unfertilized control.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲盐碱土冬小麦氮磷肥料效应模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过大田试验,研究了黄河三角洲盐碱土地区冬小麦合适的肥料效应模型。在冬小麦生长季设置4种不同的氮磷肥用量,根据"3414"试验设计8种不同的肥效试验处理,以探讨线性加平台、一元二次、平方根和二元二次4种不同模型的拟合效果。结果显示,4种肥料效应模型的拟合结果经检验都达到极显著水平(P0.01)。在一元肥料效应模型中,氮磷一元二次模型拟合效果最好,最高收益分别为7 448.3元·hm~(-2)和7 357.7元·hm~(-2),最佳经济氮磷用量分别为254.4 kg·hm~(-2)和98.6 kg·hm~(-2)。对比一元与二元模型,后者拟合效果较好,最佳经济氮磷用量分别为244.1 kg·hm~(-2)和94.2 kg·hm~(-2),即氮磷肥配比为2.6∶1,经济效益为7 432.4元·hm~(-2),氮肥农学利用率为6.2 kg(籽粒)·kg~(-1)(N),磷肥农学利用率为13.8 kg(籽粒)·kg~(-1)(P_2O_5)。结合拟合度、最佳经济施肥量、经济收益、肥料农学利用率和一元模型的局限性分析得出,二元二次肥料效应模型最优,可作为黄河三角洲地区盐碱土冬小麦氮磷肥效模型的最佳选择。  相似文献   

Water scarcity threatens global food security and agricultural systems are challenged to achieve high yields while optimizing water usage. Water deficit can be accentuated by soil physical degradation, which also triggers water losses through runoff and consequently soil erosion. Although soil health in cropping systems within the Brazilian Cerrado biome have been surveyed throughout the years, information about soil erosion impacts and its mitigation are still not well understood; especially concerning the role of cropping system diversification and its effects on crop yield. Thus, the aim of this study was to assess whether ecological intensification of cropping systems –inclusion of a consorted perennial grass and crop rotation– could promote soil coverage and consequently decrease water erosion and soil, water, and nutrient losses. This work studied the effects of crop rotation and consorted Brachiaria, along with different levels of investment in fertilization on soil physical quality and on soil, water, and nutrient losses, and crop yields. Results proved that soybean monoculture (SS) is a system of low sustainability even under no-till in the Brazilian Cerrado conditions. It exhibited high susceptibility to soil, water, and nutrient losses, causing low crop yields. Our results showed that water losses in SS cropping system were approximately 10% of the total annual rainfall, and total K losses would require an additional 35% of K application. Conversely, ecological intensification of cropping systems resulted in enhanced soil environmental and agronomic functions, increased grain yield, and promoted soil and water conservation: high soil cover rate, and low soil, water and nutrient losses. Ecological intensification proved to be an adequate practice to boost crop resilience to water deficit in the Brazilian Cerrado.  相似文献   

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